44 Rhodesia Squadron (Fulmina regis lusta) RAF Waddington. Hampden I aircraft AD 939 lost in a mid-air collision with 412 squadron RCAF Spitfire IIa aircraft P 8586 with the loss of all three aircrew members on the Hampden as well as the pilot of the Spitfire
Leading Aircraftman F B Prest (RAFVR) (Can), Pilot Officer P R Owen (RAFVR) and Flight Sergeant D G Forbes (RAFVR) all on Hampton AD 939 as well as Pilot Officer W R Hughes (RCAF) were killed in this flying training accident
The Hampton crashed in fields just off White Lane near RAF Waddington, while the Spitfire crashed into the nearby North Sea
Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database
Crash of a Handley Page HP 52 Hampton I at RAF Waddington: 3...