Hudson (Total: 1,452, Canadian: 449, Group 2)

Lockheed Hudson

Lockheed Hudson
Source National Air Force Museum of Canada.

The Lockheed Hudson was an American-built light bomber and coastal reconnaissance aircraft built initially for the Royal Air Force (RAF) shortly before the outbreak of the Second World War and primarily operated by the RAF thereafter. The Hudson served throughout the war, mainly with Coastal Command, but also in transport and training roles, as well as delivering agents into occupied France. They were also used extensively with the Royal Canadian Air Force's (RCAF) anti-submarine squadrons. National Air Force Museum of Canada.

YouTube Hudson

Wikipedia Wikipedia Hudson

General Harold A Skaarup Web Page

Kestrel Publications Hudon - Kestrel Publications

Hudson 759, I

s/n 759

m/d Model 14

c/n B14L-1740


Diverted from RAF order; first tested and delivered marked with RAF serial N7344. Operated by No. 11 (BR) Sqn, from 23 Sep 1939. To EAC with this unit on 1 Apr 1940. Cat "A" crash in the Eastern Passage, at 08:25 hrs on 15 Jul 1940, when the a/c dove into the sea after an engine failure upon take-off. The two-person crew, consisting of Flying Officer J.J.A.V. Lalonde and Cpl M.J. Armitage, were both killed. The a/c had just 232:10 airframe hours when it crashed.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1939-September-23 Taken on Strength RCAF Station 2019-08-20
1940-July-15 Accident: 11 Squadron Loc: Dartmouth Nova Scotia Names: Armitage | Lalonde
   1940-September-26 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 215

Hudson 760, I

s/n 760

m/d Model 14

c/n B14L-1741


Diverted from RAF order, tested and delivered marked with RAF serial N7345. Operated by No. 11 (BR) Squadron, from 15 September 1939, coded "OY*B". To Eastern Air Command with this unit following transfer to RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS on 1 April 1940 (this is date of ownership transfer, squadron move date is reported as 3 November 1939). Category B damage at Dartmouth at 04:30 on 20 June 1942, when right undercarriage collapsed and aircraft ground looped. To Clark Ruse Aircraft for repairs, 27 June to 3 September 1942. To Eastern Air Command when completed. Being operated by No. 145 (BR) Squadron based at Torbay, Newfoundland when lost at sea on 28 January 1943. Crashed in vicinity of convoy while on escort mission, no survivors.
last update: 2024-December-25 📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 215

Hudson 761, I

s/n 761

m/d Model 14

c/n B14L-1742


Diverted from RAF order, tested and delivered marked with RAF serial N7346. Operated by No. 11 (BR) Squadron, from 15 September 1939. To Eastern Air Command with this unit on 1 April 1940. Flew this squadron's first war time mission, naval cooperation and height finding with HMS Repulse and Furious, 10 November 1939. Aircraft had been on detachment to Torbay, Newfoundland, and was returning to Dartmouth for scheduled maintenance when it crashed at 17:42 on 6 May 1942. Developed engine trouble on lift off, struck the ground wing low and cart wheeled. Caught fire immediately. 8 fatalities, including pilot Flight Lieutenant H.J. Leblanc and people returning to Dartmouth on leave. First fatal crash at RCAF Station Torbay, and the largest.
last update: 2024-December-25 📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 215

Hudson 762, I

s/n 762

m/d Model 14

c/n B14L-1743


Diverted from RAF order, tested and delivered marked with RAF serial N7347. To No. 11 (BR) Sqn at Ottawa on 16 Sep 1943. To EAC with this unit in Apr 1940. With the Test & Development Establishment at RCAF Stn Rockcliffe, ON, dates unknown. With No. 145 (BR) Sqn, EAC, RCAF Stn Torbay, NF, in 1942. Cat "A" crash at Charlottetown, PEI on 9 Jul 1943. The a/c was on cross country flight with a crew of four and two passengers to pick up a ferry crew at Scoudouc, NB. The a/c had an engine failure and attempted an emergency landing at Charlottetown. The Hudson came in too high and overshot the runway. While attempting to go around, the a/c clipped some trees and crashed ending up in a gulley. Five of the six personnel onboard walked away with only slight injuries but the pilot, Flight Lieutenant J.R. Hastie, was killed. Ownership to No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB for write off on 13 Jul 1944.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1939-September-16 Taken on Strength RCAF Station 2019-08-20
1943-July-09 Accident: 145 Squadron Loc: Charlottetown Names: Campbell | Doods | Hall | Hastie | Moir | Tinsley

Operational 1943-07-09 to 1943-07-09

145 (BR) Sqn (RCAF) RCAF Station Dartmouth

145 Bomber Reconnaissance Squadron (Furor Non Sine Frenis) Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Hudson I aircraft 762 had the starboard engine fail and clipped some trees while the pilot attempted an emergency landing. The aircraft crashed and caught fire outside the south-west perimeter of the aerodrome at Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

Five of the six personnel aboard survived with minor injuries, but the pilot, Flight Lieutenant JR Hastie (RCAF) was killed in this flying accident

General [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...

General Royal Canadian Air Force operations record book... - Image 1478-...

   1943-September-22 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 215

Hudson 763, I

s/n 763

m/d Model 14

c/n B14L-1744


Diverted from RAF order, tested and delivered marked with RAF serial N7348. With the Test & Development Establishment at RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario, initially with RAF serial marked, by 21 September 1939, when it was flown to Trenton and return. To No. 11 (BR) Squadron at Ottawa on 18 September 1939. With this unit to RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS, in late 1939, coded "OY*F". Still with this unit when it transferred to Eastern Air Command in April 1940. Category C3 damage in the No. 5 hanger at Yarmouth, NS at 07:00 on 25 November 1942, when an out of control tractor struck the aircraft. Loaned to Central Training Establishment, probably for use at an Operational Training Unit, on 21 October 1943. Pending disposal from 8 August 1944, stored at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, reported with 1224:40 total logged time while there. By 25 March 1946 stored at No. $ Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB, still pending disposal.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1939-September-18 Taken on Strength RCAF Station 2019-08-20
1942-November-25 Accident: RCAF STN Loc: Yarmouth Nova Scotia Names: Hobbs | Lemarre
   1946-December-02 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for sale 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 215

Hudson 764, I

s/n 764

m/d Model 14

c/n B14L-1745


Diverted from RAF order, tested and delivered marked with RAF serial N7349. Operated by No. 11 (BR) Squadron at Ottawa from 16 September 1939, then with this unit to RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS in late 1939, coded "OY*G". Still with this unit when it transferred to Eastern Air Command in April 1940. Category C damage at Dartmouth on 1 November 1940. To Western Air Command on 4 March 1941, operated by No. 120 (BR) Squadron from RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC, March to late 1941. Back to Eastern Air Command on 30 July 1942. To Clark Ruse Aircraft for overhaul, 29 August to 25 September 1942. To Eastern Air Command when completed. Loaned to Central Training Establishment from 21 October 1943, probably for use at an Operational Training Unit. To stored reserve with Eastern Air Command on 22 May 1944. Pending disposal from 28 June 1944. Reported with 1460:35 total time while in storage at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1939-September-16 Taken on Strength RCAF Station 2019-08-20
1940-November-01 Accident: 11 Squadron Loc: Eastern Landplane Base Passage Names: Butts | Curron | Dubuc | Hall | Roller
1940-December-18 Accident: 11 Squadron Loc: Aerodrome Dartmouth Names: Douglas | Gillis | Lougheed | Power
   1945-February-02 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for sale 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 215

Hudson 765, I

s/n 765

m/d Model 14

c/n B14L-1746


Diverted from RAF order, tested and delivered marked with RAF serial N7350. Operated by No. 11 (BR) Squadron at Ottawa from 16 September 1939, then with this unit to RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS in late 1939. To Western Air Command on 4 March 1941. Operated by No. 120 (BR) Squadron from RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC, March to late 1941. Serving with No. 13 (OT) Squadron when it crashed and burned on takeoff from Bellingham, Washington State at 16:18 on 6 July 1942. 3 fatalities, including both Pilot Officer R. McLachlen, second pilot; radio operator, Sgt./WAG Victor A. Utting; and P/O/ E.R. Brooks. 4 passengers seriously injured. Information provided by Sgt. Utting's younger brother, Phillip S. Utting.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1939-September-16 Taken on Strength RCAF Station 2019-08-20
1942-July-06 Accident: 13 OT Squadron Loc: Bellingham Wash Names: Beatty | Brooks | MacBean | Maclachlan | Merredew | Olson | Utting
   1942-September-03 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce at No. 3 Repair Depot, Vancouver 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 215

Hudson 766, I

s/n 766

m/d Model 14

c/n B14L-1748


Diverted from RAF order, tested and delivered marked with RAF serial N7352. Operated by No. 11 (BR) Squadron at Ottawa from 20 September 1939, then with this unit to RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS in late 1939. Still with this unit when it transferred to Eastern Air Command in April 1940. To Western Air Command on 4 March 1941. Operated by No. 120 (BR) Squadron from RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC, March to June 1941. Crashed while landing at Patricia Bay at 17:00 on 2 June 1941, after a radio operator training mission. Originally classified as Category A, but to Boeing Aircraft in Vancouver, BC for repairs, 8 July 1941 to 10 March 1942. To Western Air Command when completed, for use by No. 13 (OTU) Squadron. To No. 13 (OTU) Squadron on west coast in 1942. Category C damage at Patricia Bay while with this unit, probably in spring 1942. To Boeing Aircraft again for repairs, 23 April to 18 July 1942. To Eastern Air Command on 30 July 1942, probably for use by No. 145 (BR) Squadron at RCAF Station Torbay, Newfoundland. To stored reserve with Eastern Air Command on 22 May 1944. Pending disposal from 28 June 1944. Reported with 799:10 total time, 383:00 since overhaul, while in storage at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 215

Hudson 767, I

s/n 767

m/d Model 14

c/n B14L-1751


Diverted from RAF order, tested and delivered marked with RAF serial N7354. Operated by No. 11 (BR) Squadron at Ottawa from 18 September 1939, then with this unit to RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS in late 1939. Probably first RCAF Hudson loss. Force landed in sea at 16:40 on 30 December 1939, near Pleasant Point, NS. Pounding of waves stove in port fuselage, and aircraft sank. Had 70:00 logged time when lost.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1939-September-18 Taken on Strength RCAF Station 2019-08-20
   1940-February-25 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
1941-October-21 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Clarke | John
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 215

Hudson 768, I

s/n 768

m/d Model 14

c/n B14L-1752


Diverted from RAF order, tested and delivered marked with RAF serial N7355. Operated by No. 11 (BR) Squadron at Ottawa from 18 September 1939, then with this unit to RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS in late 1939. To Eastern Air Command with this unit in April 1940. Coded "OY*L" when lost. Category A crash in Newfoundland on 28 January 1942. Reported encountering bad weather returning from patrol, then went missing. Wreckage not located until February 1942. Ownership to RCAF Station Gander, Newfoundland on 18 February 1942 for scrapping.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1939-September-20 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1942-January-27 Accident: 11 BR DET Loc: Newfoundland East Names: Mcgregor | Pilcher | Taylor | Wishart
   1943-January-12 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce at RCAF Station Gander, Newfoundland 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 215

Hudson 769, I

s/n 769

m/d Model 14

c/n B14L-1753


Diverted from RAF order, tested and delivered marked with RAF serial N7356. To RCAF Station Rockcliffe on 2 July 1940. To Communications Flight on at Rockcliffe on 30 July 1940. To Test and Development Flight at Rockcliffe on 24 August 1940, reported with RAF serial while with this unit. To stored reserve with Eastern Air Command on 13 September 1940. With No. 110 (BR) Squadron, Eastern Air Command, from 5 June 1941. To No. 3 Training Command, for use by Test & Development Establishment at RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario on 21 April 1942, for testing of short range homing antennae. Back to Eastern Air Command on 21 May 1942. To workshop reserve at No. 19 Sub-Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 30 November 1942. Back to Eastern Air Command on 8 August 1943. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc on 21 March 1944, for scrapping
last update: 2024-December-25
   1940-February-09 Taken on Strength No. 1 Aircraft Depot 2019-08-20
1942-November-27 Accident: 145 Squadron Loc: Torbay Names: French | Govier | Hastie
   1944-May-16 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 215

Hudson 770, I

s/n 770

as/n N7360

m/d Model 14

c/n B14L-1757


Diverted from RAF order, tested and delivered marked with RAF serial N7360. Assigned to RCAF Stn Ottawa on 20 May 1940. To No. 1 Training Command on 16 Jun 1940, still at Rockcliffe. In use with Air Force Headquarters Communications Flight (recently formed from No. 7 (GP) Sqn), RCAF Stn Rockcliffe, ON as a VIP transport when it crashed 1 mile east of Newtonville, ON at 12:15 on 10 Jun 1940, carrying Minister of Defence Norman MacLeod Rogers. Struck trees in a steep bank at high speed. No survivors. Was en route Rockcliffe to Toronto for the Minister to give a speech. May not have had RCAF serial marked by time of crash. Subsequent investigation faulted crew for pressing on into deteriorating weather, and faulted design of Hudson that made it impossible to maintain altitude in steep turns. Had just 48:55 airframe hours when it crashed.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1940-January-31 Taken on Strength No. 1 (E) Depot 2019-08-20
   1940-November-04 Struck off Strength Category A Write off 2022-01-15
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 215

Hudson 771, I

s/n 771

m/d Model 14

c/n B14L-1767


Diverted from RAF order, tested and delivered marked with RAF serial N7370. With No. 11 (BR) Squadron, RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS when this unit transferred to Eastern Air Command on 1 April 1940. Later with No. 145 (BR) Squadron, RCAF Station Torbay, Newfoundland. Flew this squadron's first operation, patrol on 2 June 1942. Crashed 14 February 1943, while on a navigation exercise from Torbay to Dartmouth. Came down 11 miles from Dartmouth. Wreckage not located until November 1943. 6 fatalities, including US Army passenger.
last update: 2024-December-25 📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 215

Hudson 772, I

s/n 772

m/d Model 14


Diverted from RAF order, tested and delivered marked with RAF serial N7371. With No. 11 (BR) Squadron, RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS, coded "OY*N", with non-standard fairing in place of turret. Still with this unit when it transferred to Eastern Air Command in April 1940. With the Test & Development Establishment at RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario from 25 November 1941. Category B damage at Lismore, NS at 14:00 on 9 January 1942, when bad weather and low fuel resulted in a gear up forced landing. Repaired on site at Dartmouth by 11 Squadron and mobile party from Clark Ruse Aircraft from 12 January 1942. Ownership reverted to Eastern Air Command on 14 January 1942. To workshop reserve at Dartmouth on 18 February 1942. Back with 11 Squadron from 27 April 1942. To Clark Ruse Aircraft from 16 November 1942 to 30 April 1943, then back to Eastern Air Command. To No. 1 Training Command on 10 July 1943, for radio experiments with No. 1 (C) Flight. To No. 6 Repair Depot at Trenton on 29 June 1944, after a Category B crash. Became instructional airframe A 420 on 5 July 1944, for use at Mountain View, Ontario. With No. 1 Air Command when struck off.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 215 | 1968 487

Hudson 773, I

s/n 773

m/d Model 14

c/n B14L-1772


Diverted from RAF order, tested and delivered marked with RAF serial N7375. Operated by No. 11 (BR) Squadron, RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS, coded "OY*O". Still with this unit when it transferred to Eastern Air Command in April 1940. Category A crash at Dartmouth at 06:05 on 3 October 1941. Ran off end of runway on takeoff and caught fire, later exploded. All crew escaped before explosion.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1940-February-22 Taken on Strength No. 11 (BR) Squadron 2019-08-20
1941-October-03 Accident: 11 Squadron Loc: Dartmouth Aerodrome Names: Mcinnis | Merril | Quirt | Taylor
   1941-November-06 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce by No. 4 Repair Depot 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 215

Hudson 774, I

s/n 774

m/d Model 14

c/n B14L-1777


Diverted from RAF order, tested and delivered marked with RAF serial N7380. With the Test & Development Establishment at RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario, in September 1939, still with RAF serial. Used by Communications Flight at Rockcliffe, Ontario for VIP transportation early 1940, still with RAF serial. Carried 11 doctors from Rockcliffe to Trenton on 2 May 1940, while only equipped with 2 passenger seats. Served with No. 13 (OT) Squadron, RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC from 6 August 1940. To storage at Patricia Bay on 13 September 1940. To Western Air Command on 3 March 1941. To Eastern Air Command on 30 July 1942. To Clark Ruse Aircraft from 17 August to 3 September 1942. Back to Eastern Air Command when completed. To workshop reserve at No. 6 Repair Depot on 13 October 1943 for overhaul. To storage with No. 1 Training Command on 17 May 1944. Noted as pending disposal on 24 June 1944, with 1225:00 total time, 8:35 since overhaul. To No. 4 Bombing & Gunnery School at Fingal, Ontario on 14 October 1944, for use as training aid. Became instructional airframe A 430 on that date. To No. 1 Air Command with this unit on 15 January 1945. Became instructional airframe A 445 on 7 May 1945, used at RCAF Station Aylmer, Ontario. Had been RCAF 774. Pending disposal from 3 January 1948.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1940-February-03 Taken on Strength Communications Flight at RCAF Station 2019-08-20
   1944-October-14 Classified Instructional CA A 430 2020-06-12
   1945-May-07 Classified Instructional CA A 445 2020-06-12
   1948-February-16 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 215 | 1968 487 | 1968 488

Hudson 775, I

s/n 775

m/d Model 14

c/n B14L-1780


Diverted from RAF order, tested and delivered marked with RAF serial N7381. To RCAF Station Trenton in May 1940, back to Rockcliffe on 3 July 1940. Served with No. 13 (OT) Squadron, RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC from August 1940. Later with the Photographic Flight, RCAF Station Rockcliffe, still carrying No. 13 Squadron codes. Operated by No. 120 (BR) Squadron from RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC, 3 March to July 1941, coded "MX*R". To Eastern Air Command on 30 July 1942. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft for overhaul, 18 to 25 September 1942. Back to Eastern Air Command when completed. To Clarke Ruse again, 22 June 1943 to 25 January 1944. To storage with Eastern Air Command when completed. Reported in storage at No. 4 Repair Depot about this time, with 1269:00 total time, 1:30 since overhaul. Pending disposal from 28 June 1944.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1940-January-31 Taken on Strength No. 1 (E) Depot 2019-08-20
   1945-February-02 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 216

Hudson 776, I

s/n 776

m/d Model 14

c/n B14L-1770


Diverted from RAF order, tested and delivered marked with RAF serial N7373. To RCAF Station Trenton on 15 May 1940. Back to Rockcliffe later that year. To NO. 13 (OT) Squadron at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC before end of 1940. Operated by No. 120 (BR) Squadron from RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC, March to July 1941, coded "MX*T" and then "AN*T". Category A crash at Tsehum Harbour, BC (now part of Sidney, BC at 13:55 on 21 February 1942. Pilot overshot on landing attempt at Patricia Bay, failed to raise the flaps, and dived into the sea. Two bodies recovered, including pilot Sgt. W.M. Hatfield. Aircraft was on loan from 3 OTU to No. 115 Squadron at the time.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1940-January-31 Taken on Strength No. 1 (E) Depot 2019-08-20
1942-February-21 Accident: 13 (OT) Squadron Loc: Shoal Bay Names: Hatfield | Hutchinson
   1942-March-25 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 216

Hudson 777, I

s/n 777

m/d Model 14

c/n B14L-1781


Diverted from RAF order, tested and delivered marked with RAF serial N7382. To RCAF Station Trenton in March 1940. Back to Rockcliffe on 28 June 1940. To Test & Development Establishment at Rockcliffe on 12 July 1940, reported with RAF serial while there. To storage on 1 October 1940. To Eastern Air Command on 2 June 1941, for use by No. 11 (BR) Squadron at RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS. Destroyed in crash at Dartmouth at 13:45 on 15 October 1941. Aircraft swung on takeoff, collapsing undercarriage. Ensuing fire led to explosion. No fatalities in 4 member crew, but all severely burned.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1940-January-31 Taken on Strength No. 1 (E) Depot 2019-08-20
1941-October-15 Accident: 11 Squadron Loc: Dartmouth Nova Scotia Names: Lashley | Merrill | Porter | Quirt
   1941-November-06 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to produce by No. 4 Repair Depot 2022-01-15
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 216

Hudson 778, I

s/n 778

m/d Model 14

c/n B14L-1783


Diverted from RAF order, tested and delivered marked with RAF serial N7384. Taken on strength at No. 11 (BR) Sqn at RCAF Stn Dartmouth, NS. To EAC with this unit in Apr 1940. Cat "A" crash at Dartmouth at 14:15 hrs on 26 May 1941. During the landing after a low-level bombing practice mission, the a/c swung to the right, collapsing the port u/c and bursting into flame. The ensuing fire led to an explosion of the bombs onboard. There were no injuries in the 4-person crew
last update: 2024-December-25
   1940-February-27 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1941-May-26 Accident: 11 Squadron Loc: Aerodrome Dartmouth Names: Butts | Crossley | Merril
   1941-July-24 Struck off Strength Cat “A” write-off 2022-01-15
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 216

Hudson 779, I

s/n 779

m/d Model 14

c/n B14L-1782


Diverted from RAF order, tested and delivered marked with RAF serial N7383. To RCAF Station Trenton form May 1940. Operated by No. 11 (BR) Squadron, RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS from 8 June 1940. To Clark Ruse Aircraft from 11 November 1942 to 27 March 1943, and again from 9 August to 30 September 1943. Back to Eastern Air Command each time. Category B crash in early 1944. To No. 21 Repair Depot on 25 April 1944, for write off. To No. 4 Repair Depot for scrapping, on 7 June 1944.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1940-January-31 Taken on Strength No. 1 (E) Depot 2019-08-20
1944-April-24 Accident: 4 Repair Depot Loc: Rcaf Station Moncton Names: D'aoust | Frank | Nixon | Smith | Spence
   1944-July-29 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 216

Hudson 780, I

s/n 780

m/d Model 14

c/n B14L-1786


Diverted from RAF order, tested and delivered marked with RAF serial N7387. Taken on strength at No. 11 (BR) Squadron, RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS. To stored reserve at Dartmouth on 15 July 1940, with No. 4 Repair Depot. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft from 4 August 1941 to 20 June 1942. To Eastern Air Command when completed. Scheduled for work at Canadian Wright at Montreal from 22 December 1942, this may have been cancelled. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 4 January 1943, back to EAC on 11 May 1943. Loaned to Central Training Establishment from 21 October to 13 December 1943, probably for use at an Operational Training Unit. To No. 3 Training Command on 13 February 1944. To storage on 1 June 1944. Pending disposal from 16 June 1944. To No. 1 Air Command on 15 January 1945, still pending disposal. Stored at No. 9 Repair Depot, where it was reported with 148:20 total time, 15:30 since overhaul. Sold to L. Hardy of Waynesboro, Pennsylvania.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1940-February-27 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1940-June-05 Accident: 11 Squadron Loc: Dartmouth Nova Scotia Names: Blane | Gillis | Hanson
1942-December-31 Accident: HUDSON TRAINING UNIT Loc: Aerodrome Names: Leonard | Loader | Love | Thompson
   1945-February-12 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 216

Hudson 781, I

s/n 781

m/d Model 14

c/n B14L-1784


Diverted from RAF order, tested and delivered marked with RAF serial N7385. With the Test & Development Establishment at RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario, probably shortly after delivery. Operated by No. 11 (BR) Squadron, RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS from 9 August 1940. To storage on 11 November 1940, issued from storage on 4 March 1941. To Clark Ruse Aircraft for accident repairs, 11 September to 5 November 1941. Had 114:05 logged time when it arrived there. To Eastern Air Command when completed, for use by No. 11 Squadron. Category B damage at RCAF Station Torbay, Newfoundland, at 12:45 on 16 September 1942. Reported by No. 145 (BR) Squadron. Struck by wing tip of Hudson BW621 while on the ground. To storage on 22 May 1944. Pending disposal from 28 June 1944. Stored at No. 4 Repair Depot, where it was reported with 1004:45 total time.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1940-February-16 Taken on Strength No. 1 Training Command 2019-08-20
1941-September-04 Accident: 11 Squadron Loc: Aerodrome Names: Bebee | James | Oldham | Taylor
1942-September-16 Accident: 145 Squadron Loc: Rcaf Stnorth Torbay Names: Buchanan | Butler | Hollinger | Ross
   1945-February-02 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for sale 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 216

Hudson 782, I

s/n 782

m/d Model 14

c/n B14L-1785


Diverted from RAF order, tested and delivered marked with RAF serial N7386. To RCAF Station Ottawa on 18 July 1940. With No. 11 (BR) Squadron at RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS from August 1940. To storage at Halifax from 11 November 1940 to 4 March 1941. Back with No. 11 Squadron when it crashed on Sable Island at 11:40 on 3 June 1941. Struck radio tower in poor visibility, while searching for missing Bolingbroke (possibly 9007).
last update: 2024-December-25
   1940-February-16 Taken on Strength No. 1 Training Command 2019-08-20
1941-June-03 Accident: 11 Squadron Loc: Sable Is Names: Bell | Craig | Dillworth | Gillis | Snow
   1941-July-25 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 216

Hudson 783, I

s/n 783

m/d Model 14

c/n B14L-1787


Diverted from RAF order, tested and delivered marked with RAF serial N7388. To RCAF Station Trenton, Ontario on 15 May 1940. Back to Rockcliffe on 2 July 1940. Operated by No. 11 (BR) Squadron, RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS from 9 August 1940. Stored at Halifax from 11 November 1940 to 4 March 1941. With the Test & Development Establishment at RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario from 17 January 1942, for fitting of special radio equipment. Back to No. 11 Squadron from 29 January 1942. To Central Training Establishment on 21 October 1943, probably for use by an Operational Training Unit. To storage on 22 May 1944. Stored at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB, where it was reported with 1079:35 total time. Pending disposal from 28 June 1944.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1940-March-16 Taken on Strength No. 1 (E) Depot 2019-08-20
   1945-February-02 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for sale 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 216

Hudson 784, I

s/n 784

m/d Model 14

c/n B14L-1788


Diverted from RAF order, tested and delivered marked with RAF serial N7389. With the Test & Development Establishment at RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario, probably from 18 July 1940. Operated by No. 11 (BR) Squadron, RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS from 14 August 1940. To storage at Dartmouth on 11 November 1940. Back to No. 11 Squadron on 29 May 1941, to replace 778 which had crashed. To No. 145 (BR) Squadron, Eastern Air Command, RCAF Station Torbay, Newfoundland, in 1942. While with this squadron, sank u-boat U-685, 320 miles east of St. John's. The squadron's fourth attack, and EAC's second kill. Loaned to the Central Training Establishment on 21 October 1943, for use by an Operational Training Unit. Severely damaged in early 1944, no details. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 15 February 1944, for salvage. Discussion in documents of using fuselage as training aid at Sydney, NS but not clear if this was done.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1940-February-21 Taken on Strength No. 12 Technical Detachment 2019-08-20
1944-February-07 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Berghofer | Donnelly | McCrea
   1944-May-16 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 216

Hudson 785, I

s/n 785

m/d Model 14

c/n B14L-1789


Diverted from RAF order, tested and delivered marked with RAF serial N7390. To RCAF Stn Ottawa on 18 Jul 1940. Operated by No. 11 (BR) Sqn, RCAF Stn Dartmouth, NS, from late Jul 1940, coded "OY*U". Destroyed at Dartmouth at 22:33 hrs on 30 Jul 1942, while being operated by No. 145 (BR) Sqn. On a practice navigation flight to pick up 2,000 lbs of priority Hudson spares at Dartmouth, the a/c overshot the runway, caught fire and burned out. The a/c was carrying a 4 -person crew and 4 passengers; 5 of the 8 personnel onboard were seriously injured. The a/c remains were assigned to No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 10 Aug 1942 for scrapping.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1940-February-26 Taken on Strength No. 12 Technical Detachment 2019-08-20
1942-July-30 Accident: 145 Squadron Loc: Rcaf Stnorth Dartmouth Names: Dickle | Harron | La Jambe | Lindsay | Pritchard | Ross | Todd | Todor
   1943-January-21 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 216

Hudson 786, I

s/n 786

m/d Model 14

c/n B14L-1790


Diverted from RAF order, tested and delivered marked with RAF serial N7391. To Eastern Air Command in April 1940, when No. 11 Squadron cam under this Command. With the Test & Development Establishment at RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario from 4 February 1942, for installation of radar. Completed by 21 April 1942, back to No. 11 (BR) Squadron. Loaned to the Central Training Establishment on 21 October 1943, for use by an Operational Training Unit. To storage on 22 May 1944. Pending disposal with Eastern Air Command from 28 June 1944. Stored at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB, where it was reported with 1294:20 total time.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1940-March-11 Taken on Strength No. 11 (BR) Squadron 2019-08-20
   1945-February-02 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for sale 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 216

Hudson 4123302, A-29-LO

s/n 4123302

m/d Model 414

c/n 414-6119

41 23302

Allocated RAF serial BW440, delivered direct to RCAF.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson 4123303, A-29-LO

s/n 4123303

m/d Model 414

c/n 414-6120

41 23303

Allocated RAF serial BW441, delivered direct to RCAF.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson 4123592, A-29-LO

s/n 4123592

m/d Model 414

c/n 414-6409

41 23592

USN Hudson IIIA aircraft #41-23592 crashed at Wadi Seidna, Sudan. Pilot Officer EF Bent (RCAF) and Pilot Officer PH Wyman (RCAF) were killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson A334,

s/n A334

A 334

Fuselage only, ex RAF FK524. This aircraft was ordered by the RAF in November 1941, but crashed in North America before being delivered to the UK. Canadian serial number cancelled shortly after being issued, not used as an Instructional Airframe. Not clear if any part of this aircraft was ever in the hands of the RCAF. Struck off by the RAF in July 1944.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1943-November-03 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1943-November-03 Classified Instructional A 334 2020-06-13
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 486

Hudson AE519, Mk. III

s/n AE519

AE 519

279 Squadron (To See and Be Seen) (ASR Sqn) Hudson III aircraft #AE 519 OS-S crashed into the sea at St Ives Bay, Scotland. FS HR Bacon (RCAF) who served with #280 Sqn and was killed. Please see Warrant Officer Class 2 RM Long (RCAF) for full casualty list and details.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AE523, Mk. III

s/n AE523

AE 523

#62 Squadron (Insperato). FS Margolis was killed when his Hudson aircraft #AE 523 was shot down at Akyab, India.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AE524, Mk. III

s/n AE524

AE 524

#1444 Flight. Hudson III aircraft #AE 524 was enroute to the Middle East and crashed on take-off from the aerodrome at Luqa, Malta. Five RAF airmen were also killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AE545, Mk. III

s/n AE545

AE 545

RAF Ferry Command Hudson III aircraft #AE 545 was lost enroute from Canada to England. In April of 1941
last update: 2025-February-05

Ferry Flight 1941-09-21 to 1941-09-21

() Ferry Command (RAF) Dorval, Quebec

RAF Ferry Command, Dorval, Quebec. Hudson III aircraft AE545 was lost without a trace on a flight between Gander, Newfoundland and Prestwick, Scotland

Flight Lieutenant RF Leavitt (RAF)(Can), Sergeant EW McFall (RCAF) and Canadian civilian Radio Officer RD Anderson were all missing, presumed killed in this flying accident

The missing have no known graves and all are commemorated on memorials in Canada and the UK

Ocean Bridge, The History of RAF Ferry Command by Carl A Christie, pages 311, 389n27

General [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...

