Spitfire (Total: 20,815, Canadian: 502, Group 502)
Supermarine Spitfire

Supermarine Spitfire Mk. VI, RCAF (Serial No. X4492), in flight, 26 Feb 1944.
The Supermarine Spitfire is a British single-seat fighter aircraft that was used by the Royal Air Force and other Allied countries before, during, and after World War II. Many variants of the Spitfire were built, using several wing configurations, and it was produced in greater numbers than any other British aircraft. It was also the only British fighter produced continuously throughout the war. The Spitfire continues to be popular among enthusiasts; around 70 remain airworthy, and many more are static exhibits in aviation museums throughout the world.
The Spitfire was designed as a short-range, high-performance interceptor aircraft by R. J. Mitchell, chief designer at Supermarine Aviation Works, which operated as a subsidiary of Vickers-Armstrong from 1928. Mitchell pushed the Spitfire's distinctive elliptical wing with cutting-edge sunken rivets (designed by Beverley Shenstone) to have the thinnest possible cross-section, helping give the aircraft a higher top speed than several contemporary fighters, including the Hawker Hurricane.
The Spitfire had detachable wing tips which were secured by two mounting points at the end of each main wing assembly. When the Spitfire took on a role as a high-altitude fighter (Marks VI and VII and some early Mk VIIIs), the standard wing tips were replaced by extended, "pointed" tips which increased the wingspan from 36 ft 10 in (11.23 m) to 40 ft 2 in (12.24 m). The other wing-tip variation, used by several Spitfire variants, was the "clipped" wing; the standard wing tips were replaced by wooden fairings which reduced the span by 3 ft 6 in (1.07 m). The wing tips used spruce formers for most of the internal structure with a light alloy skin attached using brass screws.
Due to a shortage of Brownings, which had been selected as the new standard rifle calibre machine gun for the RAF in 1934, early Spitfires were fitted with only four guns, with the other four fitted later. Early tests showed that, while the guns worked perfectly on the ground and at low altitudes, they tended to freeze at high altitude, especially the outer wing guns, because the RAF's Brownings had been modified to fire from an open bolt. While this prevented overheating of the cordite used in British ammunition, it allowed cold air to flow through the barrel unhindered. Supermarine did not fix the problem until October 1938, when they added hot air ducts from the rear of the wing-mounted radiators to the guns, and bulkheads around the gunbays to trap the hot air in the wing. Red fabric patches were doped over the gun ports to protect the guns from cold, dirt, and moisture until they were fired.
The first Rolls-Royce Griffon-engined Mk XII flew in August 1942, and first flew operationally with 41 Squadron in April 1943. This mark could nudge 400 mph (640 km/h) in level flight and climb to an altitude of 33,000 ft (10,000 m) in under nine minutes. As American fighters took over the long-range escorting of USAAF daylight bombing raids, the Griffon-engined Spitfires progressively took up the tactical air superiority role, and played a major role in intercepting V-1 flying bombs, while the Merlin-engined variants (mainly the Mk IX and the Packard-engined Mk XVI) were adapted to the fighter-bomber role. Although the later Griffon-engined marks lost some of the favourable handling characteristics of their Merlin-powered predecessors, they could still outmanoeuvre their main German foes and other, later American and British-designed fighters.Wikipedia
Wikipedia Supermarine Spitfire
Spitfire X4009, Mk Ia
s/n X4009
c/n 6S 74889
VA (Supermarine)
X 4009
Merlin III
FF 24-07-194037MU 28-07-1940234S 19-08-1940shot down by return fire from Do17 SE London F/Lt P C Hughes killed 07-09-1940SOC 30-09-1940FH28.25 [Works order 945]
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4010, Mk Ia
s/n X4010
c/n 946
VA (Supermarine)
X 4010
Merlin III
With No. 412 (F) Squadron, RCAF in the UK, from 9 July 1941.
FF 24-07-194037MU 28-07-1940234S 18-08-194066S 18-09-1940C2 ops 23-09-1940GAL 412S 09-07-194153OTU 09-09-1941ASTH 07-12-1941140S 03-04-1942FAAC 12-05-1942[180S 26-05-1942] FAAC 02-04-194353OTU 11-04-1944FAAC 09-08-1944SOC 27-09-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4011, Mk Ia
s/n X4011
c/n 937
VA (Supermarine)
X 4011
Merlin III
FF 24-07-194037MU 26-07-1940610S 27-08-1940shot down crash-landing Gatwick Flight Sergeant Baker safe FAC3 29-08-1940611S Crashed on take-off Acklington 05-11-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4012, Mk Ia
s/n X4012
c/n 938
VA (Supermarine)
X 4012
Merlin III
FF 25-07-194037MU 26-07-1940152S 26-08-1940602S 13-10-1940C2 ops 15-11-1940GAL 61OTU 03-07-1941SOC 01-12-1941Cv synthetic trainer as 3307M 05-12-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4013, Mk Ia
s/n X4013
c/n 950
VA (Supermarine)
X 4013
Merlin III
FF 25-07-194037MU 30-07-1940610S 27-08-1940shot down by Bf109 over Tunbridge Wells Pilot Officer Winter killed - baled out too low 05-09-1940SOC 18-09-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4014, Mk Ia
s/n X4014
c/n 939
VA (Supermarine)
X 4014
Merlin III
FF 25-07-194037MU 26-07-1940610S 27-08-1940DGRD AAEE 05-05-1941124S 29-08-1941340S 20-10-194152OTU 02-11-1941215MU 19-09-1942Peter Mearsk 08-11-1942lost at sea 08-01-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4015, Mk Ia
s/n X4015
c/n 940
VA (Supermarine)
X 4015
Merlin III
FF 25-07-19406MU 26-07-1940611S 30-07-194065S 31-08-1940FAC2 07-10-1940Scottish Aviation C2 ops 17-02-194153OTU 02-05-1941Crashed on take-off Heston FACE 15-06-1941SOC 20-06-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4016, Mk Ia
s/n X4016
c/n 941
VA (Supermarine)
X 4016
Merlin III
FF 25-07-19406MU 27-07-1940234S 11-08-1940shot down by Bf109 off IoW Flying Officer Connor abandoned aircraft 16-08-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4017, Mk Ia
s/n X4017
c/n 942
VA (Supermarine)
X 4017
Merlin III
FF 25-07-19406MU 27-07-1940152S 09-08-194041S 05-10-1940611S 24-10-1940485S 15-03-194161OTU 25-06-1941FAAC 26-06-1943ros RNAS Henstridge 19-07-1944CE 23-09-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4018, Mk Ia
s/n X4018
c/n 943
VA (Supermarine)
X 4018
Merlin III
FF 26-07-19406MU 27-07-194064S 09-08-1940shot down by Bf109 Pilot Officer Donahue abandoned aircraft Sellindge Kent dbf 12-08-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4019, Mk Ia
s/n X4019
c/n 947
VA (Supermarine)
X 4019
Merlin III
FF 26-07-19406MU 28-07-194054S 01-08-1940damaged enemy action Pilot Officer Campbell safe 24-08-1940603S 07-10-1940266S 17-10-1940111S 11-04-194158OTU 29-05-1941CBAF 24-12-194182MU 06-11-1942Peter Mearsk 08-11-1942lost at sea 08-01-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4020, Mk Ia
s/n X4020
c/n 948
VA (Supermarine)
X 4020
Merlin III
FF 26-07-194046MU 28-07-194066S 31-07-1940AST 13-10-1940152S 10-11-194058OTU 23-03-1941SOC 14-04-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4021, Mk Ia
s/n X4021
c/n 949
VA (Supermarine)
X 4021
Merlin III
FF 26-07-194046MU 28-07-194054S 01-08-194041S 02-08-1940shot down force-landing Flying Officer Wallens injured CE 05-09-19401CRU 266S 24-11-1940wheels up landing Cranwell CB 10-01-1941111S 03-04-194158OTU 29-05-1941AST 26-07-1941Cv Va M45 603S 29-09-1941130S 22-11-194181S 17-02-1942165S 'SK-S' 12-04-1942167S 27-05-1942HAL 23-09-1942Cv PRVII Type G HAL 29-04-1943Cv PRXIII M32 VASM 29-04-1943fuel syst mods wing stiff RNDA 03-03-1944718S Henstridge 'G3L' 08-1944Eastleigh 24-05-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4022, Mk Ia
s/n X4022
c/n 951
VA (Supermarine)
X 4022
Merlin III
FF 26-07-19406MU 28-07-194054S 01-08-194074S 02-08-1940collision with X4027 Flight Sergeant Skinner abandoned aircraft safe 30-08-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4023, Mk Ia
s/n X4023
c/n 952
VA (Supermarine)
X 4023
Merlin III
FF 26-07-19408MU 28-07-1940234S 11-08-1940damaged by Bf109 nr Portsmouth wheels up landing Middle Wallop Pilot Officer Horton safe 26-08-1940AST 152S 06-11-194058OTU 23-03-1941457S 20-09-194153OTU 20-10-1941FAAC 05-07-1942SOC 08-03-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4024, Mk Ia
s/n X4024
c/n 953
VA (Supermarine)
X 4024
Merlin III
FF 27-07-19408MU 29-07-194074S 14-08-1940222S 04-09-1940C2 ops 14-09-1940AST 72S 11-10-194092S 11-10-1940FAC2 14-11-1940AST 53OTU 24-06-1941collision with X4607 Treharris Glam dbf CE 07-07-1941SOC 15-07-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4025, Mk Ia
s/n X4025
c/n 954
VA (Supermarine)
X 4025
Merlin III
FF 27-07-19408MU 30-07-1940152S 18-08-1940overshot landing overturned 23-11-1940AST CB ops 23-02-1941AST 61OTU 03-07-1941FACE 29-07-1941SOC 18-08-1941to 2655M
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4026, Mk Ia
s/n X4026
c/n 955
VA (Supermarine)
X 4026
Merlin III
Used by No. 403 (F) Squadron, RCAF, from 29 May 1941. Coded "KH*J". Had left this unit by September 1941.
FF 27-07-19408MU 30-07-194064S 19-08-1940crashed 16-11-1940AST 616S 01-01-194165S 26-02-1941308S 04-04-1941403S 'KH-J' 29-05-1941131S 09-09-194152OTU 22-10-1941engine failed wheels up landing nr Pershore dbf 15-11-1941SOC 22-11-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4027, Mk Ia
s/n X4027
c/n 956
VA (Supermarine)
X 4027
Merlin III
FF 28-07-19408MU 30-07-194074S 14-08-1940FAC2 collision with X4022 Pilot Officer Churches safe 30-08-1940234S 11-11-1940into sea ops off Newquay Flight Sergeant R Sharpley killed 16-11-1940SOC 01-12-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4028, Mk Ia
s/n X4028
c/n 957
VA (Supermarine)
X 4028
Merlin III
FF 28-07-19408MU 29-07-1940610S 19-08-1940602S 14-12-194061OTU 20-04-19416MU 13-09-1941Cv Va 54S 18-09-1941FA total wreck SOC 24-11-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4029, Mk Ia
s/n X4029
c/n 958
VA (Supermarine)
X 4029
Merlin III
FF 28-07-19408MU 31-07-1940PRU 03-08-1940damaged by enemy bombs 19-09-1940Missing from PR mission to Rotterdam 31-03-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4030, Mk Ia
s/n X4030
c/n 959
VA (Supermarine)
X 4030
Merlin III
Used by No. 403 (F) Squadron, RCAF, from 27 May 1941. Had left this unit by October 1941.
FF 28-07-19408MU 31-07-1940602S 11-08-1940266S 12-08-1940C2 ops 16-08-1940AST 616S 01-01-194165S 26-02-1941308S 16-04-1941403S 27-05-194157OTU 25-10-1941FACB 07-10-1942GAL RNAS 19-07-1943759S Yeovilton 07-1943Tipped on nose taxying Cat S 30-07-1944(Mid GW Hartland) To 45MU 03-10-1944SOC 20-12-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4031, Mk Ia
s/n X4031
c/n 960
VA (Supermarine)
X 4031
Merlin III
FF 29-07-194012MU 31-07-194064S 17-08-1940GAL 54S 13-11-1940C2 ops 24-11-194041S 22-02-1941452S 19-04-1941313S 28-05-194161OTU 16-08-1941FAAC 22-08-1941Dived into ground Worminghall Bucks FACE 25-02-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4032, Mk Ia
s/n X4032
c/n 961
VA (Supermarine)
X 4032
Merlin III
FF 29-07-194012MU 01-08-194064S 17-08-1940FTR ops Flight Sergeant L A Dyke killed 27-09-1940FH39.20
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4033, Mk Ia
s/n X4033
c/n 962
VA (Supermarine)
X 4033
Merlin III
Used by No. 403 (F) Squadron, RCAF, from 27 May 1941. Had left this unit by July 1941.
FF 29-07-194012MU 31-07-1940266S 19-08-1940616S 07-09-194065S 26-02-1941308S 10-04-1941403S 27-05-1941131S 16-07-1941to 2685M 6SoTT 22-10-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4034, Mk Ia
s/n X4034
c/n 963
VA (Supermarine)
X 4034
Merlin III
FF 30-07-194012MU 11-08-194072S 11-08-1940shot down by Bf109 Hawkinge Kent Flying Officer Sheen abandoned aircraft injured 05-09-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4035, Mk Ia
s/n X4035
c/n 964
VA (Supermarine)
X 4035
Merlin III
FF 29-07-194012MU 31-07-1940234S 17-08-1940Damaged by Bf109 and caught fire abandoned and blew up Howbourne Farm Hadlow Down Sussex C3 06-09-1940AST SOC 30-09-1940FH10.40
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4036, Mk Ia
s/n X4036
c/n 965
VA (Supermarine)
X 4036
Merlin III
FF 30-07-194012MU 31-07-1940234S 17-08-1940C2 ops 11-10-1940AST 66S 13-04-1941enemy action CB 16-04-1941AST 52OTU 20-11-1941Flew into ground in bad visibility Parks Farm Cambridge FACE 24-02-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4037, Mk Ia
s/n X4037
c/n 966
VA (Supermarine)
X 4037
Merlin III
FF 30-07-194039MU 01-08-194092S 21-08-1940shot down by Bf109 North Weald Pilot Officer Bryson killed dbf 24-09-1940SOC 30-09-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4038, Mk Ia
s/n X4038
c/n 967
VA (Supermarine)
X 4038
Merlin III
FF 30-07-194039MU 01-08-194092S 21-08-1940air collision with R6616 during attack on Do17 crashed nr Brighton C3 10-10-1940Pilot Officer D G Williams killedFH86.35
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4051, Mk Ia
s/n X4051
c/n 968
VA (Supermarine)
X 4051
Merlin III
FF 30-07-194039MU 01-08-194092S 21-08-1940damaged force-landed Biggin Hill Flight Sergeant Mann injured 04-09-1940AST 610S 23-02-194153OTU 03-03-1941457S 14-08-194158OTU 26-10-1941FACB 07-11-1942Scottish Aviation engine failed hit hedge in forcelanding nr Belford Northumberland CE 20-07-1944SOC
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4052, Mk Ia
s/n X4052
c/n 990
VA (Supermarine)
X 4052
Merlin III
FF 05-08-194039MU 07-08-194066S 21-08-1940shot down by Bf109 force-landed F/Lt Christie injured C2 04-09-1940AST 41S 19-09-1940Collided with X4554 nr West Kingsdown and crashed Crooked Billet Ash Kent Flying Officer D H O'Neill baled out but parachute failed killed 11-10-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4053, Mk Ia
s/n X4053
c/n 969
VA (Supermarine)
X 4053
Merlin III
FF 31-07-194039MU 02-08-194054S 23-08-1940Damaged by Bf109 over Ramsgate abandoned and crashed Puckstone Farmn Lake Westbere Kent S/Ldr Finlay abandoned aircraft 28-08-1940SOC
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4054, Mk Ia
s/n X4054
c/n 970
VA (Supermarine)
X 4054
Merlin III
FF 31-07-194039MU 03-08-194054S 23-08-1940shot down by Hurricane nr Manston Flight Sergeant Gibbons abandoned aircraft dbf 31-08-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4055, Mk Ia
s/n X4055
c/n 971
VA (Supermarine)
X 4055
Merlin III
FF 31-07-194039MU 01-08-1940616S 30-08-1940C2 ops 05-11-1940Hit by Defiant N3323 on ground Kirton-in-Lindsey FACE 08-01-1941SOC 20-01-1941FH110.35
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4056, Mk Ia
s/n X4056
c/n 972
VA (Supermarine)
X 4056
Merlin III
FF 01-08-194039MU 02-08-1940616S 30-08-1940Wing came off during dive 8m SE of Kirton-in-Lindsey FAC3 08-11-1940SOC 11-11-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4057, Mk Ia
s/n X4057
c/n 973
VA (Supermarine)
X 4057
Merlin III
FF 31-07-194039MU 01-08-1940222S 01-09-1940Hit by AA while attacking Bf109 over Dover abandoned and crashed Pincham nr East Langdon Kent dbf 05-09-1940SOC 21-09-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4058, Mk Ia
s/n X4058
c/n 974
VA (Supermarine)
X 4058
Merlin III
FF 01-08-194039MU 02-08-1940222S 01-09-1940129S 22-06-194158OTU 12-09-1941FAAC 05-05-1942C2 ops 09-09-194252OTU 23-05-1943CE 18-08-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4059, Mk Ia
s/n X4059
c/n 975
VA (Supermarine)
X 4059
Merlin III
FF 01-08-19406MU 03-08-194065S 09-08-194019S damaged ops force-landing C2 Flying Officer Haines safe 11-09-1940Scottish Aviation 58OTU 10-05-1941FAAC 28-02-1942? Scottish Aviation 52OTU 07-03-1942? Collided with Master AZ364 in circuit Aston Down FACE dbf 15-10-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4060, Mk Ia
s/n X4060
c/n 976
VA (Supermarine)
X 4060
Merlin III
FF 01-08-19406MU 02-08-194064S 09-08-194074S 09-10-194041S 12-10-1940611S 30-12-1940485S 14-03-1941123S 13-06-194161OTU 11-10-1941Ran short of fuel in bad weather and bellylanded in field Wallington Surrey FACE 04-11-1941SOC 15-11-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4061, Mk Ia
s/n X4061
c/n 977
VA (Supermarine)
X 4061
Merlin III
FF 01-08-19406MU 03-08-194074S 09-08-1940266S 18-08-1940destroyed by Bf109 on ground Manston 18-08-1940SOC 28-08-1940FH8
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4062, Mk Ia
s/n X4062
c/n 978
VA (Supermarine)
X 4062
Merlin III
FF 01-08-19406MU 02-08-1940R-RH 05-02-1941Cv Va M45 AFDU Duxford 21-02-194192S 03-03-1941Shot down by Bf109s off Dungeness 11-04-1941Flight Sergeant Gaskell killed SOC 12-04-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4063, Mk Ia
s/n X4063
c/n 979
VA (Supermarine)
X 4063
Merlin III
FF 02-08-19406MU 03-08-1940266S 13-08-1940C3 ops 16-08-1940AST 72S 09-09-1940shot down by Bf109 nr Gravesend Pilot Officer B W Brown safe dbf 23-09-1940SOC 12-10-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4064, Mk Ia
s/n X4064
c/n 980
VA (Supermarine)
X 4064
Merlin III
FF 02-08-19406MU 03-08-1940610S 11-08-194057OTU 04-02-1941131S 17-07-1941ASTH 24-08-1941Cv Va M45 AFDU 13-10-1941RAE 07-1942air cleaner trials 61OTU 15-05-1943FAAC 12-07-19431TEU 21-06-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4065, Mk Ia
s/n X4065
c/n 981
VA (Supermarine)
X 4065
Merlin III
FF 02-08-19408MU 04-08-1940610S 12-08-194057OTU 03-06-1941303S 17-07-1941dived into sea nr Prestatyn N Wales 11-08-1941SOC
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4066, Mk Ia
s/n X4066
c/n 982
VA (Supermarine)
X 4066
Merlin III
FF 03-08-19408MU 04-08-1940266S 16-08-1940destroyed by Bf109 on ground Manston 18-08-1940SOC 28-08-1940FH5
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4067, Mk Ia
s/n X4067
c/n 983
VA (Supermarine)
X 4067
Merlin III
FF 03-08-19408MU 04-08-194064S 11-08-1940610S shot down by Bf109 nr Dover Pilot Officer Gray injured 24-08-1940222S 23-09-194053OTU 27-05-1941AST 27-06-1941Cv II MXII 130S 26-08-1941134S 05-01-194253OTU 12-02-1942air collision with P7822 nr St.Athan CE 15-02-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4068, Mk Ia
s/n X4068
c/n 984
VA (Supermarine)
X 4068
Merlin III
FF 03-08-19408MU 04-08-194074S 12-08-194041S 13-09-1940FAC2 15-10-1940AST 61OTU 28-06-1941RAE 12-03-1942gunnery trials to ETPS for air-to-air homing 58OTU 18-07-1942FAAC 18-02-19431TEU 26-02-1944aircraft caught fire abandoned crashed nr Tealing CE 26-03-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4069, Mk Ia
s/n X4069
c/n 985
VA (Supermarine)
X 4069
Merlin III
FF 03-08-19408MU 04-08-194074S 14-08-194092S 12-09-1940Damaged by Bf109 and crash landed Shoreham Sussex Pilot Officer A R Wright injured 30-09-1940AST SOC 17-11-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4070, Mk Ia
s/n X4070
c/n 986
VA (Supermarine)
X 4070
Merlin III
FF 03-08-19408MU 04-08-1940610S 12-08-194019S 10-09-1940shot down by Bf109 off French Coast Flight Sergeant J A Potter pow 15-09-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4088,
s/n X4088
X 4088
last update: 2025-March-10
Spitfire X4101, Mk Ia
s/n X4101
c/n 987
VA (Supermarine)
X 4101
Merlin III
FF 04-08-19408MU 06-08-194074S 14-08-194041S 13-09-1940shot down by Bf109 force-landed Lympne Pilot Officer Bennions safe 20-09-1940Scottish Aviation 72S 08-12-1940485S 11-05-194161OTU 25-06-1941131S 17-07-1941ASTE 29-08-1941SOC 29-12-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4102, Mk Ia
s/n X4102
c/n 988
VA (Supermarine)
X 4102
Merlin III
FF 04-08-19408MU 06-08-1940610S 'DW-K' 13-08-1940Damaged by Bf109 crash-landed nr Shepherdswell Pilot Officer D McI Gray injured ops 24-08-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4103, Mk Ia
s/n X4103
c/n 989
VA (Supermarine)
X 4103
Merlin III
FF 05-08-19408MU 06-08-1940610S 13-08-194066S 07-10-194057OTU FAC2 06-11-1940HAL 131S 17-07-19414SoTT 18-10-1941to 2684M 03-02-1942rtp 18-05-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4104, Mk Ia
s/n X4104
c/n 991
VA (Supermarine)
X 4104
Merlin III
FF 06-08-19408MU 07-08-1940609S 16-08-1940damaged Bf110 F/Lt Howell safe 24-08-1940602S 12-09-1940610S 14-12-194053OTU 03-03-1941FACB 25-05-1941Westland MMO new eng 21-03-1942222MU 15-11-1942Algarab 18-12-1942Port Sudan 12-03-1943SOC 27-07-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4105, Mk Ia
s/n X4105
c/n 992
VA (Supermarine)
X 4105
Merlin III
FF 05-08-19408MU 06-08-1940610S 13-08-1940C2 ops 02-09-1940GAL 222S 17-01-194153OTU 23-06-194161OTU 02-09-1941Bellylanded in bad weather while lost Durford Park Rogate Sussex FACB 01-11-1941SOC 09-11-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4106, Mk Ia
s/n X4106
c/n 993
VA (Supermarine)
X 4106
Merlin III
Used by No. 401 (F) Squadron, RCAF, from 26 October 1941. Had left this unit by March 1942. Later with No. 443 (F) Squadron, RCAF, from 25 February 1944. Survived the war, sold as scrap on 8 January 1948.
