Halifax (Total: 6,178, Canadian: 259, Group 259)
Handley Page Halifax

The Handley Page Halifax is a British Royal Air Force (RAF) four-engined heavy bomber of the Second World War. It was developed by Handley Page to the same specification as the contemporary twin-engine Avro Manchester.
The Halifax has its origins in the twin-engine HP56 proposal of the late 1930s, produced in response to the British Air Ministry's Specification P.13/36 for a capable medium bomber for "world-wide use." The HP56 was ordered as a backup to the Avro 679, both aircraft being designed to use the underperforming Rolls-Royce Vulture engine. The Handley Page design was altered at the Ministry to a four-engine arrangement powered by the Rolls-Royce Merlin engine; the rival Avro 679 was produced as the twin-engine Avro Manchester which, while regarded as unsuccessful mainly due to the Vulture engine, was a direct predecessor of the famed Avro Lancaster. Both the Lancaster and the Halifax would emerge as capable four-engined strategic bombers, thousands of which would be built and operated by the RAF and several other services during the War.
On 25 October 1939, the Halifax performed its maiden flight, and it entered service with the RAF on 13 November 1940. It quickly became a major component of Bomber Command, performing routine strategic bombing missions against the Axis Powers, many of them at night. Arthur Harris, the Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief of Bomber Command, described the Halifax as inferior to the rival Lancaster (in part due to its smaller payload) though this opinion was not shared by many of the crews that flew it, particularly for the MkIII variant. Nevertheless, production of the Halifax continued until April 1945. During their service with Bomber Command, Halifaxes flew a total of 82,773 operations and dropped 224,207 tons of bombs, while 1,833 aircraft were lost. The Halifax was also flown in large numbers by other Allied and Commonwealth nations, such as the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF), Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), Free French Air Force and Polish forces. Wikipedia
Halifax NP681, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP681
Handley Page Ltd
NP 681
Hercules XVI
unit 420/426
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP682, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP682
Handley Page Ltd
NP 682
Hercules XVI
Units 420/426
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP683, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP683
Handley Page Ltd
NP 683
Hercules XVI
Unit 420/426
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP684, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP684
Handley Page Ltd
NP 684
Hercules XVI
Unit 426
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP685, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP685
Handley Page Ltd
NP 685
Hercules XVI
Unit 426/408
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP686, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP686
Handley Page Ltd
NP 686
Hercules XVI
Per Halifax File, Failed to Return, 29.7.44 Unit 420
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP687, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP687
Handley Page Ltd
NP 687
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-March-10
Bombing Stuttgart Germany 1944-07-25 to 1944-07-26
432 (B) Sqn (RCAF) East Moor
Battle of Normandy
432 Leaside Squadron (Saeviter ad Lucem) RAF east Moor. Halifax BVII aircraft NP 687 QO-A was shot down by Oblt Herbert Schulte zur Surlage 5/ NJG4 flying a a Ju-88 G-1 during an operation against targets in Stuttgart, Germany. The Halifax was abandoned and crashed at Chateaudun-Neuville aux Bois (Villampuy area), Eure-et-Loir, France
Flying Officer SP Wright (RAFVR) was the only crew member lost, killed in actionWing Commander JK MacDonald (RCAF), Flying Officer MFC Grimsey (RCAF), Flight Sergeant BR Justason (RCAF), Flying Officer W Calderwood (RAF), Pilot Officer H Chamberlain (RAF) and Flight Lieutenant HJS Kemley DFC (RAF) all survived and became Evaders. Grimsey, Chamberlain and Kemley were all at the Freteval Camp in France as part of the Comet Escape Line until liberated by American troops 1944-08-14
MacDonald, Justason and Calderwood were driven from Orgeres-en-Beauce to Villeron by Raymond PICOURT, a pharmacist in Chartres. They sheltered there until their liberation by American troops in mid-August 1944
There were two 432 Squadron Halifax VII aircraft lost on this operation. Please see aircraft serial NP 688 QO-X foe additional information on this aircraft and crew
[Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...
Halifax NP688, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP688
Handley Page Ltd
NP 688
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-March-10
Bombing Stuttgart Germany 1944-07-25 to 1944-07-26
432 (B) Sqn (RCAF) East Moor
Battle of Normandy
432 Leaside Squadron (Saeviter ad Lucem) RAF East Moor. Halifax BVII aircraft NP 688 QO-X failed to return from an operation against targets in Stuttgart, Germany. The cause of loss was not determined but there are both night fighter and flak claims for this loss. The Halifax crashed at Breteniere, near Thorey-en-Plaine, 13 km SE of Dijon, France
Pilot Officer JR Giles (RCAF), Pilot Officer GB Martin (RCAF), Flying Officer KL Moss (RCAF), Flying Officer F Wittmack (RCAF), Flight Lieutenant DW Johnson (RCAF)(USA) and Sergeant FD Crawford (RAFVR) were all killed in action
The Navigator, Flying Officer GR Ellis (RCAF) was the sole survivor from this crew and was taken as a Prisoner of War
There were two 432 Squadron Halifax VII aircraft lost on this operation. Please see aircraft serial NP 687 QO-A for additional information on this aircraft and crew
[Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...
Research of France-Crashes 39-45
Halifax NP688 (bois) - Thorey-en-Plaine le 26 July 1944 I Aerosteles

Halifax NP689, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP689
Handley Page Ltd
NP 689
Hercules XVI
Unit 432
last update: 2025-February-05
Bombing Hagen Germany 1945-03-15 to 1945-03-15
(B) Sqn (RCAF) East Moor
267 aircraft - 134 Lancasters, l 22 Halifaxes, 11 Mosquitoes - of 4, 6 and 8 Groups. 6 Lancasters and 4 Halifaxes lost.
This area attack took place in clear visibility and caused severe damage; the local report estimated that the bomber force was 800 aircraft strong! The main attack fell in the centre and eastern districts. There were 1,439 fires, of which 124 were classified 11s large. 493 Germans and 12 foreigners were killed. 30,000-35,000 people were bombed out.
Halifax VII aircraft NP 689 QO-M "Moonlight Mermaid" was shot down by flak near the target over Germany (R Koval)
Flying Officer SM Bonter (RCAF), Sergeant DC Lawton (RCAF) and Sergeant D Colquhoun (RAFVR) were killed
Flying Officer HE Vachon (RCAF), Flying Officer AT Hinchcliffe (RCAF) and Warrant Officer Class 2 EEV Anderson (RCAF) baled safely and were taken Prisoner of War (R Koval). Sergeant TD Scott (RCAF) also baled out safely and evaded but fell into the hands of the Gestapo and was murdered April 3, 1945. This was NP 689's 84th or 85th sortie (letter, Airforce, Sept. 1983, which also gives the name as "Moonlight Maiden")

Halifax NP690, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP690
Handley Page Ltd
NP 690
Hercules XVI
Unit 432
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP691, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP691
Handley Page Ltd
NP 691
Hercules XVI
Unit 432
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP692, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP692
Handley Page Ltd
NP 692
Hercules XVI
Unit 432
last update: 2025-February-05
Bombing Bottrop Germany 1944-09-27 to 1944-09-27
(B) Sqn (RCAF) East Moor
175 aircraft - 96 Halifaxes, 71 Lancasters, 8 Mosquitoes - of 6 and 8 Groups attacked the Ruhroel A.G. synthetic-oil plant in the Welheim suburb ofBottrop. The target was almost entirely cloud-covered and most of the bombing was aimed at Oboe sky-markers, although a few aircraft were able to bomb through small breaks' in the cloud. Explosions and black smoke were seen. No aircraft lost.
source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt
Halifax NP693, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP693
Handley Page Ltd
NP 693
Hercules XVI
Unit 432
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP694, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP694
Handley Page Ltd
NP 694
Hercules XVI
Unit 432
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP695, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP695
Handley Page Ltd
NP 695
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-March-10
Bombing Osnabruck Germany 1944-12-06 to 1944-12-06
(B) Sqn (RCAF) East Moor
453 aircraft- 363 Halifaxes, 72 Lancasters, 18 Mosquitoes - of 1, 4, 6 and 8 Groups, 7 Halifaxes and I Lancaster lost.
This was the first major raid on Osnabriick since August 1942. The raid was only a partial success. The railway yards were only slightly damaged but 4 factories were hit, including the Teuto-Metallwerke munitions factory, and 203 houses wen, destroyed. 39 people were killed.
source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt
Halifax aircraft NP 695 missing during a trip to Osnabruck, Germany. Claimed by Hptm Dietrich Schmidt 8/NJG1 - Nordwalde: 2,800m at 2014.(Nachtjagd Combat Archive 1944 Part 5 - Theo Boiten)
Those who perished were initially buried in Nordwalde Local Cemetery. Reinterred 24 March 1947.(CWGC)
Sergeant Jonas and Flt Sergeant Quinn RCAF were part of Trupp 56. They arrived at Bankau on 26 December 1944. (The Long Road - Oliver Clutton-Brock)
WOII Callaghan RCAF was captured on 6 December 1944 at Osnabruck;Fg Off Wilkinson RCAF was captured on 7 December 1944 near Munster;Plt Off Soles RCAF was captured on 7 December 1944 near Munster;Flt Sergeant Quinn RCAF was captured on 6 December 1944 near Munster;Navigator: R/174480 WOII Patrick Alec Callaghan RCAF - PoW/Stalag Luft 7 Bankau near Kreuzburg Upper Silesia/Stalag IIIA Luckenwalde/PoW Number 1315.
Bomb Aimer: J/26210 Fg Off Clarence Wilfrid Wilkinson RCAF - PoW/Stalag Luft 1 Barth Vogelsang PoW Number 6800
Wireless Operator: J/89784 Plt Off Clarence William Soles RCAF - PoW/Stalag Luft 1 Barth Vogelsang/PoW Number 6797
Mid Upper Gunner: R/150272 Flt Sergeant Harold Clinton Quinn RCAF - PoW/Stalag Luft 7 Bankau near Kreuzburg Upper Silesia/Stalag IIIA Luckenwalde/PoW Number 1300.source: John Jones

