Craven, George Edward James
Killed in Flying Accident 1942-12-25

Birth Date: 1921-August-17
Born: Cloncurry, Queensland, Australia
Fulwar & Elizabeth Abigail Craven
Home: Mount Isa, Queensland (parents)
Enlistment: Brisbane, Queensland
Enlistment Date: 1941-05-25
45 (Ferry) Group (RAF)
RAF Bermuda
Service Numbers
First Burial

RAF Ferry Command Catalina Ib aircraft FP 266 was lost on a trans-Atlantic delivery flight from Bermuda to the United Kingdom, cause unknown.
Killed includes Craven:Civilian Pilot Capt. Benson Hutches Pierce (Amer.), KIFA RAF Ferry Command, Ottawa War Memorial, Panel 2 Column 1.Civilian R/O James Hamilton Auld, Canadian, RAF Ferry Command KIFA Ottawa War Memorial, Panel 2 Column 1.Flight Sergeant Douglas Oliver Bevan RCAF KIFA Ottawa War Memorial Panel 1 Column 5.Sergeant Roy Harding RAF Ottawa War Memorial, Panel 1 Column 4.Sergeant Reginal Edwin Thompson RAFOttawa War Memorial Panel 1 Column 4.
Canso FP266
Ferry Flight 1942-December-25 to 1942-December-25
() Ferry Command (RAF) Bermuda
RAF Ferry Command Catalina Ib aircraft FP 266 was lost on a trans-Atlantic delivery flight from Bermuda to the United Kingdom, cause unknown
FS DO Bevan (RCAF), Sergeant G Craven (RAAF), Sergeant R Harding (RAF), Sergeant R Thompson (RAF), US Civilian Pilot Capt. BH Pierce, and Canadian Civilian Radio Operator JH Auld were all missing, believed killed in this flying accident
The missing have no known grave and all are commemorated on the Ottawa Memorial
Ocean Bridge, The History of RAF Ferry Command by Carl A Christie pages 316,359 [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...
In Memoriam - Those Air Force Pilots/Crews who died on this day i...
This incident involved multiple aircraft:
- Canso Serial: FP266
All the above aircraft in the above list are referenced in this report.
Canso FP266
Consolidated Canso Catalina PBY PB2B A-10 OA-10 Black Cat

The Consolidated Catalina and Canso were close cousins. The Canso was the true amphibious version of the design and therefore included a conventional undercarriage to allow for either water or land use. The Canso provided more than two decades of valuable service to the RCAF. The Catalina variant came first and was produced beginning in 1935 for the United States Navy. The amphibious version, designated PBY-5A, came in service early in 1941 and the RCAF began using the aircraft on anti-submarine patrols that same year. After the Second World War, the RCAF used Cansos for search and rescue, Arctic survey missions and various transport operations.RCAF