Chipmunk (Total: 117, Canadian: 115, Group 0)
de Havilland Canada Chipmunk

Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum
The de Havilland Canada DHC-1 Chipmunk is a tandem, two-seat, single-engined primary trainer aircraft designed and developed by Canadian aircraft manufacturer de Havilland Canada. It was developed shortly after the Second World War and sold in large numbers during the immediate post-war years, being typically employed as a replacement for the de Havilland Tiger Moth biplane.
The Chipmunk was the first postwar aviation project conducted by de Havilland Canada. It performed its maiden flight on 22 May 1946 and was introduced to operational service that same year. During the late 1940s and 1950s, the Chipmunk was procured in large numbers by military air services such as the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF), Royal Air Force (RAF), and several other nations' air forces, where it was often utilised as their standard primary trainer aircraft. The type produced under licence by de Havilland in the United Kingdom, who would produce the vast majority of Chipmunks, as well as by OGMA (Oficinas Gerais de Material Aeronáutico) in Portugal.
The type was slowly phased out of service beginning in the late 1950s, although in the ab initio elementary training role, this did not happen in the Royal Air Force until 1996, when it was replaced by the Scottish Aviation Bulldog. Wikipedia
Chipmunk 12069, 2
s/n 12069
as/n 12069
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 207-245
de Havilland Canada
DH Gypsy Major 10
last update: 2025-March-07
1972-January-27 Struck off Strength Struck off, later sold. 2019-08-20
Chipmunk 12077, 2
s/n 12077
as/n 12077
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 215-253
de Havilland Canada
DH Gypsy Major 10
last update: 2025-March-07
1970-June-02 Serial Change Renumbered from RCAF 18077? 2019-08-20
Chipmunk 18001, 1
s/n 18001
m/d DHC 1A-1
c/n 23
de Havilland Canada
DH Gypsy Major 1C
last update: 2025-March-04
1959-May-06 Struck off Strength Struck off, to Crown Assets Disposal Corporation for sale. 2019-08-20
Chipmunk 18002, 1
s/n 18002
m/d DHC 1A-1
c/n 24
de Havilland Canada
DH Gypsy Major 1C
last update: 2025-March-04
1959-May-01 Struck off Strength Struck off, to Crown Assets Disposal Corporation for sale. 2019-08-20
Chipmunk 18003, 1
s/n 18003
m/d DHC 1A-1
c/n 25
de Havilland Canada
DH Gypsy Major 1C
last update: 2025-March-04
1959-May-01 Struck off Strength Struck off, to Crown Assets Disposal Corporation for sale. 2019-08-20
Chipmunk 18004, 2
s/n 18004
as/n 12004
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 113-151
de Havilland Canada
DH Gypsy Major 10
From 12004
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or earlier. Fitted with Lycoming O-320 engine while with military. Returned to civil register in late 1971 as CF-CXI, the same registration used for manufacturer's tests in 1948. Owners included Donald Duffy in the 1970s and Max Ball Limited, (registration cancelled 14 October 1983). Later registered as C-FCXI, owners included Aero Taxi in the 1990s, Air Quasar Ltd. from 10 December 1999, and, since 4 October 2002. Craik Aviation Ltd. of Manyberries, Alberta. Latest Certificate of Reg Nov 11, 2026.
last update: 2025-March-06
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12004 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-17 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk 18005, 2
s/n 18005
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 153-191
de Havilland Canada
DH Gypsy Major 10
last update: 2025-March-06
1964-October-22 Struck off Strength Struck off, to Crown Assets Disposal Corporation for sale. 2019-08-20
Chipmunk 18006, 2
s/n 18006
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 154-192
de Havilland Canada
DH Gypsy Major 10
last update: 2025-March-06
1964-October-26 Struck off Strength Struck off, to Crown Assets Disposal Corporation for sale. 2019-08-20
Chipmunk 18007, 2
s/n 18007
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 155-193
de Havilland Canada
DH Gypsy Major 10
last update: 2025-March-06
1963-April-05 Struck off Strength Struck off after Category A crash, see comments. 2019-08-20
Chipmunk 18008, 2
s/n 18008
as/n 12008
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 156-194
de Havilland Canada
DH Gypsy Major 10
From 12008
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To US register as N9248A, later N97JS, still current in 2002. By then it had been fitted with a Lycoming IO-540 engine, and was registered to N.B. Harbold Jr. of Clover, South Carolina.
