Norseman (Total: 103, Canadian: 101, Group 2)

Noorduyn Norseman

Noorduyn Norseman MK. V
Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum

The Noorduyn Norseman, also known as the C-64 Norseman, is a Canadian single-engine bush plane designed to operate from unimproved surfaces. Distinctive stubby landing gear protrusions from the lower fuselage make it easily recognizable.

Introduced in 1935, the Norseman remained in production for almost 25 years with over 900 produced. A number of examples remain in commercial and private use to this day. Norseman aircraft are known to have been registered and/or operated in 68 countries and also have been based and flown in the Arctic and Antarctic regions.

The Noorduyn Norseman was designed by Robert Noorduyn in Montreal in the mid-1930s as a rugged transport plane, well suited to operations in the Canadian North. The prototype (CF-AYO), a floatplane, first flew from Pointe aux Trembles, Quebec on November 14, 1935. A high winged monoplane, powered by a Wright Whirlwind 420 hp engine, the aircraft had an all welded steel tubing fuselage covered with fabric. The wings were of all wood construction and were fabric covered as well. The Norseman was designed with a rugged landing gear that was equally at home on floats, skis or wheels.

The prototype proved somewhat underpowered. So, after further development, the definitive Norseman, the Mark IV, powered by a 550 hp Pratt & Whitney Wasp flew from Noorduyn's Cartierville, Quebec, factory in November 1936. Were it not for WWII, the production run would have lasted probably less than a hundred planes.

Until 1940, Noorduyn had sold only 17 Norseman aircraft, mainly to commercial operators in Northern Canada and to the RCMP. However, once the war started the Royal Canadian Air Force ordered 38 Norsemen as Wireless and Navigational trainers for the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan. In July 1941, following the establishment of a successful transatlantic ferry route from Canada to the UK by the Royal Air Force, aviation pioneer Bernt Balchen was enlisted by the United States Army Air Force to evaluate another ferry route across Greenland. Balchen requested six Norsemen for the job. Impressed with their performance, the USAAF then issued the UC-64A specification for a rugged military light transport plane. After the US entry into the war, more than 800 Norsemen were produced for both the USAAF and the RCAF. During WWII, Noorduyn Norseman aircraft were flown in several theatres of war, including Alaska, Europe and Australia. Eventually, it served with the military in eight countries.

On Sept. 25, 2015, the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum took delivery of the latest addition to their growing fleet of flying aircraft "“ Noorduyn Norseman Mk. V (CF-GSR). Obtained from Ernie and Donna Nicholl at Huron Air & Outfitters as a split donation/purchase in early 2014. CF-GSR had previously served several operators including Canadian Forest Products, Austin Airways, Slate Falls Airways, Silver Wings Air Service, Ilford-Riverton Airways and Bearskin Airlines Most of its life was spent on floats ut it was configured over to wheel landing gear before being ferried to Hamilton Airport. Although CF-GSR never saw service with the RCAF, in keeping with the Museum's mandate, the Norseman will be painted in a RCAF scheme at some point in the future. Wikipedia and Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum

YouTube Norseman

Wikipedia Wikipedia Norseman

General Harold A Skaarup Web Page

Norseman 361, Mk.VI

s/n 361

c/n 234


Ex US UC-64 43-5243. Operated by No. 122 (K) Squadron on west coast, 1943. Operated by No. 166 (T) Squadron, RCAF Station Sea Island, 1943/1945. Operated by No. 12 (C0m( Squadron at RCAF Station Rockliffe, Ontario in 1947 and 1948. Later on civil register as CF-INK.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1943-November-14 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1955-November-25 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 208 | 1968 631

Norseman 362, Mk.VI

s/n 362

c/n 235


Ex US UC-64 43-5244. Operated by No. 122 (K) Squadron on west coast, 1943. Used to train the first class of RCAF pararescue jumpers, at Henry House, Alberta in March and April 1945. Probably with K Flight of Western Air Command at the time. Minor damage when it struck tree tops after encountering a down draft on 21 April 1945, returned to base without further damage. With No. 6 (Comm) Flight at Edmonton in fall of 1946. Minor damage in attempted take off at Dawson, YT on 10 February 1947.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 208

Norseman 363, Mk.VI

s/n 363

c/n 236


Ex US UC-64 43-5245. To Western Air Command in 1944. Based at No. 2 Staging Unit, Fort St. John, BC, where it replaced Norseman 693 from May 1944.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1943-November-14 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1945-March-10 Accident: 166 COMM Loc: Anahim Lake British Columbia Names: Burrews | Diskow
   1945-June-28 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 208

Norseman 364, Mk.VI

s/n 364

c/n 237


Ex US UC-64 43-5246. Seen at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC in 1945.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1943-November-14 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1952-June-23 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 208

Norseman 365, Mk.VI

s/n 365

c/n 274


Ex US UC-64 43-5283. Operated by No. 124 Squadron in 1943. Sold, appeared on civil register as VH-GSF.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1943-December-04 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1945-July-18 Accident: 124 Ferry Squadron Loc: Diamond Lake Timagami Names: Cunningham | Doyle
   1953-September-24 Struck off Strength struck off and sold 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 208

Norseman 366, Mk.VI

s/n 366

c/n 275


ex US UC-64 43-5284. Used to train the first class of RCAF pararescue jumpers, at Henry House, Alberta in March and April 1945. Probably with No. 6 Flight of Western Air Command at the time. Under maintenance at No. 10 Repair Depot, Calgary, in December 1947. Operated by No. 413 (P) Squadron, 1948, and by No. 408 (P) Squadron, early 1950s, both from RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario. To civil register as CF-INL, still airworthy 1976.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1943-December-06 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1944-June-09 Accident: 6 COMM Squadron Loc: Edmonton Alberta Names: Coombes | MacDonald | Mclaren
   1955-November-25 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 208 | 1968 631

Norseman 367, Mk.VI

s/n 367

c/n 276


Ex US UC-64 43-5285. Transferred to RCAF before completion, probably delivered to RCAF in late December 1943. Assigned first to No. 4 Training Command. Operated from Edmonton in support of development of the North West Staginf Route. Transferred to Western Air Command on 3 July 1944. Operated by No. 6 (Comm) Flight when it received Category C damage at Edmonton on 3 January 1945. To No. 10 Repair Depot on 17 February 1945. To Noorduyn on 12 July 1945 for installation of airmail pickup gear, this was removed shortly after. To Mont Joli, Quebec on 14 March 1946. To RCAF Station Rockcliffe on 1 November 1947 as a replacment for Norseman 361 which had been damaged on that date. Back to Mont Joli 6 Jan uary 1948. To No. 9 (T) Group for use by No. 412 Squadron at Rockcliffe on 14 January 1948, again to replace 361. To No. 6 Repair Depot on 6 March 1948, for installation of a belly tank. To Nort West air Command on 9 April 1948, for use by No. 111 (K) Flight at Winnipeg. Category A accident at Winnipeg, Manitoba on 2 January 1949. Scrapped by No. 10 Repair Depot. Wreckage sold to Northern Consolidated Airlines of Anchorage, Alaska.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1943-December-07 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1944-December-26 Accident: 6 COMM FLIGHT Loc: Aklavic Nwt Names: Hangs | Nesbitt
   1949-January-11 Struck off Strength Struck off, after Category A accident at Winnipeg, Manitoba, 2 January 1949 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 208

Norseman 368, Mk.VI

s/n 368

c/n 277


Ex US UC-64 43-5286. Operated by the Photographic Flight, later known as No. 13 (P) Squadron, from RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario, 1944 to 1947. Operated by No. 408 (P) Squadron, RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario, early 1950s. To civil register as CF-INM.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1943-December-08 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1956-January-20 Struck off Strength struck off, later sold 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 208 | 1968 631

Norseman 369, Mk.VI

s/n 369

c/n 326


Ex US UC-64 43-5335. With No. 124 Squadron, 1944. Took part in Exercise Musk Ox in early 1946, operated by No. 1 Air Supply Unit (specially formed for this exercise). With Winnipeg Detachmentof No. 164 Squadron inbJuly 1946. With No. 435 (T) Squadron, RCAF Station Edmonton, Alberta, in August 1946. To Carberry, Manitoba 21 August 1946. With Winnipeg Detachment in November 1946. Delivered to Calgary, Alberta, for storage, on 9 November 1946. With Central Experimental and Proving Establishment Suffield Detachment in summer of 1953.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1944-January-25 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1956-January-20 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 208 | 1968 631

Norseman 370, Mk.VI

s/n 370

c/n 327


ex US UC-64 43-5246 (or 43-5336?). With No. 124 Squadron, 1944. Used by No. 167 (Comm) Squadron, RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS, 1944 to 1945. Later on Norwegian civil register as LN-BDV, then LN-BFU. Total loss on 18 August 1964 at Alta..
last update: 2024-December-25
   1944-January-25 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1944-March-10 Accident: 124 Squadron Loc: Scoudouc Names: Smith
1944-August-09 Accident: 167 Squadron Loc: Charlottetown Harbour Pei Names: Baron | Black | Herr | Laberge
   1953-April-23 Struck off Strength struck off, passed to R. Norwegian AF as "R-AP" 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 208

Norseman 371, Mk.VI

s/n 371

c/n 432


ex US UC-64 43-35358. To Western Air Command in 1944. Operated by No. 7 (P) Wing, RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario in fall of 1945. Operated by Winnipeg Detachment of No. 164 Squadron in July 1946. With No. 435 (T) Squadron, RCAF Station Edmonton, Alberta, in August 1946. To Gimili, Manitoba, 23 August 1946. Medevac flight on skiis, into NWT in January 1947. Left Winnipeg on 3 January, reached Nottingham Island to pick up patient on 7 January. Patient transferred to Dakota 970 at Southhampton, NWT, same day. Norseman returned to Winnipeg after 14 January. With 435 Squadron, Edmonton in April and March 1947. Ferried to Rockcliffe, via Winnipeg, on 5 May 1947. Later with 413 (P) Squadron, RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario, late 1940s, coded "AP*N". Detached to northern Manitoba winter of 1948/1949 and 1949/50, operated from Churchill. Rescued crew of Dakota 987 from ice of Hudson Bay on 23 January 1949, making two round trips from Churchill. Sold, to civil register as CF-ILR.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1944-April-03 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1956-January-20 Sold as Surplus stuck off, later sold 2019-08-20
   1956-January-20 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 208 | 1968 631

