MacNaughton, Robert Elwood

Killed in Flying Accident 1966-04-23

Male Head

Birth Date: 1937-June-29

Born: North Devon, New Brunswick

Son of Peter and Audrey MacNaughton.

Home: North Devon, New Brunswick

Enlistment: Saint John, New Brunswick

Enlistment Date: 1954-07-19




121 (K)



Leading Aircraftman


Leading Aircraftman

Service Numbers


First Burial
Google MapCanada
Multiple fatalities associated with this accident.Listed as Lance Corporal in Book of Remembrance.

Grumman CSR-110 Albatross

(DND Photo via James Craik) Source Harold A Skaarup Web Page
Grumman CSR-110 Albatross, RCAF (Serial No. (9309).
Grumman-Albatross-9309-over-Wpg---James-Craik.jpg image not found

The Grumman CSR-110 Albatross is a large twin-radial engine amphibious flying boat flown by the RCAF as a search and rescue aircraft.Harold Skaarup web pages

Note: G-231 is the Grumman model number for RCAF Albatross; others G-111.

General Harold A Skaarup Web Page

YouTube Grummand Albatross Seaplane

Wikipedia Wikipedia Albatross Seaplane

Kestrel Publications RCAF CSR-110 Albatross Serials List - Kestrel Piblications