Hudson AE550, Mk. III

s/n AE550

AE 550

Hudson AE574, Mk. III

s/n AE574

AE 574

#62 Squadron (Insperato). Hudson III aircraft AE 574 shot down on operation near Rangoon, Burma on a reconnaissance flight. Pilot Officer JW Arthurs (RCAF) missing.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AE595, Mk. III

Hudson AE627, Mk. IV

s/n AE627

AE 627

#6 Operational Training Unit. Hudson aircraft #AE 627 crashed one mile south-west of Thornaby. FSs H.B. Shaver, F.H. Wright, and one RAF airman were also killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AE641, Mk. V (long range)

Hudson AE645, Mk. V (long range)

s/n AE645

AE 645

#48 Sqn (Forte Et Fidele) Hudson V aircraft #AE 645 OY-N lost during operations over enemy-held territory NW of Bergen, Norway. Squadron Leader KD Bruce (RAF)(Can), Flight Sergeant R Brock (RAFVR), Flight Sergeant RF Chisholm (RAFVR) and Flying Officer Dr GB Will (RAFVR) (also the station medical officer) were killed, Pilot Officer HA Sullivan (RAFVR) missing, presumed killed
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AE655, Mk. V (long range)

s/n AE655

AE 655

With No. 407 Squadron, RCAF, coded "RR*R". Lost on an anti-shipping strike on 5 November 1941, all 4 crew killed or missing.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM525, Mk. V

s/n AM525

AM 525

Served with No. 407 (GR) Squadron, RCAF c.1941/42, coded RR*A". Shot down by flak off coast of Holland on 15 May 1942 during attack on shipping, one of 5 squadron aircraft lost in that mission. All 4 crew killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM542, Mk. V

s/n AM542

AM 542

#53 Squadron. Hudson aircraft #AM 542 failed to return from an anti-sub sortie. Four RAF members of the crew were also killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM556, Mk. V

s/n AM556

AM 556

Served with No. 407 (CS) Squadron, RCAF 1941, coded "RR*E". Made this units first attack, on a motor vessel north of Borkum on 7/8 September 1941. No observed results. Flown by squadron CO W/C Styles on this mission. Failed to return from a convoy attack off Borkum on 5 December 1941. Departed in bad weather. Belived to have been shot down over North Sea, 22 miles west of Borkum Island. All 4 crew missing without a trace, including brothers Sgt. G.M. Drennan and Sgt. J.D. Drennan, both gunners.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM563, Mk. V

s/n AM563

AM 563

#53 Squadron. Hudson aircraft #AM 563 was carrying 4,250 lbs. of bombs and failed to return from a night operation. Pilot Officer R. Fairbairn was also killed. One RAAF member of the crew missing believed killed, and one RAF crew member was taken Prisoner of War
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM571, Mk. V

s/n AM571

AM 571

With No. 407 Squadron, RCAF when lost on 28 April 1942. Left Bircham Newton at 20:20 local for night patrol along Dutch coast. Last seen by other aircraft on same mission at about 22:15. All 4 crew missing, presumed dead.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM572, Mk. V

s/n AM572

AM 572

#608 Squadron (Omnibus Ungulis). The pilot of Hudson aircraft #AM 572 was endeavoring to land in adverse weather when he crashed 1,000 yards east of the Blida aerodrome. One crew member, not Canadian, were also killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM576, Mk. V

s/n AM576

m/d L-214

AM 576

Noted as "Canadian equipped" on 29 May 1942, in signal from RCAF liaison office in New York. To stored reserve with Eastern Air Command on 22 May 1944. Noted as a "financial adjustment" when struck off (i.e., part of an exchange of aircraft, without an exchange of cash). To No. 45 Group, RAF at Dorval, Quebec when struck off.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-July-20 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1944-September-21 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 517

Hudson AM586, Mk. V

s/n AM586

AM 586

Served with No. 407 (GR) Squadron, RCAF 1941, Lost on an anti E-boat patrol on 10 October 1941, all 4 crew missing.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM587, Mk. V

s/n AM587

AM 587

#500 County of Kent Squadron (Quo Fato Vocent). Hudson aircraft failed to return from operations.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM598, Mk. V

s/n AM598

AM 598

Served with No. 407 (GR) Squadron, RCAF c.1941/42, coded "RR*P". In use by December 1941. Was reported as "RR*D" when it failed to return from a strike mission on 12 or 14 February 1942.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM602, Mk. V

s/n AM602

AM 602

Served with No. 407 (GR) Squadron, RCAF c.1941/43, . Crashed while attempting to land at Donna Nook on 22 January 1942, after returning early from a strike mission. Bombs went off after crashing, killing all the crew and 13 rescuers.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM606, Mk. V

s/n AM606

AM 606

#206 Squadron (Nihil Nos Effugit). Hudson aircraft #AM 606 lost whilst on a bombing attack over enemy territory, presumed enemy action. W/C. H.D. Cooke (RAF) and FS G. McGlynn (RAF) were also killed. Squadron Leader Cook (RAF) and FS Hubbard (RAF) missing believed killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM607, Mk. V

s/n AM607

AM 607

Royal Aircraft Establishment, General Duties Flight, RAF Farnborough Hudson AM 607 crashed
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM608, Mk. V

s/n AM608

AM 608

Hudson AM612, Mk. V

s/n AM612

AM 612

#233 Squadron (Ymlaen). Hudson aircraft #AM 612 did not return after a shipping strike. Three RAF crew members missing believed killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM614, Mk. V

s/n AM614

AM 614

Served with No. 407 (GR) Squadron, RCAF c.1941/43, . Failed to return from attack on shipping on 15 May 1942, one of 5 squadron aircraft lost in that mission. May have been shot down by night fighter. All 4 crew presumed killed, bodies never recovered.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM617, Mk. V

s/n AM617

AM 617

With No. 407 Squadron, RCAF, Failed to return from convoy attack mission off Frisian Islands on 8 February 1942. May have strayed over mainland and been shot down by flak. All 4 crew killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM618, Mk. V

s/n AM618

AM 618

#220 Squadron (We Observe Unseen). Hudson aircraft failed to return from operations. Three of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM619, Mk. V

s/n AM619

AM 619

Served with No. 407 (GR) Squadron, RCAF #6 Operational Training Unit. Hudson aircraft was totally destroyed by fire after it crashed at Leen Bridge Farm, Yorkshire, England.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM624, Mk. V

s/n AM624

AM 624

#1 Operational Training Unit. Hudson aircraft #AM 624 crashed and burned 800 feet up the side of Dent Fell, Uldale, Cheshire, England
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM632, Mk. V

s/n AM632

AM 632

#59 Squadron (Ab Uno Disce Omnes). Hudson aircraft #JM 632 crashed in the sea one mile off Donna Nook, Lincolnshire, England. Three RAF crew members missing believed killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM639, Mk. V

s/n AM639

AM 639

#59 Squadron (Ab Uno Disce Omnes). Hudson V aircraft #AM 639 lost.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM642, Mk. V

s/n AM642

AM 642

#608 Squadron (Omnibus Ungulis). Hudson aircraft #AM 642 failed to return from night bombing operations
last update: 2025-February-05

Reconnaissance Terschilling Gat Netherlands (Mussels) 1941-11-05 to 1941-11-05

(BR) Sqn (RAF) Thornaby

On the night of Nov. 5-6, 1941, Yeates took Lockheed Hudson V (AM 642 "“ R Robert) into the air from RAF Thornaby, in North Yorkshire, and headed for a general North Sea line between Terschelling (Frisian Islands) and the Heligoland Bight. The idea was to patrol and attack anything found.

The strike was led by Wing Commander Rupert Derbyshire, who had eight Hudsons on the operation. It turned out to be a busy, costly evening.

O Orange flew right by a Luftwaffe Me 110, and probably a JU 88, without being seen, then attacked a convoy and likely overshot with its bombs. G George found the same convoy, hit something and caused a fire, without definite results. L Lion surprised a flak ship (which must have scared hell out of the crew as well), dropped its bombs, and came home with a six-inch hole in the starboard wing.

H Harry dropped on a merchant vessel of some description, "starting a fire."

Nothing was ever heard again from the wing commander and his crew, or Gordon Yeates and his (Sgt. J. Sansome, Sgt. Francis J. Hazlett, Sgt, Eric Elkington). They disappeared into the North Sea and are remembered on the Runnymede Memorial, north west of London.

Source: Malcolm Kelly is the author of SPROG: A Novel of Bomber Command, available at shops and online.

Hudson AM646, Mk. V

s/n AM646

AM 646

With No. 407 Squadron, RCAF, coded "J". Fell into a hill in Pembrokeshire during low level bombing practice on 3 November 1942. 2 crew killed instantly, one died later from injuries. One of 2 Squadron aircraft lost on bombing practice on that day (see AM648).
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM648, Mk. V

s/n AM648

AM 648

With No. 407 Squadron, RCAF. Crashed into the sea off Newquay during low level bombing practice on 3 November 1942. All 6 occupants killed or missing. One of 2 Squadron aircraft lost on bombing practice on that day (see AM648).
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM650, Mk. V

s/n AM650

AM 650

#407 Demon Squadron (To Hold On High). Hudson aircraft #AM 650 was carrying 2 x 250 lb. and 6 x 100 lb. bombs and was engaged in an anti-shipping strike off the Dutch Coast when it was hit by flak. The aircraft burst into flames, hit the water and exploded.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM676, Mk. V

Hudson AM679, Mk. V

s/n AM679

AM 679

Served with No. 407 (GR) Squadron, RCAF c.1941/42, coded RR*B". Failed to return from attack on shipping on 15 May 1942, one of 5 squadron aircraft lost in that mission. Seen to score a hit on one freighter before bursting into flames and crashing into sea. All 4 crew killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM683, Mk. V

s/n AM683

AM 683

#53 Squadron. Hudson aircraft #AM 683 was engaged in a bombing operation when it was shot down near Den Helder, at Hvisduinen, Holland. Three RAF members of the crew were also killed
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM684, Mk. V

s/n AM684

AM 684

With No. 407 Squadron, RCAF, coded "RR*O". Shot down off Hanstholm harbour, Denmark, on 5 April (or 5 May?) 1942. 4 crew killed. Had departed Bircham Newton, UK, on a Saucer patrol (defined route for a coastal patrol). Was attacking small German vessel VP 1211, shot down by cannon fire from this ship and shore based battery. Crashed 700 metres off coast after being hit in cockpit and fuel tanks, only 3 bodies recovered.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM687, Mk. V

s/n AM687

AM 687

Hudson AM696, Mk. V

s/n AM696

AM 696

With No. 407 Squadron, RCAF, possibly coded "RR*D". Lost over North Sea on 6 April 1942. 4 crew killed. NOTE: some sources record this aircraft as being with 233 Squadron, RAF at time of loss. Has this aircraft been confused with AM684?
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM701, Mk. V

Hudson AM710, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM710

AM 710

#608 Sqn RAF Hudson V aircraft #AM 710 missing over Mediterranean from an anti-submarine patrol off Sicily, possibly shot down by a Ju 88. Flying Officer BGS Bradley (RAAF)(Can), Flying Officer KC Cherer (RCAF), Flight Sergeant EN Pettitt (RAAF) and FS LT Sheldon (RAAF) missing, believed killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM711, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM711

AM 711

#407 Demon Squadron (To Hold On High). Hudson aircraft #AM 711 was carrying practise bombs when it hit the mast of a wrecked ship that was used for bombing practise. The Hudson crashed into the sea and burned five miles off Selsey Bill, England. Sergeants A.R. Thomas, A.N. Urquhart, G.J. Pearson, AC1 E.R. Watson, and one RAF airman were also killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM712, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM712

AM 712

With No. 407 Squadron, RCAF when lost over the English Channel on 12 February 1942.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM713, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM713

AM 713

608 Squadron (Omnibus Ungulis). Hudson aircraft #AM 713 missing during operations. Three RAF members of the crew, Warrant Officer L.C. Bonthan, Flight Sergeant B.H. Leek, and FS T.E. Willey were also killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM715, Mk. V(L.R.)

Hudson AM719, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM719

AM 719

#407 Demon Squadron (To Hold On High) RAF North Coates, Hudson V aircraft #AM 717 stalled on a landing approach and crashed one half mile from the southern perimeter of the airfield at North Coates while practicing take-offs and landings Pilot Officer RE Buckolz (RCAF)(USA), Flight Sergeant GC Bingley (RCAF) and Cpl C Naylor (RAF) were killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM720, Mk. V

s/n AM720

m/d L-214

AM 720

First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Debert, NS. Crashed at Debert at 16:45 on 7 January 1942. Lost visual contact with ground in a snow flurry during circuits and bumps, stalled on short final, collapsing undercarriage. Initially classified as Category B damage. Ownership to No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB for inspection on 10 January 1942. Arrived at Scoudouc on 15 January 1942. Request to write off approved by Eastern Air Command on 12 September 1942.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1941-June-26 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-January-07 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Canning | Weaver
   1942-September-15 Struck off Strength - Cat “A” write-off; struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2022-01-15
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 517

Hudson AM721, Mk. V

s/n AM721

m/d L-214

AM 721

First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Debert, NS. Category A crash at 19:56 on 7 June 1942, near Polly Lake, NS. Struck high ground while flying in bad weather. Pilot Pilot Officer J. Creighton and 2 crew members killed. Allocated to No. 4 Repair Depot for scrapping on 11 June 1942.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1941-June-26 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-June-07 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Folly Lake Nova Scotia Names: Creighton | King | Lennon
   1942-November-06 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 517

Hudson AM723, Mk. V

s/n AM723

m/d L-214

AM 723

First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Debert, NS. Category A crash at 16:15 on 27 August 1941, at the Debert aerodrome. Undercarriage collapsed on landing, aircraft severely damaged in resulting fire.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1941-June-26 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1941-August-27 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Elliott | Pitts | Powell | Price | Webb | Wilson
   1941-October-02 Struck off Strength Written off at No. 4 Repair Depot 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 517

Hudson AM726, Mk. V

s/n AM726

m/d L-214

AM 726

First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Debert, NS. Category B crash at 19:05 on 8 December 1942, when this aircraft swung after landing at the Debert aerodrome. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft for repairs, 14 December 1942 to 15 June 1943. Back to Eastern Air Command when completed. To storage on 22 May 1944. To 45 Group, RAF at Dorval, Quebec, as a financial adjustment.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1941-June-26 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-December-08 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Brigden | Springsteele | Wilkinson | Wilson | Young
   1944-September-21 Struck off Strength Struck off, transferred to RAF 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 517

Hudson AM728, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM728

AM 728

#407 Demon Squadron (To Hold On High). Hudson aircraft lost. This was Warrant Officer Cluff's sixth operational flight. addendum 2: See page 129. Hudson aircraft AM 728 was probably shot down by German Coastal batteries during a night anti-shipping strike in the North Sea off Holland. FS. D. Moss D.F.M., Sgt.s M.H. McDonald (RAF), and S.C. Herbert (RAF) were also killed
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM729, Mk. V

s/n AM729

m/d L-214

AM 729

First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Debert, NS. Category B crash at 17:45 on 24 January 1942, at Debert aerodrome. Another Category B crash at Debert aerodrome at 16:53 on 1 August 1942. Ran off the runway on landing, starboard undercarriage collapsed. To Clark Ruse Aircraft for repairs, 11 August to 26 November 1942. Back to Eastern Air Command when completed. Reported missing from an operational flight from No. 31 OTU on 3 March 1944, flight was actually on 21 February 1944. 2 RAF crew never found. Ownership to No. 4 Repair Depot on same day.
last update: 2025-February-05 📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 517

Hudson AM731, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM731

AM 731

Hudson AM733, Mk. V

s/n AM733

m/d L-214

AM 733

First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Debert, NS. To No. 6 Repair Depot at Trenton for crash repairs and overhaul, 24 January 1944. Scrapped at No. 6 Repair Depot
last update: 2025-February-05
   1941-June-26 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1944-January-16 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: 4 RD Scoudouc Names: Bolton | Maderson | McCullough
   1944-November-17 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 517

Hudson AM735, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM735

AM 735

#608 Squadron (Omnibus Ungulis). Hudson aircraft #AM 735 failed to return from operations.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM736, Mk. V

s/n AM736

m/d L-214

AM 736

Noted as "Canadian equipped" in signal from RCAF liaison office in New York in May 1942. Category B crash, 6th August 1942. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 10 August 1942. Classified as Instructional Airframe A 248 on 28 December 1942. Had been RCAF AM736
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-July-20 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-August-06 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Atherton | Ball | Barnes | Chatten | Clarke
   1942-December-28 Classified Instructional CA A 248 2020-06-12
   1945-February-22 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 484 | 1968 517

Hudson AM737, Mk. V

s/n AM737

m/d L-214

AM 737

First assigned to No. 31 OTU at RCAF Stn Debert, NS. Cat "A" crash at Debert aerodrome at 14:15 on 30 May 1942. After an oblique photography mission and following an engine failure, the pilot during a landing attempt lost control while attempting to avoid another aircraft on the runway and crashed into woods on aerodrome boundary. Pilot Officer A.E. Hoffman (pilot) was killed. Sgt's W.D. Earl and A.C. Norris were seriously injured. To No. 4 Repair Depot for write off on 3 Jun 1942.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-January-26 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-May-30 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Earl | Hoffman | Norris
   1942-August-17 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 517

Hudson AM745, Mk. V

s/n AM745

m/d L-214

AM 745

First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Debert, NS. To workshop reserve at no. 4 Repair Depot, 28 July to 28 August 1942. Back to Eastern Air Command when completed. Category B crash, no details. To No. 4 Repair Depot for crash repairs on 14 December 1943. Transferred to Canada Car & Foundry on 10 January 1944. To workshop reserve at No. 21 Repair Depot on 8 April 1944. Noted on 21 February 1945 "for storage in whole state", when ownership returned to No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1941-June-26 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-November-26 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Lawlor | Rainford
   1946-May-08 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 517

Hudson AM747, Mk. V

s/n AM747

m/d L-214

AM 747

First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Debert, NS. Assigned to Clark Ruse Aircraft at Moncton, NB on 9 August 1943, but this may have been cancelled. To No. 21 Repair Depot on 3 April 1944 for disposal. Pending disposal, on books of Eastern Air Command, from 24 July 1944. Stored at Scoudouc, NB, still there on 25 March 1946.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1941-June-26 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1946-December-02 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 517

Hudson AM748, Mk. V

s/n AM748

m/d L-214

AM 748

First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Debert, NS. To storage on 9 August 1944. To No. 45 Group, RAF at Dorval, as a financial adjustment.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1941-June-26 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1944-September-21 Ownership Transferred Transferred to RAF 2019-08-20
   1944-September-21 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 517

Hudson AM749, Mk. V

s/n AM749

m/d L-214

AM 749

First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Debert, NS. Category B damage at Debert aerodrome at 22:05 on 31 May 1942. Pilot overcorrected swing on landing, causing undercarriage to collapse. To workshop reserve at No. 4 Repair Depot, Scoudouc, NB on 3 June 1942. To Clark Ruse Aircraft for crash repairs, 4 June 1942 to 30 June 1943. To Eastern Air Command when completed. To workshop reserve at No. 4 Repair Depot on 22 September 1943. To Clark Ruse Aircraft again on 30 November 1943. To No. 21 Repair Depot for disposal on 3 April 1944.
last update: 2025-February-05
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 517

Hudson AM751, Mk. V

s/n AM751

m/d L-214

AM 751

First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Debert, NS. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 3 September 1943, following a crash. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft for crash repairs, 9 August 1943 to 3 April 1944. To Eastern Air Command when completed. To storage on 9 August 1944. To No. 45 Group, RAF at Dorval, as a financial adjustment.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1941-June-26 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1944-September-21 Ownership Transferred Transferred to RAF 2019-08-20
   1944-September-21 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 517

Hudson AM752, Mk. V

s/n AM752

m/d L-214

AM 752

First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Debert, NS. Crashed at Crumlin aerodrome at 16:30 on 22 July 1941, reported by No. 4 Air Observer School. Initially classified Category C, revised to Category B on 27 July 1941. To No. 1 Training Command and assigned workshop reserve with No. 12 Technical Detachment on 18 August 1941. Back to No. 31 OTU on 27 March 1942. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB for crash repairs, 4 September 1943 to 24 March 1944. To Eastern Air Command when completed. To storage on 9 August 1944. To No. 45 Group, RAF at Dorval, as a financial adjustment.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1941-June-26 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1941-July-22 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Connor | Hanes | Kearney
   1944-September-21 Ownership Transferred Transferred to RAF 2019-08-20
   1944-September-21 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 517

Hudson AM755, Mk. V

s/n AM755

m/d L-214

AM 755

With No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS when taken on strength. Category B crash at Debert aerodrome at 15:45 on 7 October 1941. To Clark Ruse Aircraft for crash repairs on 6 November 1941, with 74:45 logged time. To Eastern Air Command and 31 OTU on 19 May 1942. Category B damage at Debert aerodrome again, at 17:30 on 28 February 1943. Swung on take off in strong cross wind, struck a snow bank. To Clark Ruse again for crash repairs, 8 March 1943. Crashed just after takeoff from Debert on 27 September 1943. Sgt. Poyntz and Sgt. B.W. Lambert, both RAF, plus F/Sgts. J. Creighton and S.S. McHardy killed. Ownership to No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 1 October 1943 for write off.
last update: 2025-February-05 📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 517

Hudson AM759, Mk. V

s/n AM759

m/d L-214

AM 759

With No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS when taken on strength. Category C2 damage at Debert aerodrome at 19:50 on 27 October 1941. Category C7 damage at Debert aerodrome at 20:05 on 9 May 1942. To workshop reserve at No. 4 Repair Depot, Scoudouc, NB on 7 July 1943. Assigned to Clark Ruse Aircraft on 14 July 1943, but this was apparently cancelled. To No. 21 Repair Depot for disposal on 3 April 1944. Pending disposal from 24 July 1944. By 25 March 1946 on the books of No. 5 Equipment Depot, still pending disposal. Stored at No. 4 Repair Depot.
last update: 2025-February-05
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 517

Hudson AM761, Mk. V

s/n AM761

m/d L-214

AM 761

With No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS when taken on strength. Category B damage at Debert aerodrome at 18:15 on 31 January 1942. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB for crash repairs, 18 February to 30 March 1942. Back to Eastern Air Command and No. 31 OTU when completed. Category B damage at Moncton, NB at 16:45 on 30 May 1942, reported by No. 8 Service Flying Training School. To No. 4 Repair Depot for repairs. Serviceable on 18 September 1942, when it was returned to Eastern Air Command. Category A crash at Debert on 5 September 1943. To No. 4 Repair Depot for scrapping on 9 September 1943.
last update: 2025-February-05
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 517

Hudson AM763, Mk. V

s/n AM763

m/d L-214

AM 763

With No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS when taken on strength. Category B damage at Debert aerodrome at 04:40 on 17 July 1942. Nosed over on landing, due to heavy braking. To No. 4 Repair Depot for crash repairs, 20 July to 8 December 1942. Back to Eastern Air Command when completed, delivered on 7 January 1943. To No. 4 Repair Depot for overhaul and repair of fuel tank leak on 31 January 1944. Pending disposal with Eastern Air Command from 31 July 1944. Stored at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, where it was noted with 1224:30 total time, never overhauled. By 26 March 1946 on the books of Maintenance Command, stored at No. 5 Equipment Depot at Scoudouc, NB.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1941-June-26 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2020-10-27
1942-July-17 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Armstrong | McCafferty
   1946-December-02 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 517

Hudson AM764, Mk. V

s/n AM764

m/d L-214

AM 764

With No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS when taken on strength. Still with this Unit when it received Category B damage at Summerside, PEI at 16:00 on 14 November 1941. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB for crash repairs with 167:20 logged time. Back to Eastern Air Command on 29 July 1942. Category C7 damage at Debert at 14:30 on 16 June 1942. Category A crash at Doddridge, NS (about 14 miles south-west of Debert aerodrome) on 14 January 1944. Struck high ground while practice descent through cloud procedures. Pilot Officer J.A. Gordon, RAF killed, three other crew members survived. To No. 4 Repair Depot for scrapping on 14 January 1944.
last update: 2025-February-05 📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 517

Hudson AM765, Mk. V

s/n AM765

m/d L-214

AM 765

With No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS when taken on strength. The a/c went missing on a night navigations exercise on 13 Sep 1942. There were no anomalies reported and no wreckage was found. Pilot Officer R.A. Clarke (pilot), Flight Sergeant J.M. Johnson (observer), Pilot Officer J.A. Hackett (WAG) and Flight Sergeant D.R Legimediere (WAG) were lost. Assigned to workshop reserve at No. 4 RD on 17 Sep 1942.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1941-June-26 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-September-13 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Unknown Names: Clark | Hackett | Johnson | Lagimediere
   1943-January-19 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 517

Hudson AM766, Mk. V

s/n AM766

m/d L-214

AM 766

Damaged at the Patricia Bay, BC aerodrome at 17:00 on 2 June 1941, reported by No. 120 (BR) Squadron. Originally classified Category A, but subsequently repaired? Not yet on RCAF books at this time, this may have been an RAF Category A incident. Probably ferrying to eastern Canada from California at this time. Category B damage at Dorval airport at 11:30 on 23 October 1941. To Trans-Canada Airlines for crash repairs on 1 November 1941, with 414:10 logged time. To No. 3 Training Command books on 3 November 1941. To Eastern Air Command on 27 April 1942. With No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS when it crashed into trees near Henworth, NB (not found?) during radio range practice at 13:00 hrs on 22 Jul 1942 after an engine failure. One of the WAGs, Pilot Officer P. Platson was fatally injured. The rest of the crew, Pilot Officer S.H. Brown (pilot), Pilot Officer B.S. Walker (Observer) and Flight Sergeant R.C, Hopkinson (WAG) were all injured but survived. Airframe to No. 4 Repair Depot for scrapping on 24 Jul 1942
last update: 2025-February-05 📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 517

Hudson AM767, Mk. V

s/n AM767

m/d L-214

AM 767

With No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS when taken on strength. Cat "C" damage at Debert aerodrome at 20:15 hrs on 21 Oct 1941 when the a/c struck a contractor's heavy construction vehicle while taxiing. On 17 Nov 1942, during a bombing exercise with sea markers in Cobequid Bay, NS, the a/c was inadvertently ditched due to pilot error when a wing struck the water during a low level turn. The crew escaped without serious injury but the a/c was written-off. To workshop reserve at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 20 Nov 1942. Scrapped there
last update: 2025-February-05
   1941-June-26 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-November-17 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Cobequid Bay Names: Anderson | Brown | Peacock | Waters
   1943-January-22 Struck off Strength Cat “A” write-off; struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2022-01-16
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 517

Hudson AM769, Mk. V

s/n AM769

m/d L-214

AM 769

With No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS when taken on strength. Cat "A" crash at Debert aerodrome at 19:30 on 13 Jun 1942. Aircraft swung to starboard on takeoff, pilot over corrected. The port wing hit the ground and the a/c crashed and the starboard engine burst into flame. The airframe was destroyed by the ensuing fire. To workshop reserve at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 16 Jun 1942.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1941-June-26 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-June-13 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Barton | Bowen
   1942-August-17 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 517

Hudson AM770, Mk. V

s/n AM770

m/d L-214

AM 770

Taken on strength for No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS. To storage at No. 4 Repair Depot pending allocation to a contractor on 1 Mar 1944, after a Cat "B" crash on 22 Feb 1944. During a night operational training flight, upon landing the a/c swung to starboard, hit a snowbank and collapsed the u/c. Subsequently, scrapped.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1941-June-26 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-February-07 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Debert Aerodrome Names: Bell | Howard
1944-February-22 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Glasgow | Medhurst | Mumby | Vaughn
   1944-May-16 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 517

Hudson AM772, Mk. V

s/n AM772

m/d L-214

AM 772

Taken on strength for No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS. Cat "C" damage at Debert at 20:55 hrs on 12 Jan 1942 when the a/c rolled forward after the chocks were removed on startup and struck another a/c. To storage on 22 May 1944. To No. 45 (RAF) Group, at Dorval, as a financial adjustment
last update: 2025-February-05
   1941-June-26 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-January-12 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Debert Nova Scotia Names: Blackley | Hanson
1943-April-08 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Bennett | Cunningham | Markle | Wilson
   1944-September-21 Ownership Transferred Transferred to RAF 2019-08-20
   1944-September-21 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 517

Hudson AM773, Mk. V

s/n AM773

m/d L-214

AM 773

Taken on strength for No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Category B damage at Sussex Army Camp, NS at 16:45 on 15 April 1942. Assigned to No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB for crash repairs on 20 April 1942, with 269:20 logged time. Arrive there on 26 April 1942, re-allocated to Clarke Ruse on 20 May 1942. Back to Eastern Air Command on 26 October 1942. Lost on an operational patrol on 19 April 1943. 4 crew killed: Sgt. A. Longstaff, RAF; Pilot Officer J. Howard-Bangs and Sgt. J.A. Gillis, RCAF; plus Sgt. P.M. Burns, RAAF. Application to write off dated 5 May 1943, when aircraft was still listed as missing.
last update: 2025-February-05 📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 517

Hudson AM778, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM778

AM 778

Took off from North Coates at 01:24 in Hudson Mark V (Sqn code: RR-J Coastal Command 407 Sqn). Ditched in North Sea. Crew picked up a few days later
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM782, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM782

AM 782

#59 Squadron (Ab Uno Disce Omnes). Hudson aircraft AM 782 was carrying 4 x 250 lb. bombs and was shot down in the North Sea while on anti-sub patrol. One RAAF and three RAF members of the crew missing believed killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM784, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM784

AM 784

Killed In Action May 29/42 age 21. #59 Squadron (Ab Uno Disce Omnes). Hudson aircraft # AM 784 was shot down in the Baltic Sea. Sgt.s Sidney Wilson (RAF) and Stanley Wilson (RAF) were also killed. One other member of the crew, not Canadian, missing believed killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM788, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM788

AM 788

Hudson aircraft #AM 788 stalled and crashed on take-off at Has El Ma, Algeria. Flying Officer Daws and FS R.H. Jarvis were both killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM794, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM794

AM 794

#1 Operational Training Unit. Hudson aircraft #AM 794 crashed in the sea. Three RAAF members of the crew also killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM803, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM803

AM 803

#53 Sqn Hudson aircraft #AM 803 failed to return from operations. Three RAF crew members missing believed killed. Addendum: Three RAF crew members, FS. D.G. Stanley, Sgt.s H. aiffe, and A.R. Clouston were also killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM804, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM804

AM 804

#6 Operational Training Unit. Hudson aircraft #AM 804 went out of control whilst in a steep turn and dived into the North Sea one mile off Redcar, Yorkshire. FSs L.J. Krapek, W. Archibald Walker, Flight Sergeant F.H. McMullin, and two RAF members of the crew were also killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM805, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM805

AM 805

#206 Squadron (Nihil Nos Effugit). Hudson aircraft failed to return from an anti-sub patrol. One RAAF and two RAF members of the crew missing believed killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM807, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM807

AM 807

#1 Operational Training Unit. FS.s Eyre and W.M. Spafford were both killed when their Hudson aircraft # AM 807 went down in the sea off the east coast of England.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM811, Mk. V(L.R.)