Halifax NP696, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP696
Handley Page Ltd
NP 696
Hercules XVI
Unit 426
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP697, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP697
Handley Page Ltd
NP 697
Hercules XVI
Unit 432
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP698, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP698
Handley Page Ltd
NP 698
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP699, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP699
Handley Page Ltd
NP 699
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-March-10
Ferry Flight Duisburg Germany 1944-12-17 to 1944-12-18
(B) Sqn (RCAF) East Moor
523 aircraft 418 Halifaxes, 81 Lancasters, 24 Mosquitoes - of 4, 6 and 8 Groups. 8 Halifaxes lost.
Duisburg was badly hit again. 346 houses were destroyed and 524 seriously damaged; industrial premises were probably hit also but few details are available, 92 -people, including 18 foreigners, were killed.
source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt
Halifax VII aircraft NP 699 QO-O "Oscar the Outlaw II" crashed by the French/Belgium border near Rocroi, France. The aircraft was involved a mid-air collision with 10 Sqn Halifax III LV 818 ZA-F during an early morning trip to Duisburg, Germany, causing the loss of both aircraft and only one survivor between the two aircrews (R Koval). Flying Officer RL Cann (RCAF), Pilot Officer SE Zadorozny (RCAF), Pilot Officer AG Blayney (RCAF), Flying Officer GD Wilson (RCAF), and Pilot Officer MJ Boylan (RAFVR) were killed and buried at various cemeteries scattered across Belgium and France. Pilot Officer JW Green (RCAF) missing, believed killed and listed on the Runnymede Memorial as missing. One Canadian, pilot Flight Lieutenant M Krakovsky (RCAF), survived, safe, and was returned to the Squadron
There were two 432 Sqn. aircraft lost on this date. Please see Farelll, E.J.for information regarding the other aircraft Halifax NP 701 and crew.

Halifax NP700, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP700
Handley Page Ltd
NP 700
Hercules XVI
Unit 426
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP701, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP701
Handley Page Ltd
NP 701
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-March-10
Bombing Duisburg Germany 1944-12-17 to 1944-12-18
(B) Sqn (RCAF) East Moor
523 aircraft 418 Halifaxes, 81 Lancasters, 24 Mosquitoes - of 4, 6 and 8 Groups. 8 Halifaxes lost.
Duisburg was badly hit again. 346 houses were destroyed and 524 seriously damaged; industrial premises were probably hit also but few details are available, 92 -people, including 18 foreigners, were killed.
source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt
Halifax VII aircraft NP 701 QO-G missing during a daylight operation, against Duisburg, German. Shot down by a fighter around 05:00. Aircraft quickly lost control and partially evacuated by parachute. (French Crashes 39-45) (Unable to confirm).Crashed at Beaume 17km East of Vervins.
Flying Officer GH March (RCAF), Pilot Officer EJ Farrell (RCAF)(Nfld), Pilot Officer EP Harvey (RCAF), Flying Officer D Hitchcock (RCAF), and FS a Eccleston (RAFVR) were killed. Two others of the crew, Flying Officer DJ McKinnon (RCAF) and Sergeant JE Harvey (RCAF) survived safe.Those who perished were initially buried at Champpiguel US Cemetery. Reinterred 21 May 1945. (CWGC
Sergeant J.E.Harvey RCAF statement:-At approximately 05:00 the Halifax of which I was rear gunner was attacked by enemy aircraft evasive action was taken by our aircraft and the enemy aircraft lost sight of us. After the enemy attacked us I told pilot to resume course . As far as I know the enemy aircraft did not fire at us and we did not fire at him. About 1 minute after this the plane got out of control and went into a dive. Then I was thrown out of the rear turret got clear and parachuted to safety. Was dazed on reaching the ground, laid low about half an hour then walked to the nearest village which was 2.5 miles away (Leuge). Was entertained in a house for half an hour. Enquired the local residents and one of them escorted me in the town where Fg Off McKinnon was in bed with a broken leg and badly shaken up. Then I ascertained the whereabouts of the aircraft which approved to be 2.5 miles from the village. Visited the scene of the crash and there I found the Wireless Operators body Flt Sergeant Harvey in part of the strewn wreckage. Identified him by his features. They recovered the other five bodies and was fairly certain they were all dead at the time. Was able to identify them all by their features etc. Then I endeavoured to locate the nearest Allied unit and found an American military post at Hirson about 12 miles distant. They got an ambulance for me and I was taken to 99 General Hospital at Rheims with Fg Off McKinnon who was picked up in Leuge. Stayed there until 24 December and then was moved to RAF Detachment (A68 Landing Strip) Left there in an American Dakota at noon on the 27th and returned to UK. Was not hospitalised. As far as I know the five bodies were taken care of by the American unit at Hirson. Fg Off McKinnon was thrown out of the aircraft the same time as I was. He may have received his injuries either when he was thrown clear or on reaching the ground. Fg Off McKinnon was moved from the 99 General Hospital either on Thursday 21st or Friday 22nd back to the UK. I was informed by one of the orderlies. (It has since been ascertained that Leuge is in Belgium. It is near the border of France which explains why he thought he was in France)
There were two 432 Sqn. aircraft lost on this date. Please see Cann, RL for information regarding the other crew and aircraft NP699.source: John Jones
Halifax NP702, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP702
Handley Page Ltd
NP 702
Hercules XVI
Unit 432
last update: 2025-February-05
Bombing Hamburg Germany 1944-07-28 to 1944-07-29
432 (B) Sqn (RCAF) RAF East Moor
Halifax VII aircraft NP 702 QO-B "Block Buzzter" failed to return from night operations over Hamburg, Germany, cause unknown. The aircraft was lost without a trace, most probably shot down by a night fighter, crashing into the North Sea near Heligoland, off the coast of Germany where most of the night fighter attacks occurred on this night
Pilot Officer EA Clarke (RCAF), Pilot Officer J Cook (RCAF), Pilot Officer EH Bishop (RCAF), Pilot Officer HD Lewis (RCAF), Pilot Officer FA Burgess (RCAF), Pilot Officer W Brown (RCAF), and Pilot Officer GW Bradshaw (RAFVR) were all missing, presumed killed in action
The crew have no known graves and are all commemorated on the Runnymede War Memorial
Twenty-two 6 Group aircraft and crews failed to return from this operation
432 Squadron Halifax III NP702 QO-B P/O> Clarke, RAF East Moor Nort...

Halifax NP703, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP703
Handley Page Ltd
NP 703
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP704, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP704
Handley Page Ltd
NP 704
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-March-10
Bombing Wanne-Eickel Germany 1945-02-02 to 1945-02-02
(B) Sqn (RCAF) East Moor
323 aircraft - 277 Halifaxes, 27 Lancasters, 19 Mosquitoes - of 4, 6 and 8 Groups, 11 Halifaxes lost.
This target was also cloud-covered and the attack, intended for the oil refinery, was not accurate. The local report assumed that the target was a local coal mine Shamrock 3/4; most of the bombing fell in the open ground around the mine, although 21 houses were hit and 68 people were killed.
source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt
Halifax aircraft NP 704 was shot down and crashed in the industrial area of Dusseldorf-Reishol, Germany during a night bombing operation against Wanne-Eickel, Germany. Flying Officer J.T. Robinson, P/Os R.G.E.Silver, H. Bloch, Flight Lieutenant G.H. Thomson,Warrant Officer A.M. Jones, Sergeant R.R. Vallier, and Pilot Officer W.H. Haryett were killed.

Halifax NP705, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP705
Handley Page Ltd
NP 705
Hercules XVI
Unit 432
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP706, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP706
Handley Page Ltd
NP 706
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-February-05
Bombing Caen France 1944-07-18 to 1944-07-18
(B) Sqn (RCAF) East Moor
Battle of Normandy
942 aircraft - 667 Lancasters, 260 Halifaxes, 15 Mosquitoes - to bomb 5 fortified villages in the area east of Caen through which British Second Army troops were about to make an armoured attack, Operation Goodwood.
The raids took place at dawn in clear conditions. 4 of the targets were satisfactorily marked by Oboe and, at the target where Oboe failed, the Master Bomber, Squadron Leader E. K. Creswell, and other Pathfinder crews used visual methods. American bombers also attacked these targets and a total of' 6,800 tons of bombs were dropped, of which Bomber Command dropped more than 5,000 tons. Elements of two German divisions, the 16th Luftwaffe Field Division and the 21st Panzer Division were badly affected by the bombing, the Luftwaffe Division particularly so. Operation Goodwood made a good start. This raid was either the most useful or one of the most useful of the operations carried out by Bomber Command in direct support of the Allied armies.*
The aircraft bombed from medium heights, 5,000--9,000 ft, but army artillery and naval gunfire subdued many of the Flak batteries and only 6 aircraft- 5 Halifaxes and 1 Lancaster - were shot down. No German fighters appeared; Allied air superiority over the battlefield by day was complete.
source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt
Halifax VII aircraft NP 706 QO-J was shot down by flak fourteen miles north-east of Falaise, France, at Boulogne during operations to Caen, France.
Pilot Officer RE Burton (RCAF) survived the crash but died from his wounds. Buried initially near the crash site, he was exhumed and reburied at the Bretteville-Sur-Laize Canadian War Cemetery, France.
Four Canadians, Flight Lieutenant JH Cooper (RCAF), Flying Officer RP Dryden (RCAF),Sergeant SD Wright (RCAF), and Warrant Officer Class 1 KE Elliott (RCAF) were taken as Prisoners of War Warrant Officer Class 2 A Zacharuk (RCAF), Sergeant HE Oakeby (RAF) were Evaders.

