Marauder (Total: 487, Canadian: 19, Group 0)

Martin Marauder

(IWM Photo, CM5001)(Source Harold A Skaarup Web Page)
Martin Marauder Mk. I, RAF (Serial No. FK375), coded D, "Dominion Revenge", No. 14 Squadron, based at Fayid, Egypt, 28 Dec 1942. This aircraft was lost during a torpedo attack off Aghios Giorgios Island on 3 Jan 1943.

Martin B-26 Marauder Mk. I, IA, II, III, RAF. Only two RAF squadrons were equipped with the Marauder, both in the Desert Air Force, and only one Marauder squadron was ever active at any one time. The RAF received three B-26As for evaluation in the summer of 1942 and decided to adopt the type for tactical work in North Africa. Forty eight Marauder Is and IAs already allocated under lend lease were sent directly to the Middle East, where they were used by No.14 Squadron.

In RAF and Commonwealth service the B-26A was known as the Marauder Mk. I, the B-26B as the Marauder Mk. IA. A total of 52 Mk Is and IAs were received. The 250 B-26Fs delivered were known as the Marauder Mk. II and the 150 B-26Gs became the Marauder Mk. III. The Mk. I/IA and Mk. III were flown by the RAF while the South African Air Force (SAAF) received the Mk. II and Mk. III.

The only RAF squadrons to use the Marauder were Nos. 14 and 39 Squadrons of the Desert Air Force. No.14 was the first to receive the type in August 1942. Operations began on 28 October 1942 and the squadron used its Marauders for bombing, mine laying and shipping reconnaissance. In March 1943 the squadron moved to Algeria, where it began flying anti-submarine patrols. These continued after the squadron moved to Sardinia in June 43, and the last Marauder mission was flown on 21 September 1944, just before the squadron returned to the UK to convert to the Wellington.

No. 39 Squadron RAF acquired Marauders in December 1944, but the first Marauder mission wasn't flown until 7 February 1945. The squadron carried out shipping strikes along the French, Italian and Balkan coasts, alongside night intruder missions, and retained the Marauder until October 1945 when it moved to the Sudan. Harold Skaarup web page

YouTube Marauder

Wikipedia Wikipedia Marauder

General Harold A Skaarup Web Page

Marauder FB454, IIIB

s/n FB454


FB 454

ex USAAF B-26C-MO. 41-35463
last update: 2025-February-05

Aircraft Ferrying 1943-10-13 to 1943-10-13

45 () Group (RAF) Nassau, Bahamas

45 Group, RAF Transport Command, Nassau, Bahamas. Marauder II aircraft FB 454, on a training flight with a crew comprised of four pilots, caught fire and crashed into the sea one mile west of Windsor Field, Nassau, Bahamas

Flying Officer DW Cormack (RCAF) and Flying Officer D Durward (RAFVR), Flying Officer RH Barber (RAFVR) and Flight Lieutenant JG Owen DFC (RAFVR)(SA) were killed in this flying accident

The bodies of of Flying Officer Barber and Flight Lieutenant Owen were recovered and are buried in the Nassau War Cemetery

Flying Officer Cormack and Flying Officer Durward were missing, believed killed and have no known grave

The missing are commemorated on the Ottawa Memorial

Ocean Bridge, The History of RAF Ferry Command by Carl A Christie page 321

General [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...