FF 06-08-19406MU 07-08-194092S 08-03-1941MMO 02-05-1941Cv Vb M45 parts from R-R 92S 12-05-1941FAAC 13-09-1941401S 26-10-1941154S 01-03-194266S 24-03-1943234S 19-04-1943312S 29-06-1943VASM 05-11-1943fuel syst mods 443S 25-02-1944288S 24-05-1945sold scrap J.Dale 08-01-1948
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4107, Mk Ia
s/n X4107
c/n 994
VA (Supermarine)
X 4107
Merlin III
FF 06-08-19408MU 08-08-1940609S 16-08-1940air collision with Bf110 nr Weybridge Pilot Officer R F G Miller killed C3 27-09-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4108, Mk Ia
s/n X4108
c/n 995
VA (Supermarine)
X 4108
Merlin III
FF 07-08-19408MU 09-08-194054S 16-08-1940124S 07-05-1941Hit hill in mist on convoy patrol Rendall Orkney 24-09-1941SOC 12-10-1941Flight Sergeant R H Pauley killed
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4109, Mk Ia
s/n X4109
c/n 996
VA (Supermarine)
X 4109
Merlin III
FF 07-08-19409MU 08-08-194072S 13-08-1940Damaged by Bf109 abandoned and crashed Court Lodge Farm Ham Street Kent Flying Officer Sheen safe ops 01-09-1940SOC 28-09-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4110, Mk Ia
s/n X4110
c/n 997
VA (Supermarine)
X 4110
Merlin III
FF 07-08-19409MU 09-08-1940602S 16-08-1940shot down by Bf109 over Solent F/Lt Urie abandoned aircraft injured 18-08-1940Cunliffe-Owen SOC 05-10-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4159, Mk Ia
s/n X4159
c/n 998
VA (Supermarine)
X 4159
Merlin III
FF 08-08-19406MU 10-08-1940cannon wing fitt 19S 01-09-19407OTU 03-09-1940FA 13-09-1940oxygen failure crashed Tatton Hall Cheshire Flight Sergeant Edgar killed
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4160, Mk Ia
s/n X4160
c/n 999
VA (Supermarine)
X 4160
Merlin III
FF 07-08-19409MU 10-08-1940602S 16-08-1940air collision with Spit Pilot Officer Ritchie returned to Westhampnett 23-08-1940Hit by return fire from Ju88 spun into ground in attempted forced landing nr Seaford Flight Sergeant B E P Whall killed 07-10-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4161, Mk Ia
s/n X4161
c/n 1000
VA (Supermarine)
X 4161
Merlin III
Used by No. 403 (F) Squadron, RCAF, from 28 May 1941. Damaged in a flying accident on 3 June 1941, repaired by de Havilland. Survived the war, and was struck off on 30 September 1945.
FF 08-08-19409MU 09-08-1940602S 16-08-1940shot down by Bf109 nr Portsmouth Pilot Officer Moddy safe C2 18-08-1940Cunliffe-Owen 02-09-1940308S 11-05-1941403S 28-05-1941FACB 03-06-1941DeH new eng 21-03-194252OTU 11-07-1942FACB 24-07-1943ros 58OTU 14-09-1943SOC 30-08-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4162, Mk Ia
s/n X4162
c/n 1001
VA (Supermarine)
X 4162
Merlin III
FF 08-08-19409MU 09-08-1940602S 16-08-1940FAC2 23-11-1940124S 07-05-1941340S 20-10-194152OTU 21-10-1941FACB 24-01-1942ASTH HAL 15-06-1942Cv PRVII M45 8OTU 04-02-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4163, Mk Ia
s/n X4163
c/n 1002
VA (Supermarine)
X 4163
Merlin III
FF 08-08-19409MU 09-08-194054S 13-08-194041S 22-02-1941452S 24-04-1941313S 01-06-194153OTU 20-10-1941FACB 05-12-1941Westland 57OTU 16-04-1944SOC 24-05-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4164, Mk Ia
s/n X4164
c/n 1003
VA (Supermarine)
X 4164
Merlin III
FF 08-08-19409MU 10-08-1940152S 19-08-1940603S 20-08-1940266S 13-10-1940landing accident Flight Sergeant Ody safe 17-10-1940111S 11-11-194058OTU 28-05-1941Scottish Aviation 111S air collision with K9863 nr Sealand CE 26-01-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4165, Mk Ia
s/n X4165
c/n 1004
VA (Supermarine)
X 4165
Merlin III
FF 09-08-194024MU 10-08-1940609S 16-08-194066S 15-04-1941501S 27-04-194161OTU 01-07-1941FAAC 16-05-1943ros RNDA 15-01-1944761S Henstridge 04-1944FL on runway Cat S 20-06-1944(Squadron Leader TA Trotter) SOC 30-12-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4166, Mk Ia
s/n X4166
c/n 1005
VA (Supermarine)
X 4166
Merlin III
FF 09-08-194024MU 10-08-1940610S 15-08-1940FAC2 12-10-1940AST SOC 22-10-1940cancel 61OTU 02-09-1941SOC 07-11-1941to 2827M
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4167, Mk Ia
s/n X4167
c/n 1006
VA (Supermarine)
X 4167
Merlin III
FF 09-08-194024MU 10-09-194074S 16-09-194072S 01-12-194057OTU 02-05-1941flew into hill with K9892 Ruabon Denbighs 03-07-1941SOC 15-07-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4168, Mk Ia
s/n X4168
c/n 1008
VA (Supermarine)
X 4168
Merlin III
FF 09-08-194024MU 10-08-1940610S 15-08-1940222S shot down nr Hurst Green Sussex 07-09-1940SOC 11-09-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4169, Mk Ia
s/n X4169
c/n 1010
VA (Supermarine)
X 4169
Merlin III
FF 10-08-194024MU 11-08-1940602S 15-08-1940152S 13-09-1940C2 ops 24-09-1940AST 602S 29-10-194052OTU 10-05-1941Crashed in forced landing nr Prestatyn Flint 07-08-1941SOC 18-08-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4170, Mk Ia
s/n X4170
c/n 1011
VA (Supermarine)
X 4170
Merlin III
FF 10-08-194024MU 12-09-1940266S 17-09-194019S 17-09-1940damaged ops force-landing Eastchurch Pilot Officer Lawson safe 18-09-194066S 29-09-1940shot down by Bf109 over Tunbridge Wells Pilot Officer R W Oxspring abandoned aircraft 25-10-1940FH45.35
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4171, Mk Ia
s/n X4171
c/n 1009
VA (Supermarine)
X 4171
Merlin III
FF 10-08-194024MU 11-08-1940152S 15-08-194058OTU 23-03-1941CAC 02-06-1941Scottish Aviation 132S 12-08-1941overturned landing Peterhead CE 01-11-1941SOC
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4172, Mk Ia
s/n X4172
c/n 1012
VA (Supermarine)
X 4172
Merlin III
Used by No. 421 (F) Squadron, RCAF, from 24 May 1942. Had left this unit by September 1942.
FF 10-08-194024MU 12-08-1940266S 17-08-1940616S 07-09-194065S 26-02-1941308S 04-04-1941FA 04-05-1941AST 130S 26-10-1941CAC 12-11-1941VA 133S 26-02-1942601S 11-04-1942FAAC 05-05-1942421S 24-05-1942RNDA 01-09-1942Stretton 09-1942AST 10-10-1942hook fitt RNAS Machrihanish 17-10-1942Ayr 15-12-1942To store 09-01-1943Tested ARS Hatston 18-03-1943Machrihanish workshops (Vb) 04-1943to 06-1943768S autumn 1943 Evanton store 11-1943to 12-1943RNDA 21-01-1944768S Abbotsinch hook torn out landing Argus Cat X2 22-02-1944(Squadron Leader GY Hooper RNZN) Accident Cat C 20-05-1944RNAS 27-05-1944761S Henstridge 06-1944to 11-1944ADDLs stbd oleo damaged wheel-up landing Cat X1 08-07-1944(Squadron Leader TA Trotter)
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4173, Mk Ia
s/n X4173
c/n 1013
VA (Supermarine)
X 4173
Merlin III
FF 11-08-194024MU 12-08-1940266S 17-08-194019S 13-09-1940609S 28-09-194066S 24-02-194157OTU 14-03-1941AST 24-07-1941Cv Va M45 145S 23-11-1941134S 20-12-1941164S 09-05-1942602S 10-09-194261OTU 06-06-1943air collision with R7127 CAC 12-09-1943ros Stalled pulling out of firing dive and crashed on Prestatyn ranges Flints CE 19-05-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4174, Mk Ia
s/n X4174
c/n 1014
VA (Supermarine)
X 4174
Merlin III
FF 11-08-194024MU 13-08-1940266S 17-08-1940616S 07-09-194065S 26-02-1941308S 16-04-1941303S 'RF-V' 21-07-1941306S 06-10-194157OTU 10-01-194253OTU 11-08-1943Spun into ground 1m NE of Llantrisant Glamorgan 08-09-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4175, Mk Ia
s/n X4175
c/n 1015
VA (Supermarine)
X 4175
Merlin III
FF 11-08-194024MU 12-08-1940266S 17-08-1940616S 07-09-194065S 26-02-1941308S 10-04-1941403S 27-05-1941AST 12MU 10-07-1941131S 16-07-194152OTU 22-10-194153OTU 20-02-19433501SU 10-04-194353OTU 11-05-194314SoTT 30-11-1943Cat F to 4408M
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4176, Mk Ia
s/n X4176
c/n 1016
VA (Supermarine)
X 4176
Merlin III
FF 11-08-194024MU 13-08-1940266S 66S 57OTU 412S collision with Spit during practise dogfight crashed Silk Willoughby Lincs 02-08-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4177, Mk Ia
s/n X4177
c/n 1017
VA (Supermarine)
X 4177
Merlin III
FF 12-08-194024MU 13-08-1940152S 23-09-1940shot down crashed nr Frome Somerset S/Ldr Devitt safe C2 25-09-1940AST 54S 26-01-194141S 22-02-1941452S 18-04-1941303S 19-07-1941306S 06-10-194161OTU 15-11-19411TEU 01-03-1944SOC 06-03-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4178, Mk Ia
s/n X4178
c/n 1018
VA (Supermarine)
X 4178
Merlin III
FF 12-08-194024MU 13-08-1940266S 17-08-194041S 'EB-K' 25-08-1940? damaged Bf109 Flying Officer Boyle safe 17-09-1940damaged C2 07-10-1940Shot down by Bf109 and crashed off North Foreland Flight Sergeant D P Lloyd killed 15-10-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4179, Mk Ia
s/n X4179
c/n 1019
VA (Supermarine)
X 4179
Merlin III
FF 12-08-194024MU 15-08-1940266S 18-08-194019S 13-09-1940609S 27-09-194066S 24-02-194157OTU 14-03-1941FA 08-05-1941MMO 131S 24-08-1941140S 03-04-1942FAAC 08-01-1943ros 57OTU 09-06-1943engine failed on takeoff wheels up landing overturned Eshott CE 24-10-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4180, Mk Ia
s/n X4180
c/n 1020
VA (Supermarine)
X 4180
Merlin III
Used by No. 403 (F) Squadron, RCAF, from 31 December 1941. Had left this unit by February 1942.
FF 12-08-194048MU 13-08-1940616S 26-08-1940FAC2 27-08-194061OTU 28-06-19411CRU 20-08-1941Cv Va M45 121S 07-12-1941403S 31-12-1941133S 06-02-19422USAAF 06-06-1942FAAC 10-01-194361OTU 28-02-1944Hit by R6720 while parked North Weald CE 12-08-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4181, Mk Ia
s/n X4181
c/n 1021
VA (Supermarine)
X 4181
Merlin III
FF 12-08-194012MU 17-08-1940used for 100 octane fuel tests 616S 26-08-1940shot down by Bf110 nr Gravesend F/Lt Gillam abandoned aircraft C3 02-09-1940SOC 08-09-1940[cancel 61OTU overturned landing Rednal 31-10-1942]
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4182, Mk Ia
s/n X4182
c/n 1022
VA (Supermarine)
X 4182
Merlin III
FF 13-08-194012MU 14-08-1940234S 19-08-1940Damaged by Bf110 nr Haslemere Flight Sergeant Olenski safe 04-09-1940234S crashed nr Colan Newquay Pilot Officer McKay abandoned aircraft injured CE 25-09-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4183, Mk Ia
s/n X4183
c/n 1023
VA (Supermarine)
X 4183
Merlin III
FF 13-08-194012MU 14-08-1940234S 19-08-1940Damaged by Bf109 nr Northian Sussex Flight Sergeant W H Hornby abandoned aircraft injured
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4184, Mk Ia
s/n X4184
c/n 1024
VA (Supermarine)
X 4184
Merlin III
FF 13-08-194012MU 15-08-1940616S 26-08-194065S 26-02-1941308S 04-04-194158OTU 21-08-1941Control lost in cloud became inverted and engine cut abandoned Dunnacher Hill 4m S of Comrie Perthshire 05-09-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4185, Mk Ia
s/n X4185
c/n 1025
VA (Supermarine)
X 4185
Merlin III
FF 13-08-194012MU 15-08-1940603S 'XT-Z' 01-09-1940shot down by Bf110 over Thames Estuary Pilot Officer D Stewart-Clarke abandoned aircraft injured 03-09-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4186, Mk Ia
s/n X4186
c/n 1026
VA (Supermarine)
X 4186
Merlin III
FF 14-08-194012MU 16-08-1940616S 26-08-1940C2 ops 13-11-1940AST 57OTU 10-01-194261OTU 30-06-1942air collision with AR252 crashed Sealand Flints CE 14-08-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4187, Mk Ia
s/n X4187
c/n 1027
VA (Supermarine)
X 4187
Merlin III
FF 14-08-194012MU 15-08-1940602S 21-08-1940shot down by Bf109 Pilot Officer MacLean injured C2 26-08-1940AST 58OTU 15-09-194117FTS 04-09-1943SOC 08-03-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4188, Mk Ia
s/n X4188
c/n 1028
VA (Supermarine)
X 4188
Merlin III
FF 14-08-194012MU 15-08-1940602S 21-08-1940Damaged by Bf109 nr Bognor Regis Flight Sergeant Babbage abandoned aircraft into sea 26-08-1940FH4.50
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4231, Mk Ia
s/n X4231
c/n 1007
VA (Supermarine)
X 4231
Merlin III
FF 09-08-1940(CMG) 12MU 09-08-194019S 10-08-1940Damaged by return fire from Do17s nr North Weald Flying Officer J B Coward abandoned aircraft leg later amputated 31-08-1940FH23.55
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4232, Mk Ia
s/n X4232
c/n 1029
VA (Supermarine)
X 4232
Merlin III
FF 15-08-19408MU 17-08-194065S 21-08-1940C2 ops 31-10-1940145S 21-01-1941118S 04-03-194153OTU 27-08-1941Crashed in forced landing 2m S of Timberscombe Somerset FACE 05-02-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4233, Mk Ia
s/n X4233
c/n 1030
VA (Supermarine)
X 4233
Merlin III
FF 14-08-19408MU 16-08-194065S 21-08-1940Abandoned when lost at night Glamis Angus C3 26-11-1940SOC 23-12-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4234, Mk Ia
s/n X4234
c/n 1031
VA (Supermarine)
X 4234
Merlin III
FF 15-08-19408MU 16-08-1940609S 24-08-1940damaged combat Pilot Officer Staples safe 27-09-1940AST 66S 13-10-194057OTU 01-11-1940FACB 27-06-1942ros wing fail in spin crashed Alsager Cheshire CE 25-09-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4235, Mk Ia
s/n X4235
c/n 1032
VA (Supermarine)
X 4235
Merlin III
FF 15-08-19408MU 16-08-194054S 25-08-1940damaged takeoff 31-08-1940C3 ops 11-09-1940SOC 19-09-1940cancel 19-09-1940111S 03-05-194158OTU 29-05-1941RNAS Arbroath 04-09-1942761S Henstridge 10-1942to 11-1942Yeovilton store taxied into Proctor BV641 standing on peritrack Worthy Down Cat X1 03-02-1944(Squadron Leader R Phillips) To 45MU 03-10-1944SOC 30-12-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4236, Mk Ia
s/n X4236
c/n 1035
VA (Supermarine)
X 4236
Merlin III
FF 16-08-19408MU 18-08-194054S 25-08-1940damaged by bombs on takeoff Hornchurch C3 31-08-1940SOC 10-09-1940to 2358M
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4237, Mk Ia
s/n X4237
c/n 1033
VA (Supermarine)
X 4237
Merlin III
FF 16-08-19408MU 17-08-194019S 10-09-1940Damaged by Bf109 and crashed nr Wye Flight Sergeant D G S R Cox injured C3 27-09-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4238, Mk Ia
s/n X4238
c/n 1036
VA (Supermarine)
X 4238
Merlin III
FF 17-08-19408MU 19-08-194054S 25-08-194041S 22-02-1941AST 02-03-1941Cv Va M45 61OTU 30-06-1941130S 05-11-1941332S 'AH-L' 13-02-1942164S 12-04-1942struck by R7220 landing Skaebrae CE 04-05-1942SOC 25-05-1942FH252.25 recat B 16-08-194261OTU 09-05-19431TEU 21-06-1944SOC 08-12-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4239, Mk Ia
s/n X4239
c/n 1038
VA (Supermarine)
X 4239
Merlin III
FF 17-08-19408MU 18-08-1940610S 20-08-1940shot down by Bf109 nr Folkestone crashed Hawkinge Flight Sergeant Cork safe 22-08-1940602S 17-12-194072S 11-02-1941303S 'RF-J' 19-07-1941306S 06-10-194157OTU 10-01-1942flew into Cynbowydd Snowdonia FTR 05-04-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4240, Mk Ia
s/n X4240
c/n 1039
VA (Supermarine)
X 4240
Merlin III
FF 17-08-194037MU 19-08-1940610S 07-10-1940602S 14-12-1940FACB 10-02-1941Scottish Aviation 58OTU 07-07-194152OTU 07-02-1942Brakes failed overshot landing swung and u/c collapsed Aston Down FACB 01-03-1942AST recat E 20-05-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4241, Mk Ia
s/n X4241
c/n 1040
VA (Supermarine)
X 4241
Merlin III
FF 18-08-194037MU 20-08-1940610S 30-08-1940C3 ops 02-09-1940AST 234S 04-02-194158OTU 28-03-1941flew into high ground in cloud Maddie Moss nr Alloa 10-06-1943SOC 30-06-1943FH959.40
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4242, Mk Ia
s/n X4242
c/n 1041
VA (Supermarine)
X 4242
Merlin III
FF 18-08-194037MU 20-08-194054S 03-09-194041S 22-02-1941452S 19-04-1941313S 21-05-194161OTU 16-08-194120-12-1941Cv PRIII Benson 26-03-1942for use Commanding General 215MU 20-10-1942Peter Mearsk 08-11-1942lost at sea 08-01-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4243, Mk Ia
s/n X4243
c/n 1042
VA (Supermarine)
X 4243
Merlin III
FF 19-08-194037MU 20-08-1940245S 08-09-1940234S 09-09-1940C2 ops 25-12-1940AST 132S 12-07-1941u/c collapsed on landing in cross-wind Peterhead CE 19-07-1941Scottish Aviation SOC 31-07-1941FH39
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4244, Mk Ia
s/n X4244
c/n 1043
VA (Supermarine)
X 4244
Merlin III
FF 19-08-194037MU 20-08-1940245S 08-09-1940234S 09-09-194058OTU 28-03-194152OTU 12-11-1941FACB 15-04-1942ASTH RNAS Yeovilton 09-09-1942762S Yeovilton landed with drift ran onto grass nosed over Cat X 11-02-1943(Squadron Leader TW Down) 759S Yeovilton 06-1943to 09-1943AST Hamble 18-08-1943Retd RN 13-12-1943759S Yeovilton 02-1944to 03-1944761S Henstridge 02-1944to 04-1944To 45MU 03-10-1944SOC 30-12-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4245, Mk Ia
s/n X4245
c/n 1044
VA (Supermarine)
X 4245
Merlin III
FF 19-08-194037MU 21-08-1940610S 07-10-1940602S 14-12-1940Presumed ditched 10m W of West Freugh 26-04-1941SOC 03-05-1941FH190.45
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4246, Mk Ia
s/n X4246
c/n 1045
VA (Supermarine)
X 4246
Merlin III
FF 19-08-194038MU 20-08-1940152S 28-08-1940FAC2 09-09-1940222S 07-11-194053OTU 17-03-1941Swung on landing and u/c collapsed Perranporth FAAC 24-08-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4247, Mk Ia
s/n X4247
c/n 1046
VA (Supermarine)
X 4247
Merlin III
FF 20-08-194038MU 21-08-1940152S 28-08-1940129S 22-06-1941engine failed stalled landing Cherry Burton Yorks CE 09-07-1941Scottish Aviation SOC 14-07-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4248, Mk Ia
s/n X4248
c/n 1047
VA (Supermarine)
X 4248
Merlin III
FF 20-08-194038MU 21-08-1940616S 28-08-1940Damaged by Bf109s nr West Malling and crashed Wrotham Kent Pilot Officer J S Bell killed C3 30-08-1940SOC 14-10-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4249, Mk Ia
s/n X4249
c/n 1048
VA (Supermarine)
X 4249
Merlin III
FF 20-08-194038MU 20-08-1940222S 03-09-1940shot down by Bf109 Averley Essex Flight Sergeant Johnson abandoned aircraft 14-09-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4250, Mk Ia
s/n X4250
c/n 1049
VA (Supermarine)
X 4250
Merlin III
FF 20-08-194038MU 21-08-1940603S 'XT-X' 30-08-1940damaged by Bf109 force-landed Hornchurch S/Ldr Denholm safe 07-09-1940FAC2 27-09-1940force-landed Folkestone beach Pilot Officer Dexter safe
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4251, Mk Ia
s/n X4251
c/n 1050
VA (Supermarine)
X 4251
Merlin III
Used by No. 411 (F) Squadron, RCAF, from 25 July 1941. Had left this unit by 8 August 1941..
FF 20-08-19406MU 20-08-1940234S 22-08-194058OTU 27-03-1941411S 25-07-1941129S 08-08-194158OTU 15-09-1941hit high ground in fog nr Peebles dbf 30-10-1941SOC 08-11-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4252, Mk Ia
s/n X4252
c/n 1051
VA (Supermarine)
X 4252
Merlin III
FF 20-08-19406MU 21-08-1940266S 24-08-194072S 06-09-1940Swung on night take-off ran onto soft ground and overturned Acklington C3 16-01-1941SOC 27-07-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4253, Mk Ia
s/n X4253
c/n 1052
VA (Supermarine)
X 4253
Merlin III
FF 21-08-19406MU 21-08-1940266S 24-08-1940C2 ops 06-09-194041S 05-10-1940611S 24-10-1940485S 14-03-1941123S 13-06-194158OTU 05-01-19423AGS 28-07-1942RNDA 01-09-1942762S Yeovilton c.2/5-1943Yeovilton store hit parked Hurricane taxying Cat X 03-02-1943(Lt HO Haughton) 761S Henstridge 04-1943to 05-1943759S Yeovillon 05-1943to 03-1944FL internal coolant leak Cat Y 16-08-1943(Squadron Leader A Robson) Nosed over taxying Cat S 10-12-1943(Lt C Ballard)
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4254, Mk Ia
s/n X4254
c/n 1053
VA (Supermarine)
X 4254
Merlin III
FF 21-08-19406MU 22-08-1940266S 24-08-194072S 06-09-1940Badly damaged by Bf110 over Thames Estuary crash landed Biggin Hill Flying Officer Elsdon injured C3 07-09-1940HAL SOC 19-09-1940cancel 266S 01-11-1940111S 23-04-194158OTU 29-05-1941Flew into hill in cloud while lost nr Brackford Aucherarder CE 05-09-1941SOC 13-09-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4255, Mk Ia
s/n X4255
c/n 1054
VA (Supermarine)
X 4255
Merlin III
FF 21-08-19406MU 21-08-1940266S 24-08-194066S 'LZ-P' shot down by Bf109 Hawkinge Pilot Officer Allan injured C2 11-10-1940AST 53OTU 25-06-1941engine failed overshot force-landed nr Llantwit Major Glam CE 15-06-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4256, Mk Ia
s/n X4256
c/n 1055
VA (Supermarine)
X 4256
Merlin III
FF 21-08-19406MU 22-08-1940602S 24-08-1940shot down by Bf109 Biggin Hill area Pilot Officer H W Moody killed 07-09-1940SOC 01-10-1940FH15.50
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4257, Mk Ib
s/n X4257
c/n 1037
VA (Supermarine)
X 4257
Merlin III
First Spitfire built with "B" type wing. Served with No. 411 (F) Squadron, RCAF, from 8 November 1941, coded "DB*J". Had left this unit by January 1942, when it was being used for radio trials at Boscombe Down.