Halifax NP707, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP707
Handley Page Ltd
NP 707
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP708, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP708
Handley Page Ltd
NP 708
Hercules XVI
Unit 432
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP709, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP709
Handley Page Ltd
NP 709
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-February-05
Bombing Oberhausen Germany 1944-11-01 to 1944-11-02
426 (B) Sqn (RCAF) RAF Linton-on-Ouse
Halifax aircraft NP709 was shot up by a German night fighter aircraft then crashed and burned near Haan Germany.
Claim by Fw Peter Oberheid 6/NJG2 - Goch - Wesel - Duisburg - Venlo (KN - KO - LO - LN): 4,500m at 20:46. (Crashed in Steinstrabe at Haan Grid Square MP 1-7, bordering on LO)(Nachtjagd Combat Archive 1944 Part 5 - Theo Boiten)

Halifax NP710, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP710
Handley Page Ltd
NP 710
Hercules XVI
Units 432/408
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP711, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP711
Handley Page Ltd
NP 711
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-February-05
Bombing Worms Germany 1945-02-21 to 1945-02-21
408 (B) Sqn (RCAF) RAF Linton-on-Ouse
408 Goose Squadron (For Freedom), RAF Linton-on-Ouse. Halifax BVII aircraft NP 711 EQ-O was shot down during a night operation against targets in Worms, Germany. The aircraft was struck by flak near the target and, exploding when it crashed into a hillside near Leistadt, Germany
Flight Lieutenant DM Sanderson (RCAF), Flying Officer RB Smith (RCAF), Flying Officer WJ Gilmore (RCAF), Pilot Officer WW Wagner (RCAF), Pilot Officer NPH Andersen (RCAF) and Sergeant J Wilson (RAFVR) were all killed in action
Rear Gunner, Pilot Officer DE Sherman (RCAF) managed to bail from the aircraft before the crash but was too low for his parachute to fully open and was killed in action
There were two 408 Squadron Halifax aircraft lost on this operation. Please see aircraft serial RG 477 EQ-N for additional information
[Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...
Allied Losses and Incidents: All Commands
(53) Searching for Halifax NP711 - In the Footsteps of History! - YouTube
(53) Crash site detective: What happened to Halifax NP711? - ...
(53) Searching for Halifax NP711 Documentary Online Free I Nichola...
(53) Halifax NP711 Memorial Service & Memorial Flight - IG...

Halifax NP712, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP712
Handley Page Ltd
NP 712
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP713, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP713
Handley Page Ltd
NP 713
Hercules XVI
Unit 426/408
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP714, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP714
Handley Page Ltd
NP 714
Hercules XVI
Unit 426/408
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP715, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP715
Handley Page Ltd
NP 715
Hercules XVI
Units bomb Development Unit/Handley Page
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP716, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP716
Handley Page Ltd
NP 716
Hercules XVI
Unit 432/408
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP717, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP717
Handley Page Ltd
NP 717
Hercules XVI
Unit 426/408
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP718, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP718
Handley Page Ltd
NP 718
Hercules XVI
Units 432/408
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP719, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP719
Handley Page Ltd
NP 719
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-March-10
Bombing Kiel Germany 1944-09-15 to 1944-09-16
(B) Sqn (RCAF) East Moor
490 aircraft- 3rn Lancasters, 173 Halifaxes, 7 Mosquitoes - of I, 4, 6 and 8 Groups. 4 Halifaxes and 2 Lancasters lost.
The evidence of returning crews and of photographs caused Bomber Command to record this as 'a highly concentrated raid' with 'the old town and modern shopping centre devastated'. The local report confirms this as a heavy attack, and records damage in the centre and port areas, but describes how much of the bombing fell outside Kiel. Unusually low numbers of 12 deaths and 28 people injured were recorded.
source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt
Halifax aircraft NP 719 missing during a night trip, an attack against Kiel, Germany. P/O.s J.G.G.A. Labelle, D.R. MacCarthy, J.C. Gallagher, H.N. McLeod, C.D. Crowe, F/O. J.E. LeBlanc, and Sgt. C.F. Gill (RAF) were killed.

Halifax NP720, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP720
Handley Page Ltd
NP 720
Hercules XVI
Unit 426
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP721, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP721
Handley Page Ltd
NP 721
Hercules XVI
Unit 426/432
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP722, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP722
Handley Page Ltd
NP 722
Hercules XVI
Unit 432
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP723, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP723
Handley Page Ltd
NP 723
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-March-10
Bombing Wilhelmshaven Germany 1944-10-15 to 1944-10-15
(B) Sqn (RCAF) East Moor
~506 aircraft+ 257 Halifaxes, 241 Lancasters, 8 Mosquitoes - from all groups except 5 Group on the last of 14 major Bomber Command raids on Wilhelmshaven that began in early 1941.
Bomber Command claimed 'severe damage' to the business and residential areas. A short local report mentions only that the Rathaus was completely destroyed and that 30 people were killed and 92 injured. A further report from Wilhelmshaven giving overall air-raid details, shows that this port town - a major naval base escaped relatively lightly in the war. In 26 R.A.F. and American raids, only 510 civilians, 24 servicemen and 30 foreign workers were killed.
source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt
Halifax aircraft NP 723 was shot down near Wittmund, Germany during a night attack against Wilhelmshaven, Germany. Flight Lieutenant D.W.Speller, F/Os G.L. Gilbert, T.F. Fisher, Pilot Officer J.D. Hogg, Sergeants K.E. Odobas, G.T. Cook, and Sergeant C. Moss (RAF) were killed.

Halifax NP736, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP736
Handley Page Ltd
NP 736
Hercules XVI
Unit 432
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP737, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP737
Handley Page Ltd
NP 737
Hercules XVI
Unit 426/408
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP738, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP738
Handley Page Ltd
NP 738
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-February-05
Bombing Wanne-Eickel Germany 1944-10-12 to 1944-10-12
(B) Sqn (RCAF) East Moor
I11 Halifaxes and 26 Lancasters of 6 and 8 Groups attacked the oil plant. A direct hit 1111 n storage tank early in the raid produced dense cloud and smoke which hindered later bombing. A German report says that the refinery itself was not seriously damaged but that the GA VEG chemical factory was destroyed; it is possible that the bombers were aiming at the wrong target. The report also states that 24 buildings were hit in nearby housing areas and that 103 German civilians, 2 foreign workers 1 prisoner of war were killed, most of them being in makeshift 'earth shelters'.
source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt
Halifax NP739, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP739
Handley Page Ltd
NP 739
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP740, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP740
Handley Page Ltd
NP 740
Hercules XVI
Unit 426/408
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP741, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP741
Handley Page Ltd
NP 741
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP742, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP742
Handley Page Ltd
NP 742
Hercules XVI
Unit 408.
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP743, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP743
Handley Page Ltd
NP 743
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP744, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP744
Handley Page Ltd
NP 744
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP745, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP745
Handley Page Ltd
NP 745
Hercules XVI
Unit 408
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP746, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP746
Handley Page Ltd
NP 746
Hercules XVI
Unit 408
last update: 2025-February-05
Bombing Stuttgart Germany 1945-01-29 to 1945-01-29
(B) Sqn (RCAF) Linton-on-Ouse
602 aircraft - 316 Halifaxes, 258 Lancasters, 28 Mosquitoes - of 1, 4, 6 and 8 Groups. I I aircraft - 6 Lancasters, 4 Halifaxes, 1 Mosquito - lost.
This raid was split into 2 parts, with a 3-hour interval. The first force - of 226 aircraft - was directed against the important railway yards at Kornwestheim, a town to the north of Stuttgart, and the second was against the north-western Stuttgart suburb of Zuffenhausen, where the target is believed to have been the Hirth aero¬engine factory. The target area was mostly cloud-covered for both raids and the bombing, on sky-markers, was scattered.
Bombs fell in many parts of Stuttgart's northern and western suburbs. The important Bosch works, in the suburb of Feuer¬bach, was hit. The attack on Kornwestheim was the worst suffered by that town during the war; the Kornwestheim local report shows that the local people felt they had been bombed by mistake and that the main target was in Stuttgart. 14 highs explosive bombs fell in the industrial area of the town and in the railway yards. Fires burned for up to 12 hours. 123 people were killed in Stuttgart and 41 in Kornwest¬heim. A large number of bombs fell outside Stuttgart, particularly in the east arourid a decoy fire site which was also firing dummy target-indicator rockets into the .air. The village of Weilimdorf, situated not far away, complained bitterly about its damage and casualties!
Local expert, Heinz Bardua, also tells the story of the newly promoted Flak Leutnant at his battery position at Vaihingen, situated just south of the decoy fire site. With bombs falling all around his position, the Leutnant thought that the raid was directed against the Flak positions. He ignored regulations about conservation of ammunition and shot his entire stock at the radar echoes of the attacking bombers, 2 Lancasters and a Halifax crashed in the immediate vicinity, much to the relief of the officer, who had feared a court martial because of his prodigious use of ammunition.
This was the last large R.A.F. raid on Stuttgart. Herr Bardua says that the city had endured 53 major raids, most of them by the R.A.F., during which 32,549 blocks of flats or houses were destroyed (67·8 per cent of the total). After the war, 4·9 million cubic metres of rubble had to be cleared. 4,562 people died in the air raids, among them 770 prisoners of war or foreign workers. Stuttgart's experience was .not as severe as other German cities. Its location, spread out in a series of deep valleys, had consistently frustrated the Pathfinders and the shelters dug into the sides of the surrounding hills had saved many lives.
,source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt
Halifax NP746 Took off from Linton-on-Ouse at 19:43 in Halifax Mk VII (Sqn code: EQ-E Bomber Command) to bomb Stuttgart.
Shot down (means not listed) and crashed. FO. McGovern, was the only survivor and, according to his family, became a Prisoner of War for three months..
Killed:Pilot Officer Leslie John Collinson RCAF C/95228 KIA Durnbach War Cemetery Ref: 3. G. 23.Flying Officer Thomas Bruce Little RCAF J/40372 KIA Durnbach War Cemetery Ref: 3. G. 20.Pilot Officer Philip Myerson RAF KIA Durnbach War Cemetery [Ref : 3. G. 21.]Pilot Officer Thomas Phillip QUINN (J/93944) Air Gunner Halifax NP746 IBCC [RCAF] 1945-01-29 408 Sqdn AIR27 Germany Durnbach War Cemetery Ref: 3. G. 25.Pilot Officer Robert Lloyd Siewert RCAF J/93945KIA Durnbach War Cemetery Ref: 3. G. 24.Flying Officer Richard Macmillan Wallis RCAF J/28593 pilot KIA Durnbach War Cemetery Ref: 3. G. 22.