Norseman 372, Mk.VI

s/n 372

c/n 433


Ex US UC-64 43-35359. Operated by the Photographic Flight, later known as No. 13 (P) Squadron, from RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario, 1944 to 1947. Seen at Corcoran's Camp, Windy Lake, Ontario, on floats, August 1945. Later on Norwegian civil register as LN-BDT. Written off on 25 October 1955, when it collided with a fishing boat in Bodo harbour.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1944-April-03 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1953-April-23 Struck off Strength struck off, passed to R. Norwegian AF as "R-AR" 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 208

Norseman 491, Mk. IV

s/n 491

c/n 91


Category A accident at Torbay, Newfoundland, 26 October 1944, apparently repaired. To civil register post war as CF-FDP.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1942-September-09 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1944-October-26 Accident: 1 COMPOSITE DET Loc: Quidi Lake Names: Bockus | Kaye | Labreche | Oldfield
   1946-July-04 Struck off Strength struck off, sold 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 210 | 1968 625

Norseman 492, Mk. IVW

s/n 492

c/n 92


Later to Norwegian civil register as LN-BDR. Sold to Sweden for spare parts. Reported preserved at Sola Museum, marked as LN-BDR.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1942-September-09 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1953-April-23 Struck off Strength struck off, passed to R. Norwegian AF as "R-AK" 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 210

Norseman 493, Mk. IVW

s/n 493

c/n 93


Used by No. 4 Wireless School. Category B accident while there, on 18 January 1944.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 210

Norseman 494, Mk. IV

s/n 494

c/n 94


Used by No. 1 Operational Training Unit, RCAF Station Bagotville, Quebec in 1943. To civil register post war, as CF-EIH.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1942-September-09 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1945-August-30 Accident: 167 Squadron COMM Loc: Basin Head Pei Names: Gillanders | Simpson
   1946-August-01 Struck off Strength struck off, later sold 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 210 | 1968 624 | 1968 626

Norseman 495, Mk. IVW

s/n 495

c/n 95


Used by No. 4 Wireless School, 1944. To civil register as CF-FEW.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1942-September-12 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1943-February-15 Accident: 124 Ferry Squadron Loc: Kapuskasing Names: Hawdon
   1950-March-30 Struck off Strength struck off, later sold 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 210

Norseman 496, Mk. IV

s/n 496

c/n 96


Passed directly to USAAF as UC-64 serial number 43-5105, on 15 January 1943.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1943-January-15 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1943-March-29 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 210

Norseman 497, Mk. IV

s/n 497

c/n 97


Passed directly to USAAF as UC-64 serial number 43-5106, on 15 January 1943.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1943-January-15 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1943-March-29 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 210

Norseman 498, Mk. IV

s/n 498

c/n 98


Passed directly to USAAF as UC-64 serial number 43-5107, on 15 January 1943.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1943-January-15 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1943-March-29 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 210

Norseman 499, Mk. IV

s/n 499

c/n 99


Passed directly to USAAF as UC-64 serial number 43-5108, on 15 January 1943.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1943-January-15 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1943-March-29 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 210

Norseman 678, Mk. IVW

s/n 678

c/n 20


Operated by No. 8 (GP) Detachment when it collided with a small boat while operating on floats at Yellowknife, NWT at 19:00 on 13 August 1938, minor damage to aircraft and boat. No injuries. Police investigation faulted the boat operator. With No. 1 Air Navigation School at RCAF Station Trenton, Ontario when it crashed near Grafton, Ontario and was destroyed on night of 16/17 May 1940. Was on a night navigation exercise. All 4 crew members killed.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1938-May-25 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1940-May-17 Accident: TRENTON Air Navigation School Loc: Grafton Ontario Names: Auld | Jasper | Kean | Pidcock
   1940-August-02 Struck off Strength struck off, after Category A accident at Grafton, Ontario on 17 May 1940 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 213

Norseman 679, Mk. IVW

s/n 679

c/n 21


Operated from RCAF Station Trenton, Ontario, fall of 1938. Operated by No. 1 Wireless School, RCAF Station Winnipeg, during the war. To civil register post war, as CF-SAH. Operated by Saskatchewan Government Airways, as air ambulance, thorughout northern Saskatchewan. Later to Carter Air Services of Hay River, NWT. Wrecked at Hay River in 1962, wreckage donated to Reynolds Museum.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1938-June-27 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1941-March-04 Accident: 2 Wireless School Loc: Calgary Airport Names: Bell | Towner | Wilson
   1945-October-31 Struck off Strength struck off, later sold 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 213 | 1968 635

Norseman 680, Mk. IVW

s/n 680

c/n 22


Used by No. 34 Service Flying Training School at Medicine Hat, Alberta, 1941. Still airworthy 1976 as CF-FJB.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 213 | 1968 626

Norseman 681, Mk. IV

s/n 681

c/n 23


Norseman 691, Mk. IV

s/n 691

c/n 24


Operated by No. 1 Wireless School, RCAF Station Winnipeg, from 1940. To civil register post war as CF-EJB.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 213 | 1968 624

Norseman 692, Mk. IV

s/n 692

c/n 25


In Category B accident at RCAF Station Trenton, 31 May 1940. Repaired. Still airworthy 1976 as CF-CRC.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 213 | 1968 619

Norseman 693, Mk. IV

s/n 693

c/n 19


Originally delivered to Hudson Bay Air Transport, Flin Flon, MB in February 1939. Operated by No. 8 Bombing and Gunnery School at Lethbridge, Alberta, 1941. Based at No. 2 Staging Unit, Fort St. John, BC in 1943, where it was named "Muskeg Maisie II". Became CF-QAA post war. Still registered 2004 as CF-BFT, to The Canadian Heritage Bushplane Centre, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Claimed to be oldest Norseman on Canadian register.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 213 | 1968 634

Norseman 694, IVW

s/n 694

c/n 5


First Mk. III built. Registered as CF-BAM on 5 September 1936, to Noorduyn Aircraft. To McKenzie Air Services on 17 December 1936. Converted to Mk. IV on 26 June 1937. To Western Air Command in 1940. Used by No. 122 (K) Squadron, RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC, 1942 or 1943 . Went to War Assets March 7, 1946 and sold in that year to Johannesson Flying Services, Winnipeg, Manitoba as CF-BZM. Later became CF-CRU of CP Air. Crashed north of Red Lake, 22 November 1968. Also reported as destroyed in mid air collision with CF-IRH at Kenora, Ontario on 25 July 1958?
last update: 2024-December-25
   1940-February-10 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1946-March-07 Struck off Strength struck off, later sold 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 213 | 1968 611 | 1968 615

Norseman 695, Mk. IV

s/n 695

c/n 2


Originally registered as CF-AZA, built as a Mk. II in 1936. Sunk near Fort McMurray, Alberta in June 1938, while still on civil register with McKenzie Air Service. Drunken, non pilot mechanic attempted take off, struck sand bar. Shipped to Edmonton for repairs. Converted to Mk. III on 4 December 1936, and to Mk. IV on 28 April 1937. Operated by No. 6 (BR) Squadron, from RCAF Station Alliford Bay, BC, in 1940/41. Operated by No. 122 (K) Squadron at Patricia Bay when it received Category C damage at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC, at 14:40 on 6 October 1942. Aircraft had been performing training circuits in Cowichan Bay, heavy weather came up while returning to Patricia Bay. Struck a large wave while touching down, which seperated several float struts, but the aircraft was towed ashore without further damage. No injuries. With No. 116 Squadron when it crashed near Port Alice, BC on 4 February 1944, while returning to squadron base at RCAF Station Coal Harbour. Had been to Port Alice on a liaison flight.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1940-February-24 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
1942-October-06 Accident: 122 (COMPOSITE) Squadron Loc: Rcaf Stn Names: Delaveau | Dingwall | Hennell
1944-February-04 Accident: 116 Squadron Loc: Port Alice Names: Barker | Eccles | Moore | Powell | Scrivener
   1944-July-20 Struck off Strength written off after crash on 4 February 1944, 4 fatalaties, see comments. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 213 | 1968 611

Norseman 696, Mk. IV

s/n 696

c/n 15


Built in 1937, first registered to United Air Transport of Edmonton, Alberta as CF-BFR on 14 August 1937. To McKenzie Air Service of Edmonton on 18 July 1938. With No. 13 (OT) Squadron, 1940. Operated by No. 6 (BR) Squadron, from RCAF Station Alliford Bay, BC, in 1940/41, coded "XE*Z". Visited RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC on 26 December 1941. Operated by No. 122 (K) Squadron on west coast, 1942. Operated by No. 166 (T) Squadron, RCAF Station Sea Island, 1943/1945. Back to civil register after war, as CF-CRT on 3 October 1946.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1940-February-24 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1946-May-08 Struck off Strength struck off, later sold 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 213 | 1968 611 | 1968 620

Norseman 697, Mk. IV

s/n 697

c/n 8


First registered 26 January 1937 to General Airways Ltd. of Toronto. To McKenzie Air Services on 18 July 1938. Assigned to RCAF Station Vancouver on February 24, 1940. Operated by No. 6 (BR) Squadron, from RCAF Station Alliford Bay, BC, in 1940/41. Operated by No. 122 (K) Squadron on west coast, 1942. Served with Western Air Command until 1946. Sold to Canadian Pacific Airlines and registered as CF-CRU on March 7, 1947.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1940-February-24 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
1940-March-09 Accident: 119 Squadron Loc: Vancouver British Columbia Names: Macgregor | Napper
1944-December-18 Accident: 166 Squadron Loc: Sea Island British Columbia Names: Metz | Miles | Reid | Travers
   1946-May-08 War Assets (WA) Transferred to War Assets, later sold. 2019-08-20
   1946-May-08 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 213 | 1968 611 | 1968 620

