Spitfire (Total: 20,815, Canadian: 214, Group 214)

Supermarine Spitfire

Source: Harold A Skaarup Web Page (DND Photo)
Supermarine Spitfire Mk. VI, RCAF (Serial No. X4492), in flight, 26 Feb 1944.

The Supermarine Spitfire is a British single-seat fighter aircraft that was used by the Royal Air Force and other Allied countries before, during, and after World War II. Many variants of the Spitfire were built, using several wing configurations, and it was produced in greater numbers than any other British aircraft. It was also the only British fighter produced continuously throughout the war. The Spitfire continues to be popular among enthusiasts; around 70 remain airworthy, and many more are static exhibits in aviation museums throughout the world.

The Spitfire was designed as a short-range, high-performance interceptor aircraft by R. J. Mitchell, chief designer at Supermarine Aviation Works, which operated as a subsidiary of Vickers-Armstrong from 1928. Mitchell pushed the Spitfire's distinctive elliptical wing with cutting-edge sunken rivets (designed by Beverley Shenstone) to have the thinnest possible cross-section, helping give the aircraft a higher top speed than several contemporary fighters, including the Hawker Hurricane.

The Spitfire had detachable wing tips which were secured by two mounting points at the end of each main wing assembly. When the Spitfire took on a role as a high-altitude fighter (Marks VI and VII and some early Mk VIIIs), the standard wing tips were replaced by extended, "pointed" tips which increased the wingspan from 36 ft 10 in (11.23 m) to 40 ft 2 in (12.24 m). The other wing-tip variation, used by several Spitfire variants, was the "clipped" wing; the standard wing tips were replaced by wooden fairings which reduced the span by 3 ft 6 in (1.07 m). The wing tips used spruce formers for most of the internal structure with a light alloy skin attached using brass screws.

Due to a shortage of Brownings, which had been selected as the new standard rifle calibre machine gun for the RAF in 1934, early Spitfires were fitted with only four guns, with the other four fitted later. Early tests showed that, while the guns worked perfectly on the ground and at low altitudes, they tended to freeze at high altitude, especially the outer wing guns, because the RAF's Brownings had been modified to fire from an open bolt. While this prevented overheating of the cordite used in British ammunition, it allowed cold air to flow through the barrel unhindered. Supermarine did not fix the problem until October 1938, when they added hot air ducts from the rear of the wing-mounted radiators to the guns, and bulkheads around the gunbays to trap the hot air in the wing. Red fabric patches were doped over the gun ports to protect the guns from cold, dirt, and moisture until they were fired.

The first Rolls-Royce Griffon-engined Mk XII flew in August 1942, and first flew operationally with 41 Squadron in April 1943. This mark could nudge 400 mph (640 km/h) in level flight and climb to an altitude of 33,000 ft (10,000 m) in under nine minutes. As American fighters took over the long-range escorting of USAAF daylight bombing raids, the Griffon-engined Spitfires progressively took up the tactical air superiority role, and played a major role in intercepting V-1 flying bombs, while the Merlin-engined variants (mainly the Mk IX and the Packard-engined Mk XVI) were adapted to the fighter-bomber role. Although the later Griffon-engined marks lost some of the favourable handling characteristics of their Merlin-powered predecessors, they could still outmanoeuvre their main German foes and other, later American and British-designed fighters.Wikipedia

Wikipedia Wikipedia Supermarine Spitfire

General Harold A Skaarup Web Page

YouTube YouTube How the Spitfire Became an Aviation Masterpiece

Kestrel Publications RCAF Supermarine Spitfire Serials - Kestrel Publications

Spitfire K5054, Proto

s/n K5054

VA (Supermarine)

K 5054

Merlin C


FF 05-03-1936AAEE 26-05-1936trials Supermarine 16-06-1936AAEE 01-07-1936install Merlin F and armament AAEE 23-02-1937force-landed with engine problems Sutton Suffolk 22-03-1937riw AAEE 25-10-1937overshot landing and tipped up Martlesham Heath 15-03-1938ros u/c leg collapsed on landing Martlesham Heath 23-03-1938Supermarine for repair and mods AAEE 27-07-1938RAE 07-11-1938engine tests Stalled on landing and overturned Farnborough 04-09-1939pilot killed

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9787, Mk Ia

s/n K9787

c/n 1

VA (Supermarine)

K 9787

Merlin II


First production Spitfire. Merlin II engine.


FF 14-05-1938Mkrs trials RAE 05-1938to 06-1938Martlesham Heath 18-08-1938gun install 23-09-1938pyrotechnics 08-10-1938wire trials 19-10-1938spin and dive trials 27-10-1938electric trials 06-01-1939perf trials. Vickers 13-04-1939for incorporation of mods RAE 26-04-1939to replace K9852 as radio trials aircraft 15-05-1939operating trials at Martlesham Heath with K9788 and K9793 Martlesham Heath 15-06-1939fuel cons trials hand and diving trials with 30 different types of fixed pitch props. cockpit hood functioning trials which demo the canopy was difficult to open at 350mph Suggested remedy a second entry/exit door in fus as emergency. Super for install MIII and Rotol constant-speed 03-blade Jablo prop. AMDP Gloster aircraft 23-10-1939FIE shed RAE mods Cv PRIII Type C at 6MU 11-07-1940comparison trials with N3297 (proto Mk III) and fitt 7lb sliding inertia weight on elev control. PRU 01-06-1941FTR ops 30-06-1941FH363.50

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9788, Mk Ia

s/n K9788

c/n 2

VA (Supermarine)

K 9788

Merlin II


Merlin II engine. Converted to Mk. II after delivery.


AAEE 19-07-1938R-RH 27-07-1938two days invest MII high cool temps when ground run. Martlesham Heath 18-08-1938gun install maint and firing trials 23-09-1938pyrotechnics with 2x4in dia tubes for flares behind pilot in fus. Speed course trials RAE (straight 9ml rail line between RAE and Basingstoke used as rough and ready timing run) Martlesham Heath 15-05-1939trials with K9787 and K9793 R-R 30-06-1939MXII (RM3S) install. VA 16-12-1939repairs AAEE 21-12-1940for RM5S eng trials 01-03-1941perf and cool trials 1CRU Oxford 30-04-1941Cat B retired from active duty. Cv to Va Tarantia 08-11-1942Port Sudan 29-01-1943Middle East 24-02-1943SOC 27-07-1944

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9789, Mk Ia

s/n K9789

c/n 3

VA (Supermarine)

K 9789

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


19S Duxford 29-07-1938intensive service trials 4MU VA stripped for detailed exam MMO rep 11-09-19399MU 10-01-194065S 27-02-19408MU 05-07-1940PRU 11-07-1940FACA 01-08-194057OTU 28-11-1940FAAC 13-01-1941Westland 33MU 19-05-194161OTU 22-11-1941FACB 07-04-1942ros 45MU 14-12-1942to 359M 14-12-19442SoTT SOC

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9790, Mk Ia

s/n K9790

c/n 4

VA (Supermarine)

K 9790

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


19S 04-08-1938intensive service trials VA stripped for detailed exam 06-05-19399MU 18-12-1939AMDP VA 24-01-1940two months trials with ailerons 8MU 13-06-19407OTU 07-07-1940crash-landing Hawarden CE 15-07-1940SOC 22-07-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9791, Mk Ia

s/n K9791

c/n 5

VA (Supermarine)

K 9791

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


AMDP reserve aircraft for K9787 AAEE 05-10-1938Super 18-10-1938for use as trials and mods aircraft. Cannon mock-up on wings. trials with 03-blade 02-speed DeH prop 12-1938Martlesham Heath gun firing and assoc trials. DeH trials with constant-speed prop. trials aircraft for 2x70gal overload fuel tanks under wings. fitt MXII PDU Benson 04-06-1940FTR ops 17-08-1940FH126

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9792, Mk Ia

s/n K9792

c/n 6

VA (Supermarine)

K 9792

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


originally allot AMDP no requirement 19S 11-08-1938CFS Cranwell 30-07-193819S 16-08-1938crashed Duxford 03-11-1938SOC 30-11-1938to instructional airframe Grp Assemby 2SoTTFH41.35

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9793, Mk Ia

s/n K9793

c/n 7

VA (Supermarine)

K 9793

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


AMDP Martlesham Heath 09-09-1938general equip electric syst and wire trials trials DeH 03-blade metal prop. Wt difference was an added 282lb. 135lb lead removed from eng bearers and 62lb install in rear fus. Super 07-12-1938Martlesham Heath 15-05-1939operating trials with K9787 and K9788 29-06-1939trials with various types of ailerons Short takeoff perf to determine min run. 03-07-1939trials with two types of magnetos RAE 08-07-1939continuation of ailerons trials with N3171 Serious lack of response in fast tight turns Martlesham Heath 12-07-1939short perf trials with 02-pitch metal prop RAE trials to det ignition interference with radio. trials install of snow guard on air intake 8MU 01-09-194019S 01-09-194092S Biggin Hill 01-09-1940shot down by Bf109 nr Dungeness 16.10hrs 11-09-1940Pilot Officer Hargraves killed SOC 05-10-1940FH164.50

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9794, Mk Ia

s/n K9794

c/n 8

VA (Supermarine)

K 9794

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


19S Duxford 27-09-1938crash-landed Digby 10-01-1939CE SOC 18-04-1939FH36.35

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9795, Mk Ia

s/n K9795

c/n 9

VA (Supermarine)

