Handley Page developed a modern stressed-skin mid-wing monoplane, powered by Bristol Pegasus radial air cooled engines, with its first flight in 1936. It had the most advanced wings available at the time, giving it a remarkably low landing speed of 73 mph for an aircraft of its size, with a top speed of 265 mph. The Hampden had a short, narrow but tall main fuselage with a very slender tail unit. This configuration led to the nicknames "Flying Panhandle" and "Flying Suitcase". At the end of the war, no complete or partial Hampden aircraft were retained for museum display.
The Hampden served in the early stages of the war, bearing the brunt of the early bombing war over Europe, taking part in the first night raid on Berlin and in the first 1000-bomber raid on Cologne. In Canada, Hampdens were built by six companies that formed Associated Aircraft. There were three in Ontario and three in Quebec, hence they were identified as the Ontario Group and Quebec Group. They supplied all the the components to the two assembly plants. The Ontario Group's assembly plant was at the Malton Airport, while the Quebec group's assembly plant was at the St. Hubert Airport. Canadian Museum of Flight and Harold A Skaarup web page
Handley Page Hampden in Flight
Hampden - Kestrel Publications
Known Squadron Assignments: ;44
Sqn 44, Ditched 25 km E of Harwich, probably engine failureKnown Squadron Assignments: ;61
Operated with 61 Sqn. Shot down by flak in attack on airfield near CherbourgKnown Squadron Assignments: ;83;14 OTU
Operated by 14 OTU. Stalled and dive into the ground on overshoot CottesmoreKnown Squadron Assignments:
First used by No. 14 OTU in the UK. Then with No. 32 OTU at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC.Known Squadron Assignments: ;144;61;408
First used by No. 144, No. 61 and No. 408 Sqns in the UK. Then transferred to Canada and used by No. 32 OTU at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC.. Reported as a T.B. Mk. I.Known Squadron Assignments: ;106;144;408;14 OTU
With 14 OTU. Crashed on overshoot Jurby, and blew upKnown Squadron Assignments: ;415
Served with No. 415 (TB) Squadron, RCAF, in 1942/43.Known Squadron Assignments: ;32;415
First used by No. 144 and No. 415 Sqns in the UK 1942/43 . Then transferred to Canada and used by No. 32 OTU at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. For unexplained reasons the a/c dove vertically into the sea near Dinner Point on Mayne Island, BC during a training flight. The pilot, Flight Sergeant R Hayes, who had only 5 hours on type, was killed.Known Squadron Assignments: ;408
From 14 OTU. Crashed shortly after take-off from Balderton on a mission against Brest on 25 Jan 42. The four-man crew perished; they were Flight Sergeant V.C. Dadson (pilot), Flight Sergeant (RAF) R. Ball (nav), Flight Sergeant (RAF) W.D. Morris (WAG) and Flight Sergeant (RAF) H. Davies (WAG)Hampden Mk I AD782
Aircraft stalled at 1500 feet and crashed at Lyndon Wing Road, Rutland, England, and burst into flames
Killed includes Davies: Flight Sergeant Victor Charles Dadson RCAF R/76568 pilot KIA Tunbridge Wells Cemetery, England, Row A. Grave 12. Sergeant Douglas Marsden RAF 982777 Nav. Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Prestwich, Lancashire, England. Sergeant Albert Barclay Wright RAF 990757 St. John The Baptist Churchyard, North Luffenham Rutland, England.Sergeant Harold Davies RAF 1062332 KIA St. Mary Churchyard, Brymbo, Wrexham, EnglandKnown Squadron Assignments: ;144
With 144 Sqn. Crashed in sea off Dutch coastKnown Squadron Assignments: ;420
Served with No. 420 Squadron, RCAF, Crashed at Boothby Pagnell, 5 miles SE of Grantham, Lincolnshire on 23 July 1942, shortly after taking off from Waddington on a mining operation to Lorient. Three killed (Flight Sergeant H. Germain, Flight Sergeant G. Johnson and Flight Sergeant K Little), one wounded (Flight Sergeant H.S. Hilet, DFM)., one wounded.Known Squadron Assignments: ;144
Missing. Cause unknownKnown Squadron Assignments: ;144
Known Squadron Assignments: ;415
09 Sep 1943 - the a/c took from RAF Thorney Island at 11:05 hrs on a night test flight and was seen to crash and burn a few miles from the aerodrome at approximately 11:30 hrs. The a/c clipped some trees before crashing but the phenomenon known as "stabilized yaw" was considered to be the cause. The crew consisted of: Flying Officer R.S. Arnold (pilot), Flying Officer C.E. Coons (nav), and F/Sgt. D.K. Stroud (WAG).Known Squadron Assignments: ;106;408
From 106 Sqn. Crashed in the sea south of Samsø 16 May 42. Together with 49 other a/c AD803 were gardening (mining) the western part of the Baltic Sea and the Danish Belts. AD803 was tasked with gardening the area east and south of the island of Samsø. When this was done, AD803 headed west together with one other Hampden. South west of Samsø, a German mine sweeper was spotted and attacked with 250 lb bombs, of which each aircraft carried two under the wings. One of the bombs hit the mine sweeper on the front deck but bounced off without exploding. Flak from the mine sweeper hit AD803 and at approx. 02:00 hrs it crashed burning into the sea. It floated for a while, and this allowed the pilot, Flight Sergeant H.J. Copeman, to get out of the wreck. Copeman, who was badly injured, was then picked up from the sea by the mine sweeper. Flight Sergeant A.A. Smith, was killed.Known Squadron Assignments: ;16 OTU
With 16 OTU Dived into the ground. Wooton, BedfordshireKnown Squadron Assignments: ;408
Served with No. 408 Squadron, RCAF at Balderton, coded "EQ*E". Lost on mission to Saarbrucken on 27 / 28 August 1942. Crashed near Sauville, in the Ardennes. All 4 crew killed. They were Flight Sergeant (RAF) P.L. Kemp (pilot), Flight Sergeant (RAF) S.F. Clarke (nav), Flight Sergeant (RAF) H.Known Squadron Assignments: ;16 OTU
#16 Operational Training Unit, RAF Upper Heyford, Hampden I aircraft #AD 831 stalled on a turn and crashed during a bombing exercise, near Bicester at Baynard's Green, OxfordshireKnown Squadron Assignments: ;49;408
From 49 Sqn. With No. 408 (B) Squadron, RCAF when lost on 8 March 1942. Stalled on takeoff for mine laying mission, crashed inside airport perimeter at North Luffenham. Had been airborne 4 minutes. The pilot, Flight Sergeant D.C. Hunter survived with injuries. The rest of the crew, consisting of Flight Sergeant (RAF) R. Ball (nav), Flight Sergeant (RAF)W.D. Morris (WAG) and Flight Sergeant F.F. Mackinnon, perished.Known Squadron Assignments: ;50
With 50 Sqn. Crashed in North SeaKnown Squadron Assignments: ;50
With 50 Sqn. Missing presumed ditchedKnown Squadron Assignments: ;144
With 144 Sqn. Shot down by flak in attack on convoy off Terschelling.Known Squadron Assignments: ;14 OTU
With 14 OTU. Dived into ground near DoncasterKnown Squadron Assignments: ;16
With 16 OTU. Crashed soon after take-off, Upper HeyfordKnown Squadron Assignments: ;50;420;408
From 50 Sqn, To 420 Sqn, To 408 Sqn. To AASKnown Squadron Assignments: ;106;44;420;489
From 44 Sqn. Converted for use as torpedo bomber. To 489 SqnKnown Squadron Assignments: ;106;408;7fPP
With 7 Ferry Pilots Pool (FPP). Crashed after engine failure, Sherburn-in-ElmetKnown Squadron Assignments: ;106
With Sqn 106, Shot down by night fighter 8km SW of MaastrichtKnown Squadron Assignments: ;420
Served with No. 420 Squadron, RCAF, Crashed while on a night cross country training flight on 19 / 20 April 1942, at Wispington, 3 miles NW of Horncastle, Lincolnshire, bursting into flames on impact. all 4 crew killed. d as follows: Flight Sergeant H. Davis, Flight Sergeant J. Pritchard, Flight Sergeant G.Known Squadron Assignments: ;83;408
From 83 Sqn, Converted to torpedo bomber Served with No. 408 Squadron, RCAF.Known Squadron Assignments: ;144
With 144 Sqn. Shot down by night fighter, Hoogkarspel NetherlandsKnown Squadron Assignments: ;44;420
Operated by No. 420 (B) Squadron at Waddington in 1941/42, Shot down by flak on a mining mission off the Frisian Islands on 18 / 19 February 1942. Ditched off Schiermonnikoog. Crew dispatched messenger pigeon with the message "SOS AD915 F Time dispatched 21/2/42 10 oclock Position OOSTERBIERUM Friesland Netherland OZO", arrived at Spurn Head in the UK next day. 2 crew are were taken prisoner (Pilot Officer R. See and Flight Sergeant W. Rutledge) and, 2 were killed (Flight Sergeant H. Bake and Flight Sergeant J. Adams).Known Squadron Assignments: ;144
With 144 Sqn. Missing cause unknownKnown Squadron Assignments: ;106
With 106 Sqn. Ditched 48 m east of Wick. Possibly damaged by flakKnown Squadron Assignments: ;44
With 44 Sqn. Collided with Spitfire of 412 Sqn and crashed near Waddington44 Rhodesia Squadron (Fulmina regis lusta) RAF Waddington. Hampden I aircraft AD 939 lost in a mid-air collision with 412 squadron RCAF Spitfire IIa aircraft P 8586 with the loss of all three aircrew members on the Hampden as well as the pilot of the Spitfire
Leading Aircraftman F B Prest (RAFVR) (Can), Pilot Officer P R Owen (RAFVR) and Flight Sergeant D G Forbes (RAFVR) all on Hampton AD 939 as well as Pilot Officer W R Hughes (RCAF) were killed in this flying training accident
The Hampton crashed in fields just off White Lane near RAF Waddington, while the Spitfire crashed into the nearby North Sea
Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database
Crash of a Handley Page HP 52 Hampton I at RAF Waddington: 3...