last update: 2025-March-06
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12008 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-10 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk 18009, 2
s/n 18009
as/n 12009
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 157-195
de Havilland Canada
DH Gypsy Major 10
From 12009
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, Oct 1964 or later. Last Chipmunk in possession of the Canadian Forces. To Crown Assets Disposal Corporation 2 Feb 1972. To US register as N27JD, then N46SM (or was this c/n 139?) , then N4304F, then N12BH. Registered in 2005 to Missionary Maintenance Services of Coshocton, Ohio, fitted with a Lycoming IO-540 engine.
last update: 2025-March-06
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12009 . 2019-08-20
1972-February-02 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk 18010, 2
s/n 18010
as/n 12010
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 139-177
de Havilland Canada
DH Gypsy Major 10
From 12010
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, Mar 1970. To storage at CFS Saskatoon 14 Apr 1971. To Crown Assets Disposal Corporation 27 Jan 1972, sold to C.R. Simmons, Lancaster Ont. Later to US register as N180, later N27FD. Last registration was in 1996, to Hardship Aircraft Inc. of Wilmington, Delaware. Was fitted with a Lycoming IO-540 by then.
last update: 2025-March-06
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12010 . 2019-08-20
1972-January-27 Struck off Strength 2020-10-20
Chipmunk 18011, 2
s/n 18011
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 135-173
de Havilland Canada
DH Gypsy Major 10
last update: 2025-March-06
1964-November-20 Struck off Strength Struck off, later sold. 2019-08-20
Chipmunk 18012, 2
s/n 18012
as/n 12012
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 141-179
de Havilland Canada
DH Gypsy Major 10
From 12012
To Crown Assets Disposal Corporation 2 Dec 1971, sold to CR Simmons, Lancaster Ont. To civil register as CF-CYK, later C-FCYK. Owners included Willian Neelin of Kingston in 1976, Theresa Neelin prior to July 1982, Russell Nichol from 16 June 1986, and Canam Investments Ltd. since 30 August 1999.
last update: 2025-March-06
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12012 . 2019-08-20
1971-December-02 Struck off Strength 2020-10-20
Chipmunk 18013, 2
s/n 18013
as/n 12013
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 145-183
de Havilland Canada
DH Gypsy Major 10
From 12013
To Crown Assets Disposal Corporation 15 Nov 1971, sold to R. Marsh of Smith Falls, Ontario. To civil register as CF-CYL, same registration used for manufacturer's tests in 1951. Owners included Twin Bee Sales of Calgary in 1976, and Lake City Central Equipment prior to May 1982. Last Canadian owner appears to have been Beaver Air Inc., who cancelled their registration in 1985. To US register as N4407B, received experimental flight permit on 19 August 1998. Registered to W.L. Hunsaker of Murray, Utah at that time, fitted with a Lycoming IO-540 engine.
NOTE: A civil Chipmunk in Spain in 2009 marked 18013 is actually UK built, ex RAF WB635.
last update: 2025-March-06
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12013 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-15 Struck off Strength 2020-10-20
Chipmunk 18014, 2
s/n 18014
as/n 12014
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 146-184
de Havilland Canada
DH Gypsy Major 10
From 12014
To Crown Assets Disposal Corporation 19 Nov 1971. Sold to JA Gulyes, Oakville Ont. To civil register as CF-CYM, same registration used for manufacturer's trials in 1951. Later registered as C-FCYM. Owners included Edmund Baklarz of Brampton in 1976, and Precision Holdings Inc. in the 1980s. To US register as N280RD. Last registration issued 17 February 2005 to Silverado Industries of Wagoner, Oklahoma.
last update: 2025-March-06
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12014 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-19 Struck off Strength 2020-10-21
Chipmunk 18015, 2
s/n 18015
as/n 12015
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 148-186
de Havilland Canada
DH Gypsy Major 10
From 12015
To civil register as C-FCYO, owned by William Harder prior to December 1982, and then by Reynolds Motor Supply, Stan Reynolds Sales, and finally Reynolds Museum. Last Certificate of Registration issued on 3 January 2002. On display at the Reynolds Museum in Wetaskiwin, Alberta by 2005.
last update: 2025-March-06
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12015 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-17 Struck off Strength 2020-10-21
Chipmunk 18016, 2
s/n 18016
as/n 12016
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 150-188
de Havilland Canada
DH Gypsy Major 10
From 12016
Later to civil register as C-FCYQ, owned by Richel Air Ltd. of St. Jean, Quebec, off register by 1976. To US register as N91109, registered on 25 February 1992 to D.L. Lucke of Minot, North Dakota.
