425 Alouette Squadron (I shall pluck you) RAF Tholthorpe. Halifax aircraft NP 999 KW-W was shot down by by a ME110 night fighter, most likely by Lt Kurt Matzak of Stab IV/NJG1 just after successfully dropping their bombload on targets in Hannover, Germany. The Halifax was abandoned before it crashed into the Teutoburger Forest near Halle, Germany
The Flight Engineer, Pilot Officer SH Moore (RAFVR) was killed during the night fighter attack, the only crew member lost
Flying Officer VE Brimicombe (RCAF), Flying Officer MD Berry (RCAF), Flying Office LU Coleman (RCAF), Pilot Officer GR Delong (RCAF), Pilot Officer GE Hutton (RCAF) and Pilot Officer DC MacKeigan (RCAF) all survived to be taken as Prisoners of War
There were two other 425 Squadron Halifax III aircraft lost on this operation. Please see aircraft serials MZ 860 KW-E and NR 178 KW-J for additional information and these aircraft and crews
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