Norseman 787, Mk. IV / VI

s/n 787

c/n 136


ex US UC-64 43-5145. Converted to Mk. VI on 7 July 1943. With 413 (P) Squadron, RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario, late 1940s, coded "AP*P". Served with No. 408 (P) Squadron, RCAF Station Rockcliffe, in the 1950s, registered as VC-AKF, marked on fuselage as "AK*F". Displayed at National Museum of Science and Technology in postwar colours, and later at National Aviation Museum at Rockcliffe. Still on Canadian Forces books.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 216

Norseman 788, Mk. IV / VI

s/n 788

c/n 137


Ex US UC-64 43-5146. Converted to Mk. VI on 7 July 1943. First used by No. 3 Training Command, for survey work. Used by No. 167 (Comm) Squadron, RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS, 6 December 1943 to 1945. To No. 4 Repair Depot on 14 May to 30 June 1945, for painting yellow and float installation. To Eastern Air Command when completed. To storage at No. 6 Repair Depot on 7 November 1945. To civil register postwar as CF-EIB, registered to Mr. Kashower of Oshawa, Ontario in 1947. To Austin Airways on 5 May 1947. Certificate of Registration expired in 8 November 1957, reported as sold in damaged condition. Registered in 1963 to Vaillancourt Air Service of Sherbrooke, Quebec. To St. Felician Air Services of St. Felician, Quebec in 1965. Certificate of Airworthiness expired 1970, later renewed. Reported sunk in 1983. Registration cancelled on 3 December 1985. Deleted from register on 14 December 1987. Fuselage may have been recovered, used in rebuilding CF-LFR (Noorduyn number N29-55), not confirmed.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1943-June-10 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1944-July-24 Accident: 167 Squadron Loc: Cape Bauld Newfoundland Names: Dines | Herr | Langman | O'Reilly | Ritchie | Young
   1946-August-05 Struck off Strength (or 2 August?) struck off, to War Assets Corporation for sale 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 216 | 1968 624

Norseman 789, Mk. IV / VI

s/n 789

c/n 138


Ex US UC-64 43-5147. Converted to Mk. VI on 7 July 1943. Survey operations on Baffin Island, summer of 1943. Reported damaged and major rebuild including new fuselage, dates not confirmed. Operated in Arctic post war, coded "GHD". This was probably part of full ICAO registration VC-GHD. Sold to Noorduyn Aircraft, to civil register as CF-INN. Refurbished by Noorduyn to Mk. V standards, to Lamb Airways of La Pas, Manitoba, registered to them on 26 November 1956. With Northward Aviation of Edmonton, Alberta from 7 August 1964, operated into NWT on skiis. To Northlands Airlines of Winnipeg on 3 April 1967. Total time on 23 May 1967 reported as 5720:00. Crashed in Sharpe Lake, Manitoba on 23 June 1967, stalled while circling landing area, struck the water and sank. Pilot and passenger swam ashore, pilot later died of exposure.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1943-June-10 Taken on Strength from USAAF 2019-08-20
   1956-January-20 Struck off Strength struck off, later sold 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 216 | 1968 631

Norseman 790, Mk. IV / VI

s/n 790

c/n 139


ex US UC-64 43-5148. With the Test and Development Establishment at RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario, dates unknown. Converted to Mk. VI on 7 July 1943. Operated post war as a SAR aircraft. Delivered to No. 435 (T) Squadron, Winnipeg, from Rockcliffe on 28 October 1946. Returned to Rockcliffe December 1946. To civil register post war as CF-IJG, registered to Georgian Bay Airways of Perry Sound, Ontario on 25 August 1955, last C of A expired 1966. In 1976 sale reported. Was reported stored on farm near Gravenhurst, Ontario, no date given. Registration cancelled in 1982, on sale of aircraft. Reported sold again in 2004.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1943-June-10 Taken on Strength from USAAF 2019-08-20
   1955-August-22 Struck off Strength struck off, later sold 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 216 | 1968 631

Norseman 791, Mk. IV / VI

s/n 791

c/n 140


ex US UC-64 43-5149. Converted to Mk. VI on 7 July 1943. With No. 13 (P) Squadron at RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario. Operated around Ungava Bay July 1944. To US civil register as N55444, registered to Fleetway Inc. of Burbank, California. To Lineas Aeras de Transporte Nacional of Paraguay in 1954, registered as ZP-CAZ.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1943-June-10 Taken on Strength from USAAF 2019-08-20
1944-September-26 Accident: 13 Squadron Loc: Aerodrome Names: Laing | Philpotts | Smith | Thompson | Webster
   1944-November-15 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 216

Norseman 792, Mk. IV / VI

s/n 792

c/n 141


ex US UC-64 43-5150. Converted to Mk. VI on 7 July 1943. Operated by No. 12 (Comm) Squadron, RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario. Seen on skiis while with this unit. With No. 103 (S&R) Flight post war, coded "CH*A", took part in Arctic exercises with this unit in 1950s, flying out of Churchill, Manitoba. To civil register as CF-IGX, registered to Georgian Bay Airways of Perry Sound, Ontario in 1956. With Mattagami Airways of Moonbeam, Ontario from 29 September 1958. Certificate of Registration expired on 17 June 1965, cancelled in 1982. Rebuilt by Gordon Hughes of Ignace, Ontario, registered to him in September 1990. To J. Olsen and Eagle Air Service of Wollaston Lake, Saskatchewan on 24 September 1990, last registration to J. Olsen cancelled on 8 June 1994. To David Lindskog of Winnipeg on 8 June 1994. Still airworthy 2004, owned by David Lindskog of Winnipeg and Robert Polinuk of Selkirk, Manitoba. Panoramic windows installed by then.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1943-June-10 Taken on Strength from USAAF 2019-08-20
1944-June-01 Accident: 12 COMM Squadron Loc: Gibson Lake Names: Jenkins | Ried
   1955-August-09 Struck off Strength struck off, later sold 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 216 | 1968 630

Norseman 2455, Mk. IVW

s/n 2455

c/n 28


Assigned to No. 1 Wireless School, St. Hubert, Quebec. Category A accident near Megantic, Quebec on 5 August 1943. Repaired by Noorduyn in Cartierville, Quebec. Stored with No. 3 Training Command. Wireless equipment installed 25 July 1944 at No. 6 Repair Depot. Delivered by No. 124 Squadron to No. 1 Training Command, October 1944. Used by No. 167 (Comm) Squadron, RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS, c.1943 to 1945. Also used by No. 121 (K) Squadron at RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS, during this time.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1940-August-12 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1943-November-10 Accident: 167 Squadron Loc: Megantic Names: Evans | Kuchman | Maria | Phelan
1945-August-05 Accident: 1 Wireless School Loc: Runway Names: Aitken | Campbell | Foster | Hazelton
   1945-September-12 Struck off Strength struck off reported as reduced to spares, and as sold. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 245

Norseman 2456, Mk. IVW

s/n 2456

c/n 29


Assigned to No. 3 Training Command in eastern Canada. Catagory B accident at St. Hubert, Quebec on 29 January 1941. Repaired by Noorduyn, Cartierville, Quebec, placed in storage with No. 1 Training Command. To No. 4 Wireless School at at Guelph, Ontario. Two Category C accidents at Burtch Airfield, while with this School. Back to Noorduyn on 5 January 1945 for repairs, then to Reserve Storage on 28 June 1945. Sold to Western Aircraft Ltd. of Oshawa, Ontario. Bought by Thunder Bay Airlines, Fort William, Ontario, and registered 1 February 1946 as CF-BTC. On 27 January 1948 registered to Central Northern Airways, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Re-registered to Transair Ltd., St. James, Manitoba in 1956 when Central Northern and Arctic Wings merged to become Transair. On 9 October 1958 registered to Northland Fish Ltd., Winnipeg, Manitoba, and then on 3 September 1959 to A.W. Laserich, Hay River, NWT. Registered to Menzies Fish Company, Edmonton, Alberta, on 27 June 1962, and then again to A.W. Laserich on 25 September 1962. Next registered to Cecilie Stevens, Yellowknife, NWT, on 14 June 1968, and then on 7 April 1978, to C & M Airways, Buffalo Narrows, Saskatchewan. Again registered to Cecilie Stevens 13 July 1978. In 1982 registered to Randair, Ft. McMurray, Alberta, and on 1 June 1984 to Cecilie Palmer, Cold Lake, Alberta. Registered to David Holosney, Edmonton, Alberta on 21 April 1992, and then to Randy Daoust, Edmonton on 30 June 1992. Damaged on 12 July, 1992, when clear air turbulence was encountered and an area of fabric separated from the right wing. The aircraft was landed safely at Cree Lake, Saskatchewan. Temporary repairs were made by Red Lake Seaplane Service and the aircraft ferried to Red Lake for permanent repair. Sold to J.W. Hostetler and registered to him on 18 November 1992. In 1998 it was acquired by the Western Canada Aviation Museum, Winnipeg, Manitoba for restoration. On display there by 2004.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 245 | 1968 613

Norseman 2457, Mk. IVW

s/n 2457

c/n 30


Assigned to No. 3 Training Command, in eastern Canada. Category C accident at St. Hubert, Quebec on 5 or 6 June 1941. To Reserve Storage on 17 December 1942. To No. 4 Training Command, western Canada on 20 February 1943. To overhaul on 28 September 1943. To No. 10 Repiar Depot (Calgary?) for repair of Category B damage on 12 April 1944. Returned to North West Air Command on 7 July 1944. To Reserve Storage on 9 December 1946. Shipped to Norway on 5 August 1953. May have served at Gardermoen AFB . Later went to Wideroes Flyveselskap but no civil registration was issued. Fate unknown.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 245