K 9795

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


19S 'WZ-B' Duxford 03-10-193864S 18-04-1940shot down by AA fire Dover landed Hawkinge 13-07-194049MU 15-07-194049MU 15-07-1940GAL 603S 29-09-1940222S 14-10-1940engine failed crashed Terling 16.30hrs Pilot Officer Edridge safe C2 15-10-1940SOC 12-01-194158OTU 26-02-1941to 4867M 6SoTT 01-01-1942

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9796, Mk Ia

s/n K9796

c/n 10

VA (Supermarine)

K 9796

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


19S 04-10-1938SOC 29-08-1939AST for Grp Assembly 21-11-1939cancel rep 8MU 13-06-1940AMDP RAE 11-07-1940flown by ETPS pilots was actively engaged with Luftwaffe during BoB while primarily trials aircraft one pilot was 'Roly' Falk later test pilot of Avro Vulcan delta wing jet bomber. 07-1940to 05-1941extensive ailerons trials. Fitt special thin blade prop resulting in speed loss of 4mph AAEE 07-1941gun sight trials. Martlesham Heath 39MU 16-06-19428MU 17-12-194241GCF 31-03-1944SOC 30-04-1945FH149.00

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9797, Mk Ia

s/n K9797

c/n 11

VA (Supermarine)

K 9797

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


19S 06-10-1938engine failed while acting as target aircraft for cine gun practise force-landed Acton Flight Sergeant Unwin safe CE 09-03-1939Practise Flt Stradishall (non-flying) 11-05-1939SOC 08-06-1939FH88.55

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9798, Mk Ia

s/n K9798

c/n 13

VA (Supermarine)

K 9798

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 30-07-193819S 'WZ-L' 17-10-1938wheels up landing Duxford 18-04-1939SOC 20-05-1939to 149M 1AAS 6SoTT 29-06-1942FH168.30

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9799, Mk Ia

s/n K9799

c/n 14

VA (Supermarine)

K 9799

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


19S 17-10-1938FACB 09-07-1940GAL 15-07-1940222S 31-08-1940C2 ops 02-09-19401CRU 58OTU 02-01-1941FACB 02-01-1941Air Taxis Ltd 53OTU 1TEU 26-02-1944ASTE 12-08-1944SOC 18-08-1944

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9800, Mk Ia

s/n K9800

c/n 16

VA (Supermarine)

K 9800

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


19S 21-10-1938AST 18-03-19405OTU 14-07-19407OTU 21-08-1940FAC2 16-11-19402GAS Manby 18-03-1941to 3277M 10SoTT 26-11-1941SOC 18-07-1942CE 13-05-1944

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9801, Mk Ia

s/n K9801

c/n 18

VA (Supermarine)

K 9801

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


19S 'WZ-R' 27-10-19381CRU 28-05-19407OTU 14-09-1940FAC2 28-10-194058OTU 03-01-194161OTU 14-10-1941AST CB 06-01-194253OTU 14-07-1942FAAC 06-02-1943AEAF Heston 31-12-194353OTU 19-05-194439MU 04-08-1944SOC 18-01-1945

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9802, Mk Ia

s/n K9802

c/n 20

VA (Supermarine)

K 9802

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


66S Duxford 31-10-1938wheels up landing Duxford dbr 25-04-1939SOC 17-05-1939FH93.35

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9803, Mk Ia

s/n K9803

c/n 29

VA (Supermarine)

K 9803

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


66S 23-11-1938616S 30-10-193919S 03-05-1940603S 13-09-1940damaged by Bf109 nr Ashford Kent Flight Sergeant Baile safe C2 18-09-194045MU 23-02-1941HAL 30-03-1941AW 08-11-194161OTU 19-03-1943FACB 08-01-1944OTU 21-05-194433MU 13-08-1944SOC 21-06-1947

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9804, Mk Ia

s/n K9804

c/n 23

VA (Supermarine)

K 9804

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


66S 'RB-P' 10-11-1938616S 20-10-1939damaged night landing at base 05-1940Missing from patrol over Dunkerque 28-05-1940FH234.45

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9805, Mk Ia

s/n K9805

c/n 25

VA (Supermarine)

K 9805

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


66S 'RB-R' 13-11-193841S 27-05-193964S 19-04-1940CAC ops 23-11-194053OTU 16-07-1941FAAC 25-02-1942Scottish Aviation 01-09-194258OTU 24-03-19439MU 14-02-1944RNDA 17-03-194433MU 10-08-1944SOC 04-1945

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9806, Mk Ia

s/n K9806

c/n 27

VA (Supermarine)

K 9806

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


66S 'L' later 'RB-A' 17-11-1938wheels up landing Duxford 18-07-1939SOC 25-08-1939to 1638M 1SoTT 25-08-1939rtp 26-05-1944

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9807, Mk Ia

s/n K9807

c/n 12

VA (Supermarine)

K 9807

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 10-10-193819S 11-10-1938616S 07-08-1940C2 ops 15-08-1940603S 29-09-1940shot down by Bf109 Pilot Officer Morton abandoned aircraft 05-10-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9808, Mk Ia

s/n K9808

c/n 15

VA (Supermarine)

K 9808

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


19S 22-10-1938crashed force-landed Egmere Norfolk 28-11-1938to 123M 2SoTT 22-01-1939

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9809, Mk Ia

s/n K9809

c/n 17

VA (Supermarine)

K 9809

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


19S Duxford 25-10-1938dived into ground on takeoff 1.5m from Duxford pilot killed 29-02-1940CE SOC 15-03-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9810, Mk Ia

s/n K9810

c/n 19

VA (Supermarine)

K 9810

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


66S 'RB-S' 31-10-1938RAE 17-04-193919S 'WZ-R' 616S 15-11-1939Flew into sea in low cloud on convoy escort 12m ESE of Hornsea 21-02-1940F/Lt A W Wilson killed

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9811, Mk Ia

s/n K9811

c/n 21

VA (Supermarine)

K 9811

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


19S 05-11-1938crashed force-landed Clare Suffolk 24-01-194054MU 02-02-1940SOC 06-02-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9812, Mk Ia

s/n K9812

c/n 22

VA (Supermarine)

K 9812

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


66S 'RB-T' 08-11-1938engine failed crashed into wood nr Royston Cambs 16-02-1939to 1382M Cosford 31-03-1939FH26.55

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9813, Mk Ia

s/n K9813

c/n 24

VA (Supermarine)

K 9813

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


66S 14-11-193841S 01-06-193964S 11-08-1939Combat with Me110s Dunkirk 31-05-1940Flight Sergeant Hatch POW died later

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9814, Mk Ia

s/n K9814

c/n 26

VA (Supermarine)

K 9814

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 06-11-1938alloc 66S cancel 6MU Brize Norton in special finish and flown to Paris Aero Show via Croydon 14-11-1938demo at French airfields after show 6MU 09-02-19395OTU 28-05-1940Collided on landing with Gladiators K7951 and K7943 Aston Down 03-06-1940CB 1CRU SOC 19-06-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9815, Mk Ia

s/n K9815

c/n 28

VA (Supermarine)

K 9815

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


66S 23-11-193841S 08-03-193919S 23-01-1940609S 13-07-1940Pilot blinded by glycol fumes crash-landed Piddlehinton Dorset 26-07-1940SOC 01-08-1940FH286.15

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9816, Mk Ia

s/n K9816

c/n 30

VA (Supermarine)

K 9816

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


66S 23-11-1938crash-landed Duxford 01-12-1938SOC 24-01-1939scrap

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9817, Mk Ia

s/n K9817

c/n 31

VA (Supermarine)

K 9817

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


66S 29-11-1938616S 17-11-1939FAC2 07-08-1940PRU 20-09-1940Scottish Aviation 06-10-194058OTU 13-01-1941FACB 21-03-194153OTU 17-07-194158OTU 03-02-1943FACB 26-02-1943Scottish Aviation RNAS 23-05-1943759S Yeovilton 08-1943to 11-1943794S Henstridge 11-1943759S Yeovilton 09-1944Retd RAF charge 13-04-1945

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9818, Mk Ia

s/n K9818

c/n 32

VA (Supermarine)

K 9818

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 29-11-193866S 28-11-1938616S 30-10-1939damaged ops 01-06-1940610S 27-08-1940crashed Ainmouth Flying Officer Bacon killed 30-09-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9819, Mk Ia

s/n K9819

c/n 33

VA (Supermarine)

K 9819

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 29-11-193866S 29-11-1938616S 08-11-1939shot down nr Calais Flight Sergeant Wareing POW 25-08-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9820, Mk Ia

s/n K9820

c/n 34

VA (Supermarine)

K 9820

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


19S 01-12-1938crash-landed Duxford 16-01-1939to 1361M 22-03-19391SoTT SOC 13-02-1943FH253.30

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9821, Mk Ia

s/n K9821

c/n 36

VA (Supermarine)

K 9821

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 02-12-193819S 05-12-1938air collision with K9854 force-landed Newton Heath 06-10-1939FAC 29-05-194054MU AST FACE 02-07-194047OTU 14-11-1940SOC 20-07-1941

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9822, Mk Ia

s/n K9822

c/n 37

VA (Supermarine)

K 9822

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


66S 06-12-1938crash-landed Duxford 06-01-1939to 1357M Cosford 03-05-1939FH8.35

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9823, Mk Ia

s/n K9823

c/n 38

VA (Supermarine)

K 9823

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


66S 09-12-1938RAE 07-194057OTU 31-10-194043Grp 09-04-194153OTU 17-07-1941PPSM 16-04-1942RNAS 13-05-1943761S Henstridge 05-1943to 08-1943759S Yeovilton 08-1943-11-1943794S Henstridge 11-1943761S Henstridge tested 28-01-1944

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9824, Mk Ia

s/n K9824

c/n 39

VA (Supermarine)

K 9824

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 06-12-1938First with MIII 19S 09-12-19385OTU 04-06-19407OTU 30-10-1940FACB 28-03-194157OTU 07-06-1941FA del flt CB 04-09-1941CGS 15-10-1941SF St.Athan 13-06-1942air collision with N3266 crashed Long Whitton Northumberland CE 19-11-1943pilot killed

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9825, Mk Ia

s/n K9825

c/n 40

VA (Supermarine)

K 9825

Merlin II


Merlin II engine. Converted to Mk. VA after delivery.


