Lancaster (Total: 7,377, Canadian: 302, Group 300)

Avro Lancaster

Avro Lancaster Mk. X RCAF Serial FM 213
Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum

The Avro Lancaster is a British Second World War heavy bomber. It was designed and manufactured by Avro as a contemporary of the Handley Page Halifax, both bombers having been developed to the same specification, as well as the Short Stirling, all three aircraft being four-engined heavy bombers adopted by the Royal Air Force (RAF) during the same wartime era.

The Lancaster has its origins in the twin-engine Avro Manchester which had been developed during the late 1930s in response to the Air Ministry Specification P.13/36 for a capable medium bomber for "world-wide use". Originally developed as an evolution of the Manchester (which had proved troublesome in service and was retired in 1942), the Lancaster was designed by Roy Chadwick and powered by four Rolls-Royce Merlins and in one version, Bristol Hercules engines. It first saw service with RAF Bomber Command in 1942 and as the strategic bombing offensive over Europe gathered momentum, it was the main aircraft for the night-time bombing campaigns that followed. As increasing numbers of the type were produced, it became the principal heavy bomber used by the RAF, the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) and squadrons from other Commonwealth and European countries serving within the RAF, overshadowing the Halifax and Stirling. Wikipedia

YouTube Lancaster Bomber

Wikipedia Wikipedia

General Harold A Skaarup Web Page

Lancaster KB700, Mk.X

s/n KB700

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 700


last update: 2025-March-10

Bombing Nuremberg Germany 1945-01-03 to 1945-01-03

(B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St George

First Lancaster built in Canada, rolled out at Malton on 6 August 1943. First Canadian built Lancaster to see action. Named "Ruhr Express". Operated by No. 405 Squadron, RCAF, coded "LQ*Q", from October to 20 December 1943, flew 2 missions. First mission was raid on Berlin on 26/27 November 1943. Then to No. 419 Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*Z". Flew 47 operations with this unit. Landed hard at Middleton-St.-George returning from mission to Ludwigshafen in early morning of 3 January 1945, possibly due to flaps partly retracting just before touch down. Overshot paved runway, tried to taxi clear because of other approaching aircraft but struck construction machinery near runway edge with starboard outer prop. Engine caught fire, spread to rest of aircraft. No crew injured, but aircraft totally destroyed

Lancaster KB701, Mk.X

s/n KB701

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 701


Operated by No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*B". Crashed on Helmsley Moor, Yorkshire on 16 May 1944, after taking off from Middleton St. George on a night training flight. Struck high ground, in clouds, en route to bombing range at on Helmsley Moor, near Potter House Farm. All 7 crew killed.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-May-16 Accident Crash crashed Helmsley Moor, Yorkshire 2019-08-20

Operational 1944-05-16 to 1944-05-16

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

Operated by No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*B". Crashed on Helmsley Moor, Yorkshire on 16 May 1944, after taking off from Middleton St. George on a night training flight. Struck high ground, in clouds, en route to bombing range at on Helmsley Moor, near Potter House Farm. All 7 crew killed.

The crew of Lancaster aircraft KB 701 were.Warrant Officer H.G. Grice, Sergeants F.A. Milne, N.F. Alsop, Pilot Officer J.G. McMaster, one USAAF member of the crew, and one other member of the crew, not Canadian, were also killed. The two members of this crew who were not Canadian were 2nd. Lt. E.N. Fordham (USAAF) and Sgt. G.T. Jones (RAF). Detail provided by David E. Thompson, Stockton-on-Tees, England.

Lancaster KB702, Mk.XPP

s/n KB702

as/n TCA 101

m/d 683

c/n 37003

Victory Aircraft

KB 702


Converted to the Lancaster long range transport as a Lancaster XPP - registered CF-CMT; first flown by E.H. Taylor on 9 September, 1943. Delivered to TCA on 17 September, 1943; Fin #101. First flight in service with CGTAS was January 12, 1944, and flown by Captain M.B. Barclay, completing the crossing in 11 hours 14 minutes from Dorval to Prestwick. Withdrawn from service during May 1947. No subsequent information.Lancastrians went into service with Canadian Government Trans-Atlantic Air Service (CGTAS) for mail and VIP service between Dorval and Prestwick. They carried ten passengers and crossed the Atlantic in about twelve and half-hours. They were cold and noisy but did the job. Mainly flown by pilot's Jock Barkley and George Lothian. Withdrawn from service in May 1947.

Bomber Command Museum of Canada

last update: 2025-February-05

Lancaster KB703, Mk.XPP

s/n KB703

as/n TCA 102

m/d 683

c/n 37004

Victory Aircraft

KB 703


Converted to the Lancaster long range transport -registered CF-CMU; First flown on 25 September, 1943. Delivered to TCA 17 Sept 1943. Used by Canadian Government Trans-Atlantic Air Service (CGTAS) for mail and VIP service between Dorval and Preswick. They carried ten passengers and crossed the Atlantic in about twelve and half-hours. They were cold and noisy but did the job. Damaged at Lajes in the Azores on 28 July 1944, and shipped to Montreal for repairs. Aircraft returned to service. This aircraft was lost at sea on 30 December, 1944. It had left Dorval at 23:59 on 29 December with a crew of four and a single passenger, Sir Alfred E. Evans, Chief of the British Admiralty Technical Mission in Ottawa. The pilot was Capt. Maurice Gauthier. At 06:49 Goose Bay received a Mayday signal when the aircraft was believed to have been flying at 23,000 feet about 600 miles east of Torbay, Newfoundland. A sea and air search found no trace and an inquiry was unable to determine a probable cause of its loss.

Bomber Command Museum of Canada

last update: 2025-February-05

Lancaster KB704, Mk.X

s/n KB704

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 704


Served with No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "NA*E" and "NA*X". Coded NA*E" when it was one of 7 aircraft from this unit that flew the first RCAF mission in Canadian built Lancasters, a raid on St. Pol, France on 14/15 July 1944. Later operated by No. 419 Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*Y" when lost. Crashed on overshoot at Middleton St. George after raid on Ghent on 11 May 1944. Also reported as crashed at end of training mission?
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-May-11 Accident Crash Crashed on overshoot at Middleton St. George after raid on Ghent 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB705, Mk.X

s/n KB705

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 705


Used by No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "NA*F". One of 7 aircraft from this unit that the flew the RCAF mission in Canadian built Lancasters, a raid on St. Pol, France on 14/15 July 1944. Later used by No. 1666 Heavy Conversion Unit. Survived the war, retained in the UK for test work with Rolls Royce, struck off on 30 May 1946.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1946-May-30 Struck off Strength Struck off strength 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB706, Mk.X

s/n KB706

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 706


Used by No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*A". Failed to return from operation over Aachen on 25 May 1944, shot down by night fighter, no survivors. Came down near Tilburg, Holland.
last update: 2025-February-05

Bombing Montzen Belgium 1944-04-27 to 1944-04-28

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) RAF Middleton St George

419 Goose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita) RAF Middleton St George. Lancaster X aircraft KB 706 VR-A returned early from an operation against the rail yards at Montzen, Belgium as the Mid-Upper Gunner, Sergeant LG Turner (RCAF) had suffered a collapsed lung

   1944-May-25 Failed to Return Failed to return from operation over Aachen, shot down by night fighter, no survivors. 2019-08-20

Bombing Aachen Germany 1944-05-24 to 1944-05-25

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

442 aircraft - 264 Lancasters, 162 Halifaxcs, 16 Mosquitoes - of all groups except 5 Group to attack 2 railway yards nt Aachen - Aachen-West and Rothe Brclo (east of the town). These were important links in the railway system between Germany a France. 18 Halifaxes and 7 Lancasters lost, 5-7 per cent of the force.

The Aachen report duly records that the 2 railway yards were the targets attack with the railways to the east of Aachen being particularly hard hit. But, because t was a German town, Bomber Command sent more aircraft than normal for railway raids and many bombs fell on Aachen itself and in villages near the railway yards. The Monheim war-industry factory and the town's gasworks were among many buildings destroyed. 207 people were killed in Aachen and 121 were seriously injured. 14,~ people were bombed out. Several villages near the railway yards also incurred casualties. Eilendorf, near the Rothe Erde yards, had 52 people killed.

The Aachen report comments on the great number of high-explosive bombs and the small number of incendiaries dropped. There were only 6 large fires. 288 high explosive bombs were found to be duds, approximately IO per cent of those dropped.

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita) RAF Middleton St George. Lancaster X aircraft KB 706 VR-A was lost on an operation against targets in Aachen, Germany, shot down by night fighter pilot Obleutnant H Nabrich of 3/NJG 1. The bomber crashed behind Kromstraat 2 at Tilburg , Noord-Brabant, Netherlands with the loss of the entire crew

Pilot Officer DM Robson (RCAF), Flying Officer GR Lauder (RCAF), Pilot Officer PS Smith (RCAF), Sergeant J Hoarty (RAFVR), Sergeant BR Morgan (RAFVR) and Sergeant THJ Smith (RAFVR) were all killed in action

Pilot Officer WD Lillico (RCAF)(USA) survived briefly but died of his injuries shortly after he was captured

General [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...

General 419 Squadron RCAF 1941 to 1945 Crew of Lancaster KB706

General Aviation Safety Network

Lancaster KB707, Mk.X

s/n KB707

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 707


Used by No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF from May 1944, coded "VR*W". Crashed on overshoot at Middleton St. George on 19 September 1944, after repositioning from Linton. Aircraft has suffered damage on raid on Douberg, undercarriage collapsed on landing at Middleton St. George.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-September-19 Accident Crash crashed on overshoot Middleton St. George 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB708, Mk.X

s/n KB708

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 708


Used by No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*E". Crashed on overshoot at Boscombe Down on 26 August 1944, returning from raid on Russelheim with flak damage.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-August-26 Accident Crash crashed on overshoot Boscombe Down 2019-08-20

Bombing Russelsheim Germany 1944-08-25 to 1944-08-26

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

4 I 2 Lancasters of I, 3, 6 and 8 Groups attacked the Opel motor factory. 15 Lan casters were lost, 3·6 per cent of the force.

The Pathfinder marking was accurate and the raid was successfully completed in IO minutes. An official German report* says that the forge and the gearbox assembly departments were put out of action for several weeks, but 90 per cent of the machine tools in other departments escaped damage. The assembly line and part·of the pressworks were able to recommence work 2 days later and lorry assembly was unaffected because of considerable stocks of ready-made parts. 179 people were killed in the raid but their nationalities were not recorded.

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). The crew of Lancaster aircraft KB 708 was returning from a trip to Russellsheim, Germany and were low on fuel. They were instructed to land at Boscombe Down, England but fog closed in and obscured the landing lights so the pilot attempted an overshoot. All four engines cut out and the aircraft crashed into some trees at Winterbourne, Wiltshire. Flying Officer W.A. Milner, Flying Officer Kirschner, Pilot Officer H.F. Anderson, and Sergeant J.L. Trotman (RAF) were killed.

Three other crewmen were injured: Nav - Flying Officer Pierre E. Gariepy (RCAF); AG - Sgt. L.J. Weston (RCAF); and, AG - Sgt. Peter Wiens (RCAF). Gariepy's spine was severed and he became a paraplegic

Lancaster KB709, Mk.X

s/n KB709

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 709


Used by No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "NA*G". Failed to return from operation over Stettin on 29/30 August 1944, crashed into Baltic Sea near Falkenberg. Had 107:00 logged time.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-August-30 Failed to Return Failed to return from operation over Stettin, crashed into Baltic Sea. 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB710, Mk.X

s/n KB710

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 710


Used by No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*W". Failed to return from operation over Louvain, Belgium on 13 May 1944. Shot down by night fighter, no survivors. Came down near Sent-Genesius-Rode.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-May-13 Failed to Return Failed to return from operation over Louvain, shot down by night fighter, no survivors. 2019-08-20

Bombing Louvain Belgium 1944-05-12 to 1944-05-13

419 Sqn (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

120 aircraft - 96 Halifaxes, 20 Lancasters, 4 Mosquitoes - of 6 and 8 Groups. 3 Halifaxes and 2 Lancasters lost.

The bombing was more accurate than on the previous night and considerable damage was caused in the railways yards. The local report, which consolidates the 2 raids, confirms that the railways were badly damaged and says that parts of the system were still being repaired 6 months later. But civilian casualties were also heavy, with 160 people being killed and 208 injured in Louvain and its suburbs of Herent and Wilsele. Building damage in Louvain included 5 blocks of the university, 8 factories, 4 convents and a church.

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

Lancaster KB711, Mk.X

s/n KB711

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 711


Served with No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "NA*N" and "NA*U". Later used by No. 419 Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*C", when lost. Failed to return from operation over St. Ghislain on 2 May 1944, shot down by night fighter. 2 killed, 6 POW. Probably first Canadian built Lancaster lost on operations.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-May-02 Failed to Return Failed to return from operation over St. Ghislain, shot down by night fighter. 2 killed, 6 POW. 2019-08-20

Bombing Saint-Ghislain Belgium 1944-05-01 to 1944-05-02

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

137 aircraft - 89 Halifaxes, 40 Lancasters, 8 Mosquitoes - of 6 and 8 Groups uttacked the railway yards with great accuracy. 1 Halifax and 1 Lancaster lost.

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

#419 Moose Squadron (Moose Aswayita) RAF Middleton St George. Lancaster BX aircraft KB 711VR-C had just dropped its bomb load on the railyards at St Ghislain, Belgium when it was attacked from below by a German night fighter. The Lancaster at 11000 feet, was hit by cannon rounds, caught fire and the crew abandoned the aircraft except for Pilot Officer McNary and Pilot Officer Chartrand. McNary was trying to help Chartrand, wounded when a cannon shell exploded in the cockpit. The aircraft crashed and exploded on a gas works at Ghent, Belgium.

Pilot Officer JC McNary (RCAF) and Pilot Officer JLE Chartrand (RCAF) were killed in action.The remainder of the crew, Flying Officer F Love (RCAF), Sergeant D Sangster (RCAF), Sergeant JJ Wilson (RCAF), FS RCD Long (RCAF), and Sergeant AG (RAF) survived and were all taken as Prisoners of War

Lancaster KB712, Mk.X

s/n KB712

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 712


Used by No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*B", "VR*E", and "VR*L" when lost. Named "Smitty Love". Bombed Stuttgart on 24/25 July 1944. Flew 51 operations. Crashed at Hurth, Germany during operation over Cologne on 28 October 1944.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-October-28 Failed to Return failed to return from operation over Cologne 2019-08-20

Bombing Cologne Germany 1944-10-28 to 1944-10-28

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St.George

733 aircraft - 428 Lancasters, 286 Halifaxes, 19 Mosquitoes. 4 Halifaxes and 3 Lancasters lost.

The bombing took place in 2 separate waves and the local report confirms that enormous damage was caused. The districts of Miilheim and Zollstock, north-east and south-west of the centre respectively, became the centre of the 2 raids and were both devastated. Classed as completely destroyed were: 2,239 blocks of flats, 15 industrial premises, 11 schools, 3 police stations and a variety of other buildings, Much damage was also caused to power-stations, railways and harbour installations on the Rhine. 630 German people were killed or their bodies never found and 1,200 were injured. The number of foreign casualties is not known.

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Lancaster aircraft KB 712 was shot down near Hurth, Germany four miles south-west of the target Cologne, Germany. F/Os A.N. Nelligan, J.A. Nafziger, J.R. Fitchner, Pilot Officer W.H. Herman, FS B.E. Greenhalgh,FS E,R, Smith and Sergeant W.E. Hawkings (RAF) were killed. This was the 5th trip for this crew but the aircraft had been used on 52 operations

Lancaster KB713, Mk.X

s/n KB713

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 713


Used by No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*X". Failed to return from operation over Louvain on 13 May 1944, no survivors.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-May-13 Failed to Return Failed to return from operation over Louvain, no survivors. 2019-08-20

Bombing Louvain Belgium 1944-05-12 to 1944-05-13

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

120 aircraft - 96 Halifaxes, 20 Lancasters, 4 Mosquitoes - of 6 and 8 Groups. 3 Halifaxes and 2 Lancasters lost.

The bombing was more accurate than on the previous night and considerable damage was caused in the railways yards. The local report, which consolidates the 2 raids, confirms that the railways were badly damaged and says that parts of the system were still being repaired 6 months later. But civilian casualties were also heavy, with 160 people being killed and 208 injured in Louvain and its suburbs of Herent and Wilsele. Building damage in Louvain included 5 blocks of the university, 8 factories, 4 convents and a church.

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

Lancaster KB714, Mk.X

s/n KB714

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 714


Used by No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*Y". Failed to return from operation over Cambrai on 13 June 1944, shot down by night fighter, no survivors. This was this aircrafts 5th operation.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-June-13 Failed to Return Failed to return from operation over Cambrai, shot down by night fighter, no survivors. 2019-08-20

Bombing Cambrai France 1944-06-12 to 1944-06-13

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) RAF Middleton St George

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita) RAF Middleton St George. Lancaster X aircraft KB 714 VR-Y was shot down by a night fighter near Vourse Lette, France during a raid against the marshalling yards at Cambrai, France. The Lancaster crashed at Courcelette 10 km NE of Albert just North of the main road to Bapaume, France

Flying Officer RN Pole (RCAF), Flying Officer RN Wilson (RCAF), Flying Officer CR McOrmond (RCAF), Flying Officer DJ McMullen (RCAF), Pilot Officer ME Gates (RCAF), Pilot Officer RW Francis (RCAF) and Sergeant CC White (RCAF) were all killed in action

There were three 419 Squadron Lancaster aircraft and crews lost on this operation. Please see aircraft serial numbers KB 726 VR-A and KB 731 VR-S for additional information

General 419 Squadron RCAF 1941 to 1945 Crew of Lancaster KB714

General Research of France-Crashes 39-45

General Lancaster BX KB714 [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...