Norseman 2458, Mk. IVW

s/n 2458

c/n 31


To No. 2 Training command, western Canada, on 27 May 1941. Category C accident at Yorkton, Saskatchewan on 7 August 1941. To civil register post was as CF-DFU. Sold as war surplus to M and C Aviation Prince Albert, Saskatchewan and registered as CF-DFU on 14 May 1946. Registered to Saskatchewan Government Airways, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan on 25 May 1946. Registered to Queen Charlotte Airlines, Vancouver, BC. on 30 May 1950. Re-registered to Pacific Western Airlines in 1956 when they bought out Queen Charlotte. Registered to BC Airlines Ltd., Vancouver, BC. on 15 June 1959. As of March 28, 1961 total time was 9,600 hours. Destroyed at Mellish Point, BC. on 28 February 1962. A float fitting failed on landing and the aircraft capsized. No injuries.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 245 | 1968 622

Norseman 2459, Mk. IVW

s/n 2459

c/n 32


Assigned to No. 3 Training Command, eastern Canada. Category B accident at St. Hubert, Quebec on 30 June 1942, undercarriage damaged in heavy landing. Repaired by Noorduyn at Cartierville, Quebec, back in service on 15 October 1942. Category B accident on 5 November 1942, again to Noorduyn, returned on 2 June 1943. To No. 2 Training Command in western Canada on 20 November 1944. To Saskatoon for repairs on 2 June 1946. To civil register post war as CF-PAA, registered to Public Works Alberta, but apparently never operated by them.. Registered to Dr. F. Lemay, Rouyn, Quebec in 1946. Registered to Gold Belt Air Service, Rouyn, Quebec in 1952. Damaged in an accident at Lake Mondor, Quebec on 9 May 91952. Registered to P.F. Bradley (Mattagami Air Service), Kirkland Lake, Ontario in 1956 and re-registered to Mattagami Air Service, Kirkland Lake in 1959. In 1961 it was registered to Georgian Bay Air Service, Parry Sound, Ontario and then in 1964 to Superior Airways Ltd., Fort William, Ontario. Registered to Holliday Airways, Red Lake, Ontario on 9 September 1964 and then on 11 June 1971 to Sea Air Pac, Tofino, BC. Last C of A expired 1972. Later reported as withdrawn from service due to salt water corrosion. Reported donated to the Canadian Museum Of Flight And Transportation, Vancouver, BC. in September 1989. Sale reported in February 1994 but no details given. Reported to be at Canadian Museum of Flight, Langley, BC. In 2004, being used for parts. Still in storage in 2011, awaiting funding for full restoration.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 245 | 1968 634

Norseman 2460, Mk. IVW / IVWA

s/n 2460

c/n 33


First assigned to No. 3 Training Command, transferred to No. 4 Training Command at Regina, Saskatchewan on 18 December 1940. Category C damage at Winnipeg on 15 January 1941. Repaired by Noorduyn at Cartierville, to No. 4 Wireless School at Guelph, Ontario. Category B accident at Burch Airfield on 11 October 1942. Rebuilt with Mk. VI fuselage in 1944, redesignated Mk. IVWA.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 245

Norseman 2461, Mk. IVW

s/n 2461

c/n 34


First assigned to No. 3 Training Command, transferred to No. 4 Training Command at Regina, Saskatchewan on 18 December 1940. Category C accident on 18 April 1942, at No. 34 Elementary Flying Training School, Assiniboia, Saskatchewan. Category A accident on 24 May 1943 at No. 2 Wireless School.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 245

Norseman 2462, Mk. IV

s/n 2462

c/n 35


First assigned to No. 3 Training Command, transferred to No. 4 Training Command at Regina, Saskatchewan on 18 December 1940. Category C accident at Calgary, Alberta on 28 July 1941. Overhauled, starting 12 July 1943 and again on 16 November 1944. To No. 2 Air Command, for storage, on 1 August 1945. To civil register post war as CF-SAK on 14 November 1945, owner was Saskatchewan Department of Natural Resources. Damaged at Beaver Lake, Saskatchewan on 17 March 1947. Pilot lost control after take off and the undercarriage was damaged. Ferried to Prince Albert, Saskatchewan for repairs where it was destroyed in a hangar fire on 2 August 1947.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1940-October-26 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1941-July-28 Accident: 2 Wireless School Loc: Aerodrome Names: Brown | Brown | Bruce | Garbutt | Gillespie | Hart | Moss
1943-December-13 Accident: 2 Wireless School Loc: Aerodrome Names: Boan | Casey | Marshall
   1945-October-31 Struck off Strength Struck off, transferred to War Assets Coroporation for sale. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 245 | 1968 635

Norseman 2463, Mk. IVW

s/n 2463

c/n 36


First assigned to No. 3 Training Command, transferred to No. 4 Training Command at Regina, Saskatchewan on 18 December 1940. With No. 2 Wireless School at Calgary, Alberta by September 1941. Category C accident on 11 November 1941. Category B accident at Calgary, Alberta on 29 April 1942. Overhauled from 23 March to 17 June 1943. To No. 5 Staging Unit at Whitehorse, YT on 24 September 1943. With No. 2 Bombing and Gunnery School, Mossbank, Saskatchewan, dates unknown.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 245

Norseman 2464, Mk. IVW

s/n 2464

c/n 37


Assigned to No. 4 Training Command at Regina, Saskatchewan. Category B accident at Calgary, Alberta on 23 July 1941. Repaired by McKenzie Air Service, completed on 24 January 1942. To storage until 7 May 1942. To overhaul, from 21 December 1943 to 18 February 1944, then stored until 24 April 1944. To No. 2 Air Command on 1 December 1944 for storage. Overhauled before sale. To civil register postwar as CF-CRF, registered to Yukon Southern Air Transport Inc. Delivered to Winnipeg on 1 March 1946.. Registered to Canadian Pacific Airlines on 13 March 1946, their fleet No. 46. Registered to Central Northern Airways, St. James, Manitoba on 19 May 1947. May have later been with Transair Ltd., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Registered to Slate Falls Trading Company, Sioux lookout, Ontario on 1 May 1961. As of February 16, 1962 total time was 10,243 hours. Registered to Norell & Chyk, Sioux Lookout, Ontario on 29 August 1962 . Crashed and burned in whiteout ten miles northwest of Lac Seul, Ontario on 4 January 1963. Pilot and four passengers escaped injury.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1940-November-15 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1941-March-03 Accident: 2 Wireless School Loc: Lyalta Alberta Names: Berry | Coady | Connell | Donaldson | Evans | Mcintyre | Nixon
1941-July-23 Accident: 2 Wireless School Loc: Aerodrome Names: Burbank | Henry | Mckinnon | Montgomery | Smith
   1946-March-01 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal. Ferry permit issued same day. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 245 | 1968 619

Norseman 2465, Mk. IV

s/n 2465

c/n 38


Assigned to No. 4 Training Command, western Canada. Category B damage at Calgary, date unknown. Ground looped, damaged port wing. Serving with No. 2 Wireless School at Calgary, Alberta when engine back fire on startup caused fire on 16 February 1943.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1940-December-03 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1942-June-09 Accident: 2 Wireless School Loc: Aerodrome Names: Brown | Dickie | Erickson | Moss | Swingle
1943-February-16 Accident: 2 Wireless School Loc: Shepard Alberta Names: Desilva | Millman | Mulcahy | Oliver
   1943-April-09 Struck off Strength Struck off, after being destroyed by ground fire, see comments. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246

Norseman 2466, Mk. IV

s/n 2466

c/n 39


First assigned to No. 4 Trainining Command , transferred to No. 2 Training Command on 11 June 1941, back to No. 4 on 5 November 1942. Served with No. 3 Bombing and Gunnery School, RCAF Station MacDonald, Manitoba. To No. 2 Air Command detachment at Suffield, Alberta for 3 months, conducted insect spraying trials.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1940-December-12 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1943-October-18 Accident: 2 Wireless School Loc: Shepard Alberta Names: Keaist | Moir | Murchie | Symes
   1946-June-17 Struck off Strength Struck off. Reported as reduced to spares after crash, and as sold damaged.. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246

Norseman 2467, Mk. IVW

s/n 2467

c/n 40


Served with No. 4 Training Command. With No. 2 Wireless School at Calgary, Alberta in 1942. Overhauled from 14 January to 19 April 1943. Category B accident on 15 October 1943. Sent to Edmonton for repair, returned 8 January 1944. To No. 2 Air Command on 1 December 1944, placed in storage 12 April 1945. Sold as war surplus to White Fisheries, Big River, Saskatchewan and registered as CF-DFF on 28 March 1946. On 15 June 1949 registered to Northern Air Lines, Big River, Saskatchewan. Crashed on take-off from Cowan Lake, Saskatchewan on 7 April 1951. All occupants were safe but the aircraft caught fire and was destroyed.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246 | 1968 622

Norseman 2468, Mk. IVW

s/n 2468

c/n 41


Originally issued to No. 3 Training Command. To storage on 7 May 1941. To No. 2 Training Command on 27 May 1941. Category C accident at Winnipeg, Manitoba on 13 July 1942. Sent to Mid West in Winnipeg for repairs on 7 November 1942 and returned to No. 2 Training Command on 21 June 1943. Transferred to War Assets Corporation for disposal on 12 June 1946. Sold as war surplus to Manitoba Government Air Service and registered as CF-MAL on July 19, 1946. On 21 July 1952, while en route from Lac du Bonnet to Norway House, Manitoba with the pilot and six Manitoba Government employees on board, the aircraft crashed in a muskeg north of Berens River, Manitoba. (N52-40, W93-30). All on board died. A plaque has been place in the Manitoba Legislative building in their memory.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246 | 1968 632