FF 09-12-193819S Duxford 19-12-1938609S 13-07-1940FACA 14-07-19401CRU 30-07-19407OTU 25-09-1940FAAC 15-04-1941AST Cv Va M45 12-07-1941332S 'AH-Z' 31-01-1942164S 03-05-1942FACA 04-06-1942602S 10-09-1942349S 07-07-194361OTU 01-08-1943SF Northolt 13-08-194352OTU 22-08-19431695Flt 09-09-1944engine cut forcelanded Dalton FAAC 24-01-1945ros 1695Flt SOC 04-09-1945

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9826, Mk Ia

s/n K9826

c/n 41

VA (Supermarine)

K 9826

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


19S 12-12-19382FTS 30-12-1939616S damaged night landing 05-1940222S 02-07-1940shot down by Bf109 aircraft abandoned nr Barham Kent Pilot Officer Edridge injured 30-08-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9827, Mk Ia

s/n K9827

c/n 42

VA (Supermarine)

K 9827

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


66S 18-12-1938616S 17-11-1939shot down nr Dungeness 26-05-1940damaged by Bf109 Flight Sergeant Copeland injured force-landed 26-08-1940Cunliffe-Owen 03-09-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9828, Mk Ia

s/n K9828

c/n 43

VA (Supermarine)

K 9828

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


66S 18-12-1938616S 19-11-1939FA 22-05-194072S 07-10-194058OTU 09-03-194157OTU 17-07-1941AST 21-03-1943222MU 08-08-1943Portugal 14-08-1943

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9829, Mk Ia

s/n K9829

c/n 44

VA (Supermarine)

K 9829

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


66S 19-12-1938616S 15-11-1939damaged ops Flight Sergeant Ridley safe 01-08-19407OTU 26-09-1940FA 31-10-194037MU to 3200M 3SoTT 20-03-1941

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9830, Mk Ia

s/n K9830

c/n 70

VA (Supermarine)

K 9830

Merlin XII


Merlin II engine. Converted to Mk. II after delivery.


FF 15-12-1938AMDP Super 21-01-1939AAEE 13-06-1941armour plate trials install AFDU 30-10-1941CRD RAF Hornchurch 14-03-1942trials periscopic gun sight and gun heat AFDU 27-05-194252OTU 10-09-19423501SU 16-02-194358OTU 05-10-19431TEU 17-06-1944recat E 14-08-1944SOC First MkI Cv II

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9831, Mk Ia

s/n K9831

c/n 45

VA (Supermarine)

K 9831

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 20-12-193841S 30-12-1938wheels up landing Catterick 30-01-1939to 1362M 1 SoTT 22-03-1939SOC 17-08-1939FH19.30

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9832, Mk Ia

s/n K9832

c/n 46

VA (Supermarine)

K 9832

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


41S 30-12-193864S 09-03-1940FTR Dunkirk 29-05-1940Pilot Officer George killed

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9833, Mk Ia

s/n K9833

c/n 47

VA (Supermarine)

K 9833

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 29-12-193841S 03-01-1939602S 20-01-1940603S 05-07-1940602S 04-08-1940FAC2 28-08-194058OTU 02-01-1941crashed force-landing Dunblane Perths CE 18-04-1941to 2574M 58OTU

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9834, HS

s/n K9834

c/n 35

VA (Supermarine)

K 9834

Merlin XII


Merlin II engine. Converte to P.R. configuration 1940, not known if re-designated.


FF 10-11-1938transfer to AMDP Super Contract B817241/38 for Cv High Speed Spitfire as N-17 PDU Heston 24-11-1940Cv PRIII Type C FACB 27-08-1942HAL 31-08-19421PRU 04-09-1942CE SOC 21-08-1946

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9835, Mk Ia

s/n K9835

c/n 48

VA (Supermarine)

K 9835

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


41S 03-01-1939MMO 26-02-194057OTU 17-06-1940engine failed crashed Llandrillo Denbighs 10-02-194158OTU FACE 16-06-19431TEU 26-02-1944SOC 22-08-1944

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9836, Mk Ia

s/n K9836

c/n 49

VA (Supermarine)

K 9836

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 01-01-193941S 05-01-193919S 23-01-1940FTR into sea following combat with Bf109 and Bf110 01-06-1940FH298.00 Flight Sergeant J A Potter safe

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9837, Mk Ia

s/n K9837

c/n 50

VA (Supermarine)

K 9837

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


41S 11-01-1939wheels up landing Catterick 08-06-1939SOC 17-08-1939to 1628M 2AAS RAF Weeton 17-08-1939rtp 31-05-1944

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9838, Mk Ia

s/n K9838

c/n 51

VA (Supermarine)

K 9838

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 06-01-193941S 11-01-1939struct fail in dive Eryholme Yorks 16-03-1939SOCFH21.25 pilot killed

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9839, Mk Ia

s/n K9839

c/n 52

VA (Supermarine)

K 9839

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


41S 11-01-1939602S 23-01-1940RAE 06-1940AST 25-08-1940602S 29-08-1940damaged Do17 crashed nr Wrotham Kent Pilot Officer Aries safe 07-09-194058OTU 23-03-1941SOC 07-01-1942to 63MU as 2868M 08-01-1942

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9840, Mk Ia

s/n K9840

c/n 53

VA (Supermarine)

K 9840

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 11-01-193941S 13-01-193964S 02-05-1940FA 26-05-1940266S 19-08-194072S 25-08-1940damaged ops 02-09-1940152S 23-09-194057OTU 24-01-1941Hit trees and crashed Cefnmingfaron 5m S of Denbigh FACE dbf 02-03-1941

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9841, Mk Ia

s/n K9841

c/n 54

VA (Supermarine)

K 9841

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 11-01-193966S 13-01-193919S 29-04-1939AST 21-11-1939611S 06-06-1940609S 18-07-1940damaged ops 12-08-1940AST 12-08-1940609S 18-08-1940616S 25-08-194072S 'QJ-R' 02-09-1940damaged by return fire from Do17 u/c collapsed in forced landing Little Hutchings Farm Etchingham Sussex Pilot Officer Males safe 10-09-1940SOC AST cancel 26-09-1940SOC 08-04-1941

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9842, Mk Ia

s/n K9842

c/n 55

VA (Supermarine)

K 9842

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 12-01-193941S 16-01-1939crashed in night landing Catterick 23-05-1939SOC 14-06-1939FH97.15

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9843, Mk Ia

s/n K9843

c/n 74

VA (Supermarine)

K 9843

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 12-01-193941S 'DL-H' 04-02-1939landed on soft ground and tipped up Catterick 30-11-1939AST 10-12-193954S 'DL-N' SOC 18-07-1942to 3229M

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9844, Mk Ia

s/n K9844

c/n 56

VA (Supermarine)

K 9844

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 12-01-193941S 16-01-193964S 11-03-1940lost control aircraft abandoned crashed nr Church Fenton 25-03-1940SOC 05-04-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9845, Mk Ia

s/n K9845

c/n 57

VA (Supermarine)

K 9845

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 13-01-193941S 17-01-1939wheels up landing Catterick 03-04-1939SOC 15-05-1939to 1479M at Locking 15-06-1939FH42-25

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9846, Mk Ia

s/n K9846

c/n 58

VA (Supermarine)

K 9846

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 13-01-193941S 22-01-1939616S 17-09-1939hit telephone wires on night takeoff Catterick dbf 06-11-1939Flying Officer Overall killed SOC 21-11-1939

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9847, Mk Ia

s/n K9847

c/n 59

VA (Supermarine)

K 9847

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 16-01-193941S 22-01-193964S 11-03-1940AST 04-05-194072S 02-09-1940engine failed force-landed Halstead 08-10-1940AST 12-10-194057OTU 21-02-1941RAE 08-04-1941instructional airframe 23-06-1943

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9848, Mk Ia

s/n K9848

c/n 61

VA (Supermarine)

K 9848

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 19-01-193941S 26-01-1939engine failed crashed force-landing nr Catterick 20-04-1939SOC 17-05-1939FH23.35

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9849, Mk Ia

s/n K9849

c/n 62

VA (Supermarine)

K 9849

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 19-01-193941S 26-01-1939crashed on takeoff Catterick 14-09-1939SOCFH132-10

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9850, Mk Ia

s/n K9850

c/n 63

VA (Supermarine)

K 9850

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 20-01-193941S 26-01-1939FAC2 06-02-1940266S 17-08-1940damaged by strafing Bf109s Manston 18-08-194058OTU 29-12-194053OTU 17-07-1941Collided with K9862 and crashed Flemington Court Farm Glam FACE 28-03-1943

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9851, Mk Ia

s/n K9851

c/n 64

VA (Supermarine)

K 9851

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 20-01-193919S 27-01-1939RAE 03-1939AST 30-04-19407OTU 13-07-194019S 03-09-19407OTU 10-09-1940stalled on approach and u/c torn off Speke FAC2 10-12-194010SoTT 01-08-1941CE 23-09-1944FH401.25

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9852, Mk Ia

s/n K9852

c/n 65

VA (Supermarine)