Lancaster KB715, Mk.X

s/n KB715

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 715


Used by No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF. Failed to return from day time operation over Dusseldorf-Lohausen airfield on 24 December 1944. All crew bailed out, became PoW. Gunner Flying Officer R.W. Hale was executed by the Gestapo. This was this aircrafts 60th operation.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-December-24 Failed to Return failed to return from operation over Dusseldorf-Lohausen airfield 2019-08-20

Bombing Lohausen Germany 1944-12-24 to 1944-12-24

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

338 aircraft - 248 Halifaxes, 79 Lancasters, I I Mosquitoes - of 4, 6 and 8 Groups attacked the airfields at Lohausen and Millheim (now Diisseldorf and Essen civil airports). The purpose of the raids was not recorded; it is possible that they were to hinder the movement of supplies by transport aircraft from the Ruhr to the Ardennes battle area. Both attacks took place in conditions of good visibility and the bombing was accurate. 6 aircraft lost - 2 Lancasters and I Halifax from the Lohausen raid and 3 Halifaxes from the Millheim raid

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Lancaster aircraft KB 715 was hit by flak, set on fire, and three engines were knocked out during a daylight raid on the Lohausen aerodrome at Dusseldorf, Germany. The aircraft went out of control and the bomb load could not be dropped so Flying Officer Cowtan ordered the crew to bail out. Seven Canadians, F/Os T.H. Cowtan, J.L. Cartier, Hale, Pilot Officer J.V. Ranson, Sergeants C.W. Thompson, G. Little, and Hector were taken Prisoners of War. Flying Officer Hale was executed by the Gestapo the same day as the operation. He was initially buried in Neuss Cemetery. Reinterred 19 April 1947.

Sergeant Little RCAF and Sergeant Hector RCAF were captured on 24 December 1944 at Dusseldorf, part of Trupp 57. They arrived at Bankau on 9 January 1945. (The Long Road - Oliver Clutton-Brock)

Pilot: J/29777 Fg Off Thomas Henry Cowtan RCAF - was captured on 24 December 1944 at Dusseldorf. PoW/Krefeld Airfield/Dulag Luft Oberursel Dulag Luft Wetzlar/Stalag Luft 1 Barth Vogelsang/PoW Number?

Flight Engineer: J/89040 Plt Off James Valentine Ranson RCAF - was captured on 24 December 1944 at Dusseldorf. PoW/Injured/Stalag VII J Krefeld/Dulag Luft Oberursel/Dulag Luft Wetzlar/Oflag III Nuremberg/Marched to Stalag VIIA Moosburg 4 April 1945 - 18 April 1945.

Navigator: R/180068 Sergeant Colin Wray Thompson RCAF - was captured on 24 December 1944 at Dusseldorf. PoW/Krefeld Airfield/Dulag Luft Oberursel/Dulag Luft Wetzlar /Stalag Luft 1 Barth Vogelsang/PoW Number?

Bomb Aimer: J/39257 Fg Off Joseph Lionel Louis Cartier RCAF - was captured on 24 December 1944 at Krefeld. PoW/Injured/Krefeld Airfield/Dulag Luft Wetzlar/Stalag Luft 1 Barth Vogelsang/PoW Number?

Sergeant Little RCAF and Sergeant Hector RCAF were captured on 24 December 1944 at Dusseldorf, part of Trupp 57. They arrived at Bankau on 9 January 1945. (The Long Road - Oliver Clutton-Brock)

Mid Upper Gunner: R/265557 Sergeant George Burten Little RCAF - PoW/Stalag Luft 7 Bankau near Kreuzburg Upper Silesia/Stalag 3A Luckenwalde/PoW Number 1336.

Rear Gunner: R/114679 Sergeant Ferdinand Albert Hector RCAF - PoW/Stalag Luft 7 Bankau near Kreuzburg Upper Silesia/Stalag 3A Luckenwalde/PoW Number 1327.source: John Jones

Lancaster KB716, Mk.X

s/n KB716

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 716


Used by No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*D" and "VR*E". Crashed on landing at Middleton St. George on 7 May 1944, while on a training flight. No casualties.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-May-07 Accident Crash crashed on landing Middleton St. George 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB717, Mk.X

s/n KB717

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 717


With No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*E". Failed to return from operation over Dortmund on 23 May 1944, reported as shot down by night fighter, also reported as struck by flak. No survivors.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-May-23 Failed to Return Failed to return from operation over Dortmund, shot down by night fighter, no survivors. 2019-08-20

Bombing Dortmund Germany 1944-05-22 to 1944-05-23

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

361 Lancasters and 14 Mosquitoes of 1, 3, 6 and 8 Groups carried out the first large raid on this target for a year. 18 Lancasters were lost, 4·8 per cent of the force.

The attack fell mainly in the south-eastern districts of Dortmund, mostly in residential areas. 852 houses and 6 industrial buildings were destroyed; 788 houses were seriously damaged. 335 Germans and 26 prisoners of war were killed and l ,697 people were injured.

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Lancaster aircraft KB 717 was shot down one and one half miles south of Monchen-Gladbach at Genhulsen, Germany during a night operation against Dortmund, Germany.

Lancaster KB718, Mk.X

s/n KB718

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 718


With No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*J". Failed to return from operation over Villeneuve St. George on 5 July 1944, shot down by night fighter, possibly after being struck by flak. Crew bailed out, 3 POW, 3 evaded, pilot Flying Officer L.W.A. Frame died.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-July-05 Failed to Return Failed to return from operation over Villeneuve St. George, shot down by night fighter. 3 POW, 4 evaded. 2019-08-20

Bombing Villeneuve-Saint-Georges France 1944-07-04 to 1944-07-05

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

Battle of Normandy

282 Lancasters and 5 Mosquitoes of I, 6 and 8 Groups attacked railway yards at Orleans and Villeneuve. Both targets were accurately bombed. 14 Lancasters were lost, 11 from the Villeneuve raid and 3 from Orleans.

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita) RAF Middleton St George. Lancaster X KB 718 VR-J shot down by a night fighter during an operation to bomb the railyards at Villeneuve St Georges, France. The Lancaster crashed near the village of Fay, 2 km NE of Chailly-en-Biere, France

Flying Officer WC Watson (RCAF), Flying Officer LWA Frame (RCAF), FS J Morris (RCAF) and Sergeant PP Barclay (RAFVR) all survived and were Evaders

Pilot Officer D High (RCAF) evaded for a time but was betrayed by the Belgian traitor Jacques Desoubrie and arrested. One of 168 Allied sent to Buchenwald Concentration Camp but later moved to a Luftwaffe POW camp

Pilot Officer HB Hayes (RCAF) and Flying Officer WB Reynolds survived and were taken as Prisoners of War

There were three 419 Squadron Lancaster aircraft lost on this operation. Please see Gibson, WR for information on Lancaster KB 727 VR-H and Roe, AE for information on Lancaster KB 723 VR-U

Lancaster KB719, Mk.X

s/n KB719

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 719


With No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*T". Failed to return from operation over Stuttgart on 25 July 1944. Wreckage reported near Bassu. Struck by ground fired rockets over Luxemburg. $ crew killed, 1 PoW, 2 evaded.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-July-25 Failed to Return Failed to return from operation over Stuttgart. Wreckage reported near Bassu. 2019-08-20

Bombing Stuttgart Germany 1944-07-24 to 1944-07-25

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

Battle of Normandy

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Target - Stuttgart, Germany. Lancaster aircraft KB 719 was near Luxembourg when it was hit by rockets, caught fire and then crashed north-east of Vitry le Francais, France. Most of the crew abandoned the aircraft before it crashed but P/Os J. Spevak, J.P. Shortt, and Sergeant J. Norman D.F.M. (RAF) were also killed. One Canadian, FS R. Devine, was taken Prisoner of War, and two Canadians, FS PhiII and Sergeant MacKinnon were Evaders.

Lancaster KB720, Mk.X

s/n KB720

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 720


With No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*P". Named "Piddlin Pete". Bombed Stuttgart on 25/26 July 1944. Survived the war, scrapped in the UK.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1947-May-07 Scrapped Scrapped, in England 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB721, Mk.X

s/n KB721

Victory Aircraft

KB 721


Had been RCAF KB721. Completed 59 operations while with RAF.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-August-29 Classified Instructional CA A 448 2020-06-11
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-November-25 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 488 | 1968 584

Lancaster KB722, Mk.X

s/n KB722

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 722


With No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF. Named "The Hecklin Hare". Bombed Kiel on 15 September 1944. Coded "VR*R", and "VR*A" when lost on 1 January 1945. Crash landed near St. Quentin, France on 1 January 1945, after being hit by gunfire from another Lancaster. This was this aircrafts 63rd operation.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-January-01 Accident Crash Crash landed near St. Quentin, France after being hit by gunfire from another Lancaster. 2019-08-20

Bombing Hanover Germany 1945-01-05 to 1945-01-05

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

664 aircraft - 340 Halifaxes, 310 Lancasters, 14 Mosquitoes - of I, 4, 6 and 8 Groups. 23 Halifaxes and 8 Lancasters lost, 4·7 per cent of the force. This was the first large raid on Hannover since October 1943. Bombs fell all over the city and the local report, based on messages from 16 of the 18 police districts, shows that 493 buildings, containing 3,605 flats/apartments, .were destroyed and that approximately 250 people were killed. No further details are available

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita) RAF Middleton St George. Lancaster BX aircraft KB 722 VR-A "Hecklin Hare II" while flying in formation with aircraft outbound for an operation to bomb targets in Hanover, Germany, was shot up by another Lancaster and lost two engines. After safely jettisoning the bomb-load, the pilot turned towards Brussels and an emergency landing field at Juvencourt, France, but this airfield was fogged in. Unable to attempt a cross-channel flight home, Pilot Officer Mallen on only his second operation, found a break in the fog and put the Lancaster down in a farmer's field at St Quentin, France. The landing was heavy but the crew all survived, some injured

Pilot Officer ND Mallen (RCAF) and Sergeant NR Poole (RCAF) survived, both with a sprained ankle, Flight Sergeant RS Dickson (RCAF) survived with cuts to face and leg and an injured shoulder, Flying Officer JAF Miller DFC (RCAF), Warrant Officer 2 RB Cameron (RCAF) and Sergeant C Drinka (RCAF) were uninjured and Sergeant PW Hall (RAFVR) survived with facial cuts

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

RAF and RCAF Aircraft Nose Art in World War II by Clarence Simonsen, page 111

General [Royal air Force Serial and Image database]...

General 419 Squadron RCAF 1941 to 1945 Crew of KN722 Hecklin Hare

General Search for France-Crashes 39-45

General On This Day...January 5th -iModeler

Lancaster KB723, Mk.X

s/n KB723

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 723


With No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*U". Failed to return from operation over Villeneuve St. George on 5 July 1944, hit by flak. 3 crew killed, 1 POW, 3 evaded.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-July-05 Failed to Return Failed to return from operation over Villeneuve St. George, hit by flak. 3 killed, 1 POW, 3 evaded. 2019-08-20

Bombing Villeneuve-Saint-Georges France 1944-07-04 to 1944-07-05

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

Battle of Normandy

282 Lancasters and 5 Mosquitoes of I, 6 and 8 Groups attacked railway yards at Orleans and Villeneuve. Both targets were accurately bombed. 14 Lancasters were lost, 11 from the Villeneuve raid and 3 from Orleans.

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita) RAF Middleton St George. The crew of Lancaster aircraft KB 723 VR-U had just bombed the rail yards at Villeneuve St Georges, France when the aircraft was hit by heavy flak and set ablaze. The pilot ordered his crew to abandon the aircraft, but the intense heat from the fire had jammed the escape hatches, requiring the crew to chop a hole in the aircraft fuselage with an axe in order to get out

Pilot Officer AE Roe (RCAF), Flying Officer GR Hodgson (RCAF) and Sergeant JPA Gauthier (RCAF) were all killed in action

Flying Officer WJL Thomson (RCAF), Flying Officer CAD Steepe (RCAF), Flying Officer DG Murphy (RCAF) and Sergeant BA Reaume (RCAF) all bailed out and survived. Sergeant Reaume was taken as Prisoner of War, but Flying Officer Thompson, Flying Officer Steepe and Flying Officer Murphy all escaped as Evaders

There were three 419 Squadron Lancaster aircraft lost on this operation. Please see Watson, WC for information on Lancaster KB 718 VR-J and Gibson, WR for information on Lancaster KB 727 VR-H

Lancaster KB724, Mk.X

s/n KB724

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 724


With No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*K", named "King". Bombed Villeneuve St. Georges on 4/5 July 1944. Crashed after take-off from Middleton St. George on 28 August 1944 on an Operation Crossbow mission (bombing of V-1 launch sites). Engines cut shortly after takeoff, came down in farm field 1.5 miles east of Appleton Wiske. No fatalities.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-August-28 Accident Crash crashed on take-off Middleton St. George 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB725, Mk.X

s/n KB725

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 725


With No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "NA*L". One of 7 aircraft from this unit that the flew the RCAF mission in Canadian built Lancasters, a raid on St. Pol, France on 14/15 July 1944. Crashed on overshoot at Elton Hall, County Durham on 3 February 1945, after returning early from mission to Wiesbaden after engine failure. 2 crew killed, remainder not injured.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-February-03 Accident Crash Crashed on overshoot at Elton Hall, County Durham, after returning early from mission to Wiesbaden after engine failure. 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB726, Mk.X

s/n KB726

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 726


Issued to #419(B) Squadron on 27.5.44. Lost on a raid to Cambrai in which U/G Andrew Mynarski was lost (later awarded VC) Survivors & POW's (B)Sergeant J.W.Friday,(FE)Sergeant R.E.Vigar RAF, Evaders were(WOG)WO W.J.Kelly,(AG)Flying Officer G.P.Brophy, (P)A.DeBreyne, Brodie.

( Note: Mk X Lancaster FM213 was restored to flying condition in 1988 by the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum It is painted in the colours of KB726 and named the "Mynarski Memorial Lancaster")

General Operations Record Book (Missing after Night Bombing)

General Operations Record Book Monthly Summary

last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-June Failed to Return 419 Cambrai FR VR*A Failed to return from operation over Cambrai, shot down by night fighter. 1 killed, 2 POW, 4 evaded. 2020-02-11

Bombing Cambrai France 1944-06-12 to 1944-06-13

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) RAF Middleton St George

Lancaster BX KB726 VR-A was hit by cannon fire from a JU-88 enemy night fighter aircraft and set on fire during a operation to bomb the rail yards at Cambrai, France. The pilot De Breyne, ordered the crew to abandon the aircraft before it crashed at Gaudiempre, France

Rear gunner Brophy was trapped in his turret after the hydraulic system failed in the burning aircraft. Mid-upper gunner Mynarski attempted unsuccessfully to free Brophy before Mynarski bailed from the aircraft with his clothes and parachute in flames. Mynarski died from his burns and was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross

Brophy went down with the aircraft but was thrown clear in the crash and survived as an Evader.

Lancaster KB727, Mk.X

s/n KB727

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 727


With No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*H". Failed to return from operation over Villeneuve St. George on 5 July 1944, possibly shot down by Ju 88 from 6/NG2. 6 POW, 1 evaded.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-July-05 Failed to Return Failed to return from operation over Villeneuve St. George, shot down by Ju 88. 6 POW, 1 evaded. 2019-08-20

Bombing Villeneuve-Saint-Georges France 1944-07-05 to 1944-07-05

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

Battle of Normandy

282 Lancasters and 5 Mosquitoes of I, 6 and 8 Groups attacked railway yards at Orleans and Villeneuve. Both targets were accurately bombed. 14 Lancasters were lost, 11 from the Villeneuve raid and 3 from Orleans.

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita) RAF Middleton St George. Lancaster BX KB 727 VR-H, was intercepted during an operation to bomb the rail yards at Villeneuve St Georges, France but on approach to target the Lancaster was shot down. There are multiple claims for the loss of this aircraft and crew. Oblt Adolf Kaiser of 1/NJG2 claimed to have shot down KB 727 but there are also claims from flak units 4/lei Flak Abt 342 and 3 F F A S West 31. The actual cause of loss has not been proven beyond doubt. The Lancaster crashed near Chartainvillers, Eure-de-Loire, France with the entire crew surviving

Pilot Officer William Russell Gibson (RCAF), Flying Officer Joel Matthew "Tex" Stevenson C of G (France), MiD (RCAF)(USA), Flying Officer James Ewart Prudham (RCAF), Flying Officer James Allan Smith (RCAF), Pilot Officer Leslie Frank Head (RCAF), Pilot Officer James Thomas Pett (RCAF) and Sergeant Frederick Samuel Vinecombe (RAFVR) survived and evaded briefly, aided by the French Resistance, but were betrayed and arrested in Paris France in mid-July. Held in Fresnes Prison from 17 July - 15 August 1944 then deported and taken by train to Buchenwald Concentration Camp, part of a group of 168 Allied airmen sent there. Flying Officer Joel Matthew Stevenson escaped from the train taking the prisoners to Buchenwald and evaded further capture

The German Luftwaffe intervened on behalf of the Allied airmen held in Buchenwald Concentration Camp, some under a death sentence from the Gestapo and SS, transferring them to Luftwaffe controlled POW camps in late October 1944

There were three 419 Squadron Lancaster bombers lost on this operation. Please see aircraft serials KB 718 VR-J and KB 723 VR-U for further information on these aircraft and crews

General Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database

General 04/05 07 1944 419 (Moose) Squadron RCAF Lancaster X KB727 Fg Off Joel...

General Search for France-Crashes 39-45

General 419 Squadron RCAF 1941 to 1945 Crew of Lancaster KB727

Lancaster KB728, Mk.X

s/n KB728

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 728


With No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*V". Failed to return from operation over Sterkrade on June 17, 1944. Came down in the sea near Elden, Holland. No survivors.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-June-17 Failed to Return failed to return from operation over Sterkrade June 17, 1944 2019-08-20

Bombing Sterkrade Germany 1944-06-16 to 1944-06-17

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

Battle of Normandy

321 aircraft- 162 Halifaxes, 147 Lancasters, 12 Mosquitoes - of 1, 4, 6 and 8 Groups to attack the synthetic-oil plant despite a poor weather forecast.

The target was found to be covered by thick cloud and the Pathfinder markers quickly disappeared. The Main Force crews could do little but bomb on to the diminishing glow of the markers in the cloud. R.A.F. photographic reconnaissance and German reports agree that most of the bombing was scattered, although some bombs did fall in the plant area, but with little effect upon production. 21

Germans and 6 foreigners were killed and 18 houses in the vicinity were destroyed.