Norseman 2469, Mk. IV

s/n 2469

c/n 42


Assigned to No. 3 Training Command, Montreal, Quebec. Put in Reserve Storage on 17 December 1942 and then transferred to Eastern Air Command on 2 March 1943 (for use at No. 167 (Comm) Squadron, RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS?). Sent to Noorduyn Aviation on 16 March 1943 after Category C accident. After repairs it was transferred to No. 2 Training Command on 11 August 1944 (for use at No. 31 General Reconaissance School?). Category A crash on 16 February 1945. It was reported that the wreckage was "To be sold to Mr. Lamb through War Assets Corporation". Registered to M & C Aviation Ltd., Prince Albert, Saskatchewan as CF-DFV on 4 January 1947. On 7 October 1947 it was registered to Saskatchewan Government Airways, Prince Albert, Sask. and then on 15 June 1950 to Queen Charlotte Airlines, Vancouver, BC. Re-registered to Pacific Western Airlines in 1956 when they bought out Queen Charlotte. Registered to BC Airlines Ltd., Vancouver, BC. on 15 June 1959. Severly damaged at Thompson Sound, BC. on 19 March 1964 when a float strut failed on landing. Fatalities reported. Airframe reported as sold to Taway Air Service and later resold to other parties. Airframe later reported as sold to a party in Vancouver, Washington. In January 2004 the fuselage is shown offered for sale by J.W. Duff Aircraft Company, Denver, Colorado.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246 | 1968 622

Norseman 2470, Mk. IV

s/n 2470

c/n 43


Assigned to No. 3 Wireless School at Montreal, Quebec. On 8 December 1942 it was transferred to the Western Air Command and used by No. 122 (K) Squadron, RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC, 1942 / 1943.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1941-February-12 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1945-February-02 Accident: 166 (COMM) Squadron Loc: Fraser River Canyon Names: Bell | Bourne | Foley | Henderson | Maclennan | Wilkie
   1945-March-14 Struck off Strength Struck off and reduced to spares, following Category A accident. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246

Norseman 2471, Mk. IV

s/n 2471

c/n 44


Assigned to No. 2 Training Command. 15 October 1943, sent to Midwest Aircraft, Winnipeg, Manitoba for repairs. Returned to No. 2 Training Command on 17 March 1944 and placed in Reserve Storage. Re-activated on 19 July 1944 and assigned to No. 2 Training Command until transferred on 1 December 1944 to No. 2 Air Command. It was again put in Reserve Storage on 12 April 1945. On 1 February 1946 it was transferred to North West Air Command. With No. 6 (Comm) Flight at Edmonton in fall of 1946. On skiis in February 1947, used for pilot training. With NWAC until 20 September 1948 when it was once again put in Reserve Storage. On 8 December 1952 it was sent for overhaul and on 23 April 1953 sold to the Royal Norwegian Air Force via Mutual Aid. Shipped to Norway on 3 June 1953 and on arrival at Horten was coded R-AL. Early history obscure but was in storage at Voernes for some time. On 6 August 1956 it was transferred from Orlandet AFB to Horten for radio installation. Earmarked at one time for United Nations service and may have been painted in UN colors but did not serve. Given civil registration LN-BIT, C of A No. 444 and Reg. No. 416 on 14 June 1957 then placed on loan to Wideroes Flyveselskap. By 31 March 1959 it had logged 3193 hours. Officially withdrawn from RNoAF service on 29 April 1959 and sold to A/S Solbergfly, Tronsberg, Norway and Wideroes Flyveselkap A/S on wheels with engine No. 326082 on December 9, 1959. Sold to Fjellflyg, Kiruna, Sweden on 2 June 1965 and registered as SE-EGF. In 1975 it was loaned to W. Norvang, Oslo, Norway and operated by him during the spring and summer of that year with Swedish registration. Norwegian registration LN-DAH was allotted but not taken up. It was packed in containers at Norodden in 1975 and shipped to Canada. Fate unknown.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1941-February-18 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1953-April-23 Struck off Strength struck off, transferred to Royal Norwegian AF. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246

Norseman 2472, Mk. IVW

s/n 2472

c/n 45


Assigned to No. 2 Training Command, No. 3 Wireless School at ? Category C accident at Stevenson Field, Winnipeg, Manitoba on 19 June 1941. Sent to Mid-West Aircraft , Winnipeg for repairs. Returned 16 October 1944, placed in Reserve Storage. On 1 November 1944 sent to No. 8 Repair Depot for modifications and installation of radio equipment, then transferred to No. 2 Training Command. On 31 March 1945 transferred to North West Air Command. Reported with NWAC in 1947, probably being prepared for disposal. Registered as CF-SAO on 18 March 1947 to the Saskatchewan Department of Natural Rescources, Regina, Saskatchewan. Registered to Saskatchewan Government Airways, Prince Albert, Sask. On 17 November 1947. As of 7 May 1950 total time was 2,979 hours. Registered to Northern Airlines Ltd., Big River, Saskatchewan on 30 May 1950. Destroyed by fire at Cowan Lake (Big River), Saskatchewan on 27 June 1950. Caught fire after landing.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1941-February-17 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1941-June-19 Accident: 3 Wireless School Loc: Stevenson Field Winnipeg Names: Clarke | Harvey | Lander | Lapwood | Lowe | Phillip
   1946-September-09 Struck off Strength Struck off, transferred to War Assets Corporation for sale. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246 | 1968 635

Norseman 2473, Mk. IVW

s/n 2473

c/n 46


Assigned to No. 2 Training Command, western Canada. Category B accident at Stevenosn Field, Winnipeg on 6 June 1941. Sent to MacDonald Brothers for overhaul and repair on 12 June 1941. Returned to No. 2 Training Command on 19 July 1941 and put in Reserve Storage until 8 August 1941 when it was reactivated. On 2 March 1943 to No. 8 Repair Depot, Winnipeg for overhaul, returning on 30 March. Went to Mid West Aircraft, Winnipeg on 3 December 1943 for overhaul then transferred to Western Air Command (North) on 6 July 1944. Transferred to 10 Repair Depot for overhaul and storage on 2 January 1946. On 3 February 1947, temporary authority to operate was granted to Paul Sigurdson, Winnipeg, Manitoba and on 23 July 1947 it was registered as CF-FFP ( or FFB?) to Waite Fisheries, Big River, Saskatchewan. As of November 4, 1947 total time was 2,394 hours. On 28 December 1947 while enroute from Buffalo Narrows to Big River, Sask. a snow storm was encountered and a landing attempted on a road. The aircraft ended up in bush and was destroyed. Pilot and passenger were injured.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1941-February-17 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1941-June-06 Accident: 3 Wireless School Loc: Stevenson Field Winnipeg Names: Bleakley | Cormack | Lesse | Metcalfe | O'Connor | Owen
1944-October-25 Accident: 6 COMM FLIGHT Loc: Hangar Comm Fgt Names: Basnett | Calhoun | Perry
   1947-June-05 Struck off Strength Struck off, transferred to War Assets Corporation for disposal. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246 | 1968 626

Norseman 2474, Mk. IV

s/n 2474

c/n 47


Assigned to No. 2 Training Command, No. 3 Wireless School at ?. Went to Mid West Aircraft, Winnipeg, Manitoba on 25 June 1943 for overhaul, returned to No. 2 Training Command on 23 November 1943. To No.2 Air Command 1December 1944. Put in Reserve Storage on 12 April 1948. Sent to Canadian Pacific Airlines 8 December 1952 for a complete overhaul. May have seen Norweigian service at Jarlesberg and Gardermoen AFBs. Written off September, 1954 and used for spares. Total time 1865 hours.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1941-February-21 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1943-January-26 Accident: 3 Wireless School Loc: Portage La Prairie Names: Sanderson | Sutcliffe | Taylor | Trottier
   1953-July-06 Ownership Transferred Transferred via Mutual aid to Royal Norwegian AF, their code "R-AT". 2019-08-20
   1953-July-06 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246

Norseman 2475, Mk. IVW

s/n 2475

c/n 48


Assigned to No. 3 Training Command, Montreal, Quebec. Category B accident at St. Hubert, Quebec on 2 February 1942. Sent to Noorduyn Aviation for repairs 7 February 1942. Returned to No. 3 Training Command, Category B accident at No. 1 Wireless School, Winnipeg, Manitoba 25 April 1942. Sent to Noorduyn Aviation for repairs 1 May 1942 and returned to No. 3 Training Command 13 August 1942. Transferred 15 January 1945 to No. 1 Air Command. 20 June 1945 it was transferred to Eastern Air Command, put in Reserve Storage. Subsequently served at Mount Pleasant. On 10 December 1947 it was sent to Canadian Car and Foundry for overhaul, returning 18 October 1948 to K Flight, Central Air Command at RCAF Station Trenton, Ontario. On 23 May 1951 transferred to No. 6 Repair Depot and put in Reserve Storage. On 4 December 1952 it was sent for overhaul and then on 23 April 1953 it was transferred, via Mutual Aid to the Royal Norwegian Air Force and coded R-AM. History obscure but thought to have been stationed at Gardermoen and to have crashed on 30 September 1955.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1941-February-27 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1942-February-02 Accident: 1 Wireless School Loc: Saint-Hubert Quebec Names: Facey | Flowers | Furnell | Joly | Turner | Wilson
1942-April-25 Accident: 1 Wireless School Loc: Aerodrome Names: Chapman | Dennin | Dettman | Finch | Forden | Kincannon
   1953-April-23 Ownership Transferred Transferred, via Mutual Aid to the Royal Norwegian Air Force, their code "R-AM" 2019-08-20
   1953-April-23 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246