K 9852

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 24-01-1939AMDP RAE 31-01-1939radio trials and pilot training Super 25-04-1939R/T instn and trials. ETPS Farnborough 26-06-1940VHF aerial trials for R3002 10-1940snow guard and eng trials 610S 15-10-1940fought numerous airfield defensive actions during RAE trials AAEE undershot landing and it dispersal pen Usworth 25-10-1940AST 31-10-194053OTU 06-05-1941FA crashed nr Tangmere 07-06-1941SOC

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9853, Mk Ia

s/n K9853

c/n 66

VA (Supermarine)

K 9853

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 26-01-193919S 31-01-1939RAE 02-1939hand trials Hit by K9799 while taxying out for scramble Duxford 09-07-1940GAL 15-07-1940SOC 15-01-1941

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9854, Mk Ia

s/n K9854

c/n 71

VA (Supermarine)

K 9854

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 26-01-1939alloc 66S transfer RAE 03-1939trials 19S 04-05-1939air collision with K9821 force-landed Newmarket Heath 06-10-1939SOC 14-10-1939rtp

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9855, Mk Ia

s/n K9855

c/n 68

VA (Supermarine)

K 9855

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 26-01-193941S 04-02-1939overshot landing and hit hedge Catterick to 1646M 1AAS Manby 04-11-1939SOC 06-11-1939

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9856, Mk Ia

s/n K9856

c/n 69

VA (Supermarine)

K 9856

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 28-01-193941S 15-02-1939fire in flight crash-landed Catterick 27-04-1939SOC 09-05-1939FH20.50

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9857, Mk Ia

s/n K9857

c/n 73

VA (Supermarine)

K 9857

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 01-02-193919S 11-05-1939wheels up landing Duxford 20-05-19397OTU 07-07-1940FAC2 05-09-194057OTU 19-12-1940FAAC 16-04-19411CRU 01-08-19418OTU 24-05-1942FAAC 11-06-19428OTU 25-07-1942engine failed fire in flight aircraft abandoned into sea pilot rescued by ASR off Fraserburgh 11-11-1942

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9858, Mk Ia

s/n K9858

c/n 75

VA (Supermarine)

K 9858

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 04-02-193919S 24-04-1939crashed on takeoff Horsham St.Faith 31-03-1940SOC 09-04-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9859, Mk Ia

s/n K9859

c/n 76

VA (Supermarine)

K 9859

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 03-02-193919S 24-04-1939struck fence on approach Duxford 09-05-1939to 1825M

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9860, Mk Ia

s/n K9860

c/n 78

VA (Supermarine)

K 9860

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 06-02-193974S 14-02-1939Tipped up after landing on soft ground Southend 09-11-1939SOC 18-01-1940FH74.20

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9861, Mk Ia

s/n K9861

c/n 79

VA (Supermarine)

K 9861

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 07-02-193974S 13-02-1939stalled dived into ground Grays Thurruck Essex Flight Sergeant Gower killed 30-08-1939

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9862, Mk Ia

s/n K9862

c/n 80

VA (Supermarine)

K 9862

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 09-02-193974S 13-02-19391CRU 20-05-194064S 19-08-194057OTU 03-02-1941AST 05-03-194157OTU 24-07-194153OTU 22-08-1942air collision with K9850 crashed Pontravel Farm Glam 28-03-1943

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9863, Mk Ia

s/n K9863

c/n 81

VA (Supermarine)

K 9863

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 09-02-193974S 13-02-1939damaged ops Pilot Officer Freeborn safe 10-07-194057OTU 08-05-1941air collision with X4164 crashed nr Sealand 26-01-1942

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9864, Mk Ia

s/n K9864

c/n 82

VA (Supermarine)

K 9864

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 10-02-193974S 15-02-1939266S 29-12-1939shot down force-landed nr Faversham Kent Pilot Officer Soden injured 16-08-194057OTU air collision with R6769 crashed River Dee nr Flint Scotland 08-05-1942

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9865, Mk Ia

s/n K9865

c/n 83

VA (Supermarine)

K 9865

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 11-02-193974S 16-02-1939collided with K9951 on ground Rochford 23-04-1940AST 13-05-19407OTU 21-07-194067OTU 31-12-1941landed with u/c unlocked Hawarden FACA 07-05-1942SOC 07-05-1942

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9866, Mk Ia

s/n K9866

c/n 84

VA (Supermarine)

K 9866

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 13-02-193974S 14-02-1939u/c collapsed in heavy landing Hornchurch 03-03-1939to 1428M 6SoTT 14-04-193953OTU SOC 26-08-1944FH136.30

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9867, Mk Ia

s/n K9867

c/n 85

VA (Supermarine)

K 9867

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 14-02-193974S 18-02-1939AMDP 11-01-1940Missing from patrol over Calais 23-05-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9868, Mk Ia

s/n K9868

c/n 86

VA (Supermarine)

K 9868

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 15-02-193974S 15-02-1939crash landing Cherbourg France 21-11-193921AD 05-12-1939SOC 09-02-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9869, Mk Ia

s/n K9869

c/n 87

VA (Supermarine)

K 9869

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 15-02-193974S 20-02-1939AST 14-05-1940engine failed on takeoff del flt to 6MU 13-07-1940into sea off Hamble C3

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9870, Mk Ia

s/n K9870

c/n 88

VA (Supermarine)

K 9870

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 16-02-193974S 17-02-1939damaged ops 08-08-194072S 07-10-1940shot down by Bf109 nr Deal aircraft abandoned Pilot Officer Pool injured 11-10-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9871, Mk Ia

s/n K9871

c/n 89

VA (Supermarine)

K 9871

Merlin II


Merlin II engine. Converted to Mk. VA after delivery.


FF 16-02-193974S 'JH-O' later 'ZP-O' 21-02-1939damaged ops force-landed Pilot Officer Szezesny safe 13-08-194057OTU 19-12-1940MMO 30-04-1941Cv Va M45 03-06-194153OTU 15-07-1941AST 24-08-1941303S 05-12-194181S 12-02-1942Shorts 18-10-194251OTU 27-05-194353OTU crashed on takeoff Ouston CE 21-12-1943SOC 01-01-1944recat 06-01-194439MU 01-05-1944SOC 15-10-1945

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9872, Mk Ia

s/n K9872

c/n 90

VA (Supermarine)

K 9872

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 19-02-193974S 23-02-1939wheels up landing Hornchurch 24-03-1939SOC to 1450M 24-04-1939RAF St.AthanFH7.55

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9873, Mk Ia

s/n K9873

c/n 91

VA (Supermarine)

K 9873

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 21-02-193974S 23-02-1939AST 12-11-19397OTU 22-09-1940FAAC 05-10-194058OTU 04-02-194153OTU 03-01-1942heavy landing Llandow overturned CE 20-04-194276MU 01-10-1942Tarantia 08-11-1942Port Sudan 29-01-1943Middle East 28-02-1943Caught fire in air crashed 10mls E Bilbeis Egypt C3 13-01-1944

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9874, Mk Ia

s/n K9874

c/n 92

VA (Supermarine)

K 9874

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 21-02-193974S 27-02-1939AST 07-05-19407OTU 17-08-194019S 03-09-19407OTU 10-09-1940FAC2 04-10-1940GAL 29-10-1940instructional airframe at 57OTU 21-02-1941SOC 23-06-1943

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9875, Mk Ia

s/n K9875

c/n 93

VA (Supermarine)

K 9875

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 22-02-193974S 27-02-1939FTR Dunkirk 27-05-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9876, Mk Ia

s/n K9876

c/n 94

VA (Supermarine)

K 9876

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 23-02-193974S 01-03-1939AST 18-10-19395OTU 04-06-19407OTU 13-08-1940FAC2 14-08-1940610S 15-10-1940602S 14-12-194057OTU 04-02-1941GAL 12-05-1941PPSM 27-04-1942new eng Cv VI AAEE 07-1942diving trials 45SLG 24-08-194276MU 03-10-1942Tarantia 08-11-1942Port Sudan 29-01-1943Middle East 31-03-1943to 4384M

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9877, Mk Ia

s/n K9877

c/n 95

VA (Supermarine)

K 9877

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 24-02-193954S 01-03-1939152S 18-02-1940overshot landing overturned Acklington 16-03-1940SOC 11-04-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9878, Mk Ia

s/n K9878

c/n 96

VA (Supermarine)

K 9878

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 24-02-193974S 01-03-1939222S 04-09-1940AST 26-11-1940CGS 04-02-194158OTU 14-03-1941FAAC 23-03-194161OTU 15-05-1943RNAS 25-05-1943759S Yeovilton to Gosport 25-08-1943(for RNARY Fleetlands?) Tested 759S Yeovilton 07-03-194445MU 03-10-1944SOC 30-12-1944

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9879, Mk Ia

s/n K9879

c/n 97

VA (Supermarine)

K 9879

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 01-03-193974S 04-03-1939MMO 11-09-1939PRU Benson 11-07-1940crashed Lt/Cmdr Kingdon killed after oxygen starvation dived into ground nr Crewkerne Somerset CE 01-08-1940SOC 01-08-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9880, Mk Ia

s/n K9880

c/n 98

VA (Supermarine)

K 9880

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 27-02-193954S 02-03-1939152S 02-01-1940shot down by Bf109 off Swanage Pilot Officer Posener killed 20-07-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9881, Mk Ia

s/n K9881

c/n 99

VA (Supermarine)

K 9881

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 28-02-193954S 02-03-1939wheels up landing at Base 05-1939152S 04-01-1940damaged ops 16-02-1940602S 24-03-1940damaged by return fire from Ju 87s nr Tangmere 16-08-1940AST 04-09-19404SoTT 15-03-194153OTU took off in coarse pitch struck P7840 Llandow CE 01-04-1942SOC 18-07-1942to 3215M RNDA 25-5 ?