Hudson AM812, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM812

AM 812

Served with No. 407 (GR) Squadron, RCAF c.1941/42, . Failed to return from attack on shipping on 15 May 1942, one of 5 squadron aircraft lost in that mission. Seen to have scored several hits on a freighter before being hit by flak from Gernam destroyer. 3 crew killed, one crew member reported PoW.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM825, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM825

AM 825

#1 Operational Training Unit. Hudson aircraft #AM 825 was carrying practice bombs and stalled when a low turn was made. The aircraft crashed in the sea at Allonby, Cumberland. Three RAF airmen were also killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM828, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM828

AM 828

#500 County of Kent Squadron (Quo Fata Vocent). Hudson aircraft #AM 828 crashed at Kolea, Algeria. Pilot Officer E. Redman, and two of the crew, not Canadians, were also killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM840, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM840

AM 840

#1 Operational Training Unit. The Hudson aircraft, from OTU RAF Thomaby-on-Tees, ditched in the North Sea off West Hartlepool, County Durham. Warrant Officer Class 2 Boisvert drowned. Flight Sergeant F.J.V. McGrath (415541) (RAAF) was also killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM842, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM842

AM 842

#59 Squadron (Ab Uno Disce Omnes). W/C RH Niven DFC (RAF)(Can) had flown Spitfire aircraft on photo reconnaissance operations during 1940 and 1941. He lost his life while on an anti-shipping mission in Hudson V aircraft #AM 842, hit by ship's flak
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM852, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM852

AM 852

#59 Squadron (Ab Uno Disce Omnes) Hudson V aircraft #AM 852 TR-F lost during operations over Kiel, Germany. *Awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross* FS EWK Baker (RCAF) killed, Pilot Officer V Moss (RAF), Flight Sergeant L Davis (RAF) and Flight Sergeant SA Coombs (RAF) missing (, R McNeill
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM857, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM857

AM 857

#500 County Of Kent Squadron (Quo Fata Vocent). Hudson aircraft #AM 857 failed to return from operations. Warrant Officer J.H. Smith (RAF) was also killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM864, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM864

AM 864

With No. 407 Squadron, RCAF when lost on 15 May 1942. Reported as "RR*R" at time of loss. Took off from Bircham Newton at 20:21 for attack on German convoy. Damaged by flak during attack, crash 1/2 mile north of Coningsby while attempting emergency landing there. All 5 crew killed. One of 5 aircraft from 407 Squadron lost on this mission.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM873, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM873

AM 873

#48 Squadron (Forte Et Fidele). Hudson aircraft #AM 873 failed to return from a bombing operation. One RAAF and two RAF members of the crew missing believed killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM877, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM877

AM 877

#53 Squadron. Hudson aircraft #AM 877 was carrying bombs when it crashed three miles north-east of the Donna Nook Lifeboat Station, England.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM881, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM881

AM 881

#48 Squadron (Forte Et Fidele). Hudson aircraft #AM 881 failed to return from a bombing trip. Three RAF members of the crew missing believed killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM885, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM885

AM 885

#301 Ferry Training Unit, Lyneham, England. Hudson aircraft # AM 885 crashed at Curraghmore, Ireland. Two RAF airmen were also killed
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM886, Mk. V

s/n AM886

m/d L-214

AM 886

With No. 31 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Debert, NS when it crashed on night of 25/26 October 1941. Came down in marsh near Big Topper Lake near Malone, New York. (Also reported as near Tupper Lake, which is 50 miles south of Malone.) All 3 crew, Pilot Officer T.D. Shellshear, Pilot Officer A. Nowosad and Sgt. D.R. Gill killed. RCAF Record Card records crash location as Franklin City, New York, which is probably Franklin, 20 miles south of Malone. Wreckage salvaged by No. 6 Repair Depot. Aircraft may still have been on RAF books at time of crash, ownership to RCAF for scrapping.
last update: 2025-February-05
1941-October-25 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Big Tupper Lake Names: Gill | Nowosad | Shellshear
   1941-November-13 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1942-March-16 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 517

Hudson AM887, Mk. V

s/n AM887

m/d L-214

AM 887

Taken on strength for No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS. To workshop reserve at No. 4 Repair depot on 28 Jan 1943. To Clark Ruse Aircraft at Moncton, NB for crash repairs, 15 Feb to 30 Jul 1943. to EAC when completed, on the Central Training Establishment account. On the 11 Nov 43, the a/c swung violently to port on take-off and crashed. The crew was uninjured. To Clark Ruse again for crash repairs, 17 Nov 1943 to 29 Feb 1944. to EAC when completed. To storage on 22 May 1944. To No. 45 (RAF) Group, at Dorval, as a financial adjustment. Assigned to No. 231 Sqn and then 6 FU.
Crashed upon landing at Miami, FL on 01 Nov 1945.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1941-October-21 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-January-27 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Alexander | Banks | Calhoun | Golding
1943-November-10 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Berger | Freeman | Lowe | Miller
   1944-September-21 Ownership Transferred Transferred to RAF 2019-08-20
   1944-September-21 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 518

Hudson AM888, Mk. V

s/n AM888

m/d L-214

AM 888

Taken on strength for No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Category B damage at Debert aerodrome at 23:50 on 18 December 1942. Aircraft swung during night landing. To Clark Ruse Aircraft for crash repairs, 28 December 1942 to 26 July 1943. To Eastern Air Command when completed, on the Central Training Establishment account. To storage on 22 May 1944. To No. 45 Group, RAF at Dorval, as a financial adjustment.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-July-28 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-December-18 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Davis | Gamble | McLeod | Nixon
   1944-September-21 Ownership Transferred Transferred to RAF 2019-08-20
   1944-September-21 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 518

Hudson AM889, Mk. V

s/n AM889

m/d L-214

AM 889

Taken on strength at No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Category B damage at Debert aerodrome at 18:20 on 30 January 1943. Port landing gear collapsed on heavy landing. To workshop reserve at No. 4 Repair Depot on 2 February 1943. To Clark Ruse for crash repairs, 8 February to 25 July 1943. To Eastern Air Command when completed. Category A crash at Debert on 23 March 1944. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 24 March 1944 for scrapping.
last update: 2025-February-05
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 518

Hudson AM890, Mk. V

s/n AM890

m/d L-214

AM 890

Taken on strength at No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS. Cat "C" damage at Debert aerodrome at 18:55 hrs on 29 Oct 1941. Cat "B" crash during a forced landing at Bass River, NS (14 miles west of Debert aerodrome) at 12:30 hrs on 15 Dec 1941, following failure of starboard engine. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB for crash repairs, 31 Dec 1941 to 29 Jun 1942. To EAC when completed. Cat "A" crash at Debert aerodrome at 16:05 hrs on 27 Jan 1943. The a/c spun in while on short final; all 4 crew, Pilot Officer (RAF) D.M. Bennett (Nav), Pilot Officer (RAF) E.J.H. Nash (Pilot), Flight Sergeant H.R. Leadley (WAG) and Flight Sergeant E. Mark (WAG), were killed. Airframe ownership to No. 4 Repair Depot on 28 Jan 1943 for write off.
last update: 2025-February-05 📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 518

Hudson AM891, Mk. V

s/n AM891

m/d L-214

AM 891

Taken on strength at No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. To Clark Ruse Aircraft, 13 March to 30 June 1943. To Eastern Air Command when completed. To workshop reserve at No. 4 Repair Depot on 3 March 1944, following a crash. Temporary repairs performed at unit, before ferry flight to Scoudouc. Stored there, pending allocation to a contractor for full repairs. Approval to scrap received 16 May 1944, but this was apparently cancelled. Pending disposal with Eastern Air Command from 31 July 1944. Stored at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, where it was noted with 1113:05 logged time, never overhauled. By 25 March 1946 on the books of Maintenance Command, stored at No. 5 Equipment Depot at Scoudouc, NB.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-July-28 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1944-February-26 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Arnold | Carley | Holt | Howey | Mclean | Munro
   1946-November-27 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 518

Hudson AM892, Mk. V

s/n AM892

m/d L-214

AM 892

Cat "B" crash when the a/c swung on landing at Debert aerodrome at 20:20 hrs on 14 Oct 1941 while the a/c was doing practice circuits and landings. No injuries to the crew. Again taken on strength after this at No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS. To Clark Ruse Aircraft for crash repairs on 23 Jan 1942, with 232:50 airframe hours. To EAC on 13 Jul 1942. "A" Cat crash due to pilot error on 13 Nov 1942 at Debert while the a/c was on short final. All 4 crew, including Pilot Officer (RNZAF) H.F. Willis (pilot), Flight Sergeant (RAF) C.W. Stratton (observer), Flight Sergeant J. Barber (WAG), and Flight Sergeant H. Le France (WAG) were all killed. Assigned to workshop reserve at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 16 Nov 1942, delivered on 20 Nov 1942. Scrapped there
last update: 2025-February-05
1941-October-14 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Brookman | Whittaker
   1941-October-21 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-November-13 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Barber | La France | Stratton | Willis
   1943-January-22 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 518

Hudson AM893, Mk. V

s/n AM893

m/d L-214

AM 893

Category B crash at Debert aerodrome at 12:05 on 14 October 1941. Aircraft swung on takeoff and went into rough ground. Slight injuries amongst crew. Taken on strength after this at No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. To workshop reserve at No. 4 Repair Depot on 6 November 1941.
last update: 2025-February-05
1941-October-14 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Brant | Shellshear | Thompson
   1941-October-21 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1942-March-12 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 518

Hudson AM894, Mk. V

s/n AM894

m/d L-214

AM 894

To Clark Ruse Aircraft, 15 October to 30 December 1941. Taken on strength while there, for No. 31 Operational Training Unit. To Eastern Air Command when completed. Category B crash at Debert aerodrome at 12:45 on 26 April 1942. To workshop reserve at No. 4 Repair Depot on 2 May 1942. To Clark Ruse for repairs on 4 May 1942, with 426:00 logged time. Assigned to Eastern Air Command on 5 September 1942, delivered on 31 October 1942. To No. 4 Repair Depot for salvage on 1 January 1944, following a Category A crash. Crash at Debert, date also reported as 31 January 1944.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1941-October-21 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-April-26 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Colman | Goldberg | Wilson
1944-January-31 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Avent | Grimble | Havelock
   1944-May-22 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 518

Hudson AM895, Mk. V

s/n AM895

m/d L-214

AM 895

Taken on strength at No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS. Cat "A" crash at L'Abord a Plouffe, QC (now part of Laval, QC) on 23 Oct 1941, while attempting a forced landing. Destroyed in post impact fire. Crash also reported as 22 Oct 1941, near St. Martin, QC (50 miles south of Laval). All 4 crew, Pilot Officer J.F. Fisher (pilot), Pilot Officer A.E. Wainwright (nav), Flight Sergeant A. Kirsh (WAG) and Leading Aircraftman (RAF) A.J. Morris, were killed. To No. 3 Training Command on 3 Nov 1941 for write-off.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1941-October-21 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1941-October-23 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Carterville Names: Boyd | Kirsh | Morris | Wainwright
   1941-December-15 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 518

Hudson AM896, Mk. V

s/n AM896

m/d L-214

AM 896

Taken on strength at No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS. Cat "A" crash at 07:30 on 23 Oct 1941, near Great Village, NS (7 miles west of Debert). The a/c flew into the ground and disintegrated, all 4 crew, Pilot Officer C.B. O'Hanley, (pilot), Pilot Officer R.A. Luard, (nav), Flight Sergeant (RAF) N.L. Hornsey (WAG) and Flight Sergeant R.F. Kelly (WAG), were killed. Scrapped by No. 4 Repair Depot.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1941-October-21 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1941-October-23 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Great Village Nova Scotia Names: Hanley | Hornsey | Kelly | Luard
   1941-December-10 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 518

Hudson AM899, Mk. V

s/n AM899

m/d L-214

AM 899

Taken on strength at No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Assigned to No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB for scrapping on 12 April 1943, delivered on 19 April 1943.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1941-October-21 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-April-09 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Gallagher | Hardman | Lensdale
   1943-June-01 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 518

Hudson AM901, Mk. V

s/n AM901

m/d L-214

AM 901

Taken on strength at No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Category B damage at Debert aerodrome at 18:20 on 23 November 1941. To Clark Ruse Aircraft for crash repairs on 13 December 1941, with 179:40 logged time. Back to Eastern Air Command on 20 May 1942, and back to No. 31 OTU. Category B damage at Debert aerodrome at 19:20 on 24 August 1942. Faulty use of controls caused aircraft to swing, undercarriage collapsed. To Clark Ruse for crash repairs again, 1 September 1942 to 28 January 1943. To Eastern Air command when completed. To storage on 22 May 1944. To No. 45 Group, RAF at Dorval, as a financial adjustment.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1941-October-21 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-August-24 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Waygood | Wilson
   1944-September-21 Ownership Transferred Transferred to RAF 2019-08-20
   1944-September-21 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 518

Hudson AM902, Mk. V

s/n AM902

m/d L-214

AM 902

Taken on strength at No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS. Cat "B" damage at Debert aerodrome at 11:25 on 23 Oct 1941. Assigned to Clark Ruse Aircraft for crash repairs on 6 Nov 1941, with 282:55 airframe hours. Arrived there on 31 Dec 1941. Back to EAC on 19 May 1942. To Clark Ruse for repairs again, 25 Aug 1943 to 29 Feb 1944. To EAC when completed. During a practice bombing mission the a/c crashed into Cobequid Bay, NS on 16 Apr 1944, and was never recovered. The 6-person crew: Pilot Officer J.W. Gibson (pilot), Pilot Officer I.A. Macdonald (2nd pilot), Pilot Officer M.W. Warwick (nav), Pilot Officer D.G. Reynolds (nav), Flight Sergeant G.A. Stewart (WAG) and Flight Sergeant A.E. Cloutier (WAG) were declared "missing" presumed "dead". Ownership to No. 4 Repair Depot for write off on 17 Apr 1944.
last update: 2025-February-05 📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 518

Hudson AM903, Mk. V

s/n AM903

m/d L-214

AM 903

Taken on strength at No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Category A crash on 13 February 1942, near Abiteau Lake, NS (also known as Parrsboro Lake, about 50 miles west of Debert). Details not clear, may have been attempting a forced landing after encountering icing. Crew uninjured. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 18 February 1942 for scrapping.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1941-October-21 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-February-13 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Abiteau Lake Parsboro Names: Donkersley | Mcnall
   1942-March-16 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 518

Hudson AM905, Mk. V

s/n AM905

m/d L-214

AM 905

Taken on strength at No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. To Clark Ruse Aircraft 15 October 1941 to 2 January 1942. To Eastern Air Command and back to No. 31 OTU. when completed. Category B damage at Debert aerodrome at 19:50 on 3 July 1942. Swung on landing in strong cross wind. To Clark Ruse Aircraft for crash repairs on 7 July 1942. Classified as Instructional Airframe A 190 on 5 November 1942, used as a synthetic trainer (a simulator) at No. 36 Operational Training Unit at Greenwood, NS. To No. 1 Training Command on 1 September 1943. Had been RCAF AM905
last update: 2025-February-05
   1941-October-21 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-July-03 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Downey | Nicholson | Smith | Steadman | Verity
   1942-November-05 Classified Instructional CA A 190 2020-06-12
   1944-July-04 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2020-10-16
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 484 | 1968 518

Hudson AM906, Mk. V(L.R.)

s/n AM906

AM 906

Served with No. 407 (GR) Squadron, RCAF, coded RR*O". Damaged by flak during attack on German convoy north of Terschelling on 16 May 1942. Both engines failed on landing at Docling, UK and aircraft crashed into gun pit. 1 crew and 1 gunner on the ground killed, one crew injured.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson AM934, Mk. III

s/n AM934

AM 934

#60 Squadron (Per Ardua Ad Aethera Tendo). Pilot Officer Corbett was killed when his Hudson aircraft crashed at Bazar, Bengal
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson BW381, Mk. III

s/n BW381

m/d L-214

BW 381

First served with No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Later to No. 36 Operational Training Unit at Greenwood, NS. With No. 36 OTU when damaged in a precautionary landing, due to approaching darkness and bad weather, at Pleasant Harbour, NS at 19:15 on 9 October 1942. Originally classified as Category B but revised to Category C28 on 14 October 1942. To Clark Ruse for crash repairs, 21 October 1942 to 6 April 1943. To Eastern Air Command when completed, delivered on 30 April 1943 to user unit. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 28 September 1943 as a "fly in repair" after a Category B crash. To No. 6 Repair Depot for overhaul, 13 October 1943 to 7 February 1944. To Eastern Air Command when completed. Converted to target tug by EAC from 9 June 1944, also noted as on loan from BCATP to Western Hemisphere Organization form this date. To Western Air Command in July 1944. Allocated on 18 August 1944 as a spare aircraft for air-sea rescue. On 23 November 1944 to No. 22 Sub-Repair Depot at Vancouver, for replacement of Cyclone G205A engines with Cyclone G202A. To Coates Limited for repairs, 20 February 1945 to 4 January 1946. To storage at the Reserve Equipment Maintenance Satellite at Abbotsford when completed, pending disposal from this date. Noted with 800:10 total time while in storage.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-January-28 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-October-09 Accident: 36 Operational Training Unit Loc: Pleasant Harbour Nova Scotia Names: Aldridge | Beeston | Jones
   1947-March-14 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW382, Mk. III

s/n BW382

m/d L-214

BW 382

With No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Reported missing on 14 December 1941, while still on RAF books. Had taken off at 18:25 for one hour local flight, last radio contact at 18:29. Wreckage presumed to be from this aircraft washed up on beach at Cape Pleasant, NS (40 miles west of Debert, at the entrance to the Minas Basin off the Bay of Fundy) on 24 December 1941. All 4 crew missing. Allocated to No. 4 Repair Depot for write off, still not located, on 2 February 1942. Note that aircraft could have come down in salt water as close as 6 miles south-west of Debert aerodrome, with wreckage being carried by strong tides through Cobequid Bay to the Minas Basin.
last update: 2025-February-05
1941-December-13 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Atlantic Ocean Names: Bird | Blyth | Pickles | Rowke
   1942-January-26 Taken on Strength paper transfer only 2019-08-20
   1942-April-16 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW383, Mk. III

s/n BW383

m/d L-214

BW 383

With No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS when taken on RCAF books. Category A crash at Debert in early 1944. Allocated to No. 4 Repair Depot for salvage on 20 March 1944. All salvageable items returned to No. 4 Repair Depot.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-January-26 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1944-March-07 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Palmer | Tisdale
   1944-April-21 Struck off Strength Cat A write off 2022-01-17
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW384, Mk. III

s/n BW384

m/d L-214

BW 384

With No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS when taken on RCAF books. Cat "B" crash at Debert aerodrome at 19:50 on 15 Mar 1942. Arrived at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB for crash repairs on 25 Mar 1942, ownership transferred to No. 4 RD on 27 Mar 1942. Had 156:50 airframe hours. To EAC on 10 Nov 1942. To Clark Ruse Aircraft on 20 May 1942 for repairs. The a/c took off on 3 Dec 1942 with four employees from Clark Ruse Aircraft onboard for a familiarization flight with a RCAF test pilot at the controls. The pilot apparently lost control of the a/c at low level in snow flurries and crashed just off a breakwater in Halifax harbour. All on board were killed including: Flight Lieutenant J.H. Prentice (pilot) , Mr. A. Cahill, Miss J. Curran, Miss M. MacQueen and Mr O. MacAulay. On the books of No.17 Aircraft Inspection Detachment when written off.
last update: 2025-February-05 📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW399, Mk. III

s/n BW399

m/d L-214

BW 399

With No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS when taken on RCAF books. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released from a British Lend Lease contract. Category B damage 1 mile east of Sydney, NS at 06:30 on 14 July 1942. Pilot had become lost during night flight, attempted forced landing due to low fuel. Ownership to No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 20 July 1942. To Clark Ruse Aircraft for crash repairs, 30 July to 17 November 1942. To Eastern Air Command when completed, noted as on loan to Home War Establishment. To No. 6 Repair Depot at Trenton for "fly in" crash repairs, 23 February 1944. Noted as converted to transport on 24 August 1944. To No. 1 Air Command when completed. To No. 1 Air Command Communications Flight at Trenton on 22 November 1945. Referred to as "the AOC's aircraft" in unit records. Pending disposal from 1 April 1946, but operated by No. 12 (T) Squadron from Rockcliffe on 19 April 1946, flew to Trenton and return. Ownership back to No. 6 RD on 19 June 1946, still pending disposal. Noted with 1015:10 total time while in storage. To civil register as CF-FGH. With Photographic Survey Co as of Dec 1946. To Aerofoto Ltda / Aero Fotographia SA with registration of C-321 in 1947. Overshot the runway on take-off at Maganue, Columbia on 28 Dec 1947 and damaged beyond repair.
last update: 2025-February-05
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528 | 1968 626

Hudson BW400, Mk. III

s/n BW400

m/d L-214

BW 400

With No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS when taken on RCAF books. To No. 3 Training Command on 1 February 1943, for use by Test and Development Establishment at RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario. Noted as fitted with special ASV (radar) equipment on that date. To No. 9 Repair Depot for repairs, 21 June to 10 July 1944, then back to Test & Development Establishment. To No. 1 Air Command on 15 January 1945. Pending disposal from 1 April 1946. to No. 9 (T) Group on 4 June 1946, still pending disposal, stored at Rockcliffe. Noted with 1203:05 total time, 68:05 since overhaul, while in storage.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-January-26 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1946-December-19 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW401, Mk. III

s/n BW401

m/d L-214

BW 401

With No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS when taken on RCAF books. Crashed on Dalhousie Mountain, near Scotsburn, NS in the early morning on 10 August 1942. On cross country exercise, ordered to divert to Charlottetown, PEI due to deteriorating weather at Debert. Acknowledged order, struck mountain top at cruise speed en route to Charlottetown and completely disintegrated. All crew killed, including Pilot Officer J.A. Bursill (or Bursil?), RAAF; Pilot Officer A. Rogers, Sgt. A.W. Cooke; Sgt. J.K. Hobson; Sgt. H.J. Vincent. Ownership to No. 4 Repair Depot on 13 August 1942 for write off. Memorial service for victims held on 66th anniversary of crash, 10 August 2008, at crash site.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1941-December-22 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-August-10 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Pictou County Nova Scotia Names: Bursill | Cooke | Hobson | Rogers | Vincent
   1942-November-12 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW402, Mk. III

s/n BW402

m/d L-214

BW 402

With No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS when taken on RCAF books. "B" Cat accident at Debert on 13 Sep 1943 when the a/c swung on landing while practicing circuits. No injuries to the crew. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 17 Sep 1943. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft at Moncton, NB for crash repairs, 30 Nov 1943. Ownership to No. 4 Repair Depot on 8 Dec 1943 for write off. Allocated to No. 21 Repair Depot on 3 Apr 1944 for scrapping.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-January-26 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-September-13 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: McCracken | Robinson | Tennant
   1944-November-06 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW403, Mk. III

s/n BW403

m/d L-214

BW 403

Noted on 12 Feb 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons to be released from RAF lend lease contract. Taken on strength at Debert, NS, may have been with No. 31 OTU at the time. Noted on 16 Feb 1942 as on loan from RAF to Home War Establishment. With No. 113 (BR) Sqn at Yarmouth, NS, in 1942. One of several Hudsons detached by this Sqn to Chatham, NB in Sep 1942, in response to German U-boat activity in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Attacked U-165, 20 miles south of Anticosti Island in the Gulf, on 9 Sep 1942. With No. 11 (BR) Sqn, RCAF Stns Torbay, NF or Dartmouth, NS, c. 1943 to 1944. Coded "S". Pending disposal from 11 Sep 1944, when it was noted with Western Hemisphere Organization. Stored by No. 4 Repair Depot, where it was noted with 1,174:30 airframe hours, never overhauled. Sold to Ambrose Aviation of White Plains, New York.To TACA as TI-77. Broken up in San Jose, Costa Rica as of 1946.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-16 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1945-August-14 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW404, Mk. III

s/n BW404

m/d L-214

BW 404

With No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS when taken on RCAF books. Category C21 damage at Dartmouth, NS at 12:38 on 30 April 1942. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft for crash repairs, 6 May to 11 July 1942. to Eastern Air Command when completed. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft at Moncton, 20 August to 24 November 1943. To storage on 22 May 1944. To Eastern Air Command on 9 June 1944, for conversion to target tug. Noted as on loan from BCATP to Western Hemisphere Organization on that date. To No. 3 Training Command on 2 September 1944, as a target tug. To No. 1 Air Command on 15 January 1945. To stored reserve with Eastern Air Command on 2 May 1945. Stored by No. 6 Reserve Equipment Maintenance Unit. Pending disposal from 20 March 1946, at the Reserve Equipment Maintenance Satellite at Mt. Pleasant, PEI. Noted with 1367:35 total time while in storage.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-January-26 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-April-30 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Dartmouth Names: Colman | Goldlerg | Wilson
   1947-June-27 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal. 2020-10-27
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW405, Mk. III

s/n BW405

m/d L-214

BW 405

With No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS when taken on RCAF books. Cat "B" crash at Debert at 04:05 hrs on 25 Apr 1942 when the a/c swung on landing during a student's first solo night flight. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft for crash repairs, 4 May to 5 Sep 1942. Had 161:25 airframe hours when it arrived. To EAC when completed. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 2 Nov 1942, following another crash. To Clarke Ruse for crash repairs again on 9 Nov 1942. To EAC on 10 May 1943, for use by a training unit. Another "B" Cat crash on 18 Jan 1944 when the a/c swung on landing and hit snowbank at Debert. Airframe to storage at No. 4 Repair Depot on 8 Feb 1944, pending allocation to a contractor. Still there when scrapped.
last update: 2025-February-05
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW406, Mk. III

s/n BW406

m/d L-214

BW 406

With No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS when taken on RCAF books. To No. 1 Training Command, for use by Instructional Flight at the Central Flying School, RCAF Station Trenton, Ontario, on 27 November 1942. To No. 1 Air Command on 15 January 1945. Pending disposal from 1 April 1946. By 19 June 1946 on the books of No. 6 Repair Depot. Noted with 2460:50 total time, never overhauled, while in storage.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-January-28 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1947-January-02 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW407, Mk. III

s/n BW407

m/d L-214

BW 407

With No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS when taken on RCAF books. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 25 September 1943. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft at Moncton, NB for crash repairs, 30 November 1943. To No. 21 Repair Depot on 3 April 1944 for scrapping.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-January-28 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-September-19 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Gourtois | Storrie
   1944-November-06 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW408, Mk. III

s/n BW408

m/d L-214

BW 408

With No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS when taken on RCAF books. Converted to target tug, date and location not known. To Eastern Air Command on 8 August 1944, as a target tug. To storage on 2 October 1945. Pending disposal from 9 January 1946, stored by No. 6 Reserve Equipment Maintenance Unit. Noted with 1377:45 total time, never overhauled, while in storage.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-January-26 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1946-November-22 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW410, Mk. III

s/n BW410

m/d L-214

BW 410

Delivered to Debert, NS with TC. Coded "L2" Crashed at 17:25 hrs on 11 Dec 1942, while taking off from No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB, with passengers and parts en route back to No. 36 OTU at RCAF Stn Greenwood, NS. Flight Lieutenant E.O. Richards (pilot) and Flight Sergeant H.L.J. Wilkins were killed and Leading Aircraftman M.J. Morrison was severely injured. The precise cause was not determined.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-August-04 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-December-11 Accident: 36 Operational Training Unit Loc: Scoudouc Names: Morrison | Richards | Wilkins
   1943-April-16 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW412, Mk. III

s/n BW412

m/d L-214

BW 412

Assigned to No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 2 March 1943. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft for crash repairs, 4 March to 10 September 1943. To Eastern Air Command when completed, for use by a training unit. To stored reserve on 22 May 1944, transferred from BCATP to Western Hemisphere Organization in August 1944, still in storage. Issued to Eastern Air Command on 15 May 1945. In use as staff transport at RCAF Station Yarmouth, NS in June 1945. Back to storage on 27 August 1945. Stored by No. 6 Reserve Equipment Maintenance Unit at the Reserve Equipment Maintenance Satellite at Mt. Pleasant, PEI. Pending disposal at Mt. Pleasant from 20 March 1946. Noted with 1272:00 logged time, never overhauled, while in storage.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-October-27 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-February-25 Accident: 36 Operational Training Unit Loc: Kingston Names: Marsh | Parry
   1947-June-27 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW423, Mk. III

s/n BW423

m/d L-214

BW 423

With No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS when taken on RCAF books. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 14 July 1942, following a Category B crash. Classified as Instructional Airframe A 247 on 28 December 1942. To No. 1 Training Command on 17 august 1943, for use by No. 1 Technical Training School at Aylmer, Ontario. Declared of no further instructional value on 9 May 1946, retained at Aylmer in whole state pending instructions from War Assets Corporation. Had been RCAF BW423
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-June-10 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-July-05 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Cameron | Roehricht
   1942-December-28 Classified Instructional CA A 247 2020-06-12
   1946-May-09 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 484 | 1968 528