last update: 2025-March-06
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12016 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-10 Struck off Strength 2020-10-21
Chipmunk 18017, 2
s/n 18017
as/n 12017
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 151-189
de Havilland Canada
DH Gypsy Major 10
From 12017
At CFB Portage, Manitoba after unification, with the Flying Instructor School. To 3CFFTS July 1970. Inactive reserve at Saskatoon 29 June 1971. To Crown Assets Disposal Corporation 16 Nov 1971, sold John Gilvesy of Tillsonburg Ont. To civil register as CF-CYR, same registration used for manufacturer's trials in 1951. Later owners included John Phillips in the 1990s, and Canadian Historical Aircraft Association from 27 January 1999. Visited Toronto Aerospace Museum in May 2006, for Chipmunk fly-in. Marked as "CAF 017", registered as C-FCYR. Current 2025.
last update: 2025-March-06
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12017 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-16 Struck off Strength 2020-10-21
Chipmunk 18018, 2
s/n 18018
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 152-190
de Havilland Canada
DH Gypsy Major 10
last update: 2025-March-06
1961-October-24 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
Chipmunk 18019, 2
s/n 18019
as/n 12019
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 147-185
de Havilland Canada
DH Gypsy Major 10
From 12019
To civil register as CF-CYN, later C-FCYN, owners included George Egan in 1976, and Jacques Lacombe from 26 January 1990, then John Sims, Markham Ont. Visited Toronto Aerospace Museum in May 2006, for Chipmunk fly-in, marked as RCAF 18019. Deregistered 20 Dec 2015, and sold to USA.
NOTE: Current Chipmunk marked CF-CYN is a DHC-1 Mk 20, serial 1355, built by OGMA Portugal, and based in Alberta.
last update: 2025-March-08
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12019 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-15 Struck off Strength 2020-10-21
Chipmunk 18020, 2
s/n 18020
as/n 12020
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 158-196
de Havilland Canada
DH Gypsy Major 10
From 12020
To Crown Assets Disposal Corporation 4 Aug 1971, sold to R Marsh, Smiths Falls Ont. To US register as N66DL, registered in 1991 to D.R. Lyjak of Marietta, Georgia. Fitted with a Lycoming IO-540 by then. By 2011 owned by R. Phillips of North Carolina.
last update: 2025-March-07
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12020 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-15 Struck off Strength 2020-10-21
Chipmunk 18021, 2
s/n 18021
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 159-197
last update: 2024-December-25
1965-November-23 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
Chipmunk 18022, 2
s/n 18022
as/n 12022
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 160-198
From 12022
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as CF-CNZ. Owned by Dr. J. W. Adamson of Shaunavon, Saskatchewan prior to 1976, and Douglas Campbell of Moose Jaw in 1976. Off register by 1982. To US register as N198RJ, last registered in 2001 to Jones Flying Service of Minter City, Minnesota. Fitted with Lycoming IO-540 by then.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12022 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-19 Struck off Strength 2020-10-21
Chipmunk 18023, 2
s/n 18023
as/n 12023
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 161-199
de Havilland Canada
DH Gypsy Major 10
From 12023
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as CF-OAV, later C-FOAV. Owners included Kenneth Friesen of Coquitlam, BC in the 1970s and 1980s, and John Phillips from 22 April 1989. Last Certificate of Registration issued on 24 July 2002.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12023 . 2019-08-20
1971-December-22 Struck off Strength 2020-10-21
Chipmunk 18024, 2
s/n 18024
as/n 12024
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 162-200
de Havilland Canada
DH Gypsy Major 10
last update: 2025-March-05
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12024 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-10 Struck off Strength 2020-10-21
Chipmunk 18025, 2
s/n 18025
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 163-201.