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9882, Mk Ia

s/n K9882

c/n 100

VA (Supermarine)

K 9882

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 02-03-193954S 17-03-1939152S 02-01-1940shot down by Bf109 off IoW Flight Sergeant Christie killed 26-09-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9883, Mk Ia

s/n K9883

c/n 144

VA (Supermarine)

K 9883

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 02-03-193954S 'DL-T' 24-04-1939152S 03-01-1940CB ops 20-07-19401CRU 58OTU 28-03-1941FAAC 04-06-19431TEU 01-03-1944RN Milmeece as GI 4727M for WRNS Air Mechanic training

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9884, Mk Ia

s/n K9884

c/n 101

VA (Supermarine)

K 9884

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 03-03-193954S 10-03-1939152S 03-01-1940overshot landing hit dispersal pen Acklington 19-06-1940SOC 24-06-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9885, Mk Ia

s/n K9885

c/n 102

VA (Supermarine)

K 9885

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 08-03-193954S 13-03-1939152S 16-01-1940Engine cut hit hedge in forced landing in bad visibility nr Nottingham 16-01-1940SOC 01-05-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9886, Mk Ia

s/n K9886

c/n 103

VA (Supermarine)

K 9886

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 05-03-193954S 08-03-1939crashed circling beacon at night nr Basildon 08-11-1939SOC 14-12-1939

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9887, Mk Ia

s/n K9887

c/n 104

VA (Supermarine)

K 9887

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 07-03-193954S 10-03-1939AST 09-11-1939bboc 9MU 26-03-19405OTU 04-06-1940Westland 07-07-194058OTU 12-03-1941Scottish Aviation 14-06-194152OTU 01-11-194157OTU 25-08-1942FACE 24-02-1943Scottish Aviation 10-11-194353OTU 09-05-1944TEU 14-06-1944SOC 21-06-1947rtp

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9888, Mk Ia

s/n K9888

c/n 60

VA (Supermarine)

K 9888

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 19-01-193966S 30-01-193941S 04-05-1939hit high ground Appleby Cumberland 18-07-1939Flight Sergeant Mitchell killed

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9889, Mk Ia

s/n K9889

c/n 77

VA (Supermarine)

K 9889

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 04-02-19396MU 09-02-19395OTU 28-05-19407OTU 10-09-1940Scottish Aviation 27-09-1940AST 23-05-194157OTU 05-08-194161OTU 27-11-1943

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9890, Mk Ia

s/n K9890

c/n 67

VA (Supermarine)

K 9890

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 28-01-193941S 04-02-1939249S 04-06-1940602S 13-07-194041S 21-07-1940603S 20-09-1940C2 23-09-1940AST out of fuel landed nr Hooton Park in River Mersey 01-02-1941

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9891, Mk Ia

s/n K9891

c/n 72

VA (Supermarine)

K 9891

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 31-01-19396MU 07-02-193966S 24-04-1939ASTH 20-11-19395OTU 04-06-1940FA 19-06-1940WA 58OTU 02-02-1941Scottish Aviation 11-03-194153OTU 09-12-1941Took off in coarse pitch and hit P7840 on takeoff Llandow CE 01-04-1942SOC 13-04-1942

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9892, Mk Ia

s/n K9892

c/n 105

VA (Supermarine)

K 9892

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 08-03-193954S 13-03-1939602S 29-11-1939landing accident Drem Pilot Officer Moody safe 02-08-1940610S 15-10-1940602S 14-12-194057OTU 04-02-1941descended through cloud with X4167 hit hill Ruabon Denbighs dbf CE 03-07-1941SOC 15-07-1941pilot killed

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9893, Mk Ia

s/n K9893

c/n 106

VA (Supermarine)

K 9893

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 07-03-193954S 13-03-1939152S 16-01-1940engine failed in snowstorm crashed in force-landing Broughton Lincs CE 16-01-1940SOC 03-02-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9894, Mk Ia

s/n K9894

c/n 107

VA (Supermarine)

K 9894

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 09-03-193954S 13-03-1939152S 02-01-1940GAL 58OTU 01-01-1941u/c collapse landing Sealand 12-05-1941ros 57OTU CGS 09-07-1941DeH 18-08-194257OTU 13-06-1943RAF Medical Rehabilitation Loughborough 26-04-1944to 4868M SOC 29-08-1946

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9895, Mk Ia

s/n K9895

c/n 108

VA (Supermarine)

K 9895

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 10-03-1939CFS 15-03-1939hand trials AST 18-12-193964S 14-08-194057OTU 03-02-194161OTU 57OTU hit hill in cloud Ruabon nr Wrexham 03-07-1941SOC 06-08-1941

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9896, Mk Ia

s/n K9896

c/n 169

VA (Supermarine)

K 9896

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 10-03-193954S 'DL-K' 15-03-1939RAE 03-1939152S 03-01-1940undershot landing Catterick 06-06-1940CE SOC 16-06-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9897, Mk Ia

s/n K9897

c/n 110

VA (Supermarine)

K 9897

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 13-03-193954S 15-03-1939undershot landing struck hut Hornchurch 04-07-1939SOC 15-08-1939rtp

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9898, Mk Ia

s/n K9898

c/n 109

VA (Supermarine)

K 9898

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 14-03-193954S 17-03-1939152S 04-01-1940Engine cut ditched in North Sea 29-02-1940SOC 02-05-1940S/Ldr Shute killed

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9899, Mk Ia

s/n K9899

c/n 111

VA (Supermarine)

K 9899

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 13-03-193954S 17-03-1939152S 15-02-1940602S 24-03-1940damaged ops 23-07-194057OTU 07-11-1940AST 24-05-194153OTU 24-08-1941overshot landing Llandow CB 15-10-1941SOC 18-10-1941

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9900, Mk Ia

s/n K9900

c/n 112

VA (Supermarine)

K 9900

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 15-03-193954S 21-03-1939SOC 12-12-1939bboc 152S 02-01-194057OTU 01-02-1941FAAC 27-03-1941AST 21-06-194153OTU 03-09-1941RN Yeovilton 07-09-1942761S Henstridge 11-1942to 01-1943759S Yeovilton 02-1943Retracted u/c too quickly on takeoff sank damaged tail and prop Cat X 11-02-1943(Lt AC Wallace) EF on approach heavy landing Cat Y 28-10-1943(Squadron Leader ED Pye) To 45MU SOC 30-12-1944

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9901, Mk Ia

s/n K9901

c/n 113

VA (Supermarine)

K 9901

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 16-03-193954S 'DL-D' 20-03-1939152S 16-01-1940Hit by return fire from Ju87 and abandoned 5m S of Portland 25-07-19401CRU 28-07-1940FH262-30

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9902, Mk Ia

s/n K9902

c/n 114

VA (Supermarine)

K 9902

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 17-03-193954S 22-03-1939152S 01-03-1940damaged in forced landing after collision 20-04-1940SOC 20-05-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9903, Mk Ia

s/n K9903

c/n 115

VA (Supermarine)

K 9903

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 17-03-193965S 21-03-1939damaged ops 28-05-194064S 03-09-1940crashed on patrol nr Ternhill 06-09-1940SOC 07-10-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9904, Mk Ia

s/n K9904

c/n 116

VA (Supermarine)

K 9904

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 19-03-193965S 22-03-1939FAC2 23-09-194053OTU 21-07-1941bellylanded while lost Cwmffrwd Carmarthen 03-09-1941SOC 09-09-1941

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9905, Mk Ia

s/n K9905

c/n 117

VA (Supermarine)

K 9905

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 19-03-193965S 24-03-1939RAE 11-1939shot down in Dover area by Bf109 Flt/Flight Sergeant Phillips killed dbf 08-08-1940SOC 14-08-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9906, Mk Ia

s/n K9906

c/n 118

VA (Supermarine)

K 9906

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 21-03-193965S 'FZ-L later 'YT-T' 24-03-193964S 17-04-1940FA 23-05-19407OTU 11-10-1940ASTH 18-10-1941Cv PRIII Type C 1PRU Benson 26-02-1942FACE 18-03-19428OTU 17-06-1942Scottish Aviation 29-11-1942RNDA 22-05-1943759S Yeovilton 07-1943to 09-1943u/c collapsed landing Cat Y 16-08-1943(Squadron Leader PD Gardner)

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9907, Mk Ia

s/n K9907

c/n 119

VA (Supermarine)

K 9907

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 23-03-193965S Missing believed shot down by Bf109 nr Dover 08-07-1940S/Ldr Cooke killed

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9908, Mk Ia

s/n K9908

c/n 120

VA (Supermarine)

K 9908

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 21-03-193965S 24-03-1939AMDP R-RH 16-01-1940FA 29-05-1940AST damaged ops 26-08-1940610S 27-08-1940HAL 11-09-19407OTU 13-10-1940u/c collapse during maint CAC 12-1940SOC 01-06-1941

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9909, Mk Ia

s/n K9909

c/n 121

VA (Supermarine)

K 9909

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 22-03-193965S 'FZ-O' 25-03-1939shot down by Bf109 nr Dover Flight Sergeant Keymer killed 22-08-1940SOC 08-10-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9910, Mk Ia

s/n K9910

c/n 122

VA (Supermarine)

K 9910

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 23-03-193965S 28-03-1939crash-landed 05-1939602S 06-03-1940Damaged by return fire from Do17s and crashlanded Crocker Hill Boxgrove Sussex Pilot Officer Webb injured 09-09-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9911, Mk Ia

s/n K9911

c/n 123

VA (Supermarine)