General Assisbiz USAAF serial no 41-35463 Martin B-26C-30-MO Marauder

Marauder FB478, IIIB

s/n FB478


FB 478

ex USAAF B-26C-MO. 41-35515
last update: 2025-February-05

Marauder FB509, IIIB

s/n FB509


FB 509

ex USAAF B-26C-MO.
last update: 2025-February-05

Marauder FE203,

s/n FE203

FE 203

last update: 2025-March-10

Marauder FK119,

s/n FK119

FK 119

last update: 2025-March-10
1942-August-17 Accident: RAF FC Loc: Names: Doran | Lyman-dixon | Randle | Robinson

Ferry Flight 1942-08-17 to 1942-08-17

() Ferry Command (RAF) Natal Brazil

45 Group RAF Transport Command, Dorval, Quebec. Marauder I aircraft FK 119 lost over the Atlantic Ocean out of Natal, Brazil en-route to Africa, cause unknown

Pilot Officer JJ Doran (RCAF), Sergeant GF Lyman-Dixon (RAF), Squadron Leader G Robinson (RAF) and one Canadian civilian Radio Officer, GH Randle, were missing, presumed killed in this flying accident

Ocean Bridge, The History of RAF Ferry Command by Carl A Christie page 314 Appendix B

General [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...

Marauder FK120, Mk. l

s/n FK120


FK 120

ex USAAF B-26A 41-7390
last update: 2025-February-05

Marauder FK122, Mk. I

s/n FK122


FK 122

ex USAAF B-26A 41-7357
last update: 2025-February-05

Operational 1942-11-23 to 1942-11-23

14 (B) Sqn (RAF) RAF Landing Ground 224

14 Squadron (I Spread My Wings And Keep My Promise) RAF Landing Ground 224. Warrant Officer Class 2 DL Rawson (RCAF), Flying Officer WR Bower (RCAF), Sergeant E Cookson (RAFVR), Sergeant HG Williams (RAFVR) and Flying Officer PM Willis (RAFVR) were all killed when their B26A Marauder aircraft FK 122 crashed near Shallufa, Egypt. The tail fin separated from the fuselage during a low-level bombing practice, killing the entire crew

In a post in RAF Commands COL BRUGGY on 9th September 2011 states:"An Inquiry reported in due course and as a result all the Marauders were grounded to have the tail fins strengthened. The Glenn Martin Aircraft Corporation in the USA flew technicians to Egypt, who completed the necessary modifications to all the aircraft in a few days. Unfortunately this was not done until after two more aircraft had been lost with the loss of 21 lives"

General Royal Air Force - RAF I Bureau of Aircraft Accidents Archives

General Marauder I FK122 [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...

Marauder FK129, Mk. I

s/n FK129


FK 129

ex USAAF B-26A 41-7373
last update: 2025-February-05
1943-June-22 Accident: 45 (AT) GROUP Loc: Borinquen & Deschod Is Names: Burbon | Lowell | Reginald | Vickery

Ferry Flight 1943-06-22 to 1943-06-22

45 () ()

45 Group Transport Command. Marauder aircraft FK 129 crashed into the sea 35 miles west of Borinquen and 15 miles north west of Deschow Island, Puerto Rico, during a trans-Atlantic flight with the loss of the entire crew, cause unknown

Canadian Civilian Radio Officer PA Vickery, Navigator Warrant Officer Class 2 RE Mudie (RAAF) and two American Civilians Pilots, BC Miller and LL Burchfield were all missing, preumed killed in this flying accident

The missing have no known grave and all are commemorated on the Ottawa Memorial

Ocean Bridge, The History of RAF Ferry Command by Carl A Christie pages 319-20

General [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...

Marauder FK154, Mk. I

s/n FK154


FK 154

ex USAAF B-26A 41-7423
last update: 2025-February-05

Marauder FK371, Mk. la

s/n FK371


FK 371

last update: 2025-March-10

Marauder FK373, Mk. la

s/n FK373


FK 373

last update: 2025-March-10

Reconnaissance 1943-08-26 to 1943-08-26

14 (AS) Sqn (RAF) RAF Protville, Tunisia

14 Squadron RAF (I spread my wings and keep my promise) RAF Protville, Tunisia. B-26 Marauder 1a FK 373 S was reported shot down by a Ju52 transport aircraft while on a reconnaissance flight west of the Strait Bonifacio, between the islands of Corsica, France and Sardinia, Italy. There is also a claim by Oblt Franz Schiess of 8/JG53 for a Marauder shot down on this date in the same area. The bomber crashed near Livorno, Italy with one crew member killed

Sergeant A Phethean (RAFVR) was killed in action. Sergeant Phethean has no known grave and is commemorated on the Malta Memorial

Flight Lieutenant EL Archer (RCAF), Flight Sergeant JT Jones (RAF), Flying Officer JF Kennedy (RAF), Flight Sergeant GA Lindschau (RAAF) and Flight Sergeant AR Smith (RAF) survived and all were taken as Prisoners of War

General [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...