Hudson BW430, Mk. III

s/n BW430

m/d L-214

BW 430

First assigned to Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. Served with No. 145 (BR) Squadron at Torbay, Newfoundland in 1942/43. To No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS on 21 October 1943. To storage on 22 May 1944. To No. 21 Repair Depot on 13 July 1944, for conversion to air-sea rescue configuration. Transferred from BCATP to Western Hemisphere Organization on same date. To Western Air Command on 10 November 1944, for use by No. 122 (K) Squadron at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. To workshop reserve at Patricia Bay on 26 January 1945, for repairs. Back to Western Air Command on 8 February 1945, for use by No. 123 (S&R) Flight at RCAF Station Sea Island, BC. Pending disposal at Sea Island from 3 October 1946. To War Assets Corporation in June 1947, but back to Northwest Air Command on 10 November 1947. Still being operated by No. 123 (S&R) Flight in November 1947 and January 1948. Flew flood relief transport missions in BC interior in May and June 1948. Pending disposal again from 20 August 1948. Noted with 889:35 total time while in storage, date not clear.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-05 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1948-December-13 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW431, Mk. III

s/n BW431

m/d L-214

BW 431

With No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS when taken on RCAF books. Category C14 damage at Debert aerodrome at 13:35 on 18 April 1942. To Eastern Air Command on 8 August 1944, as a target tug. Noted on that date as on loan from BCATP to Western Hemisphere Organization. To storage 2 October 1945. Noted as serviceable on that date, with 1411:05 logged time, never overhauled. Stored by No. 6 Reserve Equipment Maintenance Unit. Pending disposal from 9 January 1946.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-January-26 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-April-18 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Graves | Scharff | Tait
   1946-November-22 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW432, Mk. III

s/n BW432

m/d L-214

BW 432

With No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS when taken on RCAF books. Coded "A1". Cat "B" damage at Aylesford, NS (about 7 miles north east of Greenwood) on 16 Jan 1943, in a gear up forced landing. Reported by No. 36 OTU at Greenwood, NS. Ownership to No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 19 Jan 1943, delivered there on 29 Jan 1943. To Clark Ruse Aircraft for repairs, 1 Feb to 10 Jun 1943. To EAC when completed. Cat "A" crash on 21 Aug 1943. The a/c took off on a famil flight with an instructor pilot, a student and two passengers on board. On take-off the u/c was retracted too early and the right wing tip touched the ground. The pilot over controlled and the a/c struck the opposite wing on the ground and cartwheeled. The student pilot, Flight Sergeant (RAF) L. Marshall was fatally injured. The remaining members were seriously injured. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 2 Sep 1943, for inspection and report. Declared beyond further aeronautical value. Scrapped at No. 4 Repair Depot
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-January-28 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-January-16 Accident: 36 Operational Training Unit Loc: Berwick Bombing Range Names: Miles | Young
1943-August-21 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Gontier | Lemoine | Marshall | Pearson
   1944-February-05 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW433, Mk. III

s/n BW433

m/d L-214

BW 433

With No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS when taken on RCAF books. Destroyed in Cat "A" crash at Debert aerodrome at 22:16 hrs on 4 May 1942. On the way to practice circuits with two pilots on board, the a/c swung on take-off and crashed into an embankment just off the runway and was destroyed by fire. There were no injuries to the crew. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 7 May 1942, for scrapping.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-January-28 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-May-04 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Saunders | Van Der Pol
   1942-July-23 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW434, Mk. III

s/n BW434

m/d L-214

BW 434

With No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS when taken on RCAF books. Category B damage at Debert aerodrome at 11:25 on 14 May 1942, swung off runway on takeoff, into rough ground. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 21 May 1942. To Clark Ruse aircraft for repairs, 26 May 1942. May have been involved in Category A crash on 5 May 1943, hand written record not clear. On the books of No. 17 Aircraft Inspection Detachment when written off. Scrapped by Clark Ruse.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-January-26 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-May-14 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Stephens | Van Der Pol
   1944-February-02 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW436, Mk. III

s/n BW436

m/d L-214

BW 436

With No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS when taken on RCAF books. Category B damage at Debert aerodrome at 13:22 on 3 June 1942. Swung on takeoff, left runway, undercarriage collapsed when aircraft struck a ditch. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB, then to Clark Ruse Aircraft on 11 June 1942, had 262:30 logged time when it arrived. On the books of No. 17 Aircraft Inspection Detachment when written off.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-January-28 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-June-03 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Bowen | Dravers
   1944-February-02 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW437, Mk. III

s/n BW437

m/d L-214

BW 437

With No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS when taken on RCAF books. Category C4 damage at Debert at 03:15 on 21 June 1942, ground collision with Hudson BW628. Allocated to No. 4 Repair Depot on 28 May 1943. To Clark Ruse Aircraft at Moncton, NB for crash repairs, 1 June 1943 to 3 January 1944. To storage with Eastern Air Command when completed. Issued from storage on 21 February 1944, for use at No. 31 OTU. To No. 21 Repair Depot 3 March 1944, for repairs. To storage with EAC on 23 May 1944, issued from storage on 16 June 1944. Converted to target tug by 8 August 1944. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 5 February 1945, to be held there pending allocation to pending disposal. Noted with 952:55 total time while stored there. Pending disposal from 21 March 1945. Sold to Ambrose Aviation SA of Whitestone, Long Island, New York. To TACA as TI-78. Broken up in San Jose, Costa Rica in 1946.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-January-26 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-June-21 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Bardon | Bullock | Cadwell | Downey
1943-May-24 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Harrison | Hopkin
   1945-August-14 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW438, Mk. III

s/n BW438

m/d L-214

BW 438

With No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS when taken on RCAF books. Category B damage at 11:45 on 26 September 1942, at Debert aerodrome, ground looped on landing. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 29 September 1942. To Clark Ruse aircraft for crash repairs, 6 October 1942 to 29 January 1943. To Eastern Air Command when completed. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 12 June 1943, following another crash. To Clark Ruse again for crash repairs, 17 June 1943 to 25 January 1944. To storage with Eastern Air Command when completed. Issued to No. 31 OTU on 21 February 1944. To No. 21 Repair Depot on 8 July 1944, for conversion to air-sea rescue configuration. To Eastern Air Command on 2 November 1944. To storage at No. 6 Reserve Equipment Maintenance Unit on 4 January 1946. Noted with 724:15 total time while in storage. Pending disposal from 9 January 1946.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-January-28 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-September-26 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Frehner | Mclachlan
1943-June-11 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Dyson | Sutton
   1946-November-22 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW439, Mk. III

s/n BW439

m/d L-214

BW 439

With No. 36 Operational Training Unit at Greenwood, NS. Category C14 damage near Greenwood aerodrome, at 17:00 on 8 December 1942. Struck a tree during unauthorized low flying. To Clark Ruse Aircraft for repairs, 11 January to 18 March 1943. To Eastern Air Command when completed, delivered on 24 March 1943. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 11 February 1944 following a Category B crash, when the port u/c collapsed during taxiing and awaiting allotment to repair contractor. Scrapped there.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-August-07 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-December-07 Accident: 36 Operational Training Unit Loc: Greenwood Names: Kelty | Williams
1944-January-29 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Lang | Pratt | Walker
   1944-May-16 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW441, Mk. III

s/n BW441

m/d L-214

BW 441

Taken on strength for Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 at one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. Served with No. 145 (BR) Squadron at Torbay, Newfoundland in 1942/43. To workshop reserve at RCAF Station Gander, Newfoundland, 9 December 1942 to 5 June 1943. To Eastern Air Command when completed, for use by No. 145 Squadron at Sydney, NS. To No. 3 Training Command on 11 September 1943, for use by Test and Development Establishment at RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario. Used for trials with carburettor de-icing alcohol spray. To No. 1 Air Command on 15 January 1945. Pending disposal from 1 April 1946. to No. 9 (T) Group at Rockcliffe on 4 June 1946, still pending disposal. Reported with 784:45 logged time while in storage.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-10 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-November-16 Accident: 145 Squadron Loc: Torbay Names: Dalgleish | Harle | Richmond | Suzak
   1946-December-16 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW442, Mk. III

s/n BW442

m/d L-214

BW 442

To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 24 September 1943, following a crash. To Clark Ruse Aircraft at Moncton, NB for crash repairs on 10 January 1944. To No. 21 Repair Depot on 3 April 1944 for write off.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-June-24 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-September-22 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Barnes | Sparks
   1944-November-06 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW443, Mk. III

s/n BW443

m/d L-214

BW 443

With No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS when taken on RCAF books. Category B damage at 15:45 on 9 June 1942, at Debert aerodrome. Swung on take off. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 16 June 1942. To Clark Ruse Aircraft for crash repairs on 17 June 1942. Had 329:10 logged time when it arrived. Scrapped at Clark Ruse. May have been scrapped as early as December 1942.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-January-26 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-June-09 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Cole | Stirling
   1943-March-05 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW444, Mk. III

s/n BW444

m/d L-214

BW 444

With No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS when taken on RCAF books. Category A crash at 02:25 on 25 February 1942, near Presque Isle Army Air Field, Maine. Left engine failed on approach, stalled and landed short. 2 minor injuries amongst 6 people on board. Arrived at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 28 February 1942 for write off.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-January-28 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-February-25 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Preque Isle Airport Maine Names: Duncan | Hamilton | Lonsdale | Pearson | Petts | Stevenson
   1942-June-01 Struck off Strength Cat “A” write-off; struck off and reduced to spares and produce 2022-01-17
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW447, Mk. III

s/n BW447

m/d L-214

BW 447

Noted on 10 Feb 1942 as to be loaned to Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 Feb 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. With No. 113 (BR) Sqn at Yarmouth, NS, c.1942. . During a low-level practice bombing mission, the a/c dived or spun out of control into clump of trees 5 mi west of the station. All five of the crew, including Pilot Officer E.W. Vogelsang, Flight Sergeant D.M. May, Flight Sergeant L.E. Thomas and Leading Aircraftman W. Dale, were killed. Application for write off submitted from No. 4 Repair Depot on 11 Jan 1943
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-10 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-January-08 Accident: 113 Squadron Loc: Yarmouth County Nova Scotia Names: Dale | Macrae | May | Thomas | Vogelsang
   1943-May-22 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW448, Mk. III

s/n BW448

m/d L-214

BW 448

With No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS when taken on RCAF books. During a dual circuits and landing mission, the starboard engine cut out on take-off. The pilot aborted the take-off but the a/c swung off the runway and crashed into a snowbank. No injuries to the two-man crew. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft at Moncton, NB for crash repairs on 13 Jan 1944. To No. 21 Repair Depot for scrapping on 3 Apr 1944.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-January-26 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-December-19 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Sharpe | White
   1944-November-06 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW449, Mk. III

s/n BW449

m/d L-214

BW 449

Noted on 10 February 1942 as to be loaned to Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. Reported missing on 2 November 1942, off coast of Newfoundland, near Torbay, while with No. 145 (BR) Squadron. Had departed on an anti-submarine and convoy escort patrol at 16:35 GMT. Subsequent report theorized that an inexperienced pilot may have let down through fog and crashed at sea. All 4 crew missing, presumed dead. Application for write off submitted by RCAF Station Gander on 5 November 1942. Ownership to No. 19 Sub-Repair Depot at Gander on 1 December 1942.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-10 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-November-01 Accident: 145 Squadron Loc: Over Atlantic Ocean Names: Beattie | Davies | Feldman | Robinson
   1943-January-12 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW450, Mk. III

s/n BW450

m/d L-214

BW 450

With No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS when taken on RCAF books. To No. 6 Repair Depot at RCAF Station Trenton from 22 November 1943 to 24 April 1944. To No. 1 Training Command when completed. Used at Island Airport, Toronto, for experimental project undertaken with Research Enterprises Limited. (This was a Crown Corporation, involved in armaments research. President of this company, F.E. Coombs, would later be the founding president of the Canadian Association of Physicists.) To No. 1 Air Command on 15 January 1945. to storage on 3 October 1945. Issued from storage on 6 November 1945. Pending disposal from 2 February 1946, stored at Malton, Ontario. Noted in storage with 1368:15 total time, 313:10 since overhaul.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-March-16 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1947-September-06 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 528

Hudson BW451, Mk. III

s/n BW451

m/d L-214

BW 451

With No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS when taken on RCAF books. Category B damage at Debert aerodrome at 12:40 on 30 July 1942. Nosed up after too sudden application of brakes. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB for repairs, 3 August to 25 October 1942. To Eastern Air Command when completed. To storage on 25 May 1944. Pending disposal from 8 August 1944. Stored by No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB, where it was noted with 1500:40 logged time. Sold to Frank Ambrose Aviation of Long Island, New York.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-January-28 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-July-30 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Treleaven | Warner
   1945-July-28 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW452, Mk. III

s/n BW452

m/d L-214

BW 452

With No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS when taken on RCAF books. Category C21 damage at Debert aerodrome at 11:37 on 10 April 1942. Tire burst on heavy landing. To Clark Ruse Aircraft for crash repairs on 19 June 1942, this may have been a separate incident. Had 165:00 logged time when it arrived. To Clark Ruse Aircraft for further work on 19 June 1942. To Eastern Air Command on 25 September 1942, for use by a training unit. Transferred to Home War Establishment on 9 June 1943, to replace Hudson BW723 which had crashed while on loan to BCATP from Home War Establishment. To No. 21 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 8 July 1944, for conversion to transport. Back to Eastern Air Command on 1 December 1944. To storage with No. 6 Reserve Equipment Maintenance Unit on 11 October 1945, noted then as serviceable, with 1251:50 logged time. By 10 March 1946 stored at Mount Pleasant, PEI.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-January-26 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-April-10 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Burnett | Crumpton
1943-June-01 Accident: 119 Squadron Loc: Aerodrome Names: Arch | Giles | Jardine | Myles
   1947-June-27 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW453, Mk. III

s/n BW453

m/d L-214

BW 453

With No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS when taken on RCAF books. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. Loaned to Home War Establishment in February 1942, for use by No. 11 (BR) Squadron, RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS, coded "L". Category C1 damage at Dartmouth aerodrome at 19:00 on 16 March 1942. Not clear if aircraft was still with No. 31 OTU, or No. 11 Squadron. Category A crash while with No. 11 Squadron, at Dartmouth aerodrome at 23:20 on 24 February 1943. Crashed and exploded after attempting to land in bad weather after returning from anti-submarine patrol, and then diverting to Debert. Exploded on impact, 6 miles east of Runway #4 at Dartmouth. Pilot A/Flight Sergeant H.C. Johnson and 3 other crew killed. Ownership to No. 4 Repair Depot on 26 February 1943 for write off.
last update: 2025-February-05 📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW454, Mk. III

s/n BW454

m/d L-214

BW 454

Noted on 5 February 1942 as to be loaned to Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. With No. 11 (BR) Squadron, RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS, coded "K". Did not return from patrol mission that started at 08:45 GMT on 25 September 1942, report filed on 26 September 1942. Pilot and 4 crew not found. Ownership to No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 29 September 1943.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-05 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-September-25 Accident: 11 Squadron Loc: Names: Booth | Junge | Knowles | Sawyer | Selig
   1943-February-02 Struck off Strength Struck off, reported scrapped 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW456, Mk. III

s/n BW456

m/d L-214

BW 456

Taken on strength for use by Test and Development Establishment at RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario for de-icing tests. Loaned to Home War Establishment for records purposes only, on 16 March 1942. With the Establishment when the port oleo collapsed in a heavy landing and ground loop at Rockcliffe at 09:45 on 21 March 1942 due to visibility being obstructed by ice on the windshield. Category B damage repaired on site by mobile repair party from No. 9 Repair Depot, returned to service. Had 14:00 logged time. Noted on 12 November 1942 as transferred from Home War Establishment to Canadian Training Establishment. To No. 1 Training Command on 7 April 1944. To Winter Experimental and Training Flight at Kapuskasing, Ontario on 22 December 1943. With this unit to RCAF Station Gimli, Manitoba on 1 April 1944. To No. 2 Air Command on 1 December 1944. To No. 1 Air Command on 22 January 1945. Pending disposal from 1 April 1946. By 4 June 1946 on the books of No. 9 (T) Group, still pending disposal. Noted with 580:25 total time, 21:35 since overhaul, while in storage.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-March-16 Taken on Strength No. 3 Training Command 2019-08-20
1942-March-21 Accident: TEST & DEV EST Loc: Aerodrome Names: Beaston | Campbell | De Marcos | Hensler | Power
   1946-December-19 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW457, Mk. III

s/n BW457

m/d L-214

BW 457

With No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS when taken on RCAF books. On 11 Nov 1942 the a/c was detailed for a low-level practice bombing and air firing exercise with a normal 4-person crew. The a/c experienced carburetor icing and a complete loss of power while at low level and was forced to ditch in the ocean. There were only minor injuries to the crew. To workshop reserve at no. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 13 Nov 1942. crapped by No. 4 Repair Depot.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-17 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-November-11 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Cobequid Bay Names: Bain | Brown | Dickson | Foster
   1943-January-19 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW458, Mk. III

s/n BW458

m/d L-214

BW 458

With No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS when taken on RCAF books. Noted on 12 Feb 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft for crash repairs, 2 Jul 1943 to 29 Feb 1944. To EAC when completed. Converted to Cyclone G202A engines by 29 Feb 1944. To No. 1 Training Command on 24 Apr 1944. To No. 1 Air Command on 15 Jan 1945. Pending disposal from 1 Apr 1946. By 19 Jun 1946 on the books of No. 6 Repair Depot, still pending disposal. Noted with 317:10 airframe hours while in storage. To civil register as CF-FGI with Kenting Aviation, complete with aerial survey mods as of 23 Dec 1946. Caught fire after landing at Oshawa, ON on 28 May 1956 and was damaged beyond repair.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-January-28 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-June-15 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Evans | Mckeown
   1946-December-23 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529 | 1968 626

Hudson BW460, Mk. III

s/n BW460

m/d L-214

BW 460

With No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS when taken on RCAF books. With Test and Development Establishment at RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario, dates unknown. Allocated to Eastern Air Command on 8 August 1944, as a target tug. Noted as on loan from BCATP to Western Hemisphere Organization on that date. To storage, 2 October to 21 November 1945. Noted as serviceable on 2 October 1945, with 1514:30 logged time. Pending disposal from 9 March 1946.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-January-28 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1948-May-26 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW614, Mk. III

s/n BW614

m/d L-214

BW 614

Taken on strength for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 Feb 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. Converted to target tug by 8 Aug 1944, still with EAC where it was assigned to 121 Sqn in Dartmouth, NS. On 21 Jun 1945, the a/c had a near miss when a propeller struck the sea and was damaged during a low-level pass to examine an object in the water. To storage on 2 Oct 1945. Stored by No. 6 Reserve Equipment Maintenance Unit. Noted on this date as serviceable, with 1,674:35 airframe hours. Pending disposal from 9 Jan 1946.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-05 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1946-November-22 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW615, Mk. 111a

s/n BW615

BW 615

RAF Ferry Command, Dorval, Quebec. Flying Officer Hyland and FS C.B. Simpson were killed when Hudson aircraft #BW 615 crashed at Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson BW616, Mk. III

s/n BW616

m/d L-214

BW 616

Taken on strength by Eastern Air Command, for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 5 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. To storage on 24 August 1944. Pending disposal from 20 March 1945. By 25 May 1946 stored at No. 5 (E) Depot at Scoudouc, NB. Noted with 1179:20 total time while in storage at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, never overhauled.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-05 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1946-September-03 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW617, Mk. III

s/n BW617

m/d L-214

BW 617

Taken on strength by Eastern Air Command, for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 5 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. To No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS on 21 October 1943. To storage, 22 May to 19 July 1944. Noted on 19 July 1944 as on loan from BCATP to Western Hemisphere Organization. Converted to target tug by 8 August 1944. Used by No. 121 (K) Squadron at RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS, 1944/45. To storage on 2 October 1945, noted at the time as serviceable. Stored by No. 6 Reserve Equipment Maintenance Unit, where it was pending disposal from 9 January 1946. Had 1193:26 logged time while in final storage.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-05 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1946-November-22 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW618, Mk. III

s/n BW618

m/d L-214

BW 618

Taken on strength by Eastern Air Command, for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. With No. 11 (BR) Squadron, RCAF Stations Torbay, Newfoundland or Dartmouth, NS, in 1942. Coded "Q". Served with No. 145 (BR) Squadron at Torbay, Newfoundland in 1942/43. Pending disposal from 11 September 1944. Stored at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB, where it was noted with 1057:00 total time, never overhauled. By 25 March 1946 on the books of No. 5 (E) Depot at Scoudouc, still pending disposal.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-05 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1946-September-03 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW619, Mk. III

s/n BW619

m/d L-214

BW 619

Taken on strength by Eastern Air Command, for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. With No. 113 (BR) Squadron at Yarmouth, NS from 14 July 1942. Still with this Squadron when it suffered Category B damage in a forced landing due to low fuel and bad weather, in a lake near Bridgewater, NS (40 miles south-south-west of Yarmouth) in mid July 1942. Assigned to No. 4 Repair Depot on 16 July 1942. Allocated to Clarke Ruse Aircraft for repairs on 24 July 1942, delivered on 28 July 1942. To Eastern Air Command on 22 February 1943. With No. 11 (BR) Squadron from 14 June 1943. To Clarke Ruse at Dartmouth, NS on 21 June 1943. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 20 September 1943. Allocated to RCAF Headquarters Overseas on 27 September 1943. Used for VIP flights around UK. Loaned to No. 168 (T) Squadron in April 1944, for series of mail flights to the Mediterranean area. Delivered AOC 6 Group from Hendon to Dishforth in June 1944. To No. 1 Air Command on 2 February 1945. With No. 168 (T) Squadron from 6 March 1945. Pending disposal from 13 June 1946. Had 927:40 logged time when struck off.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-10 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1943-June-14 Accident: 11 Squadron Loc: Aerodrome Names: Biccum | Porter | Retallick | Stead
   1947-August-01 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW620, Mk. III

s/n BW620

m/d L-214

BW 620

Noted on 12 Feb 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. Taken on strength by EAC, for use by No. 113 (BR) Sqn at Yarmouth, NS. Flew this Sqn's first operation, special search from Yarmouth on 25 Mar 1942. Cat "A" crash at Yarmouth on 23 Apr 1943. Flying Officer C.L. Tripp (pilot), Flight Sergeant A.J. Baillie (Nav), Flight Sergeant M.E. Tarrnat (WAG) and Flight Sergeant R.F. Cavers (WAG) were all killed. The a/c was taking off on an ASW escort mission when it crashed from 100 ft and burst into flames. Sadly two more emergency response personnel, Leading Aircraftman L.E. Briggs and AC1 F. Haliek, were also killed and three others injured when the depth charges on board the a/c subsequently exploded as they tried to put out the flames and rescue the crew. To No. 4 Repair depot for write off on 25 Mar 1943.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-05 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1943-March-23 Accident: 113 Squadron Loc: Aerodrome Rcaf Stnorth Yarmouth Names: Baillie | Briggs | Cavers | Hallek | MacDonald | Russel | Ryan | Tarrant | Tripp

Reconnaissance 1943-03-23 to 1943-03-23

113 (BR) Sqn (RCAF) RCAF Station Yarmouth

113 Bomber Reconnaissance Squadron, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Hudson aircraft BW 620 was taking off for an operational patrol when it crashed, caught fire and exploded at the aerodrome at Yarmouth, Nova Scotia

Aircrew, Warrant Officer Class 2 ME Tarrant (RCAF), Flying Officer CL Tripp (RCAF),Warrant Officer RF Cavers (RCAF), FS AJ Baillie (RCAF) and two of the five ground crew that tried to rescue the aircrew, Leading Aircraftman LE Briggs (RCAF) and AC F Hallek (RCAF) were all killed in action when the depth charges aboard the aircraft exploded

General Crash of a Lockheed L-414 Hudson III in Yarmouth: 6 killed I Bureau of...

General [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...

   1943-August-10 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW621, Mk. III

s/n BW621

m/d L-214

BW 621

Taken on strength by Eastern Air Command, for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. Originally intended for No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. With No. 113 (BR) Squadron at Yarmouth, NS, c.1942. With No. 11 (BR) Squadron, RCAF Stations Torbay, Newfoundland, c. 1942 to 1944. Coded "Z". Category C damage at Torbay at 12:45 on 16 September 1942, reported by No. 145 (BR) Squadron. With No. 167 (Comm) Squadron at RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS when it was destroyed in a crash at Dartmouth on 20 October 1944. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 13 November 1944 for scrapping.
last update: 2025-February-05
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW622, Mk. III

s/n BW622

m/d L-214

BW 622

Taken on strength by Eastern Air Command, for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. With No. 113 (BR) Squadron at Yarmouth, NS, when it received Category B damage at 14:08 on 14 October 1942 at Mont-Joli, Quebec. One engine cut during takeoff on Runway 1 for maintenance test, pilot aborted before becoming airborne but ran off the end of runway. Assigned to Clarke Ruse Aircraft for repairs on 16 October 1942, delivered on 23 October 1942.. Back to Eastern Air Command on 8 April 1943. With No. 11 (BR) Squadron, RCAF Stations Torbay, Newfoundland or Dartmouth, NS, c. 1943 to 1944. Coded "A". Pending disposal from 11 September 1944. Stored at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB, where it was noted with 1049:15 total time, never overhauled.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-05 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1942-October-14 Accident: 113 Squadron Loc: Mont Joli Names: Futer | Mahoney | Nixon | Smith
   1946-September-03 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW623, Mk. III

s/n BW623

m/d L-214

BW 623

Taken on strength by Eastern Air Command, for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. With No. 113 (BR) Squadron at Yarmouth, NS, c.1942. With No. 11 (BR) Squadron, RCAF Stations Torbay, Newfoundland or Dartmouth, NS, c. 1942 to 1944. Coded "K". Pending disposal from 11 September 1944. Stored at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB, where it was noted with 1353:15 total time, never overhauled.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-10 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1946-September-03 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW624, Mk. III

s/n BW624

m/d L-214

BW 624

Taken on strength by Eastern Air Command at Debert, NS, for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. With No. 113 (BR) Squadron at Yarmouth, NS, c.1942. Pending disposal from 8 August 1944. Stored at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB, where it was noted with 1260:10 total time, never overhauled. By 25 March 1946 on the books of No. 5 (E) Depot there.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-05 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1946-September-03 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW625, Mk. III

s/n BW625

m/d L-214

BW 625

Taken on strength by Eastern Air Command, for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. With No. 113 (BR) Squadron at Yarmouth, NS, c.1942.

First U-Boat kill.

Sank U-754 on 31 July 1942, south-east of Sable Island.

General U-754

Pilot Flight Lieutenant N.E. Small received DFC (killed 6 months later in crash of Canso 9737).

