Leavitt, Robert Frederick
Killed in Flying Accident 1941-09-21
Ferry Command- Ferry Command (RAF)
Dorval, Quebec
Flight Lieutenant
Flight Lieutenant
Service Numbers

Pilot Flight Lieutenant RF Leavitt (RAF)(Can) had previously flown Spitfires with the 1 Photographic Reconnaissance Unit. In April of 1941, Flight Lieutenant Leavitt's aircraft was hit by flak off the Norwegian Coast, but he returned to base, despite suffering a concussion and head injuries. He was awarded a DFC for this operation
Canadians in the Royal Air Force by Les Allison page 160
The short, adventurous life of Regina Pilot Bobby - Leavitt ...
Hudson Mk. III AE545
Ferry Flight 1941-September-21 to 1941-September-21
() Ferry Command (RAF) Dorval, Quebec
RAF Ferry Command, Dorval, Quebec. Hudson III aircraft AE545 was lost without a trace on a flight between Gander, Newfoundland and Prestwick, Scotland
Flight Lieutenant RF Leavitt (RAF)(Can), Sergeant EW McFall (RCAF) and Canadian civilian Radio Officer RD Anderson were all missing, presumed killed in this flying accident
The missing have no known graves and all are commemorated on memorials in Canada and the UK
Ocean Bridge, The History of RAF Ferry Command by Carl A Christie, pages 311, 389n27
Hudson AE545
Lockheed Hudson A-28 A-29 AT-18

Source National Air Force Museum of Canada.
The Lockheed Hudson was an American-built light bomber and coastal reconnaissance aircraft built initially for the Royal Air Force (RAF) shortly before the outbreak of the Second World War and primarily operated by the RAF thereafter. The Hudson served throughout the war, mainly with Coastal Command, but also in transport and training roles, as well as delivering agents into occupied France. They were also used extensively with the Royal Canadian Air Force's (RCAF) anti-submarine squadrons.National Air Force Museum of Canada.