Unfortunately, the route of the bomber stream passed near a German night-fighter beacon at Bocholt, only 30 miles from Sterkrade. The German controller had chosen this beacon as the holding point for his night fighters. Approximately 21 bombers were shot down by fighters and a further Io by Flak. 22 of the lost aircraft were Halifaxes, these losses being 13 ·6 per cent of the 162 Halifaxes on the raid. 77 Squadron, from Full Sutton near York, lost 7 of its 23 Halifaxes taking part in the raid.

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita) RAF Middleton St George. Lancaster BX aircraft KB 728VR-V was shot down following an attack against the synthetic-oil plants at Sterkrade, Germany. Homeward-bound, the aircraft exploded following combat with night fighter pilot Unteroffizier Hans Schadowski of the 3/NJG 3 based at Vechta airfield in Germany, who was flying a Messerschmitt Bf 110 G-4. The Lancaster crashed at Middelweg Road near Elden, Arnhem, Gelderland, Netherlands

Pilot Officer GE Quinn (RCAF), Flying Officer D Morrison (RCAF), Flying Officer AF Hupman (RCAF), Pilot Officer CS Johnston (RCAF), Pilot Officer E Fahy (RAFVR), Pilot Officer H Fletcher (RAFVR) and Pilot Officer JP McManus (RAFVR) were all killed in action

This was the 29th operation for this crew

There were two 419 Squadron Lancaster BX aircraft lost on this operation. Please see Smith, ES for information on Lancaster KB 734 VR-F

Lancaster KB729, Mk.XPP

s/n KB729

as/n TCA 103

m/d 691

c/n 37030

Victory Aircraft

KB 729


Registered as CF-CMV and delivered to TCA during June, 1944 being assigned fin #103 and entered service June 27, 1944 for CGTAS. Captain G.B. Lothian made the fastest flight between Montreal and Prestwick in 10 hours 15 minutes on November 5/6, 1944.Sold to Flight Refueling Ltd., during September 1947. On the British register as G-AKDO, this aircraft gave excellent service during the Berlin airlift as a fuel transporter. Withdrawn August 10, 1949 after Berlin airlift ended, and withdrawn from use and Tarrant Rushton during May 1951.

Bomber Command Museum of Canada

last update: 2025-February-05

Lancaster KB730, Mk.XPP

s/n KB730

as/n TCA 104

m/d 691

c/n 37031

Victory Aircraft

KB 730


Converted to Lancaster XPP specifications as a long-range passenger and transport aircraft - registered as CF-CMW; delivered to TCA on May 9, 1944 and assigned fin #104, entering service June 27, 1944 with CGTAS.

Flown by G.B. Lothan, this aircraft made a notable flight from Prestwick - Montreal - Vancouver in an elapsed time of 28 hours 23 minutes on July 28, 1946. Used by Canadian Government Trans-Atlantic Air Service (CGTAS) for mail and VIP service between Dorval and Preswick. They carried ten passengers and crossed the Atlantic in about twelve and half-hours. They were cold and noisy but did the job.

Sold to Skyways and leased to Onzeair Ltd. of Karachi, India, as AP-ACM; crashed at Manipur airport while landing on a flight from Rawlpindi on August 1, 1948 while carrying a cargo of illegal arms.

Bomber Command Museum of Canada

last update: 2025-February-05

Lancaster KB731, Mk.X

s/n KB731

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 731


With No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*S". Failed to return from operation over Cambrai on 13 June 1944, shot down by flak. 5 crew killed, 2 evaded.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-June-13 Failed to Return Failed to return from operation over Cambrai, shot down by flak. 5 killed, 2 evaded. 2019-08-20

Bombing Cambrai France 1944-06-12 to 1944-06-13

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) RAF Middleton St George

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita) RAF Middleton St George. Lancaster X aircraft KB 731 VR-S was shot down by flak during a night attack against the marshalling yards at Cambrai, France. The Lancaster crashed near Vieux-Berquin, France

Pilot Officer GW Carruthers (RCAF), Flying Officer WM Lacey (RCAF), Flying Officer ER Lowe (RCAF), Pilot Officer DJ Applin (RCAF) and Pilot Officer M Larkin (RCAF) were all killed in action

Flying Officer RAL Forbes (RCAF) and BD Wilson-Law (RAF) bailed and survived to become Evaders

There were three 419 Squadron Lancaster aircraft and crews lost on this operation. Please see aircraft serials KB 714 and KB726 for additional information

General 419 Squadron RCAF 1941 to 1945 Crew of Lancaster KB731

General Search for France-Crashes 39-45

General Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database

Lancaster KB732, Mk.X

s/n KB732

Victory Aircraft

KB 732


Completed 83 operations with RAF, probably highest number of any RCAF Lancaster.

General Bomber Command Museum of Canada

last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-April-15 Struck off Strength 2020-09-28
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB733, Mk.X

s/n KB733

Victory Aircraft

KB 733


Had been RCAF KB733
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-July-10 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-August-29 Classified Instructional CA A 450 2020-06-11
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-May-18 Struck off Strength 2020-09-28
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 488 | 1968 584

Lancaster KB734, Mk.X

s/n KB734

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 734


With No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*F". Failed to return from operation over Sterkrade on June 17, 1944. Came down near Zeist, Holland. 5 crew killed, one PoW, and one evaded.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-June-17 Failed to Return failed to return from operation over Sterkrade 2019-08-20

Bombing Sterkrade Germany 1944-06-16 to 1944-06-17

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

Battle of Normandy

321 aircraft- 162 Halifaxes, 147 Lancasters, 12 Mosquitoes - of 1, 4, 6 and 8 Groups to attack the synthetic-oil plant despite a poor weather forecast.

The target was found to be covered by thick cloud and the Pathfinder markers quickly disappeared. The Main Force crews could do little but bomb on to the diminishing glow of the markers in the cloud. R.A.F. photographic reconnaissance and German reports agree that most of the bombing was scattered, although some bombs did fall in the plant area, but with little effect upon production. 21

Germans and 6 foreigners were killed and 18 houses in the vicinity were destroyed.

Unfortunately, the route of the bomber stream passed near a German night-fighter beacon at Bocholt, only 30 miles from Sterkrade. The German controller had chosen this beacon as the holding point for his night fighters. Approximately 21 bombers were shot down by fighters and a further Io by Flak. 22 of the lost aircraft were Halifaxes, these losses being 13 ·6 per cent of the 162 Halifaxes on the raid. 77 Squadron, from Full Sutton near York, lost 7 of its 23 Halifaxes taking part in the raid.

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita) RAF Middleton St George. Lancaster BX aircraft KB 734 VR-F missing during a night operation to bomb the synthetic oil plants at Sterkrade, Germany

The Lancaster was shot down by night fighter pilot Unteroffizier Gustav Sarzio of the 6/NJG 1, from Deelen airfield in Messerschmitt Bf 110 G-4 G9+JP. The bomber crashed at Utrechtseweg 48, Zeist (Utrecht), Netherlands

Flight Lieutenant ES Smith KC (RCAF), Pilot Officer M Baran (RCAF), Pilot Officer GW Taylor (RCAF), Pilot Officer WH Gardiner (RCAF), and Pilot Officer SA Wilson (RCAF)(attached from 434 Sqn) were all killed in action

Sergeant RE Porter (RCAF) survived and evaded capture until January 1945, when he was taken Prisoner of War

Sergeant JWA Trussler (RAF) survived and was taken Prisoner of War

There were two 419 Squadron Lancaster BX aircraft lost on this operation. Please see Quinn, GE for information on Lancaster KB 728 VR-V

Lancaster KB735, Mk.X

s/n KB735

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 735


With No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*O". Crashed on overshoot at East Moor on 18 September 1944, after day time operation to Walchern Island, Holland. No injuries.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-September-18 Accident Crash crashed on overshoot at East Moor 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB736, Mk.X

s/n KB736

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 736


With No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*A", and "VR*M". Later with No. 1660 Heavy Conversion Unit, RAF. Scrapped in UK after the war.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1947-May-07 Scrapped Scrapped (in UK?) 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB737, Mk.X

s/n KB737

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 737


With No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "NA*R" (when lost) and "NA*W". Was coded "NA*R" on 14/15 July 1944, when it was one of 7 aircraft from this unit that the flew the first RCAF mission in Canadian built Lancasters, a raid on St. Pol, France. Failed to return from operation against Krupp Works at Essen on 25 October 1944. Crashed near Bucketz, Germany.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-October-25 Failed to Return failed to return from operation over Essen 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB738, Mk.X

s/n KB738

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 738


With No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*D". Named Dorothy, 68 operations flown. Failed to return from operation to Opladen on 27/28 December 1944. Crashed on the IG Farben factory at Leverkusen-Wiesdorf. No survivors.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-December-28 Failed to Return failed to return from operation over Opladen 2019-08-20

Bombing Opladen Germany 1944-12-28 to 1944-12-28

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

328 aircraft - 227 Halifaxes, 66 Lancasters, 35 Mosquitoes. 2 Lancasters lost. 9 0f tho Mosquitoes bombed Jr hours before the main raid. The aiming point for the attack was the marshalling yards but results are not known.

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Lancaster aircraft KB 738 Hit by Flak of 7 Flak Division, during a daylight attack against Opladen, Germany. Crashed onto IG-Farben factory at Levenkusen-Wiesdorf approximately at 06:40. (Nachtjagd Combat Archive 1944 Part 5 - Theo Boiten)The crew were initially buried in Levenkusen-Manfort Cemetery. Reinterred 18 April 1947. (CWGC), F/Os F.W. How, R.K. Nickle, P/Os J.A. MacGregor, C.D. Hubley, C.R. Tait, N,R Springstein and one RAF member of the crew were killed. This was the 18th trip for this crew.source: John Jones

Lancaster KB739, Mk.X

s/n KB739

Victory Aircraft

KB 739


Used for cold weather trials by Test & Development Establishment, RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario. Scrapped at edmonton, still in wartime markings.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-16 Taken on Strength 2020-09-28
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-March-12 Struck off Strength 2020-09-28
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB740, Mk.X

s/n KB740

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 740


With No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "NA*V". Crash landed at Woodbridge after collision over France during raid on Stuttgart on 25 July 1944.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-July-25 Accident Crash Crash landed at Woodbridge after collision over France during raid on Stuttgart. 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB741, Mk.X

s/n KB741

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 741


Briefly with No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF after arriving in the UK. Used by No. 431 Squadron, RCAF, coded "SE*Y" from November 1944. Also with No. 434 Squadron, RCAF, coded "WL*C2", serving with this unit when lost. Failed to return from operation over Chemnitz on 15 February 1945, part of Operation Thunderclap. 6 crew missing presumed dead, one PoW.
last update: 2025-February-05

Bombing Chemnitz Germany 1945-02-14 to 1945-02-14

434 (B) Sqn (RCAF) RAF Croft


434 Bluenose Squadron (In Excelsis Vincimus) RAF Croft. Lancaster BX aircraft KB 741 SE-C missing from a night trip to Chemnitz, Germany, shot down by a night fighter

The Lancaster crashed at Tannenberg, 26 km South of Chemnitz

Flying Officer DA Magrath (RCAF), Flying Officer JJ McElhone (RCAF), Flying Officer L Medynski (RCAF), Flying Officer GMB Barlow (RCAF), Pilot Officer GE Robertson (RCAF) and Pilot Officer B Granka (RCAF) were all killed in action.

Rear Air Gunner Sergeant GA McLarty (RCAF) was the sole survivor from his crew and was taken as Prisoner of War

Lancaster KB 741 was on loan from 431 Iroquois Squadron at the time of its loss

General [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...

General Hptmn Ernst Drunkler 13/NJG 5 [Archive] - Luftwaffe and Allied AIR...

   1945-February-15 Failed to Return failed to return from operation over Chemnitz 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB742, Mk.X

s/n KB742

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 742


With No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "NA*M". One of 7 aircraft from this unit that the flew the RCAF mission in Canadian built Lancasters, a raid on St. Pol, France on 14/15 July 1944. Crashed on overshoot at Middleton St. George on 4 November 1944, after mission to Bochum. Not repaired
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-November-04 Accident Crash Crashed on overshoot at Middleton St. George, after mission to Borchum. Not repaired 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB743, Mk.X

s/n KB743

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 743


With No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "NA*I". Failed to return from operation over Bremen on 19 August 1944. Collided with another aircraft over France, one crew killed, 6 PoW.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-August-19 Failed to Return Failed to return from operation over Bremen 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB744, Mk.X

s/n KB744

Victory Aircraft

KB 744


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947 Scrapped Scrapped at Lethbridge, Alberta 2019-08-20
   1947-May-13 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB745, Mk.X

s/n KB745

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 745


With No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*V" from May 1944. Bombed oil depot at La Pallice on 10/11 August 1944. Crashed at Hope, Northumberland after a raid on Bergen, on 4 October 1944. Struck a hill at 04:10 local time, no survivors. Only aircraft lost on this raid.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-October-04 Accident Crash Crashed at Hope, Northumberland after a raid on Bergen 2019-08-20

Bombing Bergen Norway 1944-10-04 to 1944-10-04

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St.George

German U-Boats had been forced out of the Biscay ports following the Allied liberation of France and Bergen was one of several Norwegian ports now being used as thu forward operating bases for the U-boats. The pens at Bergen were being enlarged, with an influx of German technicians and a large labour force. 93 Halifaxes and 47 Lancasters of 6 and 8 Groups were dispatched to attack Bergen, most of the aircraft being allocated to the pens but 14 Halifaxes and 6 Lancasters were ordered to bomb individual U-boats known to be moored in the harbour. 12 Mosquitoes of too Group acted as a long-range fighter escort.

The raid appeared to be successful and only 1 Lancaster was lost. A detailed report from the city of Bergen supplies the actual results. 7 bombs hit the U-boat pens, causing little structural damage because of the thickness of the concrete roof; but the electrical-wiring system in the pens was completely put out of action. Nearby ship-repair yards were seriously damaged. 3 U-boats were damaged by the bombing but they did not sink. 3 other small ships were hit; two of them sank and the third, the German auxiliary Schwabenland, had to be put in dry dock for repair.

But, as so often in raids on targets in the Occupied Countries, the bombing spread to civilian areas. The local report continues: 'As regards civilian casualties and damage, the raid is still remembered with horror. Bergen suffered little damage in comparison with other occupied towns and cities in Europe but the raid of 4th October was the worst of the war for us.' 60 houses were destroyed or so badly damaged that they had to be demolished; 600 people lost their homes. Civilian casualties are recorded at only 2 places but they were tragic. A school, opened only that day after a break, received a direct hit in the basement where 2 classes were sheltering; 60 children, 2 teachers and 17 air-raid workers in the same shelter were killed. Another shelter, at a nearby factory, was also hit and a further 34 people were killed and about I00 were injured there. 7 of the dead Norwegians were members of the local Resistance Movement. The Germans admitted the deaths of 12 of their.own men.

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

Lancaster KB746, Mk.X

s/n KB746

Victory Aircraft

KB 746


Completed 68 operations while with RAF.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947 Scrapped scrapped at Pearce, Alberta 2019-08-20
   1947-January-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB747, Mk.X

s/n KB747

Victory Aircraft

KB 747


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948 Scrapped scrapped 2019-08-20
   1948-January-19 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB748, Mk.X

s/n KB748

Victory Aircraft

KB 748


Had been RCAF KB748
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-August-29 Classified Instructional CA A 449 2020-06-11
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-May-18 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 488 | 1968 584

Lancaster KB749, Mk.X

s/n KB749

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 749


Served with No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "NA*B", and "NA*A" when lost. Bombed Kiel on 23/24 July 1944. Failed to return from operation over Soesterberg on 15 August 1944, exploded over target. 5 crew killed, 2 PoW.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-August-15 Failed to Return Failed to return from operation over Soesterberg, exploded over target. 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB750, Mk.X

s/n KB750

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 750


Served with No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*N". Bombed Villeneuve St. Georges on 4/5 July 1944. Bombed Hamburg 28/29 July 1944, claimed one enemy fighter on this raid. Failed to return from operation over Wiesbaden on 3 February 1945, hit by flak and crashed in France. 6 crew killed, one PoW.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-February-03 Failed to Return failed to return from operation over Wiesbaden 2019-08-20

Bombing Wiesbaden Germany 1945-02-02 to 1945-02-03

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

495 Lancasters and 12 Mosquitoes of 1, 3, 6 and 8 Groups. 3 Lancasters crashed ln France.

This was Bomber Command's one and only large raid on Wiesbaden. There was complete cloud cover but most of the bombing hit the town. A brief local report states that 520 houses and about 30 other buildings were destroyed, and 400 houses and 50 other buildings were seriously damaged. 5 important war industries along the banks of the Rhine were untouched but the railway station was damaged. Casualties were recorded as 'approximately 1,000 killed and 350 injured'.

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Target - Wiesbaden, Germany. The crew of Lancaster aircraft KB 750 had completed their night bombing run and were homeward bound when their aircraft was hit by flak. The Lancaster went down near Wolf, Germany. F/Os R.W.Hodgson, B.W. Martin, J.A. McDonald, P/Os P.F. English, R.A. Nisbet, and Sergeant J. McAfee (RAF) were killed. The rear gunner, FS McTaggart, was the only member of the crew to get out of the stricken aircraft and he was taken Prisoner of War as soon as he landed. For all the members of this crew this was their 16th operation.

Lancaster KB751, Mk.X

s/n KB751

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 751


Served with No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "NA*Q". Attacked by Me 110 over Caen on 7/8 August 1944, slight damage to transparencies. Failed to return from operation over Stettin on 17 August 1944. Shot down by Ju88, crashed into Baltic Sea 2 nautical miles south west of the Island of Sejero, Denmark. Six crewman killed, buried in Denmark. Flight Sergeant Robert E. Toomey, the flight engineer, survived and taken prisoner the following day on Sejero.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-August-17 Failed to Return failed to return from operation over Stettin, crashed into Baltic Sea. 2019-08-20

Bombing Stettin Germany 1944-08-16 to 1944-08-17

428 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

461 Lancastcrs to attack the port and industrial areas. 5 Lancasters lost.* Bomber Command claimed an accurate attack, with much damage in the port und factory area. A German report states that 1,508 houses and 29 industrial premises wore destroyed and 1,000 houses and 26 industrial premises badly damaged. 5 ships in the harbour (totalling 5,000 tons) were sunk and 8 ships (15,000 tons) were seriously damaged. 1,150 people were killed and 1,654 were injured; 33 of the dead and 72 of the injured were German soldiers.