Used by No. 167 (Comm) Squadron, RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS, 1944 to 1945. Regular aircraft of Air Officer Commanding Eastern Air Command. Pending disposal from 1 June 1946, stored at Dartmouth. Noted with 1978:25 total time while in storage, never overhauled.

last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-05 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1948-June-09 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW626, Mk. III

s/n BW626

m/d L-214

BW 626

Taken on strength by Eastern Air Command, for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. With No. 113 (BR) Squadron at Yarmouth, NS, c.1942. Category C damage at Dartmouth while with this Squadron, at 12:05 on 30 April 1942. To No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS on 21 October 1943, noted then as "Returned to Central Training Establishment". Allocated for conversion to target tug on 8 August 1944, noted as on loan from BCATP to Western Hemisphere Organization on that date. Used by No. 121 (K) Squadron at RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS, 1944/45. Pending disposal from 2 January 1946. Noted at that time with 1185:05 total time, 132:15 since overhaul.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-10 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1942-April-30 Accident: 113 Squadron Loc: Aerodrome Names: Cruikshank | Houle | Matheson | White | White
   1946-January-17 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW627, Mk. III

s/n BW627

m/d L-214

BW 627

Taken on strength by Eastern Air Command, for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. With No. 113 (BR) Squadron at Yarmouth, NS, c.1942. With No. 11 (BR) Squadron, RCAF Stations Torbay, Newfoundland or Dartmouth, NS, c. 1942 to 1944. Coded "X". Pending disposal from 26 September 1944. Stored at No. 4 Repair Depot, where it was noted with 1632:55 total time. Sold to Frank Ambrose Aviation of Whitestone, New York.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-05 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1945-August-14 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW628, Mk. III

s/n BW628

m/d L-214

BW 628

First used by No. 31 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Debert, NS. Category C5 damage at Debert at 03:15 on 21 June 1942, when this aircraft collided on the ground with Hudson BW437. Allocated to No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc on 25 June 1943, following a Category B crash. Delivered there on 1 July 1943. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft for repairs, 3 July 1943 to 29 January 1944. To storage with Eastern Air Command when completed. Fitted with droppable life boat, for ASR, at No. 21 Repair Depot from 13 July 1944. To Western Air Command, for use by Air Sea Rescue Flight of No. 122(K) Squadron in BC, on 9 December 1944. To workshop reserve at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC on 13 March 1945, for further modifications for rescue work. Back to 122 Squadron on 22 March 1945. To No. 10 Repair Depot on 6 October 1945 for radar installation. Back to Western Air Command on 4 January 1946, probably to No. 3 (Comm) Flight at RCAF Station Sea Island, BC. Back to No. 10 Repair depot on 23 January 1946. To Western Air Command on 17 April 1946. With No. 123 (C&R) Flight at RCAF Station Sea Island, BC in June 1947, when it carried out practice boat drop in English Bay. Gave rides to multiple air cadets at Patricia Bay in summer of 1947. Noted in fair condition on 1 December 1947, with 496:38 total time, one of the last serviceable Hudsons in the RCAF. Flew flood relief transport missions in BC interior in May and June 1948. Pending disposal with North West Air Command from 20 August 1948. Still with No. 123 (S&R) Flight at Sea Island at that time.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-05 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-June-21 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Bardon | Bullock | Cadwell | Downey
1943-June-22 Accident: 36 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Ballard | Hyder
   1948-December-13 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW629, Mk. III

s/n BW629

m/d L-214

BW 629

Taken on strength by Eastern Air Command, for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. First used by No. 113 (BR) Squadron at RCAF Station Yarmouth, NS. Category B damage at Yarmouth at 10:10 on 2 February 1943, when the aircraft swung on take off and struck a snow bank. To No. 31 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Debert, NS on 21 October 1943. To storage on 22 May 1944. To No. 1 Training Command on 8 August 1944, for conversion to transport. Intended for the Visiting Flight at RCAF Station Trenton, Ontario. To storage on 21 October 1944. To No. 1 Air Command on 15 January 1945, still in storage. Issued from storage on 9 July 1945. To stored reserve on 3 October 1945. Pending disposal from 2 January 1946. Noted with 929:05 total time while in storage.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-05 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1943-February-02 Accident: 113 Squadron Loc: Aerodrome Names: Coulter | Draper | Francis
   1947-June-27 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW630, Mk. III

s/n BW630

m/d L-214

BW 630

First used by No. 31 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Debert, NS. Category B crash on 17 September 1943. To No. 4 Repair Depot, pending disposal instructions. To workshop reserve at No. 6 Repair Depot on 5 November 1943. To No. 3 Training Command on 21 April 1944, for use by Test and Development Establishment at RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario. To No. 1 Air Command on 15 January 1945. To No. 6 Repair Depot on 13 September 1945. Pending disposal from 2 November 1946. Noted with 1174:55 total time, 194:25 since overhaul, while in storage.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-January-28 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1947-January-15 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW631, Mk. III

s/n BW631

m/d L-214

BW 631

Taken on strength by Eastern Air Command, for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. First used by No. 113 (BR) Squadron at RCAF Station Yarmouth, NS. Disappeared off Fundy Bay on 1 June 1942, apparently due to fuel exhaustion. Ownership to No. 4 Repair Depot for write off on 17 June 1942.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-05 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-June-01 Accident: 113 Squadron Loc: Bay Of Fundy Names: Johnston | Mcdonald | Mcpherson | Scholey
   1942-August-17 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW632, Mk. III

s/n BW632

m/d L-214

BW 632

First used by No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Category B crash at 19:18 on 11 July 1942, at Debert aerodrome. Nosed over after heavy landing. To No. 4 Repair Depot for repairs, back to Eastern Air Command and No. 31 OTU on 22 September 1942. Category B damage at 08:40 on 11 February 1943 at Greenwood, reported by No. 36 Operational Training Unit. Aircraft swung on landing, both airscrews damaged. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft at Moncton, NB on 17 February 1943 for repair, back to Eastern Air Command on 30 July 1943, for the BCATP. Transferred to Western Hemisphere Organization on 10 August 1944, for use by No. 11 (BR) Squadron, RCAF Stations Torbay, Newfoundland or Dartmouth, NS. Coded "Y". Used by No. 167 (Comm) Squadron, RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS, 1944 to 1945. Reported serviceable on 2 October 1945, total time 1053:30, never overhauled, placed in storage on that date at No. 6 Reserve Equipment Maintenance Unit. Pending disposal from 9 January 1946.
last update: 2025-February-05
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW633, Mk. III

s/n BW633

m/d L-214

BW 633

First used by No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Category A crash at 06:10 on 25 April 1942, at Debert aerodrome, while being flown solo in circuits by Pilot Officer J.S. Tait. Destroyed by fire after crash, no casualties. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 2 May 1942 for scrapping.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-17 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-April-25 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Kidd | Tait
   1942-July-23 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW634, Mk. III

s/n BW634

m/d L-214

BW 634

Taken on strength by Eastern Air Command, for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. First used by No. 113 (BR) Squadron at RCAF Station Yarmouth, NS. Category A crash into Bay of Fundy at 12:00 on 26 February 1943. Cause of crash "obscure", pilot Pilot Officer J.B. Bond and 3 crew killed. Allocated to No. 4 Repair Depot on 2 March 1943 for write off.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-05 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1943-February-26 Accident: 113 Squadron Loc: Digby Names: Beverley | Bond | Daly | Treadwell
   1943-May-22 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW635, Mk. III

s/n BW635

m/d L-214

BW 635

Taken on strength by Eastern Air Command, for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. To RCAF Station Gander, Newfoundland on 16 October 1942. To workshop reserve at No. 19 Sub-Repair Depot at Gander on 30 November 1942. Back to Eastern Air Command on 24 March 1943. To No. 31 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Debert, NS on 21 October 1943. Allocated to No. 4 Repair Depot for inspection and report on 23 February 1944, following a crash when the a/c swung violently on take-off and collapsed the u/c. There were no crew injuries. Originally reported as Category B, but scrapped without being repaired
last update: 2025-February-05
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW638, Mk. III

s/n BW638

m/d L-214

BW 638

To Test and Development Establishment at RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario for de-icing tests. Still with this unit when the nose dropped on landing at Rockcliffe on 16 July 1943, aircraft skidded and caught fire. Burnt out. Wreckage to No. 9 Repair Depot at St. Jean, Quebec on 22 July 1943 for scrapping.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-24 Taken on Strength No. 3 Training command 2019-08-20
1943-July-16 Accident: T & D ESTABLISHMENT ROCKLIFFE, ONT Loc: Aerodrome Names: Costello | Eggert | O'Kelly | Snyder | Wiley
   1943-December-09 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW639, Mk. III

s/n BW639

m/d L-214

BW 639

To No. 4 Repair Depot on 1 March 1944, for repairs following a Category B crash. Pending disposal from 31 July 1944, apparently never repaired. By 25 March 1946 on the books of No. 5 (E) Depot at Scoudouc, still pending disposal. Noted with 1157:00 logged time, never overhauled, while in storage at Scoudouc.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-June-24 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1944-February-16 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Chambers | Prince
   1947-February-12 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW640, Mk. III

s/n BW640

m/d L-214

BW 640

Fitted with dual controls. First used by No. 36 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Greenwood, NS. Category B damage at Greenwood at 20:25 on 26 January 1943. Aircraft drifted on landing, and port wheel became stuck in snow beside runway. To No. 4 Repair Depot for repairs. Noted with 474:00 logged time on 10 May 1943, when it returned to Eastern Air Command. To Canada Car & Foundry at Moncton, NB on 13 January 1944. To storage at No. 21 Repair Depot on 8 April 1944, pending disposal instructions.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-March-16 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-January-26 Accident: 36 Operational Training Unit Loc: Greenwood Aerodrome Names: Hartley | Young
1943-December-21 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Middleton | White
   1944-November-06 Struck off Strength Written off at No. 21 Repair Depot 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW641, Mk. III

s/n BW641

m/d L-214

BW 641

First used by No. 36 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Greenwood, NS. Assigned to No. 4 Repair Depot on 18 March 1943, following a Category B crash. Assigned to Clarke Ruse Aircraft at Moncton, NB for repairs on 24 March 1943, delivered there on 26 March 1943. Back to Eastern Air Command on 25 July 1943. To storage on 22 May 1944. By 9 August 1944 stored at No. 6 Reserve Equipment Maintenance Unit at Mt. Pleasant, PEI. Pending disposal at Mount Pleasant from late 1944. Noted with 1231:30 logged time while in storage.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-March-16 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-March-14 Accident: 36 Operational Training Unit Loc: Main Aerodrome Names: Baxter | MacDonald | Maden | Morton | Sharpe | Taylor
   1947-July-03 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW642, Mk. III

s/n BW642

m/d L-214

BW 642

Fitted with dual controls. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 5 November 1942, then to Clarke Ruse Aircraft on 9 November 1942. Back to Eastern Air Command, for use by a training unit, on 10 May 1943. Category B damage reported on 22 August 1943 in Griffin, not confirmed by Record Card. To storage from 22 May to 9 June 1944. Noted as on loan from BCATP to Western Hemisphere Organization on 9 June 1944. To Western Air Command on 7 July 1944, for use by No. 122 (K) Squadron at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Allocated for conversion to target tug on 9 June 1944. Noted as held in storage as spare for Air Sea Rescue flights on 18 August 1944. To No. 122(K) Squadron on 4 December 1944, for use as a conversion trainer for one month. Crashed at Port Hardy, BC at 16:07 on 22 August 1945. Originally reported as Category B, revised to Category A by 8 September 1945 when aircraft was transferred to ownership of No. 3 Repair Depot for scrapping.
last update: 2025-February-05
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW643, Mk. III

s/n BW643

m/d L-214

BW 643

First used by No. 36 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Greenwood, NS. Category B crash in early 1944. to storage at No. 4 Repair Depot on 10 February 1944, pending allocation to a repair contractor. Scrapped at No. 4 Repair Depot without being repaired.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-March-16 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1944-February-05 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Berghofer | Cole | Donnelly
   1945-May-16 Struck off Strength 2020-10-27
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW644, Mk. III

s/n BW644

m/d L-214

BW 644

Taken on strength by Eastern Air Command, for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. With No. 11 (BR) Squadron, RCAF Stations Torbay, Newfoundland or Dartmouth, NS, 1942 to 1944. Coded "H". Used by No. 167 (Comm) Squadron, RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS, 1944 to 1945. To storage on 20 February 1945, stored by No. 6 Reserve Equipment Maintenance Unit. Pending disposal from 20 March 1946, stored at the Reserve Equipment Maintenance Satellite at Mt. Pleasant, PEI. Noted with 1972:15 logged time, never overhauled, while in storage.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-05 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1943-October-12 Accident: 167 Squadron Loc: Aerodrome Names: Evans | Gwynne | Labreche
   1947-June-27 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW645, Mk. III

s/n BW645

m/d L-214

BW 645

Taken on strength by Eastern Air Command, for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. Used by No. 119 (BR) Squadron at RCAF Station Sydney, NS. Category B damage at Sydney, at 16:10 on 20 February 1943. Aircraft bounced on cross wind landing, drifted into ungraded ground at side of runway. Recommended for salvage by No. 4 Repair Depot on 4 March 1943, but to Clarke Ruse Aircraft for repairs on 5 March 1943. Back to Eastern Air Command on 25 August 1943, for the Home War Establishment. To No. 31 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Debert, NS on 26 October 1943. "Completely demolished" in a crash at Debert on 25 March 1944. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 28 March 1944 for scrapping.
last update: 2025-February-05
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW646, Mk. III

s/n BW646

m/d L-214

BW 646

Taken on strength by EAC, for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 Feb 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. Assigned to No. 11 (BR) Sqn, RCAF Stns Torbay, NF or Dartmouth, NS, c. 1942 to 1944. Coded "F". Failed to return from a practice bombing exercise on 19 May 1944. Seen by a small naval vessel to be on fire and to dive into the sea. The 3-man crew, which consisted of Flight Lieutenant D.J. Jones, Warrant Officer Class 2 L.G. Martin and Warrant Officer Class 2 J.J. Cowan, all perished. Records transferred to No. 19 Sub-Repair Depot in NF for write-off as of 24 Jun 1944.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-05 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1944-May-19 Accident: 11 Squadron Loc: Torbay Newfoundland Names: Cowan | Jones | Martin
   1944-July-18 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW647, Mk. III

s/n BW647

m/d L-214

BW 647

Taken on strength by Eastern Air Command, for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. First used by No. 31 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Debert, NS. At No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB by 16 October 1942, ownership transferred on 2 November 1942. To Clarke Ruse aircraft for repairs on 7 November 1942, following a Category B crash. Back to Eastern Air Command on 12 May 1943, for the Home War Establishment. Converted to target tug by 8 August 1944. Used by No. 121 (K) Squadron at RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS, 1944/45. To storage on 2 October 1945, noted as serviceable on that date. Stored by No. 6 Reserve Equipment Maintenance Unit, where it was pending disposal from 9 January 1946. Noted with 1312:55 total time, never overhauled, while in storage.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-10 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1946-November-22 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW648, Mk. III

s/n BW648

m/d L-214

BW 648

Taken on strength by EAC, for the Home War establishment. Noted on 12 Feb 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. With No. 119 (BR) Sqn detachment at Mt. Joli QC, when it attacked a submarine in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, near Sept Isle, QC on 7 Jul 1942. 4 depth charges were dropped, extensive damage observed. This was 119 Sqn's fourth attack, and the first from a Hudson. Destroyed on night takeoff in Oct 1942 when it struck a parked USAAF B-17. The five-man crew escaped with only minor injuries. The Hudson was destroyed by fire and explosions of the depth charges. The B-17 was also extensively damaged. Wreckage to No. 4 Repair Depot in Scoudouc, NB on 20 Oct 1942, for scrapping.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-05 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1942-October-16 Accident: 119 Squadron Loc: Sydney Names: Buchanan | Butler | Coop | Jewsbury | Macpherson
   1943-February-09 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW649, Mk. III

s/n BW649

m/d L-214

BW 649

Taken on strength by Eastern Air Command, for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. First used by No. 11 (BR) Squadron, RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS. Coded "D". Category B damage at Dartmouth at 17:58 on 25 July 1942. Swung on landing after operational patrol, left oleo "gave away". To Clarke Ruse Aircraft for repair on 3 August 1942, back to Eastern Air Command on 25 September 1942. Pending disposal from 11 August 1944. Stored at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB, where it was noted with 1322:55 total time, never overhauled. By 25 March 1946 on the books of No. 5 (E) Depot at Scoudouc.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-05 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1942-July-25 Accident: 11 Squadron Loc: Dartmouth Nova Scotia Names: Bill-victor | Cameron | Laramee | Smith
   1946-September-03 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW650, Mk. III

s/n BW650

m/d L-214

BW 650

First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Category B crash in fall of 1943. Allocated to No. 4 Repair Depot on 4 October 1943, pending movement to contractor. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft at Moncton, NB on 10 October 1944. Allocated to No. 21 Repair Depot on 3 April 1944 for disposal.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-05 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-September-30 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Burke | Counihan | Mcrae | Scanlan
   1944-November-06 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW651, Mk. III

s/n BW651

m/d L-214

BW 651

Taken on strength by Eastern Air Command, for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. Converted to target tug by 8 August 1944. Pending disposal from 30 August 1944. Stored at No. 4 Repair Depot, where it was noted with 18:45 total time. Sold to Frank Ambrose Aircraft of New York. Sold to TACA as TI-80 in 1945. Broken up in San Jose, Costa Rica in 1946.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-05 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1945-August-29 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2020-10-27
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW652, Mk. III

s/n BW652

m/d L-214

BW 652

Taken on strength by Eastern Air Command, for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. First intended for No. 31 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Debert, NS. With No. 119 (BR) Squadron at RCAF Station Sydney, Nova Scotia. Destroyed at Sydney aerodrome at 12:05 on 27 September 1942. Aircraft was returning early from patrol due to poor weather, ground looped on landing in cross wind. Post crash fire set off depth charges. 600 windows on base blown out, no injuries. Ownership to No. 4 Repair Depot on 29 September 1942 for write off.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-10 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1942-July-27 Accident: 11 Squadron Loc: Aerodrome Names: Deans | Harris | O'Sullivan | Porter
   1943-January-12 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW653, Mk. III

s/n BW653

m/d L-214

BW 653

Taken on strength by Eastern Air Command, for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. With No. 119 (BR) Squadron at RCAF Station Sydney, NS. Category C damage at 15:00 on 3 May 1942. Ground looped in "variable wind condition". Originally classified as Category A. Assigned to Clarke Ruse Aircraft for repairs on 13 August 1942, delivered there on 17 August 1942. Returned to Eastern Air Command on 27 November 1942. Delivered to No. 11 (BR) Squadron at RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS on 29 January 1943, still with this unit when lost. Aircraft took off at 17:00 on 24 February 1943, and became lost while attempting to return in bad weather. Crew eventually jettisoned depth charges, damaging a building in Charlottetown, and then bailed out. Crew came down on ice pan in Northumberland Strait, rescued 5 days later by the Charlottetown ferry. Aircraft carried on and crashed in New Brunswick, near Shediac. Ownership to No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 26 February 1943, some wreckage delivered there on 12 March 1943. Rear fuselage shipped to RCAF Station Mountain View, Ontario. This is one of two Squadron aircraft lost in bad weather that evening, see also BW453.
Kestrel's report states "The a/c took off at 17:00 hrs on 24 Feb 1943 with five other a/c on an ASW sweep. The weather deteriorated and the a/c were recalled. The crew of BW 653 became lost and ran out of fuel. They successfully bailed out of the a/c from 3,000 ft. The a/c subsequently landed itself relatively intact on a frozen lake"
August 25, 2020
Thank you kindly for the information and prompt response. I believe that the Walker and Bradley accounts hold up with what I have. All are consistent on bailout just prior to 2400 hrs, not sure what to make of Bradley's 0220 reference. I have used where possible and photocopied contemporary newspaper accounts held by the family. Additional information:
Pilot: Squadron Leader Kenneth Campbell Wilson (C1217)
Crew: Flying Officer Albert J Barrette, Pilot Officer William A Richardson (navigator, US national), Warrant Officer Class 2 Joseph Alfred Dobson (R62890, WAG)
Pilot and WAG received Mention in Despatches (Supplement to London Gazette, 1 January 1944, pp 55-56, no citation)
RCAF association website, honours and awards division for Wilson claims that his aircraft (i.e. BW653) was repaired insitu at crash site and flown to Moncton. This is at odds with Walker account and documentation. Bradley mentions light damage so some cause to wonder at the exact sequence of events which could involve No.4 Repair Depot near Moncton. On balance, Walker data seems sound.
Thanks again.
Lt. Col (ret'd) Ronald Dobson
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-05 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1943-February-24 Accident: 11 Squadron Loc: Shediac New Brunswick Names: Barrette | Dobson | Richardson | Wilson
   1943-April-30 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW654, Mk. III

s/n BW654

m/d L-214

BW 654

Taken on strength by Eastern Air Command, for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. To No. 3 Training Command on 29 April 1944. To No. 2 Air Command on 7 December 1944. To North West Air Command on 10 October 1945. Pending disposal from 17 March 1946. Noted with 1512:35 total time while in storage.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-05 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1948-June-28 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW655, Mk. III

s/n BW655

m/d L-214

BW 655

Taken on strength by Eastern Air Command, for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. Used by No. 119 (BR) Squadron at various east coast locations. Category C damage at Mont Jolie aerodrome at 12:15 on 31 August 1942, while with 119 Squadron detachment there. To workshop reserve at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 8 September 1942, back to Eastern Air Command on 1 February 1943. With No. 119 (BR) Squadron, probably Chatham NB detachment, when it searched for a reported submarine north of Bathurst, NB in 1943. Turned out to be log float. Converted to target tug by 8 August 1944. Category A crash at Dartmouth on 9 March 1945, while being operated by No. 121 (K) Squadron. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 12 March 1945 for scrapping.
last update: 2025-February-05
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW656, Mk. III

s/n BW656

m/d L-214

BW 656

Taken on strength by Eastern Air Command, for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. Intended for No. 31 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Debert, NS. Category A crash at Sydney, NS on 3 May 1942. Ownership to No. 4 Repair Depot on 6 May 1942, for scrapping.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-10 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1942-May-03 Accident: 119 Squadron Loc: Aerodrome Names: Cato | Jessup | Racicot | Ramsay | Smith | Yvonne
   1942-July-17 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW657, Mk. III

s/n BW657

m/d L-214

BW 657

Taken on strength by Eastern Air Command, for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. Category B crash at Sydney aerodrome at 21:20 on 4 September 1942 . Pilot mis-judged height in heavy rain, resulting in heavy landing and ground loop. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 15 January 1944, then to No. 21 Repair Depot at Moncton, NB on 4 February 1944, apparently never repaired.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-05 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1943-December-29 Accident: 119 Squadron Loc: Aerodrome Names: Baldwin | Clearwater | MacDougall | Mulvihill
   1944-November-06 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW658, Mk. III

s/n BW658

m/d L-214

BW 658

Taken on strength by Eastern Air Command, for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. With No. 11 (BR) Squadron, RCAF Stations Torbay, Newfoundland or Dartmouth, NS, c. 1942 to 1944. Coded "M". Pending disposal from 11 August 1944. Noted with 1483:00 total time, never overhauled, while in storage. Sold to Frank Ambrose Aviation of Whitestone, New York.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-05 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1943-September-27 Accident: 11 Squadron Loc: Scoudouc Names: Deans | Hoehn | Quirk
1944-August-08 Accident: 11 Squadron Loc: Cow Bay Names: Cirko | Currie | Rowberry | Symons
   1945-August-29 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW659, Mk. III

s/n BW659

m/d L-214

BW 659

First used by No. 31 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Debert, NS. Category B crash at Debert at 15:55 on 11 May 1942. Crashed during bombing exercises, "cause not yet available". Ownership to No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 13 May 1942. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft for repairs, 25 May to 24 October 1942. To Eastern Air Command when completed, delivered to a training unit on 10 November 1942. To storage on 22 May 1944. To No. 1 Training Command on 8 August 1944, for conversion to transport. Used by Visiting Flight from RCAF Station Trenton, Ontario. To No. 1 Air Command on 15 January 1945. Pending disposal from 1 April 1946. On the books of No. 6 Repair Depot by 19 June 1946. Noted with 1098:35 total time while in storage.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-05 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-May-11 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: No 2 Bombing Range Names: Hayes | Hill | Mcwilliam
   1947-January-02 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW660, Mk. III

s/n BW660

m/d L-214

BW 660

Taken on strength by Eastern Air Command, for the Home War Establishment. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. With No. 11 (BR) Squadron, RCAF Stations Torbay, Newfoundland or Dartmouth, NS, c. 1942 to 1944. Coded "A". Category C damage at Dartmouth at 21:30 on 6 January 1943 while with this unit. Ran into snow drifts while landing, damaged one propeller. To workshop reserve at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 27 March 1944. Pending disposal from 29 August 1944, stored at Scoudouc. Noted with 1303:50 logged time, never overhauled, while in storage. By 25 March 1946 on the books of No. 5 (E) Depot at Scoudouc.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-10 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1943-January-06 Accident: 11 Squadron Loc: Aerodrome Names: Knapp | Laramee | Osborne | Sherman
1944-March-13 Accident: 11 Squadron Loc: Torbay Newfoundland Names: Amrosia | Weiglund
   1947-February-12 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW682, Mk. III

s/n BW682

m/d L-214

BW 682

First used by No. 36 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Category A crash during takeoff at Debert aerodrome at 11:50 on 12 July 1942. To No. 4 Repair Depot for write off on 21 July 1942.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-March-16 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2022-01-17
1942-July-12 Accident: 36 Operational Training Unit Loc: Runway No 31 Names: Griffiths | Towell
   1942-October-15 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW683, Mk. III

s/n BW683

m/d L-214

BW 683

First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS, noted as on loan from RAF. Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. Later with No. 119 (BR) Squadron at RCAF Station Sydney, NS. Category B crash at Sydney aerodrome at 10:05 on 5 August 1942. Ground looped while attempting to take off in "varying wind conditions". To No. 4 Repair Depot on 6 August 1942. Re-assigned to Clarke Ruse Aircraft for repairs on 21 August 1942, completed on 27 November 1942. To Eastern Air Command when completed. Converted to target tug on 8 August 1944. To workshop reserve at No. 4 Repair Depot on 7 April 1945, pending decision on disposal. Pending disposal from 24 April 1945, stored at Scoudouc, NB. Noted with 1243:10 total time, never overhauled, while with No. 4 Repair Depot. By 25 March 1946 on the books of No. 5 (E) Depot, still at Scoudouc.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-10 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1947-February-12 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW685, Mk. III

s/n BW685

m/d L-214

BW 685

Noted on 12 Feb 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. First assigned to No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS, noted as on loan from RAF. Later with No. 11 (BR) Sqn, RCAF Stn Dartmouth, NS. Coded "T". The a/c went missing on 25 Oct 1942 during an operational convoy escort sortie with that unit from Mont Joli, QC. The a/c was later discovered to have crashed approximately 20 miles NE of Chandler, QC. The a/c may have had an engine fire and was attempting a forced landing. The crew of four including Pilot Officer E.R. Hodge (pilot), Flying Officer F. Tate (Ops O), Pilot Officer E. Davies (nav) and Flight Sergeant R.A. Martin (WAG), were all killed. Application for write off dated 4 Nov 1942, from No. 4 Repair Depot, Scoudouc, NB
last update: 2025-February-05 📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW686, Mk. III

s/n BW686

m/d L-214

BW 686

First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Later with No. 36 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Greenwood, NS. Category B damage at Greenwood aerodrome at 14:55 on 22 February 1943, nosed over on landing. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 24 February 1943. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft for repairs, 25 February to 15 August 1943. To Eastern Air Command when completed. Transferred from BCATP to Western Hemisphere Organization (to an operational unit) on 8 August 1944. To No. 4 Repair Depot from 22 March to 10 May 1945 for modifications, then back to Eastern Air Command. Noted as Air Sea Rescue aircraft in June 1945. To workshop reserve at No. 6 Repair Depot from 1 February to 1 June 1946, then back to Eastern Air Command. Back in storage by end of 1946. Pending disposal from summer of 1947, stored at Greenwood.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-17 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-February-22 Accident: 36 Operational Training Unit Loc: Greenwood Aerodrome Names: Beneke | Garden | Geddes | Rankin
   1947-December-10 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2020-10-27
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW687, Mk. III

s/n BW687

m/d L-214

BW 687

Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Later with No. 119 (BR) Squadron at Sydney, NS. Category C damage at Sydney aerodrome at 20:15 on 12 September 1942. To Clark Ruse Aircraft for repairs, 16 October to 2 November 1942. To Eastern Air Command when completed, for use by Home War Establishment. Converted to target tug, still with Eastern Air Command, on 8 August 1944. Pending disposal from 1 April 1946. Stored at RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS, where it was noted with 1671:05 total time, never overhauled.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-16 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1948-June-09 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW688, Mk. III

s/n BW688

m/d L-214

BW 688

Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Converted to target tug on 8 August 1944. Pending disposal from late August 1944. Noted on 25 March 1946 as stored at Scoudouc, NB, still pending disposal. Noted with 1569:40 total time, never overhauled, while at Scoudouc.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-16 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1947-February-12 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW689, Mk. III

s/n BW689

m/d L-214

BW 689

First assigned to No. 36 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Greenwood, NS. Still with this unit when it swung on takeoff at the Greenwood aerodrome at 16:50 on 13 February 1943. Fuselage was twisted, and buckled in several places. Originally classified as Category B, revised to Category A (beyond economical repair) on 14 February 1943. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 15 February 1943. Became Instructional Airframe A 291 on 29 April 1943. Had been RCAF BW689
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-March-18 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2020-10-16
1943-February-13 Accident: 36 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Phillips | St Onge
1943-February-13 Accident: 36 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Phillips | St Onge
   1943-April-29 Classified Instructional CA A 291 2020-06-12
   1943-July-05 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 485 | 1968 529

Hudson BW690, Mk. III

s/n BW690

m/d L-214

BW 690

With No. 34 Operational Training Unit at Pennfield Ridge, NB in January 1944. Allocated for conversion to target tug on 8 August 1944, noted on that date as on loan from BCATP to Western Hemisphere Organization. To storage at RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS on 11 October 1945. Noted as serviceable on that date, with 1596:15 logged time, never overhauled. Issued from storage to RCAF Station Greenwood, NS on 21 November 1945. Pending disposal from 1 April 1946.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-October-27 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-December-09 Accident: 36 Operational Training Unit Loc: Greenwood Aerodrome Names: Engelberg | Jones | MacDonald | Williams
   1948-May-26 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW691, Mk. III

s/n BW691

m/d L-214

BW 691

First assigned to No. 36 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Greenwood, NS. Still with this Unit when it suffered Category B damage at 20:25 on 3 February 1943, on the aerodrome at Greenwood. Swung on landing, undercarriage collapsed. Damage to wing centre section, fuselage damaged by propeller. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft for repairs, 8 February to 30 September 1943. To Eastern Air Command when completed. To storage at No. 4 Repair Depot on 21 March 1944, following another Category B crash. Reported with 779:00 logged time, never overhauled, while there. Pending disposal from 31 July 1944. By 25 March 1946 on the books of No. 5 (E) Depot at Scoudouc, still pending disposal.
last update: 2025-February-05
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW692, Mk. III

s/n BW692

m/d L-214

BW 692

First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. To Central Flying School at RCAF Station Trenton, Ontario on 27 November 1942, for use by the Instructional Flight. Category A crash on 22 September 1944, still with the Central Flying School. To No. 6 Repair Depot on 30 September 1944, for scrapping.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-17 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1944-September-22 Accident: CENTRAL FLYING SCHOOL TRENTON Loc: Aerodrome Names: Mclachin | Mitchell
   1944-November-11 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW693, Mk. III

s/n BW693

m/d L-214

BW 693

Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Later with No. 119 (BR) Squadron at RCAF Station Sydney, NS. Category C7 damage at Sydney at 10:15 on 20 October 1942. Converted to target tug on 8 August 1944. To storage on 2 October 1945. Noted as serviceable on that date, with 1815:10 logged time, never overhauled. Stored at No. 6 Reserve Equipment Maintenance Unit, where it was pending disposal from 9 January 1946.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-16 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-October-20 Accident: 119 Squadron Loc: Rcaf Sydney Names: Dewis | Hutchinson | Moffat | Smith
   1946-November-22 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 529

