Troy, William Thomas Barry
Killed in Flying Accident 1958-02-25

Birth Date: 1928-December-06
Born: Chatham, Northumberland County, New Brunswick, Canada
Son of Judge James Thomas Troy and Lilian Mary (nee Barry) Troy of Campbellton, New Brunswick. Brother of J. Edward, W. Richard Troy, M.E. Norah Russell and C.M. Sandra Troy.
Home: Campbellton, New Brunswick
Enlistment: Antigonish, Nova Scotia
Enlistment Date: 1947-01-22
871 Sqn- Squadron (RCN)
HMCS Bonaventure
Service Numbers
First Burial

Banshee F2H-3 126428
Operational 1958-February-25 to 1958-February-25
871 (F) Sqn (RCN) Mayport US Naval Air Station, Florida
871 Squadron, Royal Canadian Navy, Shearwater, Nova Scotia. While on joint exercises with the US Navy, Lieutenant W T B Troy (RCN) was flying F2H-3 Banshee aircraft s/n 126428 from Mayport Naval Air Station Florida, USA back to Royal Canadian Navy aircraft carrier HMCS Bonaventure, one of a group of four Banshees returning to their ship to continue carrier qualifications. The four aircraft entered a fog bank but only three emerged, Lieutenant Troy's aircraft having crashed without any further sign or communication. During the subsequent search some debris was located approximately two miles off the coast of Jacksonville, Florida, including the pilot's helmet but nothing further until September 2017, following Hurricane Irma, some of Lieutenant Troy's parachute gear was found to have washed ashore on a Florida beach
Lieutenant Troy's remains were not recovered and he was declared missing, presumed killed in this flying accident
Banshees of the Royal Canadian Navy by Carl Mills and the RCN Bansheeites, pages 107,109,115
The Bonnie, HMCS Bonaventure by J Allan Snowie, page 319
Lost Canadian Banshee pilot remembered at US naval base - Skie...
Lost Banshee pilot honoured by USN I Trident Newspaper
Fear of Landing - Hurrricane Recovers Debris from Aircraft Lost in 1958
McDonnell F2H Banshee

McDonnell F2H-3 Banshee, RCN (Serial No. 126295), coded 112, shown here armed with two AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles.
Procured second-hand from the United States Navy, the McDonnell F2H-3 Banshee was the only carrier-based air defence jet fighter used by the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) from 1955 to 1962. Until the CF-18 Hornet, the Banshee, also nicknamed the "Banjo", was the only Canadian military aircraft armed with AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles. The Banshee was a rugged and reliable, all-weather, fleet defence and ground attack fighter. In RCN operational service, all 39 Banshee aircraft were based in Shearwater, Nova Scotia, and flew with VF-870 and VF-871 Squadrons, until the latter was amalgamated into the former in 1959. VX10 Experimental Squadron also flew the Banshee in order to do acceptance evaluations. Squadrons were deployed aboard Canada's sole aircraft carrier of the period, Her Majesty's Canadian Ship Bonaventure. The Banshee was well liked by pilots because of its good performance on the deck and in the air, as well as its all-weather capability, 800-mile (1,287-kilometre) tactical radius, and Mach 0.8 speed capability. The aircraft also formed the basis of the RCN's premiere aerobatic team known as the "Grey Ghosts". This four-ship formation team participated in many air shows.rcaf-arc.forces
RCN aircraft were identified in squadron service by a side number, painted on the nose of the aircraft. That number indicated the squadron, and the aircraft number in that squadron. These numbers are shown as "coded" (if known); later the last three digits of the aircraft serial number were used, shown as NAVY+L3.
Banshee serials from US Navy and US Marine Corps BuNos--Third Series (126257 to 130264), and updated from - Martin "“ RCN Aircraft Finish & Markings 1944-1968.
Note - Unit assignments not in date order due numerous reassignments.
Note - RCN Banshees delivered between Nov 25, 1955 and June 16, 1958.