Known Squadron Assignments: ;144
With 144 Sqn. Missing, cause unknownKnown Squadron Assignments: ;49;420;408
Served with No. 420 Squadron, RCAF, coded "PT*G".Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC.Known Squadron Assignments: ;44
With 44 Sqn. Shot down in sea by BF 110 off BrestKnown Squadron Assignments: ;61;489;408
From 61 Sqn, Converted to torpedo bomber. To 489 SqnKnown Squadron Assignments: ;44
With 44 Sqn. Dived into ground, South Park near Lincoln, Cause obscureKnown Squadron Assignments: ;44;420;49;408
From 49 Sqn, SOC 3 Feb 44.Known Squadron Assignments: ;408
06/07 Nov 41 - a/c was attacked by a German nightfighter over Lake IJsselmeer (Old Zuyder Sea) on the return journey from Osnabrück to UK. After exchanging gunfire, the a/c undertook violent evasive action and corkscrewed downwards at high speed. The a/c was filled with the smoke of its own machine guns. Sgt. B.W. Palastanga (observer) thought a crash was imminent and bailed out but later drowned. The a/c successfully returned to base.Known Squadron Assignments: ;44
With 44 Sqn. Shot down by night fighter, Wassmunster, BelgiumKnown Squadron Assignments: ;408
With No. 408 (B) Squadron, RCAF, c.1941/42, Crashed 6 June 1942 on a night flying test. Took off from Balderton, crashed during a flat turn to port. 3 crew injured.Known Squadron Assignments: ;44
With 44 Sqn. Crashed into Lincoln Hall School, LincolnKnown Squadron Assignments: ;106
With 106 Sqn. Crashed near Borby, Germany. Cause unknownKnown Squadron Assignments: ;106
With 106 Sqn. Crashed near Brackwede. 25 m E of HammKnown Squadron Assignments: ;144;408
From 25 OTU. Converted for use a torpedo bomber. To 144 Sqn to 408 SqnKnown Squadron Assignments: ;50;420;455;415
From 50 Sqn. Converted for use as torpedo bomber. To 455 Sqn.Known Squadron Assignments: ;408
With No. 408 (B) Squadron, RCAF, c.1941, Left this unit by 10 / 11 January 1942, when it was lost on operations with No. 83 Squadron.Known Squadron Assignments: ;106
With 106 Sqn. Crashed near Selsingen 40 km WSW of HamburgKnown Squadron Assignments: ;408
With No. 408 (B) Squadron, RCAF. Lost while returning from leaflet raid over France on 25 / 26 March 1942, 3 crew killed, 1 injured. This was the first sortie for this crew. Crashed near Wootton, Berkshire.From 25 OTU. Lost while returning from leaflet raid over France on 25 / 26 Mar 42, Three crew members were killed ( Pilot Officer D.E. Vipond (pilot), Flight Sergeant Hl Phalempin (nav) and Flight Sergeant (RAF) G.A. Medd (WAG)), and Flight Sergeant E.V. Conwell (WAG) was injured. This was the first sortie for this crew. Crashed near Wootton, in Berkshire408 Goose Squadron RCAF (For Freedom). RAF North Luffenham. Pilot Officer DE Vipond (RCAF), Flight Sergeant H Phalempin, and Sergeant GA Medd (RAFVR) were all killed in action when Hampden I aircraft AE 139 crashed near Wootton, Berkshire, England returning after a "Nickelling" (leaflet drop) flight over Rennes, France
The sole survivor of this crew was Wireless Operator Sergeant EV Conwell (RAFVR)
Known Squadron Assignments: ;144
With 144 Sqn. Presumed crashed in sea, probably due to icingKnown Squadron Assignments: ;408
From 144 Sqn. On 29 / 30 Sep 1941, ran out of fuel on approach to Driffield when returning from Hamburg. The four-man crew survived.Known Squadron Assignments: ;408
From 16 OTU. Failed to return from a mining sortie on 11/12 Dec 41 to Kiel Bay. Crashed at Sanderum, 5 km SW of Odense, Denmark, where all 4 crew are now buried. They were: Flying Officer (RAF) J.A. Caldwell (pilot), Flight Sergeant (RAF) H.E. Marshall (nav), Flight Sergeant (RAF) E.A. Harry (WAG) andKnown Squadron Assignments: ;408
Struck high voltage electrical wires over France on 2/3 May 1942, returned to base with extensive damage. Same crew lost two weeks later in AT224 . Lost on operation to Mainz, 12/13 August 1942. From 25 OTU. Failed to return from a sortie on Mainz on 12/13 Aug 42; all four crew were killed. They were: Flying Officer J.S. Coulter (pilot), Flying Officer R.C. Hodgson (nav), Flight Sergeant W. Gittings (WAG) and Flight Sergeant W. Gartside (WAG).Known Squadron Assignments: ;44
With 44 Sqn. Missing presumed ditched in North SeaHandley Page Hampden Mk.I AE152 (KM-R) of 44 Squadron, RAF: lost on combat operations on night of 2-3/9/1941. Mission: Berlin. Took off from RAF Waddington at 20:45 hrs. Outward-bound, the aircraft was hit by Flak of the 3. schwere Batterie Vlieland-West/Marine-Flak-Abteilung 246 & crashed. The raid as mentioned in the Operations Record Book of No. 44 Squadron, stationed at Waddington air field near Lincoln:
"Waddington 2.9.41 Weather: Cloudy for most of day, becoming fine by midnight. Low stratus 600-800 ft between 0700-1000 BST. Visibility 2-7 miles. Surface winds WSW'ly veering to NW'ly 5-10 mph. Operations. Two objectives were selected, the first being to attack Berlin and the second to attack Frankfurt. Nine Hampdens from this Squadron were detailed to attack Berlin together with 128 aircraft from other Groups and Stations.
Of this number, five of this Squadron's aircraft reached the target. Pilot Officer Anekstein reported that his bombs dropped in the Templehof area, S/Ldr Nettleton's in vicinity of the railway station, S/Ldr Burton-Gyles DFC, P/O's Bell and Tew attacked the town.
On the return journey the flight experienced heavy fog and S/Ldr Burton- Gyles and Pilot Officer Bell were diverted to Wittering, Pilot Officer Tew to Linton-on-Ouse, while Pilot Officer Aneckstein crashed at Colsby. None of Aneckstein's crew was injured.
Of the remaining four aircraft detailed to attack Berlin, Sgt. Dobbs encountered a Me.110 about 20 miles East of Norderney and his aircraft was badly shot up and Sergeant Shipton (W.Op/AG) and Sergeant Durnan (REAR Gunner) were injured. Fire was exchanged between these two aircraft and both Sergeants Shipton and Durnan report the ME.110 as damaged.
F/Lt Ridpath DFC was unable to reach the main objective owing to 10/10 cloud and bombed Hamburg instead"
AE152 was presumed lost over the Waddenzee off Nes, Ameland, West Frisian Islands, Netherlands (at approximate co ordinates 53.26'42?N 5.46'23?E)
Crew 60564: Pilot Officer Edward Alan Wilfred Thompson RAF (pilot, aged 21) - KIA body recovered for burial J/3603: Pilot Officer Herbert James Cook RCAF (Observer, aged 25) - KIA body not recovered 1160202: Sgt. Eric Dyer RAF DFM (Wireless Op/Air Gunner, aged 28) - KIA body not recovered 1304399: Sgt. Walter McBeth (Air Gunner, aged 23)
Although the bombing and "gardening" were reasonably successful, Nos. 44 and 83 Squadron suffered losses over the target areas. No.44 Squadron lost AE152/E, AE254/W over Berlin, and AE313/C over Frankfurt, while No. 83 Squadron lost X3144 and AE315 over Berlin. In a few hours, No.44 Squadron had lost almost a quarter of its bombing force with twelve airmen missing.
Pilot Officer Thompson is buried in Nes General Cemetery, Ameland, West FRisian Islands, Netherlands. His crew have no known graves, and are commemorated on the Runnymede Memorialsource: Richie Dyer
Known Squadron Assignments: ;44
With 44 Sqn. Missing, presumed ditched in North SeaKnown Squadron Assignments: ;50
With 50 Sq. Shot down by night fighter 2m S of GroningenKnown Squadron Assignments: ;207;61;44;420;106;408
From 106 Sqn. To 14 OTU. Swung on take off and under carriage collapsedKnown Squadron Assignments: ;408
From 25 OTU. To 14 OTUKnown Squadron Assignments: ;44;408;415
Damaged in mid-air while being operated by an RCAF crew in training at No. 14 OTU on 30 July 1942. Later converted to a torpedo bomber, to No. 415 Squadron, RCAF. Undercarriage collapsed during landing at Docking, UK after night bombing raid along Dutch coast on 14/15 September 1943, no injuries.Known Squadron Assignments: ;144;455
With 455 Sqn. Crashed in sea on navex after engine failureKnown Squadron Assignments: ;408;44
To 44 Sqn. Then with No. 408 Sqn. One of four Hampdens dispatched on this unit's first operations, 11/12 Mar 41. Returned early, unable to locate target. Left this unit by Dec 41. To 44 SqnKnown Squadron Assignments: ;408
One of four Hampdens dispatched on this unit's first operations, 11/12 Mar 41. Bombed primary target, docks at Rotterdam. On 28/29 Aug 42 this a/c shot down by a night fighter piloted by Hptm Wilhelm Herget, of I./NJG4, while attacking Saarbrücken. Came down at Boussu-lez-Walcourt (Hainaut), 24 km SSW of Charleroi, Belgium. W/C J.D. Twigg and Flight Lieutenant I. Maitland were killed. Flight Lieutenant G.C. Fisher and Flying Officer Van Den Bok survived. They both evaded capture and Van Den Bok received Bar to DFC on return to the UK.Known Squadron Assignments: ;415
With No. 415 Squadron, RCAF at Thorney Island when it was destroyed on 26 February 1943 by fire started by explosion of P2065 of the same unit.Known Squadron Assignments: ;61;44;420
Operated by No. 420 (B) Squadron at Waddington in 1941/42,. Lost on mission to Hamburg on 26 / 27 July 1942. Crashed near Tonning (Germany?). 3 crew killed.(Flight Sergeant J.H. Timmis, Flight Sergeant N.F. Axford, and Flight Sergeant J.R. Elliott).Known Squadron Assignments: ;408
One of 15 a/c assigned to lay mines in Heligoland Approaches on 27/28 Mar 1942. The a/c was shot down by a Luftwaffe fighter. Pilot Officer W.M. Fraser, Warrant Officer II A. Jenkins, Flight Sergeant A.F.Trawford and Flight Sergeant H.A. Benjamin were all killed.Known Squadron Assignments: ;106
With 106 Sqn. Shot down by flak near PlankstadtKnown Squadron Assignments: ;144
With 144 Sqn. Shot down by fighter off BrestKnown Squadron Assignments: ;49;408
From 49 Sqn. Failed to return from a mission against Saarbrücken on 28/29 Aug 42. Believed to have been shot down by a night-fighter and crashed at Dudweiler, 8 km NE of Saarbrucken; 4 crew killed. They were: Flight Sergeant (RNZAF) W.H. Gould (pilot), Flight Sergeant L.L. Garner (nav), Flight Sergeant C.A.L. Sutherby (WAG) and Flight Sergeant (RAF) T.C.R. Murliss (WAG).Known Squadron Assignments: ;106
With 106 Sqn. Shot down by night fighter, Wilhelmsburg near HamburgKnown Squadron Assignments: ;83;408
From 83 Sqn. Failed to return from a mining sortie on 22/23 Apr 42Known Squadron Assignments: ;44
With 44 Sqn. Missing, presumed ditched in North SeaKnown Squadron Assignments: ;408
With No. 408 (B) Squadron, RCAF at Balderton, c.1941/42, coded "EQ*P". One of four Hampdens dispatched on this units first operations, 11/12 March 1941. Returned early, unable to locate target. Lost on mission to Dusseldorf on 31 July / 1 August 1942. Shot down by a night-fighter (Fw Fritz Schellwat, II./NJG1) and crashed at 0335 some 2 km SE of Zevendonk (Antwerpen), 4 km S of Turnhout, Belgium. The crew perished; They were Flight Sergeant O.M. Nelson (pilot), Flight Sergeant (RAAF) H.C.A. Warr (nav), Flight Sergeant C.F. Lloyd (WAG) and Flight Sergeant (RAF) H. Price (WAG)Known Squadron Assignments: ;408
With No. 408 (B) Squadron, RCAF, c.1941/42, coded "EQ*C".Known Squadron Assignments: ;106;420
From 106 Sqn. Failed to return from Lubeck 28/29 Mar 42. Shot down by a night fighter near Heligoland Bight. Squadron Leader G. Tench, Flight Sergeant K. Hyde, Flight Sergeant H. Thorne and Flight Sergeant F. Durnan were all picked up from a dinghy and became POWs.Known Squadron Assignments: ;50;144;420