General Asisbiz USAAF serial no 41-7413 Martin B-26A-1-MA Marauder

General 1941 USAAF Serial Numbers (41-6722 to 41-13296

General Franz Scheiss

Marauder HD417, Mk. III

s/n HD417

m/d M-179


HD 417

Ex USAAF B-26F, serial number 42-96344
last update: 2025-February-05

Ferry Flight 1944-05-28 to 1944-05-28

45 (T) Group (RAF) Nassau, Bahamas

45 Group Transport Command, 113 Wing, Nassau, Bahamas. Having successfully completed a trans-Atlantic crossing and continuing east across Africa, Marauder aircraft HD 417 caught fire in mid-air on approach to Khartoum, Sudan, crash landing ten miles east of the aerodrome, with the loss of the aircraft and entire crew

Flying Officer DC Perkins (RCAF), Flying Officer WG Cantlay (RCAF), Pilot Officer NJ Hodgins (RCAF) andWarrant Officer RG Huxtable (RCAF) were all killed in this flying accident

Ocean Bridge, The History of RAF Ferry Command by Carl A Christie page 324

General [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...

General Asisbiz USAAF serial no 42-96344 Martin B-26F-2-MA Marauder

Ferry Flight 1944-06-03 to 1944-06-03

45 (T) Group (RAF) Nassau, Bahamas

45 Group Transport Command, 113 Wing, Nassau, Bahamas. Having successfully completed a trans-Atlantic crossing and continuing east across Africa, Marauder aircraft HD 417 caught fire in mid-air on approach to Khartoum, Sudan, crash landing ten miles east of the aerodrome, with the loss of the aircraft and entire crew

Flying Officer DC Perkins (RCAF), Flying Officer WG Cantlay (RCAF), Pilot Officer NJ Hodgins (RCAF) andWarrant Officer RG Huxtable (RCAF) were all killed in this flying accident

In Pilot Officer Hodgins record in CVWM there is information that there may have been survivors from the crash of Marauder HD 417: Pilot Officer JB Spencer (RCAF), Flying Officer BW Reed (RCAF) and Pilot Officer R Heggie (RCAF) but have been unable to find info on these airmen or confirm through any other source. Needs to be further researched

Ocean Bridge, The History of RAF Ferry Command by Carl A Christie page 324

General [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...

General Asisbiz USAAF serial no 42-96344 Martin B-26F-2-MA Marauder

Marauder HD419, Mk. III

s/n HD419

m/d M-179


HD 419

Ex USAAF B-26F, serial number 42-96346
last update: 2025-February-05

Ferry Flight 1944-04-11 to 1944-04-11

45 () Group (RAF) Nassau, Bahamas

45 Group Transport Command (113 South Atlantic Wing), Nassau, Bahamas

Marauder aircraft HD 419 crashed at Atkinson Field, Georgetown, British Guyana after an engine cut out on take-off for a trans-Atlantic crossing, killing the entire crew

Flying Officer RF Stubner (RCAF), Flying Officer KF Probert (RCAF), Pilot Officer S Blackburn (RAF) and Canadian Civilian Pilot Captain HC Weiben were all killed in this flying accident

Ocean Bridge, The History of RAF Ferry Command by Carl A Christie page 323

General [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...

General Asisbiz USAAF serial no 42-96346 Martin B-26F-2-MA Marauder

Marauder HD664, Mk. III