Edwards, Harold Leslie

Survived 1917-04-08

Male Head

Birth Date: unkown date

Born: Franktown, Ontario

Joseph Harold Edwards & Ellen Keays

Home: Toronto, Ontario

Enlistment: Perth Ontario - 130th Battalion, 38th Battalion CEF

Enlistment Date: 1915-12-16

Decorations: MM, DFC

Distinguished Service Cross Military Medal




20 (FB) Sqn- Squadron (RFC)




2nd Lieutenant


2nd Lieutenant

Service Numbers

1917-04-08: Edwards was wounded on this date, he transferred to the Royal Air Force after serving with the CEF in France and Belgium. As an observer flying Bristol Fighters with 20 Squadron, Edwards was credited with downing 21 Fokker D.VIIs before he was wounded in action, taking a bullet through the lungs on 1918-10-21. The victories were shared with seven different pilots: Lt Paul Iaccaci, Lt John Colbert, Capt Horace Lale, Lt William Thomson, Lt A R Strachan/ Lt D M Calderwood, Lt Nicholson Boulton & Capt Geoffrey Hooper. When the war ended, he returned to Canada and became a car salesman.