Hudson BW694, Mk. III

s/n BW694

m/d L-214

BW 694

First assigned to No. 36 OTU at RCAF Stn Greenwood, NS. Cat "B" crash on 28 Feb 1943, when the a/c swung to port on landing and ended up on its nose. The airframe had 693:30 airframe hours at that time.. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft for repairs, 8 Mar to 25 Jul 1943. To EAC when completed. Still with 36 OTU when it was in a Cat "A" crash on 28 Nov 1943 when the a/c ground looped upon landing after an air test and collapsed the u/c. The crew and passengers escaped uninjured. Wreckage to No. 4 Repair Depot on 8 Dec 1943. fuselage shipped to Air Armament School at Mountain View for instructional purposes, authorized on 11 Feb 1944.
last update: 2025-February-05
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW695, Mk. III

s/n BW695

m/d L-214

BW 695

First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Later with No. 119 (BR) Squadron at RCAF Station Sydney, NS. Category C damage at Sydney aerodrome at 21:20 on 5 July 1942. Category A crash at Sydney aerodrome at 07:00 on 25 December 1942. Both engines failed shortly after takeoff, entire crew killed, including pilot Warrant Officer Class 2 L. Green. Ownership to No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 28 December 1942, for scrapping.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-16 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-December-25 Accident: 119 Squadron Loc: Rcaf Stnorth Sydney Names: Bailey | Camire | Green | Macgranachan
   1943-March-23 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW696, Mk. III

s/n BW696

m/d L-214

BW 696

First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Category B damage at 11:15 on 27 January 1943, while with No. 36 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Greenwood, NS. Bounced on landing, hit a snow drift, undercarriage collapsed. To No. 4 Repair Depot for repairs on 30 January 1943, with 628:25 logged time. To Eastern Air Command when completed. To workshop reserve at No. 4 Repair Depot on 22 October 1943. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft at Moncton, NB for repairs on 30 November 1943. Repairs apparently not proceeded with, allocated to No. 21 Repair Depot on 3 October 1944 for scrapping.
last update: 2025-February-05
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW697, Mk. III

s/n BW697

m/d L-214

BW 697

First assigned to No. 36 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Greenwood, NS. Still with this Unit when it received Category C21 damage at Greenwood aerodrome, at 00:15 on 6 August 1942. To storage from 22 May to 16 June 1944. Noted as on loan from BCATP to Western Hemisphere Organization when issued from storage. Converted to target tug from 8 August 1944. To storage on 2 October 1945, noted as serviceable on that date. Stored by No. 6 Reserve Equipment Maintenance Unit. Still there on 9 January 1946, when it was pending disposal.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-March-16 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-August-06 Accident: 36 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Burrows | Tacon
   1946-November-22 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW698, Mk. III

s/n BW698

m/d L-214

BW 698

Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. First assigned to an operational unit with the Home War Establishment. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB for repairs after a Category B crash, 8 September 1943 to 23 March 1944. To Eastern Air Command when completed, for use with a training unit. To storage on 22 May 1944. Allocated for conversion to target tug on 9 June 1944, noted as on loan from BCATP to Western Hemisphere Organization. To workshop reserve at No. 21 Repair Depot on 12 July 1944, for conversion to air-sea rescue configuration. To Western Air Command on 10 November 1944. With No. 122(K) Squadron at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC, 1944/45. With North West Air Command in 1947, pending disposal. Operated by No. 123 (C&R) Flight at Sea Islandas late as July 1947. Reported with 1196:00 logged time while in storage.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-05 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1948-March-10 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW700, Mk. III

s/n BW700

m/d L-214

BW 700

First assigned to No. 36 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Greenwood, NS. Still with this Unit when it crashed near Port George, NS (on the Bay of Fundy, about 9 miles west of Greenwood) at 12:00 on 8 October 1942. Was reported missing on air to sea firing exercise, all seven crew missing assumed killed. Ownership to No. 4 Repair Depot on 13 October 1942 for write off.
last update: 2025-February-05 📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW701, Mk. III

s/n BW701

m/d L-214

BW 701

Severely damaged near Debert on 7 July 1943, Severely damaged at No. 31 OTU in Debert on 7 Jul 1943, after a ground loop upon landing. The crew escaped without injury. Ownership to No. 4 Repair Depot on 8 Jul 1943 for write off. Ownership to No. 4 Repair Depot on 8 July 1943 for write off.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-June-24 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-July-07 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Clarkson | Severin | Wallis
   1943-December-01 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW702, Mk. III

s/n BW702

m/d L-214

BW 702

First assigned to No. 36 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Greenwood, NS. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft from 13 March to 29 June 1943. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft at Moncton for repairs, 2 September 1943 to 24 March 1944. To Eastern Air Command when completed. To workshop reserve at No. 21 Repair Depot on 8 July 1944, for conversion to transport. Used by No. 167 (Comm) Squadron, RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS, from December 1944. To storage on 11 October 1945, reported serviceable on that date. By 16 April 1946 stored by No. 6 Reserve Equipment Maintenance Unit at Mount Pleasant, PEI. Pending disposal there from 1 April 1946.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-March-16 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-August-23 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Hobbs | Mchardy | Vallee
   1947-June-27 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW703, Mk. III

s/n BW703

m/d L-214

BW 703

First assigned to No. 36 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Greenwood, NS. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 14 October 1942 for scrapping, following a crash.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-March-16 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-October-10 Accident: 36 Operational Training Unit Loc: Names: Badmington | Edmond | Elder | Finn
   1943-March-18 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW704, Mk. III

s/n BW704

m/d L-214

BW 704

First assigned to No. 36 OTU at RCAF Stn Greenwood, NS. Cat "B" crash at Greenwood aerodrome at 01:15 on 1 Oct 1942. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft for crash repairs, 10 Oct 1942 to 24 Feb 1943. To EAC when completed, for use by training unit. To workshop reserve at No. 4 Repair Depot on 17 Sep 1943, probably following another crash on 12 Sep 1943 in with the a/c developed a violet swing and ground looped following a poor landing. . To Clarke Ruse again for crash repairs on 30 Nov 1943. Apparently not repaired. Ownership to No. 21 Repair Depot on 3 Apr 1944 for scrapping.
last update: 2025-February-05
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW705, Mk. III

s/n BW705

m/d L-214

BW 705

First assigned to No. 36 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Greenwood, NS. To storage on 25 August 1944. Issued from storage on 22 March 1945, for use by No. 121 (K) Squadron at RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS. To storage again on 23 July 1945. Stored by No. 6 Reserve Equipment Maintenance Unit. Pending disposal from 9 January 1946. Noted with 971:50 total time, never overhauled, while in storage.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-March-18 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-October-28 Accident: 36 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Halliday | Martin
1944-January-31 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Pratt | Prince | Walker
   1946-November-22 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW706, Mk. III

s/n BW706

m/d L-214

BW 706

Used by a training unit prior to August 1944. Reported as a target tug on 8 August 1944. Used by No. 121 (K) Squadron at RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS, 1944/45. To storage on 2 October 1945. Reported serviceable on that date, with 1408:40 total time logged, never overhauled. Stored at No. 6 Reserve Equipment Maintenance Unit. Pending disposal there from 9 January 1946.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-June-24 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1946-November-22 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW707, Mk. III

s/n BW707

m/d L-214

BW 707

First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. To storage on 22 May 1944. Issued from storage on 9 August 1944, for use by Western Hemisphere Organization. Noted in March 1946 as fitted for air-sea rescue. Pending disposal from 8 May 1947, with No. 10 Group (then part of Central Air Command, and for-runner of Maritime Air Command).
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-17 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1947-December-10 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW708, Mk. III

s/n BW708

m/d L-214

BW 708

First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Category C21 damage at Debert aerodrome at 17:55 on 2 May 1942. Assigned to workshop reserve at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 7 May 1942, delivered there on 11 May 1942. Not repaired, assigned to use as an instructional airframe A 181 on 5 August 1942. Had been RCAF BW708. To No. 4 Repair Depot in 1944 for scrapping.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-17 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-May-02 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Parsons | Robins
   1942-August-05 Classified Instructional CA A 181 2020-06-12
   1945-February-10 Struck off Strength Struck off, scrapped 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 483 | 1968 530

Hudson BW709, Mk. III

s/n BW709

m/d L-214

BW 709

First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft for wing repairs, 4 February to 22 October 1943. To Eastern Air Command when completed, for use by a BCATP unit. To workshop reserve at RCAF Station Moncton, NB on 10 August1944. Transferred to Western Hemisphere Organization on 1 September 1944. To Eastern Air Command on completion of work, on 13 October 1944. Pending disposal from 1 April 1946. Stored at RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS, where it was noted with 961:25 total time, never overhauled.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-17 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1944-January-19 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: New Richmond Names: Elston | Heath | Jenkins
   1948-May-26 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW710, Mk. III

s/n BW710

m/d L-214

BW 710

First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. With No. 36 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Greenwood, NS when it received Category C3 damage at Greenwood aerodrome at 11:30 on 18 January 1943. Still with this unit when it received Category B damage at Greenwood aerodrome at 13:35 on 25 January 1943. Swung on take off, starboard undercarriage collapsed. To workshop reserve with No. 4 Repair Depot on 27 January 1943. Assigned to Clarke Ruse Aircraft for repairs on 1 February 1943, delivered there on 20 May 1943. Category A crash on takeoff from Lakeburn airport (RCAF Station Moncton) on 30 September 1943. due to pilot error when the a/c stalled on take-off. The a/c had just been collected by a ferry crew after repairs at Clarke Ruse when it crashed. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 14 Oct 1943 for salvage. Possibly on tests after repairs, no record of acceptance from Clarke Ruse prior to accident. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 14 October 1943 for salvage.
last update: 2025-February-05
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW711, Mk. III

s/n BW711

m/d L-214

BW 711

First assigned to No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS. Suffered a heavy landing on 16 Apr 1943 when a student pilot misjudged the landing and collapsed the u/c. Assigned to Clarke Ruse Aircraft for crash repairs on 4 May 1943, delivered there on 5 Jun 1943. To EAC on 30 Sep 1943. To storage with No. 4 Repair Depot on 4 Dec 1943 following a crash when the a/c struck a mound at the end of the runway during taxiing due to obscured vision on the windscreen due to icing. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft at Moncton, NB for repairs on 10 Jan 1944. Apparently not repaired, to No. 21 Repair Depot on 3 Apr 1944 for disposal.
last update: 2025-February-05
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW712, Mk. III

s/n BW712

m/d L-214

BW 712

Noted on 12 Feb 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. First assigned to No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS. With No. 11 (BR) Sqn, RCAF Stn Dartmouth, NS, coded "E", when it received Cat "C" damage at Dartmouth on 13 Jan 1943. Taxied into a snow plough. Cat "B" crash on 29 May 1944 when the a/c was accidentally taxied into soft ground and then over a concrete catch basin collapsing the port u/c. To No. 19 Sub-Repair Depot for write off. Engines removed and sent to No. 4 Repair Depot, propellers to Pratt & Whitney Canada.
last update: 2025-February-05
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW713, Mk. III

s/n BW713

m/d L-214

BW 713

First assigned to No. 36 OTU at RCAF Stn Greenwood, NS. Cat "B" damage at Greenwood aerodrome at 10:40 on 16 Jul 1942. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 28 Jul 1942. Assigned to Clarke Ruse Aircraft at Moncton, NB for repairs on 10 Dec 1942, delivered on 20 May 1943. To EAC on 25 Aug 1943, for use at a training unit. Cat "A" crash at Debert, NS on 23 Mar 1944 when the a/c swung on landing. No injuries to the crew. To No. 4 Repair Depot for scrapping on 24 Mar 1944.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-March-16 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1944-March-23 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Clarke | Mitchell
   1944-June-07 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW715, Mk. III

s/n BW715

m/d L-214

BW 715

To No. 6 Repair Depot on 24 January 1944, following a Category B crash. To No. 1 Training Command on 19 July 1944, for use by the Visiting Flight, Central Flying School, at RCAF Station Trenton, Ontario. Back to No. 6 Repair Depot for scrapping in October 1944.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-June-24 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1944-January-03 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Middletong | Rosender | Webb
   1944-December-06 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW716, Mk. III

s/n BW716

m/d L-214

BW 716

Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. Noted on 17 February 1942 as on loan to the Home War Establishment. With No. 11 (BR) Squadron, RCAF Stations Dartmouth, NS and Torbay, Newfoundland, coded "W". Still with this Squadron when it crashed on 26 August 1944. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 14 September 1944 for write off.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-March-16 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2020-10-27
   1944-October-26 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW717, Mk. III

s/n BW717

m/d L-214

BW 717

Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. Noted on 17 February 1942 as on loan to the Home War Establishment. First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft for accident repairs, 10 March to 30 April 1943. To Eastern Air Command when completed, delivered to a Home War Establishment Unit on 23 May 1943. With No. 11 (BR) Squadron, RCAF Stations Torbay, Newfoundland or Dartmouth, NS, 1943 to 1944. Coded "L". Pending disposal from 11 August 1944. By 25 March 1946 stored at Scoudouc, NB, where it was noted with 1215:00 total time, never overhauled.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-17 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-March-05 Accident: 11 Squadron Loc: Aerodrome Names: Bott | Gauthier | Gresham | Lonseth
   1946-September-03 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW718, Mk. III

s/n BW718

m/d L-214

BW 718

Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. Noted on 17 February 1942 as on loan to the Home War Establishment. With No. 11 (BR) Squadron, RCAF Stations Torbay, Newfoundland or Dartmouth, NS, c. 1942 to 1944. Coded "O". Pending disposal from 11 August 1944. Stored by No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB, where it was noted with 1854:00 total time, never overhauled. By 25 March 1946 on the books of No. 5 (E) Depot at Scoudouc, NB
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-17 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1946-September-03 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW719, Mk. III

s/n BW719

m/d L-214

BW 719

Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. Noted on 17 February 1942 as on loan to the Home War Establishment. With No. 11 (BR) Squadron, RCAF Station Torbay, Newfoundland. Coded "N". Lost on training flight on 17 December 1943, 5 fatalities. Was one of 3 aircraft in night cross country formation flight from Torbay to Stephenville, Gander, and back to Torbay. Reported engine trouble, and left formation at about 10:25 PM local time. Remainder of flight encountered icing conditions shortly after. Ownership to No. 19 Sub-Repair Depot on 29 December 1943, for write off. Wreckage not located until 1948 near Lloyds Lake, 50 miles east of Stephenville, found by an RCMP aircraft. Aircraft had struck ground nearly vertical, and was destroyed by fire. The crews' funeral on 18 August 1948 is widely reported as "the last wartime funeral in Newfoundland". The aircraft is often mis-identified as "719".
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-17 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-December-18 Accident: 11 Squadron Loc: Stephenville Names: Bennett | Mannet | Morton | Pawson | Weir
   1944-March-20 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW720, Mk. III

s/n BW720

m/d L-214

BW 720

First assigned to No. 36 OTU at RCAF Stn Greenwood, NS. Cat "A" crash at 14:40 hrs on 29 Aug 1942, near Lawrencetown, NS (10 miles south-west of Greenwood). During a post-maintenance test flight after a change of the port mainplane, the a/c became uncontrollable with no aileron control and repeatedly stalled. The pilot ordered all occupants to bail out. The airframe nosed over, crashed and was largely destroyed by post impact fire. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 8 Sep 1942 for scrapping
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-June-24 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-August-29 Accident: 36 Operational Training Unit Loc: Lawrencetown Nova Scotia Names: Abbott | Gardner | Leach | Utting | Watt
   1942-December-28 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW722, Mk. III

s/n BW722

m/d L-214

BW 722

Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. Noted on 17 February 1942 as on loan to the Home War Establishment. First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. To No. 4 Repair Depot for crash repairs, 19 April 1943. Re-assigned to Clarke Ruse Aircraft, 28 April to 25 August 1943. To Eastern Air Command when completed, for the Home War Establishment. Back to No. 31 OTU on 21 October 1943. To storage on 22 May 1944. To No. 1 Training Command on 9 August 1944, for conversion to transport. Assigned to the Visiting Flight, Central Flying School, RCAF Station Trenton, Ontario. To No. 6 Repair Depot for repairs on 5 July 1945. No record that repairs were completed. Pending disposal from 22 January 1946, stored at Trenton by No. 6 Repair Depot. Noted with 1328:35 total time while in storage.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-17 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-April-17 Accident: 119 Squadron Loc: Aerodrome Names: Cotton | Fisher | Lamoureux | Law
1945-June-12 Accident: 1 CFS Loc: Aerodrome Names: Duncan | Spanner
   1947-January-02 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW723, Mk. III

s/n BW723

m/d L-214

BW 723

Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. Noted on 17 February 1942 as on loan to the Home War Establishment. First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. With No. 119 (BR) Squadron at RCAF Station Sydney, NS when it received Category B damage at 21:15 on 9 July 1942. Engine failure while returning from patrol, crash-landed on Scatarie Island (17 miles south-east of Sydney aerodrome). To No. 4 Repair Depot on 8 August 1942. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft for repairs, 12 August 1942 to 10 February 1943. To Eastern Air Command when completed, for use with a Home War Establishment unit. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 17 May 1943. Transferred to books of Central Training Establishment on 9 June 1943.
last update: 2025-February-05
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW724, Mk. III

s/n BW724

m/d L-214

BW 724

Noted on 12 February 1942 as one of 55 Hudsons released off a British Lend Lease contract. Noted on 17 February 1942 as on loan to the Home War Establishment. First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Later with No. 11 (BR) Squadron, RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS, 1942. Coded "P". Category A crash on 2 July 1942, into the Canso Strait. All crew members baled out safely. Ownership to No. 4 Repair Depot on 4 July 1942 for write off.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-17 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-July-30 Accident: 11 Squadron Loc: Canso Nova Scotia Names: Hoehn | Junge | Willis
   1942-August-17 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW728, Mk. III

s/n BW728

m/d L-214

BW 728

Noted on 17 February 1942 as to be loaned by RAF to Home War Establishment, transfer cancelled, reported on 2 March 1942.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-17 Ownership Transferred Scheduled date of transfer 2019-08-20
   1942-February-17 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1942-March-02 Transfer Cancelled transfer cancelled 2019-08-20
   1942-March-02 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW768, Mk. III

s/n BW768

m/d L-214

BW 768

First assigned to No. 36 OTU at RCAF Stn Greenwood, NS. Struck a tree during single engine practice flying at 09:15 on 31 Aug 1942. Originally classified as Cat "C", revised to Cat "B". and repaired. On 6 Mar 1943, the a/c was being flown by an experienced flight commander on an advanced dual control instruction mission with only a student pilot on board. The a/c was last seen descending and never recovered from the dive striking a hill and was destroyed. Flight Lieutenant R.A Miles and Pilot Officer T.O. Proulx were both killed. Assigned to No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 8 Mar 1943, delivered there on 11 Mar 1943.
last update: 2025-February-05 📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW770, Mk. III

s/n BW770

m/d L-214

BW 770

First assigned to No. 36 OTU at RCAF Stn Greenwood, NS. Cat "A" crash at 11:20 hrs on 25 Jun 1942, 3 miles south-east of Greenwood when the a/c was seen to circle and spin out of control during a practice mission for single engine approaches and landings. Pilot Officer C.W.A. Blick and Flight Sergeant J.N. Hopkinson were both killed. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 3 Jul 1942 for scrapping.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-March-16 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-June-25 Accident: 36 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Blick | Hopkinson
   1942-July-27 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW771, Mk. III

s/n BW771

m/d L-214

BW 771

First assigned to No. 36 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Greenwood, NS. Category B damage at Greenwood aerodrome at 17:40 on 26 January 1943, port undercarriage collapsed on landing. To No. 4 Repair Depot, 30 January to 18 March 1943. To Eastern Air Command when completed, noted as intended for RAF (probably for No. 31 or No. 36 Operational Training Unit). Allocated to No. 4 Repair Depot again on 21 December 1943, for temporary fly in repair and storage pending allocation to a contractor for further repairs. To Canada Car & Foundry at Amherst, NS on 10 January 1944. Back to No. 4 Repair Depot on 8 April 1944. Pending disposal from 31 July 1944. Stored at Scoudouc, NB, where it was noted with 1146:30 total time, never overhauled. By 25 March 1946 on the books of No. 5 (E) Depot, still stored at Scoudouc.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-March-16 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-January-26 Accident: 36 Operational Training Unit Loc: Greenwood Aerodrome Names: Alston | Hamilton
1943-December-15 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Beack | Heyward | Husband | Tisdale
   1947-February-12 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW772, Mk. III

s/n BW772

m/d L-214

BW 772

First assigned to No. 36 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Greenwood, NS. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft at Moncton, NB on 20 August 1943. To No. 21 Repair Depot on 3 April 1944 for disposal. Pending disposal from 25 July 1944. Stored by No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB, where it was noted with 948:55 total time. By 25 March 1946 on the books of No. 5 (E) Depot, still stored at Scoudouc.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-March-16 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1947-February-12 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW775, Mk. III

s/n BW775

m/d L-214

BW 775

First assigned to No. 36 OTU at RCAF Stn Greenwood, NS. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 17 Dec 1943 for temporary repairs,, following a Cat "B" crash when the a/c swung on landing on 11 Dec 1943. Assigned to Canada Car & Foundry at Amherst, NS on 10 Jan 1944. To No. 21 Repair Depot on 8 Apr 1944, to be stored pending disposal instructions. Scrapped there.
last update: 2025-February-05
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW776, Mk. III

s/n BW776

m/d L-214

BW 776

First assigned to No. 36 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Greenwood, NS, on loan from RAF. Category A crash at Greenwood on 26 August 1942. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB for scrapping on 8 September 1942.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-February-17 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2020-10-27
1942-August-26 Accident: 36 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Bindley | Robertson
   1942-November-10 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson BW777, Mk. III

s/n BW777

m/d L-214

BW 777

Cat "A" crash at Debert, NS on 20 Jul 1943. The a/c took off on an exercise to practice dual circuits and landings but failed to gain altitude, struck some trees and then crashed and burned. Squadron Leader R.T. Hunn and Pilot Officer W.G.M. Papworth were both killed. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB for scrapping on 22 Aug 1943
last update: 2025-February-05 📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 530

Hudson EW873, Mk. VI

s/n EW873

m/d L-414

EW 873

Probably in service at No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS, on the books of the RAF, when it crashed in the fall of 1942. To workshop reserve at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB, then to Clark Ruse Aircraft for repairs on 27 October 1942, following a Category B crash. To Eastern Air Command on 10 April 1943. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc on 13 September 1943, for write off.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-September-25 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-August-27 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Names: Crummey | Impey | Oakley | Stevens
   1944-January-26 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 537

Hudson EW881,

s/n EW881

EW 881

244 Sqn Communications Flight, Aden. Hudson aircraft crashed four miles west of Riyan, Jodhpur, India. Three of the crew and four passengers, all not Canadians, were also killed. Pilot Officer Farrell was the fifth and only Canadian passenger killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson EW897, MK Vl

s/n EW897

EW 897

Hudson EW898, MK Vl

s/n EW898

EW 898

last update: 2025-March-10
1943-August-06 Accident: 45 GROUP RAF Loc: Martintown Quebec Names: Lloyd | Newman | Smither

Aircraft Ferrying 1943-08-06 to 1943-08-06

45 () Ferry Command (RAF) Dorval, Quebec

45 RAF Group Transport Command, Dorval, Quebec. Hudson aircraft EW 898 was on a training flight when it crashed near Martintown, Ontario

Wireless Operator Sergeant GSB Newman (RCAF) and two American Civilian Pilots, LC Lloyd and HM Smither were all killed in this flying accident, cause unknown

Ocean Bridge, The history of RAF Ferry Command by Carl A Christie page 320

General [Royal Air Force serial and Image Database]...

Hudson EW900, MK Vl

s/n EW900

EW 900

#216 Squadron (CCXVI Dona Ferens) Hudson VI aircraft #EW 900 suffered an engine cut out on take off and crashed in Khanka, Egypt on a training flight. Flight Sergeant MO Brown (RAF)(Can), Flight Lieutenant RT Bradshaw (RAF), Flying Officer FV Browne (RAAF), Flight Sergeant DA MacDonald (RAFVR) and Leading Aircraftman F Holland (RAFVR) were killed, Flying Officer LC Pyke MiD (RAAF) and Leading Aircraftman CWF Ironmonger (RAFVR) died of their injuries. Leading Aircraftman GM Paulger (RAFVR) was injured
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson EW921, Mk. VI

s/n EW921

EW 921

Ex USAAF A-28A. With No. 407 Squadron, RCAF when lost on an anti-submarine patrol over the Bay of Biscay on 20 October 1942.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson EW956, Mk. VI

s/n EW956

m/d L-414

EW 956

With No. 36 Operational Training Unit at Greenwood, NS when taken on strength. Later with No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Category B damage at Debert aerodrome at 07:07 on 4 January 1943. Swung on landing, port main gear collapsed. To Clark Ruse Aircraft for repairs, 15 January to 18 May 1943. To Eastern Air Command when completed, and back to No. 31 OTU. To Clark Ruse Aircraft again for repairs following a crash, 12 August 1943 to 29 February 1944. To Eastern Air Command when completed. To storage, 22 May to 10 August 1944. Converted to target tug while in storage, noted as on loan to Western Hemisphere Organization from 10 August 1944. With No. 1 Composite Detachment at Torbay Newfoundland when it suffered Category C damage on 10 November 1944. To storage on 5 July 1945. To workshop reserve at No. 6 Repair Depot at Trenton on 2 November 1945. Pending disposal from 5 April 1946, still at No. 6 Repair Depot.
last update: 2025-February-05
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 537

Hudson FH168, Mk. llla

s/n FH168

FH 168

#38 Wing, Netheravon, England. Hudson aircraft #FR 168 was enroute from Portreath, England to Gibraltar when it crashed and burned seven miles south of St Eval, England. The aircraft was unable to maintain height due to one engine failing and the load it was carrying.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FH233, Mk. llla

s/n FH233

FH 233

RAF Ferry Command, Dorval, Quebec. Hudson IIIa aircraft #FH 233 missing at sea enroute from Dorval, Quebec to the United Kingdom, crashing off the coast of County Sligo, Eire
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FH235, Mk. llla

s/n FH235

FH 235

RAF Ferry Command Dorval, Quebec, Hudson IIIa aircraft #FH 235 crashed on a training flight on White Face Mountain, Wilmington, New York, USA. FS RC Brooks (RCAF) and Flight Sergeant AM Harris (RAF) were killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FH253, Mk. llla

s/n FH253

FH 253

#3502 Conversion Unit, RAF Station, Gosport, England. Hudson aircraft crashed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FH257, Mk. llla

s/n FH257

FH 257

#459 Australia Squadron. Hudson aircraft stalled, while in a turn at low altitude, and crashed five miles north-west of Landing Ground Z, Egypt
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FH281, Mk. llla

s/n FH281

FH 281

#353 Squadron. Hudson aircraft #FH 281 failed to return from operations. Three members of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FH289, Mk. llla

s/n FH289

FH 289

#1 Squadron (In Omnibus Princeps). Hudson aircraft was in a mid-air collision with a Hurricane aircraft twenty miles south of Hyderabad Sind. Five of the crew of the Hudson, not Canadians, were also killed
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FH302, MK. lllA

s/n FH302

FH 302

#459 Squadron. Hudson aircraft failed to return from operations. Three of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FH307, Mk. lllA

s/n FH307

FH 307

#24 Squdron (In omnia parati), Hudson IIIa aircraft # FH 307 lost, Flight Lieutenant
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FH317, Mk. llla

s/n FH317

FH 317

RAF Ferry Command. Hudson aircraft #FH 317 was engaged in a training flight when it crashed five miles west of the aerodrome at Dorval, Quebec.
last update: 2025-February-05
1942-July-22 Accident: RAF FC DORVAL, QUE Loc: Dorval Airport Names: Anderson | Burdon-murphy | Mcinnis | Rhodes | Richards

Aircraft Ferrying 1942-07-22 to 1942-07-22

(Ferry) Ferry Command (RAF) Dorval, Quebec

RAF Ferry Command. Dorval, Quebec. Hudson aircraft FH 317 was engaged in a Navigation training flight when it crashed and burned five miles west of the aerodrome near Dorval, Quebec

Pilot Officer FG McInnis (RCAF), Sergeant JL Anderson (RAAF), Sergeant RE Richards (RAAF) and Flight Lieutenant JK Rhodes (RAF) were all killed in this flying accident

Ocean Bridge, The History of RAF Ferry Command by Carl A Christie page 313

General [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...

Hudson FH340, Mk. III

s/n FH340

m/d L-214

FH 340

Used by RAF Ferry Command in Canada, to train ferry crews. Crashed at Camp Borden in June 1942, while still on RAF books.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-October-03 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1942-November-12 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 547

Hudson FH343, Mk. llla

s/n FH343

FH 343

#233 Squadron (Ymlaen). Hudson aircraft was seen by the crews of other squadron aircraft to spin into the Atlantic Ocean, off La Guardia, Portugal. The aircraft disappeared immediately and only wreckage was sighted.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FH346, Mk. IIIA

s/n FH346

FH 346

Ex USAAF A-28A. With No. 407 (GR) Squadron, RCAF, coded "RR*A". Lost on 21 June 1942 on operations, crashed into North Sea off Dutch coast. 4 crew, 2 RCAF and 2 RAAF, killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FH350, Mk. llla

s/n FH350

FH 350

#233 Squadron (Ymlaen). Hudson aircraft #FH 350 crashed in the sea forty miles east of Gibraltar
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FH362,

s/n FH362

FH 362

#48 Squadron (Forte Et Fidele). Hudson aircraft went down in the sea off Hofn Island.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FH366, Mk. llla

s/n FH366

FH 366

#200 Squadron. Hudson aircraft lost off Port Etienne, West Africa.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FH377, Mk. llla

s/n FH377

FH 377

#269 Squadron. The pilot of Hudson aircraft #FH 377 was flying with poor visibility when he crashed into a hillside six miles north-east of the Stadhur Lighthouse, Iceland.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FH378,

s/n FH378


FH 378

#48 Squadron (Forte Et Fidele). Hudson aircraft failed to return from operations
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FH383, Mk. llla

s/n FH383

FH 383

#353 Squadron. Hudson aircraft #FH 383 crashed while in transit from Jodpuhr to Palam, India, cause obscure
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FH386, Mk. llla

s/n FH386

FH 386

RAF Ferry Command, Dorval, Quebec. Hudson aircraft #FH 386 was engaged in a training flight when it crashed two miles north-west of Dorval, Quebec
last update: 2025-February-05
1942-July-15 Accident: RAF FC DORVAL, QUE Loc: Dorval Quebec Names: Bryson | Dhondt | Gilchrist | Mole | Sales

Aircraft Ferrying 1942-07-15 to 1942-07-15

() Ferry Command (RAF) Dorval, Quebec

45 Group RAF Transport Command, Dorval, Quebec. Hudson aircraft FH 386 was engaged in a ferry training flight when it crashed two miles north-west of Dorval, Quebec with the loss of the entire crew, cause unknown

Flight Lieutenant HH Gilchrist (RCAF), Sergeant JM Sales (RCAF), Sergeant TI D'Hondt (RAFVR), Sergeant RE Mole (RAAF) and Pilot Officer BJ Bryson (RAFVR) were all killed in this flying accident

Ocean Bridge, The History of RAF Ferry Command by Carl A Christie page 313

General [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...