FF 16-08-19406MU 20-08-1940first Spit with 'B' wing Type 340 AMDP EA 30-08-1940RAE 03-09-1940AAEE 20-10-19401CRU new eng 8MU 15-11-1940AFDU Duxford 11-01-1941R-RH 10-02-1941M45 fitt redesignate FVB 92S 16-02-1941service trials engine failed crashed Maidstone 19-03-1941AST 411S 08-11-1941AAEE 01-1942R/T function trials at high alt with R7120 (FVI) 242S 25-09-1942VASM 05-04-1943fuel syst mods wing stiff 118S 02-07-194364S 25-09-1943power loss force-landed hit obst nr Lodiswell S Devon CE SOC 03-07-1944Flying Officer W Smart killed
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4258, Mk Ia
s/n X4258
c/n 1056
VA (Supermarine)
X 4258
Merlin III
FF 21-08-19406MU 22-08-1940152S 16-09-1940FAAC 15-11-1940AST 66S 27-02-1941501S 27-04-194153OTU 14-05-1941AST 22-09-1941Cv Va M45 CRD RAE 01-1942gunnery Sutton harness and recovery trials. 11-1942trials with HF/VHF 'Relay' homing device and R/T fighters 12-1942fitt 'Monica' IFF 02-1943diving and alt trials. 03-1943weather trials AAEE 03-1943for cool trials Worthy Down and White Waltham mods. Artificial horizon neg G and weather trials RAE 06-1943trials aircraft for 'Monica' with Ju88 fitt 'Flensburg' and other devices Back up aircraft for JL227. Target aircraft for high alt trials with Mosquito DZ725 equip with 'Monica' IA. DTD 08-1943Fighter affil into bomber stream with Lancaster ED630 fitt with Monica Escort aircraft for Ju88 and Bf109 01-1944to 03-1944trials with Wellington HZ202 and HZ579 fitt ASO 'Eureka/Babe' and Harvard FE788 with special VHF. Fw190 fitt FUG R16Z took part in trials CE 20-11-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4259, Mk Ia
s/n X4259
c/n 1057
VA (Supermarine)
X 4259
Merlin III
FF 22-08-194012MU 24-08-1940603S 01-09-1940266S 17-10-1940FAC2 05-11-1940SOC 12-01-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4260, Mk Ia
s/n X4260
c/n 1058
VA (Supermarine)
X 4260
Merlin III
FF 22-08-194012MU 23-08-1940603S 'XT-D' 01-09-1940Shot down by Bf109s off Pas de Calais and crashlanded in France Pilot Officer J R Caister pow 06-09-1940SOC 02-11-1940FH9.55
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4261, Mk Ia
s/n X4261
c/n 1059
VA (Supermarine)
X 4261
Merlin III
FF 22-08-194012MU 24-08-1940603S 01-09-1940shot down by Bf109 nr Biggin Hill F/Lt F W Rushmer killed 05-09-1940SOC 01-12-1940FH8.60
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4262, Mk Ia
s/n X4262
c/n 1069
VA (Supermarine)
X 4262
Merlin III
FF 23-08-194012MU 27-08-194072S 02-09-1940Damaged by Bf109 nr Herne Bay and abandoned Marden Kent 02-09-1940SOC 23-09-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4263, Mk Ia
s/n X4263
c/n 1061
VA (Supermarine)
X 4263
Merlin III
FF 23-08-194038MU 24-08-1940603S 30-08-1940engine failed force-landed Flight Sergeant Sarre safe C2 04-09-1940AST 602S 21-10-1940610S 14-12-194053OTU 03-03-1941dived into sea off Llanbedr SOC 26-08-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4264, Mk Ia
s/n X4264
c/n 1062
VA (Supermarine)
X 4264
Merlin III
FF 23-08-194038MU 25-08-1940603S Damaged by Bf109 nr Maidstone and crashlanded Smarden Kent 05-09-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4265, Mk Ia
s/n X4265
c/n 1063
VA (Supermarine)
X 4265
Merlin III
FF 23-08-194038MU 25-08-1940222S 03-09-1940603S 14-10-1940266S stalled on takeoff and crashed Stradishall 21-10-1940SOC 25-10-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4266, Mk Ia
s/n X4266
c/n 1064
VA (Supermarine)
X 4266
Merlin III
FF 24-08-194037MU 25-08-194066S 05-09-1940FAC2 HAL 602S 24-11-1940610S 14-12-194053OTU 03-03-1941FAAC 23-03-1941HAL CRD AAEE 11-04-1942hand stab recovery from dive and steep turns. comparison trials with BM559. 222MU 19-08-194257OTU 20-08-1942air collision with AR222 crashed Warkworth Northumberland CE 17-03-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4267, Mk Ia
s/n X4267
c/n 1065
VA (Supermarine)
X 4267
Merlin III
FF 24-08-194037MU 25-08-194019S 21-09-19407OTU 05-10-1940FAC2 14-11-1940GAL 123S 25-06-194158OTU 01-10-194182MU 13-09-1942Peter Mearsk 08-11-1942lost at sea 08-01-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4268, Mk Ia
s/n X4268
c/n 1066
VA (Supermarine)
X 4268
Merlin III
FF 24-08-1940AMDP VA 24-08-1940RAE 09-1940aileron trials pilot J Quill. RAE 07-1941flight measurements of wing internal pressure for invest into struct fail of Spit wings. returned VAWD for continuation of trials. ASTH for flaps mods. CRD AAEE 08-09-1941M45 install. Strengthened flaps tested as air brakes. 18-10-1941trials with thermostatically operated rad shutter ros VA 18-10-1941CRD DeH 23-11-194139MU 18-02-19423SGR 10-03-1942CF PRU engine failed wheels up landing nr Weeton Lancs CE 21-04-1942SOC 30-04-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4269, Mk Ia
s/n X4269
c/n 1067
VA (Supermarine)
X 4269
Merlin III
FF 24-08-19406MU 25-08-1940602S 27-08-1940shot down by Bf109 Mayfield Pilot Officer Gage safe C2 30-10-1940GAL 58OTU 10-05-19413SGR 03-04-1942AST 04-07-1942RNDA 07-09-1942215MU 19-09-19423PATP 22-09-1942Peter Mearsk 08-11-1942lost at sea 08-01-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4270, Mk Ia
s/n X4270
c/n 1068
VA (Supermarine)
X 4270
Merlin III
FF 24-08-19406MU 25-08-1940602S 27-08-194057OTU 09-08-1941air collision with P9494 nr Hawarden CB 14-03-1942Westland RNDA Yeovilton 01-09-1942748S St Merryn Emergency landing throttle control defective Cat Ac 20-04-1943(L/C IP Godfrey) ros St.Eval by VA Retd 748S St.Merryn 09-05-1943Heavy landing port oleo came adrift 27-05-1943(Squadron Leader DS Robinson) 759S Yeovilton tail rose pecked Cat X 08-10-1943(Lt RIM Scott) Burst tyre swung Cat Z1 11-09-1944(Squadron Leader VH Seddon)
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4271, Mk Ia
s/n X4271
c/n 1070
VA (Supermarine)
X 4271
Merlin III
FF 25-08-19406MU 27-08-1940603S 'XT-N' 30-08-1940shot down by Bf109 crashed Wanstead Pilot Officer Gilroy abandoned aircraft 31-08-1940FH3.50
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4272, Mk Ia
s/n X4272
c/n 1071
VA (Supermarine)
X 4272
Merlin III
FF 25-08-19406MU 09-09-1940cannon wing fitt 92S 'QJ-D' 7OTU R-RH Cv Vb M45 92S 21-03-1941222S 'ZD-D' Brakes failed taxying hit wall Ayr 19-10-1942[VASM 14-07-1943fuel syst mods wing stiff bomb carrier]
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4273, Mk Ia
s/n X4273
c/n 1072
VA (Supermarine)
X 4273
Merlin III
FF 26-08-19406MU 27-08-1940603S 'XT-K' 30-08-1940Collided with Bf109 nr Ilford Essex Flying Officer R M Waterson killed 31-08-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4274, Mk Ia
s/n X4274
c/n 1073
VA (Supermarine)
X 4274
Merlin III
FF 26-08-19406MU 27-08-1940603S 'XT-F' 30-08-1940266S 17-10-1940FACE dbf 19-01-1941SOC 27-01-1941cancel AST 25-02-194157OTU 03-06-1941215MU 29-10-1942Tarantia 20-11-1942Port Sudan 27-01-1943Middle East 28-02-1943SOC 27-07-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4275, Mk Ia
s/n X4275
c/n 1074
VA (Supermarine)
X 4275
Merlin III
FF 26-08-19406MU 29-08-1940222S 31-08-1940damaged by Bf109 nr Gravesend crashed in flames Rochford Flight Sergeant S Baxter killed 14-09-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4276, Mk Ia
s/n X4276
c/n 6S 75156
VA (Supermarine)
X 4276
Merlin III
FF 27-08-19406MU 27-08-194054S 29-08-1940Collided with X4650 and abandoned nr Catterick 28-12-1940SOC 04-01-1941extant as G-CDGU
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4277, Mk Ia
s/n X4277
c/n 1076
VA (Supermarine)
X 4277
Merlin III
FF 27-08-19406MU 28-08-1940603S 'XT-M' 30-08-1940shot down in flames off N Foreland Pilot Officer R H Hilary (author 'The Last Enemy') abandoned aircraft severely injured 03-09-1940FH7.45
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4278, Mk Ia
s/n X4278
c/n 1077
VA (Supermarine)
X 4278
Merlin III
FF 27-08-19406MU 28-08-1940222S 'ZD-D' 31-08-1940shot down by Bf109 Church Stanton Flying Officer J W Cutts killed 04-09-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4279, Mk Ia
s/n X4279
c/n 1078
VA (Supermarine)
X 4279
Merlin III
FF 29-08-19406MU 29-08-1940cannon wing fitt 19S 09-09-19407OTU 10-09-194072S 24-10-1940R-RH 06-02-1941Cv Vb M45 AFDU Duxford 28-02-194192S 14-03-1941C2 ops 24-03-1941616S 23-07-1941129S 13-12-194141S 'EB-C' 03-03-1942crash-landed on beach West End Pwllheli CE 01-02-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4280, Mk Ia
s/n X4280
c/n 1079
VA (Supermarine)
X 4280
Merlin III
FF 28-08-19406MU 29-08-1940222S 31-08-1940C2 02-09-194065S 30-12-194061OTU 02-09-1941AST 16-10-1942Cv Va M45 67GrpUSAAF 25-03-1943ATA 186 12-03-1944Stalled on approach and hit runway wing torn off Henlow 02-12-1944Scottish Aviation 18-12-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4317, Mk Ia
s/n X4317
c/n 1081
VA (Supermarine)
X 4317
Merlin III
FF 28-08-19408MU 29-08-194054S 03-09-1940FAC2 07-09-194041S 23-09-1940611S 24-10-1940485S 14-03-194152OTU 21-07-194158OTU 04-09-1941overshot force-landing short of fuel nr Alnwick Northumberland CE 25-09-1941SOC 02-10-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4318, Mk Ia
s/n X4318
c/n 1082
VA (Supermarine)
X 4318
Merlin III
FF 28-08-19408MU 29-08-194054S 02-09-1940FAC3 06-09-1940Scottish Aviation 111S 03-05-194158OTU 24-05-1941flew into Graigs Head in bad weather Kinross dbf 01-07-1941SOC 13-07-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4319, Mk Ia
s/n X4319
c/n 1083
VA (Supermarine)
X 4319
Merlin III
Used by No. 403 (F) Squadron, RCAF, from 7 June 1941. Coded "KH*M". Had left this unit by 21 July 1941.
FF 29-08-19408MU 30-08-194054S 04-09-194041S 22-02-1941452S 18-04-1941403S 07-06-194152OTU 21-07-194124S 08-03-1942501S 31-12-1942SOC 01-12-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4320, Mk Ia
s/n X4320
c/n 1084
VA (Supermarine)
X 4320
Merlin III
FF 29-08-19408MU 30-08-194066S 05-09-1940Crashed in sea during interception of He111 off Covehithe Norfolk F/Lt K McL Gillies killed 04-10-1940FH45.15
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4321, Mk Ia
s/n X4321
c/n 1085
VA (Supermarine)
X 4321
Merlin III
FF 29-08-19408MU 30-08-194066S 'LZ-F' 05-09-1940damaged by Bf109 over Norfolk force-landed Pilot Officer Bodie safe C3 07-09-1940HAL SOC 12-09-1940cancel 64S 19-12-1940303S 28-02-194158OTU 20-03-1941struck water crashed Incailloch Island Loch Lomand CE 14-06-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4322, Mk Ia
s/n X4322
c/n 1086
VA (Supermarine)
X 4322
Merlin III
FF 29-08-19408MU 31-08-194066S 05-09-1940damaged by Bf109 nr Burwash Sussex force-landed Pilot Officer Watkinson safe C3 28-09-1940SOC 08-10-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4323, Mk Ia
s/n X4323
c/n 1087
VA (Supermarine)
X 4323
Merlin III
FF 29-08-19409MU 31-08-1940603S 03-09-1940shot down Bf109 crashed Fennington Pilot Officer P Howes killed 18-09-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4324, Mk Ia
s/n X4324
c/n 1088
VA (Supermarine)
X 4324
Merlin III
FF 30-08-19409MU 31-08-1940603S 03-09-1940shot down by Bf109 nr Leeds Castle Kent Flying Officer A P Pease killed 15-09-1940SOC 21-09-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4325, Mk Ia
s/n X4325
c/n 1089
VA (Supermarine)
X 4325
Merlin III
FF 30-08-19409MU 31-08-194041S 06-09-1940shot down by Bf110 over Thames Estuary Pilot Officer Langley abandoned aircraft safe 11-09-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4326, Mk Ia
s/n X4326
c/n 1090
VA (Supermarine)
X 4326
Merlin III
FF 30-08-19409MU 31-08-194066S 'LZ-N' 05-09-1940damaged by Bf109 Pilot Officer Heron returned to Gaves safe 07-10-1940AST 61OTU 03-07-19418OTU 11-09-1942Control lost in cloud crashed nr Fort William CE 16-05-1943SOC 01-06-1943FH462.40
last update: 2025-February-05Operational 1943-05-16 to 1943-05-16
8 (OT) OTU (RAF) RAF Fraserburgh
8 (Coastal) Operational Training Unit, RAF Fraserburgh. Flying Officer J D McDonell (RCAF) was killed when his Spitfire aircraft X 4326 flew into a hill at Auchintee Farm, one mile from Fort William, Scotland during a cross-country training flight in poor weather conditions
A memorial to Flying Officer McDonell was erected near the crash site at the base of Ben, Nevis, the highest mountain in Scotland
Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database
Spitfire pilots and aircraft database - Spitfire X4326
Remembered at Glen Nevis I At the base of Ben Nevis at Glen I Flickr
Spitfire X4327, Mk Ia
s/n X4327
c/n 1091
VA (Supermarine)
X 4327
Merlin III
FF 30-08-19409MU 02-09-1940603S 05-09-1940shot down by Bf109 nr Ashford Pilot Officer Robbins injured 14-09-1940SOC 30-09-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4328, Mk Ia
s/n X4328
c/n 1092
VA (Supermarine)
X 4328
Merlin III
FF 30-08-194024MU 31-08-1940616S 07-09-1940shot down by Bf109 Workhouse Cottages Throwley Kent C3 26-09-1940GAL SOC 03-02-1941Pilot Officer D S Smith died following day
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4329, Mk Ia
s/n X4329
c/n 1094
VA (Supermarine)
X 4329
Merlin III
Used by No. 403 (F) Squadron, RCAF, from 21 May 1941. Coded "KH*C".
FF 31-08-19408MU 02-09-1940616S 07-09-194065S 26-02-1941308S 13-04-1941403S 'KH-C' 21-05-194161OTU 11-08-1941engine failed hit tree in force-landed nr Ellesmere Salop CE 16-06-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4330, Mk Ia
s/n X4330
c/n 1095
VA (Supermarine)
X 4330
Merlin III
FF 31-08-1940616S 457S 58OTU crash-landed base Flight Sergeant Hogg safe 14-10-1940Engine cut on take-off crashlanded S of Grangemouth 02-06-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4331, Mk Ia
s/n X4331
c/n 1096
VA (Supermarine)
X 4331
Merlin III
FF 31-08-194024MU 01-09-194019S 15-09-1940609S 28-09-194066S 24-02-194157OTU 07-04-1941MMO 10-07-1941Cv Va M45 306S 03-10-1941610S 18-11-1941133S 17-01-1942601S 09-04-1942RNDA Yeovilton 11-09-1942887S 01-1943to 04-1943759S Yeovilton burst tyre landing Cat X1 17-05-1944(Squadron Leader JA Scott) Flapless landing u/c collapsed 30-09-1944(Squadron Leader AJ Hayman)
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4332, PR Mk III
s/n X4332
c/n 1034
VA (Supermarine)
X 4332
Merlin III
FF 16-08-1940PDU HAL 17-08-1940Cv PRIII Type C PRU 31-08-1940FTR 17-10-1940FH11.15
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4333, PR Mk III
s/n X4333
c/n 1060
VA (Supermarine)
X 4333
Merlin III
FF 22-08-1940PDU HAL 22-08-1940Cv PRIII Type C 1PRU Benson 31-08-1940R-RH 29-04-1941Cv Va M45 1PRU 14-05-1941engine failed force-landed struck house 22-09-1941HAL 07-10-1941Cv PRVII [354S 12-04-1942] 8OTU 06-08-1942stalled landing into sea nr Fraserburgh CE 22-01-1943SOC 23-01-1943FH44.05
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4334, PR Mk III
s/n X4334
c/n 1080
VA (Supermarine)
X 4334
Merlin III
FF 27-08-1940RAE 27-08-1940camera trials PDU HAL 21-10-1940Cv PRIII Type C R-R 22-12-1940Cv Va M45 Fuel cons trials FF 13-01-1941PRU Benson 06-02-1941damaged ops 21-04-1941HAL Cv PRV 8OTU 19-06-1942FACB 05-12-1942HAL CE 10-02-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4335, PR Mk III
s/n X4335
c/n 1093
VA (Supermarine)
X 4335
Merlin III
FF 31-08-1940PDU HAL 31-08-1940Cv PRIII R-RH 10-03-1941M45 Cv Va 1PRU 27-03-1941HAL 31-05-1941Cv PRIV Type F 1PRU 19-07-19417SoTT 08-12-1941PRU Benson CAC ops 17-04-19428OTU 19-06-19426MU 19-11-1942542S 29-11-1942FACB 24-02-1943HAL SOC 22-03-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4336, Mk Ia
s/n X4336
c/n 1098
VA (Supermarine)
X 4336
Merlin III
FF 02-09-194024MU 03-09-194019S 13-09-1940FAC2 25-09-1940GAL 610S 19-12-1940602S 04-01-194161OTU 20-04-1941131S 13-07-194159OTU 03-09-1941RNDA Yeovilton 10-09-1942TOC 58 OTU 06-10-1942(sic) 759S Yeovilton u/c collapsed landing Cat X 29-01-1943(PMP F Delery FFN) 762S Yeovilton 02-1943Pecked turning on rough ground Cat S 14-03-1943(Squadron Leader AD Perry) 761S Henstridge 05-1943to 09-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4337, Mk Ia
s/n X4337
c/n 1097
VA (Supermarine)
X 4337
Merlin III
FF 02-09-19408MU 03-09-194072S 07-09-1940damaged C2 by Bf109 18-09-1940AST 65S 21-12-1940145S 31-01-1941118S 08-03-194153OTU 27-08-1941Yeovilton 05-09-1942887S 01-1943to 02-1943897S 03-1943Repair? Retd RN 26-09-1943761S Henstridge tested 21-01-1944to 02-1944759S Yeovilton Taxied over bridge went over edge o/t in ditch Cat Z1 16-08-1944(Squadron Leader GW Woodrow)
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4338, Mk Ia
s/n X4338
c/n 1099
VA (Supermarine)
X 4338
Merlin III
FF 02-09-19408MU 04-09-194041S 07-09-1940122S 11-06-1941123S 14-07-194161OTU 17-09-1941FACB 20-05-1942DeH complete overhaul 53OTU 29-06-1943SOC CE 07-05-1946
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4339, Mk Ia
s/n X4339
c/n 1100
VA (Supermarine)
X 4339
Merlin III
FF 02-09-19408MU 04-09-194066S 07-09-1940shot down by He111 force-landed C2 Pilot Officer Cruickshanks safe 11-09-1940Scottish Aviation 57OTU 03-06-1941306S 06-10-1941215MU 21-10-1942Baron Forbes 09-11-1942Portugal 21-11-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4340, Mk Ia
s/n X4340
c/n 1101
VA (Supermarine)
X 4340
Merlin III
FF 03-09-19408MU 05-09-194072S 09-09-1940shot down by Bf109 nr Sevenoaks Pilot Officer E E Males killed 27-09-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4341, Mk Ia
s/n X4341
c/n 1102
VA (Supermarine)
X 4341
Merlin III
FF 03-09-19408MU 05-09-1940? 222S 07-09-1940C2 ops 16-12-1940AST 53OTU 08-05-1941Overshot landing onto rough ground Llandow 25-09-1941SOC 02-10-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4342, Mk Ia
s/n X4342
c/n 1103
VA (Supermarine)
X 4342
Merlin III
FF 03-09-1940(CMG) 8MU 05-09-19406MU 09-09-1940cannon wing fitt 19S 09-09-19407OTU 10-09-1940R-RH 11-01-1941Cv Vb M45 AFDU 24-02-194192S 'QJ-P' 13-03-1941R-RH 15-04-1941damaged by Bf109 14-06-1941AST 316S 15-10-1941154S 13-06-1942121S 18-07-1942CAC ops 22-07-1942340S 13-09-1942131S 27-10-1942Missing on ground attack mission to Ouistreham 18-11-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4343, Mk Ia
s/n X4343
c/n 1104
VA (Supermarine)
X 4343
Merlin III
FF 03-09-19409MU 04-09-194041S 06-09-1940damaged Bf110s Pilot Officer Bennions injured 11-09-1940HAL Stalled on landing and u/c collapsed Heston 11-06-194153OTU as 2635M SOC 22-07-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4344, Mk Ia
s/n X4344
c/n 1105
VA (Supermarine)
X 4344
Merlin III
FF 03-09-19409MU 05-09-194041S 06-09-1940damaged by Bf109 nr Dungeness landed Hornchurch C2 Flying Officer Lovell safe 30-09-1940GAL 303S 'RF-R' 22-02-194158OTU 10-03-194161OTU 08-11-194153OTU 03-01-1942215MU 26-09-1942Tarantia 08-11-1942Port Sudan 29-01-1943Middle East 31-03-1943Swung on landing and u/c collapsed Abu Sueir 01-10-1943SOC 01-02-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4345, Mk Ia
s/n X4345
c/n 1106
VA (Supermarine)
X 4345
Merlin III
FF 04-09-19409MU 05-09-194041S 06-09-1940shot down by Bf109 nr Sittingbourne Pilot Officer E S Aldous abandoned aircraft 28-09-1940SOC 10-10-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4346, Mk Ia
s/n X4346
c/n 1107
VA (Supermarine)
X 4346
Merlin III
FF 04-09-19409MU 05-09-194041S 06-09-1940AST 20-09-1940234S 12-10-194061OTU 03-07-194153OTU 31-12-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4347, Mk Ia
s/n X4347
c/n 1108
VA (Supermarine)
X 4347
Merlin III
FF 04-09-19409MU 07-09-1940603S 08-09-1940266S 17-10-1940Hit trees and crashed Wothorpe Lincs 08-03-1941SOC 17-03-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4348, Mk Ia
s/n X4348
c/n 1109
VA (Supermarine)
X 4348
Merlin III
FF 05-09-19409MU 07-09-1940603S 08-09-1940266S 17-10-1940111S 08-04-194158OTU 29-05-1941FACB 30-07-1941ros FACE SOC 01-09-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4349, Mk Ia
s/n X4349
c/n 1110
VA (Supermarine)
X 4349
Merlin III
FF 05-09-19409MU 06-09-1940603S 08-09-1940C3 ops 23-09-1940SOC 02-10-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4350, Mk Ia
s/n X4350
c/n 1111
VA (Supermarine)
X 4350
Merlin III
FF 05-09-19401PRU 15-09-1940Shot down by flak Lannilis Finistere 16-12-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4351, Mk Ia
s/n X4351
c/n 1112
VA (Supermarine)
X 4351
Merlin III
FF 05-09-194024MU 07-09-194019S 13-09-1940Destroyed in air raid Duxford C2 22-09-1940SOC
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4352, Mk Ia
s/n X4352
c/n 1113
VA (Supermarine)
X 4352
Merlin III
FF 05-09-194024MU 07-09-194019S 13-09-1940shot down by Bf109 over Kent Pilot Officer E Burgoyne killed 27-09-1940SOC 31-10-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4353, Mk Ia
s/n X4353
c/n 1114
VA (Supermarine)
X 4353
Merlin III
FF 06-09-194024MU 07-09-194019S 13-09-19407OTU 05-10-194065S 28-11-1940145S 16-01-1941118S 08-03-194166S 09-04-1941501S 27-04-19411CRU 17-06-1941Cv Va M45 603S 05-11-1941145S 18-11-1941134S 20-12-1941Flew into sea in haze off Mablethorpe Lincs 16-03-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4354, Mk Ia
s/n X4354
c/n 1115
VA (Supermarine)
X 4354
Merlin III
FF 06-09-194024MU 07-09-1940234S RAF Baginton for defence BPaul 02-06-1941RAE 08-194152OTU 05-12-1941port wing broke off in dive crashed Stratton St.Margaret Swindon dbf 07-12-1941SOC 18-12-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4355, Mk Ia
s/n X4355
c/n 1116
VA (Supermarine)
X 4355
Merlin III
FF 06-09-19406MU 07-09-1940234S 10-09-1940damaged by Ju88 force-landed nr Porthleven Pilot Officer Mortimer-Rose safe 26-10-1940AST HAL 14-05-1941to 2844M 7SoTT 14-05-1941SOC 18-12-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4356, Mk Ia
s/n X4356
c/n 1118
VA (Supermarine)
X 4356
Merlin III
FF 06-09-194092S 23-09-1940shot down by Bf109 nr Gravesend C2 Flight Sergeant Ellis safe 24-09-1940AST 266S 04-02-1941111S 03-04-194158OTU 29-05-1941215MU 26-09-1942Tarantia 08-11-1942Port Sudan 03-02-1943Middle East 28-02-1943SOC 27-07-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4381, Mk Ia
s/n X4381
c/n 1122
VA (Supermarine)
X 4381
Merlin III
FF 06-09-19406MU 10-09-1940152S 13-09-1940501S 'SD-J' 05-11-194053OTU 07-07-1941stbd wing broke off after high speed dive out of cloud Tonpentre nr Pontypridd dbf CE 16.30hrs 06-08-1941SOC 21-08-1941RAE 30-01-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4382, Mk Ia
s/n X4382
c/n 1119
VA (Supermarine)
X 4382
Merlin III
Used by No. 412 (F) Squadron, RCAF, from 19 July 1941. Had left this unit by 7 August 1941.