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

428 Ghost Squadron (Usque Ad Finem) RAF Middleton St George. Lancaster BX aircraft KB 751NA-Q was shot down by a night fighter (claimed by Feldwebel Klaus Möller (12/NJG 3) and crashed in the Kattegat Sea near Sejero Island, Denmark during an operation to bomb the port, shipbuilding and rail facilities at Stettin, Germany

Flying Officer H Slater (RCAF), Flying Officer JRG Srigley (RCAF), Flying Officer WC Fairgrieve (RCAF) were all killed in action

Flying Officer LG Brown (RCAF), Pilot Officer WA Lamb (RCAF) and Pilot Officer RR Boyce (RCAF) were all missing, presumed killed in action

Sergeant RE Toomey (RCAF) baled out and survived. Sergeant Toomey swam to shore and was taken Prisoner of War the following day on Sejero Island

Flying Officer Slater's body drifted more than 90 miles to the Swedish coast, washing ashore 1944-09-02 near Varberg, where he was buried

Flying Officer Srigley's body washed ashore on the Danish island of Sjaelland 1944-08-30 and was buried there

Pilot Officer Lamb's body was located a couple of months after the crash by a Danish fisherman, whose nets got tangled in the wreckage of the bomber. His wallet and handkerchief were retrieved and identified his remains but his body could not be recovered from the tangle of wreckage

General Wartime Diary of Robert E. Toomey-The Crew of Lancaster KB751

General 16/18.08.1944 428 (Ghost) Squadron, RCAF Lancaster X KB751 Fg Off. ...

Lancaster KB752, Mk.X

s/n KB752

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 752


Served with No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*S" and "VR*V". Flew 51 operations. Crashed into the North Sea on 8 April 1945 after raid on Hamburg. Crew bailed out over North Sea on return trip after two engines failed. All survived.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-April-08 Accident Crash crashed into the North Sea after raid on Hamburg 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB753, Mk.X

s/n KB753

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 753


Served with No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*L". Was coded "VR*B" on 4/5 July 1944, when it bombed rail yards at Villeneuve St. Georges. Attacked by an Me 410, minor damage. Failed to return from operation over Buer on 30 December 1944. Also reported as lost on 24/25 July 1944, over Stuttgart?
last update: 2025-February-05

Bombing Scholven Germany 1944-12-29 to 1944-12-29

419 (B) Sqn (RAF) Middleton St. George

324 Lancasters and 22 Mosquitoes of 1, 6 and 8 Groups. 4 Lancasters lost.

The raid took place in difficult conditions. There was thick cloud over the tnrgol but Oboe sky-markers were accurately placed and the oil refinery was badly hit. Tho local report says that 300 high-explosive bombs fell within the oil-plant area. Thero were two large and IO small fires and much damage to piping and storage tanks. Tho local report records a further 3,198 bombs falling in other parts of Scholvcn nnd Buer, causing much property and some industrial damage; the surface buildings of the Hugo I and Hugo II coal mines were severely damaged. 93 people were killed, or whom 24 were prisoners of war; 41 people were injured and 1,368 people had to leave their homes, 1,178 through bomb damage and 190 because of unexploded bombs.

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

19 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Target - Scholven/Buer, Germany. The crew of Lancaster aircraft KB 753 had just begun their bomb run when the aircraft was hit by flak. The Lancaster blew up and then crashed near Essen, at Gelsenkirchen/Buer, Germany. P/Os H.C.Tarzwell, R.F. Adam, L.P. Wakely, F.S. Dennis, J.C. Rhind, and Sergeant J. Atkinson (RAF) were killed. The rear gunner,Warrant Officer R.G. Rogers was blown out of the aircraft, descended by parachute and was taken Prisoner of War.

   1944-December-30 Failed to Return failed to return from operation over Buer 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB754, Mk.X

s/n KB754

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 754


Served with No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*C". Failed to return from day time operation over Bochum on 10 October 1944. Reported exploded in flight, may have been attacked by Ju88. 6 crew killed, one PoW.
last update: 2025-February-05

Bombing Bochum Germany 1944-10-09 to 1944-10-09

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

435 aircraft- 375 Halifaxes, 40 Lancasters, 20 Mosquitoes - of I, 4, 6 and 8 Groups, 4 Halifaxes and I Lancaster lost.

This raid was not successful. The target area was covered by cloud and the bombing was scattered. The local report says that there was some damage in the southern districts of Bochum, with 140 houses destroyed or seriously damaged and approximately 150 people killed.

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Lancaster aircraft KB 754 was shot down by a German JU-88 aircraft during a raid against Bochum, Germany. This was the thirteenth operation for this crew, P/Os A.I. Cohen, J.H. Goldfinch, R.F. Emerson, R.A. Campbell, and Flying Officer G.W. Murphy were also killed.Warrant Officer J.E. McQueen was blown out of the rear turret, parachuted down and was taken Prisoner of War.

   1944-October-10 Failed to Return failed to return from operation over Bochum 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB755, Mk.X

s/n KB755

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 755


Served with No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*F". On 4/5 July 1944 bombed rail yards at Villeneuve St. Georges. Failed to return from operation over Caen on 7/8 August 1944, shot down by fighters near Le Havre. Crash location also reported as near Mare de Magne, France. No survivors. All crew buried in churchyard in town of Auberville-la-Renault, memorial wreath laid at grave site by relative of one crew member in September 2009.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-August-08 Failed to Return Failed to return from operation over Caen. No survivors. 2019-08-20

Bombing Caen France 1944-08-07 to 1944-08-08

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

Battle of Normandy


1,019) aircraft- 614 Lancasters, 392 Halifaxes, 13 Mosquitoes- attacked five aiming polnts in front of Allied ground troops. The attacks were carefully controlled - only 660 aircraft bombed - and German strong points and the roads around them were well cratered. 10 aircraft - all Lancasters - were lost, 7 to German fighters, 2 to Flak 1111d r to an unknown cause.

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita) RAF Middleton St George. Lancaster BX aircraft KB 755 VR-F was shot down near Auberville, France during a night attack against a target seven miles south of Caen, France

Flying Officer BD Walker AFM (RCAF), Flight Lieutenant MG Wilson (RCAF), Pilot Officer JC Durrant (RCAF), Flying Officer PW Merrick (RCAF), Warrant Officer Class 1 JA Schryer (RCAF), Sergeant B Jones (RAFVR), and FS W Longmore (RAFVR) were all killed in action

Brother of Flight Sergeant William Archibald Walker, Royal Canadian Air Force, killed in action 17 March 1942

Lancaster KB756, Mk.X

s/n KB756

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 756


Served with No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "NA*Q" in June 1944, first Canadian built Lancaster with this Squadron. Failed to return from operation against V-1 sites near Villeneuve St. George on 4/5 July 1944. Crashed near Mailleraye-sur-Seine. 2 crew killed, 4 POW, 1 evaded.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-July-05 Failed to Return Failed to return from operation over Villeneuve St. George. Crashed near Mailleraye-sur-Seine. 2 crew killed, 4 POW, 1 evaded. 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB757, Mk.X

s/n KB757

Victory Aircraft

KB 757


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB758, Mk.X

s/n KB758

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 758


Served with No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "NA*Z". One of 7 aircraft from this unit that the flew the RCAF mission in Canadian built Lancasters, a raid on St. Pol, France on 14/15 July 1944. Bombed German positions around Caen 7/8 August, 1944 attacked by an Bf-109 and an Me110, slight damage. Failed to return from operation over Brunswick on 13 August 1944, shot down by night fighter. Crashed near Winsen. 5 crew killed, 2 POW.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-August-13 Failed to Return Failed to return from operation over Brunswick, shot down by night fighter. Crashed near Winsen. 5 crew killed, 2 POW. 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB759, Mk.X

s/n KB759

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 759


Lancaster KB760, Mk.X

s/n KB760

Victory Aircraft

KB 760


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-19 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
1945-September-24 Accident: 1 REMU Loc: Pearce Alberta Names: Estabrook | Vuden
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB761, Mk.X

s/n KB761

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 761


Served with No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*H". Bombed Duisburg on 21/22 February 1945. Failed to return from day time operation over Hamburg on 31 March 1945. May have been shot down by Me262. No survivors.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-March-31 Failed to Return failed to return from operation over Hamburg 2019-08-20

Bombing Hamburg Germany 1945-03-31 to 1945-03-31

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

469 aircraft - 361 Lancasters, 100 Halifaxes, 8 Mosquitoes - of I, 6 and 8 Groups attempted to attack the Blohm & Voss shipyards, where the new types of U-boats were being assembled, but the target area was completely cloud-covered. The local report describes 'considerable damage' to houses, factories, energy supplies and com¬munications over a wide area of southern Hamburg and Harburg. 75 people were killed.

8 Lancasters and 3 Halifaxes were lost, a number being victims of an unexpected intervention by the Luftwaffe day-fighter force. This was Bomber Command's last double-figure aircraft loss of the war from a raid on one city.

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

419 Moose Squadron (Moose Aswayita). Pilot Officer Sommerville was engaged in his 16th operation and was killed when his Lancaster aircraft KB 761 was shot down by a German ME-262 jet fighter aircraft during a daylight operation against Hamburg, Germany. Flight Lieutenant H.A. Metivier, F/Os J. Todd, R.O. Johnson, P/Os W.M Sommerville, G. Matuszewski, H.S. Tulk, and E.E. Morphy were killed.

Lancaster KB762, Mk.X

s/n KB762

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 762


Served with No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*J". Named "J for Jiggs". Completed 72 operations. Also reported as "VR*X" when it bombed Bergen harbour on 4 October 1944. Bombed Duisburg on 21/22 February 1945. Undercarriage collapsed on 18 May 1945 at Middleton St. George. Struck off without being repaired. Had completed 51 operations.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-April-23 Struck off Strength Struck off, after undercarriage collapsed on 18 May 1945 at Middelton St. George. 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB763, Mk.X

s/n KB763

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 763


Served with No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "NA*S". Named "SS Nan". Claimed an Me163 shot down over Bochum on 4/5 November 1944. Crashed near Elton Hall, Durham, 28 January 1945, while on training flight. No survivors.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-January-28 Accident Crash Crashed near Elton Hall, Durham, on training flight. 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB764, Mk.X

s/n KB764

Victory Aircraft

KB 764


last update: 2025-March-10
1945-June-04 Accident: 45 GROUP Loc: Lagens Azores Names: Acreek
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1946-January-09 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1946-February-01 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB765, Mk.X

s/n KB765

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 765


Served with No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*M" and "VR*Q". Failed to return from operation over Buer on December 30, 1944. 6 crew killed, one PoW.
last update: 2025-February-05

Bombing Scholven Germany 1944-12-29 to 1944-12-29

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

324 Lancasters and 22 Mosquitoes of 1, 6 and 8 Groups. 4 Lancasters lost.

The raid took place in difficult conditions. There was thick cloud over the tnrgol but Oboe sky-markers were accurately placed and the oil refinery was badly hit. Tho local report says that 300 high-explosive bombs fell within the oil-plant area. Thero were two large and IO small fires and much damage to piping and storage tanks. Tho local report records a further 3,198 bombs falling in other parts of Scholvcn nnd Buer, causing much property and some industrial damage; the surface buildings of the Hugo I and Hugo II coal mines were severely damaged. 93 people were killed, or whom 24 were prisoners of war; 41 people were injured and 1,368 people had to leave their homes, 1,178 through bomb damage and 190 because of unexploded bombs.

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Lancaster aircraft KB 765 was hit by flak, blew up and crashed twelve miles north-east of Essen, Germany, at Gelsenkirchen/Buer, Germany during an evening attack against Scholven/Buer, Germany. F/Os V.A.Sorrenti, R.A. McVicar, FS W.G. Morgan, P/Os T.J. Maloney, R.C. Conley, Sergeant J. Feldman, and Sergeant R.E. Eratt (RAF) were killed. FS McLeod was blown clear, parachuted down and was taken Prisoner of War.

   1944-December-30 Failed to Return failed to return from operation over Buer December 30, 1944 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB766, Mk.X

s/n KB766

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 766


With No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "NA*D" and "NA*O" when lost. Iced up in clouds, crashed on overshoot at Beauvais-Tille on 2 December 1944. Was on mission to Hagen. 2 crew killed, 6 survived.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-December-02 Accident Crash Iced up in clouds, crashed on overshoot Beauvais-Tille. Was on mission to Hagen. 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB767, Mk.X

s/n KB767

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 767


With No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*U". Crash landed at Manston on 2 November 1944 after raid on Hamburg. Damaged by fighter and flak near Oberhausen, set on fire. Returned to UK on 3 engines. All crew survived, awarded 3 DFC and one DFM for extinguishing fire and bringing aircraft back. Not repaired. Had 224:00 logged time when struck off.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-November-02 Accident Crash crash landed at Manston after raid on Oberhausen 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB768, Mk.X

s/n KB768

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 768


With No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "NA*E". Bombed Hamburg on 28/29 July 1944. Collided with Halifax LW200 of No. 426 Squadron over Yelvertoft, Northamptonshire on night of 5/6 December 1944. All 14 aircrew killed, wreckage came down 1 mile east of Yelvertoft and nearby Winwick. Both aircraft were outbound to Soest. No survivors in both aircraft.

Museum Sywell Aviation Museum

last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-December-06 Accident Crash Collided with Halifax LF200 and crashed near Yelvertoft, Northants. Was returning from raid on Soest. 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB769, Mk.X

s/n KB769

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 769


With No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*I". Failed to return from operation over Merseburg on 14/15 January 1945. Had been struck by flak and night fighter. 6 crew killed, one PoW.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-January-15 Failed to Return failed to return from operation over Merseburg 2019-08-20

Bombing Merseburg Germany 1945-01-15 to 1945-01-15

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George
p419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Target - Merseburg, Germany. The crew of Lancaster aircraft KB 799 had completed the bomb run, were heading home and were near Schweinfurt, Germany when they were attacked from below by a German night fighter aircraft. The Lancaster burst into flames and the crew was ordered to bail out, only Flying Officer J.Q. Eddy managed to get out and he was taken Prisoner of War. Flight Lieutenant G.O. Tedford, P/Os G.D.M. Spenser, C.S. Thomson, H.M. Rumball, A.G. McKay, and Sergeant R.J. Williams (RAF) were killed. This was the 15th trip for this crew and there were two 419 Sqdn. aircraft lost this night.

Lancaster KB770, Mk.X

s/n KB770

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 770


With No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "NA*D". Failed to return from operation over Stuttgart on 28/29 January 1945. Shot down by night fighter, one of 6 aircraft lost by 6 Group on this raid. 5 crew killed, 2 PoW.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-January-29 Failed to Return failed to return from operation over Stuttgart 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB771, Mk.X

s/n KB771

Victory Aircraft

KB 771


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-May-13 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB772, Mk.X

s/n KB772

Victory Aircraft

KB 772


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-13 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-May-13 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB773, Mk.X

s/n KB773

Victory Aircraft

KB 773


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-March-08 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB774, Mk.X

s/n KB774

Victory Aircraft

KB 774


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB775, Mk.X

s/n KB775

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 775


First flight on 9 January 1944. With No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*Y". Failed to return from mission to Russelsheim on 26 August 1944. Collided with another aircraft over target. 6 crew killed, one PoW.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-August-26 Failed to Return Failed to return from mission to Russelsheim. 2019-08-20

Bombing Russelsheim Germany 1944-08-25 to 1944-08-26

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

4 I 2 Lancasters of I, 3, 6 and 8 Groups attacked the Opel motor factory. 15 Lancasters were lost, 3.6 per cent of the force.

The Pathfinder marking was accurate and the raid was successfully completed in IO minutes. An official German report* says that the forge and the gearbox assembly departments were put out of action for several weeks, but 90 per cent of the machine tools in other departments escaped damage. The assembly line and part of the pressworks were able to recommence work 2 days later and lorry assembly was unaffected because of considerable stocks of ready-made parts. 179 people were killed in the raid but their nationalities were not recorded.

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Target - Russelheim, Germany. Lancaster aircraft KB 775 Took off 19:58 1944 -08-25 from Middleton St. George., was in a mid-air collision with another Lancaster just as the pilot was about to begin his bombing run. KB 775 went out of control and the order was given to bail out. Flying Officer A.W. Larsen, P/Os V. Stear, D.R. Barnard, A.R. Jackson, H.L. McKay, and Sergeant R.J. Boorman (RAF) were killed. The Canadian pilot, Flying Officer H. Witwer was thrown clear, descended by parachute and was taken Prisoner of War.

Lancaster KB776, Mk.X

s/n KB776

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 776


With no. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*F". Failed to return from raid on Essen on 24 October 1944. No survivors.
last update: 2025-February-05

Bombing Essen Germany 1944-10-23 to 1944-10-23

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

1,055 aircraft- 561 Lancasters, 463 Halifaxes, 31 Mosquitoes. This was the heaviest raid on Essen so far in the war and the number-of aircraft dispatched was also the greatest number to any target so far; these new records were achieved without the Lancasters of 5 Group being included. 5 Lancasters and 3 Halifaxes were lost.

