Schofield, Frances Noreen
Killed 1945-04-23

Birth Date: 1924-October-03
Born: Nictoux Falls, Nova Scotia
Daughter of Arthur Vernon Schofield and Minnie Schofield, of Chester Basin.
Home: Chester Basin, Nova Scotia
Enlistment: Halifax, Nova Scotia
Enlistment Date: 1943-03-16
9 BGS- Bombing & Gunnery School
Mont Joli, Quebec, Canada
Aircraftwoman Class II
Aircraftwoman Class II
Service Numbers
Prev: W310523
First Burial

RCAF Station Mont Joli, Quebec. AW.2 Schofield was on annual leave when she was killed in a train wreck at Moncton, New Brunswick.
9 BGS (9 Bomb and Gunnery School)
The Bombing and Gunnery School (B&GS) offered instruction in the techniques of bomb aiming and aerial machine gunnery to Air Observers, Bomb Aimers, and Wireless Air Gunners. These schools required large areas to accommodate their bombing and gunnery ranges, and were often located near water. The Avro Anson, Fairey Battle, Bristol Bolingbroke, and Westland Lysander were the standard aircraft used at B&GS schools. - RCAF Station Mont Joli QC