K 9911

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 24-03-193965S 28-03-1939shot down by Bf109 Dover dbf Flight Sergeant Kirton killed 08-08-1939

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9912, Mk Ia

s/n K9912

c/n 130

VA (Supermarine)

K 9912

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 25-03-193965S 'YT-O' 04-04-1939Damaged by Bf109 and crashlanded on beach Dunkerque 26-05-1940SOC 14-08-1940test bed for MIII and DeH 03-blade 02-speed prop

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9913, Mk Ia

s/n K9913

c/n 124

VA (Supermarine)

K 9913

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 25-03-193965S 'FZ-L' 26-03-1939u/c raised prematurely on take-off sank back on to ground and u/c collapsed Hornchurch 27-07-1939to 1632M 5SoTT 12-08-1939SOC 15-03-1944

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9914, Mk Ia

s/n K9914

c/n 125

VA (Supermarine)

K 9914

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 26-03-193965S 01-04-1939AST 09-01-194066S 04-06-1940eng fire crash-landed Coltishall 08-07-1940SOC 21-08-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9915, Mk Ia

s/n K9915

c/n 126

VA (Supermarine)

K 9915

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 27-03-193965S 30-03-1939AST 24-05-194065S 30-05-1940Presumed shot down by Bf109s on patrol off Deal Pilot Officer Pyman killed 16-08-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9916, Mk Ia

s/n K9916

c/n 127

VA (Supermarine)

K 9916

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 28-03-193965S 01-04-1939603S 14-12-1939FTR on patrol Flying Officer Peel assumed dead 17-07-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9917, Mk Ia

s/n K9917

c/n 128

VA (Supermarine)

K 9917

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 29-03-193965S 01-04-1939Hit tree attempting to forceland while iced up Aldermaston Berks 05-12-1939SOC 03-01-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9918, Mk Ia

s/n K9918

c/n 129

VA (Supermarine)

K 9918

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 30-03-193965S 01-04-19394MU 31-05-1940611S 04-06-19404MU 06-06-19407OTU 21-08-1940FAC2 31-08-194034S 03-09-19401CRU 07-09-1940CB 24MU 14-11-194053OTU 08-04-194161OTU 11-07-1941to 2768M SOC 30-09-1941

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9919, Mk Ia

s/n K9919

c/n 131

VA (Supermarine)

K 9919

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 31-03-193965S 04-04-1939Stalled on night approach and hit ground Hornchurch 09-08-19394MU 04-12-1939SOC rtp

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9920, Mk Ia

s/n K9920

c/n 132

VA (Supermarine)

K 9920

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 01-04-193965S 12-04-1939engine failed crashed North Foreland Kent CE 22-05-1940SOC 27-05-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9921, Mk Ia

s/n K9921

c/n 133

VA (Supermarine)

K 9921

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 02-04-193965S 12-04-1939FA 28-05-193954MU 31-05-19407OTU 16-08-1940FA 25-09-1940FA 28-12-1940to 2457M SOC 18-01-1941

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9922, Mk Ia

s/n K9922

c/n 134

VA (Supermarine)

K 9922

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 03-04-193972S 11-04-1939Crashed on landing during night training flight Acklington CE 27-08-194043MU 30-08-1940SOC 03-09-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9923, Mk Ia

s/n K9923

c/n 143

VA (Supermarine)

K 9923

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 03-04-193972S 21-04-1939wheels up landing Church Fenton 13-07-1939rtp

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9924, Mk Ia

s/n K9924

c/n 135

VA (Supermarine)

K 9924

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 04-04-193972S 11-04-1939AST 6MU 15-11-194058OTU 28-12-194012MU 01-01-194158OTU 02-02-1941CB 21-05-194233MU 22-09-194353OTU 24-10-1943CAC 03-02-1944CE SOC 11-08-1944

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9925, Mk Ia

s/n K9925

c/n 136

VA (Supermarine)

K 9925

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 04-04-193972S 'C' 11-04-1939stalled on approach u/c collapsed cartwheeled Woolsington 26-05-1940SOC 14-06-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9926, Mk Ia

s/n K9926

c/n 137

VA (Supermarine)

K 9926

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 06-04-193972S 'B' 14-04-1939603S CE SOC 31-05-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9927, Mk Ia

s/n K9927

c/n 138

VA (Supermarine)

K 9927

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 11-04-193974S 14-04-1939wheels up landing Church Fenton 19-07-1939SOC 28-08-1939

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9928, Mk Ia

s/n K9928

c/n 151

VA (Supermarine)

K 9928

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 19-04-193972S 21-04-193974S 'ZP-W'10-05-1940struck by lightning crashed nr Margate dbf Flight Sergeant White killed 08-07-194049MU 08-07-1940SOC 31-07-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9929, Mk Ia

s/n K9929

c/n 139

VA (Supermarine)

K 9929

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 12-04-193972S 14-04-1939damaged ops 03-08-1940Westland 27-09-19408MU 17-10-19407OTU 24-10-194034MU 19-12-194052OTU 31-01-1941Overshot landing at night Aston Down FACB 17-06-1941AST recat E1 24-07-1942

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9930, Mk Ia

s/n K9930

c/n 140

VA (Supermarine)

K 9930

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 12-04-193954S 15-04-1939152S 23-02-1940AST 10-09-194053OTU 07-09-1941aircraft abandoned jammed control crashed nr Cowbridge Glam 11-09-1941

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9931, Mk Ia

s/n K9931

c/n 141

VA (Supermarine)

K 9931

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 13-04-193974S 18-04-1939AST 08-05-1940610S 'DW-R' 07-07-1940Shot down by Bf109s crashed dbf Pilot Officer Gardiner injured 25-08-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9932, Mk Ia

s/n K9932

c/n 142

VA (Supermarine)

K 9932

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 14-04-193974S 19-04-1939engine failed crashed force-landing Canvey Island Essex 04-05-1940SOC 13-05-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9933, Mk Ia

s/n K9933

c/n 145

VA (Supermarine)

K 9933

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 15-04-193972S 17-04-1939602S 23-11-1939AST 25-01-19407OTU 13-07-1940Scottish Aviation 27-09-1940OTU 02-01-194153OTU 17-07-1941struck by P9368 while parked Llandow CE 14-12-1942recat B 57OTU 28-07-1943SOC 06-03-1945

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9934, Mk Ia

s/n K9934

c/n 146

VA (Supermarine)

K 9934

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 15-04-193972S 'SD-K' 18-04-19392SoTT 04-09-1939AST 30-11-19395OTU 04-06-19407OTU 30-08-1940FAC2 22-09-194058OTU 31-12-1940to 3083M 1SoTT 16-05-1942

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9935, Mk Ia

s/n K9935

c/n 147

VA (Supermarine)

K 9935

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 16-04-193972S 19-04-1939damaged by Bf109 over Channel Flight Sergeant Steere safe 05-10-193958OTU 09-03-1941stalled dived into ground Acklington 14-04-1941Scottish Aviation 18-04-1941SOC 30-04-1941

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9936, Mk Ia

s/n K9936

c/n 148

VA (Supermarine)

K 9936

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 18-04-193972S 21-04-1939FAC2 02-07-194058OTU 02-01-194157OTU 30-07-194152OTU 23-08-194157OTU 01-11-194152OTU 09-07-194257OTU 29-08-194385GCF 10-05-1944

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9937, Mk Ia

s/n K9937

c/n 149

VA (Supermarine)

K 9937

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 17-04-193972S 'SD-B' 19-04-1939Braked to avoid overshooting and tipped up Church Fenton 30-06-1939SOC 21-07-1939rtp

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9938, Mk Ia

s/n K9938

c/n 150

VA (Supermarine)

K 9938

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 18-04-193972S 'SD-H' later 'ZP-W' 21-04-1939shot down by Bf109 aircraft abandoned crashed nr Herne Bay dbf Flight Sergeant Norfolk safe 02-09-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9939, Mk Ia

s/n K9939

c/n 152

VA (Supermarine)

K 9939

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 19-04-193972S 21-04-1939AST 18-12-1939222S 31-08-1940shot down by Bf109 crashed Northam Pilot Officer Edridge killed 30-10-1940(Edridge was shot down 3 times in BoB)

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9940, Mk Ia

s/n K9940

c/n 153

VA (Supermarine)

K 9940

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 19-04-193972S 24-04-1939damaged in air raid Biggin Hill FAC2 06-10-194058OTU 01-01-1941CGS 09-07-1941FAAC 27-12-194153OTU 27-11-1943u/c jammed up bellylanded Kirton-in-Lindsey FAAC 21-02-194442OTU 12-08-1944SOC 20-12-1944

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9941, Mk Ia

s/n K9941

c/n 154

VA (Supermarine)

K 9941

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 21-04-193972S 24-04-1939Control lost in cloud crashed Hooton Roberts Yorks 21-08-1939

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9942, Mk Ia

s/n K9942

c/n 6S 30225

VA (Supermarine)

K 9942

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 21-04-193972S 24-04-1939bellylanded on return from patrol Acklington 05-06-19407OTU 17-08-194057OTU 17-08-1940FACB 06-02-194253OTU 10-04-1943RNDA 17-03-194433MU 06-04-194482MU 15-05-194452MU 28-08-1944RAF Museum Hendon as SD-V 8383M flown by Flying Officer JB Nicholson VC extant 1984

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9943, Mk Ia

s/n K9943

c/n 156

VA (Supermarine)

K 9943

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 21-04-193972S 24-04-1939MMO 09-07-19397OTU 17-06-1940AST 22-11-1940to 3229M 13-03-19415SoTT

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9944, Mk Ia

s/n K9944

c/n 157

VA (Supermarine)