Operated by No. 420 (B) Squadron in 1941/42, served with No. 420 Sqn, Shot down by night fighter of II./ NJG2 on mission to Bremen on 2/3 Jul 42. Crashed at 02:30 hrs local at Koudum, Friesland, 18 kilometres south-west of Sneek, Holland. One crew member became a POW, Flt Lt Kingsley Ewart BROWN; the other 3 were killed. Flight Sergeant John Noel WADDINGTON; F/Sgt; Robert William WHYTOCK; Flight Sergeant Robert Oscar WILLIAMS.Known Squadron Assignments: ;144
With 144 Sqn. Missing, presumed due to icing upKnown Squadron Assignments: ;44
With No. 408 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "EQ*X", when it failed to return from a Gardening mission (mine laying) in the Frisian Islands on 22 April 1942. Probably shot down by night fighter.Known Squadron Assignments: ;44;420;408
First used by No. 44, No. 420 and No. 408 Sqns in the UK. Then transferred to Canada and used by the AAS and then by No. 32 OTU at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC.Known Squadron Assignments: ;44;420
Operated by No. 420 (B) Squadron at Waddington in 1941/42, Lost on mining mission to Lorient on 2 / 3 June 1942. Presumed crashed near Guidel(Morbihan), 10 km NW of Lorient. One crew member (Flight Sergeant L. Nall) became a POW, 3 were killed ( Flight Sergeant E. Harrison, Flight Sergeant J. Getting and Flight Sergeant G. Laing)Known Squadron Assignments: ;408;420
With No. 408 (B) Squadron, RCAF. Forced landing near Waddington on 22 January 1942. One of four Hampdens dispatched on this units first operations, 11/12 March 1941. Bombed primary target, docks at Rotterdam. Operated by No. 420 (B) Squadron in 1941/42, coded "PT*V". Lost without a trace on a mission to Hamburg on 26 / 27 July 1942. The four-man crew perished; they were Flight Sergeant A. Johnstone, Warrant Officer R. Law, Pilot Officer G.E. Tilling and Flight Sergeant J. PriceKnown Squadron Assignments: ;61;408
From 61 Sqn. Failed to return from a mission against Wilhelmshaven on 10/11 Jan 42Known Squadron Assignments: ;408;455
Served with 408 Sqn. Converted to torpedo bomber. To 455 Sqn.Known Squadron Assignments: ;408
With no. 408 (B) Squadron, RCAF, based at Balderton, Lost on operation to Warnemunde on early morning of 9 May 1942. Crashed in tidal waters east of island of Mando, Denmark. Struck by flak near Esbjerg, while returning from target.4 crew killed. They were Flight Sergeant J.S. Norton (pilot), Flight Sergeant M.S. Sinclair (nav), Flight Sergeant (RAF) G.S. Jefferies (WAG) and Flight Sergeant (RAF) H.F. Stroud (WAG).Known Squadron Assignments:
Served with No. 408 Squadron, RCAF, coded "EQ*W".Known Squadron Assignments: ;105;408;455
From 106 Sqn. Served with 408 Sqn. Converted to torpedo bomber. To 455 SqnKnown Squadron Assignments: ;207;408
First used by No. 207, No. 408 Sqns and No. 14 OTU in the UK. Then transferred to Canada and used by No. 32 OTU at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC.Known Squadron Assignments: ;207;408
From 207 Sqn. Lost on mission to Warnemünde on 8/9 May 1942. Flight Sergeant J. Markle, Flight Sergeant C. Finkbeiner, Flight Sergeant J. Dafoe and Flight Sergeant E. Killham were posted as "missing"& later "KIA".Known Squadron Assignments: ;44;420
From 44 Sqn. Failed to return from from mining sortie 26/27 Mar 42. Shot down by a night fighter off Terschelling. The four-man crew perished; they were Flight Sergeant W. Groff, Flight Sergeant L. Stalker, Flight Sergeant R. Morgan and Flight Sergeant A. WilliamsKnown Squadron Assignments: ;207;106
With 106 Sqn. Crashed near Schwartenek, cause unknowKnown Squadron Assignments: ;106
With 106 Sqn. Engine Cut; abandoned near Hostrup, JutlandKnown Squadron Assignments: ;50
With 50 Sqn. Shot sown by fighter into sea W of TerschellingKnown Squadron Assignments: ;14
Known Squadron Assignments: ;83;420;455
From 83 Sqn. Operated by No. 420 Sqn in 1941/42. Converted for use as torpedo bomber. ToKnown Squadron Assignments: ;50;144
With 144 Sqn. Missing, possibly due to icing upKnown Squadron Assignments: ;144
With 144 Sqn. Probably damaged over Brest; crashed in sea off Sussex coastKnown Squadron Assignments: ;420
Operated by No. 420 (B) Squadron at Waddington in 1941/42, coded "PT*A". Lost without a trace on mission to Dusseldorf on 31 July / 1 August 1942. . All 4 crew were killed; they were Warrant Officer W. Kaufman, Warrant Officer R. Stewart, Pilot Officer W.D. Frost and Flight Sergeant A.J. Greenaway.Known Squadron Assignments: ;83;144
With 144 Sqn. Shot down by Russian fighters in sea near Murmansk. In transit to RussiaKnown Squadron Assignments: ;408;415
With 408 Sqn Converted to Torpedo Bomber. Served with No. 415 (TB) Squadron, RCAF, in 1942/43.Known Squadron Assignments: ;408
Served with 408 Sqn. Converted to torpedo bomber. To TDUKnown Squadron Assignments:
First used by No. 83, No. 144 Sqns and No. 5 OTU in the UK. Then transferred to Canada and used by No. 32 OTU at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC.Known Squadron Assignments: ;83;420;408
From 83 Sqn, To 420 Sqn, To 408 SqnKnown Squadron Assignments: ;415
Served with No. 415 (TB) Squadron, RCAF, in 1942/43.Known Squadron Assignments: ;49;408;415
From 49 Sqn. Served with 408 Sqn. Converted to torpedo bomber. To 415 Sqn.Known Squadron Assignments: ;50;408
From 50 Sqn. Served with 408 Sqn. Converted to torpedo bomber. To NAFDU.Known Squadron Assignments: ;50;408
From 50 Sqn. Served with 408 Sqn. Converted to torpedo bomber. To 415 SqnKnown Squadron Assignments: ;106;420;408
From 106 Sqn, To 420 Sqn, To 408 Sqn.Known Squadron Assignments: ;44;420;455
Dived into ground, Miltonburn, Ayr, cause unknown. 4 crew killed they were; Flight Sergeant AC Smart RNZAF; Pilot Officer E Greaves; Flight Sergeant D C Barrie; Flight Sergeant J K ShawKnown Squadron Assignments: ;44;420;455
From 44 Sqn. Operated by No. 420 Sqn in 1941/42. Converted for use as torpedo bomber. To 455 Sqn.Known Squadron Assignments: ;44;420;408
Served with No. 420 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "PT*L", dates unknown. With No. 408 (B) Squadron, coded "EQ*L", when it crashed on a training flight on 12 September 1942, when it stalled while in the circuit at Balderton. 2 crew killed. they were Flight Sergeant F.M. Frame (pilot) and Flight Sergeant W.G. Keogh (WAG)Known Squadron Assignments: ;50;14 OTU; 420;455
From 14 OTU. Converted for use as torpedo bomber. To 455 Sqn.Known Squadron Assignments: ;83;420
From 83 Sqn. Failed to return from a mining sortie 7/8 May 42. Pilot Officer M.F. Carson became a POW. Flight Sergeant G.C. Williams, Flight Sergeant A.S. Urquhart and Flight Sergeant W.A. McDonnell were killed.Known Squadron Assignments: ;420
Operated by No. 420 (B) Squadron in 1941/42, Lost on a mining mission to French waters on 12 / 13 July 1942. all 4 crew killed,They were Flight Sergeant T. Hannah, Flight Sergeant W. Chapman, Flight Sergeant P. Bull (DFM) and Flight Sergeant J. Thompson.Known Squadron Assignments: ;44;420;408
From 44 Sqn, To 420 Sqn, Coded PT-L. To 408 Sqn. Lost returning from mission to Hamburg on 15/16 Jan 42. Crashed at Dalefoot, West Burton, 13 miles SW of Catterick, Yorkshire. Three crew perished including Flight Sergeant (RAF) J.A. Bunting, Flight Sergeant (RAFVR) J. Robinson (WAG) and Flight Sergeant (RAF) M. Jones (WAG). The pilot, Squadron Leader W.J. Burnett, a Canadian in the RAF, was seriously injured; he had already won the DFC while commanding C Flight in this unit. Later retired from the RAF in 1968 as an A/CKnown Squadron Assignments: ;415
With No. 415 Squadron, RCAF at Thorney Island in 1943. Failed to return from shipping strike on 23 March 1943.Known Squadron Assignments: ;44;420
From 44 Sqn. Collided with 44 Con Fit Lancaster on landing at Waddington on return from Cologne 30/31 May 42. The crew escaped with some injuries.Known Squadron Assignments: ;50;415;420
From 50 Sqn, To 420 Sqn, Converted for use as torpedo bomber. To 415 SqnKnown Squadron Assignments: 408;415
Served with 408 Sqn. Converted to torpedo bomber. To No. 415 Squadron, RCAF at Thorney Island, coded "GX*B", when it crashed during night approach on 19 March 1943. Was returning from patrol off French coast, all 4 crew killed. They were: Flight Sergeant W. Hurl, Pilot Officer B.AKnown Squadron Assignments: ;50;420;415;489
From 50 Sqn, To 420 Sqn, Converted for use as torpedo bomber. To 415 Sqn.Known Squadron Assignments: ;106;408
With No. 408 (B) Squadron, RCAF when lost on 28/29 April 1942. From 106 Sqn to 408 Sqn. AE426 was carrying incendiaries when it was shot down 18 miles south of Kiel,near Newmunster, Germany, Flight Sergeant R.L. Gordon (pilot), Flight Sergeant W. Alderdice, Flight Sergeant J.A. Romas,and Flight Sergeant (RAAF) W.W. Perroux were killed.Known Squadron Assignments: ;408
Served with No. 408 Squadron, RCAF, coded "EQ*S".Known Squadron Assignments: ;408
With No. 408 (B) Squadron, RCAF at Syerston, coded "EQ*D". Lopst on mission to Essen on 8 / 9 November 1941. Shot down by a night-fighter (Oblt Willi Dimter, III./NJG1) and crashed 2230 at Maasbree (Noord Brabant), 26 km NE of Helmond, Holland. All 4 crew POW.Known Squadron Assignments: ;415
With No. 415 Squadron, RCAF, . Lost on 18 February 1943. Crashed at 20:30 local time, shortly after take off from RAF Docking for a torpedo strike on a convoy off Ijmuiden. All 4 crew killed. They were Flight Sergeant (RAF) B. Campbell, Flying Officer (RAF) K.R. Mafre, Flight Sergeant (RAF) R. Vokey and Flight Sergeant (RAF) M. Niblock.Known Squadron Assignments: ;408;144
Built by English Electric Preston works, part of the seventh production batch TOC 17 Oct 41; To 44 MU, then to 408 Sqn RCAF, RAF Syerston. Suffered undershoot and undercarriage collapse on 15 Nov 41.To 13 MU 20 Novand repaired by 21 Feb 1942. To 44 MU 8 Mar and returned to English Electric for TB.I modifications 8 Apr. Delivered to 144 Sqn at Sumburgh 2 May 42; Reported as missing 5 Sep 42 on a transit mission from Sumburgh in the Shetland Islands to Afrikaner, a Russian airfield located near to the Finnish border. SOC 24 Sep 42.Known Squadron Assignments: ;408
Failed to return from a mission against Düsseldorf on 27/28 Nov 41. The four man crew perished; they were: Pilot Officer J.A. Caldwell (pilot), Flight Sergeant H.E. Marshall (nav), Flight Sergeant E.A. Harry (WAG), and Flight Sergeant R. Crawley (WAG).Known Squadron Assignments: ;408
With No. 408 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "EQ*N", when lost on a raid on Ostend, Belgium on 9/10 November 1941. Shot down by flak battery at Ettelgem/Ostend, came down on farm of Mr. Vanderckhove, on Zeewig river in Westkjerke. All 4 crew killed were Pilot Officer (RNZAF) E.B. Robertson (pilot), Pilot Officer J.C. Wilson (nav) , Flight Sergeant D.F.W. Norton (WAG), and Flight Sergeant D.V. Markall (WAG).Known Squadron Assignments: ;408
Served with 408 Sqn. To A&AEEKnown Squadron Assignments: ;32
With No. 32 OTU at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Hit the sea near Sidney Island BC during low flying practice on 25 October 1942, after engine failed. The two man crew, consisting of Flight Sergeant J.Orrell and Flight Sergeant H.J. Thorn, were both killed. The a/c could not be salvaged due to the depth of the water.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 OTU at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Crashed into sea off Sidney Island, east of Patricia Bay, after a fire in the starboard engine on 10 July 1942. The four-man crew escaped with minor injuries. The airframe was later salvaged.Known Squadron Assignments:
Used by No. 32 Operational Training Unit, RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC, coded "*HAO". Torpedo gear fitted by 3 August 1942. Taxied into communications trailer at Patricia Bay on 10 August 1943, port propeller damaged.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC, coded "HAN", with all three letters aft of the roundel. Torpedo gear fitted by 3 August 1942. Crashed while attempting single engine landing at Tofino, BC at night on 27 May 1943. Aircraft bounced on landing, overshot, and overturned off end of runway. The four-person crew escaped with minor injuries.Known Squadron Assignments: ;32
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC, coded "HAJ", with all three letters aft of the roundel. Crashed into sea 20 kilometres off Cape Flattery in bad weather on 14 June 1943. All 4 crew killed, including Flying Officer G.C. Douglas-Home, RAF, brother of future UK Prime Minister Alec Douglas-Home, and Pilot Officer C. Sugden, RAF.Known Squadron Assignments: ;32
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC, coded "HAP". Lost at sea off Port Renfrew in bad weather on 19 September 1943 while on a navigation training flight. 4 fatalities.Known Squadron Assignments: ;32
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Spun in during single engine training on 28 September 1943. Came down near Retreat Cove on Galiano Island.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Torpedo gear fitted by 3 August 1942. Swung on takeoff at Patricia Bay on 12 August 1943, collapsing port main gear. The crew escaped unhurt.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Collapsed port main gear in heavy landing at Patricia Bay on 23 July 1943, not repaired. There were no crew injuries.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC, coded "H2". Taxied into parked Hampden P5298 at Patricia Bay on 8 November 1943.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Landing gear collapsed due to mechanical failure while taxiing at Patricia Bay on 6 December 1942. Undershot landing at Patricia Bay on 4 September 1943, destroyed by post impact fire. The solo pilot was injured.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC.Known Squadron Assignments: ;32
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Reported missing on navigation training flight on 4 June 1943. All 4 crew, including two RAAF, missing. Later reported to crashed at sea of Grays Harbor, Washington.Known Squadron Assignments: ;32
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Swung on landing at Patricia Bay on 20 December 1942, struck aerodrome control hut, Category B damage. Lost power during torpedo drop off Stuart Island, BC on 9 October 1943, and crashed into sea off Turn Point Light. All 4 RAF and RAAF crew on board killed, only 2 bodies recovered.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Swung on landing at Patricia Bay on 29 November 1942, landing gear collapsed. Landing gear collapsed again on landing at Patricia Bay on 23 July 1943, not repaired. No injuries.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Propeller struck sea south of Fairfax Point, BC on 19 October 1943, returned to base without further damage.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC.Known Squadron Assignments: ;32
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Flew into trees high up on Mount Taum on Saltspring Island at 20:30 on 4 October 1942, while on a night training flight. Pilot Officer Norris Thomas, RAF, only occupant, was killed.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Taxied into Beaufort N1027 at Patricia Bay on 26 October 1943, damaged wing tip.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Swung on takeoff from Patricia Bay on 3 July 1942, undercarriage collapsed, Category B damage. No injuries.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Landing gear collapsed on takeoff from Patricia Bay in August 1942. Swung on takeoff at Patricia Bay on 3 July 1942, damaged landing gear, Category B damage. Undershot during single engine landing at Patricia Bay on 24 January 1943, destroyed.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC.Known Squadron Assignments:
Cat "C" accident while in the hands of No. 124 (F) Sqn at St. Hubert, QC on 8 January 1943. The aircraft jumped the chocks and swung while being run up causing the tail to strike a snow bank. Later with No. 32 OTU at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Crashed on takeoff from Patricia Bay on 18 May 1943, after starboard engine failed. Came down in the bomb dump and the aircraft was destroyed. The solo pilot on board escaped but with injuries.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Nosed over on landing at Patricia Bay on 6 May 1943. Damaged nose and both engines. Classified as Instructional Airframe A385 on 16 March 1944. Had been RCAF AN114Known Squadron Assignments:
Ferried from Ottawa to Winnipeg by No. 124 (Ferry) Squadron in January 1943, destined for No. 32 OTU at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Crashed at Regina, SK on 6 January 1943, with Cat "B" damage, after the starboard engine failed first and then then port engine failed while on the approach necessitating a belly landing.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC.Known Squadron Assignments:
With Test & Development Establishment at RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario. With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Swung on takeoff from Patricia Bay on 18 November 1942. Starboard main gear collapsed.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Classified as Instructional Airframe A366 on 19 January 1944. Had been RCAF AN120Known Squadron Assignments: ;32
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Nosed over while taxiing at Patricia Bay on 17 January 1943, Category C damage. Crashed into sea inverted on 13 April 1943, off Cowichan Head. Aircraft had just completed bombing run and entered steep left hand turn. Pilot Pilot Officer J.S. Peterkin, RAF killed; navigator Sgt. R.T. Barrow, RAAF killed; WAG Sgt. D.D. MacGilivray missing but body later found, WAG Sgt. K.E. Thompson injured.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Port propeller struck water in low flying area off Moresby Island on 12 March 1943. Landed gear up at Patricia Bay on 19 April 1943, due to mechanical failure. Swung on takeoff at Patricia Bay on 21 January 1944, undercarriage collapsed, Category A damage. The solo pilot was uninjured.Known Squadron Assignments: ;489
With 489 Sqn. Torpedo bombing in Norway. Missing, presumed ditchedKnown Squadron Assignments:
Served with No. 415 (TB) Sqn. in 1942. Suffered an engine failure and crashed in the sea off Firth of Tay. The crew survivedKnown Squadron Assignments: ;5 OTU
With 5 OTU. Stalled into sea off Girvan AyrshireKnown Squadron Assignments:
Known Squadron Assignments:
Converted to T.B.I Used by 489 Sdn, RNZAF, coded XA-Y.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 OTU at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Noted as fitted for torpedoes on 8 May 1942 at No. 6 RD. Landing gear collapsed on landing at Patricia Bay on 26 October 1942; No injuries. Initially assessed as Cat "B" damage. Later written off as of 14 Dec 1942 due a lack of spares and shortage of materials to effect any repairs.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC.Known Squadron Assignments: ;32
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Struck trees and crashed while flying in fog 6 miles south-west of Ladysmith on Vancouver Island, BC on 30 November 1943. Destroyed by post impact fire. 2 crew killed.Known Squadron Assignments: ;32
With No. 32 OTU at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Cat "B" accident when a/c ran off end of runway on attempted takeoff at Patricia Bay on 8 December 1942, collapsing landing gear. Later hit a hill and crashed near Maggie Lake close to Ucluelet, BC on a night navigation exercise on 16 October 1943. All 4 crew killed; Flight Sergeant R. Allcorn, Flight Sergeant P. Hornbrook, Flight Sergeant R. Porter and Flight Sergeant (RAAF) M. Smith. The wreckage was not located until 6 July 1945, and was then left on site. WreckageKnown Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Swung on landing at Patricia Bay on 15 April 1943, collapsing landing gear, Category A damage.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Several bullet holes found in aft fuselage after flight on 1 October 1943 (date unconfirmed). The operational record book for 32 OTU reports the damage was discovered on 19 October 1943.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Crashed into sea in the Gulf Islands on 18 May 1943, after starboard engine failed. The solo-pilot on board was injured.Known Squadron Assignments: ;32
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Crashed on Mount Tuam, Salt Spring Island on 14 January 1944, during night solo flight. Sgt. H.C. Birch, RAF killed. Wreckage recovered post war, and pieces used to restore P5436, now on display at Canadian Museum of Flight, Langley, BC.Known Squadron Assignments:
Known Squadron Assignments:
This aircraft was forced down enroute to Western Air Command. Allotted to Canadian Pacific Airlines for repairs as of 21 June 1943. Then with No. 32 OTU at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BCKnown Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Port main gear collapsed while waiting to take off at Patricia Bay on 25 March 1943. Category B damage on 17 April 1943, no details.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 OTU at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Taxied into crash truck at Patricia Bay on night of 30 November 1942; no injuries. Initially assessed as Cat "B" damage. Later written off as of 14 Dec 1942 due a lack of spares and shortage of materials to effect any repairs.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Ditched off James Island on 18 August 1943, after starboard engine failed. All crew rescued.Known Squadron Assignments: ;32
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Swung during single engine landing at Patricia Bay on 23 May 1943, caught fire and burned out. 3 RAAF and one RAF crew killed.Known Squadron Assignments: ;415
With No. 32 OTU at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Swung on takeoff at Patricia Bay on 10 June 1942, collapsed landing gear after running 200-300 yards to the right of the runway. The a/c came to rest with its fuselage on the ground, both props bent and the rear portion of the fuselage broken off just aft of the rear turret. No injuries. Cat "A" damage. Classified as Instructional Airframe A183 on 27 August 1942.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Swung on takeoff at Patricia Bay on 25 November 1942, collapsing main gear, Category B damage. No injuries.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Swung to starboard on take off from Patricia Bay on 16 March 1943, undercarriage collapsed, aircraft caught fire and burned out. No injuries.Known Squadron Assignments: ;32
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Spun in on approach to Patricia Bay on 17 September 1943, destroyed by post impact fire. Sgt. A.W.V. Fear, RAF killed.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Classified as Instructional Airframe A320 on 4 October 1943. Had been RCAF AN147Known Squadron Assignments:
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Known Squadron Assignments:
Assigned to No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Category C damage on 20 July 1942, forced landing near Kirkland Lake, Ontario while ferrying to the west coast. Classified as Instructional Airframe A367 on 17 January 1944. Had been RCAF AN150Known Squadron Assignments:
Known Squadron Assignments:
Known Squadron Assignments: ;415
With No. 415 Squadron, RCAF at Thorney Island, Lost on anti-shipping strike on 17/18 May 1943, crashed in North Sea off Dutch coast. All 4 crew killed.. They were: Flight Sergeant (RAF) L. McGee, Flying Officer (RAF) L. Burgess, Flight Sergeant Jackson, and Warrant Officer E. Ramey.Known Squadron Assignments:
Known Squadron Assignments:
Known Squadron Assignments:
Known Squadron Assignments: ;455
With 455 Sqn. Torpedo bombing in Norway (day), Shot down by ship's flak off ListerKnown Squadron Assignments:
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Known Squadron Assignments:
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Known Squadron Assignments:
Known Squadron Assignments:
Known Squadron Assignments:
Known Squadron Assignments:
Known Squadron Assignments:
Known Squadron Assignments:
Known Squadron Assignments: ;455;408
Served with No. 408 Squadron, RCAF, coded "EQ*A". From 455 Sqn. Crashed near Balderton during an air test on 29 Jul 42. Crashed at 15:16 hrs, in an oat field 2 miles south-east of airfield. Was on an air test in preparation for an operation against Saarbrücken that night. 4 fatalities. The crew was Squadron Leader L.B.B. Price (DFC) and Flight Sergeant I. Hughes. The cadets were G. Hughes and K.R. Cousin-Wood, both 16 years old.Known Squadron Assignments: ;415
Served with No. 415 (TB) Squadron, RCAF, c.1942/43, Converted to torpedo bomber.Known Squadron Assignments: ;408
Served with No. 408 (B) Squadron, RCAF. Failed to return from mission to Essen on 12/13 April 1942. Took off from Balderton at 21:29, last radio report at 04:22. Presumed to have come down in North Sea. All 4 crew killed.Known Squadron Assignments: ;106
With 106 Sqn. Bombing Munster. Crashed at Lievelde, Netherlands, cause not knownKnown Squadron Assignments: ;106
With 106 Sqn. Minelaying Frisians. Ditched in North Sea, presumed engine failureKnown Squadron Assignments: ;1
converted to T.B.IKnown Squadron Assignments: ;44;1420
Served with No. 420 Squadron, RCAF,Shot down near Neuss on mission to Dortmund, 14/15 April 1942. . They were: Flight Sergeant B.W. Johnson, Flight Sergeant H.S. Vosper, Flight Sergeant J.F. Shipton, and Flight Sergeant J.C.D. McHardyKnown Squadron Assignments: ;44;420
Served with No. 420 Squadron, RCAF, coded "PT*S". Shot down by flak on mission to Emden on 21/22 January 1942. Crashed near Pietersbierum, Friesland, Holland. All 4 crew POW, including pilot Squadron Leader V.T.L. Wood, commander of B Flight. The others were Flight Sergeant D,D, Grealy, Flight Sergeant D. Temple and Flight Sergeant R.L. Bott. This was first raid by 420 Squadron aircraft.Known Squadron Assignments: ;44;420;455
Served with No. 420 Squadron. Collided with Beaufighter JL 502 5m off Fraserburgh. Flight Sergeant Freeth RAAF; Flight Sergeant A Wheatcroft; Flying Officer I Whitson RAAF; Flight Sergeant H Downing RCAF all perishedKnown Squadron Assignments: ;408
Served with No. 408 (B) Squadron, RCAF. Lost without a trace on mission to Cherbourg, 14/15 December 1941. All 4 crew killed.Known Squadron Assignments: ;44;420
Served with No. 420 Squadron, RCAF, Lost without a trace on mission to Fuller, 21/22 January 1942. Took off from Waddington at 14:45. They were: Squadron Leader G. Harris, Flying Officer H. Miller, Flight Sergeant A. Brunt and Flight Sergeant P. RotheryKnown Squadron Assignments: ;415;420
Served with No. 420 Squadron, RCAF, coded "PT*R". Later converted to torpedo bomber. 18 Aug 43 - The a/c had an engine fall off while on an Anti-Submarine patrol crashed into the sea 8 miles W of the Isles of Scilly, the aircraft was a total loss but the crew of four were rescued.Known Squadron Assignments: ;44;420
Served with No. 420 Squadron, RCAF, Lost without a trace on mission to Essen, 8/9 June 1942. All 4 crew killed. They were Flight Sergeant I. Reid, Flight Sergeant (RAAF) A Grabham, Flight Sergeant H.R. Copeland and Flight Sergeant C.J. Bunn all perished.Known Squadron Assignments: ;408;144
Converted for use a torpedo bomber. To 144 Sqn.Known Squadron Assignments: ;408
Served with No. 408 Squadron, RCAF, coded "EQ*A". Crashed into the Waddenzee, Holland during mission to Duisburg, 21/22 July 1942. All 4 crew killed.; they were Flight Sergeant R. Wishart (pilot), Flight Sergeant R.S. Doherty (nav) , Pilot Officer (RAF) T.R. Ashton (WAG), and Flight Sergeant J.B. Pleasance (WAG)Known Squadron Assignments: ;106;408
From 106 Sqn. Failed to return from a mission against Dortmund on 14/15 Apr 42Known Squadron Assignments: ;144;408
From 144 Sqn. Crash landed at Booker on return from a mission against Saarbrücken on 28/29 Aug 42Known Squadron Assignments: ;44;420
Served with No. 408 Squadron, RCAF. Lost on mission to Warnemunde, 8/9 May 1942. Struck by flak, and crashed near Rostock. 2 crew killed, 2 POW.Known Squadron Assignments: ;50;106
With 106 Sqn. Minelaying Frisians. Missing, presumed ditchedKnown Squadron Assignments:
First used by No. 50 and No. 489 Sqns in the UK. Then transferred to Canada and used by No. 32 OTU at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Reported as a T.B. Mk. I. Reported as a T.B. Mk. I.Known Squadron Assignments:
Served with No. 415 (TB) Squadron, RCAF, c.1942/43,Known Squadron Assignments: ;408
Served with No. 408 Squadron, RCAF, Shot down by night fighter from II./NJG2 during mission to Essen, 2/3 June 1942. Crashed at 01:06 local in the Ijsselmeer, east of Medemblik. All 4 crew killed.Served with No. 408 Squadron, RCAF, Carrying incendaries, shot down by night fighter from II./NJG2 ((Hptm Helmut Lent 11) during mission to Essen, 2/3 June 1942. Crashed at 01:06 local in the Ijsselmeer, east of Medemblik. All 4 crew killed.
Known Squadron Assignments: ;408
Served with No. 408 (B) Squadron, RCAF. Lost without a trace on mining mission to "Yams" area (Rivers Jade and Weser estuaries) on 26/27 March 1942 (also reported as 27/28 March 1942?). All 4 crew killed. They were Flight Lieutenant W.B Brown (pilot), Flight Sergeant C.D. Dunn (nav), Flight Sergeant (RAF)R.F. Howell (WAG), and Flight Sergeant (RAF) C. Brown (WAG).Known Squadron Assignments: ;49;408
From 49 Sqn. To 1404 FltKnown Squadron Assignments: ;49;408
From 49 Sqn. Converted to torpedo bomber. To 455 SqnKnown Squadron Assignments: ;49;408
Served with No. 408 Squadron, RCAF, coded "EQ*B".Known Squadron Assignments: ;455;408
From 455 Sqn. To 1404 FltKnown Squadron Assignments: ;420
Served with No. 420 (B) Squadron, RCAF. Shot down by night fighter of II./NJG2 at 00:59 on 21 June 1942, on mission to Emden. Crashed north of Dutch island of Ameland. All 4 crew killed. They were: Flight Sergeant G. Ellis, Pilot Officer (RAAF) H. Waddell, Flight Sergeant B. Nidelman and Flight Sergeant L. Still.Known Squadron Assignments: ;408
Served with No. 408 Squadron, RCAF. Crashed at Clifton Pastures, Nottinghamshire at 14:40 on 11 April 1942, on training flight. No injuries.Known Squadron Assignments: ;144
With 144 Sqn. Bombing Lister. Missing, presumed ditchedKnown Squadron Assignments: ;408
Served with No. 408 Squadron, Lost on mine laying operation to "Artichokes" area, off Lorient, 18/19 June 1942. All 4 crew killed, they were Pilot Officer S.J. Beranek (pilot), Flight Sergeant (RAF) E.C. Squire (nav), Flight Sergeant (RAF) E.V. Conwell (WAG), and Flight Sergeant (RAF) D. Haddock (WAG)Known Squadron Assignments: ;49;408
From 49 Sqn. Served with 408 Sqn. Lost during 1,000 bomber raid on Essen on 1/2 Jun 42, only Hampden lost on this raid. Shot down by night fighter from II./NJG2, crashed into Ijsselmeer, All 4 crew killed, including WAG Flight Sergeant (RAF) F.J.E. Womar, DFM, who was on his 56th mission. The other crew members were Pilot Officer W.F. Charlton (pilot), P.O (RAF) C.I.A. Sandland (nav) and Flight Sergeant (RAF) A. Marland (WAG) All now buried in Holland. Based from RAF Balderton for this mission. Wreckage located in Holland, June 1961, and recovered by RNLAF.Known Squadron Assignments: ;415
Converted to torpedo bomber. Served with No. 415 (TB) Sqn. in 1942. Crashed after hitting a vehicle on the ground while in fog at Thorney Island on 1 Nov 42, upon return from a strike mission. 1 fatality (Flying Officer J.H. Godfrey), 3 injured (Pilot Officer R.G. Frederick, Flight Sergeant D.M. Coates. and Flight Sergeant R.A. Clarke) Crew fatigue listed as contributing cause. Several crew recommended for medals for rescue actions after the crash; Flight Sergeant Coates received the George Medal for bravery.Known Squadron Assignments: ;49
With 49 Sqn. Bombing Essen. Both engines cut. Abandoned. Fitling, YorkshireKnown Squadron Assignments: ;106;420
From 106 Sqn. Crashed soon after take-off from Waddington when headed for Dortmund 14/15.4.42. The crew perished. They were Pilot Officer W.J. Murray, Pilot Officer W.F. McCarthy, Flight Sergeant K.A. Johnson and Flight Sergeant K.A. BirchKnown Squadron Assignments: ;408
Served with No. 408 Squadron, RCAF, coded "EQ*G". Destroyed by fire at Balderton on 3 June 1942, caught fire while refueling.Known Squadron Assignments: ;408
Served with No. 408 (B) Squadron, RCAF. ,Shot down by flak off east coast of Jutland, Denmark during mining mission to "Pumpkin" area (north end of the Great Belt) on 15/16 May 1942. Reported hit by flak from German mine sweeper at 01:53 local time, exploded and crashed on fire into sea west of Sams. All 4 crew killed, including pilot Flight Sergeant R.J. Dillon, an American in the RCAF. . The other crew members were: Flight Sergeant R.W. Dreyer (nav), Pilot Officer (RAF) C. Cresswell (WAG) and Flight Sergeant (RAF) W.D. Palmer (WAG).Known Squadron Assignments: ;420;408
To 420 Sqn, to 408 Sqn, To 1404 Flt.Known Squadron Assignments: ;408
19 Jul 42 - on of 35 a/c on a daylight operation to attack ground targets near Moling, Germany. The a/c collided with a Bf-110 night fighter over the North Sea off Holland 50 kilometres north- west of Vlieland, Both a/c crashed and were destroyed. Pilot Officer (RAF) E.W. Swatton (pilot), Flight Sergeant (RAF) R.H. Burley (nav), Flight Sergeant (RAF) E. Haville (WAG), and Pilot Officer (RAF) H. Pearce (WAG) were all killedKnown Squadron Assignments: ;420;408
Operated by No. 420 (B) Squadron in 1941/42, coded "PT*P". Later with No. 408 Squadron, RCAF. Was coded "EQ*U" when lost on mission to Saarbrucken on 28/29 August 1942. Crashed near Liesse (now Aisne?), near Laon, France. All 4 crew killed were Pilot Officer (RAAF) L.G. Lyons (pilot), Pilot Officer K.T. Pellett (nav) , Flight Sergeant (RAAF) M.S. Brighouse (WAG), and Flight Sergeant C.N. Chalklen (WAG).Known Squadron Assignments: ;415
Served with No. 415 (TB) Sqn. in 1942. One of three aircraft that took part in this unit's first attackKnown Squadron Assignments: ;415
Served with No. 415 (TB) Squadron, RCAF, c.1942/43, coded "GX*L". Spun in on 23 March 1942, came down near Hambleton, 4 killed. Flight Sergeant G Jay;Flight Sergeant P G obrien;Agt. M Ramsey; Flight Sergeant R Oliver. All RCAFKnown Squadron Assignments: ;415
Converted to torpedo bomber. Served with No. 415 (TB) Squadron, RCAF, c.1942/43, coded "GX*A". One of two aircraft flown operationally on the first day this unit saw service, 27 April 1942, patrolling out of St. Eval, Cornwall. Sighted several Spanish fishing trawlers. Crashed on beach near Thorney Island on 23 March 1943.Known Squadron Assignments: ;415