Hudson FH395, Mk. III

s/n FH395

m/d L-214

FH 395

Headquarters, RAF Ferry Command, Dorval, Quebec. W/C. Carr-Harris, S/L. G.P. Christie D.F.C. (RAF) and Leading Aircraftman C.S. Llewellyn (RAF) lost their lives when Hudson aircraft # FH 395 crashed into Lake St Louis and sank.
last update: 2025-February-05
1942-July-05 Accident: RAF FCOM DORVAL Loc: Pointe Claire Quebec Names: Carr Harris | Christie | Llewellyn

Aircraft Ferrying 1942-07-05 to 1942-07-05

45 (T) Group (RAF) Dorval, Quebec

45 Group RAF Transport Command (Headquarters), Dorval, Quebec. Wing Commander BG Carr-Harris (RCAF), Squadron Leader GP Christie DFC (RAFO) and Leading Aircraftman CS Llewellyn (RAFVR) lost their lives while on a ferry training flight when Hudson III aircraft FH395 crashed into Lake St Louis and sank, killing the entire crew

Ocean Bridge, The History of RAF Ferry Command by Carl A Christie pages 44, 271-2, 313

General [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...

   1942-July-21 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1942-December-21 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 547

Hudson FH407, Mk. llla

s/n FH407

FH 407

#1402 Meteorological Flight. Hudson IIIa aircraft #FH 407 failed to return from a meteorological flight.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FH416, Mk. III

s/n FH416

m/d L-214

FH 416

ex-USAAF A-29A serial # 41-37217 Delivered 17 Apr 42. Assigned to No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS. Cat "A" crash on 20 Dec 1943. Assigned for salvage as of 13 Jan 1944
last update: 2025-February-05
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 547

Hudson FH426, Mk, llla

s/n FH426

FH 426

#233 Squadron (Ymlaen). Hudson aircraft failed to return from operations
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FH429, Mk. llla

s/n FH429

FH 429

#48 Squadron (Cave Canem). Hudson IIIa aircraft #FH429 failed to return from a patrol off Norway.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FH431, Mk. llla

s/n FH431

FH 431

Hudson FH466, Mk. VI

s/n FH466

m/d L-214

FH 466

This serial appears on the Record Card for FK466, but must be a typo. FH466 was delivered to the UK, and written off there during the war. FK466 is currently under restoration at RCAF Museum at Trenton, Ontario.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-October-05 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1947-December-10 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 547

Hudson FK386, MK Vl

s/n FK386

FK 386

#260 Squadron (Celer Et Fortis). Hudson aircraft #FK 386 missing in transit from Portreath, England to Gibraltar
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FK393, Mk. VI

s/n FK393

m/d L-414

FK 393

Crashed at King, Ontario, apparently while being operated by RAF Ferry Command. Wreckage recovered by No. 1 Training Command, and arrived at No. 6 Repair Depot on 23 November 1942. Airframe only taken on charge, engines were "found to be repairable" and were returned to RAF Ferry Command. Ownership transferred to No. 6 RD on 7 December 1942.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-November-16 Taken on Strength No. 1 Training Command 2019-08-20
   1943-March-05 Struck off Strength Struck off, airframe scrapped, see comments 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 559

Hudson FK398, MK Vl

s/n FK398

FK 398

#48 Squadron (Forte Et Fidele). Hudson aircraft #FK 398 crashed into the sea during rocket firing practise fifteen miles east of Gibraltar
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FK399, Mk. VI

s/n FK399

m/d L-414

FK 399

Used by No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS. Cat "B" crash at Derbert, at 11:50 hrs on 22 Dec 1942. One engine failed on takeoff, due to freezing, and the a/c overran the end of runway. Assigned to No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 24 Dec 1942 for repairs, but transferred to Clark Ruse Aircraft on 5 Jan 1943, arriving there on 11 Jan 1943. To EAC on 1 Dec 1943. Back to No. 4 Repair Depot on 24 Jan 1944, following another "B" Cat crash on 29 Dec 1943 when the a/c swung on landing after a single engine approach.
last update: 2025-February-05
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 559

Hudson FK408, Mk. VI

s/n FK408

m/d L-414

FK 408

Used by No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. With this Unit when it crashed at 21:50 on 8 April 1943, near Cape Mabou Mountain on Cape Breton, NS. Flew into high ground 50 minutes after taking off on navigation exercise, carburetor icing suspected. Pilot Sgt. T.V. Hyland and navigator Sgt. P.W. Elliot, RAAF killed. The WAG, Flight Sergeant B.J. McCarthy survived with only minor injuries. Assigned to No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB for scrapping on 12 April 1943.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-November-14 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-April-08 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Cape Mabou Mt Nova Scotia Names: Elliott | Hyland | McCarthy
   1943-August-02 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 559

Hudson FK409, Mk. VI

s/n FK409

m/d L-414

FK 409

Used by No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS. On 5 Jun 1943, the a/c took off on a night navigation exercise and went missing. The five-person crew were killed including: Pilot Officer J.J. McCarry (pilot), Pilot Officer V.E. Mayhew (nav), Pilot Officer J.L. Summerhill (WAG), Pilot Officer C. Ursel (WAG) and Pilot Officer A.B. Haddow (passenger). Assigned to No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB for scrapping on 9 Jun 1943.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-September-30 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-June-22 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Names: Haddow | Mayhew | McCarry | Summerwill | Ursel
   1944-February-07 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2020-09-24
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 559

Hudson FK413, MK Vl

s/n FK413

FK 413

Missing at Sea. Flight Lieutenant Crofton R.D.;Flight Sergeant Raymond E Wylie;
Elton D. Brabender
last update: 2025-February-05
1942-July-12 Accident: RAFFC DORVAL Loc: At Sea Names: Brabender | Crofton | Wylie

Ferry Flight 1942-07-12 to 1942-07-12

45 (T) Group (RAF) Dorval, Quebec

45 Group, RAF Transport Command, Dorval, Quebec. Hudson VI aircraft FK 413 lost during a Trans-Atlantic ferry flight after departing Gander, Newfoundland, cause unknown

Sergeant RE Wylie (RCAF), Flight Lieutenant RD Crofton (RAF) and Sergeant ED Brabender (RAAF) were all missing, presumed killed in this flying accident

The missing have no known grave. Sergeant Wylie is commemorated on the Ottawa Memorial. Flight Lieutenant Crofton and Sergeant Brabender are commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial

Ocean Bridge, The History of RAF Ferry Command by Carl A Christie, page 313

General [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...

Hudson FK417, MK Vl

s/n FK417

FK 417

#48 Squadron (Forte Et Fidele). FS Adgey was killed when his Hudson aircraft #FK 417 crashed in the sea.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FK442, MK Vl

s/n FK442

FK 442

#45 Transport Group, Dorval, Quebec. Pilot Officer McLennan, Sergeants E.L. Barrett, and P.A. Naylor (RAF) were on a training flight and were all killed when Hudson aircraft #FK 442 crashed between St Adolphe de Howard and Otereke, Quebec
last update: 2025-February-05
1943-June-24 Accident: 45 (AT) GROUP Loc: Between St Adolphe De Howard & Otoneke Quebec Names: Barrett | Mclennan | Naylor

Aircraft Ferrying 1943-06-24 to 1943-06-24

45 () Ferry Command (RAF) Dorval, Quebec

45 Group Transport Command, Dorval, Quebec. Hudson VI aircraft FK 442 crashed between St Adolphe de Howard and Otereke, Quebec, while on a training flight when they buzzed Lac St Joseph, lost control and crashed in flames

Pilot Officer DM McLennan (RCAF), Sergeant EL Barrett (RCAF), and Sergeant PA Naylor (RAFVR) were all killed in this flying accident

Ocean Bridge, The History of RAF Ferry Command by Carl A Christie page 272-3, 320

General [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...

Hudson FK443, Mk. VI

s/n FK443

m/d L-414

FK 443

Used by No. 36 OTU at Greenwood, NS. Cat "B" damage near Kawkesbury (possibly Port Hawkesbury on Cape Breton Island), NS at 21:30 hrs on 6 Jan 1943. The a/c was forced landed in open field during local flying but with no injuries. To Clark Ruse Aircraft for repairs, 21 Jan to 20 Jul 1943. To EAC when completed. Reported missing at sea during an ASW patrol from Derbert on 29 Oct 1943. The crew of four including: Flight Sergeant A.W. Young (pilot), Flight Sergeant E. Pattison (Nav), Flight Sergeant H.S.T. Fraser (WAG) and Flight Sergeant A.J. Horton (WAG) were killed. Records to No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 5 Nov 1943 for write off.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-September-18 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-January-06 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Port Hawkesbury Nova Scotia Names: Pedder | Weber
1943-October-30 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: At Sea Names: Fraser | Horton | Pattison | Young
   1944-January-18 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 559

Hudson FK460, Mk. VI

s/n FK460

m/d L-414

FK 460

Used by No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. To storage, 22 May to 10 August 1944. Target towing gear installed during this time, but removed by 19 October 1944. To storage again on 20 September 1944, at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB, pending allotment to pending disposal. Had 1437:00 total time when sent to No. 4 RD. Pending disposal from 5 October 1944. Ownership to No. 5 (Equipment) Depot at Scoudouc on 25 March 1946, still pending disposal.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-September-25 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1947-February-12 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 559

Hudson FK464, Mk. VI

s/n FK464

m/d L-414

FK 464

Used by No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. To Clark Ruse Aircraft for repairs or overhaul, 25 August 1943. To storage at No. 21 Repair Depot on 8 April 1944. Pending disposal from 25 July 1944. Later at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, where it was reported with 728:40 total time. Ownership to No. 5 (Equipment) Depot at Scoudouc on 25 March 1946, still pending disposal.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-September-30 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1946-December-02 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 559

Hudson FK465, Mk. VI

s/n FK465

m/d L-414

FK 465

Used by No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Category A crash at Debert on 16 July 1943. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 19 July 1943, for scrapping.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-September-30 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-July-16 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Clark | Firestone | Langford | Seddon | Strickland
   1943-October-15 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 559

Hudson FK466, Mk. VI

s/n FK466

m/d L-214

FK 466

Misidentified as FH466 in some RCAF records. US funded, their designation A-28A and serial 42-47022. Built in September 1942. Arrived at Derbert, NS on 5 October 1942, used there by No. 31 Operational Training Unit. To stored reserve on 22 May 1944. To No. 21 Repair Depot at Moncton, NB on 8 August 1944, for conversion to Air Sea Rescue configuration, with droppable life boat. To Eastern Air Command on 12 December 1944, for use by No. 1 Composite Detachment at Torbay, Newfoundland. In bare metal finish by late 1944, coded "R". Dropped life boat in Quidi Vidi Lake on 17 April 1945. Still with this unit when it became No. 1 (Composite) Squadron. This unit disbanded 7 July 1945, aircraft to RCAF Station Torbay Flight. To No. 1 Reconnaissance and Navigation School at RCAF Station Summerside, PEI on 15 September 1945. With this School to RCAF Station Greenwood, NS on 15 December 1945. With Greenwood Station Flight when withdrawn from service on 9 September 1947. Sold to P. Murphy of Berwick, NS, partially cut up and stored. Sold to L.W. Layton Salvage of Canning, NS for $175 in 1980. Acquired by ACAM, a group of enthusiasts, in 1988, eventually transferred to Air Force Museum. With the Air Force Museum at Trenton by October 2010, being restored to wartime configuration and markings using parts of Lodestar 41-23166, ex CF-CEC, and Hudson 41-23419.
last update: 2025-February-05
1943-November-18 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Clent | Coutler | Finkelstein | Hanna | Pinder
   1947-November-10 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20

Hudson FK467, Mk. VI

s/n FK467

m/d L-414

FK 467

First used by No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. To workshop reserve at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 8 June 1943. To Clark Ruse Aircraft the next day. Back to Eastern Air Command on 30 September 1943. To storage from 22 May to 10 August 1944, converted to target tug during this time. Category B (or C?) crash at RCAF Station Gander, Newfoundland on 20 December 1944. Reported as target towing gear removed before accident. To No. 4 Repair Depot for write off.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-September-29 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-June-06 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Aubin | Baker | Kirkpatrick | Loder
   1945-March-08 Struck off Strength 2020-09-24
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 559

Hudson FK468, Mk. VI

s/n FK468

m/d L-414

FK 468

Used by No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Disappeared on a night navigation exercise over the ocean on 15 May 1943. Last position report received at 22:45, at second planned turning point. All 4 crew missing. Ownership to No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 21 May 1943 for write off.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-September-25 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1943-June-22 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 559

Hudson FK470, Mk. VI

s/n FK470

m/d L-414

FK 470

Used by No. 36 Operational Training Unit at Greenwood, NS. Category B crash in early 1943. Allocated to No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 17 March 1944, pending repair or disposal instructions from Air Force Headquarters.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-September-17 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-July-14 Accident: 4 Repair Depot Loc: Aerodrome Names: Beeston | Nixon | Prowse
1944-March-12 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Blake | Carey | Harrison | Mundrick
   1944-May-16 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 559

Hudson FK495, Mk. VI

s/n FK495

m/d L-414

FK 495

Used by No. 36 OTU at Greenwood, NS. To storage on 22 May 1944. To No. 21 Repair Depot (at Gander?) on 8 Aug 1944, for conversion to Air Sea Rescue configuration. To be used at RCAF Stn Torbay, NF. Back to EAC on 27 Dec 1944. Cat "B" crash at Gull Lake, NF, 9 Aug 1945 after the pilot ditched the a/c into a small lake after an engine failure on a post-maintenance test flight. The crew and passengers were uninjured. Ownership to No. 4 Repair Depot on 16 Aug 1945, for strike off.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-September-17 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-March-25 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Cant | Lake
   1945-November-02 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 559

Hudson FK497, MK Vl

s/n FK497

FK 497

#200 Squadron. Hudson aircraft #FK 497 took-off and gained an altitude of 500 feet. Two minutes after take-off the aircraft rolled over and dove into the ground at Fajara Beach, Cape St Mary, Gambia
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FK499, Mk. VI

s/n FK499

as/n 42-47055

m/d L-414

FK 499

From Joe Baugher: 47055 to RAF as Hudson VI FK499. Crashed into sea during delivery flight Oct 1, 1942
last update: 2025-February-05

Aircraft Ferrying 1942-10-01 to 1942-10-01

(Ferry) Ferry Command (RAF) Natal, Brazil

RAF Ferry Command Hudson aircraft FK 499 having originally departed from West Palm Beach, Florida, USA, made its way south, making several stops along the way before reaching Natal, Brazil. From here the crew flew out over the Atlantic Ocean. During the flight, fuel pump problems arose, which were repaired upon reaching Ascension Island. The crew then elected to continue their flight to Africa rather than wait until the next morning. Nightfall hampered their navigation and after a severe electrical storm knocked out the radio, they made a forced landing at Cotonou, Dahomey, West Africa, an area then under the control of the Vichy French Government. The crew survived the landing but George Phillips, William Campbell and Gordon Seward become interned prisoners until after the Allied landings in North Africa. They were returned to West Palm Beach Florida, USA 1943-01-20 and continued to work for Ferry Command. The impounded Hudson FK 499 was also saved, repaired and went on to serve with the RAF

Ocean Bridge, The History of RAF Ferry Command by Carl A Christie pages 166-8

General [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...

General Post on RAF Commands by Col Bruggy, 2009-03-04

Hudson FK506, Mk. VI

s/n FK506

m/d L-414

FK 506

First used by No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB for storage on 10 Feb 1944, following a Cat "B" crash on 29 Jan 1944 when the starboard engine failed on take-off and the pilot aborted the take-off and crashed landed. The crew was uninjured. To Clark Ruse Aircraft for repairs, 24 May to 30 Sep 1943. To EAC when completed. To No. 4 Repair Depot again on 10 Feb 1944, for scrapping.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-September-29 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1944-January-29 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Ager | Cumming | Mears | Nuttall | Wallace
   1944-May-16 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 559

Hudson FK511, Mk. VI

s/n FK511

m/d L-414

FK 511

First used by No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Category B crash late in 1943. Airframe allocated to No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 20 October 1943, pending allotment to a contractor. To Clark Ruse Aircraft at Moncton, NB for repairs, 10 January 1944. To workshop reserve at No. 21 Repair Depot on 8 April 1944, pending disposal instructions.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-September-25 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2020-09-24
1943-October-13 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Blakey | Gunn | Nissen | Siddons | White
   1944-November-06 Struck off Strength Struck off at No. 21 Repair Depot 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 559

Hudson FK512, Mk. VI

s/n FK512

m/d L-414

FK 512

Used by No. 36 Operational Training Unit at Greenwood, NS. Category B crash in late 1942. To Clark Ruse Aircraft for repairs, 3 December 1942 to 154 March 1943. To Eastern Air Command when completed. Airframe to No. 4 Repair Depot on 25 November 1943, pending allocation to contractor. Engines retained for further inspection. Back to Clark Ruse at Moncton, NB on 6 December 1943. To No. 21 Repair Depot on 8 April 1944 for storage, pending further instructions.
last update: 2025-February-05
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 559

Hudson FK514, Mk. VI

s/n FK514

m/d L-414

FK 514

To stored reserve with Eastern Air Command on 22 May 1944. Stored post war at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB. Noted with 1576:40 total time while there. Pending disposal from 8 August 1944.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-September-29 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-November-01 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Baril | Fenwick | Gagne | Martinson
   1945-September-15 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 559

Hudson FK518, Mk. VI

s/n FK518

m/d L-414

FK 518

To Clark Ruse Aircraft at Moncton, NB for crash repairs, on 31 August 1943. To No. 21 Repair Depot on 8 April 1944, pending disposal instructions. Pending disposal with Eastern Air Command from 25 July 1944, probably at No. 4 Repair Depot. Ownership to No. 5 (Equipment) Depot at Scoudouc on 25 March 1946, still pending disposal. Noted with 745:00 total time while stored at Scoudouc.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-October-05 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-August-24 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Ascah | Ashworth | Henderson | McLeod | Thondycraft | Tisdale | Weiser
   1946-December-02 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2020-09-24
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 559

Hudson FK522, MK Vl

s/n FK522

FK 522

#1 Overseas Air Delivery Unit. Hudson VI aircraft #FK 522 crashed in the sea off Portreath, England
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FK534, Mk. VI

s/n FK534

m/d L-414

FK 534

Used by No. 36 OTU at Greenwood, NS. Cat "C" accident on 20 Nov 1942 when the a/c struck trees on take-off and was forced to return to land. Cat "B" crash on 4 Mar 1944 when the a/c swung on landing and crashed. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 11 Apr 1944, for storage pending disposal decision.
last update: 2025-February-05
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 559

Hudson FK535, MK Vl

s/n FK535

FK 535

#608 Squadron (Omnibus Ungulis). Hudson aircraft #FK 535 lost an engine, made a partial recovery from a spin and then crashed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FK539, Mk. VI

s/n FK539

m/d L-414

FK 539

Used by No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS. Cat "A" crash at Mabou, NS (on the west coast of Cape Breton Island) on 6 Aug 1943. The a/c was on a navigation exercise and went missing with a crew of five. Pilot Officer R.J. Parr (pilot), Pilot Officer H. Smith (nav), Flight Sergeant C.O. Legroulx (WAG), Flight Sergeant J.M.C. L'Heureux (WAG) and Warrant Officer Class 1 A.A. McLeod (Staff WAG) were all killed. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 7 Aug 1943, for salvage.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-September-29 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-July-26 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Mabou Mtnorth Cape Breton Names: L'heureux | Legroulx | McLeod | Parr | Smith
   1943-November-04 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 560

Hudson FK541, Mk. VI

s/n FK541

m/d L-414

FK 541

Used by No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS. Cat "B" damage at Derbert aerodrome at 13:35 hrs on 30 Jan 1943, when the undercarriage struck a snow bank at the end of the runway. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB for repairs, 2 Feb to 3 Nov 1943, back to No. 31 OTU when completed. Allocated to No. 4 RD for write off on 3 Apr 1944, after being reported missing at sea on a night operational training exercise on 2 Apr 1944 with four crew on board. Pilot Officer I.W. Horton (pilot), Pilot Officer J.I. Robertson (nav), Flight Sergeant CG. Keegan (WAG) and Flight Sergeant J.A.R. Renaud (WAG) were all killed. The body of Flight Sergeant Keegan was found in a dinghy by a searching navy vessel two days later.
last update: 2025-February-05 📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 560

Hudson FK546, Mk. VI

s/n FK546

m/d L-414

FK 546

Used by No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS. Cat "A" crash at Derbert on 14 Oct 1943. The port tire burst during the take-off causing an uncontrollable swing. The a/c crashed and was destroyed by a post crash fire. The crew escaped uninjured. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 22 Oct 1943, for scrapping.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-September-25 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-October-14 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Berry | Hutchinson | Jardine
   1944-January-20 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 560

Hudson FK547, Mk. VI

s/n FK547

m/d L-414

FK 547

Used by No. 31 OTU at Debert, NS. The a/c had a Cat "B" crash on 11 Feb 1943 when the a/c swung on take-off and crashed. To Clark Ruse Aircraft at Moncton, NB, 20 Aug to 24 Nov 1943. Back to EAC when completed. Reported missing from Derbert on 29 Jan 1944 during an night operational training flight. The four-man crew consisting of Flight Sergeant W. Harrison (pilot), Flight Sergeant W. Clark (nav), Flight Sergeant W.J. Bates (WAG) and Flight Sergeant W.J. Bodell (WAG) all perished. Allocated to No. 4 Repair Depot on 15 Feb 1944 for write off
last update: 2025-February-05 📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 560

Hudson FK548, Mk. VI

s/n FK548

m/d L-414

FK 548

Used by No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Category B crash in winter of 1943/1944. Allocated to No. 4 Repair Depot on 16 February 1944, for storage pending repairs at a contractor. Scrapped there, apparently without being repaired.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-September-30 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1944-February-04 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Dunne | O'Reilly | Redston | Wood
   1944-May-16 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 560

Hudson FK550, Mk. VI

s/n FK550

m/d L-414

FK 550

Used by No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. To workshop reserve at No. 4 Repair Depot in Scoudouc, NB on 8 June 1943. To Clark Ruse Aircraft, 9 June to 30 September 1943. Back to Eastern Air Command when completed. Stored with EAC from 22 May to 10 August 1944, converted to target tug during this time. To storage again on 5 July 1945. Stored post war with No. 6 Reserve Equipment Maintenance Unit. Reported with 1070:45 total time while in storage. Pending disposal from 4 March 1946, when it was stored at the Reserve Equipment Maintenance Satellite at Mt. Pleasant, PEI.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-September-25 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1947-June-27 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 560

Hudson FK551, Mk. VI

s/n FK551

m/d L-414

FK 551

Used by No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. To Clark Ruse Aircraft at Moncton, NB, 19 July to 12 October 1943. Back to Eastern Air Command when completed. Stored with EAC from 22 May to 11 September 1944, possibly converted to target tug during this time. To No. 21 Repair Depot on 11 September 1944. To workshop reserve at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 14 November 1944, for installation of radios. To No. 1 Technical Signals Unit at Derbert, NS on 20 March 1945, for further radio work (possibly for flight testing). Still with this unit in June 1945, when it became the RCAF TSU. To storage on 29 August 1945, when it was reported as serviceable, with 923:15 total time. Stored at No. 6 Reserve Equipment Maintenance Unit by 2 January 1946.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-September-25 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1947-June-27 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 560

Hudson FK552, Mk. VI

s/n FK552

m/d L-414

FK 552

First used by No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Category B damage at this unit's bombing range, at 15:00 on 9 October 1942. Assigned to No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 13 October 1942, then to Clark Ruse Aircraft on 20 October 1942 for repairs. Back to Eastern Air Command on 2 March 1943. Back to Clark Ruse on 24 May 1943, again for crash repairs. Back to EAC on 2 February 1944. To storage on 22 May 1944. To No. 21 Repair Depot on 11 September 1944. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 14 November 1944 for conversion (or possibly for completion of conversion) to target tug. To No. 1 Technical Signals Unit at Derbert, NS on 20 March 1945, for radio installation. Back to EAC on 14 June 1945. Reported serviceable on 12 October 1945. Pending disposal from 13 May 1946.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-September-25 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1942-October-09 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Bombing Range Names: Buchanan | Mathews
   1948-June-09 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 560

Hudson FK553, Mk. VI

s/n FK553

m/d L-414

FK 553

Used by No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Category B crash in early 1943. Assigned to No. 4 Repair Depot on 19 April 1943. To Clark Ruse Aircraft at Moncton, NB for repairs, 22 April to 18 November 1943. To Eastern Air Command when completed. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc for scrapping on 21 March 1944, following another crash. Reported with 306:20 total time while at Scoudouc. Apparently retained in whole state, pending disposal from 31 July 1944. By 25 March 1946 ownership had been transferred to No. 5 (Equipment) Depot at Scoudouc.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-October-05 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-April-16 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Archer | Keough | Regan
1944-March-12 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Dickinson | Gibson | Gregory | Saunders | Woods
   1946-December-02 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 560

Hudson FK560, Mk. VI

s/n FK560

m/d L-414

FK 560

Used by No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. To storage with EAC on 22 May 1944. Pending disposal from 29 August 1944, when it was stored at No. 2 ASU at Stanley, NS, and was noted with 1104:10 total time, 385:00 since overhaul. Sold to Ambrose Aviation of Ottawa, Ontario.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-September-30 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1945-September-15 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 560

Hudson FK561, Mk. VI

s/n FK561

m/d L-414

FK 561

Used by No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Category C damage at Derbert aerodrome at 21:05 on 9 January 1943, when this aircraft was struck by Lysander 477 while on the ground. Category B damage at 11:53 on 8 February 1943, when the aircraft ground looped on take off from Derbert. Assigned to No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 9 February 1943, then to Clark Ruse Aircraft at Moncton for repairs, 15 February to 10 July 1943. To Eastern Air Command when completed. To Clark Ruse at Moncton again, 14 to 30 September 1943. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 25 February 1944, following a Category B crash.
last update: 2025-February-05
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 560

Hudson FK562, Mk. VI

s/n FK562

m/d L-414

FK 562

First used by No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Category B damage at 17:35 on 23 January 1943 at Derbert aerodrome. Swung off runway on take off. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 25 January 1943, back to Eastern Air Command on 16 June 1943. To Clark Ruse Aircraft for repairs, 16 August to 24 November 1943. Back to EAC when completed. To storage on 22 May 1944 to 5 February 1945. To EAC, for use by Home War unit. To storage again on 5 July 1945, converted to target tug while in storage. Stored post war at No. 6 Reserve Equipment Maintenance Unit. Pending disposal from 4 March 1946, when it was stored at Mt. Pleasant, PEI. Noted with 716:35 total time while there.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-September-29 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-January-23 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Humphreys | Wyatt
1945-March-01 Accident: 1 COMPOSITE DET Loc: Torbay Newfoundland Names: Agnew | Racicot | Steele | White
   1947-June-27 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 560

Hudson FK563, Mk. VI

s/n FK563

m/d L-414

FK 563

First used by No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Category B crash in early 1943. To No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 17 May 1944. To Clark Ruse Aircraft for repairs, 24 May 1943 to 29 February 1944. To Eastern Air Command when completed. To storage on 22 May 1944. Issued from storage on 23 October 1944 for modifications and special inspection. Back to storage on 5 July 1945, converted to target tug while in storage. Stored post war at No. 6 Reserve Equipment Maintenance Unit. Pending disposal from 4 March 1946, when it was stored at Mt. Pleasant, PEI. Noted with 746:55 total time while there.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-October-03 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-May-15 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Clegg | Dober | Hamilton | Scarrott
   1947-June-27 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 560

Hudson FK564, Mk. VI

s/n FK564

m/d L-414

FK 564

First used by No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. To Clark Ruse Aircraft at Moncton, NB, 20 August 1943 to 13 January 1944. To Eastern Air Command when completed. To storage on 22 May 1944. Pending disposal from 8 August 1944, when it was stored at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB, and had 1134:45 total time logged.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-September-29 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
   1945-September-15 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 560

Hudson FK569, MK Vl

s/n FK569

FK 569

#608 Squadron (Omnibus Ungulis). Hudson aircraft #FK 569 caught fire immediately after take-off then crashed and burned two miles north of the aerodrome at Grottaglie, Italy.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FK584, MK Vl

s/n FK584

FK 584

#194 Squadron. Hudson aircraft #FK 584 was in the landing approach when it stalled during a flat turn at 80 feet. The aircraft crashed at the Badrauli aerodrome. Squadron Leader R.L. Cartwright and seven airmen, not Canadians, were also killed
last update: 2025-February-05

Transport 1943-08-27 to 1943-08-27

194 (T) Sqn (RAF) RAF Delhi-Palum Station

194 Squadron RAF (Surrigere colligere) RAF Delhi-Palam, India. Hudson VI aircraft, FK 584 was in the landing approach when it stalled during a flat turn at 80 feet. The aircraft crashed at the Badrauli aerodrome, Allahabad, India, killing 10 of twelve crew and passengers aboard

Pilot Officer W C Walsh (RCAF), Squadron Leader L R C Cartwright (RAFVR)(Can), Pilot Officer K Brookman (RAFVR), Squadron Leader C Metcalf (RAFVR), Flight Sergeant L Yealland (RAFVR), Major-General T G G Heywood (Army), Brigadier H P Radley (Army) and US Civilian R Rand were all killed in action

Of the remaining four passengers aboard, two later died of their injuries and and two were severely injured survivors. These four have not been identified to date

General Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database

General Aviation Safety Network

Hudson FK618, MK Vl

s/n FK618

FK 618

#1 ADU. Hudson aircraft #FK 618 crashed just off the aerodrome at Khartoum. Fourteen of the crew, not Canadians, were also killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FK619, MK Vl

s/n FK619

FK 619

#22 Ferry Control. Hudson aircraft #FK 619 lost height in a slow turn after take-off then stalled and crashed at Trichanpoly, India. Five RAF airmen were also killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FK621, MK Vl

s/n FK621

FK 621

Overseas Aircraft Delivery Unit, Hudson aircraft #FK 621 lost enroute from Gibraltar to the United Kingdom. Sergeants H.E. Ash (RNZAF), R.C.G. Rickett (RAAF), and Flying Officer B.W. Poison (RAAF) were also killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FK642, MK Vl

s/n FK642

FK 642

#22 Ferry Control. Hudson aircraft #FK 642 crashed one mile west of Gurgeon, near Delhi, India. F/Os G.J. Frost, H.E. Pittaway, and four airmen, not Canadians, were also killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FK667, MK Vl

s/n FK667

FK 667

#500 County of Kent Squadron (Quo Fata Vocent). Hudson aircraft #FW 667 failed to return from operations. FSs C. Salisbury (RAF) and C. Golby (RAF) were also killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FK680, MK Vl

s/n FK680

FK 680

#500 County of Kent Squadron (Quo Fata Vocent). Warrant Officer Henderson was killed when Hudson aircraft #FK 680 lost the starboard engine during take-off then crashed and burned at RAF Station, Blida.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FK690, MK Vl

s/n FK690

FK 690

Hudson s/n FK 690 crashed one minute after take off from Gander and caught fire. All four crew killed.
last update: 2025-February-05
1942-December-06 Accident: RAF Ferry COMMAND Loc: Names: Burrows | Fazel | Simmons | Thomson
1942-December-06 Accident: RAF Ferry COMMAND Loc: Gander Newfoundland Names: Burrows | Fazel | Simmons | Thomson

Ferry Flight 1942-12-06 to 1942-12-06

() Ferry Command (RAF) Gander, Newfoundland

RAF Ferry Command, Gander, Newfoundland. Hudson aircraft FK 690 crashed and caught fire just after taking off from the aerodrome for a trans-Atlantic flight, killing the entire crew. The cause of the crash was undetermined

Pilot Officer RG Burrows (RAAF), Sergeant EF Fazel (RAAF), Sergeant DP Simmons (RAFVR) and Pilot Officer GH Thomson (RAFVR) were all killed in this flying accident

Ocean Bridge, The History of RAF Ferry Command by Carl A Christie page 316

General [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...