last update: 2024-December-25
1964-October-22 Struck off Strength Struck off, to Crown Assets Disposal Corporation for sale. 2019-08-20
Chipmunk 18026, 2
s/n 18026
as/n 12026
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 164-202
From 12026
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register when sold, as CF-RRS. Owned by R. Spence, as C-FRRS, until 1972. Registered to Leslie Balla of Toronto on 30 September 2005. Visited Toronto Aerospace Museum in May 2006, for Chipmunk fly-in, marked as RCAF 18026.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12026 . 2019-08-20
1971-December-29 Struck off Strength 2020-10-21
Chipmunk 18027, 2
s/n 18027
as/n 12027
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 165-203
From 12027
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as C-GDJT. Owned by T. Garrison and D. Shackleton of Scarborough, Ontario from 1980 to 1989. Last known owner was Robert Bissonnette, last Certtificate of Registration issued on 24 April 1989. Visited Toronto Aerospace Museum in May 2006, for Chipmunk fly-in.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12027 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-10 Struck off Strength 2020-10-21
Chipmunk 18028, 2
s/n 18028
as/n 12028
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 166-204
From 12028
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as CF-EGO. Owned by R. N. Bissonnette of Stratford from 16 February 1973. To Roy Bissonette of Thorndale, Ontario in 1989, restored to RCAF markings, including old serial 18028. Last Certificate of Registration issued to this owner on 18 March 1998. Currently (2008) hanged at London, Ontario, YXU. For sale in March 2008, together with airframe spares. Reported with 2301.8 logged time in sales offer.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12028 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-18 Struck off Strength 2020-10-21
Chipmunk 18029, 2
s/n 18029
as/n 12029
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 167-205
From 12029
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as CF-JTP, later C-FJTP. Owned by J. T. Price of St. Hubert, Quebec in 1976. Last known owner was E. J. Pinter of Sherbrooke West, owner since 27 October 1977, registration cancelled 19 June 2002.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12029 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-17 Struck off Strength 2020-10-21
Chipmunk 18030, 2
s/n 18030
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 168-206
last update: 2024-December-25
1957-March-29 Struck off Strength Struck off, after Category A crash on 4 February 1957. 2019-08-20
Chipmunk 18031, 2
s/n 18031
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 169-207
last update: 2024-December-25
1964-November-06 Struck off Strength Struck off, to Crown Assets Disposal Corporation for sale. 2019-08-20
Chipmunk 18032, 2
s/n 18032
as/n 12032
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 170-208
From 12032
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as CF-DIC. Owned by J. Lalonde and G. Boily of Chicoutimi in 1976. To US register, first as N4996G. Written off as N69WG on 16 August 1980.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12032 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-16 Struck off Strength 2020-10-21
Chipmunk 18033, 2
s/n 18033
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 171-209
last update: 2024-December-25
1964-October-30 Struck off Strength Struck off, to Crown Assets Disposal Corporation for sale. 2019-08-20
Chipmunk 18034, 2
s/n 18034
as/n 12034
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 172-210
From 12034
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as CF-BXC. Written off near Calgary, Alberta on 22 June 1973.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12034 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-19 Struck off Strength 2020-10-21
Chipmunk 18035, 2
s/n 18035
as/n 12035
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 173-211
From 12035
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. Registered as CF-POW, owned by Canadian Warplane Heritage from 5 September 1973, last Certificate of Registration in their name issued on 28 May 1997. Sold to Hannu Halminen on 16 June 2004, Certificate of Registration issued same day. Visited Toronto Aerospace Museum in May 2006, for Chipmunk fly-in, marked as RCAF 18035.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12035 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-24 Struck off Strength 2020-10-26
Chipmunk 18036, 2
s/n 18036
as/n 12036
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 174-212
From 12036
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as CF-BXL, owners included Cruachain Entertainment Ltd. Off register by 1976.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12036 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-22 Struck off Strength 2020-10-26
Chipmunk 18037, 2
s/n 18037
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 175-213
last update: 2024-December-25
1964-October-30 Struck off Strength Struck off, to Crown Assets Disposal Corporation for sale. 2019-08-20
Chipmunk 18038, 2
s/n 18038
as/n 12038
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 176-214
From 12038
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. T civil register as CF-BNB. Owners included E. Gray and G. Fawcett of Renfrew in 1976, and later Byron Reynolds (registration cancelled 28 October 1982), C. J. Kakish (registration cancelled on 5 December 1984) and William Harder (registration cancelled 1987). To US register as N53038, off register by 1997. Active again, with same registration, in 2010. Based at Deer Valley Airport near Phoenix, Arizona, in RCAF markings
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12038 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-16 Struck off Strength 2020-10-26
Chipmunk 18039, 2
s/n 18039
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 177-215
last update: 2024-December-25
1964-October-23 Struck off Strength Struck off, to Crown Assets Disposal Corporation for sale. 2019-08-20