4,538 tons of bombs were dropped. More than 90 per cent of this tonnage was high explosive (and included 509 4,000-pounders) because it was now considered that most of the burnable buildings in Essen had been destroyed in earlier raids. The greater proportion of high explosive, against all the trends in earlier area-bombing raids, was now quite common in attacks on targets which had suffered major fire damage in 1943. A report from Essen states that 607 buildings were destroyed and 812 were seriously damaged; 662 people were killed, a figure which included 124 foreign workers, and 569 people were injured. Other details from Essen and Bomber Command's own claims for bombing results are given in the report for a on 25 October

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita) RAF Middleton St George. Lancaster BX aircraft KB 776 WR-F missing during a night operation against targets in Essen, Germany. The Lancaster was shot down by 1 & 6/schwere Flak-Abteilung 233 (o) and the 2 & 3/ schwere Flak-Abteilung 134, crashing into the Bocholder Strasse, Essen-Borbeck, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany with the loss of the entire crew

Squadron Leader WC McGuffin (RCAF), Pilot Officer RC Schlievert (RCAF), Pilot Officer RT Neville (RCAF), Pilot Officer E Neufeld (RCAF), Flying Officer R Molloy (RCAF), Flying Officer J Futoranski (RCAF) and Sergeant J Mallabone (RAFVR),Sgt. J. Mallabone (RAF) were all killed in action

General 419 Squadron RCAF 1941 to 1945 Crew of Lancaster KB776

General Aviation Safety Network

   1944-October-24 Failed to Return Failed to return from raid on Essen. 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB777, Mk.X

s/n KB777

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 777


With No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF from August 1944, coded "NA*V". Bombed oil depot at La Pallice on 10/11 August 1944. Bombed Duisburg on 14 October 1944 (daylight raid); Essen on 23/24 October 1944; Essen on 25 October 1944 (daylight raid); and Nuremburg on 2/3 January 1945. Failed to return from day time raid on Hildesheim on 22 March 1945, shot down by Ju 88. Crew baled out at low altitude with port inner engine on fire. 3 killed, remainder POW.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-March-22 Failed to Return Failed to return from raid on Hildesheim, shot down by Ju 88. 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB778, Mk.X

s/n KB778

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 778


With No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "NA*Y". Failed to return from raid on Chemnitz, on 5/6 March 1945. Crashed after bombing target, in Ardennes Wood near Baraque de Fraiture in Luxembourg, due to icing. 5 crew killed, rest evaded.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-March-05 Failed to Return Failed to return from raid on Chemnitz, crashed in Ardennes Wood, near Baraque de Fraiture, due to icing. 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB779, Mk.X

s/n KB779

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 779


With No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF. Claimed an Fw190 shot down on 7 August 1944. Failed to return from mission to Osnabruck on 6/7 December 1944. Crashed due to icing over target, no survivors.
last update: 2025-February-05

Bombing Osnabruck Germany 1944-12-06 to 1944-12-06

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

453 aircraft- 363 Halifaxes, 72 Lancasters, 18 Mosquitoes - of 1, 4, 6 and 8 Groups, 7 Halifaxes and I Lancaster lost.

This was the first major raid on Osnabriick since August 1942. The raid was only a partial success. The railway yards were only slightly damaged but 4 factories were hit, including the Teuto-Metallwerke munitions factory, and 203 houses wen, destroyed. 39 people were killed.

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Lancaster aircraft KB 779 missing after it encountered severe icing conditions during a night attack against Osnabruk, Germany. F/Os B.D. Hyndman, G.R. Cheesman, P/Os L.T. Graham, E.M. Hansen, D.L. Marcellus, G.E.Smith and one RAF member of the crew were killed.

   1944-December-07 Failed to Return Failed to return from mission to Osnabruck 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB780, Mk.X

s/n KB780

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 780


With No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "NA*T". Bombed German positions around Caen 7/8 August, 1944. Failed to return from mission to Duisburg on 14 October 1944. This was Ramrod 1332, part of Operation Hurricane (a 24 hour coordinated RAF and US bomber offensive). Came down near Obermeiderid, Germany. No survivors.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-October-14 Failed to Return Failed to return from mission to Duisburg 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB781, Mk.X

s/n KB781

Victory Aircraft

KB 781


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1956-January-13 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB782, Mk.X

Lancaster KB783, Mk.X

s/n KB783

Victory Aircraft

KB 783


Had been RCAF KB783
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-November-07 Classified Instructional CA A 451 2020-06-11
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-November-26 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 488 | 1968 584

Lancaster KB784, Mk.X

s/n KB784

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 784


With No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "NA*K". Struck by friendly bomb on 29/30 August 1944, returned to base on 3 engines. Failed to return from raid on Kiel on 13/14 April 1945. Struck by flak before and after target, ditched in North Sea 20 miles off Heligoland on return, after last engine failed. 1 crew killed, 6 survivors drifted in raft for 12 days before washing ashore and becoming PoW. Navigator Flying Officer G.C. Riley received MBE for actions in the raft.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-April-14 Failed to Return Failed to return from raid on Kiel. Struk by flak, ditched in North Sea on return. 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB785, Mk.X

s/n KB785

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 785


last update: 2025-March-10
   1944-November-24 Accident Crash Crashed near Durham after mid air over the UK. 2019-08-20

Operational 1944-11-24 to 1944-11-24

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). At 18:12 KB785 was returning from an assigned cross country detail, they "came up" on R/T. Where instructions from Officer in charge of Night Flying told the crew to proceed on a Bombing Detail. These instruction were acknowledged at 1814 hours.At 18:25 Bradbury Bombing Range called their base saying they had seen a great flash in the air, after which the sound of an approaching aircraft's motors were no longer heard.

An investigation lead by two Engineers and headed by an Investigating Officer, gave conflicting evidence on the cause of the events surrounding the aircraft's loss. It then fell on to Air Commodore R. E. McBurney to consider the evidence of the 16 witnesses to the accident, which he proceed to do. In his opinion the witnesses provided greater help in solving what had happened. And he therefore accepted or put forth the cause of the fire being due to the fuel jettison system which was inadvertently selected instead of cold air. And the Air Commodore advised that all Groups to render the fuel jettison system inoperative until modified or a satisfactory system replaces it.

KB785 came down 250 yards South East of Sedgefield Railway Station, killing all crew members. The crew's loss was felt deeply by the whole squadron as it was nearing the completion of the crews tour. (419 Squadron Website)

Flying Officer A.C. Hirst, Flying Officer R.G. Mansfield, Pilot Officer G.H. Warren-Darley, Flight Sergeant(s) L.W. Toth, D.A. Gunn, J.J. Murphy, and Pilot Officer D.G. Newland (RAF) were all killed

On 19 June 1994 a special plaque was dedicated and a maple tree was planted as a memorial to the crew of KB 785 The plaque was sited on the church wall adjoining the village memorial. This took place in the village of Sedgefield and the service was conducted at the St Edmund's Parish Church. The Roll of Honour on the plaque reads: On 24th November 1944, the crew of a Lancaster Bomber of number 419 Moose Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force, Middleton St George, paid the SUPREME SACRIFICE. This plaque is dedicated to those who lost their lives Pilot Officer Richard Mansfield DFC Ottawa, Canada; Flight Sergeant Douglas Ginn Toronto, Canada; Flight Sergeant George Warren-Dailey Toronto, Canada; Flying Officer Allan Hirst Vancouver, Canada; Flight Sergeant John Murphy Detroit, USA; Flight Sergeant Leslie Toth Kipling, Canada; Sergeant Derrick Newland London, England. LEST WE FORGET. Detail provided by David E. Thompson, Middlesborough, England.

Lancaster KB786, Mk.X

s/n KB786

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 786


Serving with No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, at time of crash, coded "VR*P". Bombed Bottrop on 27 September 1944. Heavily damaged on first pass over target, circled back to complete bombing run. Pilot Flying Officer J.A. Anderson received DSO for completing mission and bring aircraft back. Crashed after raid on Hemmingstedt, on 21 March 1945, believed to have come down at sea. Reported shot down by night fighter. 6 crew killed, one PoW.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-March-21 Accident Crash crashed after raid on Hemmingstedt. 2019-08-20

Bombing Hemmingstedt Germany 1945-03-21 to 1945-03-21

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Target - the Heide refinery, Hemmingstedt, Germany. Lancaster aircraft KB 786 blew up in the air and crashed west of the Kiel canal, near Odderace, Germany. Flight Lieutenant H.B.rubin, F/Os R.W. Millar, A.J. Palanek, L.C. Croucher, Pilot Officer C.A. Elliott, and one RAF airman were killed. One Canadian, FS G.E. Aitken was taken Prisoner of War.

Lancaster KB787, Mk.X

s/n KB787

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 787


Served with No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*M". Crashed after mid air with another Lancaster (possibly PA219 of 433 Squadron) over the Ardennes, during mission to Bonn on 4/5 February 1945. Crashed near Vielsolm, Luxemburg. Only one survivor from both aircraft.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-February-04 Accident Crash Crashed after mid air with another Lancaster over the Ardennes, en route to Bonn. 2019-08-20

Bombing Bonn Germany 1945-02-04 to 1945-02-05

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

238 aircraft- 202 Halifaxes, 20 Lancasters, 16 Mosquitoes - of 4, 6 and 8 Groups. 3 Lancasters lost. This was a poor attack, with most of the bombing falling to the south of the target or over the Rhine in the Beuel area. 19 people were killed.

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Target - Bonn, Germany. Lancaster KB 787 aircraft was enroute to the target and was flying in cloud when it collided in mid-air with a 433 Squadron Lancaster aircraft five miles south of VieIslam, Belgium. Flight Lieutenant D.J.A. Buchanan, Pilot Officer D.W. Spence, Flying Officer J.A. Gibbs, F/Ls W.R. Kearns, J.P. Barlow, and Flying Officer L.F. Edmonds (RAF) were killed. Pilot Officer C.T. Sutter was the only survivor and was taken Prisoner of War.

Lancaster KB788, Mk.X

s/n KB788

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 788


Served with No. 431 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "SE*C". Written off after returning badly damaged from raid on Duisburg on 30 November / 1 December 1944.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-December-01 Struck off Strength Written off after returning badly damaged from raid on Duisburg. 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB789, Mk.X

s/n KB789

Victory Aircraft

KB 789


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-March-08 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB790, Mk.X

s/n KB790

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 790


Stored in UK, never issued to operational unit. Scrapped in 1947.
last update: 2025-February-05

Lancaster KB791, Mk.X

s/n KB791

Victory Aircraft

KB 791


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-May-13 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB792, Mk.X

s/n KB792

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 792


With No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "NA*I". Failed to return from mission to Wiesbaden on 3 February 1945, exploded over target. (Also reported crash landed in France?) 6 crew killed, rear gunner POW.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-February-03 Failed to Return Failed to return from mission to Wiesbaden, exploded over target. 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB793, Mk.X

s/n KB793

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 793


Served with no. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "NA*Z", and "NA*E" when lost. Damaged over target on raid to Dortmund on 12 September 1944, pilot badly wounded. Diverted to Woodbridge to use long runway, port tire blew on landing and aircraft further damaged. One crew killed, remainder survived. Crew received 2 DSOs (including pilot Flight Lieutenant R. Curtis, who had previously received the DFM), 2 DFCs and one DFM for this action. Back in service by January 1945. Crashed in County of Durham, UK, after engine fire during training flight on 13 January 1945, all crew survived.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-January-13 Accident Crash Crashed in County of Durham, UK, after engine fire. 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB794, Mk.X

s/n KB794

Victory Aircraft

KB 794


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB795, Mk.X

s/n KB795

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 795


Served with No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "NA*Q" and "NA*W". Crashed while landing from a training flight at Middleton St. George on 7 April 1945. Ground looped, undercarriage raised to stop aircraft. Not repaired, no fatalities.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-April-07 Accident Crash Crashed while landing at Middleton St. George. Ground loopped, undercarriage raised to stop aircraft. 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB796, Mk.X

s/n KB796

Victory Aircraft

KB 796


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-August-13 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB797, Mk.X

s/n KB797

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 797


Served with no. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*K". Failed to return from operation to Dessau on 7/8 April 1945. 5 crew killed, one PoW, 2 evaded.
last update: 2025-February-05

Bombing Dessau Germany 1945-03-07 to 1945-03-07

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George


526 Lancasters and 5 Mosquitoes of I, 3, 6 and 8 Groups. 18 Lancasters lost, 3·4 per cent of the force.

This was another devastating raid on a new target in Eastern Germany with the usual town centre, residential, industrial and railway areas all being hit. Few further details are available


source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Lancaster aircraft KB 797 went missing during a night trip to Dessau, Germany, presumed over target, presumed enemy action. F/Os W.E.Short ,B.T. MacNeill, P/Os E.V. Beach, R.L. Mitchell, and R.T. Wilson were killed. One Canadian, FS H. Cole, was taken Prisoner of War, and one Canadian, FS D. Jamieson, was an Evader.

   1945-April-08 Failed to Return Failed to return from operation to Dessau. 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB798, Mk.X

s/n KB798

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 798


With No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "NA*G". Failed to return from raid on Opladen on 27/28 December 1944. Shot down by Flak. Crashed at Leverkusen/Schlebusch. he crew were initially buried in Leverkusen-Manfort Cemetery. Reinterred 18 April 1947. (CWGC).

last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-December-28 Failed to Return Failed to return from raid on Opladen 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB799, Mk.X

s/n KB799

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 799


Named "The Moose" in ceremony in Canada. Served with no. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*W", flew 15 operations. Failed to return from raid on Merseburg on 15 January 1945, reported shot down by night fighter. Came down near Schweinfurt, Germany. Pilot killed in crash, rest of crew bailed out and became PoW.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-January-15 Failed to Return Failed to return from raid on Merseburg. 2019-08-20

Bombing Merseburg Germany 1945-01-15 to 1945-01-15

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Lancaster aircraft KB 799 had both fuel tanks and the cross feed system damaged by flak whilst engaged in a night operation to Merseburg, Germany. Flying Officer Vatne maintained control of the aircraft long enough for his crew to bail out; he went down with the aircraft. Six Canadians, F/as N.V. Hoas, H.P. Eager, FSs Chatwin, G.J. Woods, Sergeant B.C. Mitchell, and Pilot Officer R.C. Wood were taken Prisoners of War.

Lancaster KB800, Mk.X

s/n KB800

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 800


Served with No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*C". Failed to return from mission to Duisburg on 14 October 1944. This was Ramrod 1332, part of Operation Hurricane (a 24 hour coordinated RAF and US bomber offensive). Came down near Lohnmann Shields, Germany. 6 crew killed, one PoW. Had 29 hours airframe time when lost.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1944-October-14 Failed to Return Failed to return from mission to Duisburg. 2019-08-20

Bombing Duisburg Germany 1944-10-14 to 1944-10-14

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

'!'his raid was part of a special operation which has received little mention in the history books. On 13 October, Sir Arthur Harris received the directive for Operation Hurricane:'In order to demonstrate to the enemy in Germany generally the overwhelming superiority of the Allied Air Forces in this theatre ... the intention is lo apply within the shortest practical period the maximum effort of the Royal Air Force Bomber Command and the VIIIth United States Bomber Command against objectives in the densely populated Ruhr.' Bomber Command had probably been forewarned of the directive because it was able to mount the first part of the operation soon after first light on 14 October. No heavy bombers had flown on operations for 48 hours and 1,013 aircraft - 519 Lancasters, 474 Halifaxes and 20 Mosquitoes " were dispatched to Duisburg with R.A.F. fighters providing an escort. 957 bombers dropped 3,574 tons of high explosive and 820 tons of incendiaries on Duisburg, 14 aircraft were lost - 13 Lancasters and 1 Halifax; it is probable that the Lancasters provided the early waves of the raid and drew the attention of the German Flak before the Flak positions were overwhelmed by the bombing.

For their part in Operation Hurricane, the American Eighth Air Force dispatched 1,251 heavy bombers escorted by 749 fighters. More than 1,000 of the American heavies bombed targets in the Cologne area. American casualties were 5 heavy bombers and i fighter. No Luftwaffe aircraft were seen.

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Target - Duisburg, Germany. The crew of Lancaster aircraft B 800 had started the daylight bomb run when they were hit by flak which knocked off a piece of the wing and set both starboard engines on fire. The aircraft went out of control and just as the order to bail out was given the aircraft exploded and then crashed at Lohmannsheide, Germany.

Flying Officer J.N. Therreault, P/Os R.G. Manwell, L.C. Levasseur, H. Sigal R.H. Bowen, and Pilot Officer G. Adams (RAF) were killed. The pilot, Flying Officer A.M. Roy had this to say, "Flak hit our wing and both engines caught fire so I ordered a bail out. The aircraft exploded and I was blown out and came to at about 5,000 feet. I landed among a bunch of flak gunners and was taken Prisoner of War. I didn't know what happened to my crew until after the war."

Lancaster KB801, Mk.X

s/n KB801

Victory Aircraft

KB 801


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1956-May-08 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB802, Mk.X

s/n KB802

Victory Aircraft

KB 802


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB803, Mk.X

s/n KB803

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 803


With No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF. With No. 431 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "SE*N", when it took part in raid on Hanau on 6/7 January 1945. Still carrying this code when it crashed near Yafforth, Yorkshire on 26 January 1945. Lost power during a training flight.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-January-26 Accident Crash Crashed near Yafforth, Yorkshire 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB804, Mk.X

s/n KB804

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 804


Served with No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, from November 1944. Attacked by night fighter on raid to Boden on 5 November 1944, pilot killed but returned to UK. Rear gunner Flight Sergeant D.H. Lanclot was wounded, received DFM for this mission. Coded "VR*E" when lost. Failed to return from raid on Dortmund on 21 February 1945. Shot down by flak and/or NJG 4 near Roermond, Germany. 2 crew killed, 5 PoW.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-February-21 Failed to Return Failed to return from raid on Dortmund 2019-08-20

Bombing Dortmund Germany 1945-02-20 to 1945-02-21

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

514 Lancasters and 14 Mosquitoes of 1, 3, 6 and 8 Groups. 14 Lancastcrs lost.

The intention of this raid was to destroy the southern half of Dortmund and Bomber Command claimed that this was achieved. It appears that the Dortmund air¬raid recording service had now broken down completely; the local Stadtarchiv has no details of any kind of this raid. his was the last large Bomber Command raid of the war on Dortmund.

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

419 Moose Squadron (Moose Aswayita). Target - Dortmund, Germany. Lancaster aircraft KB 804 was nearing the target when it was hit by flak, the starboard wing and the bomb bay began to blaze furiously. The crew was ordered to bail out and Flying Officer Blaney maintained control of the aircraft so that his crew could carry out his order; he stayed too long and went down with the aircraft. Pilot Officer D. Hanna bailed out but was killed when his parachute failed to open. Four Canadians, Flying Officer P. Owen (BA), Pilot Officer A. Kindret (WOAG), FSs R. Althan (AG), L. Nozzolillo (AG), and one RAF member of the crew were taken Prisoners of War..

