Canadian Men and Women

In 1939, much of Canada was still suffering from the effects of Great Depression of 1929. Ten years later -- still hanging on. Many young men and women were excited to enlist. It was opportunity. It was excitement. They wanted to do their part for "God and Country".
But, sadly for far to many, it was the last thing they did. The war cut their lives far too short.
Click on Edward James Wright below. "Teddy" was just 16 years old when he was Killed in a Flying Accident just 8 days before the end of the war. VE Day (Victory in Europe) was May 8 1945.
Also, review Pamela Gladys Bennett who was killed on active duty on July 13, 1945. Hostilities in Europe had ceased on May 8, 1945 but were still ongoing in the Pacific Theatre of War. So Canada's military on the west coast of Canada were still very active. VJ Day (Victory in Japan) did not come until one month later on August 15, 1945. Japan surrendered after the American nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945.