Halifax NP747, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP747
Handley Page Ltd
NP 747
Hercules XVI
unit 408
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP748, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP748
Handley Page Ltd
NP 748
Hercules XVI
Unit Royal Aircraft Establishment
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP749, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP749
Handley Page Ltd
NP 749
Hercules XVI
Unit 408
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP750, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP750
Handley Page Ltd
NP 750
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-March-10
Bombing Bochum Germany 1944-11-05 to 1944-11-05
(B) Sqn (RCAF) Linton-on-Ouse
Halifax NP750 No. 408 Squadron, RCAF, coded "EQ*F". Lost on raid to Bochum on 4/5 November 1944.
Claim by Hptm Herman Greiner Stab IV/NJG1 - West of Essen at 19:35.Attacked by a Fw190 about 19:35 at 17,000ft just before bombing run, setting the port inner engine on fire, rear gunner baled out. Aircraft followed out of the Ruhr (between Dusseldorf & Koln) and attacked by two unidentified fighters, again attacked over Belgium by an Me 210 and an Me 109. Crashed landed at Base 58 in Brussels and wrecked (Source: Nachtjagd Combat Archive 1944 Part 5 - Theo Boiten)
Rear Gunner: R/218193 Flt Sergeant Hugh David Hardy - PoW/Stalag Luft 7 Bankau near Kreuzburg, Upper Silesia/Stalag 3A Luckenwalde/PoW Number 1191.
The remaining members of the crew went on to continue their tour of operations.
Pilot: J/25966 Plt Off H D Sokoloff RCAF, Flight Engineer: 1567674, Flt Sergeant W J Richardson,Navigator: J/36850 Fg Off J H Sargent RCAF, Bomb Aimer: R/192680 Flt Sergeant AG Staples RCAF,Wireless Operator: R/162377 WOII JA M Fraser RCAF, Mid Upper Gunner: R/204992 Flt Sergeant L S Swindells RCAF.Halifax NP751, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP751
Handley Page Ltd
NP 751
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP752, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP752
Handley Page Ltd
NP 752
Hercules XVI
Aircraft and Armaments Experimental Establishment
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP753, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP753
Handley Page Ltd
NP 753
Hercules XVI
Aircraft and armaments Experimental Establishment
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP754, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP754
Handley Page Ltd
NP 754
Hercules XVI
Units 408/415
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP755, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP755
Handley Page Ltd
NP 755
Hercules XVI
Unit 432
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP756, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP756
Handley Page Ltd
NP 756
Hercules XVI
Unit 408
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP757, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP757
Handley Page Ltd
NP 757
Hercules XVI
Unit 408
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP758, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP758
Handley Page Ltd
NP 758
Hercules XVI
Unit Controller of Research and Development llandig
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP759, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP759
Handley Page Ltd
NP 759
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-March-10
Bombing Hanover Germany 1945-01-05 to 1945-01-05
432 (B) Sqn (RCAF) East Moor
664 aircraft - 340 Halifaxes, 3IO Lancasters, 14 Mosquitoes - of 1, 4, 6 and 8 Groups. 23 Halifaxes and 8 Lancasters lost, 4·7 per cent of the force.
This was the first large raid on Hannover since October 1943. Bombs fell all over the city and the local report, based on messages from 16 of the 18 police districts, shows that 493 buildings, containing 3,605 flats/apartments, were destroyed and that approximately 250 people were killed. No further details are available
432 Leaside Squadron (Saeviter ad Lucem) RAF East Moor. Halifax BVII aircraft NP 759 QO-C, named "Canada Kid" failed to return from an operation against targets in Hannover, Germany. The bomber was most likely lost to flak and exploded in mid-air, killing two crew members. The bomber crashed at Lichtenhorst-Steimbke, near Hoya, Germany
Flight Lieutenant JE Sales (RCAF) and Pilot Officer CH McLinnes (RCAF) were killed in action
Flying Officer JL Marcille (RCAF), Pilot Officer SJ Aikens (RCAF), Pilot Officer JF Charles (RCAF), Pilot Officer RJP Young (RCAF) and Sergeant J Dalton (RAF) survived to be taken as Prisoners of War
There were two 432 Squadron Halifax VII aircraft lost on this operation. Please see aircraft serial NP 817 QO-D for further information on this aircraft and crewsource: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt
RAF & RCAF Aircraft Nose Art in World War II by Clarence Simonsen, pages 75, 79Metal Canvas, Canadians and World War II Aircraft Nose Art by Stephen M Fochuk, page 142,

Halifax NP760, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP760
Handley Page Ltd
NP 760
Hercules XVI
Unit Boulton Paul
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP761, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP761
Handley Page Ltd
NP 761
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-February-05
Bombing Gelsenkirchen Germany 1944-11-06 to 1944-11-06
(B) Sqn (RCAF) Linton-on-Ouse
408 Goose Squadron (Foe freedom) RAF Linton-on-Ouse, Halifax VII NP 761 EQ-A missing from an operation to Gelsenkirchen, Germany. The crew abandoned the aircraft and all survived, but crash site and cause of loss not determined
Possible shot down by Flak. Unable to locate any fighter activity near KrefeldFlt Sergeant Davies RCAF was part of Trupp 55. He arrived at Bankau on 20 December 1944.Sergeant Woods RCAF, Flt Sergeant McLeod RCAF and Flt Sergeant Robinson RCAF were part of Trupp 50. They arrived at Bankau on 28 November 1944. Sergeant Woods was captured on 6 November 1944 at Gels. During the last 4 months as a PoW he had an upset stomach due to bad food.(The Long Road - Oliver Clutton-Brock)
Pilot: J/18533 Fg Off John Clayton Kellond RCAF - captured on 6 November 1944 near Dusseldorf. PoW/Received a cut on head during combat. Hospital in Dusseldorf for 2 weeks/Interrogation at Oberusel/Dulag Luft Wetzlar/Stalag Luft 3 Sagan & Belaria/Stalag 3A Luckenwalde/PoW Number 9007.
Flight Engineer: C/97182 Sgt. William Arthur Woods RCAF - PoW/Stalag Luft 7 Bankau near Kreulberg Upper Silesia/Stalag 3A Luckenwalde/PoW Number 1214.
Navigator: J/38323 Fg Off Wilfred Alexander Gillmeister RCAF - captured on 6 November near Krefeld. Suffered from dysentery due to bad food. PoW/Airdrome Krefeld/Dulag Luft Frankfurt/Dulag Luft Wetzlar/Stalag Luft 3 Sagan & Belaria/Stalag 3A Luckenwalde/PoW Number 8810.
Bomb Aimer: J/36864 Fg Off Kenneth Irvine Durk RCAF - PoW/Dulag Luft Frankfurt/Dulag Luft Wetzlar/Stalag Luft 3 Sagan & Belaria/Stalag 3A Luckenwalde/PoW Number 8808.
Wireless Operator/Air Gunner: R/16445 Flt Sergeant David Myrddin Davies RCAF - was captured on 6 November at Gelsenkirchen. PoW/Stalag Luft 7 Bankau near Kreulberg Upper Silesia Stalag 3A Luckenwalde/PoW Number 1236.
Mid Upper Gunner: R/256282 Flt Sergeant Theodore Gordon McLeod RCAF - PoW/Stalag Luft 7 Bankau near Kreulberg Upper Silesia/PoW Number 1203.
Rear Gunner: R/127013 Flt Sergeant Ronald Charles Robinson RCAF - captured on 6 November 1944 at Gelsenkirchen. PoW/Stalag Luft 7 Bankau near Kreulberg Upper Silesia/Stalag 3A Luckenwalde/PoW Number 1210.