FF 06-09-19406MU 07-09-1940602S 10-09-1940610S 14-12-194053OTU 03-03-1941412S 19-07-194158OTU 07-08-1941Scottish Aviation 23-01-1942RNAS Arbroath 04-09-1942808S Machrihanish 3 to 11-11-1942880S from 01-12-1943Retd RAF at 45MU 10-09-1944SOC 26-01-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4383, PR Mk III
s/n X4383
c/n 1117
VA (Supermarine)
X 4383
Merlin III
FF 06-09-1940AMDP RAE 08-09-1940Cv PRIII 1PRU 04-12-19403PRU 17-12-1940R-RH 06-05-1941M45 install 8OTU 09-06-1942ASTH 11-10-1942Cv PRV damaged hydraulics (brakes flaps) crashed boundary wall Dyce CB 10-05-1943recat E 26-05-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4384, PR Mk III
s/n X4384
c/n 1134
VA (Supermarine)
X 4384
Merlin III
FF 11-09-1940PDU HAL 12-09-1940Cv PRV 3PRU 07-04-1941damaged by bombs 27-04-1941R-RH 09-07-1941M45 install PRU Benson 19-07-1941HAL 24-09-1941Cv PRVII Type C 1PRU 27-02-19428OTU 19-06-1942struck P8321 Detling CB 19-07-1942HAL 23-07-1942M46 install AW/CN 09-10-19426MU 10-10-19428OTU Cat AC 17-02-1943ros 19-02-19436MU 26-03-1943SOC 27-02-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4385, PR Mk III
s/n X4385
c/n 1143
VA (Supermarine)
X 4385
Merlin III
FF 14-09-1940PDU HAL 14-09-1940Cv PRIII Type C 3PRU Bomb Comm 23-11-1940force-landed Oakington 09-01-1941DGRD RAE 28-03-1941camera trials R-RH 04-05-1941Cv PRV M45 install 1PRU 21-07-1941Missing from PR mission to Hamburg 22-09-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4386, PR Mk III
s/n X4386
c/n 1168
VA (Supermarine)
X 4386
Merlin III
FF 20-09-1940PDU HAL 20-09-1940Cv PRIII 3PRU Bomb Comm 24-11-1940first sortie 27-11-1940Shot down by Bf109 over Texel on recce Bremen 12-01-1941F/Lt Marshall powFH42.50
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4387, Mk Ia
s/n X4387
c/n 1120
VA (Supermarine)
X 4387
Merlin III
FF 07-09-1940MU 08-09-1940234S 10-09-1940FAC2 19-11-1940MMO 306S 06-10-194152OTU 03-01-1942CE 08-09-194342OTU 03-05-1944SOC 17-09-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4388, Mk Ia
s/n X4388
c/n 1121
VA (Supermarine)
X 4388
Merlin III
FF 07-09-19408MU 08-09-1940616S 13-09-1940452S 30-04-1941303S 03-06-1941313S 11-06-194161OTU 16-08-194157OTU 31-12-1941crashed Connahs Quay Flints CE 27-02-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4389, Mk Ia
s/n X4389
c/n 1123
VA (Supermarine)
X 4389
Merlin III
FF 08-09-19408MU 09-09-1940602S 12-09-1940610S 14-12-194053OTU 03-03-194161OTU 01-07-1941AST 26-07-1941Cv V M45 603S 29-09-1941Missing while escorting Blenheims to Arques 13-10-1941Flight Sergeant A D Shuckburgh killed
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4390, Mk Ia
s/n X4390
c/n 1124
VA (Supermarine)
X 4390
Merlin III
Used by No. 412 (F) Squadron, RCAF, from 19 July 1941. Had left this unit by 3 August 1941..
FF 08-09-19408MU 09-09-1940602S 12-09-1940610S 14-12-194053OTU 03-03-1941FA 21-03-1941HAL 412S 19-07-194158OTU 03-08-194117FTS 07-05-1943SOC dbr 23-01-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4409, Mk Ia
s/n X4409
c/n 1125
VA (Supermarine)
X 4409
Merlin III
FF 09-09-194024MU 10-09-194041S 12-09-1940shot down by Bf109 Stelling Minies Pilot Officer Baker safe 17-09-194041S shot down by Bf109 Sittingbourne Pilot Officer H H Chalder abandoned aircraft 28-09-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4410, Mk Ia
s/n X4410
c/n 1126
VA (Supermarine)
X 4410
Merlin III
FF 09-09-194024MU 10-09-194072S 17-09-1940shot down by Bf109 nr Ashford Kent Pilot Officer Holland abandoned aircraft killed 20-09-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4411, Mk Ia
s/n X4411
c/n 1127
VA (Supermarine)
X 4411
Merlin III
FF 09-09-19406MU 10-09-1940602S 13-09-1940FAC2 08-11-1940HAL Cv PRV Type G 57OTU 03-06-1941306S 06-10-194161OTU 12-10-1941HAL 30-06-1942Cv PRVI Type G 8MU 26-08-1942Cv PRVII 3Sig 02-10-1942Hit by Hudson N7257 while parked Kirkbride 03-02-1943CE SOC 28-02-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4412, Mk Ia
s/n X4412
c/n 1128
VA (Supermarine)
X 4412
Merlin III
FF 10-09-19406MU 11-09-1940602S 13-09-194092S 11-10-1940C2 ops 20-10-1940145S 22-01-1941118S 18-02-194166S 09-04-1941enemy action 13-04-1941AST 61OTU 02-10-1941CGS 28-03-194212MU RNAS Arbroath 01-09-1942791S Arbroath landed u/c up Cat Y 24-05-1943(Squadron Leader JE Moore RNZN) RIW Cat B 13-07-1943RY 13-10-1943761S Henstridge 12-1943ros 03-04-1944to 07-04-1944FL aileron locking pin adrift Cat X1 14-07-1944(Lt E Kverendal) SOC 26-01-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4413, Mk Ia
s/n X4413
c/n 1129
VA (Supermarine)
X 4413
Merlin III
FF 10-09-19406MU 12-09-194072S 14-09-194057OTU 02-05-1941132S 09-08-194152OTU 28-10-194158OTU 06-09-19431TEU 26-02-194457OTU 16-04-1944SOC 09-02-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4414, Mk Ia
s/n X4414
c/n 1130
VA (Supermarine)
X 4414
Merlin III
FF 10-09-19406MU 11-09-1940602S 13-09-1940shot down by Bf109 nr Mayfield Pilot Officer Gage safe C2 27-09-1940GAL 52OTU 26-10-194157OTU 25-04-1943engine failed and fire force-landed Eshott CE 28-11-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4415, Mk Ia
s/n X4415
c/n 1131
VA (Supermarine)
X 4415
Merlin III
FF 11-09-19406MU 12-09-1940603S 14-09-1940FA C2 23-09-1940Scottish Aviation 53OTU 09-05-1941Undershot appraoch and hit house Llandow FAAC 12-09-1941ASTM SOC 10-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4416, Mk Ia
s/n X4416
c/n 1132
VA (Supermarine)
X 4416
Merlin III
FF 11-09-19409MU 11-09-194072S 13-09-1940222S 'ZD-J' 17-10-194061OTU 17-07-194153OTU 27-07-1942FAAC 10-07-1943ros SOC Miles Aircraft CE 16-08-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4417, Mk Ia
s/n X4417
c/n 1133
VA (Supermarine)
X 4417
Merlin III
FF 11-09-19409MU 13-09-194092S 17-09-1940shot down by Bf109 nr Dover dbf Pilot Officer H P Hill killed 20-09-1940SOC 03-10-1940FH7.15
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4418, Mk Ia
s/n X4418
c/n 1135
VA (Supermarine)
X 4418
Merlin III
FF 11-09-19409MU 13-09-194092S 17-09-1940Damaged by Bf109 and abandoned crashed Wybornes Farm High Halstow Kent 15-10-1940SOC 09-11-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4419, Mk Ia
s/n X4419
c/n 1136
VA (Supermarine)
X 4419
Merlin III
FF 11-09-19409MU 14-09-194072S 16-09-194092S 20-10-1940CAC ops 08-04-194161OTU 13-08-1941215MU 08-11-1942Peter Mearsk 08-11-1942lost at sea 08-01-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4420, Mk Ia
s/n X4420
c/n 1137
VA (Supermarine)
X 4420
Merlin III
FF 12-09-19408MU 13-09-194066S 15-09-1940Destroyed in air raid Biggin Hill C3 dbf 10-11-1940SOC 01-12-1940FH47.20
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4421, Mk Ia
s/n X4421
c/n 1138
VA (Supermarine)
X 4421
Merlin III
FF 12-09-19408MU 13-09-194066S 16-09-194057OTU 21-10-1940steep dive from low cloud violent pull out high speed stall spun wing fail Pilot thrown clear but killed 15.15hrs crashed Northrop Flints 27-03-1941SOC cancel RAE 08-04-1941AST 13-05-1941rebuilt as Va M45 164S 29-04-1942FACE 18-08-1942(Rebuild suspect)
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4422, Mk Ia
s/n X4422
c/n 1144
VA (Supermarine)
X 4422
Merlin III
FF 12-09-19408MU 13-09-194092S 18-09-1940shot down by Bf109 nr Maidstone F/Lt J A Paterson killed 27-09-1940SOC 10-10-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4423, Mk Ia
s/n X4423
c/n 1139
VA (Supermarine)
X 4423
Merlin III
FF 12-09-19408MU 13-09-194054S 19-09-1940Dived into ground Hackforth Yorks FAC3 08-11-1940SOC 17-11-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4424, Mk Ia
s/n X4424
c/n 1140
VA (Supermarine)
X 4424
Merlin III
FF 13-09-19408MU 13-09-194019S 18-09-1940129S 22-06-1941GAL 14-08-194161OTU 20-11-194157OTU 10-01-1942Hit by R6963 while awaiting take-off Rednal FACE 05-03-1943Westland recat E
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4425, Mk Ia
s/n X4425
c/n 1141
VA (Supermarine)
X 4425
Merlin III
FF 13-09-19408MU 14-09-194019S 18-09-194092S 57OTU 08-03-1941CAC ops 02-07-194161OTU 20-11-1941RAE 01-1942Flew into sandbank and crashlanded on beach Llanddulas Denbigh FACE 04-04-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4426, Mk Ia
s/n X4426
c/n 1148
VA (Supermarine)
X 4426
Merlin III
FF 13-09-19408MU 17-09-194041S 19-09-1940Shot down by Bf109 Sittingbourne Flying Officer J G Boyle killed 28-09-1940SOC 07-10-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4427, Mk Ia
s/n X4427
c/n 1142
VA (Supermarine)
X 4427
Merlin III
FF 13-09-19408MU 14-09-194092S 19-09-1940damaged by Bf109 nr Swanley S/Ldr Lister injured C2 24-09-1940HAL 129S 22-06-194153OTU 01-06-1942air collision with X4996 Llanbedr CE 25-06-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4428, Mk Ia
s/n X4428
c/n 1145
VA (Supermarine)
X 4428
Merlin III
FF 14-09-1940MU 15-09-1940234S 18-09-1940FTR after combat Ju88 16-01-1941FH58.20 Pilot Officer G W Rogers killed
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4471, Mk Ia
s/n X4471
c/n 1146
VA (Supermarine)
X 4471
Merlin III
FF 14-09-19406MU 16-09-1940609S 18-09-194066S 24-02-1941308S 07-04-194157OTU 22-06-1942FACE 01-02-194352OTU 28-05-194357OTU 29-08-1943RNDA 23-01-1944Retd RAF SOC 13-04-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4472, Mk Ia
s/n X4472
c/n 1147
VA (Supermarine)
X 4472
Merlin III
Reported with No. 411 (F) Squadron, RCAF, June to September 1941 in "Fighter Squadrons and Aircraft", but not supported by RAF movement card.
FF 14-09-19406MU 16-09-1940609S 18-09-1940C2 ops 08-10-194041S 22-06-194153OTU 22-07-1941RNDA 23-01-1944759S Yeovilton 07-1944to 09-1944Pecked Cat S 16-07-1944(Squadron Leader RH Archer RNZN) returned RAF 12-05-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4473, Mk Ia
s/n X4473
c/n 1149
VA (Supermarine)
X 4473
Merlin III
FF 16-09-19406MU 17-09-194019S 20-09-194066S 29-09-1940shot down by Bf109 Pilot Officer Kendall killed C2 05-10-1940AST 457S 22-06-194158OTU 05-01-1942FACE 14-07-1943SOC 20-04-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4474, Mk Ia
s/n X4474
c/n 1150
VA (Supermarine)
X 4474
Merlin III
FF 16-09-19406MU 17-09-194019S 'QV-I' 20-09-19407OTU 05-10-1940602S 22-10-1940610S 14-12-194053OTU 03-03-1941ASTH 11-04-1942to 3598M 6SoTT 02-03-1943allot RDAF cancel 22-09-1947
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4475, Mk Ia
s/n X4475
c/n 1151
VA (Supermarine)
X 4475
Merlin III
FF 16-09-19406MU 18-09-194019S 20-09-19407OTU 05-10-1940Abandoned in cloud nr Ilkley Yorks 16-04-1941SOC 25-04-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4476, Mk Ia
s/n X4476
c/n 1152
VA (Supermarine)
X 4476
Merlin III
FF 17-09-1940(CMG) 39MU 18-09-1940R-RH 06-02-1941Cv Va M45 92S 'QJ-R' 08-03-1941damaged by Bf109 21-06-1941Missing escorting Blenheims to Hazebrouck 03-07-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4477, Mk Ia
s/n X4477
c/n 1153
VA (Supermarine)
X 4477
Merlin III
FF 17-09-194039MU 18-09-1940616S 26-09-194065S 26-02-1941308S 13-04-1941DeH 16-04-1942new eng 53OTU 03-07-1942fire during cleaning Llandow 23-11-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4478, Mk Ia
s/n X4478
c/n 1154
VA (Supermarine)
X 4478
Merlin III
FF 17-09-19409MU 19-09-194072S 20-09-194066S 23-09-194092S 02-12-194065S 04-12-1940145S 19-01-1941118S 03-03-194166S 09-04-1941501S 25-04-194153OTU 21-05-194143Grp 20-06-1941AST 5MU 129S 16-08-194158OTU 15-09-194137MU Scottish Aviation 08-10-1941RNDA 23-02-1942for Cv Seafire IA not suitable damaged 61OTU engine failed crash-landed nr West Felton Salop 26-07-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4479, Mk Ia
s/n X4479
c/n 1155
VA (Supermarine)
X 4479
Merlin III
FF 17-09-19409MU 19-09-194066S 23-09-1940Cunliffe-Owen 02-10-1940shot down by Bf109 force-landed Burham C2 S/Ldr Leigh safe 13-10-1940AST 129S 22-06-194152OTU 25-08-1942Engine cut bellylanded in field Frampton-on-Severn Glos FACB 13-09-1942recat E
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4480, Mk Ia
s/n X4480
c/n 1156
VA (Supermarine)
X 4480
Merlin III
FF 18-09-19409MU 19-09-194072S 20-09-194092S 22-09-1940shot down by Bf109 crashed Penhurst C2 Pilot Officer Mansell-Lewis safe 25-10-1940145S 22-01-1941CB ops 22-02-1941MMO 53OTU 06-05-194161OTU 15-10-1941FAAC 21-07-1942ASTH SOC 17-04-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4481, Mk Ia
s/n X4481
c/n 1157
VA (Supermarine)
X 4481
Merlin III
FF 18-09-19409MU 19-09-194072S 20-09-1940C3 ops 05-10-1940AST 64S 24-11-1940303S 02-02-194158OTU 29-03-1941FAAC 11-06-1941Scottish Aviation 53OTU 21-04-1943RNDA 21-03-194457OTU 29-05-1944Forcelanded on approach Eshott 08-07-1944FACB recat E SOC 24-07-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4482, Mk Ia
s/n X4482
c/n 1158
VA (Supermarine)
X 4482
Merlin III
FF 19-09-1940(CMG) 39MU 21-09-1940MMO 21-09-1940RAF Baginton for Defence BPaul 02-06-194152OTU 05-12-194157OTU 17-06-1942Hit obstruction low flying nr Eshott FACB 08-07-1943recat E
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4483, Mk Ia
s/n X4483
c/n 1159
VA (Supermarine)
X 4483
Merlin III
FF 19-09-19409MU 19-09-194072S 23-09-1940485S 29-04-194161OTU 25-06-1941FACE total wreck 10-09-1941SOC 17-09-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4484, Mk Ia
s/n X4484
c/n 1160
VA (Supermarine)
X 4484
Merlin III
FF 19-09-19409MU 19-09-194092S 24-09-1940RAE 03-194161OTU 15-10-1941FACB 13-06-1942ros to 4524M 2SoTT 05-02-1944SOC 23-09-1947
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4485, Mk Ia
s/n X4485
c/n 1161
VA (Supermarine)
X 4485
Merlin III
FF 19-09-19409MU 19-09-194092S 24-09-1940C2 ops 05-11-1940129S 22-06-1941FAAC 15-06-1942VASM 21-10-1942fuel syst mods wing stiff Cv Va M45 349S 01-07-194361OTU 01-08-19439MU 06-11-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4486, Mk Ia
s/n X4486
c/n 1163
VA (Supermarine)
X 4486
Merlin III
FF 19-09-19408MU 20-09-194072S 24-09-1940122S FACB 05-06-1941Westland 61OTU 27-10-194157OTU 10-01-1942engine failed Molt Denbigh CE 11-05-1943SOC 31-05-1943FH827.50
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4487, Mk Ia
s/n X4487
c/n 1164
VA (Supermarine)
X 4487
Merlin III
FF 19-09-19408MU 20-09-194072S 24-09-194092S 24-09-1940C3 ops 01-11-1940AST 602S 03-01-194158OTU 04-07-19411PRU 10-01-1942Cv PRV 8OTU 19-06-1942hit high ground Glen Clova Angus CE dbf 10-11-1942SOC 20-11-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4488, Mk Ia
s/n X4488
c/n 1165
VA (Supermarine)
X 4488
Merlin III
Used by No. 411 (F) Squadron, RCAF, from 22 June 1941. Had left this unit by August 1941. Later converted to Mk. V.
FF 20-09-19408MU 21-09-194072S 'RN-C' 24-09-1940C2 ops 02-10-1940GAL 411S 22-06-194157OTU 10-08-194158OTU 25-07-1942AST 23-11-1942Cv Va M45 61OTU 15-06-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4489, Mk Ia
s/n X4489
c/n 1166
VA (Supermarine)
X 4489
Merlin III
FF 20-09-19408MU 21-09-1940603S 24-09-1940C2 ops 05-10-1940122S 08-07-194176MU 22-09-1942City of Evansville 21-10-1942Port Sudan 23-12-1942Middle East 31-01-1943SOC 27-07-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4490, Mk Ia
s/n X4490
c/n 1167
VA (Supermarine)
X 4490
Merlin III
FF 20-09-19408MU 21-09-1940603S 24-09-1940266S 17-10-1940111S 23-04-194158OTU 30-05-194157OTU 01-08-1941AST 21-12-1941Cv PRIII 1PRU 07-03-19428OTU 17-06-1942MSFU Speke ? 53OTU 27-02-1943struck by X4659 waiting takeoff Hibaldstow CAC 10-08-1944recat E
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4491, PR Mk III
s/n X4491
c/n 1284
VA (Supermarine)
X 4491
Merlin III
FF 20-09-1940RAE 20-09-1940trials Cv PRV DTD 10-11-1940PRU 04-02-1941R-RH 27-03-1941Cv Va M45 1PRU 17-04-1941FTR ops 20-08-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4492, PR Mk III
s/n X4492
m/d Type 349
c/n 1296
VA (Supermarine)
X 4492
Merlin III
First flight on 14 September 1940, as a Mk. I. Progressively modified in RAF service, as PR.IV, then F.VI. Delivered to Canada onboard "Manchester Progress", leaving UK on 16 January 1942, and arriving at Rockcliffe on 17 February 1942. Used by Photographic Flight, RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario for camera development work. Fitted with 36 inch telephoto camera by July 1943. Used to photograph total eclipse of the sun on 9 July 1945, using F24 camera modified to shot upwards. Flown by Flight Lieutenant Percival for this mission, out of Rivers Camp, Manitoba. With No. 9 (T) Group at Rockcliffe post war.