Chipmunk 18040, 2
s/n 18040
as/n 12040
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 178-216
From 12040
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as CF-XPT, off register by 1976. To US register as N69FJ, then N1804Q. Last registered, in experimental category, to J.A. Plake of Ocklawaha, Florida on 3 February 2001. Fitted with Lycoming TIO-540 engine by then.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12040 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-15 Struck off Strength 2020-10-26
Chipmunk 18041, 2
s/n 18041
as/n 12041
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 179-217
From 12041
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as CF-BXK, later C-FBXK. Owners included Northwestern Air Lease of St. Albert in 1976, Thomas Mitchell (last registration cancelled 5 October 1982), Don Farms Ltd. (last registration cancelled 18 May 1988), Henri Dielwart (from 7 May 1988 to 24 September 2003), and the Canadian Warplane Heritage (last Certificate of Registration issued on 24 September 2003). . Visited Toronto Aerospace Museum in May 2006, for Chipmunk fly-in, with RCAF serial still marked.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12041 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk 18042, 2
s/n 18042
as/n 12042
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 180-218
From 12042
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as CF-QND. Owners included Robert Toole of Calgary in 1976, Comanche Drilling Ltd. (registration cancelled 25 August 1982), Fred Varty (registration cancelled 26 September 1982) and Alvin Bebault (registration cancelled 1986). Exported to the US in 1986, registered first as N333HS, then as N260DC. Last registered on 10 November 1986, to S.R. Asbury-Oliver of Arvada, Colorado. Fitted with Lycoming IO 540 engine by then.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12042 . 2019-08-20
1971-December-30 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk 18043, 2
s/n 18043
as/n 12043
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 181-219
From 12043
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register when sold. By 1999 had been restored to 1960s RCAF colours, and carried original RCAF serial number. On US civil register as N2EA. Last registered on 15 November 1995, to Aero Smith Classic Inc. of Camano Island, Washington. Still had original engine on that date.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12043 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-19 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk 18044, 2
s/n 18044
as/n 12044
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 182-220
Used by the Primary Flying Training School at RCAF Station Centralia, Ontario for Course 5904, in the summer of 1959. This course included Canadian and Dutch pupils. At CFB Borden, Ontario after unification.From 12044
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as CF-OAA. Owners included Harold Nelson of Richmond, BC from 14 June 1972 to 24 May 1990, Ronald Malischewski in 1990 and 1991, Cornelius Holmes from 29 October 1991 to 1998, and T. C. Leasing from 21 September 1998. Last Certificate of Registration issued on 6 November 2003.At Saskatchewan Aviation Museum as of January 2025
last update: 2025-January-221970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12044 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-19 Struck off Strength 2020-10-26
Chipmunk 18045, 2
s/n 18045
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 183-221
last update: 2024-December-25
1964-October-26 Struck off Strength Struck off, to Crown Assets Disposal Corporation for sale. 2019-08-20
Chipmunk 18046, 2
s/n 18046
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 184-222
last update: 2024-December-25
1964-October-22 Struck off Strength Struck off, to Crown Assets Disposal Corporation for sale. 2019-08-20
Chipmunk 18047, 2
s/n 18047
as/n 12047
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 185-223
From 12047
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as CF-CNJ, later C-FCNJ. Owned by L. A. Ingham prior to 1976, and Yorkton Flying Services of Yorkton, Saskatchewan in 1976. Owner since September 1991 is Robert Cliff, last Certificate of Registration issued on 6 November 2003.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12047 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-16 Struck off Strength 2020-10-26
Chipmunk 18048, 2
s/n 18048
as/n 12048
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 186-224
From 12048
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as CF-BNL, later C-FBNL. Owners included O. G. Gagnier of Harrow in 1976, and Jacques Lacombe et al. Last Certificate of Registration issued to this owner on 26 January 1990.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12048 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-18 Struck off Strength 2020-10-26
Chipmunk 18049, 2
s/n 18049
as/n 12049
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 187-225
From 12049
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as CF-FJW. Owners included Frank J. West of Riverton in 1976. Later owned by Charles Money of Calgary Alberta, registration cancelled in 1987. To US registration as N90504, last registered on 21 May 1987 to W.R. Rose of South Barrington, Illinois.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12049 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-09 Struck off Strength 2020-10-26
Chipmunk 18050, 2
s/n 18050
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 188-226
last update: 2024-December-25
1962-April-18 Struck off Strength Struck off, after Category A crash on 6 April 1962. 2019-08-20

Chipmunk 18051, 2
s/n 18051
as/n 12051
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 189-227
From 12051
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as CF-JAG, later C-FJAG. Owners included John Mrazek of Richmond in 1976, John Raymond in 1980s, and George Neal since 1991.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12051 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-25 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk 18052, 2
