37 Lancasters from 408, 419, and 428 squadrons were joined by 140 Halifaxes from 420, 424, 425, 426, 427, 429, 431, 432, 433, and 434 squadrons on an attack at Stuttgart. The crews were over the target at between 16,000and 21,000 feet, releasing 829,000 lbs of high explosives. According to reports, this attack was successful and severe damage was caused. Richard Koval (6bombergroup.ca)
432 Leaside Squadron (Saeviter ad Lucem) RAF east Moor. Halifax BVII aircraft NP 687 QO-A was shot down by Oblt Herbert Schulte zur Surlage 5/ NJG4 flying a a Ju-88 G-1 during an operation against targets in Stuttgart, Germany. The Halifax was abandoned and crashed at Chateaudun-Neuville aux Bois (Villampuy area), Eure-et-Loir, France
Flying Officer SP Wright (RAFVR) was the only crew member lost, killed in actionWing Commander JK MacDonald (RCAF), Flying Officer MFC Grimsey (RCAF), Flight Sergeant BR Justason (RCAF), Flying Officer W Calderwood (RAF), Pilot Officer H Chamberlain (RAF) and Flight Lieutenant HJS Kemley DFC (RAF) all survived and became Evaders. Grimsey, Chamberlain and Kemley were all at the Freteval Camp in France as part of the Comet Escape Line until liberated by American troops 1944-08-14
MacDonald, Justason and Calderwood were driven from Orgeres-en-Beauce to Villeron by Raymond PICOURT, a pharmacist in Chartres. They sheltered there until their liberation by American troops in mid-August 1944
There were two 432 Squadron Halifax VII aircraft lost on this operation. Please see aircraft serial NP 688 QO-X foe additional information on this aircraft and crew
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