K 9944

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 22-04-193966S 27-04-1939SF Northolt 19-10-1939snow guard and eng trials 27-02-1940VHF radio trials 04-1940comparison ailerons trials with Curtiss H-75 Hawkinge and Gloster F.5/34. Hawkinge superior to Spit in dive attack and dogfight but Spit could break off combat due to higher speed 609S 04-06-194054S 08-06-194019S 17-06-194066S 18-07-1940Shot down by Bf109s nr Gillingham Kent 05-09-1940F/Lt Christie injured SOC 11-11-1940RAE 04-1941trials with double trail edge flaps perforated with holes later slots Spoiler was fitt to tailplane. trials with fabric ailerons which tended to reverse at high Mach numbers in dive and lost effectiveness at 400mph.FH237.25

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9945, Mk Ia

s/n K9945

c/n 158

VA (Supermarine)

K 9945

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 22-04-1939first aircraft to have designation FIa 66S 27-04-1939616S 15-11-1939AST 02-02-19407OTU 21-07-1940RAE 09-1940FAC2 24-10-194057OTU 19-12-1940CGS 11-10-19411CRU 28-07-194258OTU 26-01-1943Ran out of fuel and bellylanded nr Grangemouth FACE 01-06-1943SOC 30-06-1943

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9946, Mk Ia

s/n K9946

c/n 159

VA (Supermarine)

K 9946

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 24-04-193966S 28-04-1939616S 17-11-1939engine failed crashed force-landing nr Catfoss 05-03-1940RAE 08-1940SOC 16-08-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9947, Mk Ia

s/n K9947

c/n 160

VA (Supermarine)

K 9947

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 25-04-193966S 28-04-1939616S 14-11-1939AST 02-06-1940610S 10-08-1940shot down Flight Sergeant Gardner force-landed Wye 14-08-1940222S 23-09-194058OTU 09-02-1941CGS 09-07-1941222S crashed force-landing into pond nr Kings Lynn Norfolk CE 13-04-1942ASTH SOC

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9948, Mk Ia

s/n K9948

c/n 161

VA (Supermarine)

K 9948

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 26-04-193966S 28-04-193974S 'JH-H' 02-05-1939616S 11-11-1939FTR ops 01-06-1940FH244.50

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9949, Mk Ia

s/n K9949

c/n 162

VA (Supermarine)

K 9949

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 26-04-193966S 28-04-1939hit obst night landing Duxford 01-06-1939FH26.50

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9950, Mk Ia

s/n K9950

c/n 163

VA (Supermarine)

K 9950

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 27-04-193966S 02-05-1939616S 08-11-1939611S 03-06-1940GAL 07-06-1940damaged landing Flight Sergeant Burt safe 22-07-194064S 29-09-1940fire in flight aircraft abandoned over Tunbridge Wells Kent 28-11-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9951, Mk Ia

s/n K9951

c/n 164

VA (Supermarine)

K 9951

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 28-04-193974S 02-05-193992S 12-09-1940Scottish Aviation 01-10-194053OTU 17-07-1941FAAC 28-01-194253OTU collision with P8249 landing Llandow CE 27-05-1942

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9952, Mk Ia

s/n K9952

c/n 165

VA (Supermarine)

K 9952

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 28-04-193974S 02-05-1939FTR Dunkirk 24-05-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9953, Mk Ia

s/n K9953

c/n 166

VA (Supermarine)

K 9953

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 28-04-193974S 02-05-193992S 12-04-1940RAE 06-1940pilot A G 'Sailor' Malancha 7OTU 01-11-1940FAAC 04-03-1941AST 10-03-194157OTU 16-06-1942air collision with R6883 crashed nr Eshott CE 07-10-1943

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9954, Mk Ia

s/n K9954

c/n 167

VA (Supermarine)

K 9954

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 01-05-193954S 05-05-1939152S 27-12-1939Damaged by Bf109 off Portland 05-08-1940SOC 20-08-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9955, Mk Ia

s/n K9955

c/n 168

VA (Supermarine)

K 9955

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 01-05-193954S 05-05-1939602S 08-11-1939damaged by Bf109 off Beachy Head Sussex force-landed 04-09-1940AST to 3267M 10SoTT SOC 18-09-1944

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9956, Mk Ia

s/n K9956

c/n 170

VA (Supermarine)

K 9956

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 01-05-193965S 06-05-1939603S 04-12-1939overturned in crashlanding in heavy rain Drem 17-04-1940AST SOC 13-05-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9957, Mk Ia

s/n K9957

c/n 171

VA (Supermarine)

K 9957

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 02-05-193965S 06-05-193974S 06-12-1939FTR Dunkirk 21-05-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9958, Mk Ia

s/n K9958

c/n 172

VA (Supermarine)

K 9958

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 02-05-193973S 08-05-1939Westland 09-09-194064S 02-10-194053OTU 16-07-1941Stalled on landing and u/c collapsed Llandow 09-09-1941ASTE 15-09-1941

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9959, Mk Ia

s/n K9959

c/n 173

VA (Supermarine)

K 9959

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 04-05-193972S 08-05-19391CRU 26-08-19401PRU 09-10-1940engine failed crashed force-landed Long Marston Herts 22-01-1941

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9960, Mk Ia

s/n K9960

c/n 174

VA (Supermarine)

K 9960

Merlin II


Merlin II engine.


FF 03-05-193910MU 06-05-1939610S 'DW-P' 02-10-1939222S 17-06-1940610S 23-07-1940FA 17-08-194072S 05-09-1940hit obst while taxy Croydon 07-09-1940Damaged by Bf109 over Ashford aircraft abandoned crashed Orlestone Flight Sergeant Bell-Walker safe 14-09-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9961, Mk Ia

s/n K9961

c/n 178

VA (Supermarine)

K 9961

Merlin II


Merlin III engine.


FF 08-05-1939602S 10-05-1939AST 29-02-19407OTU 21-07-194058OTU 01-1941CGS 09-07-1941crashed force-landing Ternhill while being ferried by 6FPP CAC 15-05-1942recat B recat E 26-05-1942FH297.55

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9962, Mk Ia

s/n K9962

c/n 175

VA (Supermarine)

K 9962

Merlin II


Merlin III engine.


FF 04-05-1939602S 08-05-1939AST 04-03-1940222S 03-09-1940shot down by Bf109 crashed West Malling Kent Flight Sergeant Ramshaw killed 04-09-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9963, Mk Ia

s/n K9963

c/n 176

VA (Supermarine)

K 9963

Merlin II


Merlin III engine.


FF 04-05-1939602S 08-05-1939AST 27-11-1939611S 04-06-1940234S 01-09-1940603S 06-09-1940C3 ops 05-10-1940SOC

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9964, Mk Ia

s/n K9964

c/n 179

VA (Supermarine)

K 9964

Merlin II


Merlin III engine.


FF 08-05-1939602S 10-05-19391CRU 21-05-194064S 'SH-W' 14-08-1940shot down nr Calais Pilot Officer Roberts safe POW 15-08-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9965, Mk Ia

s/n K9965

c/n 177

VA (Supermarine)

K 9965

Merlin II


Merlin III engine.


FF 05-05-1939602S 10-05-1939Lost height in turn after night take-off on training flight and flew into ground nr Abbotsinch 08-09-1939pilot killed SOC 03-10-1939

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9966, Mk Ia

s/n K9966

c/n 180

VA (Supermarine)

K 9966

Merlin II


Merlin III engine.


FF 08-05-1939602S 'ZT-E' 12-05-1939u/c collapse on takeoff Abbotsinch 08-07-1939SOC 15-08-1939rtp

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9967, Mk Ia

s/n K9967

c/n 181

VA (Supermarine)

K 9967

Merlin II


Merlin III engine.


FF 08-05-1939602S 'ZT-O' 10-05-1939wheels up landing MMO 30-05-19397OTU 17-06-194019S 03-09-19407OTU 10-09-1940crash-landing Hawarden 14-09-1940C3 SOC 23-09-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9968, Mk Ia

s/n K9968

c/n 182

VA (Supermarine)

K 9968

Merlin II


Merlin III engine.


FF 09-05-1939602S 12-05-193966S crashed Duxford 06-09-1939pilot killed SOC rtp

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9969, Mk Ia

s/n K9969

c/n 183

VA (Supermarine)

K 9969

Merlin II


Merlin III engine.


FF 10-05-1939602S 18-05-1939damaged ops nr Southampton Flying Officer Fergusson crashed after striking H/T cables CAC 18-08-19401416Flt Hendon 03-04-1941140S 03-04-1941HAL 18-07-1942RN Arbroath 04-09-1942761S Henstridge 11-1942While stationary hit by taxying Master W9026 45MU 11-09-1944SOC 26-01-1945DBR

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9970, Mk Ia

s/n K9970

c/n 184

VA (Supermarine)

K 9970

Merlin II


Merlin III engine.


FF 10-05-1939602S 12-05-1939611S 'DW-V' 04-06-1940wheels up landing Digby Pilot Officer Lund safe 28-07-19401CRU 03-08-1940610S 09-09-1940602S 14-12-1940engine failed crashed force-landing nr West Kilbride CE 06-01-1941SOC 17-01-1941

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9971, Mk Ia

s/n K9971

c/n 185

VA (Supermarine)

K 9971

Merlin II


Merlin III engine.


FF 11-05-1939602S 18-05-1939overshot landing skidded on wet ground and hit hedge Church Fenton 18-07-1939SOC rtp

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9972, Mk Ia

s/n K9972

c/n 188

VA (Supermarine)

K 9972

Merlin II


Merlin III engine.


