Dehoux, Joseph Laurier

Killed in Action 1943-09-02

Male Head

Birth Date: 1920


Home: Toronto, Ontario


Enlistment Date: Unknown

Decorations: DFC

Distinguished Service Cross




137 Sqn- Squadron (RAF)
Do Right Fear Naught


RAF Charmy Down


Flight Lieutenant


Flight Lieutenant

Service Numbers


Born 1920 in Quebec. Home in Toronto; enlisted there 22 June 1940. Trained at No.2 ITS (graduated 27 July 1940), No.3 EFTS (graduated 21 October 1940) and No.1 SFTS (graduated 30 January 1941). Commissioned 1942. Killed in Action 2 September 1943 (Hurricane KX698) after attack on lock gates at Hansleert; buried in Holland.137 Squadron (Do Right Fear Naught). BROTHER to Joseph Fernand Dehoux. Hurricane aircraft KX 698 lost while attacking the Lock Gates at Hansweerl, Holland. Addendum: At time of death he was 23 years old, also note the following - Distinguished Flying Cross - No.137 Squadron - Award effective 30 July 1943 as per London Gazette of that date and AFRO 358/44 dated 18 February 1944. The citation reads 7 "This officer has participated in many sorties including attacks on enemy airfields, both by day and night, on military installations and shipping. In the course of his activities Flying Officer Dehoux has inflicted damage on nineteen barges, three minesweepers and five locomotives. He has displayed great skill and fighting qualities." Detail provided by H. Halliday, Orleans, Ontario.

Hawker Hurricane

Hawker Hurricane Mk IIc.
Source BBMF
hurricane-6.jpg image not found

The Hawker Hurricane is a single-seat fighter aircraft of the 1930s"“1940s that was designed and predominantly built by Hawker Aircraft Ltd. for service with the Royal Air Force (RAF). The Hurricane developed through several versions, as bomber-interceptors, fighter-bombers, and ground support aircraft in addition to fighters. Versions designed for the Navy were popularly known as the Sea Hurricane, with modifications enabling their operation from ships. Some were converted to be used as catapult-launched convoy escorts. By the end of production in July 1944, 14,487 Hurricanes had been completed in Britain and Canada.

A major manufacturer of the Hurricane was Canadian Car and Foundry at their factory in Fort William (now Thunder Bay), Ontario. The facility's chief engineer, Elsie MacGill, became known as the "Queen of the Hurricanes". The initiative was commercially led rather than governmentally, but was endorsed by the British government; Hawker, having recognized that a major conflict was all but inevitable after the Munich Crisis of 1938, drew up preliminary plans to expand Hurricane production via a new factory in Canada. Under this plan, samples, pattern aircraft, and a complete set of design documents stored on microfilm, were shipped to Canada; the RCAF ordered 20 Hurricanes to equip one fighter squadron and two more were supplied to Canadian Car and Foundry as pattern aircraft but one probably did not arrive. The first Hurricane built at Canadian Car and Foundry was officially produced in February 1940. As a result, Canadian-built Hurricanes were shipped to Britain to participate in events such as the Battle of Britain. Canadian Car and Foundry (CCF) was responsible for the production of 1,451 Hurricanes. Wikipedia and Harold A Skaarup Web Page

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Wikipedia Wikipedia Hurricane

General Harold A Skaarup Web Page

Kestrel Publications Hurricane - Kestrel Publications