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Charlton, Ross Conger (Flight Lieutenant)

Killed in Action 1945-February-15

Birth Date: 1919-November-16 (age 25)

Born: Cobalt, Temiskeming District, Ontario, Canada

Harry Porteous Charlton & Pauline Muriel Charlton

Jacqueline (nee Emery) Charlton

Home: North Bay, Ontario

Enlistment: Toronto, Ontario

Enlistment Date: 1940-10-14

429 (B) Sqn- Squadron
Fortunae Nihil Nothing to chance
RAF Leeming
Flight Lieutenant
Air Chief MarshalA/C/M
Air MarshalA/M
Air Vice MarshalA/V/M
Air CommodoreA/C
Group CaptainG/C
Wing CommanderW/C
Squadron LeaderS/L
Flight LieutenantF/L
Flying OfficerF/O
Pilot OfficerP/O
Warrant Officer 1st ClassWO1
Warrant Officer 2nd ClassWO2
Flight SergeantFS
Senior AircraftmanSAC
Leading AircraftmanLAC
Aircraftman 1st ClassAC1
Aircraftman 2nd ClassAC2
Service Numbers

Halifax B.Mk.III MZ865

Minelaying Kattegat Strait Denmark 1945-February-14 to 1945-February-15

429 (B) Sqn (RCAF) RAF Leeming

429 Bison Squadron (Fortunae Nihil) RAF Leeming. Halifax BIII aircraft MZ 865 AL-V went down in the sea off Sweden during a night mine-laying operation in the Kadet Channel, Western Baltic south of Copenhagen. The aircraft had inadvertently entered Swedish airspace and disregarded warning shots, ultimately being shot down and crashing near the Falsterbo Lighthouse with the loss of the entire crew

Flying Officer KW Rainford (RCAF), Flight Lieutenant RC Charlton (RCAF), Flying Officer RA Thorne (RCAF), Pilot Officer W Fedorchuk (RCAF), Pilot Officer RJ McCallum(RCAF), Flight Sergeant SE Bostwick (RCAF) and Flight Sergeant GJ Barnes (RCAF) were all killed in action

The bodies of most of the crew were recovered or washed ashore to be buried in various Swedish or Danish cemeteries. The body of Pilot Officer RJ McCallum (RCAF) was never found and has no known grave

General [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...

General Halifax III MZ865 in the Baltic Sea south of Sweden 14/2 1945

General Plane 395 HAL MZ865 - The Baltic Sea S of Sweden

Flight Lieutenant Charlton had been a private, (service number 4051), in the Algonquin Rifles Regiment, 3rd Company, Non-Permanent Active Militia (NPAM) in North Bay, Ontario, from March 31, 1938 to June 13, 1940 before transferring to the RCAF.

Took off from Leeming at 18:03 in Halifax Mk III (Sqn code AL-V Bomber Command) on an operation to lay mines in the Kadet Channel.

The aircraft crashed in the Baltic Sea, south of Sweden. The bodies of six of the seven crewmen washed up on the area beaches during the summer and were buried.

Killed: Flight Sergeant Gordon John Lunney Barnes RCAF K/267555 KIA Helsingborg (Palsjo) Municipal Cemetery Sweden Sec. XV. 86. Flight Sergeant Stanley Edward Bostwick RCAF R/255759 KIA Magleby Churchyard, Langeland Denmark grave A. 11. 29. F/Lt Ross Conger Charlton RCAF J/14047 pilot KIA Helsingborg (Palsjo) Municipal Cemetery Sec. XV. 88. Pilot Officer Wolodemir Fedorchuk RCAF J/94221 KIA Helsingborg (Palsjo) Municipal Cemetery Sec. XV. 87. Pilot Officer Robert John McCallum RCAF J/89343 KIA Runnymede Memorial Panel 280. Flying Officer Keith Willard Rainford RCAF J/24809 KIA Karlslunde Churchyard Denmark Grave 607. Flying Officer Robert Aubray Thorne RCAF J/27139 KIA Malmo Eastern Municipal Cemetery Sweden Sec. IV. D. 2B.

Canada Source Canadian Virtual War Memorial

Commonwealth War Graves Commission Commonwealth War Graves Commission

Commonwealth War Graves Commission International Bomber Command Centre


Canada Primary Source Library and Archives Canada Service Files (may not exist)

Google MapNorth Bay, Ontario
Google MapKattegat Strait Denmark
Google MapPalsjo Municipal Cemetery
Section XV 88

Halifax MZ865

Handley Page Halifax

(RAF Photo, 1942)(Source Harold A Skaarup Web Page)A Royal Air Force Handley Page Halifax Mk. II Series I (Serial No. W7676), coded TL-P, of No. 35 Squadron, RAF, based at Linton-on-Ouse, Yorkshire in the UK, being piloted by Flight Lieutenant Reginald Lane, (later Lieutenant-General, RCAF), over the English countryside. Flt Lt Lane and his crew flew twelve operations in W7676, which failed to return from a raid on Nuremberg on the night of 28/29 August 1942, when it was being flown by Flt Sgt D. John and crew.

