519 Squadron (Undaunted by Weather) RAF Wick. Hampden I aircraft P2118 crashed into high ground at Ben Loyal, Sutherlands, Scotland at night during a thunderstorm returning from a search for missing 519 Squadron Hampden I aircraft P5334
Pilot, Flight Lieutenant Henry Robert (Mick) Puplett DFC (RAFVR) was killed in the crash of his aircraft
Navigator, Flying Officer GW Ritchie (RCAF) and Wireless Operator/Air Gunner Flight Sergeant TRT Hudson-Bell (RCAF) initally survived the crash but sadly both died from their injuries the following day. There was possibly a fourth unconfirmed death of another unnamed Navigator/Observer. Further research is required
The sole survivor from this crew was a second Wireless Operator/Air Gunner, Flying Officer CA Faulks (RAFVR), seriously wounded but recovered to fly with his Squadron again
No trace of Hampden P5334 was found
[Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...
Hampden R2118 on Ben Loyal, Northern Scotland
Ben Loyal - 746 metres and an epic rescue after a plane crash of a...