s/n 18052
as/n 12052
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 190-228
From 12052
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as CF-BXH, later C-FBXH. Owners included Summit Mortgages Ltd. of Calgary prior to 1976, South Alberta Aircraft Ltd. of Calgary in 1976, William Bissonnette in the late 1990s, and T. C. Holdings from 21 November 2001. Visited Toronto Aerospace Museum in May 2006, for Chipmunk fly-in, marked as RCAF 18052.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12052 . 2019-08-20
1971-December-10 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk 18053, 2
s/n 18053
as/n 12053
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 191-229
From 12053
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as C-GUBH. Owned by Jean Huneault in 1976. Owned by S. Roman of Markham, Ontario from 1991 to 1993, when registration was cancelled. To US register as N1956D. Last registered on 13 November 1997 to D.P. Sinelk et al of Elbert, Colorado. Had Lycoming IO 360 engine by then.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12053 . 2019-08-20
1971-December-10 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk 18054, 2
s/n 18054
as/n 12054
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 192-230
From 12054
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as CF-BNM, later C-FBNM. Owned by Carl Thompson of Oldcastle from 10 April 1972 to November 1998. Owned by Canadian Historical Aircraft Association from 18 November 1998, last Certificate of Registration issued on that date. Visited Toronto Aerospace Museum in May 2006, for Chipmunk fly-in. Marked as RCAF 18054 at that time.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12054 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-24 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk 18055, 2
s/n 18055
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 193-231
last update: 2024-December-25
1964-October-26 Struck off Strength Struck off, to Crown Assets Disposal Corporation for sale. 2019-08-20
Chipmunk 18056, 2
s/n 18056
as/n 12056
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 194-232
From 12056
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as CF-BNJ. Owners included Thomas Murray of London, Ontario from the 1970s, and I. Jamison of Mississauga, Ontario, registration cancelled by 1984. To US registration as N56EF. Last registered on 18 November 1988 to W.R. Rose of South Barrington, Illinois.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12056 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-17 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk 18057, 2
s/n 18057
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 195-233
last update: 2024-December-25
1964-October-26 Struck off Strength Struck off, to Crown Assets Disposal Corporation for sale. 2019-08-20
Chipmunk 18058, 2
s/n 18058
as/n 12058
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 196-234
From 12058
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as CF-BXI, later C-FBXI. Owners included Richard A. Cyr of Medly, Alberta in 1976, and William Bissonnette, registration cancelled in 1996.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12058 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk 18059, 2
s/n 18059
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 197-235
last update: 2024-December-25
1966-February-15 Struck off Strength Struck off, after crash on 14 January 1966. 2019-08-20
Chipmunk 18060, 2
s/n 18060
as/n 12060
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 198-236
From 12060
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as CF-BKN, later C-FBKN and then C-FOBB. Owners included E.J. Pinter of Montreal from 1976 to 1985 (as CF-BKN), and T. C. Leasing of Saskatoon from 24 May 2001 (as C-FOBB). Reported under restoration by Saskatchewan Aviation Historical Society in 2014.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12060 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-12 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk 18061, 2
s/n 18061
as/n 12061
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 199-237
From 12061
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as CF-FTC, later C-FFTC. Owned by R. Toole of Sherwood Park, Alberta, registration cancelled in 1986. On US register as N332HS by June 1998.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12061 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk 18062, 2
s/n 18062
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 200-238
last update: 2024-December-25
1965-August-06 Struck off Strength Struck off, after Category A crash on 27 July 1965. 2019-08-20

Chipmunk 18063, 2
s/n 18063
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 201-239
last update: 2024-December-25
1966-June-08 Accident Category A 2022-03-27
1966-June-22 Struck off Strength after Category A crash on 8 June 1966. 2022-03-27
Chipmunk 18064, 2
s/n 18064
as/n 12064
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 202-240
From 12064
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as CF-BNH. Owners included James Rogers of Toronto in 1976, Gordon Saylor from 1988 to 1991, and John Wilkins from August 1991, when the last Certificate of Registration was issued.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12064 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-18 Struck off Strength 2020-10-26
Chipmunk 18065, 2
s/n 18065
as/n 12065
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 203-241
From 12065
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as CF-LBT. Owners included Theodore Tullis of Whitehorse from 1975 (or earlier), David Hamblin in the early 1990s, Brent Hougan from 1992 to 1997, and Curtis Johnston from 1997.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12065 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-24 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk 18066, 2
s/n 18066
as/n 12066