Served with No. 415 (TB) Squadron, RCAF, c.1942/43,Known Squadron Assignments: ;415
Served with No. 415 (TB) Squadron, RCAF, c.1942/43, .Known Squadron Assignments: ;415
Flew on this unit's first day of operation, 27 Apr 42. Lost on operations 2 Jul 42; The crew consisted of: Pilot - Flying Officer G.G.O. James, Observer - Sgt. A.K. Farnie, WAG. - Flight Sergeant G.A. Pearce and WAG - Sgt. T. GibbonsKnown Squadron Assignments: ;415
Served with No. 415 (TB) Squadron, RCAF at North Coates, UK, One of three aircraft that took part in this units first attack on enemy shipping on 29 May 1942, operating out of Thorney Island, UK. Shot down on this mission by flak from convoy attacked, the squadrons first operational loss. Came down in sea near Vlieland on De Vliehors sand bank. All crew lost consisting of Flying Officer D.H. Sargent, Pilot Officer M. Edwards, Flight Sergeant A.F. Conway and Flight Sergeant J.A. McWilliams were listed as missing in action Reported to be first operational loss of Hampden torpedo bomber.Known Squadron Assignments: ;415
Stalled on take off Abbotsinch. 8th June 1942 Flight Sergeant D B McGregor RCAF; Flight Sergeant J C Black both killed.415 Swordfish Squadron (Ad Metam) Hampden I aircraft AT 237 crashed and burned on a torpedo training flight at Abbotsinch, Scotland. It was suspected that the port engine failed on take-off
Warrant Officer Class 2 DB McGregor (RCAF) and FS JC Black (RCAF) were both killed in this flying accident
Known Squadron Assignments: ;415
Served with No. 415 (TB) Squadron, RCAF, c.1942/43,Known Squadron Assignments: ;415
Served with No. 415 (TB) Squadron, RCAF, One of three aircraft that took part in this units first attack on enemy shipping on 29 May 1942, operating out of Thorney Island, UK.Known Squadron Assignments: ;415
Served with No. 415 (TB) Sqn. in 1942/43. On 4/5 Jun 1942, ditched into the sea on return from a mission to the Frisians. The crew survived the crash landing.Known Squadron Assignments: ;415
Served with No. 415 (TB) Squadron, RCAF, c.1942/43, Shot down in sea between Rottum and Borkum by ship's flak. Flight Sergeant Hugh Allan Clarson; Flight Sergeant Gordon Daniel Klarner, Warrant Officer James Arthur Ridley; Flight Sergeant Roger Walther Veit all killed.Known Squadron Assignments: ;415
Converted to torpedo bomber. Served with No. 415 (TB) Squadron, RCAF, c.1942/43, Detached from St. Eval to North Coates in May 1942. Took part in a convoy strike from here on 27/28 May 1942. Damaged by AA fire, but completed attack. Crashed on landing back at North Coates, no injuries. Repaired, returned to service with 415 Squadron. Collided with Hampden AT250 on 11 June 1943 during a formation flying training flight. Came down at 18:30 near Tain, UK. All 4 crew killed. AT250 returned to base without further damage.Known Squadron Assignments: ;415
Converted to torpedo bomber. Served with No. 415 (TB) Squadron, RCAF, c.1942/43, Collide mid air with Spitfire BM 354 near Tangmere. Flight Sergeant J C Donald killed. Flight Sergeant C A Brown; Flight Sergeant A Glass; teo ATC Cadets injured. (See Op Record Book)Known Squadron Assignments: ;415
Served with No. 415 (TB) Squadron, RCAF, . Lost on a torpedo strike mission near the Frisian Islands on 28 Jun 1942; shot down by ships' flak off Schiermonnikoog. The crew consisted of: Warrant Officer I.W. Garfin (pilot), F/Sgt. V.B. Whelpley (obs), Sgt. D. Pearce (WAG) and Sgt. B.A. Dakin (WAG). Warrant Officer Garfin all were killed.Known Squadron Assignments: ;415
Served with No. 415 (TB) Squadron, RCAF, . Failed to return from non-operational mission on 12 March 1942. One crew body later found off Isle of Wight.The crew were: Pilot Officer Hebert, Flying Officer W.L. Mackay, Flight Sergeant Murtha and Flight Sergeant H.R. HatfieldKnown Squadron Assignments: ;415
Served with No. 415 (TB) Sqn in 1942. Crashed during takeoff on 9 Mar 42, no injuries.Known Squadron Assignments: ;415;489
Converted to torpedo bomber. Served with No. 415 (TB) Sqn. in 1942/43. Later with 489 SqnKnown Squadron Assignments: ;415
Served with No. 415 (TB) Squadron, RCAF, c.1942/43, . Collided with Hampden AT243 in June 1943, returned safely to base.Known Squadron Assignments: ;489
converted to T.B.IKnown Squadron Assignments: ;16 OTU
With 16 OTU. Training. Stalled on take-off. CroughtonKnown Squadron Assignments: 408 (B)
Served with No. 408 (B) Squadron, RCAF.Known Squadron Assignments: 50;415
With 415 Sqn. Night Training. Crashed in sea in circuit, Thorney IslandKnown Squadron Assignments: ;50
With 50 Sqn. Day bombing Kristiansand. Shot down by Bf 109s on island off SW NorwayKnown Squadron Assignments: ;415
Served with No. 415 (TB) Squadron, RCAF. Crashed after loss of control during fighter affiliation exercise with a pair of Hawker Typhoons, on 3 April 1943. Spun in from 2,000 feet, came down near Marsh Farm, Sussex. killing the crew onboard. The crew included: Warrant Officer II D, Montgomery (pilot), Warrant Officer II W.J. MacKay, (nav), F/Sgt. J.W. Whipple (WAG) and Flight Sergeant J.D. Scott (WAG).Known Squadron Assignments: ;49;420;408
From 49 Sqn, To 420 Sqn, To 408 Sqn. Served with No. 420 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "PT*H". Converted to Torpedo Bomber, probably before arriving at No. 420.Known Squadron Assignments: ;83
With 83 Sqn. Bombing Kiel. Damaged by flak Kiel, ditched off HumberKnown Squadron Assignments: ;83
With 83 Sqn. bombing Dortmund. Missing, cause not known, probably flakKnown Squadron Assignments: ;61;144;14 OTU
With 14 OTU. Night training. Hit ground in poor visibility. SaltbyKnown Squadron Assignments: ;61;14
With 14 OTU. Bombing Bremen. Shot down by night fighter 15m SE of GroningenKnown Squadron Assignments: ;61;14 OTU
With 14 OTU. Training. Stalled landing at SaltbyKnown Squadron Assignments: ;61
With 61 Sqn. Bombing Aalborg. Crashed in bad visibility, Croxton Kerrial, LeicestershireKnown Squadron Assignments: ;144
With 144 Sqn. Day Bombing. Shot down by Bf109s N of WilhelmshavenKnown Squadron Assignments: ;144;14 OTU
With 14 OTU. Bombing Dusseldorf. Missing, cause not knownKnown Squadron Assignments: ;144
With 144 Sqn. Day Bombing. Shot down by Bf 109s N of WilhelmshavenKnown Squadron Assignments: ;408
Served with No. 408 (B) Squadron, RCAF,. Lost without a trace on Gardening mission to Yams area on 27 March 1942. One of 3 squadron aircraft lost that night, probably shot down by night fighters..The crew was Pilot Officer (RNZAF) G.F. Beaver (pilot), Flight Sergeant G.P. McLean (nav) and WAG's Sgt's (RAF) S.F. Bentley and R.N. Beale.Known Squadron Assignments:
First used by 76 Sqn and then 16 OTU in the UK. Then transferred to Canada and used at No.32 OTU in BC.Known Squadron Assignments:
First used by 76 Sqn and then 16 OTU in the UK. Converted to TB configuration in the UK and employed by 489 Sqn. Then transferred to Canada and used at No. 32 OTU in BC. On 15 Oc 1943, the a/c swung to port on landing. The pilot over-corrected and the swing to starboard resulted in a collapsed undercarriage and a crash later categorized as Cat "A". The crew escaped without injuryKnown Squadron Assignments: ;76;83
With 83 Sqn. Minelaying West Baltic. SOS received as aircraft homed on Manston. DitchedKnown Squadron Assignments:
First used by 76 Sqn and 16 OTU in the UK. Then transferred to Canada and used at No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Reported as T.B. Mk. I.Known Squadron Assignments: ;7
With 7 OTU. Training. Dived into ground during turn. Cockwood Farm near FinningleyKnown Squadron Assignments: ;7;14
With 14 OTU. Training. Crashed after getting ok to land. Thistleton, near CottesmoreKnown Squadron Assignments: ;144;14
With 14 OTU. Bombing Cologne. Crashed on return. Horsham, St. FaithKnown Squadron Assignments: ;106;44;144
With 144 Sqn. Bombing Kiel. Ran out of fuel and crashed, Hexthorpe, Lincolnshire on returnKnown Squadron Assignments: ;415
Ordered as a Hereford but converted to Hampden. On 17 May 1943, the a/c took off from RAF Station Thorney Island, at 19:36 hrs to carry out a shipping strike off the Dutch coast. The a/c reached the point of the strike after midnight local time, but thereafter its movements were unknown, and the a/c failed to return to base. Later is confirmed as being shot down by ship's flak off the coast of Holland while engaged by night torpedo bombing. The crew consisting of Flying Officer (RAAF) K.C. Wathen, (pilot), Flying Officer (RAF) J.M. Crawford, (nav), Flight Sergeant (RNZAF) I.M. Sykes, (WAG) and Flight Sergeant (RAF) J.H. Steward, (WAG) were all killed.Known Squadron Assignments:
Built as an H.P. 53 Hereford, converted to Hampden before delivery to Canada. Taken on strength at No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. To No. 3 Repair Depot on 23 February 1944. Pending disposal from 11 April 1944.Known Squadron Assignments: ;5
Hereford was a Hampden with Napier Dagger enginesKnown Squadron Assignments: ;415
Served with No. 415 (TB) Squadron, RCAF. 22 Jun 43 - Overshot and collided with #X3061 while landing in heavy rain at RAF St Eval. Both aircraft exploded and burnt out, bomb blast damaging Hampden #X3115; all aircraft belonged to 415 Sqn.Known Squadron Assignments: ;144;14 OTU;415
With 415 Sqn. Torpedo Bombing. Shot down by flak during dusk attack off BrittanyKnown Squadron Assignments: ;415
Served with No. 415 (TB) Squadron, RCAF, ". Lost on 27 Jun 42; The crew consisted of: Sgt. J McCallum (pilot), Sgt. H.F. Hasleden (obs), Sgt. R.M. Neil (WAG) and Sgt. L.H. Latimer (WAG)Known Squadron Assignments: ;50;455
With 455 Sqn. Day bombing. Missing from attack on German warships off Dutch coastKnown Squadron Assignments:
Served with No. 415 (TB) Squadron, RCAF, in 1943, as a torpedo bomber. Shot down by flak while attacking enemy shipping off the Dutch coast on 18 February 1943. Ditched at 22:57, crew rescued by ASR Walrus 2 days later. Believed to have damaged one merchant ship in the attack.Known Squadron Assignments: ;408
Served with No. 408 (B) Squadron, RCAF, in 1941, coded "EQ*B". Shot down 28-29 Decmber 1941 by night fighter, (Oblt Emil Woltersdorf, III./NJG1) and crashed 2 kilometres East of Winterswijk (Gelderland), Holland The pilot Pilot Officer S.B.K. Brackenbury became a POW. The nav, Flight Sergeant J.C. Tomlin and the two WAGs, Flight Sergeant (RAF) D.T. Williams and St (RAF) P.F. Isaac perished.Known Squadron Assignments: ;408
Served with No. 408 (B) Squadron, RCAF, in 1942, coded "EQ*K". Converted to Torpedo Bomber, date not known.Known Squadron Assignments:
First used by 16 OTU and then 14 OTU in the UK. Then transferred to Canada and used by No. 32 OTU at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC.Known Squadron Assignments: ;61;83
With 83 Sqn. Bombing Kiel. Shot down by flak over KielKnown Squadron Assignments: ;14 OTU
With 14 OTU. Bombing Dusseldorf. Believed shot down by fighter near OstendKnown Squadron Assignments: ;14 OTU
With 14 OTU. Bombing practice. Dived into ground near Spalding Lincolnshire. Cause obscureKnown Squadron Assignments: ;420
Operated by No. 420 (B) Squadron, RCAF, From 44 Sqn. Bombed Stuttgart 4/5 May 42, operating fromKnown Squadron Assignments: ;489
With 489 Sqn. Day torpedo bombing off Norway. Shot down by fighters off NorwayKnown Squadron Assignments: ;16 OTU
With 16 OTU. Training. Collided with Beaufort an landing TurnberryKnown Squadron Assignments: ;32