Halifax NP762, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP762
Handley Page Ltd
NP 762
Hercules XVI
Unit Linton-On-Ouse
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP763, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP763
Handley Page Ltd
NP 763
Hercules XVI
Units Pocklington/77/346
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP764, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP764
Handley Page Ltd
NP 764
Hercules XVI
Unit Pocklington
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP765, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP765
Handley Page Ltd
NP 765
Hercules XVI
Unit Pocklington
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP766, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP766
Handley Page Ltd
NP 766
Hercules XVI
Unit Linton-On-Ouse
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP767, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP767
Handley Page Ltd
NP 767
Hercules XVI
Unit Pocklington/77/347
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP768, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP768
Handley Page Ltd
NP 768
Hercules XVI
Units 408/426
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP769, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP769
Handley Page Ltd
NP 769
Hercules XVI
Unit 408
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP770, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP770
Handley Page Ltd
NP 770
Hercules XVI
Unit 408
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP771, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP771
Handley Page Ltd
NP 771
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP772, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP772
Handley Page Ltd
NP 772
Hercules XVI
Unit 408
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP773, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP773
Handley Page Ltd
NP 773
Hercules XVI
Unit 408
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP774, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP774
Handley Page Ltd
NP 774
Hercules XVI
Unit 432
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP775, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP775
Handley Page Ltd
NP 775
Hercules XVI
Units 408/426
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP776, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP776
Handley Page Ltd
NP 776
Hercules XVI
Unit 408
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP777, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP777
Handley Page Ltd
NP 777
Hercules XVI
Unit 408
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP778, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP778
Handley Page Ltd
NP 778
Hercules XVI
Units 432/426
last update: 2025-February-05
Bombing Castrop-Rauxel Germany 1944-11-21 to 1944-11-21
(B) Sqn (RCAF) Linton-on-Ouse
The aircraft received minor flak damage to the rear fuselage shortly after leaving the target area while over Germany. On the return to the general area of their base at Linton on Ouse, it entered the landing circuit and later made radio contact with the ground controllers. It was given landing instructions but this was not acknowledged and the aircraft later found to have flown into the ground at speed around 200 yards North of Flawith at 21:45. It had passed through a number of hedges and a row of trees causing the aircraft to break up and a fire develop when it came to rest in a turnip field. Visibility was not perfect at the time of the crash but it did not prevent other returning crews landing at Linton on Ouse that evening. While five of the crew were killed two survived. The survivors later stated when the aircraft was in the landing circuit the pilot transmitted on the aircraft's intercom that he had lost sight of the runway at Linton on Ouse and requested that the navigator go from the rest position at the back of the aircraft to the cockpit. Soon after they then received an instruction over the intercom to put on parachutes and immediately afterwards the crash occurred. They did not learn why this order was made by the pilot, the surviving navigator assumed there was a radical problem which had effected the pilot controlling the aircraft. A detailed examination of the wreckage took place and although the control mechanism was destroyed by fire it was thought highly likely that loose equipment within the aircraft had fouled the elevator controls causing the pilot difficulties and the eventual crash. (Aircraft Accidents in Yorkshire) Source: John Jones
P/Os D J Stevens, H.E. Reynolds, T.J. Hunt, J.N. Atkinson, and Flying Officer G.I. Hopper were killed. Two other Canadians, Flying Officer Rae and FS Murray were injured.

Halifax NP779, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP779
Handley Page Ltd
NP 779
Hercules XVI
Units 432/426
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP780, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP780
Handley Page Ltd
NP 780
Hercules XVI
Unit 408
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP781, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP781
Handley Page Ltd
NP 781
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP793, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP793
Handley Page Ltd
NP 793
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP794, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP794
Handley Page Ltd
NP 794
Hercules XVI
Units 297/426
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP795, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP795
Handley Page Ltd
NP 795
Hercules XVI
Unit 426
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP796, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP796
Handley Page Ltd
NP 796
Hercules XVI
Unit 408
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP797, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP797
Handley Page Ltd
NP 797
Hercules XVI
Units 432/426
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP798, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP798
Handley Page Ltd
NP 798
Hercules XVI
Unit 408
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP799, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP799
Handley Page Ltd
NP 799
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP800, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP800
Handley Page Ltd
NP 800
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP801, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP801
Handley Page Ltd
NP 801
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-March-10
Bombing Bochum Germany 1944-10-09 to 1944-10-10
(B) Sqn (RCAF) East Moor
435 aircraft- 375 Halifaxes, 40 Lancasters, 20 Mosquitoes - of I, 4, 6 and 8 Groups, 4 Halifaxes and I Lancaster lost.
This raid was not successful. The target area was covered by cloud and the bombing was scattered. The local report says that there was some damage in the southern districts of Bochum, with 140 houses destroyed or seriously damaged and approximately 150 people killed.
source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt
Halifax B VII NP 801 QO-N, during a raid to Bochum, Germany was struck by falling bombs from an aircraft flying above it over the target and abandoned. The entire crew survived
Flying Officer RC Diamond (RCAF), Flying Officer W Nicholson (RCAF), Flying Officer WA Stohlberg (RCAF), Warrant Officer Class 2 AG Sharpe (RCAF), Warrant Officer Class 2 HJ Graham (RCAF), FS WA Harrington (RCAF) and Sergeant KW Hutchinson (RAF) all survived and were taken as Prisoners of War
Detail from books: Footprints on the Sands of Time, RAF Bomber Command Prisoners of War in Germany 1939-45 and The Long Road, Trials and Tribulations of Airmen Prisoners from Stalag Luft VII (Bankau) to Berlin, June 1944-May 1945. Both books by Oliver Clutton-Brock and Grub Street Press

Halifax NP802, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP802
Handley Page Ltd
NP 802
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP803, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP803
Handley Page Ltd
NP 803
Hercules XVI
Unit 432
last update: 2025-February-05
Bombing Worms Germany 1945-02-21 to 1945-02-22
432 (B) Sqn (RCAF) RAF East Moor
432 Leaside Squadron (Saeviter ad Lucem) RAF East Moor. Halifax BVII aircraft NP 803 QO-I failed to return from an operation against targets in Works, Germany. The cause of loss and crash location were not determined
The entire crew survived to become Prisoners of War
Pilot Officer RI Bradley (RCAF), Flying Officer JA Fraser (RCAF), Flying Officer RH Meuller (RCAF), Pilot Officer JG Stephen (RCAF), Sergeant DC Duffy (RCAF), Sergeant JW Reid (RCAF) and Sergeant VL Shulz (RCAF) survived and were taken as Prisoners of War. Records show that Sergeant Shulz may have been serving under the name Smith. Other POW information regarding this crew has not been found to date
There were three 432 Squadron Halifax aircraft lost on this operation. Please see aircraft serials RG 451 QO-D and RG 476 QO-T for additional information
[Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...
21 Feb '45 BC attack Worms [Archive] - Luftwaffe and Allied...

Halifax NP804, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP804
Handley Page Ltd
NP 804
Hercules XVI
Units 432/408
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP805, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP805
Handley Page Ltd
NP 805
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-March-10
Operational 1945-04-16 to 1945-04-16
(B) Sqn (RCAF) East Moor
Halifax aircraft NP 805 crashed on take-off killing the pilot and two members of the ground crew. The survivors were Flying Officer L. Jorgenson of Morris, Manitoba, FSs. J. Gray of Winnipeg, Manitoba, S. Reid, T. Cohen, from Nova Scotia, K. Davidson from Ontario, and Pilot Officer J. Burns of Westmount, Quebec.
Len Jorgenson provided the following account "The Halifax was taking off from RCAF Station, Eastmoor, at noon, for a cross-country flight prior to operations that night and had a full gas load of 1400 gallons but no bombs. At the end of the runway there was a low semi-flat roofed building (a Picket Post) where LACs R.F. Charbonneau and J.D. Beddard were sun bathing in the spring sunshine and watching the take-offs The aircraft was barely airborne when the pilot yelled that the rudders and controls were locked and to prepare for a crash. The under carriage hit the building killing the two LACs, the Halifax crashed through the trees and burst into flame. Flying Officer Porritt was killed but the rest of got out safely except for Davidson who spent two years in hospital.
p> I think a few of us have nightmares over that one. I also wonder why the controls were frozen. Most controls on the a/c had V shaped pieces of wood with red flags inserted to prevent the control surfaces from flapping in the wind. Did we forget to take out these inserts, or were the red flags taken off by someone? We know this happened before for some reason, some thought it was sabotage - or someone didn't like the aircrew." FS Davidson, the flight engineer, was thrown to the front of the aircraft in the crash. Thru the flames he saw the pilot was buckled up and either unconscious or dead. Davidson tried to pull him out but he was stuck and the flames were burning him severely.Halifax NP806, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP806
Handley Page Ltd
NP 806
Hercules XVI
Unit 408
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP807, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP807
Handley Page Ltd
NP 807
Hercules XVI
Unit 432/408
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP808, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP808
Handley Page Ltd
NP 808
Hercules XVI
Units 432/426
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP809, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP809
Handley Page Ltd
NP 809
Hercules XVI
Unit 408
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP810, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP810
Handley Page Ltd
NP 810
Hercules XVI
Units 426/408
last update: 2025-February-05
Bombing Castrop-Rauxel Germany 1944-11-21 to 1944-11-21
(B) Sqn (RCAF) Linton-on-Ouse
Took off from Linton-on-Ouse at 15:20 in Halifax Mark VII (Sqn code: EQ-H Bomber Command) .for an operation against the oil plant at Castrop-Rauxel.
The aircraft was shot down by a night fighter and crashed at Hochdahl Trills, at Erkrath, Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany.
Claim by Hptm Fritz Lau 4/NJG1 - Radevormwald South West of Bochum (MP 1): 4,000m at 19:11. (Nachtjagd Combat Archive 1944 Part 5 - Theo Boiten)
Killed:Pilot Officer Louis Basarab RCAF J/95202 KIA Reichswald Forest War Cemetery Grave: 8. C. 9.Sergeant Herbert Edgar Clark RAF KIA Reichswald Forest War Cemetery Grave 8. C. 5.Flying Officer Lloyd William Frizell RCAF J/39376 KIA Reichswald Forest War Cemetery Grave 8. C. 7.Flying Officer Adelbert Bateman Rowley RCAF J/40054 KIA Reichswald Forest War Cemetery Grave 8. C. 8.Pilot Officer Edmond Kenneth Wilson RCAF J/92645 KIA Reichswald Forest War Cemetery Grave 8. C. 6.
POWs in addition to McPhee:F/Lt Albert Edward Steeves RCAF J/8658 POW Stalag Luft L1 Barth Vogelsang.
Claim by Hptm Fritz Lau 4/NJG1 - Radevormwald South West of Bochum (MP 1): 4,000m at 19:11. (Nachtjagd Combat Archive 1944 Part 5 - Theo Boiten)
Those who perished were initially buried in Dusseldorf North Cemetery. Reinterred 24 October 1946. (CWGC)
Sergeant McPhee was part of Trupp 55. He arrived at Bankau on 20 December 1944.(The Long Road - Oliver Clutton-Brock)