FF 14-09-1940RAE 17-09-1940PDU HAL Cv PRIV(W) PRU 14-11-1940R-RH 18-04-1941Cv Va M45 1PRU 29-04-19418MU 15-11-1941Cv PRVII Type F AAEE Cv proto FVI M47 extended wing tips known as experimental aircraft 152 to ROC. trials with 3 and 4 blade props 140S 12-02-194247MU 05-12-1942Manchester Progress 16-01-1943Rockcliffe Canada 17-02-194336in telephoto camera trials 07-1943Used to photo total eclipse of sun 09-07-1945F24 oblique install to sight upwards. Pilot F/Lt Percival
last update: 2025-February-051947-September-02 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
Spitfire X4493, PR Mk III
s/n X4493
c/n 1361
VA (Supermarine)
X 4493
Merlin III
1PRU 27-09-19406MU 24-11-1940PDU HAL 21-12-1940Cv PRIV 3PRU 02-02-1941RAE 03-1941to 04-1941trials F8 40in camera R-R 01-07-1941M45 install 1PRU 21-07-1941Missing from PR mission to Kiel 27-08-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4494, PR Mk III
s/n X4494
c/n 1373
VA (Supermarine)
X 4494
Merlin III
PDU HAL 28-12-1940Cv PRIV 3PRU 26-02-1941R-RH 04-04-1941M45 install 3PRU 16-05-19411PRU 31-07-1941FACB 05-12-1941HAL 21-12-1941Cv PRVI Type F 8OTU 31-07-1942Abandoned over sea nr Isle of Stroma Caithness 13-05-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4495, PR Mk III
s/n X4495
c/n 1383
VA (Supermarine)
X 4495
Merlin III
RAE FIE 04-01-1941PDU HAL Cv PRIII Type C ETPS Farnborough 10-03-19411PRU 18-03-1941Missing from PR mission to Cambrai 03-05-1941FH44.50
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4496, PR Mk III
s/n X4496
c/n 1393
VA (Supermarine)
X 4496
Merlin III
PDU HAL 12-01-1941Cv PRIII Type C DGRD RAE trials and dev 1PRU 26-02-1941Missing from PR mission along Norwegian coast crashed at Ockemen Norway 09-06-1941FH167.25
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4497, PR Mk III
s/n X4497
c/n 1534
VA (Supermarine)
X 4497
Merlin III
PDU 12-01-1941HAL 24-03-1941Cv PRIII Type C 1PRU 26-04-1941R-RH 14-05-1941install Benson 25-05-1941Missing from PR mission to Brest 20-08-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4498, PR Mk IV
s/n X4498
c/n 1553
VA (Supermarine)
X 4498
Merlin 45
PDU HAL 29-03-1941Cv PRV Type C M45 DGRD RAE 27-05-19413PRU 17-06-19411PRU 21-07-1941HAL Cv PRVI Type F M45 8OTU 13-09-1942engine failed pilot fail to clear aircraft crashed nr Dornie Inverness CE 19-01-1943FH326.05
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4499, PR Mk IV
s/n X4499
c/n 1596
VA (Supermarine)
X 4499
Merlin 45
DGRD RAE 19-04-19411PRU 16-06-1941HAL 03-07-1941Cv PRV Type C M45 1PRU 01-08-1941Cv PRIV Type F M45 27-01-1942140S 12-02-1942542S 02-11-19428OTU 11-03-1943FA 04-05-1943HAL Cv PRVI M55 HQ TTC 21-12-194410ATS 10-01-1946SOC 04-09-1947
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4500, PR Mk IV
s/n X4500
c/n 1617
VA (Supermarine)
X 4500
Merlin 45
DGRD RAE 28-04-1941R/T fighter trials ETPS Cv PRV Type C M45 02-07-19411PRU 10-07-1941Missing from PR mission to Stavanger and Kirstiansand 01-09-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4501, PR Mk IV
s/n X4501
c/n 1627
VA (Supermarine)
X 4501
Merlin 45
on loan to HAL 04-02-1941Cv PRIV Type C M45 28-04-19411PRU 01-06-1941engine failed wheels up landing Fair Isle CE 12-07-1941SOC 23-08-1941Scottish Aviation 3SGR 04-05-1942Cv PRVI Type F M45 8OTU 24-05-1942Engine cut overturned in forced landing Rathen Aberdeenshire FACB 22-01-1943SOCFH262.50
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4502, PR Mk IV
s/n X4502
c/n 1632
VA (Supermarine)
X 4502
Merlin 45
contract loan HAL 04-02-1941Cv PRV Type C M45 03-05-19411PRU 29-06-1941CB ops 04-09-1941HAL 1PRU 13-09-1941HAL Cv PRVI Type F 1PRU 18-11-1941140S Army Coop 22-04-1942Missing from PR mission to Cherbourg 02-06-1942FH177.45
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4503, PR Mk IV
s/n X4503
c/n 1644
VA (Supermarine)
X 4503
Merlin 45
DGRD RAE 08-05-1941HAL 30-09-1941Cv PRV Type C M45 1PRU 03-10-1941Missing on met flight 16-03-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4504, PR Mk IV
s/n X4504
c/n 1655
VA (Supermarine)
X 4504
Merlin 45
DGRD RAE 11-05-1941HAL 17-05-1941Cv PRV Type C M45 1PRU Benson 08-07-1941engine failed force-landed hit pole Nordelph Norfolk CE 11-07-194143GDA SOC 31-07-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4505, PR Mk IV
s/n X4505
c/n 1687
VA (Supermarine)
X 4505
Merlin 45
on loan HAL 16-03-1941Cv PRV Type C M45 20-05-19411PRU 12-09-1941FAAC 26-01-1942HAL Cv PRVI Type F M45 8OTU 26-07-1942Pilot blacked out due to lack of oxygen dived into ground Cotes Farm 31-05-1943FH200.10
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4538, PR Mk IV
s/n X4538
c/n 1693
VA (Supermarine)
X 4538
Merlin 45
on loan HAL 16-03-1941Cv PRV Type C M45 DGRD RAE 22-05-1941intensive trials 1PRU 19-08-1941Crashed on landing Benson FACB 25-12-1941SOC 15-01-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4539, Mk Ia
s/n X4539
c/n 1169
VA (Supermarine)
X 4539
Merlin III
FF 20-09-194024MU 21-09-1940609S 29-09-194066S 24-02-194157OTU 31-03-1941306S 06-10-194161OTU 15-10-1941SOC 17-04-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4540, Mk Ia
s/n X4540
c/n 1172
VA (Supermarine)
X 4540
Merlin III
FF 21-09-194024MU 22-09-1940FAC2 AST 61OTU 28-06-1941FACE total wreck 20-10-1941SOC 26-10-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4541, Mk Ia
s/n X4541
c/n 1170
VA (Supermarine)
X 4541
Merlin III
FF 21-09-194024MU 21-09-1940602S 02-10-1940damaged by Ju88 nr Beachy Head Flight Sergeant Babbage safe 12-10-1940AST SOCFH6.50
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4542, Mk Ia
s/n X4542
c/n 1171
VA (Supermarine)
X 4542
Merlin III
FF 21-09-194024MU 21-09-1940602S 02-10-1940shot down by Bf109 Mayfield Flight Sergeant Smith injured 30-10-1940last Spit shot down in BoB SOC 13-11-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4543, Mk Ia
s/n X4543
c/n 1173
VA (Supermarine)
X 4543
Merlin III
FF 22-09-194024MU 22-09-194066S 02-10-1940damaged by Bf109 Flight Sergeant Wright safe 05-10-1940shot down by Bf109 force-landed Hornchurch Flight Sergeant Cook safe 13-10-1940SOC 11-11-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4544, Mk Ia
s/n X4544
c/n 1174
VA (Supermarine)
X 4544
Merlin III
FF 22-09-194039MU 23-09-194072S 27-09-1940collision with K9989 during scramble Flight Sergeant Staples safe 05-10-1940123S 15-05-194161OTU 14-10-1941Failed to recover after loop crashed Slyfield Green Guildford total wreck 19-10-1941Flight Sergeant Law killed
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4545, Mk Ia
s/n X4545
c/n 1175
VA (Supermarine)
X 4545
Merlin III
FF 22-09-194039MU 23-09-194041S 28-09-1940struck parked Spitfire during scramble Hornchurch Flight Sergeant Norwell safe 02-10-1940SOC 08-10-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4546, Mk Ia
s/n X4546
c/n 1176
VA (Supermarine)
X 4546
Merlin III
FF 23-09-194039MU 23-09-1940222S 'ZD-C' 29-09-194053OTU 30-03-1941Collided with X4618 and crashed FACE 27-04-1941SOC 06-05-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4547, Mk Ia
s/n X4547
c/n 1177
VA (Supermarine)
X 4547
Merlin III
FF 23-09-194039MU 24-09-194041S 02-10-1940611S 24-10-1940C2 ops 22-11-1940Shot down by Bf109 in Channel while escorting Blenheims to Wizernes 05-02-1941Pilot Officer H S Sadler killed
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4548, Mk Ia
s/n X4548
c/n 1178
VA (Supermarine)
X 4548
Merlin III
FF 23-09-194039MU 25-09-1940222S 29-09-1940Ran out of fuel on scramble hit HT wires and crashed Battle Road Hailsham Sussex Pilot Officer Edsall injured 27-10-1940SOC 05-11-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4549, Mk Ia
s/n X4549
c/n 1179
VA (Supermarine)
X 4549
Merlin III
FF 23-09-194039MU 25-09-1940FAC3 02-10-1940SOC 08-10-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4550, Mk Ia
s/n X4550
c/n 1180
VA (Supermarine)
X 4550
Merlin III
FF 24-09-19408MU 25-09-1940152S 'UM-W' 27-09-1940C3 ops 02-10-1940engine failed force-landed hit fence Whitcombe Dorset 11-11-1940SOC 18-11-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4551, Mk Ia
s/n X4551
c/n 1181
VA (Supermarine)
X 4551
Merlin III
FF 24-09-19408MU 25-09-194092S 'QJ-B' 28-09-194072S 28-09-1940C2 ops 07-10-1940306S 06-11-1940? 53OTU 16-07-1942engine failed wheels up landing Kinloss CE 11-07-1943RNDA 12-06-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4552, Mk Ia
s/n X4552
c/n 1182
VA (Supermarine)
X 4552
Merlin III
FF 24-09-19408MU 26-09-194092S 28-09-194061OTU 28-06-1941Stalled off turn during camera gun practice and spun into ground Boroughfield Nr Reading total wreck 10-09-1941SOC 23-09-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4553, Mk Ia
s/n X4553
c/n 1183
VA (Supermarine)
X 4553
Merlin III
FF 24-09-19408MU 26-09-194092S 28-09-1940Shot down by return fire from Do17 nr Brighton 10-10-1940SOC 23-10-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4554, Mk Ia
s/n X4554
c/n 1184
VA (Supermarine)
X 4554
Merlin III
FF 25-09-19408MU 26-09-194041S 28-09-1940Collided with X4052 and crashed South Ash Manor nr West Kingsdown Kent Flight Sergeant Carter abandoned aircraft C3 11-10-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4555, Mk Ia
s/n X4555
m/d Type 349
c/n 1185
VA (Supermarine)
X 4555
Merlin III
First flight on 25 September 1940, as a Mk. I. Modified to PR.IV, and then PR.VII (G) in 1942, after being used operationally by No. 92 and No. 132 Squadrons. Shipped to Canada on the "Tom Couston", leaving the UK on 10 March 1943, arriving in Canada on 4 April 1943. Used by Photographic Flight, RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario for camera development tests. Fitted with 36 inch telephoto camera. With No. 9 (T) Group at Rockcliffe post war, operated by No. 13 (P) Squadron. Transferred to RCN, probably after being struck off by RCAF. Used for fire fighting training, hulk stored on McNab Island for many years. Parts recovered in 1983, shipped to the UK.
FF 25-09-19406MU 26-09-194092S 28-09-1940C2 ops 01-11-1940GAL 132S 16-02-1941HAL 29-04-1942Cv PRIV M45 1PRU Benson 15-11-1942Cv PRVII Type G 47MU 03-01-1943Tom Couston 10-03-1943RCAF Canada 04-04-194336in telephoto install for trials
last update: 2025-February-051943-December-16 Accident: 1 PHOTO RECONN Loc: Aerodrome Names: Gubb
1945-February-25 Accident: 13 PHOTO Squadron Loc: Rockcliffe Ontario Names: Reid
1947-August-01 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
Spitfire X4556, Mk Ia
s/n X4556
c/n 1186
VA (Supermarine)
X 4556
Merlin III
FF 25-09-19406MU 26-09-194092S 29-09-1940145S 22-01-1941118S 04-03-1941604S 31-12-194152OTU 09-03-194258OTU 21-06-194357OTU 26-11-1943SOC 16-08-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4557, Mk Ia
s/n X4557
c/n 1187
VA (Supermarine)
X 4557
Merlin III
FF 25-09-19406MU 26-09-194092S 29-09-1940RAE 10-1940C2 ops 01-11-1940ASTH 152S 05-12-1940610S 19-12-1940Scottish Aviation 10-04-1941132S 12-08-1941wheels up landing Peterhead CAC 31-08-1941Scottish Aviation 58OTU 05-01-1942Collided with X4899 and crashed Grangemouth FACE SOC 09-09-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4558, Mk Ia
s/n X4558
c/n 1188
VA (Supermarine)
X 4558
Merlin III
FF 26-09-19406MU 27-09-194041S 29-09-1940C2 by Bf109 wheels up landing Hornchurch S/Ldr Finlay safe 09-10-1940611S 14-10-1940129S 22-06-194157OTU 13-12-194153OTU 17-06-1942FAAC 11-11-1942PPSM SOC 28-09-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4559, Mk Ia
s/n X4559
c/n 1189
VA (Supermarine)
X 4559
Merlin III
FF 27-09-19406MU 28-09-194041S 29-09-1940shot down by Bf109 over Horsham Pilot Officer Bennions abandoned aircraft 01-10-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4560, Mk Ia
s/n X4560
c/n 1190
VA (Supermarine)
X 4560
Merlin III
FF 27-09-19406MU 28-09-1940609S 02-10-1940C2 ops 08-11-1940GAL 123S 14-07-1941Collided with X4910 and abandoned over Edinburgh FACE dbf SOC 05-09-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4561, Mk Ia
s/n X4561
c/n 1194
VA (Supermarine)
X 4561
Merlin III
FF 27-09-194092S 'QJ-B' 12-1940RAE 04-1941SOC 30-12-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4562, Mk Ia
s/n X4562
c/n 1191
VA (Supermarine)
X 4562
Merlin III
FF 27-09-194012MU 29-09-194066S 09-10-1940shot down by Bf109 nr Canterbury Pilot Officer Pickering injured dbf 11-10-1940FH4.00
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4585, Mk Ia
s/n X4585
c/n 1193
VA (Supermarine)
X 4585
Merlin III
FF 28-09-194012MU 30-09-194065S 11-10-1940C2 ops 15-10-1940145S 23-01-1941Collided with X4655 during practice attack and abandoned nr Tangmere FACE 10-02-1941SOC 17-02-1941FH32.55
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4586, Mk Ia
s/n X4586
c/n 1195
VA (Supermarine)
X 4586
Merlin III
FF 29-09-194039MU 30-09-1940609S 'PR-O' 08-10-1940Shot down by Bf109 SW of Isle of Wight 28-11-1940FH37.55 F/Lt J C Dundas DFC killed
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4587, Mk Ia
s/n X4587
c/n 1196
VA (Supermarine)
X 4587
Merlin III
FF 30-09-194039MU 01-10-1940609S 08-10-194066S 24-02-194153OTU 24-06-1941FACB 30-04-1942501S 21-11-1942CE 24-11-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4588, Mk Ia
s/n X4588
c/n 1197
VA (Supermarine)
X 4588
Merlin III
FF 30-09-194039MU 02-10-1940609S 08-10-1940FAC3 02-12-1940AST 129S 22-06-194153OTU 29-09-1941flew into mountain Brecon CE 23-05-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4589, Mk Ia
s/n X4589
c/n 1192
VA (Supermarine)
X 4589
Merlin III
FF 28-09-194039MU 29-09-194041S 07-10-1940611S 24-10-1940485S 15-03-1941123S 16-07-1941215MU 21-10-1942Baron Forbes 07-11-1942Portugal 21-11-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4590, Mk Ia
s/n X4590
c/n 6S 81254
VA (Supermarine)
X 4590
Merlin III
FF 30-09-1940609S 12-10-1940damaged 25-10-194066S 24-02-1941to 8384M extant Battle of Britain Museum Hendon
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4591, Mk Ia
s/n X4591
c/n 1199
VA (Supermarine)
X 4591
Merlin III
FF 01-10-194039MU 03-10-194092S 11-10-1940shot down by Bf109 nr Postling Herts Pilot Officer AJS Pattinson killed dbf 12-10-1940SOC 24-10-1940FH4.45
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4592, Mk Ia
s/n X4592
c/n 1200
VA (Supermarine)
X 4592
Merlin III
FF 01-10-19408MU 02-10-194041S 08-10-1940611S 25-10-1940Shot down by Bf109 off Gravelines 25-02-1941Pilot Officer DA Stanley killed
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4593, Mk Ia
s/n X4593
c/n 1201
VA (Supermarine)
X 4593
Merlin III
FF 01-10-19408MU 02-10-1940603S 08-10-1940266S 17-10-1940Dived into ground from high altitude 3m NE of Holme Cambs presumed oxygen failure FAC3 22-11-1940SOC 01-12-1940FH85.05
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4594, Mk Ia
s/n X4594
c/n 1202
VA (Supermarine)
X 4594
Merlin III
FF 01-10-19408MU 02-10-1940603S 08-10-1940266S 17-10-1940Shot down by return fire from Ju88 off Skegness Lincs 08-03-1941FH183.40 Flying Officer F P Ferris killed
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4595, Mk Ia
s/n X4595
c/n 1203
VA (Supermarine)
X 4595
Merlin III
FF 02-10-19408MU 05-10-194072S 09-10-194057OTU 02-05-1941Collided with R6596 and crashed Hepburn Moor Northumberland FACE 17-03-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4596, Mk Ia
s/n X4596
c/n 1204
VA (Supermarine)
X 4596
Merlin III
FF 02-10-19406MU 05-10-194072S 08-10-1940123S 15-05-1941HAL 14-02-1942Cv PRIV Type G M45 140S 25-04-1942damaged ops 04-06-1942HAL Cv PRVII Type G and M45 to Va 66S 08-01-1943542S 10-01-19438OTU 17-04-1943HAL 17-06-1943SOC 22-03-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4597, Mk Ia
s/n X4597
c/n 1205
VA (Supermarine)
X 4597
Merlin III
FF 02-10-19406MU 05-10-1940Damaged by Bf109 and abandoned Smeeth nr Ashford Kent 09-10-1940SOC 14-10-1940Flight Sergeant E T G Frith killed
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4598, Mk Ia
s/n X4598
c/n 1206
VA (Supermarine)
X 4598
Merlin III
FF 03-10-19406MU 05-10-194066S 08-10-1940609S 29-10-1940AST 02-02-194153OTU 26-09-1941stalled spun crashed nr St.Nicholas Cardiff 04-10-1941SOC 12-10-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4599, Mk Ia
s/n X4599
c/n 1207
VA (Supermarine)
X 4599
Merlin III
FF 03-10-19406MU 06-10-194066S 08-10-1940FBC2 20-10-194057OTU 06-11-1940FAC2 AST 234S 04-02-194158OTU 07-05-1941Scottish Aviation 20-06-19411PRU 09-03-1942HAL 13-04-1942Cv PRV 1PRU 18-04-1942HAL 06-08-1942Cv PRVII Type G M45 8OTU 06-08-1942FTR navex believed into Channel 05-01-1943FH312
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4600, Mk Ia
s/n X4600
c/n 1208
VA (Supermarine)
X 4600
Merlin III
FF 03-10-19409MU 07-10-194072S 13-10-194057OTU 02-05-1941Swerved on take-off to avoid workmen and hit crane overturned Wrexham 16-06-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4601, Mk Ia
s/n X4601
c/n 1209
VA (Supermarine)
X 4601
Merlin III
FF 03-10-19409MU 07-10-194072S 13-10-1940485S 24-04-194161OTU 01-06-194153OTU 26-09-1941Hit tree low flying Llangattock Mon FACE 08-09-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4602, Mk Ia
s/n X4602
c/n 1210
VA (Supermarine)
X 4602
Merlin III
FF 04-10-19409MU 07-10-194072S 13-10-1940485S 15-05-194161OTU 25-06-1941FACB 27-01-194253OTU 14-04-19431TEU 10-07-1944SOC 10-08-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4603, Mk Ia
s/n X4603
c/n 1212
VA (Supermarine)
X 4603
Merlin III
FF 04-10-19409MU 09-10-1940602S 13-10-1940610S 14-12-194053OTU 03-03-1941stalled on landing Heston CE 18-03-1941GAL to 2558M SOC 31-03-1941FH82.15
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4604, Mk Ia
s/n X4604
c/n 1211
VA (Supermarine)
X 4604
Merlin III
FF 04-10-194038MU 07-10-194041S 14-10-1940611S 24-10-1940FAC2 28-10-194057OTU 24-05-1941FACB 29-05-1942MMO RNAS Arbroath 05-09-1942761S Henstridge 10-1942759S Yeovilton 01-1943to 10-1943794S Henstridge 11-1943Repair? Retd RN 03-12-1943761S Henstridge 02-1944to 06-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4605, Mk Ia
s/n X4605
c/n 1213
VA (Supermarine)
X 4605
Merlin III
FF 04-10-194038MU 08-10-194092S 17-10-1940enemy action C2 10-11-1940AST 61OTU 30-12-194057OTU 16-12-1941air collision with AR212 force-landed CAC 16-03-1942Spun into ground Flintshire CE 10-10-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4606, Mk Ia
s/n X4606
c/n 1214
VA (Supermarine)
X 4606
Merlin III
FF 05-10-194038MU 07-10-194092S 16-10-1940145S 22-01-1941118S 27-03-194166S 09-04-1941501S 27-04-194153OTU 24-05-19412USAAF 01-09-1942AST 27-07-1943Cv Va M45 61OTU air collision with P7906 Lightwood Farm Salop CE SOC 08-08-1944FH510.15
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4607, Mk Ia
s/n X4607
c/n 1215
VA (Supermarine)
X 4607
Merlin III
FF 05-10-194038MU 08-10-194092S 17-10-194053OTU 26-03-1941air collision with X4024 nr Treharris Glam dbf 07-07-1941SOC 15-07-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4608, Mk Ia
s/n X4608
c/n 1216
VA (Supermarine)
X 4608
Merlin III
FF 06-10-194037MU 08-10-1940234S 30-10-194058OTU 23-03-1941131S 16-07-194152OTU 23-11-1941Forcelanded at Aston Down and hit Hurricane BN224 05-01-1942SOC 17-01-1942to 2910M
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4609, Mk Ia
s/n X4609
c/n 1217
VA (Supermarine)
X 4609
Merlin III
FF 07-10-194037MU 10-10-194041S 17-10-1940611S 24-10-1940485S 14-03-1941Swung on take-off and hit Whitley Church Fenton CE 05-05-1941SOC 12-05-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4610, Mk Ia
s/n X4610
c/n 1218
VA (Supermarine)
X 4610
Merlin III
FF 07-10-194037MU 10-10-1940222S 17-10-194053OTU 18-03-1941HAL 25-03-1941DGRD AAEE 08-05-1941Fairey Aviation 31-12-194157OTU 03-09-1942SFTS 12-07-1943Brakes failed overshot landing into trees Dumfries FAAC 31-08-1943recat E
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4611, Mk Ia
s/n X4611
c/n 1219
VA (Supermarine)
X 4611
Merlin III
FF 07-10-19406MU 08-10-194064S 27-11-1940303S 10-02-194158OTU 20-03-194157OTU 27-07-1941struck by R7138 landing Hawarden CE 02-05-1942AST RNAS 30-07-1943759S Yeovilton 03-1943to 06-1944Onto grass taxying nosed over Cat X 03-09-1943(Squadron Leader R Dancaster)
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4612, Mk Ia
s/n X4612
c/n 1220
VA (Supermarine)
X 4612
Merlin III
FF 09-10-19406MU 10-10-194066S 15-10-1940FAC2 15-10-1940AST 53OTU 25-06-1941engine failed crashed Glanmore Farm Glam CE 18-03-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4613, Mk Ia
s/n X4613
c/n 1233
VA (Supermarine)
X 4613
Merlin III
FF 15-10-19406MU 15-10-1940? 603S 17-10-1940266S 24-10-1940Lost wing and crashed Gedney Hill Lincs CE 02-03-1941SOC 20-03-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4614, Mk Ia
s/n X4614
c/n 1221
VA (Supermarine)
X 4614
Merlin III
FF 10-10-19406MU 11-10-194066S 15-10-194092S 13-11-194052OTU 13-03-1941501S 17-06-194158OTU 04-07-1942flew into high ground in mist with AR254 and P8276 Kingseal Hill Kincardine CE 16-01-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4615, Mk Ia
s/n X4615
c/n 1222
VA (Supermarine)
X 4615
Merlin III
FF 12-10-194024MU 15-10-1940616S 26-10-1940602S 14-12-194061OTU 30-06-1941121S 13-12-1941332S 17-01-1942164S 17-04-1942FACB 01-06-1942Scottish Aviation Cv Va M45 HAL 10-09-1942Cv PRXIII M32 VASM 25-01-1943fuel syst mods wing stiff 6MU 10-04-1943RNDA 03-03-1944808S 03-1944718S Henstridge 01-1945to 04-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4616, Mk Ia
s/n X4616
c/n 1223
VA (Supermarine)
X 4616
Merlin III
FF 13-10-194024MU 15-10-194092S 24-10-194053OTU 13-03-1941FAAC 18-03-1942Westland 52OTU 22-07-194217FTS 12-07-194339MU nea SOC 23-11-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4617, Mk Ia
s/n X4617
c/n 1224
VA (Supermarine)
X 4617
Merlin III
FF 15-10-194024MU 16-10-1940616S 26-10-194065S 26-02-1941308S 06-04-1941FAAC 08-05-1941DeH 30-04-1943222MU 04-09-1943Fort Ellis 12-09-1943Portugal 09-10-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4618, Mk Ia
s/n X4618
c/n 1228
VA (Supermarine)
X 4618
Merlin III
FF 16-10-194024MU 21-10-194092S 02-11-194053OTU 13-03-1941Collided with X4546 and crashed FACE 27-04-1941SOC 10-05-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4619, Mk Ia
s/n X4619
c/n 1227
VA (Supermarine)
X 4619
Merlin III
FF 18-10-19408MU 20-10-1940C2 ops 23-11-194058OTU 10-05-194182MU 01-10-1942Tarantia 08-11-1942Port Sudan 29-01-1943Middle East 28-02-1943SOC 27-07-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4620, Mk Ia
s/n X4620
c/n 1229
VA (Supermarine)
X 4620
Merlin III
FF 19-10-19408MU 22-10-1940611S 05-11-1940crashed on takeoff 22-01-1941485S 14-03-1941123S 13-06-1941CRD HAL 31-10-1942trl install Cv PRVII M45 8OTU 04-02-1943FACE 04-02-1943HAL 14-08-1944FACE 25-08-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4621, Mk Ia
s/n X4621
c/n 1232
VA (Supermarine)
X 4621
Merlin III
FF 19-10-19408MU 22-10-194072S 02-11-1940485S 27-04-194161OTU 01-06-1941MMO 20-07-1941Cv Va M45 61OTU 25-02-1942fail to recover from dive Ridgley Cheshire CE 14-11-1942SOC 23-11-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4622, Mk Ia
s/n X4622
c/n 1225
VA (Supermarine)
X 4622
Merlin III
FF 16-10-1940MU 22-10-1940Cv IIA MXII 222S 57OTU 58OTU SOC 30-12-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4623, Mk Ia
s/n X4623
c/n 1226
VA (Supermarine)
X 4623
Merlin III
FF 17-10-19409MU 21-10-1940610S 01-11-194061OTU 23-11-1941FACE 10-03-1943SOC 09-02-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4624, Mk Ia
s/n X4624
c/n 1230
VA (Supermarine)
X 4624
Merlin III
FF 18-10-19409MU 21-10-194054S 01-11-1940FAC2 05-11-1940GAL 52OTU 20-11-194153OTU 17-06-194339MU nea 06-11-1944SOC 09-03-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4641, Mk Ia
s/n X4641
c/n 1234
VA (Supermarine)
X 4641
Merlin III
FF 21-10-19406MU 24-10-1940609S 11-11-194066S 24-02-1941501S 27-04-194153OTU 17-06-1941to 3466M 8SoTT 25-12-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4642, Mk Ia
s/n X4642
c/n 1231
VA (Supermarine)
X 4642
Merlin III
FF 19-10-19406MU 20-10-1940609S 27-10-194066S 24-02-194157OTU 07-04-1941306S 06-10-194161OTU 15-10-1941disintigrated in air Brynegiws Denbigh 05-08-1942SOC 19-08-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4643, Mk Ia
s/n X4643
c/n 1235
VA (Supermarine)
X 4643
Merlin III
FF 21-10-19406MU 23-10-194072S 26-10-1940485S 07-05-194161OTU 01-06-1941ASTE 13-03-1942RNAS 09-09-1942761S Henstridge 11-1942to 02-1943762S Yeovilton c.2/5-1943759S Yeovilton 'Y3.' 04-1943to 04-1944SOC Cat E 13-10-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4644, Mk Ia
s/n X4644
m/d 1236
c/n 1236
VA (Supermarine)
X 4644
Merlin III
Named "Sarkar I Tirhut". With No. 403 (F) Squadron, RCAF from 22 June to 24 July 1941.