FF 11-05-1939602S 16-05-1939MMO 23-09-19397OTU 22-07-1940FACB 28-08-194057OTU crashed force-landed Rhyl North Wales dbf 25-04-1941SOC 10-05-1941

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9973, Mk Ia

s/n K9973

c/n 189

VA (Supermarine)

K 9973

Merlin II


Merlin III engine.


FF 12-05-1939602S 16-05-1939MMO 30-11-1939SOC 10-11-1942

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9974, Mk Ia

s/n K9974

c/n 186

VA (Supermarine)

K 9974

Merlin II


Merlin III engine.


FF 12-05-1939602S 15-05-1939overshot landing struck L1079 Drem C3 26-11-193963MU 07-12-1939SOC 16-01-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9975, Mk Ia

s/n K9975

c/n 187

VA (Supermarine)

K 9975

Merlin II


Merlin III engine.


FF 15-05-1939602S 18-05-1939AST 11-02-1940610S 14-09-1940222S 23-09-1940GAL 01-10-194058OTU 13-01-1941FAAC 04-02-194157OTU 29-05-1942dived into ground nr Sealand 29-05-1942CE

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9976, Mk Ia

s/n K9976

c/n 190

VA (Supermarine)

K 9976

Merlin II


Merlin III engine.


FF 15-05-1939602S 18-05-1939AST 14-11-19395OTU 04-06-19407OTU 21-08-1940FAC2 06-09-1940AST 25-02-194153OTU 21-07-1941spun into ground nr Flemingstone Glamorgan 11-09-1941SOC 18-09-1941

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9977, Mk Ia

s/n K9977

c/n 191

VA (Supermarine)

K 9977

Merlin II


Merlin III engine.


FF 16-05-1939602S 18-05-1939lost wing during aerobatics crashed Haddington CE Lothian 30-12-1939Flight Sergeant Bailey killed SOC 11-02-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9978, Mk Ia

s/n K9978

c/n 192

VA (Supermarine)

K 9978

Merlin II


Merlin III engine.


FF 16-05-1939602S 18-05-1939Ran out of fuel while lost on night patrol forcelanded and hit hedge nr Dunbar CE Lothian 02-03-1940SOC 13-05-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9979, Mk Ia

s/n K9979

c/n 197

VA (Supermarine)

K 9979

Merlin II


Merlin III engine.


FF 16-05-1939602S 22-05-1939ASTH 14-11-19397OTU 22-09-1940FAO crashed CB 25-09-194052OTU 31-10-1941CB ops 25-04-1942GAL 12-07-194231SLG 12-12-194252OTU 03-06-194358OTU 21-06-1943FAAC 12-09-19432CTW 20-10-19431TEU 26-02-1944crashed 25-05-1944Scottish Aviation 12-08-1944CE 28-08-1944

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9980, Mk Ia

s/n K9980

c/n 193

VA (Supermarine)

K 9980

Merlin III


Merlin III engine.


FF 16-05-1939first with MIII eng 611S 19-05-1939152S 15-02-1940FAC3 21-07-1940SOC 22-10-1940FH182-10

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9981, Mk Ia

s/n K9981

c/n 194

VA (Supermarine)

K 9981

Merlin III


Merlin III engine.


FF 17-05-1939611S 19-05-1939AST 05-03-1940611S 04-06-19407OTU 21-08-1940crashed force-landing River Dee nr Flint 12-09-1940SOC 03-10-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9982, Mk Ia

s/n K9982

c/n 195

VA (Supermarine)

K 9982

Merlin III


Merlin III engine.


FF 17-05-1939611S 20-05-1939152S 09-02-1940shot down off IoW 16.40hrs Flying Officer Deanesley abandoned aircraft injured 26-09-1940SOC

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9983, Mk Ia

s/n K9983

c/n 196

VA (Supermarine)

K 9983

Merlin III


Merlin III engine.


FF 18-05-1939611S 20-05-1939616S 09-02-1940AST 17-05-19407OTU 16-08-1940FAC2 15-11-194058OTU 26-03-1941to 3275M 10SoTT 18-12-1942CE 03-08-1944

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9984, Mk Ia

s/n K9984

c/n 198

VA (Supermarine)

K 9984

Merlin III


Merlin III engine.


FF 19-05-1939611S 22-05-1939616S 09-02-1940FA 27-04-19407OTU 21-07-1940FAC2 21-09-1940SOC 03-10-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9985, Mk Ia

s/n K9985

c/n 199

VA (Supermarine)

K 9985

Merlin III


Merlin III engine.


FF 19-05-1939611S 22-05-1939Flew into ground out of cloud on navex 5mn SW of Wattisham 02-09-1939Pilot Officer Leech killed SOCFH54.30

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9986, Mk Ia

s/n K9986

c/n 200

VA (Supermarine)

K 9986

Merlin III


Merlin III engine.


FF 20-05-193966S 22-05-1939crashed at night Duxford 06-09-1939SOC 18-09-1939

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9987, Mk Ia

s/n K9987

c/n 201

VA (Supermarine)

K 9987

Merlin III


Merlin III engine.


FF 22-05-193966S 'RB-V' 23-05-1939Hit hedge on approach and crash-landed Duxford 30-09-1939SOCFH53.90

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9988, Mk Ia

s/n K9988

c/n 202

VA (Supermarine)

K 9988

Merlin III


Merlin III engine.


FF 23-05-193966S 23-05-1939616S 14-11-1939CE SOC 16-03-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9989, Mk Ia

s/n K9989

c/n 203

VA (Supermarine)

K 9989

Merlin III


Merlin III engine.


FF 23-05-193966S 10-09-1939611S 09-02-1940FA 08-06-194072S Biggin Hill 09-09-1940collision with X4544 during scramble 09.35hrs Pilot Officer Sutton killed 05-10-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9990, Mk Ia

s/n K9990

c/n 204

VA (Supermarine)

K 9990

Merlin III


Merlin III engine.


FF 23-05-193966S 10-09-1939611S 30-11-1939152S shot down by AA fire from British Convoy aircraft abandoned off IoW 18-07-1940FH149.15

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9991, Mk Ia

s/n K9991

c/n 205

VA (Supermarine)

K 9991

Merlin III


Merlin III engine.


FF 24-05-193941S 08-09-193964S 17-04-1940shot down by Bf109 08.30hrs Pilot Officer Donahue safe C2 05-08-1940ASTH 57OTU 01-11-1940takeoff in coarse pitch Sealand hit bank CE 13-03-194161OTU 30-08-1941GAL 08-09-1941Portugal 18-09-1943

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9992, Mk Ia

s/n K9992

c/n 206

VA (Supermarine)

K 9992

Merlin III


Merlin III engine.


FF 24-05-193974S 28-09-1939shot down Dunkirk 31-05-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9993, Mk Ia

s/n K9993

c/n 207

VA (Supermarine)

K 9993

Merlin III


Merlin III engine.


FF 24-05-193966S 30-09-193919S 30-11-1939FA 13-06-1940GAL 19-06-194041S 10-09-1940222S 13-09-1940shot down by Bf109 11.50hrs Pilot Officer Asheton abandoned aircraft Malden Surrey 20-09-1940

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9994, Mk Ia

s/n K9994

c/n 208

VA (Supermarine)

K 9994

Merlin III


Merlin III engine.


FF 25-05-193974S 28-09-1939ASTH 01-12-19397OTU 18-06-1940FA 05-07-1940AST 65S 20-10-194057OTU 28-11-1940Hit sea force-landed on beach Prestatyn North Wales 08-06-1941SOC CE 10-1941

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9995, Mk Ia

s/n K9995

c/n 209

VA (Supermarine)

K 9995

Merlin III


Merlin III engine.


FF 26-05-1939504S 02-11-1939603S 06-11-1939C2 ops 19-07-19401CRU 602S 19-08-194065S 27-08-1940FA 27-08-1940Cunliffe-Owen 57OTU hit ground fly low off Dee Estuary 08-06-1941ros 57OTU 06-09-1941FACE total wreck 21-09-1941SOC 14-10-1941

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9996, Mk Ia

s/n K9996

c/n 210

VA (Supermarine)

K 9996

Merlin III


Merlin III engine.


FF 31-05-1939504S 02-11-1939603S 06-11-1939AST 15-11-1939266S 17-08-1940616S 07-09-194057OTU 04-01-1941FACB 26-03-1941crashed on takeoff Hawarden engine failed CE 30-07-1941SOC 09-08-1941

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9997, Mk Ia

s/n K9997

c/n 211

VA (Supermarine)

K 9997

Merlin III


Merlin III engine.


FF 01-06-1939504S 02-11-1939603S 06-11-1939AST 06-01-1940FACB 17-04-1940609S 04-06-1940damaged enemy action 12-08-19407OTU 05-10-1940Scottish Aviation 22-04-194153OTU 17-07-1941ros 20-09-1941Swung on landing and tipped up Llandow later hit by X4891 CE 24-01-1942

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9998, Mk Ia

s/n K9998

c/n 212

VA (Supermarine)

K 9998

Merlin III


Merlin III engine.


FF 01-06-1939504S 02-11-1939603S 06-11-1939AST 24-02-194092S 02-07-19407OTU 01-11-1940Westland 04-11-19407OTU 04-11-194057OTU FACB 16-08-1941crash-landed Hawarden 26-08-19411CRU to 2822M 6SoTT 27-12-1941

last update: 2025-February-05

Spitfire K9999, Mk Ia

s/n K9999

c/n 213

VA (Supermarine)

K 9999

Merlin III


Merlin III engine.


FF 01-06-193910MU 05-06-1939611S 'FY-D' 18-09-1939152S 15-02-1940shot down by Ju88 off IoW 12-08-1940

last update: 2025-February-05