Halifax NP811, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP811
Handley Page Ltd
NP 811
Hercules XVI
Units 426/408/426
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP812, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP812
Handley Page Ltd
NP 812
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-March-10
Bombing Troisdorf Germany 1944-12-29 to 1944-12-30
432 (B) Sqn (RCAF) RAF East Moor
197 aircraft - 159 Halifaxes, 24 Lancasters, 14 Mosquitoes - of 6 and 8 Groups attempted to bomb the railway yards but most of the attack missed the target. No other details are available. No aircraft lost.
source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt
432 Leaside Squadron (Saeviter ad Lucem) RAF East Moor. Halifax BVII aircraft NP 812 QO-T was hit by flak returning from an operation against targets in Troisdorf, Germany and severely damaged
The Bomb Aimer, Pilot Officer GH Barrett (RCAF) had been wounded in the flak attack, misinterpreted the pilot's instructions and bailed out while the bomber was flying over France. It is believed that Pilot Officer Barnett was badly injured and could not wait until return to the UK, so bailed out in an attempt to get urgent medical care. (Henk Welting, www.rafcommands.com). Sadly Barrett died from his injuries, the only crew member lost on this operation.The Halifax managed to fly back to the UK safely and make an emergency landing on two engines at RAF Woodridge, Suffolk
"Belgians Remember Them": RAF aircraft's crash sites: Jemeppe
Grave of Pilot Officer George H Barnett Halifax VII NP812 QO-T 432 Sqn - ...
Bombing Worms Germany 1945-02-20 to 1945-02-21
432 (B) Sqn (RCAF) RAF East Moor
349 aircraft - 288 Halifaxes, 36 Lancasters, 25 Mosquitoes. IO Halifaxes and I Lancaster lost.
This was the first and only large Bomber Command raid on Worms. The raid was an area attack in which 1,116 tons of bombs were accurately dropped. A post-war survey estimated that 39 per cent of the town's built-up area was destroyed. The local report says that a considerable part of the bombing fell just outside the town, to the south-west, but it confirms that the remainder caused severe damage in Worms, 64 per cent of the town's buildings were destroyed or damaged, including the cathedral, the town museum, and most of the churches and cultural buildings in the old centre. Much of the town's industry was also destroyed, including the only firm devoted completely to the production of war material, one making sprocket wheels for tanks. 239 people were killed and 35,000 bombed out from a population or approximately 58,000.
source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt
Halifax VII aircraft NP 812 QO-T was shot down on the East side of the Nahe River just south of Bad Munster, Germany during a night operation against targets in Worms, Germany
Pilot Officer AJ Hunter (RCAF), Flying Officer JA Bleich (RCAF), Flying Officer GE Creswell (RCAF) and Pilot Officer AC Hogg (RAFVR) were all killed in action
Flying Officer FD Baxter DFC (RCAF), Flight Sergeant GE Armstrong (RCAF) and Flight Sergeant SE Waterbury (RCAF), all survived to be taken as Prisoners of War, although no information on their POW numbers or camp locations has been found to date
There were three 432 Squadron Halifax aircraft lost in the same area on this date. Please see aircraft serials NP 803 QO-I and RG 451 QO-D for additional information regarding the other crew and aircraft
RAF Commands has the casualties on Halifax s/n RG 476, and the three POWs on NP 812. ORB has all of them on NP 812 which had previously returned on two engines 1944 -12 29 with one crew member (Barnett) bailed/killed.
Footprints on the Sands of Time, RAF Bomber Command Prisoners of War in Germany 1939-45 by Oliver Clutton-Brock, pages 236, 242 & 429 [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...
"Belgians Remember Them": RAF aircraft's crash sites: Jemeppe

Halifax NP813, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP813
Handley Page Ltd
NP 813
Hercules XVI
Unit 432/426/408
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP814, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP814
Handley Page Ltd
NP 814
Hercules XVI
unit 426/408
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP815, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP815
Handley Page Ltd
NP 815
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-March-10
Bombing Gelsenkirchen Germany 1944-11-06 to 1944-11-06
(B) Sqn (RCAF) East Moor
738 aircraft - 383 Halifaxes, 324 Lancasters, 31 Mosquitoes. 3 Lancasters and 2 Halifaxes lost. This large daylight raid had, as its aiming point, the Nordstern synthetic-oil plant. The attack was not well concentrated but 514 aircraft were able to bomb the approximate position of the oil plant before smoke obscured the ground; 187 aircraft then bombed the general town area of Gelsonkirchcn.
The Gelsenkirchcn war diarist, who often recorded interesting titbits, tells of' how this Protestant town had celebrated the Reformation Feast the previous day, Sunday. The celebration had been held back from its proper date, 31 October, so as not to interfere with industrial production. The diarist wrote: 'For many pious people; this was their last church service. Catastrophe broke over Gelsenkirchen the following day.' The diary then proceeds to give several pages describing the severe damage throughout the town. The number of people killed was 518. The diarist the comments, perhaps with some pride, that Gelsenkirchen was mentioned by name in the OKW (German High Command) communique for the first time in the war.
source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt
Halifax aircraft NP 815Took off from East Moor at 12:16 in Halifax Mk Vii NP815 QO-A was shot down in the Baltic sea during night operations, a raid against Gelsenkirchen, Germany.
Pilot: J/16229 Fg Off Frederick Hawkins Eilertson RCAF - PoW/Dulag Luft Frankfurt/Dulag Luft Wetzlar/Stalag Luft 3 Sagan & Belaria/Stalag 3A Luckenwalde/PoW Number 8809.
Flight Engineer: 1832685 Sergeant Cyril David Vaughan - PoW/Hospitals - Stalag IV Dusseldorf, Stalag IX Obermabfeld, Stalag IXC Meiningen/Dulag Luft Oberhausen/Dulag Luft Wetzlar/PoW Number?
Navigator: J/38175 Fg Off Francis Irving Morrissey RCAF - PoW/Hospital outside Dusseldorf/Stalag Luft 1 Barth Vogelsang/PoW Number 91.
Bomb Aimer: J/24528 Fg Off Leonard John Hossie RCAF - PoW/Stalag Luft 3 Sagan & Belaria/Stalag 3A Luckenwalde/PoW Number 8814.
Wireless Operator: R/164366 Flt Sergeant Clarence Duncan MacDonald RCAF - PoW/Stalag Luft 7 Bankau near Kreulberg Upper Silesia/Stalag 3A Luckenwalde/PoW Number 1155.
Mid Upper Gunner: J/95368 Plt Off Terence Joseph McAran RCAF - Reichswald Forest War Cemetery Plot 20 Row G Grave 12.
Rear Gunner: J/95476 Plt Off Norman Edward Stuttle RCAF - Reichswald Forest War Cemetery Plot 1 Row G Grave 11.