FF 21-10-19408MU 22-10-1940611S 22-10-1940403S 22-06-194152OTU 24-07-194161OTU 24-07-1941Engine caught fire crashed Gadlas Farmn Elsen nr Ellesmere Cheshire CE 10-07-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4645, Mk Ia
s/n X4645
c/n 1237
VA (Supermarine)
X 4645
Merlin III
FF 21-10-19408MU 24-10-19401PRU 14-11-1940FAC2 17-11-1940118S 13-03-194166S 09-04-1941engine failed force-landed 15-04-1941501S 26-04-194153OTU 17-06-1941HAL 08-03-1942Cv PRIV 140S TAF 02-05-1942HAL 11-02-1944Cv PRVII M45 CE 07-09-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4646, Mk Ia
s/n X4646
c/n 1238
VA (Supermarine)
X 4646
Merlin III
FF 22-10-19408MU 24-10-194066S 16-11-1940111S 08-04-1941Spun out of cloud and abandoned 5m NNE of Aberdeen 14-04-1941SOC 17-04-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4647, Mk Ia
s/n X4647
c/n 1239
VA (Supermarine)
X 4647
Merlin III
FF 22-10-19408MU 24-10-194064S 20-11-1940303S 'RF-O' 22-01-194158OTU flew into mountain on first flight Benson Ledi Perths FTR 10-03-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4648, Mk Ia
s/n X4648
c/n 1240
VA (Supermarine)
X 4648
Merlin III
FF 23-10-194024MU 25-10-1940610S 07-11-1940602S 14-12-194061OTU 30-06-194153OTU 20-02-19439MU RNDA 15-01-1944801S 10-1942? 761S Henstridge 06-1944CE 09-08-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4649, Mk Ia
s/n X4649
c/n 1241
VA (Supermarine)
X 4649
Merlin III
FF 23-10-194024MU 25-10-1940610S 07-11-1940FA total wreck 11-12-1940SOC 27-12-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4650, Mk Ia
s/n X4650
c/n 6S 75531
VA (Supermarine)
X 4650
Merlin III
FF 23-10-194024MU 25-10-194054S 14-11-1940Collided with X4276 and abandoned nr Catterick 28-12-1940SOC 04-01-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4651, Mk Ia
s/n X4651
c/n 1243
VA (Supermarine)
X 4651
Merlin III
FF 24-10-194037MU 25-10-194054S 07-02-194141S 22-02-1941452S 19-04-1941313S 'RY-S' 01-06-194161OTU 16-08-1941u/c collapsed in heavy landing Heston 26-09-1941SOC 29-12-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4652, Mk Ia
s/n X4652
c/n 1244
VA (Supermarine)
X 4652
Merlin III
FF 24-10-194037MU 25-10-194054S 04-02-1941? 41S 22-02-1941452S 19-04-1941313S 05-09-194157OTU 16-06-1942? RNAS 07-08-1943761S Henstridge 12-1943Groundlooped at end of runway 05-03-1944(Lt BA MacCaw) ASTH 31-03-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4653, Mk Ia
s/n X4653
c/n 1245
VA (Supermarine)
X 4653
Merlin III
FF 24-10-194037MU 25-10-194041S 28-02-1941452S 19-04-1941313S 01-06-194157OTU 27-08-1941hit sea off Rhyl total wreck 20-09-1941SOC 27-09-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4654, Mk Ia
s/n X4654
c/n 1246
VA (Supermarine)
X 4654
Merlin III
FF 25-10-19409MU 26-10-1940222S 10-11-194053OTU 30-03-1941FACE 23-04-1941Westland DeH 16-04-1942new eng 57OTU 18-06-194253OTU 13-06-1943ASTH 05-05-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4655, Mk Ia
s/n X4655
c/n 1249
VA (Supermarine)
X 4655
Merlin III
FF 25-10-19409MU 27-10-194065S 05-12-1940145S 19-01-1941Collided with X4585 during practice attacks nr Tangmere and abandoned 10-02-1941SOC 19-02-1941FH32.40
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4656, Mk Ia
s/n X4656
c/n 1247
VA (Supermarine)
X 4656
Merlin III
FF 25-10-19409MU 27-10-194092S 10-11-1940C2 ops 07-12-1940AST 61OTU 28-06-194153OTU 31-12-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4657, Mk Ia
s/n X4657
c/n 1250
VA (Supermarine)
X 4657
Merlin III
FF 26-10-19406MU 28-10-1940609S DGRD 01-12-194066S 24-02-194157OTU 07-04-194161OTU 20-11-1941FACB 27-06-1942AST RNAS 05-09-1942762S Yeovilton c-02-05-1943761S Henstridge 05-1943to 08-1943748S St.Merryn taxied into stationary lorry Cat Y 30-10-1944(Lt PA Toynbee)
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4658, Mk Ia
s/n X4658
c/n 1251
VA (Supermarine)
X 4658
Merlin III
FF 26-10-19406MU 28-10-1940602S 01-11-1940Shot down by Bf109 nr Folkestone Kent C2 11-12-1940SOC 30-12-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4659, Mk Ia
s/n X4659
c/n 1248
VA (Supermarine)
X 4659
Merlin III
FF 26-10-19406MU 26-10-1940602S 01-11-1940610S 17-12-1940crash-landing on beach Pevensey 53OTU 21-06-1942? 52OTU 31-03-1943? struck by X4490 on runway Hibaldstow CAC 17-06-1944recat E 23-06-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4660, Mk Ia
s/n X4660
c/n 1252
VA (Supermarine)
X 4660
Merlin III
FF 28-10-19406MU 01-11-1940609S 01-12-194066S 24-02-194157OTU 07-04-1941ASTH 22-10-1941Cv Va M45 HAL 28-07-1942Cv PRXIII M32 RAE 31-12-1942trials Relay Homing VHF BA and TR1143 plus repositioned amplifier HAL 18-03-1943VASM 08-04-1943mods RNDA Henstridge 01-03-1944761S Henstridge 04-1944718S Henstridge 05-06-1944to 04-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4661, Mk Ia
s/n X4661
c/n 1259
VA (Supermarine)
X 4661
Merlin III
FF 31-10-19409MU 08-11-1940602S 09-12-1940610S 14-12-194053OTU 10-04-1941HAL 12-05-1941to 2845M 7SoTT 04-12-1941SOC 18-12-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4662, Mk Ia
s/n X4662
c/n 1260
VA (Supermarine)
X 4662
Merlin III
FF 01-11-19409MU 08-11-1940485S 15-03-194161OTU 25-06-1941131S 17-07-1941pull out steep dive stbd wing broke away crashed dbf pilot killed 12.07hrs Northallerton 27-07-1941SOC 01-08-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4663, Mk Va
s/n X4663
c/n 1633
VA (Supermarine)
X 4663
Merlin 45
FF 03-05-194139MU 04-05-1941603S 22-06-1941Missing escorting Blenheims to St.Omer presumed crashed in sea 05-08-1941Pilot Officer N H C Keable killed
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4664, Mk Vb
s/n X4664
c/n 1656
VA (Supermarine)
X 4664
Merlin 45
FF 05-05-19416MU 12-05-1941609S 01-06-1941AST 22-06-1941Damaged by Bf109 escorting Blenheims to Abbeville and abandoned nr St.Omer 04-07-1941Flying Officer A K Ogilvie DFC PoW
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4665, Mk Va
s/n X4665
c/n 1642
VA (Supermarine)
X 4665
Merlin 45
FF 06-05-194138MU 09-05-194164S 16-05-1941603S 16-05-1941SOC 06-10-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4666, Mk Vb
s/n X4666
c/n 1641
VA (Supermarine)
X 4666
Merlin 45
Named "Kaffaria I". With No. 401 (F) Squadron, RCAF, from 10 January 1942. Shot down by Fw190s off Ostend on 28 February 1942, during Ramrod 12. Sgt. G.F. Clarke KIA.
FF 07-05-19419MU 08-05-1941609S 31-05-1941damaged ops 31-07-1941ros 401S 10-01-1942Shot down by fighters off Ramsgate Kent CE 28-02-1942Flight Sergeant G F Clarke killed
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4667, Mk Va
s/n X4667
c/n 1640
VA (Supermarine)
X 4667
Merlin 45
FF 05-05-19415MU 07-05-1941611S 01-06-1941145S 06-07-1941Missing escorting Stirlings to Albert/Meault 07-07-1941SOC 23-07-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4668, Mk Vb
s/n X4668
c/n 1643
VA (Supermarine)
X 4668
Merlin 45
FF 07-05-19418MU 09-05-194174S 18-05-1941Shot down by Bf109 nr Adinkerke on sweep 27-06-1941S/Lt J C Mungo-Park DFC killed
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4669, Mk Va
s/n X4669
c/n 1647
VA (Supermarine)
X 4669
Merlin 45
FF 09-05-194138MU 11-05-194164S 16-05-1941603S 21-05-194181S 07-01-1942165S 12-04-1942FAAC 04-05-1942ros 167S 28-05-19425USAAF 22-08-1942crashed Kings Nordley Salop 27-03-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4670, Mk Vb
s/n X4670
c/n 1648
VA (Supermarine)
X 4670
Merlin 45
FF 09-05-19416MU 09-05-194174S 16-05-1941AST 20-06-1941111S 20-08-1941Damaged by flak nr Arras 30-04-1942CE 11-05-1942DeH SOC 13-05-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4671, Mk Ia
s/n X4671
c/n 1253
VA (Supermarine)
X 4671
Merlin III
FF 28-10-19406MU 01-11-1940602S 29-11-1940610S 14-12-194053OTU 03-03-194161OTU 01-07-1941FACB 29-08-1941M32 install during 1943 ASTE Cv Va M45 NFT 07-12-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4672, Mk Ia
s/n X4672
c/n 1254
VA (Supermarine)
X 4672
Merlin III
FF 29-10-19406MU 01-11-19401PRU Benson 27-11-1941? R-RH 12-08-1941Cv Va M45 1PRU 27-08-1941HAL 03-10-1941Cv PRVII Type G 541S 30-09-19428OTU 15-07-1943SOC 14-03-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4673, Mk Ia
s/n X4673
c/n 1255
VA (Supermarine)
X 4673
Merlin III
FF 30-10-19408MU 01-11-1940602S 17-11-1940610S 14-12-1940ASTH 15-02-1941RAE 09-1941aileron trials ASTH 23-10-1941recat E SOC
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4674, Mk Ia
s/n X4674
c/n 1256
VA (Supermarine)
X 4674
Merlin III
Used by No. 403 (F) Squadron, RCAF, from 29 June to 21 July 1941. Coded "KH*R".
FF 30-10-19408MU 01-11-19401PRU 14-11-1940FACA 21-12-1940AST 403S 'KH-R' 29-06-194152OTU 21-07-194161OTU 30-07-194158OTU 06-04-1943SOC 30-04-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4675, Mk Ia
s/n X4675
c/n 1257
VA (Supermarine)
X 4675
Merlin III
FF 31-10-19409MU 02-11-194065S 05-12-1940145S 16-01-1941118S 27-03-1941122S 20-05-1941Undershot landing and hit ambulance stalled and u/c collapsed Llandow FAAC 17-09-1941AST
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4676, Mk Ia
s/n X4676
c/n 1261
VA (Supermarine)
X 4676
Merlin III
FF 31-10-19409MU 05-11-1940222S 22-02-194153OTU 20-03-1941HAL 04-04-1941to 2847M 7SoTT 03-12-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4677, Mk Ia
s/n X4677
c/n 1258
VA (Supermarine)
X 4677
Merlin III
FF 31-10-19409MU 02-11-1940602S 12-12-1940610S 14-12-194053OTU 05-03-1941RNDA 04-09-194258OTU 30-01-1943CE 18-08-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4678, Mk Ia
s/n X4678
c/n 1262
VA (Supermarine)
X 4678
Merlin III
FF 01-11-194012MU 04-11-1940610S 23-11-1940stalled avoiding obstruction on landing overturned Woolsington CE 03-12-1940SOC
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4679, Mk Ia
s/n X4679
c/n 1263
VA (Supermarine)
X 4679
Merlin III
FF 01-11-194012MU 04-11-1940601S 22-11-1940602S 14-12-1940122S 11-06-194153OTU 30-09-1941engine failed crash-landing in field Rhoose 03-04-1942AST SOC
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4680, Mk Ia
s/n X4680
c/n 1264
VA (Supermarine)
X 4680
Merlin III
FF 02-11-194012MU 05-11-194072S 17-01-1941CB ops 09-04-1941Scottish Aviation 123S 03-06-1941steep dive and pull out from cloud wings and tailplane broke off fus hit ground Kirknewton pilot killed 16.00hrs 15-06-1941SOC 01-07-1941FH77.50 RAE accident invest 20-08-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4681, Mk Ia
s/n X4681
c/n 1266
VA (Supermarine)
X 4681
Merlin III
FF 04-11-194024MU 05-11-1940610S 14-11-1940602S 14-12-1940Collided with another Spitfire and crashed in sea 24-05-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4682, Mk Ia
s/n X4682
c/n 1265
VA (Supermarine)
X 4682
Merlin III
FF 02-11-194024MU 06-11-1940152S 14-11-194058OTU 23-03-1941Scottish Aviation 24-04-1941struck by P8605 while taxying Grangemouth CE 12-11-1942SOC 20-11-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4683, Mk Ia
s/n X4683
c/n 1267
VA (Supermarine)
X 4683
Merlin III
FF 03-11-194024MU 06-11-194054S 28-11-1940RAE 12-194041S 22-02-1941452S 19-04-1941313S 16-06-194157OTU 27-08-194153OTU 20-02-1943AST 13-05-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4684, Mk Ia
s/n X4684
c/n 1275
VA (Supermarine)
X 4684
Merlin III
FF 04-11-194038MU 10-11-1940234S 18-11-194058OTU 27-03-19411TEU 08-03-1944CE 15-04-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4685, Mk Ia
s/n X4685
c/n 1273
VA (Supermarine)
X 4685
Merlin III
FF 04-11-194038MU 10-11-1940234S 18-11-194058OTU 28-03-1941124S 19-07-1941340S 20-10-194152OTU 02-11-1941Crashed in forced landing nr Aston Down FACE 05-09-1942SOC 17-09-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4708, Mk Ia
s/n X4708
c/n 1268
VA (Supermarine)
X 4708
Merlin III
FF 05-11-1940crashed before delivery not replaced SOC 05-11-1940
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4709, Mk Ia
s/n X4709
c/n 1269
VA (Supermarine)
X 4709
Merlin III
FF 05-11-194012MU 07-11-1940602S 03-01-1941Scottish Aviation 29-05-1941Cv Va M45 131S 18-07-1941CE ops 21-08-1941ASTH 130S 17-11-1941134S 25-12-1941133S 28-12-1941134S 133S 02-01-1942Cat AC 14-03-194282GrpUSAAF SOC 18-09-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4710, Mk Ia
s/n X4710
c/n 1270
VA (Supermarine)
X 4710
Merlin III
FF 05-11-194012MU 06-11-1940129S 16-08-194158OTU 15-10-194161OTU 17-06-1942RNDA 17-03-1944SOC 23-01-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4711, Mk Ia
s/n X4711
c/n 1271
VA (Supermarine)
X 4711
Merlin III
FF 05-11-194024MU 07-11-194054S 19-11-1940hit tree nr Richmond Yorks total wreck 17-02-1941SOC 28-02-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4712, Mk Ia
s/n X4712
c/n 1274
VA (Supermarine)
X 4712
Merlin III
FF 06-11-194024MU 11-11-1940Cv PRIII 1PRU 21-11-19403PRU 09-01-1941DGRD RAE 28-02-19413PRU 29-03-1941Damaged by Bf109 and abandoned over Texel 09-04-1941FH99.50
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4713, Mk Ia
s/n X4713
c/n 1272
VA (Supermarine)
X 4713
Merlin III
With No. 411 (F) Squadron, RCAF from 22 June to 14 August 1941.