General Aviation Safety Network

General Microsoft Word - rep crashr...docx

Hudson FK691, MK Vl

s/n FK691

FK 691

#608 Squadron (Omnibus Ungulis) Blida, Algeria. Hudson VI aircraft #FK 691 failed to return from convoy patrol operations in the Mediterranean, believed shot down by a German Ju88
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FK693, Mk.Vl

s/n FK693

FK 693

RAF Ferry Command Hudson VI aircraft # FK 693 lost between Gander, Newfoundland and Reykjavik, Iceland.
last update: 2025-February-05

Ferry Flight 1942-11-28 to 1942-11-28

() Ferry Command (RAF) Gander, Newfoundland

RAF Ferry Command Hudson VI aircraft FK 693 lost between Gander, Newfoundland and Reykjavik, Iceland, cause unknown

Flying Officer AM Carey (RCAF), Pilot Officer NA Allen (RCAF), Flying Officer IES Robinson (RCAF) and American Civilian Pilot Captain JP Kiernan were missing presumed killed in this flying accident

The missing have no known grave. The three RCAF crew members are commemorated on the Ottawa Memorial

Captain Kiernan is commemorated on the Runnymede War Memorial

Ocean Bridge, The History of RAF Ferry Command by Carl A Christie page 315

General [Royal Air Force serial and Image Database]...

1942-November-30 Accident: RAF Ferry COMMAND Loc: Names: Allen | Carey | Kiernan | Robinson

Hudson FK711, MK Vl

s/n FK711

FK 711

#608 Squadron (Omnibus Ungulis). Hudson VI aircraft #FK 711 missing in the Mediterranean on an anti-submarine patrol, cause unknown.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FK715, MK Vl

s/n FK715

FK 715

#608 Sqn RAF (Omnibus Ungulis) Hudson VI aircraft #FK 715 flew into the ground immediately after take-off from the airfield at Blida, Algeria
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FK722, MK Vl

s/n FK722

FK 722

Transit Flight. Hudson aircraft #FK 722 was enroute from the United Kingdom to Gibraltar when it crashed in the sea two miles off the aerodrome at Gibraltar.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FK733, Mk 111a

s/n FK733

FK 733

Hudson FK735, Mk. llla

s/n FK735

FK 735

#233 Squadron (Ymlaen). The crew of Hudson IIIa aircraft #FK 735 were returning from an anti-sub patrol when they flew into high ground in very low clouds five miles west of RAF Station, Lagens, The Azores
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FK736, Mk. IIIa

s/n FK736

FK 736

#45 Air Transport Group. The crew of Hudson aircraft were on a training flight when they crashed at Ellenberg Depot, New York, U.S.A.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FK742, Mk. llla

s/n FK742

FK 742

#45 Group RAF Transport Command, Dorval, Quebec. Hudson IIIa aircraft crashed at Reykjavik, Iceland
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FK743, Mk 111a

s/n FK743

FK 743

#251 Squadron. The crew of Hudson aircraft #FK 743 were engaged in a meteorological reconnaissance in the Reykjanes area of Iceland when they flew into high ground near Reykjavik
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FK758, Mk. llla

s/n FK758

FK 758

Hudson FK759, Mk. llla

s/n FK759

FK 759

#521 Squadron. Hudson aircraft #FK 759 failed to return from a meteorological flight.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FK767, Mk. llla

s/n FK767

FK 767

#161 Squadron. Hudson IIIa aircraft #FK 767 crashed at Arlesey, Bedfordshire, England.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FK788, Mk. llla

s/n FK788

FK 788

#608 Sqn (Omnibus Ungulis) Montecorvino, Italy, Hudson IIIa aircraft #FK 788 was engaged in an air-sea rescue operation for missing #608 Sqn Hudson IIIa #FK 733 when it went down in the sea off Agnone, Italy.

last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FK791, Mk. llla

s/n FK791

FK 791

#269 Squadron. Hudson aircraft #FK 791 was on a transit flight from the United Kingdon to the Azores via Gibraltar when it encountered a severe electrical storm. The port engine failed, the aircraft went out of control and crashed near Mira, Portugal
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson FK804, Mk. llla

s/n FK804

FK 804

#608 Squadron (Omnibus Ungulis). Hudson aircraft #FK 804 lost off Sicily during operations.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson N7239, Mk. l

s/n N7239

N 7239

#233 Squadron (Alae Defundunt Africam). Hudson aircraft failed to return from an anti-sub patrol. Four of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson N7258,

s/n N7258

N 7258

#233 Squadron (Ymlaen). Hudson I aircraft N7258 failed to return from shadowing the enemy battleship Scharnhorst. Three of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson N7282, Mk. l

s/n N7282

N 7282

#224 Squadron (Fedele All Amico). Hudson aircraft lost in the North Sea while on anti- sub patrol.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson N7298, Mk. l

s/n N7298

N 7298

#224 Squadron (Fedele All Amico). Hudson I aircraft #N 7298 lost during operations
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson N7304, Mk. l

s/n N7304

N 7304

Hudson aircraft lost. According to RAF Commands the crew were:
William George ELLIOTT (747946) Wireless Op; Hubert William LEE (641880); Edward SALMONS (755504);
Malcolm Schofield SMITH (89356) Pilot; Robert James STRICKLAND (531876); Roderick Barker TAYLOR (40781)
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson N7314, Mk. l

s/n N7314

N 7314

#220 Squadron (We Observe Unseen) Hudson I N7314 NR-B was returning from a convoy patrol and became trapped by fog over Northern England. Apparently attempting a forced landing, the aircraft hit a power line and crashed and the bomb load exploded,
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson N7333, Mk. I

s/n N7333

N 7333

#206 Squadron (Nihil Nos Effugit). Hudson aircraft lost in the North Sea.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson N7368, Mk. l

s/n N7368

N 7368

Hudson aircraft went down off the Dutch Coast while searching for a lost Hampden aircraft.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson N7377, Mk. l

s/n N7377

N 7377

#233 Sqn (Ymlaen) RAF Sumburgh, Hudson I aircraft #N 7377 ZS-J believed shot down by German Luftwaffe "ace" Gordon Max "Mac" Gollob while on anti-submarine patrol over the North Sea near the Shetland Islands, Scotland.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson N7400, Mk. 1

s/n N7400

N 7400

#206 Squadron (Nihil Nos Effugit) Hudson aircraft was lost in the North Sea while on anti-sub patrol.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson P5129, Mk 1

s/n P5129

P 5129

#269 Squadron. Hudson aircraft lost off the Norwegian coast.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson P5162, Mk. l

s/n P5162

P 5162

#206 Squadron (Nihi/ Nos Effugit). Hudson I aircraft #P 5162 failed to return from an anti-sub patrol.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson T9308, Mk. l

s/n T9308

T 9308

Hudson aircraft #T 9308 crashed into a house at Corby, near Carlisle.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson T9320, Mk. l

s/n T9320

T 9320

#1 (Coastal) Operational Training Unit, RNAS Eastleigh, Hudson I aircraft #T 9320 struck a balloon cable on take-off and crashed into a house on Nutbeem Road, Hampshire
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson T9352, Mk. l

s/n T9352

T 9352

#5 Operational Training Unit. On the night of 29/30th October, 1943, Hudson T9352 took off from RAF Long Kesh, at 1944 hours, to carry out a night non-operational flight., to St Kilda via Barra Head and return to Portrush. W/T go was received at 2005 hours, but no other W/T was received until 2301 hours when a 3rd class fix was obtained giving a position 56.16N 07.50E. After this nothing further was heard from the aircraft, but later an aircraft was reported in the Oban district which might have been T9352. Searches for the missing aircraft over the next 48 hours produced no result.

source: Malcolm Deeley, Ulster Aviation Society

last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson T9353, Mk. l

s/n T9353

T 9353

#1 Operational Training Unit. Hudson aircraft #T 9353 crashed in Solway Firth, off Silloth Scotland
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson T9378, Mk. ll

s/n T9378

T 9378

#6 Operational TrainingUnit. The pilot of Hudson aircraft # T 9378 undershot the approach atThornaby and crashed into some trees.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson T9385, Mk. II

s/n T9385

m/d L-214

T 9385

To No. 3 Training Command on 1 November 1941, for use by Test & Development Establishment at RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario. Still with T&DE when it struck trees and a telegraph pole 1 mile east of Mt. Grove, Ontario (about 60 miles south-west of Rockcliffe) at 13:45 on 13 December 1941, after loosing height due to double engine failure caused by severe icing. Classified as Category B, but apparently never repaired. To No. 1 Training Command for salvaging on 3 January 1942. Approval to scrap sent to No. 6 Repair Depot at Trenton.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1940-December-14 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1941-December-13 Accident: T& D Loc: Smith Falls Names: Beeston | Guthrie | Langille | Power | Smith
   1942-April-28 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares and produce 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 508

Hudson T9390, Mk. lll

s/n T9390

T 9390

#500 County of Kent Squadron (Quo Fata Vocent). Hudson aircraft #T 9390 missing from a daylight bombing operation
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson T9405, Mk. lll

s/n T9405

T 9405

Unconfirmed Serial or Unit linked to Morgan OM
Took off from Tempsford at 21:10 in Hudson Mark III (Sqn code: MA-K Bomber Command)
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson T9414, Mk. lll

s/n T9414

T 9414

#279 Squadron. Hudson aircraft #T 9414 crashed at Kinross, Scotland. Four of the crew, not Canadians, were also killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson T9416, Mk.lll

s/n T9416

T 9416

One of seven Hudsons that formed the first formation ferry flight from Gander, Newfoundland to Aldergrove, Ireland. See T9422 the lead aircraft.
last update: 2025-March-06

Hudson T9418, Mk.lll

s/n T9418


T 9418

One of seven Hudsons that formed the first formation ferry flight from Gander, Newfoundland to Aldergrove, Ireland. See T9422 the lead aircraft.
last update: 2025-March-05

Hudson T9419, Mk.lll

s/n T9419


T 9419

One of seven Hudsons that formed the first formation ferry flight from Gander, Newfoundland to Aldergrove, Ireland. See T9422 the lead aircraft.
last update: 2025-March-05

Hudson T9420, Mk.lll

s/n T9420


T 9420

One of seven Hudsons that formed the first formation ferry flight from Gander, Newfoundland to Aldergrove, Ireland. See T9422 the lead aircraft.
last update: 2025-March-05

Hudson T9421, Mk.lll

s/n T9421


T 9421

One of seven Hudsons that formed the first formation ferry flight from Gander, Newfoundland to Aldergrove, Ireland. See T9422 the lead aircraft.
last update: 2025-March-06

Hudson T9422, Mk.III

s/n T9422


T 9422

Lead aircraft in the first formation flight of seven Hudson Mk llls carried out by the Atlantic Ferry Organization departed Gander, Newfoundland on the 10th November 1941 at 6.52 pm. After flying for 10 hours and 17 mins, T9422 piloted by Don Bennett arrived at Aldergrove near Belfast.

last update: 2025-February-13

Ferry Flight 1940-11-10 to 1940-11-10

(Ferry) FU () Gander, Newfoundland

Air Vice Marshal Donald Clifford Tyndall Bennett, CB, CBE, DSO (14 September 1910 -15 September 1986) was an Australian aviation pioneer and bomber pilot who rose to be the youngest air vice marshal in the Royal Air Force. He led the "Pathfinder Force" (No. 8 Group RAF) from 1942 to the end of the Second World War in 1945. He has been described as "one of the most brilliant technical airmen of his generation: an outstanding pilot, a superb navigator who was also capable of stripping a wireless set or overhauling an engine". Wikipedia

Bennett and ATFERO

One of the many significant accomplishments of Don Bennett's career in aviation was being appointed flying superintendent of the Atlantic Ferry Organization (ATFERO).

Prior to March 1941, aircraft manufactured in the United States were being disassembled, crated and shipped across the Atlantic. The ships were vulnerable to attack by the German Navy, particularly U-boats and the time of delivery was about three months.

Max Aitken, First Baron Beaverbrook, had been appointed Minister of Aircraft Production (MAP) by Winston Churchill. Notwithstanding the enormous challenges of weather, range, navigation, icing of aircraft and lack of experienced pilots, Beaverbrook accepted the challenge and through his contacts at Imperial Airways and the Canadian Pacific Railways (CPR) an agreement was signed, and they created an Air Services Department within CPR. This privately owned Canadian Company became the Atlantic Ferry Organization (ATFERO) on March 1st, 1941.

As flying superintendent, Don's role encompassed selecting, testing and preparing aircraft; aircrew training, with a specific focus on navigation; and leading the first flight across the Atlantic. Since 1939, the Hudson Mk I, manufactured by Lockheed at their factory in Burbank California, were being shipped by sea to the UK. The ATFERO team travelled to Burbank in August 1940 and Don commenced flight testing the Hudson and the Lodestar. Lockheed provided two Hudson Mk IIs (T9370 and T9365) for testing, and they were flown back to Montreal.

The American Neutrality Act prevented American Pilots from flying across the border to Canada (a belligerent nation). The solution was to fly the aircraft to Pembina, North Dakota, taxi to the Canadian border where they would be hauled into Canada by tractors or draught horses to Emerson Manitoba. From there they would be flown to their designated Canadian destination by non-American pilots. By August of 1940, due to the shortage of pilots, Americans were being allowed to fly in Canadian air space, just not officially and not across the border.

Back in Montreal, in September, the process of selecting and training pilots began. Ultimately 44 pilots from the197 candidates passed certification for making Atlantic flights. There was a lack of qualified navigators, and it was decided that the inaugural flight, very much a "proof of concept" exercise would comprise eight (ultimately) seven aircraft with Don Bennett piloting the lead aircraft and acting as navigator for the entire formation.

The potential pilots began their training in British navigation, technical systems and flying the Hudson. Wireless operators received their training from BOAC air crew. September 15th Don test flew the Hudson Mk IIIs and by the 5th of November all eight of the Mk IIIs arrived at St. Hubert Airport. They were tested, particularly for icing; had extra fuel tanks installed, and with one exception being withdrawn due to engine trouble, made their way to Gander.

Don flew to Gander on November 9th expecting the Atlantic flight to commence that evening only to find the aircraft covered in ice, that delayed the departure by a day. The pilots had been provided with detailed flight plans, weather maps, forecasts, cruising cards covering fuel consumption prepared by Bennett. Without a navigator they were attempting to "follow the leader' with every possibility that they would get separated, and they had to maintain radio silence within 400 miles of the Irish coast. Each crew was given the opportunity of turning back up to four and a half hours into the journey.

The seven aircraft, led by Don Bennett, took off at 6.52 pm from Gander, heading for Aldergrove, near Belfast. A number of mechanical issues arose, including radio and navigation failures among the aircraft and air sickness among the crews. They encountered a North Atlantic Storm for most of the journey that resulted in significant icing and the order was given to separate. However, they were able to pick up Don's periodic positioning reports until they neared the Irish Coast.

Lockheed Hudson M lIIA T9422 North Atlantic Aviation-Museum Gander Newfoundland Photo Bzuk.jpeg image not found

After a flight of 10 hours, 17 minutes Don arrived at Aldergrove with the remaining aircraft landing within the hour. Most of the crews returned immediately by ship to Canada, Don followed on November 19th. The second formation flight occurred on 28/29 November and the third on 17/18 December. A 100% success rate with no aircraft lost. It would not last.

Don led the 4th formation flight in T9465 departing on 28th December. Of the seven aircraft, one crashed on takeoff, no casualties, blocking another from getting off the ground. A third Hudson returned with engine trouble and a fourth experienced radio transmitter failure. After this trip though, Don was able to convince Lord Beaverbrook that trained navigators were required, and Navigator training became a part of the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan with training provided by BOAC navigators experienced in flying the Atlantic.

Five months into its operations, the ATFERO began to encounter problems. Initially there was a dispute over the delivery of PBY 5 Catalina's that resulted in the "Atlantic team" breaking up. The organization was "facing severe growing pains" and becoming the target of national and international criticism. The demand for aircraft far outstripped the capacity of ATFERO to deliver. The most acute issue was the difficulty in recruiting pilots. Something had to be done to relieve this "bottleneck". The result was CPR relinquishing control to MAP and then with questions arising about ATFERO's performance, it was decided that the Air Ministry would take over and ATFERO would become RAF Ferry Command on the 20th July 1941.

While the high-level politics around ATFERO's performance played out, Don Bennett conducted the first survey flight to Greenland with the objective of establishing a northern route to facilitate aircraft that didn't have the range for a direct flight. He identified landing sites, and this survey flight would lead to an aerodrome being built at Narsarsuaq on the route that would take aircraft through Goose Bay, Greenland and Reykjavik.

Another contribution that Don made during this time was inaugurating the so-called Return Ferry Service: flying crew who had delivered aircraft to the UK back to Canada instead of sending them by sea. On the 8th of May, 1941 he carried 24 pilots on mattresses in the bomb bay of a B 24 Liberator, flying directly to Montreal.

During the 11-month CPR/ATFERO period up to 20th July 1941, (when the organization became Ferry Command), of 293 aircraft, 289 arrived in Britain with four aircraft and five lives lost. A staggering success considering the challenges. Ultimately, the ferry organization in its various guises delivered more than 10,000 aircraft covering 17 different types built in American and Canadian factories.

Carl Christie, the author of "Ocean Bridge", the most comprehensive history of the ferry organizations, is afforded the final word about this phase of Don's life: "�There is no doubt that Bennett was the single most important individual launching the transatlantic service

The source of this summary of Don Bennett's contribution to the Atlantic Ferry Organization is the first volume of Ian Campbell's biography of Bennett entitled "�Relentless Skies: Volume 1: The Most Efficient Airman (1910-1942)

YouTube Damcasters discuss the book "Relentless Skies" with author Ian Campbell

Hudson T9424, Mk.lll

s/n T9424


T 9424

One of seven Hudsons that formed the first formation ferry flight from Gander, Newfoundland to Aldergrove, Ireland. See T9422 the lead aircraft.
last update: 2025-March-06

Hudson T9439, Mk. lll

s/n T9439

T 9439

Took off from Tempsford at 14:00 in Hudson Mark III (Sqn code: MA-R Bomber Command). Got lost on Radio Navigational Cross-Country Exercise from Tempsford, returning via Cornwall. Force landed, North of Gothenburg, Sweden after weather deteriorated. Radio and compass not working correctly and crew got totally lost and believed they were of Irish coast, rather than Swedish coast.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson T9445, Mk. lll

s/n T9445

T 9445

Hudson T9449, Mk. lll

s/n T9449

T 9449

Lockheed Hudson III (#T9449) was one of five aircraft which took flight from Gander, the Dominion of Newfoundland, on 20 Feb 1941 on a delivery flight to England. There were three aircrew and one passenger aboard. Shortly after take-off and over the Atlantic Ocean about 50 miles from Gander the oil supply to the Hudson's starboard engine failed. The pilot, Captain Joseph Mackey, attempted to shut down the engine and to feather the propeller (i.e.-the blades are rotated parallel to the airflow in order to reduce the drag if an engine fails) but found that it would not feather. The decision to head back to Gander was made, but then the port engine failed in a similar manner. Hudson T9449 crashed in trees near Seven Mile Pond Lake; the navigator, RAFVR Flying Officer William BIRD, and the radio operator, Radio Operator William SNAILHAM, died in the crash.
last update: 2025-February-05

Ferry Flight 1941-02-20 to 1941-02-20

() Ferry Command (RAF) Dorval, Quebec

(ATFERO) Atlantic Ferry Organization, Dorval Quebec. Lockheed Hudson III aircraft T9449 was one of five such aircraft which took flight from Gander, Newfoundland, 1941-02-20 for a trans-Atlantic delivery flight to England. There were three aircrew and one passenger aboard. Shortly after take-off, out over the Atlantic Ocean about 50 miles from Gander the oil supply to the Hudson's starboard engine failed. The pilot, Captain Joseph Mackey, attempted to shut down the engine and feather the propeller (i.e. the propeller blades are rotated parallel to the airflow in order to reduce the drag if an engine fails) but found that it would not feather. The decision to head back to Gander was made, but then the port engine failed in a similar manner. Hudson T9449 crashed in trees at Seven Mile Pond Lake, near Musgrave Newfoundland.

Canadian civilian Radio Officer William Snailham and Navigator, Flying Officer William Bird (RAFVR) both died in the crash

Passenger Sir Frederick Banting KBE MC, initially survived the crash but died before the aircraft crash site could be located

The sole survivor of the crash was, American Civilian Pilot Captain J C Mackey

It took some five days after the crash of Hudson T9449 before search and rescue teams were able to find and reach the remote site

Ocean Bridge, The History of RAF Ferry Command by Carl A Christie page 309

General The Loss of Flight T9449 - World War II

General Aviation Safety Network

General [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...

General Crash of a Lockheed L-414 Hudson III in Seven Mile Pond: 3 killed I ...

Hudson T9450, Mk. lll

s/n T9450

T 9450

last update: 2025-March-10

Ferry Flight 1941-02-19 to 1941-02-19

() (RAF) Dorval, Quebec

(ATFERO) Atlantic Ferry Organization, Dorval, Quebec. Hudson III aircraft crashed and burst into flames shortly after take-off from St Hubert, Quebec for a flight to Gander, Newfoundland with the loss of all aboard, cause unknown

Canadian civilian Radio Officer SH McCaughan, American Pilot Captain LA Jackson and American second Pilot G Christopher were all killed in this flying accident

General 3668262, Ottawa Citizen - Google News Archive Search

General 4364318, The Montreal Gazette - Google News Archive Search


Hudson T9463, Mk. lll

s/n T9463

T 9463

Hudson # T9463 MA-L was found three miles north-east of Houffalize, near the south-east border of Belgium and Luxemburg. The crew were on their way home after dropping an agent near Armstadt to the south of Erfurt but a night fighter intercepted them. Detail provided by J.A. Galbraith, Ottawa, Ontario.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson T9464, Mk. lll

s/n T9464

T 9464

#269 Squadron. P/O. Ebert lost his life when Hudson aircraft # T 9464 crashed one mile north-west of the aerodrome at Kaldadanes after both engines cut out.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson V8983, Mk. lll

s/n V8983

V 8983

#24 Squadron (In Omnia Parati) RAF Brize Norton, Hudson III aircraft #V 8983 crashed at Wendover, Buckinghamshire, England with the loss of everyone onboard. It had been on a VIP ferry flight from Hendon to Belfast to drop off some senior officers, and on the return journey it was once again carrying passengers from the Navy, Army and RAF as well as some civilians
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson V8985,

s/n V8985


V 8985

#233 Squadron (Ymlaen). Hudson III aircraft #V 8985 crashed at Sierra Del Haus, Spanish Morocco. Flying Officer A.C. McCrady, Flight Sergeant E.M. Bowery and Warrant Officer T.H. Currie were also killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson V8987, Mk. lll

s/n V8987

V 8987

#279 Squadron. Hudson aircraft #V 8987 crashed one mile east of St Eval, Cornwall. Flight Sergeant H.T. Farrer (RAAF), F/Os J.J. Holloman (RAAF), and L.W. Waters (RAAF) were also killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson V9044, Mk. lll

s/n V9044

V 9044

#279 Squadron. Hudson aircraft #V 9044 went down in the sea ten miles north-east of Yarmouth, England, enemy action. FS J.J. Gendron was also killed and three of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson V9052, Mk. lll

s/n V9052

V 9052

#459 Australian Squadron. Hudson III aircraft #V 9052 GK-D shot down by Bf 110 on shipping strike in the Mediterranean. Pilot Officer FE Anderson (RCAF), Pilot Officer RR Kemp (RAF) Flight Sergeant GN Downward (RAF) and Flight Sergeant JC Aldred (RAF) missing. (D. Vincent)
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson V9069, Mk. III

s/n V9069

m/d L-214

V 9069

First assigned to No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. To workshop reserve at No. 4 Repair Depot on 18 March 1943, following a crash. To Eastern Air Command on 24 June 1943. To workshop reserve at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 6 July 1943, following a crash. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft for crash repairs, 15 July 1943 to 1 February 1944. To Eastern Air Command when completed, for use by a training unit. To storage on 22 May 1944. To No. 21 Repair Depot on 13 July 1944, for conversion to air-sea rescue configuration. To Western Air Command on 9 December 1944, for use by No. 122(K) Squadron at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. To No. 2 Technical Support Unit at Sea Island for radar modifications, 27 April to 13 June 1945. Back to Western Air Command when completed. To storage on 8 August 1946. Pending disposal from November 1946.
last update: 2025-February-05
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 508

Hudson V9104, Mk. lll

s/n V9104

V 9104

#48 Squadron (Forte Et Fidele). Hudson aircraft lost in the North Sea whilst engaged in an anti-sub patrol.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson V9109, Mk. lll

s/n V9109

V 9109

#500 County of Kent Squadron (Quo Fata Vocent). Hudson aircraft #V 9109 went down in the sea off Lowestaff, England. FS Campbell and two RAF members of the crew died of motor boat injuries sustained during the rescue attempt. One RAF crew member missing believed killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson V9111, Mk. lll

s/n V9111

V 9111

#1404 Meteorological Flight. Hudson III aircraft #V 9111 flew into the ground during a sudden formation of excessive ground mist and low cloud. Three RAF airmen were also killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson V9127, Mk. lll

s/n V9127

V 9127

RAF Ferry Training Unit Hudson III aircraft #V 9127 was operating with the visibility only twenty feet from the ground when he crashed at Brayspool, Ponterwyd, Cardiganshire. Flying Officer D.C. Anderson (RAAF) and two RAF airmen were also killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Operational 1942-02-10 to 1942-02-10

1 (Coastal) (OT) OTU (RAF) RAF Honeybourne

#1(Coastal) Operational Training Unit, RAF Honeybourne, Worcestershire, England. Hudson III aircraft V 9127 on a training exercise, took off in good weather, but conditions changed during flight, such that the the crew was flying in poor visibility only twenty feet from the ground when the aircraft crashed into high ground at Brayspool, Ponterwyd, Cardiganshire, Wales, killing the entire crew

It is possible the aircraft was also struck by lightning when it flew through a period of hail and thunder shortly before the crash

Flight Sergeant GR Duncan (RCAF), Flying Officer DC Anderson (RAAF), Sergeant JH Harker (RAFVR) and Sergeant R Hodgson (RAFVR) were all killed in this flying accident

General Air Crew Remembered

General Aviation Safety Network

General [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...

Hudson V9155, Mk. lll

s/n V9155

V 9155

#161 Squadron. Hudson aircraft #V 9155 was shot down over Holland whilst dropping two agents and supplies to a resistance organization. Three of the crew and one agent, all not Canadians, were also killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson V9171, Mk. III

s/n V9171

m/d L-214

V 9171

Accepted by EAC for use at No. 31 Operational Training Unit at Debert, NS. Destroyed in crash on 18 March 1943, while with No. 36 Operational Training Unit at Greenwood, NS. At least one fatality. Allocated to No. 4 Repair Depot on 22 March 1943 for write off.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-August-25 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2020-10-27
1943-March-18 Accident: 36 Operational Training Unit Loc: Morristown South Of Berwick Nova Scotia Names: Banks | Gaha | Moran | Ryan
   1943-May-24 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 508

Hudson V9172, Mk. lll

s/n V9172

V 9172

#459 Squadron. Hudson aircraft #V 9172 Offensive shipping recco CAPE AZZAZ TO TAIFA ROCKS. Failed to return
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson V9195, Mk. lll

s/n V9195

V 9195

#519 Squadron. Hudson aircraft #V 9195 was on a long-range meteorological flight when it developed engine trouble and ditched north-east of the Shetland Islands.
last update: 2025-February-05

Hudson V9223, Mk. III

s/n V9223

m/d L-214

V 9223

To No. 4 Repair Depot on 16 July 1943, for salvage following a crash. Damage revised to Category B, to Clarke Ruse Aircraft for repairs on 21 July 1943. No record that repairs were completed. To No. 21 Repair Depot on 3 April 1944 for disposal. Pending disposal with Eastern Air Command from 25 August 1944. Noted in storage at No. 4 Repair Depot at Scoudouc, NB on 25 March 1946.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1942-August-07 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-July-10 Accident: 31 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Ede | Sturtridge | Winning
   1947-February-12 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 508

Hudson V9253,

s/n V9253

V 9253

No.53 Squadron. Date: November 10th, 1942. Approx 1030 GMT (06.30 local). Location: approx 107nm East of Edinburgh Field, Trinidad. Aircraft: Lockheed Hudson Mk.III, V9253, PZ-L. Fatalities Pilot: F/Sgt. Ronald Rasleigh Sillcock, AUS. 400840. Observer: Sgt. Patrick George Nelson, NZ. 411726. WOP/AG: Sgt. Robert Millar, RAFVR. 1057521. WOP/AG: Sgt. William Skinner, RAFVR. 1310678
last update: 2025-February-05