Halifax NP816, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP816
Handley Page Ltd
NP 816
Hercules XVI
Unit 1665 heavy Conversion Unit
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP817, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP817
Handley Page Ltd
NP 817
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-March-10
Bombing Hannover Germany 1945-01-05 to 1945-01-05
432 (B) Sqn (RCAF) RAF East Moor
432 Leaside Squadron (Saevirer ad Lucem) RAF East Moor. Halifax BVII aircraft NP 817 QO-D was shot down during an operation against targets in Hannover, Germany. There are multiple night fighter claims for this loss. The bomber was abandoned before it crashed at 2 km east of Schneeren, Neustadt am Rubenberge, Niedersachsen, Germany
The (then) Wing Commander JG Stephenson OBE AFC CD (RCAF), Flying Officer TR Bond (RCAF), Flying Officer RG Donaldson (RCAF)(USA), Flying Officer WE Fleming (RCAF), Warrant Officer Class 1 WT McMahon (RCAF), Flying Officer EB Pickthorne (RCAF) and Sergeant BM Hodges (RAF) all survived and were taken as Prisoners of War. Little PoW information< id known to date
There were two 432 Squadron Halifax BVII aircraft lost on this operation. Please see aircraft serial NP 759 QO-C for additional information on this aircraft and crew

Halifax NP818, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP818
Handley Page Ltd
NP 818
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP819, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP819
Handley Page Ltd
NP 819
Hercules XVI
Units 408/426
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP820, B.Mk.VII
s/n NP820
Handley Page Ltd
NP 820
Hercules XVI
Units 408/426
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP821, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP821
Handley Page Ltd
NP 821
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP822, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP822
Handley Page Ltd
NP 822
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP823, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP823
Handley Page Ltd
NP 823
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP824, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP824
Handley Page Ltd
NP 824
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP825, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP825
Handley Page Ltd
NP 825
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP826, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP826
Handley Page Ltd
NP 826
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP827, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP827
Handley Page Ltd
NP 827
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP828, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP828
Handley Page Ltd
NP 828
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP829, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP829
Handley Page Ltd
NP 829
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP830, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP830
Handley Page Ltd
NP 830
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP831, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP831
Handley Page Ltd
NP 831
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP832, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP832
Handley Page Ltd
NP 832
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP833, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP833
Handley Page Ltd
NP 833
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP834, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP834
Handley Page Ltd
NP 834
Hercules 100
Units Controller of Research and Development Handley Page/ Aircraft and Armaments Experimental Establishment/Handley Page
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP835, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP835
Handley Page Ltd
NP 835
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP836, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP836
Handley Page Ltd
NP 836
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP849, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP849
Handley Page Ltd
NP 849
Hercules 100
Unit Aircraft and Armaments Experimental establishment
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP850, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP850
Handley Page Ltd
NP 850
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP851, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP851
Handley Page Ltd
NP 851
Hercules 100
Unit Pocklington
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP852, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP852
Handley Page Ltd
NP 852
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP853, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP853
Handley Page Ltd
NP 853
Hercules 100
Unit Controller of Research and Development Handley Page
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP854, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP854
Handley Page Ltd
NP 854
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP855, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP855
Handley Page Ltd
NP 855
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP856, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP856
Handley Page Ltd
NP 856
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP857, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP857
Handley Page Ltd
NP 857
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP858, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP858
Handley Page Ltd
NP 858
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP859, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP859
Handley Page Ltd
NP 859
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP860, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP860
Handley Page Ltd
NP 860
Hercules 100
Unit Pocklington/77/346
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP861, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP861
Handley Page Ltd
NP 861
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP862, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP862
Handley Page Ltd
NP 862
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP863, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP863
Handley Page Ltd
NP 863
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP864, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP864
Handley Page Ltd
NP 864
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP865, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP865
Handley Page Ltd
NP 865
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP866, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP866
Handley Page Ltd
NP 866
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP867, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP867
Handley Page Ltd
NP 867
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP868, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP868
Handley Page Ltd
NP 868
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP869, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP869
Handley Page Ltd
NP 869
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP870, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP870
Handley Page Ltd
NP 870
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP871, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP871
Handley Page Ltd
NP 871
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP872, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP872
Handley Page Ltd
NP 872
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP873, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP873
Handley Page Ltd
NP 873
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP874, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP874
Handley Page Ltd
NP 874
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP875, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP875
Handley Page Ltd
NP 875
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP876, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP876
Handley Page Ltd
NP 876
Hercules 100
Unit 158
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP877, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP877
Handley Page Ltd
NP 877
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP878, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP878
Handley Page Ltd
NP 878
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP879, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP879
Handley Page Ltd
NP 879
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP880, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP880
Handley Page Ltd
NP 880
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP881, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP881
Handley Page Ltd
NP 881
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP882, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP882
Handley Page Ltd
NP 882
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP883, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP883
Handley Page Ltd
NP 883
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP884, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP884
Handley Page Ltd
NP 884
Hercules 100
Unit 4 FP
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP885, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP885
Handley Page Ltd
NP 885
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP886, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP886
Handley Page Ltd
NP 886
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP887, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP887
Handley Page Ltd
NP 887
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP888, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP888
Handley Page Ltd
NP 888
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP889, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP889
Handley Page Ltd
NP 889
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP890, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP890
Handley Page Ltd
NP 890
Hercules 100
Bombing Development Unit
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP891, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP891
Handley Page Ltd
NP 891
Hercules 100
Controller of Research and Development West Freugh
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP892, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP892
Handley Page Ltd
NP 892
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP893, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP893
Handley Page Ltd
NP 893
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP894, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP894
Handley Page Ltd
NP 894
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP895, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP895
Handley Page Ltd
NP 895
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP908, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP908
Handley Page Ltd
NP 908
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP909, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP909
Handley Page Ltd
NP 909
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP910, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP910
Handley Page Ltd
NP 910
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP911, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP911
Handley Page Ltd
NP 911
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP912, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP912
Handley Page Ltd
NP 912
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP913, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP913
Handley Page Ltd
NP 913
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP914, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP914
Handley Page Ltd
NP 914
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP915, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP915
Handley Page Ltd
NP 915
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP916, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP916
Handley Page Ltd
NP 916
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP917, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP917
Handley Page Ltd
NP 917
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP918, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP918
Handley Page Ltd
NP 918
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP919, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP919
Handley Page Ltd
NP 919
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP920, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP920
Handley Page Ltd
NP 920
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP921, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP921
Handley Page Ltd
NP 921
Hercules 100
Units Pocklington/77/347
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP922, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP922
Handley Page Ltd
NP 922
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP923, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP923
Handley Page Ltd
NP 923
Hercules 100
Unit 640/466/Pocklington
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP924, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP924
Handley Page Ltd
NP 924
Hercules 100
Aircraft and Armaments Experimental Establishment
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP925, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP925
Handley Page Ltd
NP 925
Hercules 100
Unit Aircraft and Armaments Establishment
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP926, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP926
Handley Page Ltd
NP 926
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP927, B.Mk.VI
s/n NP927
Handley Page Ltd
NP 927
Hercules 100
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP930, B.Mk.III
s/n NP930
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 930
Hercules XVI
Unit 78
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP931, B.Mk.III
s/n NP931
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 931
Hercules XVI
Unit 466/640
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP932, B.Mk.III
s/n NP932
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 932
Hercules XVI
Unit 51
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP933, B.Mk.III
s/n NP933
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 933
Hercules XVI
Unit 51
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP934, B.Mk.III
s/n NP934
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 934
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP935, B.Mk.III
s/n NP935
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 935
Hercules XVI
Units 433/415
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP936, B.Mk.III
s/n NP936
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 936
Hercules XVI
Units 424/433/424/415
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP937, B.Mk.III
s/n NP937
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 937
Hercules XVI
Units 424/433/425
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP938, B.Mk.III
s/n NP938
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 938
Hercules XVI
Units 424/415
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP939, B.Mk.III
s/n NP939
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 939
Hercules XVI
Units 434/420/425
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP940, B.Mk.III
s/n NP940
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 940
Hercules XVI
Units 424/415
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP941, B.Mk.III
s/n NP941
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 941
Hercules XVI
Unit 427/425
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP942, B.Mk.III
s/n NP942
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 942
Hercules XVI
Unit 429/427
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP943, B.Mk.III
s/n NP943
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 943
Hercules XVI
Units 429/111 Operational Training Unit.
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP944, B.Mk.III
s/n NP944
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 944
Hercules XVI
Units 433/Empire air navigation School
last update: 2025-February-05
Minelaying 1944-10-05 to 1944-10-05
(B) BG (RAF)
On 1944-10-05, Squadron Leader A. Ross Dawson, the Chief Technical Officer with 424/433 Sqns at Skipton on Swale, wrote in his diary:
"433 Squadron were on a mining or "gardening" effort today with 10 kites. Things went very smoothly & we got them all off in good time. The weather closed in here however later on & we couldn't get them back so 8 were diverted to Tholthorpe and 2 went to Carnaby. M-Mike of 433 was badly shot up with a night fighter & is a cat B. The tail gunner had his head blown off with a 20mm cannon explosive shell. However the MU gunner claimed the JU88 as a "probable" so we hope he knocked it down Ok."
Halifax NP945, B.Mk.III
s/n NP945
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 945
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-March-10
Bombing Osnabruck Germany 1944-12-06 to 1944-12-06
(B) Sqn (RCAF) Skipton-on-Swale
453 aircraft- 363 Halifaxes, 72 Lancasters, 18 Mosquitoes - of 1, 4, 6 and 8 Groups, 7 Halifaxes and I Lancaster lost.
This was the first major raid on Osnabriick since August 1942. The raid was only a partial success. The railway yards were only slightly damaged but 4 factories were hit, including the Teuto-Metallwerke munitions factory, and 203 houses wen, destroyed. 39 people were killed.
source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt
. Halifax aircraft NP 945 was shot down at Geleto, Germany during a night attack against Osnabruck, Germany.
1944-December-07 Failed to Return Failed to return from mission to Osnabruck. 2019-08-20