FF 06-11-194024MU 07-11-1940411S 22-06-194157OTU 14-08-1941Flew into high ground nr Ruabon Mountain Denbigh 16-11-1941SOC 18-12-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4714, Mk Ia
s/n X4714
c/n 1276
VA (Supermarine)
X 4714
Merlin III
FF 07-11-194037MU 10-11-1940313S 04-07-194161OTU 16-08-194157OTU 10-01-194276MU 26-09-1942City of Evansville 21-10-1942Port Sudan 23-12-1942Middle East SOC 27-07-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4715, Mk Ia
s/n X4715
c/n 1277
VA (Supermarine)
X 4715
Merlin III
FF 07-11-194037MU 11-11-194058OTU 04-01-1941122S 02-06-194157OTU 11-10-19411PRU 21-04-19423SGR 17-05-19428OTU 24-05-1942into sea on navex off Troup Head Banffs 30-06-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4716, Mk Ia
s/n X4716
c/n 1278
VA (Supermarine)
X 4716
Merlin III
FF 08-11-194037MU 10-11-1940266S 14-02-1941111S 11-04-194158OTU 29-05-1941215MU 16-09-1942Castalian 27-11-1942Portugal 12-12-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4717, Mk Ia
s/n X4717
c/n 1279
VA (Supermarine)
X 4717
Merlin III
FF 08-11-194038MU 10-11-194057OTU 07-08-1941Cv Seafire FIb RNAS 12-05-1944761S Henstridge 06-1944CE 09-08-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4718, Mk Ia
s/n X4718
c/n 1280
VA (Supermarine)
X 4718
Merlin III
FF 08-11-19409MU 16-11-194054S 26-01-194141S 22-02-1941452S 24-04-194152OTU 28-07-1941124S 31-07-1941340S 10-10-194158OTU 02-07-1943Hydraulics failed crashlanded Grangemouth 14-10-1943to 4437M 14SoTT 06-12-1943CE 11-09-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4719, Mk Ia
s/n X4719
c/n 1281
VA (Supermarine)
X 4719
Merlin III
FF 09-11-19409MU 19-11-194092S 15-02-194153OTU 08-03-1941FACE total wreck 02-06-1941SOC 10-06-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4720, Mk Ia
s/n X4720
c/n 1282
VA (Supermarine)
X 4720
Merlin III
FF 09-11-194039MU 14-11-194066S 15-04-1941501S 24-04-194153OTU 24-05-1941engine failed wheels up landing overturned Porthcawl Glam CE 25-07-1941SOC 01-08-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4721, Mk Ia
s/n X4721
c/n 1283
VA (Supermarine)
X 4721
Merlin III
FF 09-11-194039MU 13-11-194053OTU 25-06-19415USAAF 22-08-194261OTU 27-03-1944SOC 08-05-1946
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4722, Mk Ia
s/n X4722
c/n 1285
VA (Supermarine)
X 4722
Merlin III
FF 10-11-194039MU 13-11-1940Starveall Farm dispersal 53OTU 25-06-1941dived into ground out of cloud Port Talbot CE 27-12-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4765, Mk Ia
s/n X4765
c/n 1286
VA (Supermarine)
X 4765
Merlin III
FF 10-11-19406MU 13-11-1940610S 06-02-194153OTU 03-03-19415MU dispersal 11-08-1941ASTE 23-09-1941PPSM 27-04-1942Peter Mearsk 08-11-1942lost at sea 08-01-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4766, Mk Ia
s/n X4766
c/n 1287
VA (Supermarine)
X 4766
Merlin III
Used by No. 403 (F) Squadron, RCAF, mid 1941. Coded "KH*H".
FF 11-11-19406MU 14-11-1940308S 14-05-1941403S 'KH-H' 28-05-194152OTU 21-07-194161OTU 30-07-194172S 26-11-194181S 15-12-1941165S 04-05-1942GAL 24-06-1942Cv Va M45 HAL 22-08-1942Cv PRVII Type G HAL 11-06-1943Cv PRXIII VASM 22-07-1943fuel syst mods wing stiff 400S 25-12-194383GSU 15-06-1944SOC 27-02-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4767, Mk Ia
s/n X4767
c/n 1289
VA (Supermarine)
X 4767
Merlin III
FF 11-11-19406MU 13-11-1940222S 03-02-194153OTU 16-03-194161OTU 26-07-1941PPSM 15-09-1942City of Evansville 21-10-1942Port Sudan 23-12-1942Middle East 31-12-1942Taxied into oil drums Abu Sueir 05-05-1943SOC 01-01-1947
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4768, Mk Ia
s/n X4768
c/n 1290
VA (Supermarine)
X 4768
Merlin III
FF 12-11-19406MU 14-11-1940610S 06-02-194153OTU 03-03-194158OTU 01-07-194253OTU 08-04-1943dived into ground recovering from spin Moortown South Kelsey Lincs CE 19-05-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4769, Mk Ia
s/n X4769
c/n 1291
VA (Supermarine)
X 4769
Merlin III
FF 12-11-19408MU 14-11-1940602S 21-11-194053OTU 03-03-1941SOC 30-07-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4770, Mk Ia
s/n X4770
c/n 1292
VA (Supermarine)
X 4770
Merlin III
FF 12-11-19408MU 14-11-194064S 'SH-K' 27-11-1940302S 22-01-194158OTU 20-03-194152OTU FACB 18-03-1942215MU 25-09-1942Peter Mearsk 08-11-1942lost at sea 08-01-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4771, Mk Ia
s/n X4771
c/n 1293
VA (Supermarine)
X 4771
Merlin III
FF 13-11-19408MU 14-11-1940152S 27-11-194058OTU 23-03-194153OTU 20-02-1943overshot landing Hibaldstow overturned CE 05-03-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4772, Mk Ia
s/n X4772
c/n 1294
VA (Supermarine)
X 4772
Merlin III
FF 13-11-19408MU 14-11-1940152S 01-12-194053OTU 24-06-1941spun into ground out of cloud Caerphilly Common Glam CE 07-11-1941SOC 12-11-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4773, Mk Ia
s/n X4773
c/n 1295
VA (Supermarine)
X 4773
Merlin III
FF 14-11-19409MU 16-11-1940609S 09-01-194157OTU 12-06-1941131S 31-12-194152OTU 24-04-194253OTU 16-02-1943dived into ground nr Cardiff CE 27-03-1943SOC 27-03-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4774, Mk Ia
s/n X4774
c/n 1297
VA (Supermarine)
X 4774
Merlin III
FF 14-11-19409MU 16-11-194054S 26-01-194141S 22-02-1941CE ops 03-03-1941AST 57OTU 27-07-194158OTU 22-07-194253OTU 11-05-1943SOC 30-04-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4775, Mk Ia
s/n X4775
c/n 1302
VA (Supermarine)
X 4775
Merlin III
FF 14-11-19409MU 19-11-19402S 15-02-194153OTU 03-03-19415SoTT 05-12-1941SOC 18-12-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4776, Mk Ia
s/n X4776
c/n 1298
VA (Supermarine)
X 4776
Merlin III
FF 14-11-19405MU 16-11-1940DGRD 22-02-1941AST 24-06-1941Cv II MXII 313S 08-10-1941306S 07-11-1941308S 11-12-1941315S 01-04-194261OTU 28-05-19422GTW 12-10-1943FLS Millfield 30-06-1944SOC 26-01-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4777, Mk Ia
s/n X4777
c/n 1299
VA (Supermarine)
X 4777
Merlin III
FF 14-11-19405MU 16-11-1940152S 02-12-194058OTU 23-03-1941Crashed 1m W of Dunblane Perthshire CE 01-08-1941SOC 09-08-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4778, Mk Ia
s/n X4778
c/n 1300
VA (Supermarine)
X 4778
Merlin III
FF 15-11-19405MU 16-11-1940609S DGRD 01-12-194066S 24-02-1941111S 10-04-194158OTU 28-05-1941wheels up landing nr Grangemouth CE 22-04-1942SOC 26-04-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4779, Mk Ia
s/n X4779
c/n 1303
VA (Supermarine)
X 4779
Merlin III
FF 19-11-19406MU 21-11-194092S 05-12-194053OTU 13-03-1941FACE 25-03-194157OTU 27-07-1941Engine cut belly-landed on sands off Hoylake Cheshire 05-06-1942to 3144M 07-07-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4780, Mk Ia
s/n X4780
c/n 1301
VA (Supermarine)
X 4780
Merlin III
FF 16-11-19406MU 23-11-1940crashed del flt 24-11-1940AST 92S 22-04-194161OTU 13-08-1941ASTH 02-02-1942RNAS 07-09-194276MU 06-10-19421PATP Southport for ME 24-10-1942Tarantia 08-11-1942Port Sudan 29-01-1943Middle East 28-02-1943SOC 27-07-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4781, Mk Ia
s/n X4781
c/n 1304
VA (Supermarine)
X 4781
Merlin III
FF 17-11-19409MU 19-11-194092S 15-02-194153OTU 03-03-1941undershot force-landed Llanbedr total wreck 16-10-1941SOC 22-10-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4782, Mk Ia
s/n X4782
c/n 1305
VA (Supermarine)
X 4782
Merlin III
FF 18-11-19409MU DGRD AAEE 24-11-1940endurance trials and variation of long. stab with alt CRD RAE 11-10-1941fitt Hasty Hitch two lugs on tailwheel for towing GAL Hotspur. 1942 flexi-tank trials with 29gal tank of moulded plywood and collapsible plastic inner skin. Target aircraft with Wellington X9674 fitt Monica I Airfield defence 19-08-1942R/T fighters and handling trials 03-09-1942to 22-10-1942ETPS 01-1943for attitude indicator trials with glider towing Cannon wing and weather trials art. horizon and gyro gunsight trials 03-1943instrument fly towed Hotspur PT303 to Hatfield. flexitank trials Brooklands f/l Tonbridge Kent 22-06-1943Mod target aircraft for Defiant AA354 fit with Maxson turret and gyro gunsight Monica IIC trials Cooling trials Dinghy dropping for ASR. Double tow of Airspeed Horsa with Spitfire V NH403 max range 700mls 39MU RNDA 24-02-1944761S Henstridge 05-1944SOC Cat E 09-08-1944Flown to Hamble for breaking up 13-08-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4783, Mk Ia
s/n X4783
c/n 1306
VA (Supermarine)
X 4783
Merlin III
FF 18-11-19409MU 21-11-194092S 15-02-194153OTU 25-03-1941132S 27-07-194158OTU 24-11-194146MU 09-09-1942Peter Mearsk 08-11-1942lost at sea 08-01-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4784, Mk Ia
s/n X4784
c/n 1307
VA (Supermarine)
X 4784
Merlin III
FF 18-11-19409MU 20-11-19401PRU 13-04-1941HAL 17-04-1941Cv PRV AST 08-12-1941Cv Va M45 140S 23-12-1941HAL 17-01-1942Cv PRVII Type G Dived into ground nr Winchelsea Sussex 24-04-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4785, Mk Ia
s/n X4785
c/n 1308
VA (Supermarine)
X 4785
Merlin III
FF 19-11-19409MU 22-11-1940222S 22-02-194153OTU 30-03-1941FACB 04-05-1941HAL 1416Flt 19-08-1941CGS 28-04-1942215MU 26-09-1942Tarantia 08-11-1942Port Sudan 27-01-1943Middle East 28-02-1943SOC 27-07-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4786, Mk Ia
s/n X4786
c/n 1288
VA (Supermarine)
X 4786
Merlin III
FF 11-11-19409MU 22-11-19405MU 24-02-19411PRU 13-04-1941FACB 15-09-1941HAL Cv PRVII Type G M45 1PRU Benson 03-01-1942VASM 09-04-1942Cv Va 543S 30-09-19428OTU 07-08-1943HAL 09-03-1944SOC 27-02-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4787, Mk Ia
s/n X4787
c/n 1309
VA (Supermarine)
X 4787
Merlin III
FF 20-11-194037MU 24-11-194057OTU 28-05-1941FACB 02-12-19411TEU 13-04-1944SOC 27-02-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4788, Mk Ia
s/n X4788
c/n 1310
VA (Supermarine)
X 4788
Merlin III
FF 20-11-194037MU 23-11-1940129S 22-06-194161OTU 19-09-1941GAL 07-10-194158OTU 04-07-194253OTU 24-04-194333MU RNDA 14-03-1944761S Henstridge 04-1944CE 09-08-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4789, Mk Ia
s/n X4789
c/n 1313
VA (Supermarine)
X 4789
Merlin III
FF 21-11-194037MU 25-11-194057OTU 28-05-1941132S 12-09-1941engine failed wheels up landing Newborough CB 17-09-194152OTU 15-09-194258OTU 29-08-19431TEU 01-03-1944ASTH 13-08-1944CE 18-08-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4815, Mk Ia
s/n X4815
c/n 1314
VA (Supermarine)
X 4815
Merlin III
FF 23-11-19406MU 25-11-1940AFDU 08-02-194161OTU 17-04-1942FACB 19-08-1942AST 759S Yeovilton 07-1943to 03-1944SOC 26-01-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4816, Mk Ia
s/n X4816
c/n 1311
VA (Supermarine)
X 4816
Merlin III
FF 21-11-19406MU 24-11-1940AFDU Duxford 07-02-194161OTU 21-05-1942RNAS 07-08-1943880S 01-12-1943899S 02-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4817, Mk Ia
s/n X4817
c/n 1312
VA (Supermarine)
X 4817
Merlin III
FF 22-11-19406MU 24-11-1940611S 27-12-1940485S 14-03-1941457S 'BP-C' 21-07-194158OTU 22-10-19411PRU 3SGR 01-03-1942222MU 18-03-1942Peter Mearsk 08-11-1942lost at sea 08-01-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4818, Mk Ia
s/n X4818
c/n 1317
VA (Supermarine)
X 4818
Merlin III
FF 24-11-19406MU 26-11-1940457S 22-06-194153OTU 20-02-1943RNAS 01-06-194353OTU shot down by second Spit when guns inadvertently fired crashed River Humber nr Goole 14-07-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4819, Mk Ia
s/n X4819
c/n 1315
VA (Supermarine)
X 4819
Merlin III
FF 23-11-19406MU 25-11-194092S 05-12-194053OTU 05-03-1941PDU HAL and RAE 06-1941RNDA 14-06-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4820, Mk Ia
s/n X4820
c/n 1316
VA (Supermarine)
X 4820
Merlin III
FF 23-11-19408MU 26-11-194065S 30-12-1940145S 04-02-1941118S 03-03-1941FAAC 26-03-1941AST CB 13-01-194357OTU 06-05-194361OTU 09-10-1943SOC 25-05-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4821, Mk Ia
s/n X4821
c/n 1318
VA (Supermarine)
X 4821
Merlin III
Converted to Mk. Va in July 1941. With No. 421 (F) Squadron, RCAF from 13 April to 22 august 1942.
8MU 27-11-194061OTU 28-06-1941AST 27-07-1941Cv Va M45 130S 21-10-1941134S 25-12-1941421S 13-04-19425USAAF 22-08-1942349S 03-07-194361OTU 10-09-1943Collided with R6602 and crashed Isycoed Flint FACE 06-05-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4822, Mk Ia
s/n X4822
c/n 1319
VA (Supermarine)
X 4822
Merlin III
FF 26-11-19408MU 27-11-1940145S 14-02-1941118S 08-03-1941Collided with X4826 and crashed nr Chippenham Wilts FACE 06-04-1941SOC 13-04-1941FH47.30
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4823, Mk Ia
s/n X4823
c/n 1320
VA (Supermarine)
X 4823
Merlin III
8MU 27-11-1940145S 14-02-1941118S 03-03-194166S 09-04-1941501S 26-04-194153OTU 25-05-1941air collision with P9459 into sea off Nash Point Glam 29-10-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4824, Mk Ia
s/n X4824
c/n 1321
VA (Supermarine)
X 4824
Merlin III
8MU 03-12-1940457S 22-06-194158OTU 26-10-1941FAAC 26-11-1941Scottish Aviation 57OTU 25-11-1943SOC 27-08-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4825, Mk Ia
s/n X4825
c/n 1322
VA (Supermarine)
X 4825
Merlin III
FF 29-11-19409MU 05-12-1940452S 19-04-1941Crashed after collision nr Halifax Yorks FACE 03-05-1941SOC 10-05-1941FH20.35
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4826, Mk Ia
s/n X4826
c/n 1323
VA (Supermarine)
X 4826
Merlin III
9MU 29-11-1940118S 30-03-1941Collided with X4822 and crashed nr Chippenhamn Wilts FACE 06-04-1941SOC 13-04-1941FH9.10
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4827, Mk Ia
s/n X4827
c/n 1324
VA (Supermarine)
X 4827
Merlin III
With No. 411 (F) Squadron, RCAF from 22 June to 23 July 1941.
FF 27-11-19409MU 28-11-1940411S 22-06-194153OTU 23-07-1941PPSM 04-11-194161OTU [26-06-1942] 57OTU 07-12-1941RNAS 14-06-1942Hamble to Little Rissington 13-10-1942Kinloss to AHU Stretton 03-06-1943759S Yeovilton 08-1943ADDLs heavy landing port u/c leg collapsed Cat X2 20-01-1944(Squadron Leader P Henderson) Repaired 759S Yeovilton 22-05-1944to 09-1944returned to RAF 30-12-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4828, Mk Ia
s/n X4828
c/n 1325
VA (Supermarine)
X 4828
Merlin III
9MU 29-11-1940485S 19-04-194161OTU 01-06-1941303S 17-07-1941306S 06-10-1941308S 11-12-194157OTU 02-01-1942GAL overhaul 19-11-194252OTU 15-05-19431TEU 08-03-1944ASTH 08-03-1944CE 15-04-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4829, Mk Ia
s/n X4829
c/n 1326
VA (Supermarine)
X 4829
Merlin III
FF 29-11-194012MU 05-12-1940602S 26-02-194152OTU 18-07-194161OTU 04-08-1941FACB 10-04-194282MU 02-10-1942Peter Mearsk 08-11-1942lost at sea 08-01-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4830, Mk Ia
s/n X4830
c/n 1327
VA (Supermarine)
X 4830
Merlin III
12MU 02-12-1940129S 22-06-194153OTU 29-09-1941FAAC 29-03-1942ASTH 76MU 25-09-1942City of Evansville 21-10-1942Port Sudan 23-12-1942Middle East 31-12-1942SOC 27-07-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4831, Mk Ia
s/n X4831
c/n 1328
VA (Supermarine)
X 4831
Merlin III
FF 29-11-194012MU 29-11-1940129S 22-06-194161OTU 26-08-19413SGR 08-01-1942FAAC 03-06-1942ros 61OTU engine failed takeoff struck fence Rednal CB 02-01-1943WAL
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4832, Mk Ia
s/n X4832
c/n 1329
VA (Supermarine)
X 4832
Merlin III
FF 28-11-194012MU 07-12-19401PRU Benson 25-03-1941Cv PRV 1PRU 29-11-19418OTU 24-05-1942Scottish Aviation 07-07-1944CE 29-08-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4833, Mk Ia
s/n X4833
c/n 1330
VA (Supermarine)
X 4833
Merlin III
FF 30-11-194024MU 05-12-1940266S 12-01-1941111S 23-04-194153OTU 29-05-194161OTU 23-06-194353OTU 20-08-1943SOC 06-03-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4834, Mk Ia
s/n X4834
c/n 1331
VA (Supermarine)
X 4834
Merlin III
FF 02-12-194024MU 04-12-1940266S 12-01-1941111S 08-04-194158OTU 24-05-1941129S 16-08-194161OTU 16-06-1942FACB 11-02-1943Westland 53OTU 27-11-1943CE 11-08-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4835, Mk Ia
s/n X4835
c/n 1332
VA (Supermarine)
X 4835
Merlin III
FF 03-12-194024MU 04-12-1940452S 12-05-1941313S 'RY-T' 22-05-194161OTU 14-08-1941FACE 26-08-1941ASTE SOC 09-09-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4836, Mk Ia
s/n X4836
c/n 1333
VA (Supermarine)
X 4836
Merlin III
FF 03-12-194037MU 07-12-194057OTU 28-05-1941303S 18-07-1941hit tractor landing Speke dbf 04-08-1941SOC 09-08-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4837, Mk Ia
s/n X4837
c/n 1334
VA (Supermarine)
X 4837
Merlin III
FF 04-12-194037MU 07-12-194057OTU 28-05-1941131S 13-07-194161OTU 23-10-1941GAL 09-04-194282MU 18-10-1942Peter Mearsk 08-11-1942lost at sea 08-01-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4838, Mk Ia
s/n X4838
c/n 1335
VA (Supermarine)
X 4838
Merlin III
FF 04-12-194037MU 07-12-1940122S 14-06-194157OTU 11-10-1941Hit by P7549 while parked Hawarden FACB 17-03-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4839, Mk Ia
s/n X4839
c/n 1336
VA (Supermarine)
X 4839
Merlin III
FF 05-12-194039MU 07-12-1940HAL 15-06-1942Cv PRVIII Type G M45 3SGR 13-09-19428OTU 04-02-1943Missing on navex in bad visibility presumed ditched 22-05-1943FH145.45
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4840, Mk Ia
s/n X4840
c/n 1337
VA (Supermarine)
X 4840
Merlin III
FF 06-12-194039MU 07-12-1940FACB del flt 23-01-1941AST 457S 22-06-194158OTU 22-10-1941Engine cut crashed in forced landing Grangemouth FACE 23-09-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4841, Mk Ia
s/n X4841
c/n 1338
VA (Supermarine)
X 4841
Merlin III
FF 06-12-19408MU 08-12-194064S 16-12-1940FAC2 AST 303S 01-03-194158OTU 15-03-1941Collided with X4851 on ground Grangemouth SOC 16-12-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4842, Mk Ia
s/n X4842
c/n 1339
VA (Supermarine)
X 4842
Merlin III
FF 07-12-19408MU 08-12-1940457S 22-06-194158OTU 22-10-1941FAAC 19-05-19431TEU 17-03-1944CE 18-08-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4843, Mk Ia
s/n X4843
c/n 1340
VA (Supermarine)
X 4843
Merlin III
FF 08-12-19408MU 10-12-194057OTU 27-07-1941hit mountain Snowdonia FTR 26-09-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4844, Mk Ia
s/n X4844
c/n 1341
VA (Supermarine)
X 4844
Merlin III
FF 10-12-19408MU 11-12-1940457S 22-06-194153OTU 19-10-1941CB ops 16-04-1942ros RNDA 16-01-1944retd RAF 39MU 07-04-194457OTU 06-05-1944SOC 18-04-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4845, Mk Ia
s/n X4845
c/n 1342
VA (Supermarine)
X 4845
Merlin III
FF 09-12-19408MU 12-12-1940457S 22-06-1941FACB 15-09-1941Scottish Aviation 61OTU 09-08-1942CRD Defford 22-03-1943SOC 20-05-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4846, Mk Ia
s/n X4846
c/n 1343
VA (Supermarine)
X 4846
Merlin III
FF 10-12-194061OTU 28-06-1941AST 19-09-1941RNAS Machrihanish 01-09-1942Yeovilton 10-09-1942801S 09-1942to 10-1942AST Cv Va M45 plus other mods 31-10-1942Lee on Solent 11-12-1942Yeovilton 15-12-1942FAAC 14-05-1943768S DLT into barrier Argus 08-01-1944(Squadron Leader KM Evans) into barrier Argus Cat Y 07-02-1944(Squadron Leader WJ Williams) Repair? Retd RN 17-03-1944SOC 22-04-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4847, Mk Ia
s/n X4847
c/n 1346
VA (Supermarine)
X 4847
Merlin III
FF 11-12-19409MU 16-12-194092S 15-02-194153OTU 03-03-1941HAL 04-05-1941to 2846M 7SoTT 03-12-1941SOC 18-12-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4848, Mk Ia
s/n X4848
c/n 1344
VA (Supermarine)
X 4848
Merlin III
FF 11-12-19409MU 13-12-1940412S 14-07-1941FAAC 17-07-1941ros 58OTU 12-09-1941222MU 20-01-1942Tarantia 08-11-1942Port Sudan 29-01-1943SOC 27-07-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4849, Mk Ia
s/n X4849
c/n 1345
VA (Supermarine)
X 4849
Merlin III
FF 12-12-19409MU 13-12-1940411S 22-06-194153OTU 23-07-1941stalled crashed Sutton nr Barry Glam total wreck 21-11-1941SOC 29-11-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4850, Mk Ia
s/n X4850
c/n 1347
VA (Supermarine)
X 4850
Merlin III
With No. 411 (F) Squadron, RCAF from 22 June to 10 August 1941.