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Went missing on night navigation exercise on 28 January 1944. Believed to have crashed off coast of Washington State. Crew of Pilot Officer W.R. Dishman, RAFVR; Sgt. E.G. Quigley, RCAF; and Sgt. R. F.L Watson, RAFVR never found. Reported as a T.B. Mk. I. They were the last fatal casualties on the Hampden type.Known Squadron Assignments: ;14 OTU
With 14 OTU. Training. Yawed and struck ground. Grimsthorpe bombing range LincolnshireKnown Squadron Assignments: ;408
On the night of 20/21 Oct 1941, the a/c stalled on approach to Coningsby after returning from a mission to Bremen. Three of the crew, consisting of Flight Sergeant (RNZAF) D.G. Bradley, Flight Sergeant A.T. McMillan, and Flight Sergeant R.A. Stansfield, were killed. Flight Sergeant E.L. Cotes survived with injuries.Known Squadron Assignments: ;408
Went missing on a mission to Mannheim on 22/23 Oct 1941. The crew Flight Sergeant F.A. Titcombe, Sgt. R.M. Gifford, Flight Sergeant P.A.G. Wragg and Flight Sergeant R.R. Walker all perished.Known Squadron Assignments: ;16 OTU
With 16 OTU. Training. Flew into ground 4m S of PolebrookKnown Squadron Assignments: ;5 OTU
With 5 OTU. Torpedo attack training. Hit sea and ditched of Dubh Artach lighthouse, ArgyllKnown Squadron Assignments: ;49
With 49 Sqn. Collecting aircraft. Flew into hill in fog. Branscombe, DevonKnown Squadron Assignments:
First used by 16 OTU and then 14 OTU in the UK. Then transferred to Canada and used by No. 32 OTU at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Lost port propeller near Saanichton, BC on 7 November 1943 damaging the pitot head.Known Squadron Assignments: ;25 OTU
With 25 OTU. Training. Hit balloon cable in bad visibility, Weybridge while off course.Known Squadron Assignments: ;50;420
From 50 Sqn. Failed to return from a mission to Essen 12/13.4.42. Flight Sergeant R. Johnson, Flight Sergeant C.J.E. Butler, Flight Sergeant R.H. Black and Flight Sergeant J. Salmon were killed.Known Squadron Assignments: ;408
Served with No. 408 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "EQ*Y". Converted to Torpedo Bomber. Lost on raid to Kassel, 27/28 Aug 1942. All 4 crew were killed. They were Flight Sergeant (RAF) A.H. Jennings (pilot), Flight Sergeant L.G. Chaston (nav), Flight Sergeant (RAAF) C.H. Thompson (WAG) and Flight Sergeant (RAF) J.W. Todd (WAG). Brought down by flak and exploded on impact in the village of Istha, 11 miles west of Kassel.Known Squadron Assignments: ;16 OTU
With 16 OTU. Night Training. Stalled on overshoot, CroughttonKnown Squadron Assignments: ;455;420;489
From 455 Sqn. Converted for use as torpedo bomber. To 489 Sqn. Missing from Shipping reconnaissance off Norway. Flying Officer A E B Barnard missing; Warrant Officer F M Holobow RCAF; Flight Sergeant W J MacErlich RNZAF; Flight Sergeant I Griffiths RNZAF. killed buried HaugesundKnown Squadron Assignments: ;1402Flt
With 1402 Flt. Met flight. Missing; last heard of 100m NE of LondonderryKnown Squadron Assignments: ;76
With 76 Sqn. Training. Hit tree in forced landing in poor visibilityKnown Squadron Assignments: ;76;16 OTU
With 16 OTU. Training. Broke up in air 3m W of GloucesterKnown Squadron Assignments: ;144
With 144 Sqn. In transit to Russia. Set on fire by fighters; abandoned and crashed in swamp near PetsamoKnown Squadron Assignments: ;14 OTU
With 14 OTU. Training. Stalled on take-off, CottesmoreKnown Squadron Assignments: ;16 OTU
With 16 OTU. Training. Crashed in flat spin at Fox Covert, Trismore, OxforshireKnown Squadron Assignments: ;16 OTU
With 16 OTU. Training. Crashed in flat spin, 1000ft, LockingKnown Squadron Assignments:
First used by 106 Sqn in the UK. Then transferred to Canada and used at No. 32 OTU at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BCKnown Squadron Assignments: ;49;420;408
From 49 Sqn, To 420 Sqn, To 408 Sqn. Operated by No. 420 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "PT*S". Converted to Torpedo Bomber.Known Squadron Assignments: ;106
With 106 Sqn. Bombing Hamburg. Shot down by flak near EsburgeKnown Squadron Assignments: ;144
With 144 Sqn. Ferry Fight to Russia. Crashed near Petsamo airfield FinlandKnown Squadron Assignments: ;16 OTU
With 16 OTU. Training. Port engine failed. Stalled and dived into ground. FritwellKnown Squadron Assignments: ;408;455
From 14 OTU. Served with 408 Sqn. Converted to torpedo bomber. To 455 SqnKnown Squadron Assignments: ;415
Converted to Torped Bomber. Served with No. 415 (TB) Squadron, RCAF. Caught fire while refueling on 26 February 1943 at Thorney Island. Bomb load exploded, aircraft destroyed.Known Squadron Assignments:
Converted to T.B., date unknown. First used by 16 OTU and then 14 OTU in the UK. Then transferred to Canada and used by No. 32 OTU at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC.Known Squadron Assignments: ;106;408
From 106 Sqn. Served with 408 Sqn. Converted to torpedo bomber. To No. 5 OTUKnown Squadron Assignments: ;44
With 44 Sqn. Bombing Bernburg. Damaged by flak, crash landed S of Ouisthuizen, NetherlandsKnown Squadron Assignments: ;144;16 OTU
With 16 OTU. Night training. Hit trees on approach, Chipping WardenKnown Squadron Assignments: 144;489
With 489 Sqn. Torpedo bombing. Missing from shipping reconnaissance, Oberstadt to the NazeKnown Squadron Assignments: ;489;5 OTU
With 5 OTU. Bombing training. Dived into sea W of Rillane Castle, AyrshireKnown Squadron Assignments: ;50;420
Operated by No. 420 (B) Squadron, RCAF, Ground accident at 1555hrs on 20 May 1942 at Waddington, UK. Damaged beyond repair after being struck, while parked, by a 44 Squadron Lancaster, which had gone out of control on its take off run.Known Squadron Assignments: ;14 OTU
With 14 OTU. Bombing Cologne. Shot down by night fighter 3 km N of Deventer, NetherlandsKnown Squadron Assignments: ;519
With 519 Sqn. Air Sea Rescue. Hit mountainside in bad weather, Ben Loyal Sutherland519 Squadron (Undaunted by Weather) RAF Wick. Hampden I aircraft P2118 crashed into high ground at Ben Loyal, Sutherlands, Scotland at night during a thunderstorm returning from a search for missing 519 Squadron Hampden I aircraft P5334
Pilot, Flight Lieutenant Henry Robert (Mick) Puplett DFC (RAFVR) was killed in the crash of his aircraft
Navigator, Flying Officer GW Ritchie (RCAF) and Wireless Operator/Air Gunner Flight Sergeant TRT Hudson-Bell (RCAF) initally survived the crash but sadly both died from their injuries the following day. There was possibly a fourth unconfirmed death of another unnamed Navigator/Observer. Further research is required
The sole survivor from this crew was a second Wireless Operator/Air Gunner, Flying Officer CA Faulks (RAFVR), seriously wounded but recovered to fly with his Squadron again
No trace of Hampden P5334 was found
[Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...
Hampden R2118 on Ben Loyal, Northern Scotland
Ben Loyal - 746 metres and an epic rescue after a plane crash of a...
Known Squadron Assignments: ;16 OTU
With 16 OTU. Night training. Hit ground in spin near Saxilby, LincolnshireKnown Squadron Assignments:
First used by 16 OTU and then 489 Sqn in the UK. Then transferred to Canada and used by No. 32 OTU at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Reported as a T.B. Mk. I.Known Squadron Assignments: ;50
With 50 Sqn. Bombing Hamburg. Last message said, "jumping for it". Cause not knownKnown Squadron Assignments: ;25 OTU
With 25 OTU. Night training. Crashe at Charlton, Oxforshire while seeking Croughton runwayKnown Squadron Assignments: ;415
From 14 OTU, To 420 Sqn, Converted for use as torpedo bomber. To 415 Sqn.Known Squadron Assignments: ;14 OTU
With 14 OTU. Night training. Flew into hill in cloud. Arkengathdale Moof YorkshireKnown Squadron Assignments: ;144
With 144 Sqn. Bombing railways. Hit balloon cable and crashed into flour mill, FelixstoweKnown Squadron Assignments: ;61
With 61 Sqn. Bombing Geestacht. Shot down by flak near Rotterdam61(Hull's own) Squadron RAF (Pur purum tonantes) RAF Hemswell. Hampden I aircraft P 4356 QR-S was shot down by a marine flak battery during an operation against targets in Geestacht, Germany. The Hampden crashed into shallow water just off the coast between Spieka Neufeld and Neuwerk, Germany
Sergeant R Burnett (RAF) and Flying Officer GM Wyatt (RAF) were killed in action
Pilot Officer LS Adams (RAF)(Can) and Sergeant HG Hill (RAF) survived and both were taken as Prisoners of War
[Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...
Crash of a Handley Page HP52 Hampden I off Spieka: 2 killed I...
World War 2 - RAF No 61 Squadron, May/June 1940
Known Squadron Assignments: ;144
With 144 Sqn. Mine laying Wilhelmshaven. Damaged by flak and ditched 90 m E of SkegnessKnown Squadron Assignments: ;144
With 144 Sqn. Bombing Homberg. Crashed in Ysselmeer, cause not knownKnown Squadron Assignments: ;144
With 144 Sqn. Torpedo day bombing. Shot down by ship's flak off SW NorwayKnown Squadron Assignments: ;61
With 61 Sqn. Bombing Salzbergen. Missing, cause not knownKnown Squadron Assignments: ;50
With 50 Sqn. Minelaying off Fehmarn. Ditched 32m E of Flamborough Head, returning on one engineKnown Squadron Assignments: ;61
With 61 Sqn. Bombing Dortmund- Ems Canal. Shot down by Flak, NordhornKnown Squadron Assignments: ;44;420
From 44 Sqn. Operated by No. 420 (B) Squadron, RCAF, From 44 Sqn. Failed to return from from a shipping strike (Operation Fuller) 12.2.42. Pilot Officer J.R. Topping, Flight Sergeant F.W. Ashfield, Flight Sergeant T.H. Mate and F.O E.G. Growler all perished.Known Squadron Assignments: ;50
With 50 Sqn. Air Sea Rescue. Crashed in North SeaKnown Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Struck by taxiing Hampden AJ997 while parked at Patricia Bay on 8 November 1943.Known Squadron Assignments:
Known Squadron Assignments:
Known Squadron Assignments: ;415
With 415 Sqn. Torpedo day bombing. Missing on shipping patrolKnown Squadron Assignments:
Known Squadron Assignments: ;16 OTU
With 16 OTU. Training Navex. Spun into ground near LeamingtonKnown Squadron Assignments:
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Known Squadron Assignments: ;16
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Known Squadron Assignments: ;44;408
From 44 Sqn. Served with 408 Sqn. To No. 14 OTU.Known Squadron Assignments: ;14 OTU
With 14 OTU. Bombing Dusseldorf. Missing, cause not known.Known Squadron Assignments:
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Known Squadron Assignments: ;455
With 455 Sqn. Minelaying La Rochelle. Crashed at Holly Farm. Haddenham, Buckinghamshire. Cause not knownKnown Squadron Assignments:
Known Squadron Assignments: ;420
Served with No. 420 (B) Squadron, RCAF, at Waddington, UK,Crashed at 03:15 on 25 April 1942 near Sonderby Klint, 6 km SSE of Assens on the Danish island of Fyn. On mission to Rostock at the time. Sgt. F.G.W. Adams PoW.420 Snowy Owl Squadron (Pugnamus Finitum) RAF Waddington. Hampden I aircraft P 5330 PT-J lost, shot down, claimed both by Luftwaffe night fighter pilot Oberleutnant Lothar Linke of 12/NJG 1 and by 1 & 3/leichte Flak-Abteilung 770 (a Kreigsmarine flak-ship) during a night strike against targets in Rostock, Germany. The Hampden crashed 4 miles south by south-east of Assens at Sonderby Bjerge on Fyn Island, Denmark
Sergeant JM Hicks (RCAF), Flight Sergeant JH Smith (RCAF) and Sergeant J Potter (RAFVR) were all killed in action
Sergeant FGW Adams (RCAF) survived and was taken as Prisoner of War
[Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...