Norseman 2476, Mk. IVM

s/n 2476

c/n 49


Assigned to No. 12 (C) Squadron, RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario. On 16 May 1941 it was involved in a Category B accident at Rockcliffe, 22 May sent to Noorduyn Aviation for repairs. Returned to No. 3 Training Command on 3 September 1941 and put in Reserve Storage. 25 October 1941 it was transferred to Eastern Air Command, No.4 Repair Depot, and used for 'drop testing parachutes'. Category B accident at Hower Argyle, NB on 15 November 1941, while serving with No. 119 (BR) Squadron. On 18 November sent to No. 4 Repair Depot, Scoudouc, New Brunswick for repairs. Returned to E.A.C. on 15 July 1942. Was involved in an accident that year (probably mid-November) with the aircraft record noting 'Crew Missing' and no other details. Sent to No. 4 Repair Depot, Scoudouc for repairs. Returned to E.A.C. on 4 February 1943 and sent to Goose Bay, Labrador for rescue work. Sent to Noorduyn Aviation 23 October 1943 for repair and overhaul. Returned to E.A.C. on 4 March 1944 and put in Reserve Storage. Re-activated 21 August 1944 and on 18 October 1945 assigned to search and rescue work. Subsequently saw service at Mount Pleasant and on 31 August 1948 was transferred to North West Air Command, Nelson, BC.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246

Norseman 2477, Mk. IV

s/n 2477

c/n 50


To No. 12 (Com) Squadron, RCAF Station Rocklciffe, Ontario by 1 November 1941. Category C damage at Rockcliffe on 1 January 1942, in a wind storm. Loaned to RAF Ferry Command at Dorval, 6 February to 4 April 1942, for re-supply flights to USAAF weather stations in Labrador. Category C accident at RCAF Station Rocklciffe, Ontario on 21 August 1943. To No. 1 Training Command on 28 October 1943, and then on 9 November 1943 to No. 2 Training Command, No. 3 Wireless School at ?. On 1 December 1944 it was transferred to No. 2 Air Command and on 12 April 1945 to Reserve Storage. Sent to No. 10 Repair Depot, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan for overhaul 15 May 1946. Sold on July 18, 1946. Registration CF-PAB was allotted to Alberta Department Of Public Works 23 July 1946 but they did not complete the purchase. Overhauled by Western Airmotive, Edmonton, Alberta. Test flown at Edmonton 26 January 1947. Sold to Noel. D. Lambert, operating as Northern Mannix Companies, Vancouver, BC. and registered 1 February 1947. On 25 March 1949 registered to Northwest Territories Power Commission, Ottawa, Ontario. Registered to Yellowknife Airways Ltd., Yellowknife, NWT. 23 April 1951. As of May 11, 1954 total time was 4,350 hours. On 2 August 1951 it was registered to Associated Airways Ltd., Edmonton, Alberta. Reported damaged beyond repair 11 August 1954 when floats dug in during a glassy water landing. Location unknown.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1941-March-25 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1942-January-29 Accident: CONV TRAINING Squadron Loc: Rockcliffe Aerodrome Names: Mennear
1942-August-20 Accident: 12 COMM Squadron Loc: Aerodrome Names:
   1946-July-08 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246 | 1968 634

Norseman 2478, Mk. IV

s/n 2478

c/n 51


To No. 12 (Com) Squadron, RCAF Station Rocklciffe, Ontario. Loaned to RAF Ferry Command, Dorval, Quebec from 6 February to 9 September 1942 for re-supply flights to USAAF weather stations in Labrador.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1941-March-25 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1943-January-15 Struck off Strength Struck off, reduced to spares, no details (crash?). 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246

Norseman 2479, Mk. IV

s/n 2479

c/n 52


To No. 12 (Com) Squadron, RCAF Station Rocklciffe, Ontario. To No. 3 Training Command, eastern Canada, on 1 November 1941. Transferred to Gander for search and rescue on 9 March 1942. Crashed at Ochre Pit Cove near St. John's Newfoundland on 21 August 1942.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246

Norseman 2480, Mk. IV

s/n 2480

c/n 53


Operated by No. 13 (OT) Squadron, RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC, in 1941. To No. 6 (BR) Squadron on 20 August 1941. Also with No. 122 (K) Squadron, dates unknown, coded "AG-R". Went to Coates Ltd. Vancouver, BC. for overhaul 24 May 1943, returning to Western Air Command 8 October 1943. Went to Coates Ltd for repairs 30 December 1944, returning 29 January 1945. To Storage at RCAF Station Patricia Bay 2 February 1945. Sold to Canadian Pacific Airlines for $18,000, including floats. To civil register as CF-CRS, CPA Fleet Number 47. Bought by Western Aircraft Sales and Service (A subsidiary of Queen Charlotte Airlines), Vancouver, BC on 1 April 1948. Registered to Queen Charlotte Airlines, Vancouver, B.C., 21 April 1948. On 18 December 1948, while moored at a buoy at Vancouver, heavy snow accumulated on the tail surfaces causing the aircraft to capsize. Repaired, returned to service. Damaged in a landing accident at Elk Bay, BC. 23 August 1951. A precautionary landing was being made due to poor visibility from forest fire smoke. Floats broke away and substantial damage was incurred. Pilot Cedric Mah and seven passengers escaped injury. The aircraft was salvaged and sold to Bullock, Calgary, Alberta. The wings were reported as having been seen in a hangar in Calgary, Alberta in 1969. On 19 October 1970, Bullock reported the aircraft as having been scrapped.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246 | 1968 620

Norseman 2481, Mk. IV

Norseman 2482, Mk. IVW

s/n 2482

c/n 55


Assigned to No. 1 Training Command Communications Flight. Category C accident at Aylmer, Ontario 27 June 1941. Transferred to No. 1 Air Command 15 January 1945. Sent to Noorduyn Aviation 19 February 1945 for overhaul. Returned November 1945 to No. 6 REMU, Mont Joli, Quebec. Sent to No. 11 Technical Support Unit (Canadian Car and Foundry) 12 November 1951 for reconditioning and installation of a prototype 24 volt system, then returned to No. 6 Repair Depot 23 June 1952. Transferred on August 13, 1953 to No. 98 Iberville Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets on indefinite loan. Later became instructional airframe 596B, then A596. Sold post war, to civil register. Converted from Mk IV to V in 1957 by Austin Airways, registered to them as CF-IJN on 10 July 1957. Operated by Austin until 1969 when it crashed at Nakina, Ontario and sold to Noorduyn in damaged condition. Registered to Labrador Mining and Exploration, Montreal Quebec 19 May 1972. Reported to have crashed and been sold to Norco in damaged condition in February 1973. Sale reported in 1978 but no details given. C of A expired 18 May 1973. Registered to John Bigley (Norco), Pembroke, Ontario 24 September 1981, cancelled 13 June 1983. Several owners, 1983 to 1995, sold to Chimo Air Services of Red Lake, Ontario on 7 December 1995. Still in commercial service with Chimo in 2004, as CF-JIN. Converted to panoramic windows, date unknown.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1941-May-02 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1941-June-27 Accident: 1 COM FLIGHT Loc: Aylmer Ontario Names: Mostyn
   1951-November-28 Classified Instructional CA A 596 2020-06-10
   1953-November-24 Struck off Strength Struck off, was to be reduced to spares, but sold instead. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246 | 1968 490 | 1968 631

Norseman 2483, Mk. IV

s/n 2483

c/n 56


Assigned to No. 1 Training Command, Ontario. Category C accident at Toronto Island airport 22 October 1941. Category B accident at London, Ontario 24 September 1942 . The aircraft was on a flight from Toronto to London. On landing at London it was caught by a gust of wind and turned over. The accident was later re-classified to Category A.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246

Norseman 2484, Mk. IVW

s/n 2484

c/n 57


Assigned to No. 2 Training Command, No. 3 Bombing & Gunnery School at RCAF Station MacDonald, Manitoba. Still there in summer of 1943. Sent to Mid West Aircraft, Winnipeg, Manitoba on September 30, 1944 for complete overhaul. Transferred to No. 2 Air Command 5 February 1945 and put in Reserve Storage. Sold as war surplus to Canada Department of Transport, Civil Aviation Division, Ottawa, Ontario and registered as CF-DTL on 14 August 1947. On 28 May 1953 registered to Wheeler Airlines Ltd., St. Jovite, Quebec. To Wheeler Airlines (1960) Ltd. 19 May 1960. Damaged at Moosonee, Ontario 9 September 1965. Hit rocks and sank during takeoff on the Moosonee River. Salvaged and repaired. Registered to Lauzon Aviation Co. Ltd., Algoma Mills, Ontario in 1969, then on 4 December 1970 to Immeubles Lussier Ltd. Registered to LaBelle Touristair Inc., Mont Laurier, Quebec (On lease from Immeubles Lussier) 26 January 1971. On 11 June 1973 registered to Bel Air Laurentian Aviation, Lac Tortue, Quebec, then on 10 October 1975 to Air Satellite Inc., Hauterive, Quebec. Registered as C-FDTL to Skymotive Ltd., Mississauga, Ontario 26 October 1981, cancelled 13 October 1983. Owner since 9 May 1984 is Gordon Hughes, Ignace, ON, (Northland Aircraft Service), last Certificate of Registration issued 23 September 1993. Panoramic windows fitted, date unknown..
last update: 2024-December-25
   1941-May-03 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1946-May-01 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assests Corporation for disposal. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246 | 1968 623

Norseman 2485, Mk. IVW

s/n 2485

c/n 58


Assigned to No. 2 Training Command, No. 3 Bombing & Gunnery School at MacDonald, Manitoba. Category B accident at MacDonald 27 July 1942. Sent to Mid West Aircraft, Winnipeg, Manitoba for repairs 13 August 1942, returned to No. 2 Training Command 13 October 1942. Still at Paulson in July 1946, used for Air Cadet summer camp flights. Carried Red Cross markings at that time. Ferried from Winnipeg to Portage la Prairie for storage on 18 October 1946. Returned to No. 2 (K) Flight on 9 January 1947. Destroyed 12 June 1947 in a fire at No. 1 Hangar, RCAF Station Edmonton, Alberta. Was with North West Air Command No. 2 (K) Flight at that time.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1941-May-03 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1942-July-27 Accident: 3 Bomb & Gunnery School Loc: Aerodrome Names: Paddick
   1947-August-13 Struck off Strength Struck off after fire, see comments. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246

