14 Squadron (I Spread My Wings And Keep My Promise) RAF Landing Ground 224. Warrant Officer Class 2 DL Rawson (RCAF), Flying Officer WR Bower (RCAF), Sergeant E Cookson (RAFVR), Sergeant HG Williams (RAFVR) and Flying Officer PM Willis (RAFVR) were all killed when their B26A Marauder aircraft FK 122 crashed near Shallufa, Egypt. The tail fin separated from the fuselage during a low-level bombing practice, killing the entire crew
In a post in RAF Commands COL BRUGGY on 9th September 2011 states: "An Inquiry reported in due course and as a result all the Marauders were grounded to have the tail fins strengthened. The Glenn Martin Aircraft Corporation in the USA flew technicians to Egypt, who completed the necessary modifications to all the aircraft in a few days. Unfortunately this was not done until after two more aircraft had been lost with the loss of 21 lives"
Royal Air Force - RAF I Bureau of Aircraft Accidents Archives
Marauder I FK122 [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...