Lancaster KB805, Mk.X

s/n KB805

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 805


Sent to US for trials with Emerson turret. Arrive in UK in November 1944, never issued to operational unit till after war. Scrapped in UK in 1947.
last update: 2025-February-05

Lancaster KB806, Mk.X

s/n KB806

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 806


With No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF. Later served with No. 431 Squadron, RCAF, coded "SE*X", on operations from November 1944. With this unit when lost during mission to Merseburg. Crashed after mid air with Bf 109 on 15 January 1945 over Leuna in eastern Germany. 6 crew killed, one PoW

last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-January-15 Accident Crash Crashed after mid air with Bf 109 over Leuna 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB807, Mk.X

s/n KB807

Victory Aircraft

KB 807


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB808, Mk.X

s/n KB808

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 808


With No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF. Served with No. 431 Squadron, RCAF, coded "SE*U" when it took part in raid on Hanau on 6/7 January 1945, and also coded "SE*Y". With this unit when it failed to return from mission to Hildesheim on 22 March 1945, code unknown. Hit by flak and blew up over target. No survivors.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-March-22 Failed to Return Failed to return from mission to Hildesheim 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB809, Mk.X

s/n KB809

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 809


Served with No. (B) 419 Squadron, RCAF. Transferred to No. 431 Squadron, RCAF, coded "SE*Q". Took part in raid on Hanau on 6/7 January 1945. With this unit when it failed to return from mission to Dortmund on 21 February 1945. No survivors
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-February-21 Failed to Return Failed to return from mission to Dortmund 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB810, Mk.X

s/n KB810

Victory Aircraft

KB 810


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-August-13 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-March-08 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB811, Mk.X

s/n KB811

Victory Aircraft

KB 811


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1950-August-27 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB812, Mk.X

s/n KB812

Victory Aircraft

KB 812


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1950-April-06 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB813, Mk.X

s/n KB813

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 813


last update: 2025-March-10
   1944-October-25 Accident Crash Crashed near Tingrith, Bedfordshire. 2019-08-20

Operational 1944-10-25 to 1944-10-25

(B) Sqn (RCAF) Croft

With No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF. With No. 431 Squadron, RCAF, coded "SE*S" when lost. Named "Simcoe Warrior". Crashed near Tingrith, Bedfordshire on 25 October 1944. Being flown by a new crew, with no operations. Was on a cross-country training flight, caught fire and exploded in the air. The wreckage was spread over a wide area near Tingrith Village, Bedford, England. All 7 crew killed, buried in the Brookwood Military Cemetery, Woking, Surrey, England.

Lancaster KB814, Mk.X

s/n KB814

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 814


Served with No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF in November 1944, coded "VR*N". Also with No. 428 Squadron, RCAF, coded "NA*N". Named "Nuts 2 U". With No. 434 Squadron, RCAF, coded "WL*S", named "Hello Sugar" when it took part in raid on Hanau on 6/7 January 1945. With 419 when it failed to return from raid on Hagen on 15/16 March 1945, hit by flak and crashed near Fishlin, Germany. Completed 11 operations. Also reported as shot down by night fighter, with upwards firing guns. 4 crew killed, 3 PoW.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-March-16 Failed to Return Failed to return from raid on Hagen. 2019-08-20

Bombing Hagen Germany 1945-03-15 to 1945-03-16

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Target - Hagen, Germany. Lancaster aircraft KB 814 was hit by flak and crashed near Fishlin, Germany. Four of the crew, Pilot Officer Vickery, Pilot Officer C.W. Parrish, Pilot Officer M.W. Bredin, and Flying Officer H.R. Hennessey were all killed in the aircraft. The other three members of the crew, FSs Ginter, Bowman, and Bristow bailed out to safety.

267 aircraft - 134 Lancasters, l 22 Halifaxes, 11 Mosquitoes - of 4, 6 and 8 Groups. 6 Lancasters and 4 Halifaxes lost.

This area attack took place in clear visibility and caused severe damage; the local , report estimated that the bomber force was 800 aircraft strong! The main attack fell in the centre and eastern districts. There were 1,439 fires, of which 124 were classified as large. 493 Germans and 12 foreigners were killed. 30,000-35,000 people were bombed out. source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

Lancaster KB815, Mk.X

s/n KB815

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 815


Served with No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF in October 1944. Was with No. 431 Squadron, RCAF, coded "SE*K" when lost. Failed to return from raid on Hagen on 15/16 March 1945. Came down near Perwez, no survivors.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-March-16 Failed to Return Failed to return from raid on Hagen 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB816, Mk.X

s/n KB816

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 816


Served with No. 434 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "WL*G", on operations from December 1944. To No. 428 Squadron, RCAF, in February 1945, coded "NA*T", then "NA*E" when lost. Crashed on overshoot at Church Broughton on 14 April 1945, returning from raid on Kiel. No injuries.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-April-14 Accident Crash Crashed on overshoot at Church Broughton, returning from raid on Keil. 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB817, Mk.X

s/n KB817

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 817


last update: 2025-March-10

Bombing Oberhausen Germany 1944-11-01 to 1944-11-01

(B) Sqn (RCAF) Croft

288 aircraft - 202 Halifaxes, 74 Lancasters, 12 Mosquitoes - of 6 and 8 Groups. 3 Halifaxes and I Lancaster lost.

The target area was cloud-covered and the bombing was not concentrated. 36 houses were destroyed in Oberhausen and 4 people were killed but other places in the Ruhr may have been hit as well.

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

Lancaster aircraft KB 817 crashed and burned near Linne, Holland during operations against Oberhausen, Germany. Pilot Officer R.C. Joiner bailed out and was killed when his parachute failed to open. Five Canadians, Pilot Officer J.B. Ogg, WOs J.T. Patterson, G.W. Leppington, R.B. Page, and Sergeant J.M. Campbell were taken Prisoners of War. Flying Officer Connor maintained control of the aircraft long enough for his crew to bail out; he waited too long and went down with the aircraft.

   1944-November-02 Failed to Return Failed to return from raid on Oberhausen 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB818, Mk.X

s/n KB818

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 818


With No. 431 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "SE*G", when it took part in raid on Hanau on 6/7 January 1945. Crashed while attempting emergency landing at Ford on 7 February 1945. No fatalities.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-February-07 Accident Crash Crashed while landing at Ford. 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB819, Mk.X

s/n KB819

Victory Aircraft

KB 819


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-August-13 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-April-15 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB820, Mk.X

s/n KB820

Victory Aircraft

KB 820


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-19 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1950-April-06 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB821, Mk.X

s/n KB821

m/d 683

c/n 37122

Victory Aircraft

KB 821


With No. 431 (B) Squadron, RCAF from 9 September 1944, coded "SE*P". Failed to return from mission to Hanau on 6/7 January 1945. All 6 crew missing. May have been lost due to collision over North Sea. May have crashed east of Hanau, not confirmed. At least one crew member (Pilot Officer W. Gillissie) possibly survived and was captured, then was apparently executed. Several Germans were charged after the war, but not convicted.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-January-07 Failed to Return Failed to return from mission to Hanau. 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB822, Mk.X

s/n KB822

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 822


Served with No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF. With No. 431 Squadron, RCAF, coded "SE*W". Crashed off Norderney, Frisian Islands, after mid air with KB831 (also lost) on 25 April 1945. Both aircraft were en route to bomb gun positions on Wangerooge Island. These 2 aircraft were 431 Sdns last losses of the war, on the units last mission. No survivors in this aircraft.
last update: 2025-February-05

Lancaster KB823, Mk.X

s/n KB823

Victory Aircraft

KB 823


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-January-27 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB824, Mk.X

s/n KB824

Victory Aircraft

KB 824


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-August-13 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB825, Mk.X

s/n KB825

Victory Aircraft

KB 825


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB826, Mk.X

s/n KB826

Victory Aircraft

KB 826


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
1945-September-24 Accident: 1 REMU Loc: Claresholm Alberta Names: Unknown
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1957-May-28 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB827, Mk.X

s/n KB827

Victory Aircraft

KB 827


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-August-13 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB828, Mk.X

s/n KB828

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 828


Crashed at Gander on delivery flight on 24 September 1944.
last update: 2025-February-05

Lancaster KB829, Mk.X

s/n KB829

Victory Aircraft

KB 829


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-March-08 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB830, Mk.X

s/n KB830

Victory Aircraft

KB 830


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-March-08 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB831, Mk.X

s/n KB831

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 831


Served with No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF. Transferred to 434 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "WL*E". Crashed off Norderney, Frisian Islands, after mid air with KB822 (also lost) on 25 April 1945. Both aircraft were en route to bomb gun positions on Wangerooge Island. These 2 aircraft were 431 Sdns last losses of the war, on the units last mission. No survivors on this aircraft.
last update: 2025-February-05

Lancaster KB832, Mk.X

s/n KB832

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 832


Served with No. 434 Squadron, RCAF, coded "WL*F". Claimed an enemy twin engined fighter destroyed on 14/15 January 1945. Crashed at Croft, UK on 22 March 1945, swung while taking off for raid on Hildesheim. Bomb load exploded, after crew escaped. No injuries.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-March-22 Accident Crash Crashed at Croft, while taking off for raid on Hildesheim. 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB833, Mk.X

s/n KB833

Victory Aircraft

KB 833


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-May-08 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB834, Mk.X

s/n KB834

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 834


Served with No. 434 (B) Squadron, RCAF from December 1944. Coded "WL*Y" when it took part in raid on Hanau on 6/7 January 1945. Also bombed Zeitz on 16/17 January 1945; Dortmund on 20/21 February 1945; and Chemnitz on 5/6 March 1945. Claimed an enemy fighter damaged on 7/8 March 1945, landed at Thorney Island on return due to fuel shortage. Failed to return from day light mission to Essen on 11 March 1945. Hit by flak shortly after dropping bombs. 6 crew killed. Sole survivor, Flying Officer B. Marceau POW, still alive in 2007.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-March-11 Failed to Return Failed to return from mission to Essen 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB835, Mk.X

s/n KB835

m/d 683

c/n 37136

Victory Aircraft

KB 835


First delivered to No. 431 (B) Squadron in December 1944. Served with No. 434 Squadron, RCAF, coded "WL*J", from 10 March 1945. Attacked twice by night fighters (at least one Ju 88 from NJG2) on return from mission to Hagen, 16 March 1945. Crew bailed out with plane on fire, aircraft broke into two pieces which landed 2 miles from Landen, near Liege, Belgium. One crew member became PoW but was soon rescued by advancing US Army, remainder killed.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-March-16 Failed to Return Failed to return from mission to Hagen. 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB836, Mk.X

s/n KB836

Victory Aircraft

KB 836


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-March-08 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB837, Mk.X

s/n KB837

Victory Aircraft

KB 837


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1950-August-24 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB838, Mk.X

s/n KB838

Victory Aircraft

KB 838


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-05 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-April-15 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB839, Mk.X

s/n KB839

Victory Aircraft

KB 839


Used post war by No. 408 (P) Squadron, RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario for photographic surveys. Coded "MN*839. Dropped "time capsule" at North Pole on 18 June 1963, then flew around the world nonstop twice in 16 minutes (at very high latitude). To RCAF Station Downsview, Ontario in 408 Squadron markings in April 1964, for type retirement ceremonies. Later displayed at CFB Greenwood, NS. Still there in 2009.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB840, Mk.X

s/n KB840

Victory Aircraft

KB 840


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB841, Mk.X

s/n KB841

Victory Aircraft

KB 841


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-April-15 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB842, Mk.X

s/n KB842

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 842


Served with No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF. Used by No. 434 Squadron, RCAF in the UK, coded "WL*L" on 5/6 March 1945, during raid on Chemnitz, part of Operation Thunderclap. Mid-air over target with an unknown Halifax right after bombing target, then attacked by night fighter. Aircraft returned to Carnaby, Yorkshire, written off after landing there. No injuries.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-March-06 Accident Crash Crashed at Carnaby, during mission to Chemnitz. 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB843, Mk.X

s/n KB843

Victory Aircraft

KB 843


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-May-13 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB844, Mk.X

s/n KB844

Victory Aircraft

KB 844


last update: 2025-March-10
1945-June-13 Accident: 45 GROUP Loc: Santa Maria Azores Names: Hooper
   1945-August-13 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-March-08 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB845, Mk.X

s/n KB845

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 845


With No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*L". Bombed Merseburg 14/15 January 1945; Wiesbaden 2/3 February 1945; Hemmingstedt 20/21 February 1945. Bombed Duisburg on 21/22 February 1945. Crashed at Drayton Parsloe in Bedfordshire, UK on 6 March 1945, returning from raid on Chemnitz. Airframe icing suspected as cause. All 7 crew killed.
last update: 2025-February-05

Bombing Chemnitz Germany 1945-03-05 to 1945-03-06

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St.George

760 aircraft - 498 Lancasters, 256 Halifaxes, 6 Mosquitoes - to continue Operation Thunderclap

. The operation started badly when 9 aircraft of 6 Group crashed near their bases soon after taking off in icy conditions. 426 Squadron, at Linton-on-Ousc, lost 3 out of their 14 Halifaxes taking part in the raid in this way, with only I man surviving. 1 of the Halifaxes crashed in York, killing some civilians. 22 further aircraft were lost in the main operation - 14 Lancasters and 8 I·Ialifaxes. The city of Karl-Marx-Stadt was unable to supply any local details but it Is known that the centre and the south of the city suffered severe fire damage. Several important factories were situated in the fire area and the Siegmar factory, which made tank engines, was destroyed

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

419 Moose Squadron (Moose Aswayita) RAF Middleton St George. The crew of Lancaster BX aircraft KB 845 VR-L were returning from operations over Chemnitz, Germany when they crashed at Drayton Parslow, Buckinghamshire, England, believed due to severe icing conditions

Pilot Officer FR Leet (RCAF), Flying Officer L Reitlo (RCAF), Flying Officer GJ Hollinger (RCAF), Flying Officer WN De Witt (RCAF), Pilot Officer JE Hanley (RCAF), Pilot Officer JAS King (RCAF), and Pilot Officer NR Poole (RCAF) were all killed in action

General 419 Squadron RCAF 1941 to 1945 Crew of Lancaster KB 845

General RAF losses 5./6. March 1945 [Archive] - Luftwaffe and Allied Air...

   1945-April-06 Accident Crash Crashed in Bedfordshire after raid on Chemnitz 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB846, Mk.X

s/n KB846

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 846


Used by No. 434 (B) Squadron, RCAF in the UK, coded "WL*P", named "Piccadilly Princess" when it took part in raid on Hanau on 6/7 January 1945. With No. 428 Squadron, RCAF, coded "NA*I" when it failed to return from operation to Hagen, on 15/16 March 1945. Shot down by Ju 88 of Stab1./NJG2 near target. 5 crew killed, 2 PoW.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-March-16 Failed to Return Failed to return from operation to Hagen, shot down by Ju 88 near target. 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB847, Mk.X

s/n KB847

Victory Aircraft

KB 847


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1950-August-24 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB848, Mk.X

s/n KB848

Victory Aircraft

KB 848


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1964-April-03 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB849, Mk.X

s/n KB849

Victory Aircraft

KB 849


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1950-April-06 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 584

Lancaster KB850, Mk.X

s/n KB850

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 850


Served with No. 434 (B) Squadron, RCAF, on operations 1944 and 1945. Coded "WL*O" when it took part in raid on Hanau on 6/7 January 1945, and also coded "WL*T". Failed to return from raid on oil plant at Zeitz on 16/17 January 1945, may have collided over Germany with Lancaster PB402 of 405 Squadron. No survivors.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-January-17 Failed to Return Failed to return from raid on oil plant at Zeitz 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB851, Mk.X

s/n KB851

Victory Aircraft

KB 851


Converted to 10DC drone launcher. With Central Experimental & Proving Establishment at Cold Lake in 1960. Intended for CF-105 development program.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1961-August-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB852, Mk.X

s/n KB852

Victory Aircraft

KB 852


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-March-08 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB853, Mk.X

s/n KB853

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 853


Served with No. 431 (B) Squadron, RCAF from November 1944, coded "SE*A", on operations from 16 November 1944. Later to No. 413 Squadron, RCAF, with this unit when lost. Failed to return from raid on Essen on 11 March 1945, hit by flak over target. All 7 crew killed, including squadron CO W/C R.F. Davenport.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-March-11 Failed to Return Failed to return from raid on Essen 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB854, Mk.X

s/n KB854

Victory Aircraft

KB 854


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1955-October-05 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB855, Mk.X

s/n KB855

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 855


Served with No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "NA*F" when lost. Crashed on approach to Middleton St. George after raid on Dortmund on 22 February 1945, lost power in 2 engines and struck trees.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-February-20 Struck off Strength Crashed on approach to Middleton St. George. lost power in 2 engines and struck trees. 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB856, Mk.X

s/n KB856

Victory Aircraft

KB 856


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-August-13 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB857, Mk.X

s/n KB857

Victory Aircraft

KB 857


Used by No. 405 (MP) Squadron, coded "AG*N", at RCAF Station Greenwod, NS.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1958-September-02 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB858, Mk.X

s/n KB858

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 858


Used by No. 431 (B) Squadron, RCAF from February 1945, coded "SE*G". Failed to return from raid on Chemnitz on 5/6 March 1945, part of Operation Thunderclap, possibly as a result of airframe icing. Came down at Oberweldbach, 15 kilometres east-north-east of Spangenberg, Germany. All crew killed.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-March-06 Failed to Return Failed to return from mission to Chemnitz. 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB859, Mk.X

s/n KB859

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 859


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-March-31 Failed to Return Failed to return from mission to Hamburg 2019-08-20

Bombing 1945-03-31 to 1945-03-31

(B) Sqn (RCAF) Croft

469 aircraft - 361 Lancasters, 100 Halifaxes, 8 Mosquitoes - of I, 6 and 8 Groups attempted to attack the Blohm & Voss shipyards, where the new types of U-boats were being assembled, but the target area was completely cloud-covered. The local report describes 'considerable damage' to houses, factories, energy supplies and communications over a wide area of southern Hamburg and Harburg. 75 people were killed.