Norseman 2486, Mk. IV

s/n 2486

c/n 59


Assigned to No. 1 Training Command, Trenton, Ontario. Transferred 28 January 1942 to No. 3 Training Command, Rockcliffe, Ontario. Category C accident at Windsor Mills, Quebec 11 March 1942. To Noorduyn Aviation for repairs 17 June 1942, returned to No. 3 Training Command 20 July 1942. On 3 February 1943 transferred on loan to RAF Ferry Command, Dorval, Quebec, to be used for rescue work in Newfoundland. Returned to No. 3 Training Command 16 March 1944 and put in Reserve Storage. Re-activated 26 July 1944. On 15 January 1945 transferred to No. 1 Air Command. On 20 August 1946, sent to No. 6 Repair Depot for repairs, returning 26 May 1947. Operated by Central Air Command Communications Flight at Trenton in November 1948. On 30 October 1948 it was sent for repairs and fabric re-covering. Returned to Trenton 27 October 1953 where it served until 4 December 1952. To Royal Norwegian AF at Horten. May have been stationed at Voernes, in storage there around February 8, 1955. On 17 January 1959, given civil registration LN-BIU, C of A No. 506, Reg. No. 477 and placed on loan to Wideroes Flyveselskap. Withdrawn from Air Force service 29 April 1959, and offered for sale with 1051 hours total time. Sold to Wideroes on wheels with engine No.327535 on 9 December 1959. Bought by Varanffly, Kirkens, 20 June 1967. Written off in a crash at Grøttøy 20 November 1971.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1941-May-07 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1942-March-11 Accident: 124 Ferry Squadron Loc: Windsor Mills Aerodrome Names: Miller
1945-June-01 Accident: RADIO EXP FLIGHT Loc: 6 Repair Depot Names: Nelson
   1953-April-23 Struck off Strength Struck off, transferred, via Mutual Aid to the Royal Norwegian Air Force, their serial R-AN. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246

Norseman 2487, Mk. IVW

s/n 2487

c/n 60


Assigned to No. 3 Training Command, Montreal, Quebec. Put in Reserve Storage until being transferred to No. 12 (Comm) Squadron 1 November 1941. On 16 February 1942 transferred to Eastern Air Command, No. 4 Repair Depot, for use in rescue work and then on 12 March 1942 to RCAF Station Sydney, Nova Scotia. To Noorduyn Aviation for repair 28 July 1942, following a Category B accident. To No. 12 (Comm) Squadron 27 January 1943. Transferred to No. 1 Training Command, No. 4 Wireless School at Guelph, Ontario, 22 June 1943 and then to No. 1 Air Command 15 January 1945. To Noorduyn Aviation for overhaul 19 February 1945. Returned 4 January 1946 and assigned to No. 4 R.E.M.U. Transferred to Central Air Command 28 April 1947 and then to North West Air Command, Edmonton, Alberta, 17 September 1948. Following three subsequent moves, it was transferred via Mutual Aid to the Royal Norwegian Air Force on 23 April 1953 and coded R-AU. Thought to have been used at Skattora on floats. Given civil registration LN-BFE, C of A No. 374, Reg. No. 346 and loaned to Wideroes Flyveselskap and Polarfly A/S. Sold to them on wheels 9 December 1959 with engine No. 9277. Sold to Star Luft-traffik and registered to them 9 May 1969. Firm's name changed to Hardangerfly A/S in 1969. Turned over and sank At Odda 12 November 1969.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1941-May-07 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1953-April-23 Struck off Strength Struck off, see comments 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246

Norseman 2488, Mk. IV / IVWA

s/n 2488

c/n 61


Assigned to No. 3 Training Command, Montreal, Quebec and put in Reserve Storage until transferred to No. 3 Training Command Communications Squadron 26 June 1941. Category B accident at St. Hubert, Quebec 30 October 1941, turned over on landing, the pilot and crew suffered minor injuries. Repaired by Noorduyn Aviation, to No. 3 Training Command, Rockcliffe, Ontario 5 May 1942. On 9 June 1942 loaned to Dominion Skyways Ltd., Montreal, Quebec and returned 10 October 1942. While on loan registered as CF-BXB, not clear if this was actually marked. On 13 January 1943 Category B accident at Rockcliffe, Ontario, landing with a hanging port ski. The crew was slightly injured and the aircraft sent to Noorduyn Aviation for repairs on 27 January. Rebuilt using a Mark VI fuselage and rdesignated Mk. IV-WA. To Western Air Command 27 December 1943. Operated by No. 166 (T) Squadron, RCAF Station Sea Island, 1943/1945. Sold at Vancouver, BC. 15 January 1948. Registered as CF-GHH to Queen Charlotte Airlines Ltd., Vancouver, BC. 22 May 1948. Registered to Pacific Western Airlines, Vancouver, BC. in 1956 when they bought out Queen Charlotte Airlines. Registered to R.H. Laidman, Vancouver, BC. 6 June 1958 and then on 10 April 1959 to Celgar Ltd., Vancouver, BC. In June 1959 a fire control water drop system was installed, did not perform well and was removed. As of March 25, 1964 total time was 5,920 hours. Destroyed at Nakusp, BC. 4 June 1964. Hit floating debris on take off and overturned. Pilot and five passengers escaped injury.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246 | 1968 629

Norseman 2489, Mk. IVW

s/n 2489

c/n 62


Assigned to No. 1 Training Command, No. 4 Bombing & Gunnery School at Fingal, Ontario. On 1 July 1941, transferred to RCAF Station, Rockcliffe, Ontario, and then on 27 September 1941, to No. 4 Training Command. On 23 November 1944, it was sent to No. 10 Repair Depot for overhaul. To No. 2 Air Command 18 June 1945. At No. 10 Repair Depot in Calgary in February 1947. Transferred to North West Air Command, Whitehorse, Yukon, 17 June 1947.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1941-May-19 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1948-August-25 Struck off Strength Struck off, shipped to No. 10 Repair Depot for scrapping. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246

Norseman 2490, Mk. IVW

s/n 2490

c/n 63


Assigned to No. 1 Training Command, No. 4 Bombing & Gunnery School at Fingal, Ontario, transferred to No. 4 Wireless School at Guelph, Ontario on 2 September 1942. Category C accident at Burtch, Ontario, 22 March 1942. Category A accident on 7 September 1943.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246

Norseman 2491, Mk. IVW

s/n 2491

c/n 64


Assigned to No. 4 Training Command, No. 2 Bombing & Gunnery School, at Mossbank, Saskatchewan. Category B accident at Mossbank, 15 October 1941, sent to McKenzie Services for repairs on 23 October 23. Returned to No. 4 Training Command on 21 January 1943, transferred to No. 2 Training Command 1 December 1944. Put in Reserve Storage on 1 May 1947 after servicing at No. 10 Repair Depot. In July 1947 transferred to North West Air Command. At No. 10 Repair Depot at Calgary in December 1947, used to prototype radio installation and modifications to prop speed control. On 6 January 1948 it was sent to Canadian Car and Foundry (No. 11 Technical Support Unit) for repairs. On 17 January 1949 sent to No. 6 Repair Depot and put in Reserve Storage. Re-activated 11 September 1950 and transferred to N.W.A.C. Went in for repairs to undercarriage 20 May 1952. On 15 January 1953 it was sent to No. 12 T.S.U. for modifications and overhaul. In Norway, used at Bardufoss and Voernes and later stored at Voernes. Sold to Fjellfly, Skien 4 August 1957 and registered as LN-BDP. Total time 2102 hours. Registered July 25, 1972, again as LN-BDP, to Telemarksbanken, Skien. Again cancelled from the registry on 10 April 1973 and sold to Turistflyg, Arjeplog, Sweden in June 1973, registered SE-FUP (or SE-CUP?). Bought by Wiggo Norvang, Oslo, Norway and registered as LN-DBP on 8 September 1977. Later acquired by the Forsvarets Flysamling, Gardermoen, Norway and is on display in Royal Norwegian Air Force colors, marked R-AV.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1941-June-21 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1941-October-15 Accident: 2 Bomb & Gunnery School Loc: Regina Aerodrome Names: Brown | Cutts | Fredrickson | Hagest | Mowers | Rogers | Shields
   1953-April-23 Struck off Strength Struck off, transferred via Mutual Aid to the Royal Norwegian Air Force and coded R-AV. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246

Norseman 2492, Mk. IVW

s/n 2492

c/n 65


Assigned to No. 4 Training Command, No. 2 Bombing & Gunnery School at Mossbank, Saskatchewan. To Mid west Aircraft 23 July 1943 for overhaul. Returned to No. 4 Training Command, No. 2 Wireless School at Calgary, Alberta 13 December 1943, then transferred to No. 2 Air Command 1 December 1944. Put in Reserve Storage 12 April 1945. On 5 April 1950 assigned to North West Air Command, RCAF Station, Edmonton, Alberta. Sent to 25 AMB 14 February 1952 for propeller repairs.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246

Norseman 2493, Mk. IV

s/n 2493

c/n 12


Delivered to Starratt Airways, Hudson, Ontario, on July 6, 1937 and registered as CF-BDE. Later impressed by the RCAF as aircraft No. 2493, sent to Noorduyn Aviation on October 5, 1940 for overhaul. Written off and reduced to "Spares and Produce" 15 March 1941.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1940-July-23 Taken on Strength Impressed 2020-10-02
   1941-March-18 Struck off Strength Struck off, see comments 2020-10-02
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246 | 1968 611

Norseman 2494, Mk. IV / IVW

s/n 2494

c/n 7


Originally to have been a Mark lll but re-engined during construction and completed as a Mark lV. Registered to Wings Ltd, Winnipeg, Manitoba 12 December 1936. Re-engined with a P&W Wasp SC-1, 19 March 1939. Assigned to No. 15 T.D., Winnipeg, Manitoba 23 July 1940. To Noorduyn Aviation 28 November 1940 for conversion to Mk IVW for wireless training. It was re-engined with a Wasp S3H-1 either before RCAF service or during this time at Noorduyn. In late 1941 it was transferred to No. 1 Training Command, No. 4 Wireless School at Guelph, Ontario. Category C accident at Guelph, Ontario 12 February 1942. Operated by the Photographic Flight, later known as No. 13 (P) Squadron, from RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario, 1944 or later. Repairs were made by Noorduyn Aviation and it was put in Reserve Storage 31 July 1945. Sold as war surplus to Imperial Oil Ltd., Toronto, Ontario and registered as CF-DER on 16 February 1946. Destroyed by fire while fueling at Aklavik, NWT. 29 February 1948.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246 | 1968 611 | 1968 622