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 204-242
From 12066
Probably used at CFB Portage, Manitoba. To civil register as CF-BXJ. Owned by J. L. Seagull and Associates of Camrose, Alberta in 1976. Registered to Risley Enterprises Ltd. from September 1980 to May 1992. Also reported by some sources as becoming CF-CYZ, but I cannot confirm this.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12066 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk 18067, 2
s/n 18067
as/n 12067
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 205-243
From 12067
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as CF-CXT, later C-FCXT. Owners included Robert Heggie of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan up to May 1982, Donald Bradshaw to July 1983, William Harder until March 1985, Jaroslav Svoboda from August 1985 to October 2004, and Carla Maarse from October 2004 until registration was cancelled in March 2005.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12067 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-18 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk 18068, 2
s/n 18068
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 206-244
last update: 2024-December-25
1957-November-15 Struck off Strength Struck off, after Category A crash on 15 November 1957. 2020-10-12
Chipmunk 18069, 2
s/n 18069
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 207-245
last update: 2024-December-25
1969-March-04 Classified Instructional CA 708 B 2020-06-19
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12069 . 2019-08-20
1972-January-27 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk 18070, 2
s/n 18070
as/n 12070
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 208-246
From 12070
With Canadian Forces Flying Instructor School at CFB Portage, Manitoba. To civil register as CF-CIA. Sold to National Aviation Museum in 1972. Reported preserved at National Aviation Museum, Ottawa, Ontario in April 1995. In storage there in 2005, in CF markings and with CF serial.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12070 . 2019-08-20
1972-January-14 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk 18071, 2
s/n 18071
as/n 12071
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 209-247
From 12071
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as CF-QKV, later C-FQKV. Owned by J. P. Huneault of Pierrefonds, Quebec prior to 1976, and Stephan Kauser of Mont Royal in 1976 (as CF-QKV). Owned by Bailey Aviation Services and Holdings, as C-FQKV, when Canadian registration was cancelled in 1987. Later on US register as N4KV, last registered on 8 June 1987 to Flight Research Inc. of Starkville, Mississippi. Seen at Lancaster, Califonai in late 2010.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12071 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-10 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk 18072, 2
s/n 18072
as/n 12072
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 210-248
From 12072
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as CF-CTY. Owners included Donald Haffermehl prior to 1990, Michael Ozarko from February 1990 to May 1998, and Adam Smuszkowicz from 1998.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12072 . 2019-08-20
1970-December-30 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk 18073, 2
s/n 18073
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 211-249
last update: 2024-December-25
1961-October-20 Struck off Strength 2020-10-12
Chipmunk 18074, 2
s/n 18074
as/n 12074
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 212-250
From 12074
Served at CFB Portage, Manitoba. To civil register as CF-BXG, later C-FBXG. Owners included Farmair Ltd. of High River, Alberta from April 1972 to 2003, and John Sims from August 2003. Last Certificate of Registration issued to this owner on 4 February 2004. Sold to Paul Soles of Toronto on 21 February 2005. Also reported as on display at Okotoks, Alberta in 2005.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12074 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-16 Struck off Strength 2020-10-12
Chipmunk 18075, 2
s/n 18075
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 213-251
last update: 2024-December-25
1967-October-25 Classified Instructional CA A 705 2020-06-08
1972-January-27 Struck off Strength Struck off and sold.SOS date not shown in Inv Card; 27 Jan 1972 per Griffin2005 Numerical Registry. Walker shows CI date 25 Oct 1967, which supports 1972 SOS date instead of 30 June 1967. 2020-10-25
Chipmunk 18076, 2
s/n 18076
as/n 12076
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 214-252
From 12076
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as CF-BXM, later C-FBXM. Owned by K. C. Ogilvie and M. U. Potter of Ottawa in 1976. Later to US register as N9041Y, still current in 2005. Fitted with Continental IO 360 engine, date unknown. Reported sold in FAA register, January 2006.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12076 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk 18077, 2
s/n 18077
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 215-253
last update: 2024-December-25
1969-July-25 Struck off Strength Struck off after Category A crash on 7 March 1969. 2019-08-20

Chipmunk 18078, 2
s/n 18078
as/n 12078
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 216-254
From 12078
With 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at CFB Portage, Manitoba, 1 July 1970 or later. To civil register as CF-XPT, owned by Astra Flights Ltd. of Bolton, Ontario, off register by 1976. To US register as N2397, last registered on 9 September 2003 to D.L. Lucke of Minot, North Dakota.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-June-02 Serial Change Became CAF 12078 . 2019-08-20
1971-November-24 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk 18079, 2
s/n 18079
m/d DHC-1B-2-S5
c/n 217-255
last update: 2024-December-25
1966-February-15 Struck off Strength Struck off, after Category A crash on 25 September 1965. 2019-08-20
Chipmunk CFCXA,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 101-139