8 Lancasters and 3 Halifaxes were lost, a number being victims of an unexpected intervention by the Luftwaffe day-fighter force. This was Bomber Command's last double-figure aircraft loss of the war from a raid on one city.

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

Lancaster aircraft KB 859 was shot down near Hittfeld, Germany during daylight operations, a raid against Hamburg, Germany. F/Os M. Hartog, F.R. Alty, P.B. Dennison, J.J. Casey, Pilot Officer A. Dorey, and Sergeant L.J. Mercer (RAF) were killed. One Canadian, Flight Lieutenant Hurley, was taken Prisoner of War.

May have been shot down by Me262 of JG7, which claimed several Lancasters in that area at that time. ORB refers to attack by jets. (see also KB869).

Lancaster KB860, Mk.X

s/n KB860

Victory Aircraft

KB 860


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-January-27 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB861, Mk.X

s/n KB861

Victory Aircraft

KB 861


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1954-August-24 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB862, Mk.X

s/n KB862

Victory Aircraft

KB 862


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB863, Mk.X

s/n KB863

Victory Aircraft

KB 863


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB864, Mk.X

s/n KB864

Victory Aircraft

KB 864


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB865, Mk.X

s/n KB865

Victory Aircraft

KB 865


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1960-June-02 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB866, Mk.X

s/n KB866

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 866


Served with No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "VR*M" and "VR*G". Failed to return from mission to Kiel on 13/14 April 1945. No survivors, last crew members to be lost from this Squadron during the war.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-April-04 Failed to Return Failed to return from mission to Kiel 2019-08-20

Bombing Kiel Germany 1945-04-13 to 1945-04-14

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George

377,Lancasters and 105 Halifaxes of 3, 6 and 8 Groups. 2 Lancasters lost.,/p>

'l'hls raid was directed against the port area, with the U-boat yards as the main objective, Bomber Command rated this as 'a poor attack' with scattered bombing. The local diary states that the main bombing was in and around the suburb of Elmschenhagen, 2 miles from the port area, but some damage was caused nearer the harbour including a hit on an ammunition depot at the northern end. 50 people were killed

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Lancaster aircraft KB 866 failed to return from a night attack against Kiel, Germany. F/O.s C.R. Loft, D.W. Wincott, P/O.s G.A.Livingstone, E.R. Wightman, C.C. MacLaren, W. Henderson, and G.J. Jones were killed. These airmen were the last members of this Squadron to lose their lives while on operations during the war, this was their fourth trip.

Lancaster KB867, Mk.X

s/n KB867

Victory Aircraft

KB 867


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-April-15 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB868, Mk.X

s/n KB868

Victory Aircraft

KB 868


KB 868 was built by Victory Aircraft in Malton, Ontario. It was flown to England in Jan 1945 and issued to No. 431 Squadron, RCAF, in Mar 1945. It returned to Canada on 5 Jun 1945 with No. 431 Squadron, coded SE-E, for use with the "Tiger Force", No. 662 (HB) Wing, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. It was later converted to a Mk. 10MP maritime patrol aircraft and issued to No. 405 (MP) Squadron in 1952, coded VC-AGS. It was retired on 23 Jun 1955. No. 405 Squadron had been reactivated on 31 Mar 1950 as No. 405 (Eagle) Squadron, as a maritime patrol squadron based at RCAF Station Greenwood, Nova Scotia.
Used by No. 405 (MP) Squadron, coded "AG*S", at RCAF Station Greenwod, NS. Dispatched to Iceland in January 1953, together with KB914, for ASW exercise. Both aircraft diverted on 31 January 1953 back to to Goose Bay, to join in search for a missing civilian Beech 18.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1955-June-23 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB869, Mk.X

s/n KB869

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 869


Served with No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF from February 1945, coded "VR*Q". Bombed Duisburg on 21/22 February 1945. Failed to return from day time mission to Hamburg on 31 March 1945. May have been shot down near Hamburg by Me262 of JG7, which claimed several Lancasters in that area at that time (see also KB859). Came down 10 miles south of target. 4 crew killed, 3 PoW.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-March-31 Failed to Return Failed to return from mission to Hamburg 2019-08-20

Bombing Hamburg Germany 1945-03-31 to 1945-03-31

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St.George

469 aircraft - 361 Lancasters, 100 Halifaxes, 8 Mosquitoes - of I, 6 and 8 Groups attempted to attack the Blohm & Voss shipyards, where the new types of U-boats were being assembled, but the target area was completely cloud-covered. The local report describes 'considerable damage' to houses, factories, energy supplies and com¬munications over a wide area of southern Hamburg and Harburg. 75 people were killed.

8 Lancasters and 3 Halifaxes were lost, a number being victims of an unexpected intervention by the Luftwaffe day-fighter force. This was Bomber Command's last double-figure aircraft loss of the war from a raid on one city.

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). The crew of Lancaster aircraft KB 869 were engaged in a daylight raid when they were shot down by German jet fighter aircraft ten miles south of the target Hamburg, Germany. Flying Officer D.S. Bowes, P/Os P. Maclennan, J. Rea, and Flying Officer J.J. Gladish were killed. Three Canadians, FSs G.R. Berry, W. Milne, and R. Rowlands, were taken Prisoners of War.

Lancaster KB870, Mk.X

s/n KB870

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 870


Served with No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF from February 1945, coded "VR*K". Failed to return from mission to Hagen on 15/16 March 1945, exploded in flight, claimed by night fighter. 3 crew killed, 4 parachuted over Allied held ground.
last update: 2025-February-05

Bombing Hagen Germany 1945-03-15 to 1945-03-15

419 (B) Sqn (RCAF) Middleton St. George


267 aircraft - 134 Lancasters, l 22 Halifaxes, 11 Mosquitoes - of 4, 6 and 8 Groups. 6 Lancasters and 4 Halifaxes lost.

This area attack took place in clear visibility and caused severe damage; the local , report estimated that the bomber force was 800 aircraft strong! The main attack fell in the centre and eastern districts. There were 1,439 fires, of which 124 were classified 11s large. 493 Germans and 12 foreigners were killed. 30,000-35,000 people were bombed out


source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Target - Hagen, Germany. Lancaster KB 870 was in friendly territory when it was attacked by a fighter aircraft and exploded in mid-air. Flying Officer E.B. Carleton, Pilot Officer(s) H.L. Garriock and A.Sutherland were killed. The following members of the crew were all blown out of the aircraft and descended by parachute; F/O. B.V.Saunders safe in the United Kingdom, F/L. M.W. McLaughlin, F/O. D.R.Charbonneau, and Flight Sergeant W.W. Lightfoot all safe and in Hospital in France

   1945-March-16 Failed to Return Failed to return from mission to Hagen 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB871, Mk.X

s/n KB871

Victory Aircraft

KB 871


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-26 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1960-September-06 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB872, Mk.X

s/n KB872

Victory Aircraft

KB 872


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-September-25 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB873, Mk.X

s/n KB873

Victory Aircraft

KB 873


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-May-13 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB874, Mk.X

s/n KB874

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 874


Operated by RAF Telecommunications Research Establishment at Defford after arriving in UK in January 1945. With No. 431 Squadron, RCAF From February 1945, coded "SE*C". Crash landed at Manston after raid on Hannover on 25 March 1945, struck off. No injuries.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-March-25 Accident Crash Crash landed at Manston after raid on Hannover. 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB875, Mk.X

s/n KB875

Victory Aircraft

KB 875


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1960-June-02 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB876, Mk.X

s/n KB876

Victory Aircraft

KB 876


Ferried from Scojudouc, NB to Claresholm, Alberta 22-28 September 1945, via St. Hubert, Armstrong and Gimli.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB877, Mk.X

s/n KB877

Victory Aircraft

KB 877


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-January-27 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB878, Mk.X

s/n KB878

Victory Aircraft

KB 878


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1946-October-08 Classified Instructional CA A 538 2020-06-11
   1954-April-27 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 489 | 1968 585

Lancaster KB879, Mk.X

s/n KB879

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 879


With No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "NA*M", later "NA*Z" or "NA*Y" at time of crash. Crashed near Hixon, UK, after structural failure during training flight on 30 April 1945. No survivors.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-April-30 Accident Crash Crashed near Hixon, UK, after structural failure during training flight.. 2019-08-20

Operational 1945-04-29 to 1945-04-30

428 (B) Sqn (RCAF) RAF Middleton St George

428 Ghost Squadron (Usque Ad Finem) RAF Middleton St George. The crew of Lancaster B X aircraft KB879 NA-Y were engaged on a cross-country navigational exercise with a second Lancaster when they appeared to suddenly lose flight control and spiraled down to crash at Sandon, Staffordshire, England with the loss of the entire crew. The crash investigation showed a faulty auto-pilot and an issue with the oxygen supply control as probable causes for the loss

General 428 Squadron Lancaster X KB879 NA-Y Fl/Lt. Campbell RAF ...

General Avro Lancaster (KB879 NA-Y) Crash Memorial, Sandon, Staffordshire,...

Lancaster KB880, Mk.X

s/n KB880

Victory Aircraft

KB 880


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1950-April-06 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB881, Mk.X

s/n KB881

Victory Aircraft

KB 881


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB882, Mk.X

s/n KB882

Victory Aircraft

KB 882


Used post war by No. 408 (P) Squadron, RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario for photographic surveys. Coded "MN*882". Flew squadron's last "Apex Rocket" arctic surveillance mission on 5 May 1963. To RCAF Station Downsview, Ontario in 408 Squadron markings in April 1964, for type retirement ceremonies. Delivered to Edmundstun, NB in 1965 for use as a memorial. Stored outside since then, badly deteriorated by 1997.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1964-May-26 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB883, Mk.X

s/n KB883

Victory Aircraft

KB 883


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1960-June-02 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB884, Mk.X

s/n KB884

Victory Aircraft

KB 884


With No. 13 (P) Squadron, RCAF Station Rockcliffe, c.1944 to 1947. Had been RCAF KB884
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1946-August-01 Classified Instructional CA A 526 2020-06-11
   1949-August-04 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 489 | 1968 585

Lancaster KB885, Mk.X

s/n KB885

Victory Aircraft

KB 885


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB886, Mk.X

s/n KB886

Victory Aircraft

KB 886


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-January-27 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB887, Mk.X

s/n KB887

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 887


Never issued to user unit, scrapped in UK in 1946.
last update: 2025-February-05

Lancaster KB888, Mk.X

s/n KB888

Victory Aircraft

KB 888


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1950-April-06 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB889, Mk.X

s/n KB889

Victory Aircraft

KB 889


Stored at Oshawa airport after being struck off. To British civil register as G-LANC. Reported at Duxford Museum in 2005.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1965-May-21 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB890, Mk.X

s/n KB890

Victory Aircraft

KB 890


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1961-October-25 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB891, Mk.X

s/n KB891

Victory Aircraft

KB 891


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
1945-September-24 Accident: 1 REMU Loc: Pearce Alberta Names: Estabrook | Vuden
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB892, Mk.X

s/n KB892

Victory Aircraft

KB 892


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1960-June-02 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB893, Mk.X

s/n KB893

c/n 37194

Victory Aircraft

KB 893


With 1 Air Navigation School when it crashed at RCAF Station Summerside, PEI on 25 April 1952. Flight Lieutenant W.J.N. Burnett, Flying Officer K.R. Carter, and Flying Officer K.E. Lussier killed.

supplied by Richard Rowntree:

Flown to England to Woodford for tests on 23.2.45; Returned to Canada with #434 Sqdrn. on 8.6.45 as spare in Tiger Force at Dartmouth, N.S.; Converted to Mk.10MP; Post-war KB893 initially served with the Central Flying School at R.C.A.F. Station Trenton, Ontario. It was then transferred to No. 1 Air Navigation School at Summerside, P.E.I. It was carrying out a test flight on the 25th of April, 1952 at Summerside when it bounced on the runway after attempting an overshoot. The pilot retracted the undercarriage while in a very steep climb. The Lanc stalled and crashed. It was subsequently consumed in the ensuing fire. Those killed aboard the Lancaster were as follows: Flight Lieutenant Kenneth Edward Lussier DFC, Flight Lieutenant Walter James Burnett DFC, Flying Officer Kenneth Roland Carter, and Cpl. Joseph Bernard Lachaine SOC 8.5.52

My grandfather was the pilot when this one crashed.

last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1952-April-25 Accident Crash 1 ANS Summerside PE CA It was carrying out a test flight on the 25th of April, 1952 at Summerside when it bounced on the runway after attempting an overshoot. The pilot retracted the undercarriage while in a very steep climb. The Lanc stalled and crashed. It was subsequently consumed in the ensuing fire. Those killed aboard the Lancaster were as follows: F/L Kenneth Edward Lussier DFC, F/L Walter James Burnett DFC, F/O Kenneth Roland Carter, and Cpl. Joseph Bernard Lachaine SOC 8.5.52 2020-11-24

Operational 1952-04-25 to 1952-04-25

1 (OT) ANS (RCAF) RCAF Goose Bay, Labrador

1 Air Navigation School Lancaster aircraft KB 893 departed RCAF Goose Bay, Labrador on a return flight to RCAF Station Summerside, Prince Edward Island. On landing at Summerside the aircraft bounced badly and the pilot attempted to go around for another try. The aircraft climbed steeply stalled and crashed. and burned. Investigation showed the crash was due to the Center of Gravity being beyond the aft limit because 5 of the 12 aboard were in the back of the fuselage

Four air crew were killed, five seriously injured and three slightly injured The list of those aboard is incomplete to date

Flight Lieutenant K E Lussier DFC (RCAF), Flight Lieutenant W J Burnett DFC (RCAF), Flying Officer K R Carter (RCAF) and Corporal J B Lachaine (RCAF) were killed in this flying accident

Leading Aircraftman J L Tupper (RCAF), Sergeant W Trimbee (RCAF) and Corporal J R Chaisson (RCAF) survived but were severely injured

Leading Aircraftman M C Harris (RCAF), Flying Officer D W Beaton (RCAF) and civilian J C Evans (Meteorological Division, Transport Department) were slightly injured in the crash

During the rescue operation, Aircraftman J P Doiron (RCAF) was injured on the ground

General Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database

General Aviation Safety Network

   1952-May-08 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB894, Mk.X

s/n KB894

Victory Aircraft

KB 894


Operated by No. 7 (P) Wing, RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario in fall of 1945. Used by No. 407 (MP) Squadron at RCAF Station Comox, BC in the 1950s, coded "RX*894". Fitted with retractable radome in lower turret position. Stored at Fort McLeod, Alberta, without engines, in fall of 1959.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1961-April-10 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB895, Mk.X

s/n KB895

Victory Aircraft

KB 895


Had served with No. 434 (B) Squadron in 6 Group. Centre section (main spar) used to repair damage to FM213 in 1952.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-September-11 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB896, Mk.X

s/n KB896

Victory Aircraft

KB 896


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB897, Mk.X

s/n KB897

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 897


Stored in UK, scraped there in 1947.
last update: 2025-February-05

Lancaster KB898, Mk.X

s/n KB898

Victory Aircraft

KB 898


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB899, Mk.X

s/n KB899

Victory Aircraft

KB 899


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-January-27 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB900, Mk.X

s/n KB900

Victory Aircraft

KB 900


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1950-August-24 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB901, Mk. 10

s/n KB901

Victory Aircraft

KB 901

last update: 2025-March-10

Lancaster KB901, Mk. 10

s/n KB901

Victory Aircraft

KB 901

last update: 2025-March-10

Lancaster KB901, Mk.X

s/n KB901

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 901


Served with No. 420 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "PT*Q", after VE day. Returned to Canada on 14 June 1945 with No. 431 (B) Squadron, coded "SE*C". To RCAF in Canada.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1960-June-02 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB902, Mk.X

s/n KB902

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 902


First issued to No. 434 (B) Squadron, RCAF in the UK. No record of operations. With No. 420 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "PT*C", when it returned to Canada on 14 June 1945. To RCAF in Canada.

1956-04-04 Sold to Spartan Air Services and used for spares before being scrapped, and not registered. (Source Peter Hill) last update: 2025-February-05

   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1954-July-20 Classified Instructional CA A 606 2020-06-13
   1956-April-04 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 490 | 1968 585

Lancaster KB903, Mk.X

s/n KB903

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 903


Served with No. 425 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "KW*R", named "Crazy Rabbit, after VE day. With No. 420 Squadron, RCAF, coded "PT*P" when it returned to Canada on 14 June 1945. To RCAF in Canada.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1960-June-02 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB904, Mk.X

s/n KB904

Victory Aircraft

KB 904


With No. 123 (S&R) Flight at RCAF Sea Island, BC by May 1948, coded "CJ*B" and later "CJ*904". Still there in December 1950.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1960-June-02 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB905, Mk.X

s/n KB905

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 905


Served with No. 408 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded "EQ*Y" and "EQ*V", named "Vicky the Vicious Virgin". No record of operations. Returned to Canada on 15 June 1945. To RCAF in Canada.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1947-January-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB906, Mk.X

s/n KB906

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 906


Served with No. 408 (B) Squadron, RCAF. Returned to Canada on 13 June 1945. TO RCAF in Canada.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-August-22 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1947-May-13 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB907, Mk.X

s/n KB907

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 907


Served with No. 408 (B) Squadron, RCAF from 15 May 1945, coded "EQ*U". No record of operations. Returned to Canada on 15 June 1945. To RCAF in Canada.

KB-907 was registered to Spartan Air Services as CF-IMG. (Source Peter Hill)

last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1956-April-04 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585 | 1968 631

Lancaster KB908, Mk.X

s/n KB908

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 908


First issued to No. 431 (B) Squadron, RCAF in the UK. Served with No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF. No record of operations. With No. 420 Squadron, RCAF, coded "PT*P", when it returned to Canada on 14 June 1945.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1948-April-15 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB909, Mk.X

s/n KB909

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 909


First issued to No. 419 (B) Squadron, RCAF in the UK. With No. 420 Squadron, RCAF, coded "PT*R", when it returned to Canada. Named "Rabbits Stew", marked for 21 operations but no records of operations for this aircraft. (Marking may have reflected crews operations.) Returned to Canada on 13 June 1945. To RCAF in Canada.

