Chantler, Edward Dan
Killed in Flying Accident 1942-01-24

Birth Date: 1917
Sydney Chantler & Elizabeth Jane Chantler; stepson of C D Jepson, of Hove, Sussex, England
Home: Hove, Sussex, England
Enlistment Date: Unknown
(Ferry) Ferry Command- Ferry Command (RAF)
Dorval, Quebec
Squadron Leader
Squadron Leader
Service Numbers
First Burial

OM WW2 Redo students this is it
RAF Ferry Command, Dorval, Quebec. Hudson III aircraft AM 932 along with a crew of four was lost out of Gander, Newfoundland without a trace 1942-01-24
Canadian civilian Radio Officer H G Meyers, Navigator, British Squadron Leader E D Chantler (RAFO),
Hudson AM932
Lockheed Hudson A-28 A-29 AT-18

Source National Air Force Museum of Canada.
The Lockheed Hudson was an American-built light bomber and coastal reconnaissance aircraft built initially for the Royal Air Force (RAF) shortly before the outbreak of the Second World War and primarily operated by the RAF thereafter. The Hudson served throughout the war, mainly with Coastal Command, but also in transport and training roles, as well as delivering agents into occupied France. They were also used extensively with the Royal Canadian Air Force's (RCAF) anti-submarine squadrons.National Air Force Museum of Canada.