FF 12-12-19409MU 16-12-1940411S 22-06-194157OTU 10-08-1941FA total wreck 23-11-1941SOC
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4851, Mk Ia
s/n X4851
c/n 1349
VA (Supermarine)
X 4851
Merlin III
FF 13-12-19409MU 16-12-1940412S 19-07-194158OTU 14-08-1941Collided with X4841 on ground Grangemouth FACE 16-12-1941SOC
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4852, Mk Ia
s/n X4852
c/n 1348
VA (Supermarine)
X 4852
Merlin III
FF 13-12-19409MU 16-12-1940411S 22-06-194161OTU 02-10-1941137S 24-01-1942FACB 20-07-194261OTU flew into hill nr Church Stretton CE 20-01-1943SOC 24-01-1943FH381.10
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4853, Mk Ia
s/n X4853
c/n 1350
VA (Supermarine)
X 4853
Merlin III
FF 14-12-194039MU Starveall Farm dispersal 05-01-1941131S 11-09-1941137S 25-01-1942Manston 08-08-1943SOC 09-02-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4854, Mk Ia
s/n X4854
c/n 1351
VA (Supermarine)
X 4854
Merlin III
FF 14-12-1940MU 16-12-194253OTU into sea nr Dunraven Castle Thought struct fail of stbd wing 02-01-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4855, Mk Ia
s/n X4855
c/n 1352
VA (Supermarine)
X 4855
Merlin III
FF 15-12-194012MU 16-12-1940129S 22-06-194171OTU 09-07-194161OTU 10-08-1941FACB 21-07-1942Scottish Aviation 45MU 08-10-1942Castalian 27-11-1942Portugal 12-12-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4856, Mk Ia
s/n X4856
c/n 1353
VA (Supermarine)
X 4856
Merlin III
Used by No. 403 (F) Squadron, RCAF, July 1941. Coded "KH*L".
FF 16-12-194012MU 23-12-1940403S 14-07-194152OTU 24-07-194161OTU 07-08-194153OTU 15-03-1944CE 14-08-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4857, Mk Ia
s/n X4857
c/n 1354
VA (Supermarine)
X 4857
Merlin III
FF 16-12-194012MU 21-12-194072S 01-02-194157OTU 02-05-1941303S 'RF-F' 306S 06-10-194153OTU 20-06-1942FAAC 14-04-1943222MU 03-08-1943Empire Rhodes 14-08-1943Portugal 29-08-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4858, Mk Ia
s/n X4858
c/n 1355
VA (Supermarine)
X 4858
Merlin III
FF 17-12-194012MU 21-12-1940129S 22-06-194158OTU 09-09-1941engine failed force-landed nr Rinflats Stirling CE 30-07-1942SOC 04-08-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4859, Mk Ia
s/n X4859
c/n 1356
VA (Supermarine)
X 4859
Merlin III
FF 17-12-194012MU 21-12-1940308S 13-04-1941129S 05-08-194158OTU 15-09-1941spun into ground Polmont Northumberland CE 24-11-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4896, Mk Ia
s/n X4896
c/n 1357
VA (Supermarine)
X 4896
Merlin III
FF 18-12-194024MU 22-12-1940118S 31-03-194166S 09-04-1941501S 27-04-194153OTU 24-05-1941AST 39MU Starveall Farm dispersal 16-04-194257OTU 30-07-1942struck N3163 on runway Eshott CE 04-06-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4897, Mk Ia
s/n X4897
c/n 1358
VA (Supermarine)
X 4897
Merlin III
FF 19-12-194024MU 22-12-194066S 09-04-1941enemy action 16-04-1941AST 53OTU 30-09-1942FAAC 16-12-1942SOC 13-04-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4898, Mk Ia
s/n X4898
c/n 1359
VA (Supermarine)
X 4898
Merlin III
FF 19-12-194024MU 22-12-1940SF Turnhouse 01-06-1941Hit high ground on approach Ouston FACE 26-08-1941SOC 31-08-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4899, Mk Ia
s/n X4899
c/n 1360
VA (Supermarine)
X 4899
Merlin III
FF 19-12-194024MU 26-12-1940SF Turnhouse 01-06-1941RAE 06-194157OTU 04-10-1941FACB 13-12-194158OTU 11-07-19421TEU 26-02-1944SOC 06-03-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4900, Mk Ia
s/n X4900
c/n 1362
VA (Supermarine)
X 4900
Merlin III
FF 20-12-194038MU 27-12-194053OTU 22-06-1941CE 09-06-1942AST RNAS 05-09-1942ASTH 23-10-1942hook fitt RNAS 10-11-1942Tested ARS Hatston 17-03-1943761S Henstridge 05-1943to 08-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4901, Mk Ia
s/n X4901
c/n 1363
VA (Supermarine)
X 4901
Merlin III
FF 21-12-194038MU 27-12-194058OTU 22-06-1941Stalled on landing and u/c torn off Llandow 31-08-1941AST 06-09-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4902, Mk Ia
s/n X4902
c/n 1364
VA (Supermarine)
X 4902
Merlin III
FF 21-12-194038MU 27-12-194066S 27-02-194157OTU 07-04-1941AST 06-09-1941Cv Va M45 81S 23-12-1941165S 'SK-Z' 12-04-1942167S 27-05-1942RNDA Machrihanish 31-08-1942SOC 15-02-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4903, Mk Ia
s/n X4903
c/n 1365
VA (Supermarine)
X 4903
Merlin III
FF 22-12-19406MU 24-12-1940485S 02-03-1941engine failed wheels up landing Buckton Yorks CE 09-05-1941Scottish Aviation SOC 19-05-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4904, Mk Ia
s/n X4904
c/n 1366
VA (Supermarine)
X 4904
Merlin III
FF 23-12-19406MU 28-12-1940152S 03-02-194158OTU 23-03-1941hit high ground in bad visibility Ochill Hills Perths 17-10-1941SOC 28-10-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4905, Mk Ia
s/n X4905
c/n 1367
VA (Supermarine)
X 4905
Merlin III
FF 23-12-19406MU 24-12-1940457S 22-06-194158OTU 09-12-1941Collided with R7073 and crashed Falkirk Stirlingshire FACE 17-04-1942Scottish Aviation
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4906, Mk Ia
s/n X4906
c/n 1368
VA (Supermarine)
X 4906
Merlin III
FF 26-12-19406MU 28-12-1940457S 24-06-194153OTU 23-10-1941FAAC 16-05-1942attached RAE 01-06-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4907, Mk Ia
s/n X4907
c/n 1369
VA (Supermarine)
X 4907
Merlin III
FF 23-12-19406MU 28-12-1940HAL 04-05-1941140S 15-07-1941HAL 02-01-1942? Cv PRVII Type G M45 140S 17-01-1942Crashed into hill nr Tangmere 17-03-1942SOC 31-03-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4908, Mk Ia
s/n X4908
c/n 1370
VA (Supermarine)
X 4908
Merlin III
FF 27-12-19408MU 04-01-1941457S 22-06-1941130S 02-11-194181S 16-02-1942165S 12-04-19425USAAF 22-08-1942PPSM 06-01-1943Cv Va M45 61OTU 15-06-1943FACB 18-07-1943AST SOC 06-06-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4909, Mk Ia
s/n X4909
c/n 1371
VA (Supermarine)
X 4909
Merlin III
FF 28-12-19408MU 30-12-1940222S 14-03-194153OTU 18-03-194161OTU 01-08-194153OTU 24-02-194239MU nea 25-11-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4910, Mk Ia
s/n X4910
c/n 1372
VA (Supermarine)
X 4910
Merlin III
FF 28-12-19408MU 123S 01-06-1941Collided with X4560 over Edinburgh and crashed FACE 05-09-1941SOC 11-09-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4911, Mk Ia
s/n X4911
c/n 1375
VA (Supermarine)
X 4911
Merlin III
FF 29-12-19408MU 02-01-1941457S 22-06-194158OTU 26-10-1941Dived into Forth off Grangemouth Docks FACE 16-03-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4912, Mk Ia
s/n X4912
c/n 1374
VA (Supermarine)
X 4912
Merlin III
FF 29-12-19408MU 04-01-1941457S 22-06-194153OTU 23-10-1941FACB 14-06-194257OTU 27-04-1943crashed during low aerobatics Middlepart Farm Northumberland 10-07-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4913, Mk Ia
s/n X4913
c/n 1376
VA (Supermarine)
X 4913
Merlin III
Named "Flying Scotsman". With No. 411 (F) Squadron, RCAF from 22 June to 22 July 1941.
FF 30-12-19409MU 03-01-1941411S 22-06-194153OTU 22-07-1941FTR on training flt 03-11-1941wreck found Pen-Y-Fan Brecons 21-07-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4914, Mk Ia
s/n X4914
c/n 1377
VA (Supermarine)
X 4914
Merlin III
FF 30-12-19409MU 02-01-1941411S 22-06-194157OTU 30-07-1941AST 16-12-194158OTU 12-07-1942air collision with P7978 crashed nr Alloa Clackmnannan CE 17-06-1943SOC 30-06-1943FH820.50
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4915, Mk Ia
s/n X4915
c/n 1378
VA (Supermarine)
X 4915
Merlin III
Named "City of Hull II". With No. 403 (F) Squadron, RCAF from 7 June to 21 July 1941.
FF 01-01-19419MU 02-01-194154S 22-02-1941452S 19-04-1941403S 'KH-P' 07-06-194152OTU 21-07-194161OTU 30-07-1941Taxied on to soft ground and overturned Fairlop 25-09-1941to 2824M 6SoTT 01-02-1942SOC 04-12-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4916, Mk Ia
s/n X4916
c/n 1379
VA (Supermarine)
X 4916
Merlin III
FF 01-01-19419MU 03-01-1941485S 13-04-1941CB ops 26-04-1941131S 02-09-1941u/c collapse landing Ternhill 12-09-1941SOC 04-12-1941to 2825M 6SoTT 02-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4917, Mk Ia
s/n X4917
c/n 1380
VA (Supermarine)
X 4917
Merlin XII
FF 03-01-19419MU 05-01-194166S 15-04-1941CB ops 22-04-1941AST SOC 30-04-1941cancel 123S 14-07-194157OTU 04-08-194161OTU 19-09-1941PPSM 13-05-194252OTU 06-05-194357OTU 29-08-1943CE 14-08-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4918, Mk Ia
s/n X4918
c/n 1381
VA (Supermarine)
X 4918
Merlin III
FF 02-01-194112MU 04-01-1941123S 22-05-1941Missing on training flight 31-07-1941FH93.20
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4919, Mk Ia
s/n X4919
c/n 1382
VA (Supermarine)
X 4919
Merlin III
FF 03-01-194112MU 04-01-194172S 02-03-1941FAR Defford 23-05-1942Collided with Tiger Moth N9384 and crashed Pirton Worcs 26-02-1943FACE 26-02-1943SOC 31-05-1943FH165.35
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4920, Mk Ia
s/n X4920
c/n 1384
VA (Supermarine)
X 4920
Merlin III
FF 05-01-194112MU 09-01-194172S 03-03-194161OTU 08-11-1941215MU 23-09-1942City of Lancaster 07-01-1943Portugal 20-01-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4921, Mk Ia
s/n X4921
c/n 1385
VA (Supermarine)
X 4921
Merlin III
FF 07-01-194112MU 12-01-194172S 22-03-194157OTU 02-05-1941306S 06-10-194161OTU 14-10-1941FACB 09-06-1942ASTE RNAS 05-07-194338MU 30-07-1943Retd RAF at 61OTU 07-09-1943RN St.Merryn 28-03-1944to 4750M 28-03-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4922, Mk Va
s/n X4922
c/n 1386
VA (Supermarine)
X 4922
Merlin 45
FF 07-01-1941DGRD RAE 01-02-1941Cv Va proto M46 install ASTH DGRD AAEE 11-03-1941comparison spin trials with X4942 and N3053 Fitt Vokes Multi-Vee air filter cool trials DGRD VAWD 17-04-1941CRD AAEE 07-10-1941CRD VAWD trials with trop rad and oil cool and wooden mock-up of fus 90gal external overload tank VAWD 07-07-1942level speed tests with curved windscreen and whip aerials plus 16lb eng boost AST AAEE perf trials with trop mods 8MU 20-05-1943349S 06-07-194361OTU 01-08-194352OTU 22-08-1943CE SOC 17-11-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4923, Mk Ia
s/n X4923
c/n 1387
VA (Supermarine)
X 4923
Merlin III
Named "Nix Over Six Secundus". With No. 411 (F) Squadron, RCAF from 22 June to 8 August 1941.
FF 07-01-194124MU 11-01-194157OTU 28-05-1941411S 22-06-1941129S 08-08-194161OTU 26-08-194171OTU 26-08-1941Dived into ground Ribers Hill nr Andover Hants FACE 15-12-1941SOC 24-12-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4924, Mk Ia
s/n X4924
c/n 1388
VA (Supermarine)
X 4924
Merlin III
Named "Sir Harry and Lady Oaks I". With No. 403 (F) Squadron, RCAF in July 1941.
FF 08-01-194124MU 11-01-1941403S 02-07-1941RAE 07-194152OTU 24-07-194161OTU 30-07-1941Broke up in cloud and abandoned nr Hampton Middlesex 19-08-1941SOC 26-08-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4924, Mk. Ia
s/n X4924
c/n 1389?
X 4924
Named "Sir Harry and Lady Oaks II". With No. 403 (F) Squadron, RCAF from 22 June to 8 August 1941.
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4925, Mk Ia
s/n X4925
c/n 1389
VA (Supermarine)
X 4925
Merlin III
FF 08-01-194124MU 11-01-1941411S 22-06-1941129S 08-08-194153OTU 29-09-1941SOC 13-04-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4926, Mk Ia
s/n X4926
c/n 1390
VA (Supermarine)
X 4926
Merlin III
FF 10-01-194124MU 12-01-1941FACB del flt AST 13-02-194166S 23-04-1941501S 24-04-1941MMO 21-03-1942new eng 1PRU 10-04-194257OTU 20-08-1942engine failed hit trees landing Station Farm Chester CE 27-10-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4927, Mk Ia
s/n X4927
c/n 1394
VA (Supermarine)
X 4927
Merlin III
FF 11-01-194124MU 17-01-1941FACB del flt AST 28-02-194153OTU 31-07-1942RNDA 23-01-1944returned RAF 03-01-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4928, Mk Ia
s/n X4928
c/n 1391
VA (Supermarine)
X 4928
Merlin III
FF 09-01-194137MU 13-01-1941452S 13-05-1941123S 21-06-194158OTU 01-08-1941Control lost recovering from dive stalled and dived into sea off Leuchars 12-09-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4929, Mk Ia
s/n X4929
c/n 1392
VA (Supermarine)
X 4929
Merlin III
FF 11-01-194137MU 13-01-194157OTU 28-05-1941131S 17-07-194152OTU 22-10-1941222MU 22-09-1942Tarantia 08-11-1942Port Sudan 29-01-1943Middle East 28-02-1943Abandoned in spin 10m S of Abu Sueir FAC3 22-09-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4930, Mk Ia
s/n X4930
c/n 1397
VA (Supermarine)
X 4930
Merlin III
FF 13-01-194137MU 19-01-1941129S 24-06-1941MMO 27-07-1941Cv Va M45 122S 16-11-1941134S 28-12-1941601S 10-04-194261OTU 21-05-1943air collision with Mosquito HJ881 crashed Shrewsbury CE 31-05-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4931, Mk Ia
s/n X4931
c/n 1395
VA (Supermarine)
X 4931
Merlin III
FF 13-01-194145MU 16-01-1941111S 03-05-1941FA 08-05-19411406Flt Wick 09-05-194261OTU 09-06-1943ASTE 05-03-1944Cv Va M45 SOC 08-12-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4932, Mk Ia
s/n X4932
c/n 1396
VA (Supermarine)
X 4932
Merlin III
FF 14-01-194145MU 16-01-1941124S 07-05-1941340S 20-10-194152OTU 31-10-1941Collided with R7206 over Aston Down and crashed FACE 06-02-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4933, Mk Ia
s/n X4933
c/n 1401
VA (Supermarine)
X 4933
Merlin III
FF 16-01-19416MU 01-02-1941telecommunications 03-07-1941RAF Defford 23-05-1942to 3596M 5SoTT
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4934, Mk Ia
s/n X4934
c/n 1398
VA (Supermarine)
X 4934
Merlin III
FF 14-01-19416MU 19-01-1941222S 03-02-194153OTU 18-03-1941Ran into pool of water on landing and overturned Heston 07-06-1941SOC 30-06-1941to 2627M at 53OTU
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4935, Mk Ia
s/n X4935
c/n 1399
VA (Supermarine)
X 4935
Merlin III
FF 16-01-19416MU 01-02-1941122S 11-06-194153OTU 12-10-1941FAAC 19-04-1942Westland SOC 22-03-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4936, Mk Ia
s/n X4936
c/n 1402
VA (Supermarine)
X 4936
Merlin III
FF 17-01-19416MU 01-02-1941457S 23-06-194158OTU 22-10-1941FACB 26-11-1942Scottish Aviation SFTS Cranwell 12-07-1943RNDA 15-01-1944748S Yeovilton u/s flaps overran into perimeter fence Cat Y1 31-03-1944(Squadron Leader RJ Foxley)
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4937, Mk Ia
s/n X4937
c/n 1403
VA (Supermarine)
X 4937
Merlin III
With No. 403 (F) Squadron, RCAF in May 1941. May have been shot down on 3 June 1941.
FF 17-01-19416MU 01-02-194165S 06-03-1941308S 13-04-1941403S 28-05-1941AST Cv Va M45 FACE 03-06-1941RNDA Yeovilton 01-09-1942880S Stretton 09-1942to 10-1942AST 11-04-1943759S Yeovilton 07-1943Prop touched runway on landing Cat X1 19-03-1944(Squadron Leader GF Ferguson) Taxied into stationary Wildcat at marshalling point Cat Z 04-04-1944(L/C WE Davis) Rebuilt? EF FL Cat S 19-10-1944(Squadron Leader JS Wagen) ADDLs hit tree on approach Cat ZZ 25-11-1944(Mid TM Nethery OK)
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4938, Mk Ia
s/n X4938
c/n 1400
VA (Supermarine)
X 4938
Merlin III
FF 17-01-19416MU 01-02-1941457S 23-06-194153OTU 20-10-194161OTU 19-03-194357OTU 25-04-1944FAAC 20-06-1944SOC 08-09-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4939, Mk Ia
s/n X4939
c/n 1405
VA (Supermarine)
X 4939
Merlin III
FF 21-01-19416MU 02-02-1941FA 12-02-1941on del flt AST 53OTU 23-06-1941FACE 29-09-1941SOC 19-12-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4940, Mk Ia
s/n X4940
c/n 1404
VA (Supermarine)
X 4940
Merlin III
FF 18-01-19416MU 01-02-1941118S 13-03-194166S 09-04-1941501S 27-04-194153OTU 23-06-1941Crashed nr Llandow FACB 15-12-1941SOC 20-12-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4941, Mk Ia
s/n X4941
c/n 1474
VA (Supermarine)
X 4941
Merlin III
FF 19-02-194112MU 26-02-1941313S 10-06-194161OTU 16-08-1941ASTE 04-09-1941Cv Va M45 332S 'AH-E' 31-01-1942164S 24-04-1942damaged CA in force-landed 22-08-1942602S 18-09-194261OTU 29-05-1943spun into ground nr Shrewsbury CE 29-06-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4942, Mk VI
s/n X4942
c/n 1844
VA (Supermarine)
X 4942
Merlin III
12MU 14-01-1941CRD VA 26-06-1941CRD AAEE 15-09-1941CRD VA 05-11-1941Cv Va M45. M46 install 12-1941AAEE 03-1942comparison trials at high alt with R7120 X4258 and AB528 Cool and perf trials with trop mods Wooden mock-up of 90gal overload tank fitt VAHP 20-10-1942invest into pilot's seat. Cv proto FVI M47 with pressure cabin whip aerial. trials at high alt with 3 and 4 blade Rotols FIA wings with extended tips. plain ailerons with balanced and geared tabs increased horn balance RAE 05-1943after mods by Super. comparison trials with N3053 and X4922 known to ROC as experimental aircraft No.152 R-RH 27-09-1943mods to TT standard to 4264M 1SoTT 20-11-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4943, Mk Ia
s/n X4943
c/n 1406
VA (Supermarine)
X 4943
Merlin III
FF 20-01-19416MU 02-02-1941234S 26-02-194158OTU 07-05-1941Scottish Aviation 20-06-1941Cv PRIII Type C 1PRU 09-03-1942215MU 25-09-1942Peter Mearsk 08-11-1942lost at sea 08-01-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4944, Mk Ia
s/n X4944
c/n 1411
VA (Supermarine)
X 4944
Merlin III
FF 24-01-19416MU 01-02-1941HAL 04-05-1941Cv PRVI 1PRU Benson 27-05-19418OTU 19-06-1942engine failed wheels up landing Fraserburgh CE 03-08-1943
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4945, Mk Ia
s/n X4945
c/n 1407
VA (Supermarine)
X 4945
Merlin III
FF 22-01-19416MU 02-02-1941303S 26-02-194158OTU 10-03-1941222MU 30-09-1942Tarantia 08-11-1942Port Sudan 29-01-1943Middle East 28-02-1943SOC 27-07-1944
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4988, Mk Ia
s/n X4988
c/n 1408
VA (Supermarine)
X 4988
Merlin III
FF 22-01-194139MU 29-01-194153OTU 25-06-1941Stalled during practice dogfight and spun into ground Marcross Glam CE 10-07-1941SOC 22-07-1941
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4989, Mk Ia
s/n X4989
c/n 1409
VA (Supermarine)
X 4989
Merlin III
FF 22-01-194139MU 28-01-194166S 15-04-1941501S 27-04-194153OTU 23-06-1941ASTM 01-08-1941Cv Va M45 RNAS 801S Machrihanish 01-09-1942AST 31-10-1942mods Lee on Solent 29-11-1942768S EF ditched Cat Z 26-02-1943(Squadron Leader MA Button OK)
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4990, Mk Ia
s/n X4990
c/n 1410
VA (Supermarine)
X 4990
Merlin III
FF 23-01-194139MU 29-01-1941501S 'SD-M' 10-05-194153OTU collision with X4993 on approach Llanbedr CE SOC 17-04-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4991, Mk Ia
s/n X4991
c/n 1412
VA (Supermarine)
X 4991
Merlin III
FF 24-01-19416MU 01-02-1941609S 22-02-194166S 24-02-194158OTU 20-06-1941flew into ground in low cloud nr Winchurch 04-11-194157OTU 07-04-1942SOC 09-07-1942to 2631M
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4992, Mk Ia
s/n X4992
c/n 1420
VA (Supermarine)
X 4992
Merlin III
FF 29-01-1941Cv Va(T) 66S 'LZ-R' FACE 20-06-1941SOC 29-06-1941to 2631M
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4993, Mk Ia
s/n X4993
c/n 1413
VA (Supermarine)
X 4993
Merlin III
FF 24-01-19416MU 01-02-1941611S 04-02-1941? FAC2 12-02-1941457S 22-06-194153OTU 20-10-1941collision with X4990 on approach Llandow CE SOC 17-04-1942
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4994, Mk Ia
s/n X4994
c/n 1516
VA (Supermarine)
X 4994
Merlin III
FF 13-03-194138MU 18-03-194124S 11-07-194157OTU 01-11-1943SOC 18-04-1945
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4995, Mk Ia
s/n X4995
c/n 1414
VA (Supermarine)
X 4995
Merlin III
FF 25-01-19416MU 01-02-194166S 01-03-1941crashed on takeoff 03-03-1941RAE 03-1941111S 10-04-194158OTU 28-01-1943engine failed wheels up landing nr Grangemouth CE 14-07-1943FH409.35
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4996, Mk Ia
s/n X4996
c/n 1415
VA (Supermarine)
X 4996
Merlin III
FF 27-01-19416MU 01-02-1941457S 24-06-1941RAE 04-194253OTU 23-10-1942? air collision with X4427 Llanbedr CA 25-06-1942AST
last update: 2025-February-05Spitfire X4997, Mk Ia
s/n X4997
c/n 1416
VA (Supermarine)
X 4997
Merlin III
FF 27-01-19416MU 01-02-1941266S 14-02-1941111S 08-04-194158OTU 29-05-1941ASTH 26-06-1941Cv Va M45 130S 02-11-1941134S 31-12-1941601S 07-04-1942GAL 26-05-1942hook fitt RNAS 801S Machrihanish 04-09-1942Lee on Solent 20-11-1942768S Machrihanish/Ayr 07-1943to 10-1943759S Yeovilton 10-1943
last update: 2025-February-05