1956-04-04 Sold to Spartan Air Service, registered as as CF-IMH (Source Peter Hill)

last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1956-April-04 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585 | 1968 631

Lancaster KB910, Mk.X

s/n KB910

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 910


Served with No. 428 (B) Squadron, RCAF from March 1945. No record of operations. With No. 420 Squadron, RCAF, coded "PT*V", when it returned to Canada on 14 June 1945. Named "Virgin Vickie", also reported named "Vicious Virgin". To RCAF in Canada.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1947-January-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB912, Mk.X

s/n KB912

Victory Aircraft

KB 912


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-January-27 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB913, Mk.X

s/n KB913

Victory Aircraft

KB 913


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB914, Mk.X

s/n KB914

Victory Aircraft

KB 914


Converted to MR configuration by de Havilland Canada. Issued to No. 405 (MR) Squadron at RCAF Station Greenwood, NS on 14 May 1952. Had 134:00 logged time on that date. Coded "AG*914". Periodic inspection performed 13 January 1953. Dispatched to Iceland in January 1953, together with KB868, for ASW exercise. Both aircraft diverted on 31 January 1953 back to to Goose Bay, to join in search for a missing civilian Beech 18. Diverted to Torbay, Newfoundland in bad weather, but attempted to reach Goose Bay after two engines failed, probably due to icing. Crashed about 100 miles east of Goose Bay in early morning of 1 February 1953, 9 crew killed. Wreckage not located until 15 June 1953.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20

Reconnaissance 1953-02-01 to 1953-02-01

405 (MP) Sqn (RCAF) Greenwood NS
Converted to MR configuration by de Havilland Canada. Issued to No. 405 (MR) Squadron at RCAF Station Greenwood, NS on 14 May 1952. Had 134:00 logged time on that date. Coded "AG*914". Periodic inspection performed 13 January 1953. Dispatched to Iceland in January 1953, together with KB868, for ASW exercise. Both aircraft diverted on 31 January 1953 back to to Goose Bay, to join in search for a missing civilian Beech 18. Diverted to Torbay, Newfoundland in bad weather, but attempted to reach Goose Bay after two engines failed, probably due to icing. Crashed about 100 miles east of Goose Bay in early morning of 1 February 1953, 9 crew killed. Wreckage not located until 15 June 1953.

   1953-March-19 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB915, Mk.X

s/n KB915

Victory Aircraft

KB 915


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-29 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-January-27 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB916, Mk.X

s/n KB916

Victory Aircraft

KB 916


With No. 13 (P) Squadron, RCAF Station Rockcliffe, c.1944 to 1946.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1946-August-09 Accident Crash crashed 2019-08-20
   1952-January-30 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB917, Mk.X

s/n KB917

Victory Aircraft

KB 917


With No. 13 (P) Squadron, RCAF Station Rockcliffe, c.1944 to 1947.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-02 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB918, Mk.X

s/n KB918

Victory Aircraft

KB 918


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB919, Mk.X

s/n KB919

Victory Aircraft

KB 919


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1955-August-25 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB920, Mk.X

s/n KB920

Victory Aircraft

KB 920


Used by No. 405 (MP) Squadron, coded "AG*A", at RCAF Station Greenwod, NS.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1960-June-02 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB921, Mk.X

s/n KB921

Victory Aircraft

KB 921


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-April-15 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB922, Mk.X

s/n KB922

Victory Aircraft

KB 922


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-06 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB923, Mk.X

s/n KB923

Victory Aircraft

KB 923


Had been RCAF KB923 . Also identified as 542C, suggesting incomplete airframe components.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1946-November-05 Classified Instructional CA A 542 Also identified as 542 C, suggesting incomplete airframe components. 2020-06-11
   1948-December-09 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 489 | 1968 585

Lancaster KB924, Mk.X

s/n KB924

Victory Aircraft

KB 924


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-April-15 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB925, Mk.X

s/n KB925

Victory Aircraft

KB 925


Used by No. 405 (MP) Squadron, at RCAF Station Greenwod, NS, coded "AG*A", based on ICAO registration of VC-AGA. Still with this unit on 24 October 1958.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1960-June-02 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 585

Lancaster KB926, Mk.X

s/n KB926

Victory Aircraft

KB 926


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-January-27 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB927, Mk.X

s/n KB927

Victory Aircraft

KB 927


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1955-August-25 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB928, Mk.X

s/n KB928

Victory Aircraft

KB 928


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB929, Mk.X

s/n KB929

Victory Aircraft

KB 929


Used by No. 405 (MP) Squadron, coded "AG*B", at RCAF Station Greenwod, NS.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1955-September-13 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB930, Mk.X

s/n KB930

Victory Aircraft

KB 930


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-April-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB931, Mk.X

s/n KB931

Victory Aircraft

KB 931


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-April-15 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB932, Mk.X

s/n KB932

Victory Aircraft

KB 932


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
1945-September-24 Accident: 1 REMU Loc: Pearce Alberta Names: Weeden
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB933, Mk.X

s/n KB933

Victory Aircraft

KB 933


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB934, Mk.X

s/n KB934

Victory Aircraft

KB 934


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-11 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1952-January-30 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB935, Mk.X

s/n KB935

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 935


Stored in UK, scrapped in 1947.
last update: 2025-February-05

Lancaster KB936, Mk.X

s/n KB936

Victory Aircraft

KB 936


Now in National Aviation Museum, Ottawa.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-July-11 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-January-27 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB937, Mk.X

s/n KB937

Victory Aircraft

KB 937


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1960-June-02 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB938, Mk.X

s/n KB938

Victory Aircraft

KB 938


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1955-June-13 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB939, Mk.X

s/n KB939

Victory Aircraft

KB 939


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-January-27 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB941, Mk.X

s/n KB941

Victory Aircraft

KB 941


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB942, Mk.X

s/n KB942

Victory Aircraft

KB 942


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB943, Mk.X

s/n KB943

Victory Aircraft

KB 943


With No. 107 (S&R) Unit at RCAF Station Torbay, Newfoundland.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-September-07 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1965-May-17 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB944, Mk.X

s/n KB944

Victory Aircraft

KB 944


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB945, Mk.X

s/n KB945

Victory Aircraft

KB 945


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1954-May-19 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB946, Mk.X

s/n KB946

Victory Aircraft

KB 946


Used by No. 405 (MP) Squadron, coded "AG*D", at RCAF Station Greenwod, NS.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1960-June-02 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB947, Mk.X

s/n KB947

Victory Aircraft

KB 947


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-January-27 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB948, Mk.X

s/n KB948

Victory Aircraft

KB 948


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1955-August-25 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB949, Mk.X

s/n KB949

Victory Aircraft

KB 949


Stored at Fort McLeod, Alberta, without engines, in fall of 1959.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1961-April-10 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB950, Mk.X

s/n KB950

Victory Aircraft

KB 950


Based at RCAF Station Sea Island, BC from February 1948, and into 1949, used by No. 123 (S&R) Flight. Used by No. 405 (MP) Squadron, coded "AG*L", at RCAF Station Greenwood, NS.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1955-August-05 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB951, Mk.X

s/n KB951

Victory Aircraft

KB 951


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-January-27 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB952, Mk.X

s/n KB952

Victory Aircraft

KB 952


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-January-27 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB953, Mk.X

s/n KB953

Victory Aircraft

KB 953


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-September-04 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-April-15 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB954, Mk.X

s/n KB954

Victory Aircraft

KB 954


With No. 107 (Rescue) Unit at RCAF Station Torbay, Newfoundland in 1954.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1955-May-20 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB955, Mk.X

s/n KB955

Victory Aircraft

KB 955


Used by No. 404 (MP) Squadron at RCAF Station Greenwood, NS, coded "AF*A".
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-July-05 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1955-September-28 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB956, Mk.X

s/n KB956

Victory Aircraft

KB 956


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-August-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1955-August-25 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB957, Mk.X

s/n KB957

Victory Aircraft

KB 957


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1960-June-02 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB958, Mk.X

s/n KB958

Victory Aircraft

KB 958


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-25 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1960-June-02 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB959, Mk.X

s/n KB959

Victory Aircraft

KB 959


Used by No. 404 (MP) Squadron at RCAF Station Greenwood, NS, coded "AF*A".
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1965-May-17 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB960, Mk.X

s/n KB960

Victory Aircraft

KB 960


Based at RCAF Greenwood, NS when it was used to fly sandbags from Minneapolis to Winnipeg for flood relief efforts, May 1950.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1955-September-29 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB961, Mk.X

s/n KB961

Victory Aircraft

KB 961


Used by Test and Development Establishment, RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario, dates unknown. Served with No. 408 (P) Squadron, RCAF Station Rockcliffe.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1955-September-28 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB962, Mk.X

s/n KB962

Victory Aircraft

KB 962


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-January-27 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB963, Mk.X

s/n KB963

Victory Aircraft

KB 963


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-January-27 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB964, Mk.X

s/n KB964

Victory Aircraft

KB 964


Used by No. 405 (MP) Squadron, coded "AG*H", at RCAF Station Greenwod, NS.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1955-January-23 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB965, Mk.X

s/n KB965

Victory Aircraft

KB 965


Used by No. 405 (MP) Squadron, at RCAF Station Greenwod, NS. Crashed on re-supply mission to Alert, Ellsemere Island, on 31 July 1950. Several fatalities, including squadron commander W/C D. T. French.
Per Bureau of Aircraft Accidents Archives: "The crew from the 405th Squadron Greenwood was engaged in a supply mission to weather scientists based in Alert, NT. While flying at low height to drop the cargo, the aircraft went out of control and crashed in a huge explosion about 500 meters south of the complex. The aircraft was destroyed and all nine occupants were killed.
Probable cause: It was determined that the parachute for resupplies being airdropped became entangled on the tail and the elevators of the aircraft. In such conditions, control was lost and the airplane crashed."
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1950-July-31 Accident Category A 2022-02-13

Unspecified 1950-07-31 to 1950-07-31

405 (MP) Sqn (RCAF) Greenwood NS

Used by No. 405 (MP) Squadron, at RCAF Station Greenwod, NS. Crashed on re-supply mission to Alert, Ellsemere Island, on 31 July 1950. Several fatalities, including squadron commander W/C D. T. French.

Per Bureau of Aircraft Accidents Archives: "The crew from the 405th Squadron Greenwood was engaged in a supply mission to weather scientists based in Alert, NT. While flying at low height to drop the cargo, the aircraft went out of control and crashed in a huge explosion about 500 meters south of the complex. The aircraft was destroyed and all nine occupants were killed. Probable cause: It was determined that the parachute for resupplies being airdropped became entangled on the tail and the elevators of the aircraft. In such conditions, control was lost and the airplane crashed."

   1950-August-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB966, Mk.X

s/n KB966

Victory Aircraft

KB 966


With No. 103 (Rescue ) Unit at RCAF Station Greenwood, NS in 1952. With No. 404 (MR) Squadron at Greenwood, NS when it crashed on 20 April 1953. Leading Aircraftman W.D. Fifield and Flying Officer D.A. Hamilton killed.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-July-23 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1953-May-04 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB967, Mk.X

s/n KB967

Victory Aircraft

KB 967


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1955-June-23 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB968, Mk.X

s/n KB968

Victory Aircraft

KB 968


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-April-15 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB969, Mk.X

s/n KB969

Victory Aircraft

KB 969


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-August-22 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB970, Mk.X

s/n KB970

Victory Aircraft

KB 970


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-August-08 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB971, Mk.X

s/n KB971

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 971


Crashed at Dorval on 23 March 1945 during testing.
last update: 2025-February-05

Lancaster KB972, Mk.X

s/n KB972

Victory Aircraft

KB 972


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1952-January-30 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB973, Mk.X

s/n KB973

Victory Aircraft

KB 973


With No. 407 Squadron at RCAF Station Comox, BC in 1956.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1960-September-06 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB974, Mk.X

s/n KB974

Victory Aircraft

KB 974


With No. 121 (K) Flight at RCAF Station Sea Island, BC in May 1952, used for fighter affiliation training with Auxiliary fighter Squadrons and search and resuce. Still with this unit in February 1954
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-September-04 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1955-June-23 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB975, Mk.X

s/n KB975

Victory Aircraft

KB 975


With No. 123 (R) Unit at RCAF Station Sea Island in late 1950. Used by No. 407 (MP) Squadron at RCAF Station Comox, BC in the 1950s.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-August-08 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB976, Mk.X

s/n KB976

Victory Aircraft

KB 976


Built by March 1945; flown to England by 24 May 45 to #32 M.U. St Athan, Glamorgan; issued to #405(B) Sqdrn as code 'LQ-K'; too late for operations

Had arrived in Canada on 17 June 1945, as part of Tiger Force. To storage in Alberta in August 1945. To Avro Canada at Malton in June 1948 for conversion to search and rescue configuration. In 1950s converted to long nose 10AR configuration, for ice reconnaissance. Used by No. 408 (P) Squadron, RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario for photographic surveys, Artic patrols, and tactical photo reconnaissance, coded "RM*976".

See Aircraft Record Card for history through the 1950s until disposal in 1964

Took part in last official RCAF Lancaster flight on 4 July 1964. Sold in 1964 to Lynn Garrison of Calgary, Alberta. Flown by Garrison & co-pilot Ralph Langemann on 4 Jul.64 for the Calgary Airshow, but MoT caught word of it and the people involved were charged with 'flying without proper authority' was chucked out of court; (see 'Flying the Frontiers' by S.S.Matheson); sold to Spartan Avn.; placed on CCA Reg. on 6.6.64 as CF-TQC

Started conversion to water bomber by NorthWest Flying Services of St. Albert, Alberta in late 1960s, not completed. Sold to UK owner in 1974, registered as G-BCOH, operated by Strathalan Collection. Had 19 flying hours as a civil aircraft when purchased.

Flown flown across the Atlantic in May, 1975 registered as G-BCOH; resold to Charles Church; upon his death in a Spitfire. KB976 became part of a private collection(Steve Halton) at Sandtoft, Notts.UK

Severely damaged in hanger collapse in the UK in April 1987. Sold to Kermit Weeks of Florida in 1993. Rear fuselage reported preserved in the UK at Aeroventure, Doncaster in April 2006.Other parts reported with Kermit Weeks in Florida, and with the Australian Avro Lincoln Project in Australia. The 10AR extended nose was reportedly removed and sold separately in 1969, now on display in the UK.

(Source includes contributions from Peter Hill) last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1964-May-26 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB977, Mk.X

s/n KB977

Victory Aircraft

KB 977


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-05 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1955-August-28 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB978, Mk.X

s/n KB978

Victory Aircraft

KB 978


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-September-07 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB979, Mk.X

s/n KB979

Victory Aircraft

KB 979


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-January-27 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB980, Mk.X

s/n KB980

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 980


Scrapped in UK in 1947.
last update: 2025-February-05

Lancaster KB981, Mk.X

s/n KB981

Victory Aircraft

KB 981


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-August-29 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-January-27 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB982, Mk.X

s/n KB982

Victory Aircraft

KB 982


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-August-22 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB983, Mk.X

s/n KB983

Victory Aircraft

KB 983


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-30 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB984, Mk.X

s/n KB984

Victory Aircraft

KB 984


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-August-22 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB985, Mk.X

s/n KB985

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 985


Operated by No. 405 (B) Squadron, RCAF in the UK, after VE day. Crashed at Carnaby on training flight on 3 June 1945, before returning to Canada.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-03 Accident Crash crash landed at Carnaby on training flight 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB986, Mk.X

s/n KB986

Victory Aircraft

KB 986


Inspected at Calgary by No. 10 Repair Depot in June 1947.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-August-11 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-June-05 Classified Instructional CA A 561 2020-06-11
   1957-May-28 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 489 | 1968 586

Lancaster KB987, Mk.X

s/n KB987

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 987


Scrapped in UK in 1947.
last update: 2025-February-05

Lancaster KB988, Mk.X

s/n KB988

Victory Aircraft

KB 988


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-July-30 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB989, Mk.X

s/n KB989

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 989


Stored in UK, scrapped in 1947.
last update: 2025-February-05

Lancaster KB990, Mk.X

s/n KB990

Victory Aircraft

KB 990


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-August-08 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1946-September-24 Classified Instructional CA A 527 2020-06-11
   1952-August-10 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 489 | 1968 586

Lancaster KB991, Mk.X

s/n KB991

Victory Aircraft

KB 991


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-July-29 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB992, Mk.X

s/n KB992

Victory Aircraft

KB 992


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-August-08 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1955-June-23 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB993, Mk.X

s/n KB993

m/d 683

Victory Aircraft

KB 993


With No. 408 (B) Squadron, RCAF, in the UK after VE day, coded "EQ*U". Also reported No. 420 Squadron, RCAF, spring of 1945, coded "PT*J", but not confirmed Crashed on training flight on 17/18 May 1945 before returning to Canada. Flew into high ground on Shelf Moor at night , all 6 crew killed.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-May-18 Accident Crash crashed near Glossop 2019-08-20

Lancaster KB994, Mk.X

s/n KB994

Victory Aircraft

KB 994


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1947-January-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 586

Lancaster KB996, Mk.X

s/n KB996

Victory Aircraft

KB 996


Used by No. 407 (MP) Squadron at RCAF Station Comox, BC in the 1950s.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1960-June-02 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 587

Lancaster KB997, Mk.X

s/n KB997

Victory Aircraft

KB 997


Used by No. 405 (MP) Squadron, coded "AG*M", at RCAF Station Greenwod, NS.
last update: 2025-February-05
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1955-June-23 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 587

Lancaster KB998, Mk.X

s/n KB998

Victory Aircraft

KB 998


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1948-June-27 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 587

Lancaster KB999, Mk.X

s/n KB999

Victory Aircraft

KB 999


last update: 2025-March-10
   1945-June-28 Taken on Strength 2022-02-07
   1945-December-31 Accept from other Air Force Received from RAF 2019-08-20
   1953-October-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
📙 JA Griffin (2005: Smith, Castle): 1968 587