Plane 065 HAM P5330 - Sonderby Bjerge
Known Squadron Assignments:
Known Squadron Assignments: ;420
From 44 Sqn .Operated by No. 420 (B) Squadron, RCAF, Shot down by a night-fighter (Fw Heinz Grimm, II./NJG2) and crashed 01:40 on 3 July 1942 into the Ijsselmeer. On raid to Bremen at the time Flight Sergeant C.G. Wilde, Flight Sergeant A.D. Bond, Flight Sergeant J.E. Gibbs and Flight Sergeant T. Crothers all were killed.Known Squadron Assignments:
Known Squadron Assignments: ;519;408
Served with No. 408 (B) Squadron, RCAF in the UK, 1941 - 1942, coded "EQ*Q".Warrant Officer 2nd Class LF Kelly (RCAF) was killed during the attack, the only crew casualty
519 Squadron (Undaunted by Weather) RAF Wick. Hampden I aircraft P 5334 lost without a trace during a meteorological flight over the North Sea. A distress signal was received at 13:25 hours and a final message ten minutes later. No further contact was made and no trace of the aircraft or crew was found. A second Hampden I aircraft P2118 was lost later that night when it flew into high ground during a thunderstorm at Ben Loyal, Sutherlands, Scotland. There was only one survivor from the crew of P2118
Pilot Officer ED Bonin (RCAF), Flight Sergeant DL McNichol (RCAF), Pilot Officer FD Findlater (RAAF) and Pilot Officer R Rowe (RNZAF) were all missing presumed killed in action. The missing have no known grave and all are commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial
Known Squadron Assignments:
Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Taxied into another aircraft in a rainstorm at Patricia Bay on 15 October 1943. Repaired and returned to serviceKnown Squadron Assignments:
Cat "A" crash near Dugald, MB outside of Winnipeg, MB on 17 December 1942 while on a ferry flight to Western Air Command. No other details available. Alloted to 8 RD for salvageKnown Squadron Assignments:
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Known Squadron Assignments: ;14 OTU
With 14 OTU. Bombing Dusseldorf. Navigator baled out over sea.Known Squadron Assignments:
Known Squadron Assignments: ;16 OTU
With 16 OTU. Night training. Hit ground during low-level bombing practice, Otmoor Ranges, OxfordshireKnown Squadron Assignments:
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Known Squadron Assignments: ;408
From No. 7 AAU. To 408 Sqn on 14/15 Dec 1941. Took off from Balderton at 00:32 on 15 December 1941 for raid on Cherbourg. Crashed at 03:27 at New Farm, Longdown Enclosure, 2 miles SE of Lyndhurst Road Station and 4 miles SW of Totton, Hampshire. Flight Sergeant R.W. Sterling, Flight Sergeant J.C. Tomlin, Flight Sergeant W.R. Williams and Flight Sergeant P.F. Isaac all perished.Known Squadron Assignments:
Known Squadron Assignments: ;415
On 27 Oct 1942, the a/c took off from RAF St Eval on a shipping strike. On the return trip the a/c lost an engine and ditched into the sea off Pentire Point 4 miles N of Padstow Police Station after being lost. The aircraft sank but the four crew members were rescued; one with slight wounds.Known Squadron Assignments: ;519
Known Squadron Assignments:
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Known Squadron Assignments: ;14 OTU
With 14 OTU. Night Training. Crashed at Whittle Farm, Brockhampton, GloucestershireKnown Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Swung on takeoff from Patricia Bay on 27 November 1942, landing gear collapsed, Category B damage. Landing gear collapsed again on take off from Patricia Bay on 16 September 1943, not repaired.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 OTU at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Severe damage on 5 August 1942 when it swung on take off from Patricia Bay. When the a/c swung to the right on take-off, the solo pilot on board over-corrected and swung off the runway, collapsing the undercarriage and breaking the fuselage in half aft of the turret. The pilot was uninjured. Classified as Cat "A", and not repaired.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 OTU at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Due to pilot error the landing gear collapsed on landing at Patricia Bay on 28 November 1941. Repaired, returned to service. Cat "A" crash at Patricia Bay on 27 July 1943. The a/c undershot the landing at night and hit an obstruction. The pilot escaped without injury.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 OTU at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Cat "C" damage at Medicine Hat, AB on 24 June 1942 while being ferried by No. 124 (F) Sqn. A student pilot from No. 34 SFTS taxied his a/c in #P5422. Repaired and returned for service with No. 32 OTU.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 OTU at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. "B" cat crash when the a/c swung on landing at Patricia Bay on 13 June 1942, collapsing landing gear. No injuries. Undershot landing at Patricia Bay on 10 November 1943, crashed and was destroyed. The four-man crew escaped without injuryKnown Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 OTU at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Cat "B" accident when the a/c swung on landing at Patricia Bay on 13 March 1943. The a/c ran into soft ground and sheared off landing gear. Not repaired. Later assessed as beyond economic repair and written-off.Known Squadron Assignments:
Category A crash at RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario on 29 May 1942, before being taken on strength.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Crew bailed out after elevator control failure during air test on 31 July 1943. Crashed near Sidney, BC.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Stalled on landing at Patricia Bay on 24 October 1942, port main gear collapsed. Struck by taxiing Hampden P5429 at Patricia Bay on 5 September 1943.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC, coded "HM*B". Struck Hampden P5428 while taxiing at Patricia Bay on 5 September 1943. This aircraft not repaired.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 OTU at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Forced landing in field near Patricia Bay on 24Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Ground looped on landing at Patricia Bay on 2 December 1942, landing gear collapsed, not repaired.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 OTU at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. The a/c had a Cat "B" accident when it ground looped and collapsed starboard main gear on landing at Patricia Bay on 17 October 1942. Crashed vertically into Saanich Inlet on 14 March 1943, and exploded. The four-man crew, consisting of Pilot Officer (RAAF) A.T. Hunt, Pilot Officer (RAAF) R.K. Manitan, Pilot Officer G.L. Hall and Flight Sergeant H.S. Piercy, all perished.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Swung on landing at Patricia Bay on 4 July 1942, collapsed gear. Swung on takeoff from Patricia Bay on 26 April 1943, starboard wing struck dirt mound and right main gear driven up through wing. Became airborne, landed gear up on the grass infield and was destroyed by fire. Had been RCAF P5434. The pilot escaped unhurt.Known Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Classified as Instructional Airframe A386 on 16 March 1944.Known Squadron Assignments:
Manufactured in 1942. Serving with No. 32 OTU, RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC, when it crashed into water on practice torpedo mission on 15 November 1942, after entering "stabilized yaw" while turning at low speed and altitude. 4 crew rescued by Stranraer. Wreckage recovered from 600 feet of water in 1985 and 1986, restored using pieces from wrecks of AN136 and AN132 , plus parts purchased in UK. Now on display at Canadian Museum of Flight, Langley, BC. Marked "H*LB" by 2005. Still there in April 2009.Known Squadron Assignments: ;83;84;415
Served with No. 415 (TB) Squadron, RCAF. Shot down by flak during night shipping sweep off Egmond, Holland on night of 19/20 Aug 43. The four-man crew survived to become POWs. Flight Sergeant W A Robson; Flight Sergeant H G Laverick; Flight Sergeant H Gnam RCAF; Flight Sergeant H St Jean RCAFKnown Squadron Assignments: ;16 OTU
With 16 OTU. Training. Crashed in flat spin, 3m E of CroughtonKnown Squadron Assignments: ;44
With 44 Sqn. Bombing Bremerhaven. Shot down by flak attacking liners in docksKnown Squadron Assignments: ;25 OTU
With 25 OTU. Night training. Crashed 1.5m SW of Mission bombing range. Cause obscureKnown Squadron Assignments: ;44
With 44 Sqn. Bombing Calais. Broke up in air in bad weather near MarhamKnown Squadron Assignments: ;61
With 61 Sqn. Minelaying Elbe Est. Crashe on Yorkshire Moors near Leeming on returnKnown Squadron Assignments: ;144;415
RCAF, Served with No. 415 (TB) Sqn. Severely damaged by flak during a torpedo attack off the Dutch coast on 22 Dec 42. Returned to base. Shot down by Fw-200 over Bay of Biscay while on anti-submarine patrol 14 Jun 43. The four-man crew consisted of Squadron Leader G. Stronach,Known Squadron Assignments: ;16 OTU
With 16 OTU. Night Training. Crashed at Wooton Downs after three attempts at landing Upper HeyfordKnown Squadron Assignments: ;14 OTU
With 14 OTU. Night training. Collided with Wellington and crashed 4m SW of Newark NottinghamshireKnown Squadron Assignments: ;106
With 106 Sqn. Bombing Cologne. Crashed near Cologne. Cause not knownKnown Squadron Assignments: ;61;408
From 61 Sqn. To 14 OTU. Then served with No. 408 Sqn.Known Squadron Assignments: ;44
With 44 Sqn. Bombing Berlin. Missing, possibly blown up by own 'Imp" mineKnown Squadron Assignments: ;49
With 49 Sqn. Bombing Hannover. Shot down by night fighter 10 km N of Alkmaar, NetherlandsKnown Squadron Assignments: ;49
With 49 Sqn. Bombing NW France. Crashed on return near Dunholme LodgeKnown Squadron Assignments: ;144;408
From No. 144 Squadron, served with No. 408 (B) Squadron, RCAF from Balderton, UK, coded "EQ*U". Lost without a trace on mission to Bremen on 21/22 January 1942.Known Squadron Assignments: ;49;420
Operated by No. 420 (B) Squadron, RCAF,Known Squadron Assignments: ;61;106
With 106 Sqn. Bombing Munster. Ditched, probably out of fuel, off NorfolkKnown Squadron Assignments: ;82;44;420;415
Served with No. 415 (TB) Squadron, RCAF. Destroyed by fire after being struck by Hampden N9096 while parked at St. Eval on 22 June 1943.Known Squadron Assignments:
Served with No. 415 (TB) Squadron, RCAF. Destroyed by fire and explosions after collision of Hampdens N9096 and N3061 at St. Eval on 22 June 1943.Known Squadron Assignments: ;415
Served with No. 415 (TB) Squadron, RCAF.Known Squadron Assignments: ;50
With 50 Sqn. Bombing Mannheim. Shot down by flak near Tres, MoselKnown Squadron Assignments: ;83;420;519
Missing presumed ditched NE Scotland. Flight Sergeant Cox; Flight Sergeant A M Finfer; Flight Sergeant A Fairall; Flight Sergeant D C McKenzie all misingKnown Squadron Assignments:
With No. 32 Operational Training Unit at RCAF Station Patricia Bay, BC. Reported as a T.B. Mk. I.Known Squadron Assignments: ;61;408;455
From 61 Sqn. Served with 408 Sqn. Converted to torpedo bomber. To 455 Sqn.Known Squadron Assignments: ;415
Served with No. 415 (TB) Squadron, RCAF, . Failed to return from patrol over Bay of Biscay 17 July 1943. SOS received from off Coates, no further trace. The crew perished including: Flight Sergeant R. Walter, Flying Officer V.C. Steer, Flight Sergeant H. Huntingdon and Flight Sergeant (RAF) J. Janisse.Known Squadron Assignments: ;61
With 61 Sqn. Bombing Cologne. Crashed, short of fuel, Syderstone, NorfolkKnown Squadron Assignments: ;106
With 106 Sqn. Bombing Dusseldorf. Shot down by night fighter near IttersvoortKnown Squadron Assignments: ;44;420 (B)
Served with No. 420 (B) Squadron, RCAF, Struck by Lancaster from 44 Squadron, RAF, while parked at Waddington on 20 May 1942. Repaired, converted to Torpedo Bomber, and transferred to RCAF for use at No. 32 Operational Training Unit on west coast. Reported as a T.B. Mk. I.