Halifax NP946, B.Mk.III
s/n NP946
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 946
Hercules XVI
Units 429/420
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP947, B.Mk.III
s/n NP947
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 947
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-March-10
Minelaying Flensburg Germany 1945-01-12 to 1945-01-12
424 (B) Sqn (RCAF) RAF Skipton-on-Swale
<424 Tiger Squadron (Castigandos Castigamus) RAF Skipton on Swale. Halifax BIII aircraft NP 947 QB-Y was attacked by night fighter pilot Hauptman Eduard Schroder of 3/NJG 3 after dropping their payload during GARDENING (mining) operation to Flensburg Fjord between Germany and Denmark. The order to bale was given before the bomber crashed into the fjord near Schausende, Germany with the loss of all but one crew memberFlying Officer MC Grant (RCAF), Pilot Officer WE Archer (RCAF), Pilot Officer RC Carnegie (RCAF), Flying Officer MG Fife (RCAF), Pilot Officer CT Rielly (RCAF) and Pilot Officer J Pollard (RAFVR) were all killed in action
Navigator Flying Officer JG Agnew (RCAF) was the sole survivor from his crew and was taken as a Prisoner of War
On 1945-01-15, Squadron Leader A. Ross Dawson, the Chief Technical Officer with 424/433 Sqns at Skipton on Swale, after returning from leave, wrote in his diary:
"Jan 12 . . . 5 from each sqdn were put up on bombing & 3 from each on mining. The bombing was finally scrubbed but the gardening effort got off ok with no non-starters or early returns. However 424 had some bad luck & 2 of their 3 kites didn't come aback including F/Lt Mackie one of my good friends here " and he only had two more trips to do here unfortunately"
There is some confusion regarding the 424 Squadron serial of this aircraft, stated on the HH card and some other sources as LV 998 but with the Squadron ORB stating serial NP 947. CASPIR has accepted the ORB information as correct
There were two 424 Squadron Halifax III aircraft lost on this operation. Please see aircraft serial Halifax MZ 805 QB-X [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...
[Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...
Halifax III NP 947 crashed in Flensburg Fjord 12/1-1945

Halifax NP948, B.Mk.III
s/n NP948
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 948
Hercules XVI
On 1944-10-24, Squadron Leader A. Ross Dawson, the Chief Technical Officer at Skipton on Swale, wrote in his diary:
The mining kites took off at 6:00pm & we only got 4 of the 6 away due to the mag drops which was a very poor show but could not be helped. V Victor of 433 was also an early return with one duff engine & they booked on letting him land in a fairly thick fog on 3 engines with 59000 AUW [all up weight]. He overshot into the same field we had just pulled T out of, only worse & the whole kite hit a ditch & folded up, so it is out there flat on its belly with a whole load of mines on board. The other 3 a/c after mining near Oslo were diverted up north to Scotland. Got to bed about 2:00am after all of this.
Struck off Charge, 1.1.47
Units 433/Empire Air Navigation School
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP949, B.Mk.III
s/n NP949
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 949
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-February-05
Bombing Castrop-Rauxel Germany 1944-11-21 to 1944-11-21
(B) Sqn (RCAF) Skipton-on-Swale
433 Porcupine Squadron (Qui Sy Frotte Sy Pique) RAF Skipton-on-Swale, Halifax III aircraft NP 949 BM-R was shot down 15 miles north-east of Gelsenkirchen near Hultern, Germany during a raid against Castrop-Rauxel, in the Ruhr Valley, Germany
Claim by Hptm Heinz-Wolfgang Schnaufer Stab/NJG4 - Recklinghausen/Gelsenkirchen (KP): 4,800m at 19:02. (Nachtjagd Combat Archive 1944 Part 5 - Theo Boiten)
Fg Off Guy RCAF was captured on 21 November 1944 at Gelsenkirchen
Fg Off McLennan was captured on 21 November 1944 at Gelsenkirchen
Plt Off McLachlan RCAF was captured on 23 November 1944 at Essen
Sergeant Lockey, Plt Off Ramey RCAF and Fg Off Love RCAF were initially buried in Gelsenkirchen-Huellen East Cemetery Field 45K Communal Grave 99. Reinterred 12 May 1947

Halifax NP950, B.Mk.III
s/n NP950
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 950
Hercules XVI
Unit 102
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP951, B.Mk.III
s/n NP951
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 951
Hercules XVI
Unit 424/420
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP952, B.Mk.III
s/n NP952
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 952
Hercules XVI
Unit 429/Empire Air Navigation School
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP953, B.Mk.III
s/n NP953
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 953
Hercules XVI
Unit 640
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP954, B.Mk.III
s/n NP954
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 954
Hercules XVI
Unit 429
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP955, B.Mk.III
s/n NP955
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 955
Hercules XVI
Units 424/1652 Heavy Conversion Unit/1663HCU
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP956, B.Mk.III
s/n NP956
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 956
Hercules XVI
Units 427/425
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP957, B.Mk.III
s/n NP957
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 957
Hercules XVI
Units 427/429/425
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP958, B.Mk.III
s/n NP958
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 958
Hercules XVI
Unit 640
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP959, B.Mk.III
s/n NP959
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 959
Hercules XVI
Units 431/434/420
last update: 2025-February-05

Halifax NP960, B.Mk.III
s/n NP960
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 960
Hercules XVI
Unit 519
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP961, B.Mk.III
s/n NP961
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 961
Hercules XVI
Units 434/432/415/420
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP962, B.Mk.III
s/n NP962
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 962
Hercules XVI
Unit 51
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP963, B.Mk.III
s/n NP963
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 963
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP964, B.Mk.III
s/n NP964
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 964
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP965, B.Mk.III
s/n NP965
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 965
Hercules XVI
Unit 640
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP966, B.Mk.III
s/n NP966
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 966
Hercules XVI
Unit 102
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP967, B.Mk.III
s/n NP967
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 967
Hercules XVI
Unit 77
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP968, B.Mk.III
s/n NP968
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 968
Hercules XVI
Unit 432/466
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP969, B.Mk.III
s/n NP969
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 969
Hercules XVI
Unit 466
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP970, B.Mk.III
s/n NP970
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 970
Hercules XVI
Unit 192
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP971, B.Mk.III
s/n NP971
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 971
Hercules XVI
Unit 432/466
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP972, B.Mk.III
s/n NP972
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 972
Hercules XVI
Unit 51
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP973, B.Mk.III
s/n NP973
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 973
Hercules XVI
Unit 158
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP974, B.Mk.III
s/n NP974
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 974
Hercules XVI
Unit 51/1652 Heavy Conversion Unit
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP975, B.Mk.III
s/n NP975
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 975
Hercules XVI
Unit 466
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP976, B.Mk.III
s/n NP976
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 976
Hercules XVI
unit 466
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP988, B.Mk.III
s/n NP988
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 988
Hercules XVI
Unit 102/347
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP989, B.Mk.III
s/n NP989
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 989
Hercules XVI
Unit 462/466
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP990, B.Mk.III
s/n NP990
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 990
Hercules XVI
According to halifax File, Struck off Charge, 14.11.46
Unitss 462/192
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP991, B.Mk.III
s/n NP991
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 991
Hercules XVI
Unit 158
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP992, B.Mk.III
s/n NP992
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 992
Hercules XVI
last update: 2025-February-05
Bombing 1944-11-05 to 1944-11-05
433 (B) BG (RCAF) Skipton on Swale
On 1944-11-04, Squadron Leader A. Ross Dawson, the Chief Technical Officer with 424/433 Sqns at Skipton on Swale, wrote in his diary:
"After postponing the op twice we finally got them all away tonight at 5:00 o'clock â€" 15 from 424 & 16 from 433. No non-starters nor early returns which was a good thing. The target was Bochen & we had 11,150 lbs of bombs up. It was very successful too. These targets are getting bad since we lost two again tonight. Another for 424 "Q"' Queenie (Flying Officer Loving) &"F" Freddie (433) Flying Officer Mountford so that's 5 we have lost in 3 ops so far this month. Flight Lieutenant Wood, the F/Eng leader for 424 was lucky in that this morning he found he had and infection on his arm which had come up overnight & the M.O wouldn't let him fly tonight. They exchanged him at the last minute for a spare in "Q" which of course went missing. He feels pretty bad about it too since Loving only had 4 more trips to do in his second tour & was a pretty good guy"

Halifax NP993, B.Mk.III
s/n NP993
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 993
Hercules XVI
Unit 78/10/Leconfield
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP994, B.Mk.III
s/n NP994
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 994
Hercules XVI
Unit 10
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP995, B.Mk.III
s/n NP995
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 995
Hercules XVI
Unit 78
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP996, B.Mk.III
s/n NP996
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 996
Hercules XVI
Unit 640/158
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP997, B.Mk.III
s/n NP997
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 997
Hercules XVI
Unit 640
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP998, B.Mk.III
s/n NP998
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 998
Hercules XVI
Unit 78
last update: 2025-February-05
Halifax NP999, B.Mk.III
s/n NP999
English Electric Co Ltd
NP 999
Hercules XVI
Units 424/431/425.
last update: 2025-February-05
Bombing Hannover Germany 1945-01-05 to 1945-01-05
425 (B) Sqn (RCAF) RAF Tholthorpe
425 Alouette Squadron (I shall pluck you) RAF Tholthorpe. Halifax aircraft NP 999 KW-W was shot down by by a ME110 night fighter, most likely by Lt Kurt Matzak of Stab IV/NJG1 just after successfully dropping their bombload on targets in Hannover, Germany. The Halifax was abandoned before it crashed into the Teutoburger Forest near Halle, Germany
The Flight Engineer, Pilot Officer SH Moore (RAFVR) was killed during the night fighter attack, the only crew member lost
Flying Officer VE Brimicombe (RCAF), Flying Officer MD Berry (RCAF), Flying Office LU Coleman (RCAF), Pilot Officer GR Delong (RCAF), Pilot Officer GE Hutton (RCAF) and Pilot Officer DC MacKeigan (RCAF) all survived to be taken as Prisoners of War
There were two other 425 Squadron Halifax III aircraft lost on this operation. Please see aircraft serials MZ 860 KW-E and NR 178 KW-J for additional information and these aircraft and crews