last update: 2025-February-06
1961-October-24 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk CFCXB,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 102-140
last update: 2025-February-06
1961-October-20 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk CFCXC,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 103-141
last update: 2025-February-06
1955-July-13 Accident Crash Crashed 2019-08-20
1955-July-13 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk CFCXD,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 104-142
last update: 2025-February-06
1957-March-26 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk CFCXE,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 105-143
last update: 2025-February-06
1961-November-20 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk CFCXF,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 106-144
last update: 2025-February-06
1951-January-03 Accident Crash Crashed 2019-08-20
1951-January-11 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk CFCXG,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 111-149
last update: 2025-February-06
1961-November-30 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk CFCXH,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 112-150
last update: 2025-February-06
1952-November-02 Accident Crash Crashed 2019-08-20
1952-November-12 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk CFCXJ,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 114-152
last update: 2025-February-06
1962-January-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk CFCXK,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 115-153
last update: 2025-February-06
1964-November-06 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk CFCXL,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 116-154
last update: 2025-February-06
1961-October-13 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk CFCXM,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 117-155
last update: 2025-February-06
1961-October-03 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk CFCXN,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 118-156
last update: 2025-February-06
1952-October-20 Struck off Strength 2020-09-30
Chipmunk CFCXO,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 119-157
last update: 2025-February-06
1957-March-26 Struck off Strength Struck off, after being destroyed by fire. 2019-08-20
Chipmunk CFCXP,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 120-158
last update: 2025-February-06
Chipmunk CFCXQ,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 121-159
last update: 2025-February-06
1961-October-31 Struck off Strength Written off at Vancouver.SOS date changed from 07 Feb 1968 to 31 Oct 1961 per Griffin 1968. Plane had been lent to Brantford Flying Club; was privately owned when it suffered major accident at Vancouver Airport on 07 Feb 1968 (ref: #1438. 2020-09-30
Chipmunk CFCXR,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 122-160
last update: 2025-February-06
1956-February-21 Struck off Strength 2020-09-30

Chipmunk CFCXS,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 123-161
last update: 2025-February-06
1961-December-08 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk CFCXT,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 124-162?
last update: 2025-February-06
1956-August-08 Struck off Strength Crashed, struck off RCAF strength 2020-09-30

Chipmunk CFCXU,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 125-163
last update: 2025-February-06
1956-October-12 Accident Crash crashed 2019-08-20
1956-November-12 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk CFCXV,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 126-164
last update: 2025-February-06
1961-December-21 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk CFCXW,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 127-165
last update: 2025-February-06
1961-December-21 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk CFCXX,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 128-166
last update: 2025-February-06
1961-October-20 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk CFCXY,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 129-167
last update: 2025-February-06
1962-January-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
1964-October-26 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk CFCXZ,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 130-168
last update: 2025-February-06
1961-October-13 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk CFCYA,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 131-169
last update: 2025-February-06
1961-October-24 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk CFCYB,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 132-170
last update: 2025-February-06
1957-October-10 Struck off Strength 2020-09-30
Chipmunk CFCYC,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 133-171
last update: 2025-February-06
1952-February Accident Crash Crashed 2019-08-20
1952-March-01 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk CFCYD,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 134-172
last update: 2025-February-06
1962-January-31 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk CFCYF,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 136-174
last update: 2025-February-06
1964-October-29 Struck off Strength 2020-09-30
Chipmunk CFCYG,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 137-175
last update: 2025-February-06
1961-October-24 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk CFCYH,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 138-176
last update: 2025-February-06
1959-November-09 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk CFCYJ,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 140-178
last update: 2025-February-06
1961-November-24 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Chipmunk CFCYP,
m/d DHC-1B-2-S3
c/n 149-187
last update: 2025-February-06
1964-October-26 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07