The Handley Page Halifax is a British Royal Air Force (RAF) four-engined heavy bomber of the Second World War. It was developed by Handley Page to the same specification as the contemporary twin-engine Avro Manchester.

The Halifax has its origins in the twin-engine HP56 proposal of the late 1930s, produced in response to the British Air Ministry's Specification P.13/36 for a capable medium bomber for "world-wide use." The HP56 was ordered as a backup to the Avro 679, both aircraft being designed to use the underperforming Rolls-Royce Vulture engine. The Handley Page design was altered at the Ministry to a four-engine arrangement powered by the Rolls-Royce Merlin engine; the rival Avro 679 was produced as the twin-engine Avro Manchester which, while regarded as unsuccessful mainly due to the Vulture engine, was a direct predecessor of the famed Avro Lancaster. Both the Lancaster and the Halifax would emerge as capable four-engined strategic bombers, thousands of which would be built and operated by the RAF and several other services during the War.

On 25 October 1939, the Halifax performed its maiden flight, and it entered service with the RAF on 13 November 1940. It quickly became a major component of Bomber Command, performing routine strategic bombing missions against the Axis Powers, many of them at night. Arthur Harris, the Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief of Bomber Command, described the Halifax as inferior to the rival Lancaster (in part due to its smaller payload) though this opinion was not shared by many of the crews that flew it, particularly for the MkIII variant. Nevertheless, production of the Halifax continued until April 1945. During their service with Bomber Command, Halifaxes flew a total of 82,773 operations and dropped 224,207 tons of bombs, while 1,833 aircraft were lost. The Halifax was also flown in large numbers by other Allied and Commonwealth nations, such as the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF), Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), Free French Air Force and Polish forces. Wikipedia

YouTube Halifax Heavy Bomber WWII

General Harold A Skaarup Web Page

Wkikpedia Wikipedia Halifax Bomber

Museum National Air Force Museum of Canada

last update: 2023-12-08 20:34:11

Halifax B.Mk.III MZ865

ALRAF RoundelV
Served with No. 429 (B) Squadron, RCAF, coded AL*V. Failed to Return, mining ops, 15.2.45 crashed northwest of Falsterbo, Sweden
Unit 429

429 (B) Sqn Fortunae Nihil ("Bison")

History of the Squadron during World War II (Aircraft: Wellington III, X, Halifax II, V, III, Lancaster I, III)

No 429 Squadron was the 10th bomber unit and 27th squadron formed by the RCAF overseas in WWII. It was formed in November 1942 at East Moor, Yorkshire, UK as part of No 4 Group of RAF Bomber Command. On April 1, 1943 it became part of No 6 (RCAF) Group at No 62 (RCAF) Base, still remaining at East Moor until August 1943, when it moved to Leeming, Yorkshire as part of no 63 (RCAF) Base: it remained at Leeming until its disbandment in May 1946. It undertook strategic and tactical bombing operations. After the cessation of hostilities in Europe, it remained in England and transferred to No 1 Group, where it was engaged in transporting troops from Italy (Operation DODGE).

The squadron, with squadron code AL, flew Vickers Wellington Mks III and X until August 1943, when it re-equipped with Handley-Page Halifax Mk II, which it flew between August 1943 and January 1944, and Mk V between November 1943 and March 1944. These were superseded by Halifax Mk III aircraft in March 1944. In March 1945, the squadron re-equipped with Lancaster Mk I and III. In summary of its activities, it flew 3221 sorties, including airlifting 1055 PoWs back to England, for the loss of 71 aircraft. 9356 tons of bombs were dropped. The squadron was awarded45 DFCs and 2 Bars to DFC, 1 AFC, 1 CGM and 7 DFMs. Battle Honours were: English Channel and North Sea 1943-45, Baltic 1943-45, Fortress Europe 1943-44, France and Germany 1944-45, Biscay Ports 1943-44, Ruhr 1943-45, Berlin 1943-44, German Ports 1943-45, Normandy 1944, Rhine, Biscay 1943-44. Wikipedia,Moyes, Kostenuk and Griffin

Squadron History (Bomber Command Museum PDF)

Maps for Movements of 429 Squadron 1942-46

MAP 1: 429 Squadron Bases 1942-46 (marked in green). Right-click on image to display enlarged in new tab

429 Squadron History Summary 1942-46

History of the Squadron Post-WWII (Aircraft: Buffalo, Hercules, Globemaster)

The squadron was reactivated at St. Hubert, Quebec on 21 August 1967 as a Tactical Transport Unit. It flew de Havilland CC-15 Buffalo aircraft for the Canadian Forces Mobile Command and was integrated into the Canadian Armed Forces on 1 February 1968. In August 1981 it was renamed 429 Transport Squadron and moved to CFB Winnipeg . The final move was in 1990 to 8 Wing in Trenton, Ontario . The squadron was disbanded in 2005.

Two years later in August 2007, 429 Squadron was again re-activated, this time operating the CC-177 Globemaster III strategic transport aircraft. It used these new aircraft in support of Canada's operations in Afghanistan.

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