Norseman 2495, Mk. VI

s/n 2495

c/n 377


Ex US UC-64 43-5386, ex RAF FZ441. Not known if these serials ever marked. Assigned to No. 1 Training Command, Ontario. Transferred to Eastern Air Command 9 November 1944. Operated by No. 124 Squadron, fall 1944. Sent to RCAF Station, Scoudouc, New Brunswick 15 June 1945 for float installation, on 17 July 1945 diverted to Moncton for the installation. In storage on 17 September 1945, at Scoudouc. To No. 1 Air Command, 9T Group, 6 November 1945 for Exercise Musk Ox and then on 8 May 1946 to Rockcliffe, Ontario. Sent to No. 6 Repair Depot on November 1, 1947. Operated by the Photographic Flight, later known as No. 13 (P) Squadron, from RCAF Station Rockcliffe c.1947. With 413 (P) Squadron, RCAF Station Rockcliffe, late 1940s to 1950, coded "AP*P". Back to No. 6 RD 18 June 1951 and then on 27 July 1951 to No. 11 Technical Support Unit (Canadian Car and Foundry) for spar modifications and reconditioning.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1944-March-24 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1952-June-23 Struck off Strength Struck off and scrapped at No. 6 Repair Depot. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246

Norseman 2496, Mk. IV

s/n 2496

c/n 378


Ex US UC-64 43-5387, ex RAF FZ442. Not known if these serials ever marked. Assigned to No. 1 Training Command, Ontario 24 March 1944 and placed in Reserve Storage. Activated 5 May 1944 and transferred to No. 1 Air Command 15 January 1945. To No. 9T Group, No. 13 (later No. 413) (P) Squadron, RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario 4 May 1946. Coded "AP*Q". Transferred to Air Transport Command 1 April 1948. On 14 October 1948 sent to No. 6 Repair Depot for reconditioning. Returned to ATC, No. (413 Survey Squadron) 5 March 5, 1949. On 31 January 1950 to No. 6 Repair Depot for refinishing and returned 17 February 1950. Sent to N0. 11 TSU (Canadian Car And Foundry) 24 April 1950 for door installation, returning 27 April and going to No. 6 Repair Depot "pending allotment to contractor". On 27 July 1951 to No. 11 TSU (Canadian Car) for reconditioning. Returned to No. 6 Repair Depot, reduced to spares and produce.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1944-March-24 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1952-June-23 Struck off Strength Struck off and scrapped. 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 246

Norseman 3522, Mk. IV

s/n 3522

c/n 66


Burnt on 27 July 1943. With Comm Flight at that time.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 262

Norseman 3523, Mk. IV

s/n 3523

c/n 67


With the Test and Development Establishment at RCAF Station Rockliffe, Ontario, on 3 January 1943 when wheels broke through ice on runway and aircraft nosed over. Transferred to Royal Norwegian Air Force, their serial R-AO. Later to Norwegian civil register, as LN-BFP. Total loss on 12 December 1966 at Novika i Nordland.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 262

Norseman 3524, Mk. IV

s/n 3524

c/n 68


Used by No. 121 (K) Squadron at RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS, 1942 to 1943. Category B damage on 9 January 1943 at Scoudouc. Transferred to Royal Norwegian Air Force, their serial R-AW. Note: at least one source has company numbers of 3524 and 3525 reversed from what is shown here. Also, Norwegian website reports R-AW as ex RCAF 3524, company number 69.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1941-October-25 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1943-January-09 Accident: 121 COMP Squadron Loc: Scoudouc Names: Cheesman | Landry
   1953-June-05 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 262

Norseman 3525, Mk. IV

s/n 3525

c/n 69


Category C damage on 2 January 1942 while with No. 9 Service Flying Training School at Summerside, PEI. To civil register as CF-FLA. Off register by 1976.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1941-November-21 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1942-February-02 Accident: 4 Repair Depot Loc: Wellington Pei Names: Dickson | Hyde | Swift | Webster
   1947-June-30 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 262 | 1968 626

Norseman 3526, Mk. IV

s/n 3526

c/n 70


Used at Edmonton, Alberta.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1941-December-17 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1943-December-02 Accident: 2 Wireless School Loc: Shepard Alberta Names: Jeal | Jewett | Reith | Wilson
   1947-March-20 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 262

Norseman 3527, Mk. IV

s/n 3527

c/n 71


Category B damage on 29 May 1942 at RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario. Later used by No. 2 Wireless School at Calgary. With No. 6 (Comm) Flight at Edmonton in fall of 1946. Reported unservicable at Fort Radium on 3 February 1947.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 262

Norseman 3529, Mk. IV

s/n 3529

c/n 73


At Sept Isle, Quebec on floats summer of 1942. Loaned to Dominion Skyways.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1941-December-29 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1943-December-28 Accident: Loc: North Of St Johns Names: Anderson | Maclean | McCaffrey | McClarey | Riglin | Woods
   1944-April-04 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 263

Norseman 3530, Mk. IV

s/n 3530

c/n 74


Category A accident on 20 March 1945 at No. 8 Repair Depot. Still airworthy 1976 as CF-FUU. Owners included ATA Construction Ltd. from 27 May 1982; and Randair from 25 October 1982. Back to ATA Construction, as C-FFUU, from 1984 to 1994. To Randy Daoust, and then 1010648 Ontario Inc., in 1994. Still in commercial service in 2004, with Birch Lake Lodge, Red Lake, ON, as C-FFUU.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1942-January-06 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1945-March-20 Accident: 2 COMM FLIGHT Loc: Le Pas Airport Names: Doidge | Griffith | Moore | Robinson | Wynn
   1945-November-26 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 263 | 1968 627

Norseman 3532, Mk. IV

s/n 3532

c/n 83


UC-64B-ND received from USAAF to replace loaned aircraft, their serial 42-53520. Used at No. 2 Air Observer School, Rivers, Manitoba to train first pararescue jumpers in Canada, 1943 or 1944. The jumpers were civilian volunteers.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1942-January-26 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1943-March-29 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 263

Norseman 3533, Mk. IV

s/n 3533

c/n 84


UC-64B-ND received from USAAF to replace loaned aircraft, their serial 42-53521.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1942-January-26 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1943-March-29 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 263

Norseman 3534, Mk. IV

s/n 3534

c/n 85


Category B damage on 5 August 1942 at St. Hubert, Quebec.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 263

Norseman 3535, Mk. IV

s/n 3535

c/n 86


Also assigned USAAF serial nmber 42-5047, reported condemned by USAAF North Atlantic wing on 2 November 1943. With No. 412 (T) Squadron at RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario in 1948. To Royal Norwegian AF, their serial R-AX.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1942-January-26 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1953-April-23 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 263

Norseman 3536, Mk. IV

s/n 3536

as/n 42-5048

c/n 87


Operated by No. 122 (K) Squadron on west coast, 1942. Operated by No. 1 Photo Reconnaissance Flight at RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario in 1943. Operated by No. 166 (T) Squadron, RCAF Station Sea Island, 1943/1945. With North West Air Command in 1947. To Royal Norwegian Air Force.
last update: 2024-December-25
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 263

Norseman 3537, Mk. IV

s/n 3537

c/n 88


Served with No. 121 (K) Squadron in 1942/43, at RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS. Operated at RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario postwar, on floats. Damaged by fire on 9 October 1946. Later became instructional airframe A545.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1942-January-26 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1947-January-07 Classified Instructional CA A 545 2020-06-11
   1947-February-22 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 263 | 1968 489

Norseman 3538, Mk. IV

s/n 3538

c/n 89


To Royal Norwegian AF, their serial R-AY. Later to civil register as SE-CPB, later LN-AEN. Reported preserved at Arlanda Samlingen, Sweden.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1942-January-26 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1944-February-19 Accident: 4 C & F Loc: 3 Service Flying Training School Names: Tyler | Wynn
   1953-June-05 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 263

Norseman 3539, Mk. IV

s/n 3539

c/n 90


Operated by No. 122 (K) Squadron on west coast, 1942. Visited RCAF Coal Harbour on 2 June 1943 with mail. While en route from Alliford Bay on the Queen Charlotte Islands to Prince Rupert, BC, crashed in rough bush on an island 27 miles southwest of Prince Rupert on 15 October 1945. Pilot Flying Officer R.A. Kirkwood and five passengers survived without major injury but the aircraft was written off.
last update: 2024-December-25
   1942-August-04 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1945-October-14 Accident: 166 Squadron Loc: Kitkatlah Inlet British Columbia Names: Aitken | Carlson | Kirkwood | Lepp | Lind | Mceachern
   1946-January-06 Struck off Strength Struck off, after crashing 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 263

Norseman B591, IV

s/n B591

c/n 799

B 591

No previous history with the RCAF. Reported as ex USAAF 47-0534 in Griffin, but that serial was an F-80. This was actually 44-70534. Received from the USAAF at Goose Bay, Labrador, where it had been operated by 2152RU (Rescue Unit?). Damaged in two separate landing accidents at Goose Bay before passing to RCAF. Reported sold to Cranberry Crop Dusters of Fresno, California, probably after being struck off by RCAF. Never appeared on US civil register, probably sold for parts. Note that the aircraft on display at the USAF Museum at Wright-Patterson marked 44-70534 is actually ex 44-70296.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1950-December-01 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
   1950-December-01 Classified Instructional CA B 591 2020-06-16
   1957-July-10 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 490

Norseman FR405,

s/n FR405

FR 405