Table of Contents
Griffin Books
4. Instructional Register 479-492
5. Royal Canadian Navy Serials 493-495
6. British Military Serials 497-592
7. United States Army/AirForce Serials 593-597
8. United States Navy Serials 599-603
9. Canadian Civil Registration 605-607
10. Previous and Subsequent Canadian Civil Registrations 609-637
Chapter 1

All aircraft on the strength of the Canadian Air Board, Canadian Air Force, Royal Canadian Air Force, Civil Govern- ment Air Operations, Royal Canadian Navy and the Canadian Army are listed in this section alphabetically. The accepted service nomenclature is used, and to reduce confusion, particularly in the manufacturer's narne, Appendix ,I provides for a cross reference by type name only.
The RCAF over the years has modified many of its aircraft, but the type summary lists only the mark number on introduction. There are exceptions to this approach however to accomrrxodate major conversions such as the Avro 504K. to N and the Fairchild FC-2 to 51 programmes. The same logic is applied to the engine inforrnation in that the engine on entry is shown rather than attempting to detail subsequent conversions.
Dates given are for the entry of the first aircraft of the type and the date when the last of the type was struck off charge. The "Struck off" dates are apt to be misleading if not placed in perspective. The Services have frequently placed aircraft in storage pending final disposition and this practice tends to indicate that the type was in active use longer than was actually the case. This situation is further confused by the retention of the type in an instructionai capacity beyond its active life. For the sake of uniformity the struck off dates given here tend to be the final exit of the last of the type from the inventory.
Totals are provided by model and type.