Corbett, Alexander Boyd "Bud"

Prisoner of War 1940-08-14

Birth Date: 1916-April-18

Born: Merrickville Ontario

son of Meldrin G Corbett and Grace E Boyd

Home: Merrickville, Ontario


Enlistment Date: Unknown




1 (R) PRU- Photo Reconnaissance Unit (RAF)


RAF Heston


Flight Lieutenant


Flight Lieutenant

Service Numbers

PoW: 624

Brief Military History

  • 1938 late December - Arrive England.
  • 1939 - enlist RAF, get wings.
  • 1939 March 4 - received a commission on to the rank of Acting Pilot Officer on probation. He was graded as Pilot Officer on probation on 30th September 1939 and was confirmed in the rank of Pilot Officer on 28th December 1939.
  • 1939 October - 4 Squadron moves from England to France, Pilot Officer Corbett is not on the list of the officers on strength when they made the move but he was with them in January 1940. He later served as their Orderly Officer in March 1940.
  • 1940 May - 4 Squadron evacuates back to England after the fall of France.
  • 1940 June-28 - 293 hours flying time when crash in Lysander P1733.
  • 1940 July - transferred to the 1 PRU.
  • 1940 August 14/15 - flying Spitfire N3116 on a photo-reccaissance flight of the Ruhr area of Germany. is aircraft failed to return to base and he was made a PoW. He was promoted to Flight Lieutenant on 30th September 1940 while in captivity.
  • 1940 August 14 - Dulag Luft for processing. Escape attempt on 1941-June-3, Recaptured.
  • 1941 June 3 - Stalag Luft 1 Barth. Escape attempt near Damstedt. Third attemp on transfer to Stalag Luft 3.
  • 1942 April 10 - Stalag Luft 3.
  • 1944 November 24 - Transfer to RCAF London Gazette, Tuesday August 14, 1945
  • 1945 April 2 to 1945 May 2 - Long March listing two villages: Tarmstedt and Trenthorst.
  • 1945 May 3 - Back in England.
  • 1945 - returned home to Canada and worked for many years for the Ford Motor Company.
  • 2005 March 7 died aged 88.
MI-9 Questionnaire

Previous Events

1940-June-28 Pilot Officer Survived

Lysander Mk. II

4 R Sqn RAF

Lysander Mk. II P1733

Reconnaissance Ruhr Valley 1940-June-28 to 1940-June-28

4 (R) Sqn (RAF) RAF Linton-on-Ouse

On 28th June 1940 the crew of this 4 Squadron aircraft were undertaking a dusk patrol of the North Sea off the Yorkshire Coast. While returning to base at Linton on Ouse they darkness became a problem and they became lost, the pilot tried to force land the aircraft in a field near Wigginton but struck high tension cables and crashed soon afterwards at 22.45hrs. The aircraft sustained damage in the field near Broad Oak Farm but this was deemed repairable and it was taken away for repair. There is a suggestion that this landing may have been made on or near the Plainville relief landing ground, between Huby and Wigginton.

Pilot - Pilot Officer Alexander Boyd Corbett RAF (41666).

Air Gunner - Sergeant Whitley.


Spitfire Mk Ia N3116

Reconnaissance 1940-August-14 to 1940-August-14

1 (R) PRU (RAF) RAF Heston

Took of from Heston on a photo-recon of the Ruhr Valley of Germany.

Aircraft shot down (means not found) and crashed. The pilot was made a POW.

F/Lt Alexander Boyd Corbett RAF Canadian POW Stalag Luft L3 Sagan and Belaria.

Supermarine Spitfire

Source: Harold A Skaarup Web Page (DND Photo)
Supermarine Spitfire Mk. VI, RCAF (Serial No. X4492), in flight, 26 Feb 1944.
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The Supermarine Spitfire is a British single-seat fighter aircraft that was used by the Royal Air Force and other Allied countries before, during, and after World War II. Many variants of the Spitfire were built, using several wing configurations, and it was produced in greater numbers than any other British aircraft. It was also the only British fighter produced continuously throughout the war. The Spitfire continues to be popular among enthusiasts; around 70 remain airworthy, and many more are static exhibits in aviation museums throughout the world.

The Spitfire was designed as a short-range, high-performance interceptor aircraft by R. J. Mitchell, chief designer at Supermarine Aviation Works, which operated as a subsidiary of Vickers-Armstrong from 1928. Mitchell pushed the Spitfire's distinctive elliptical wing with cutting-edge sunken rivets (designed by Beverley Shenstone) to have the thinnest possible cross-section, helping give the aircraft a higher top speed than several contemporary fighters, including the Hawker Hurricane.

The Spitfire had detachable wing tips which were secured by two mounting points at the end of each main wing assembly. When the Spitfire took on a role as a high-altitude fighter (Marks VI and VII and some early Mk VIIIs), the standard wing tips were replaced by extended, "pointed" tips which increased the wingspan from 36 ft 10 in (11.23 m) to 40 ft 2 in (12.24 m). The other wing-tip variation, used by several Spitfire variants, was the "clipped" wing; the standard wing tips were replaced by wooden fairings which reduced the span by 3 ft 6 in (1.07 m). The wing tips used spruce formers for most of the internal structure with a light alloy skin attached using brass screws.

Due to a shortage of Brownings, which had been selected as the new standard rifle calibre machine gun for the RAF in 1934, early Spitfires were fitted with only four guns, with the other four fitted later. Early tests showed that, while the guns worked perfectly on the ground and at low altitudes, they tended to freeze at high altitude, especially the outer wing guns, because the RAF's Brownings had been modified to fire from an open bolt. While this prevented overheating of the cordite used in British ammunition, it allowed cold air to flow through the barrel unhindered. Supermarine did not fix the problem until October 1938, when they added hot air ducts from the rear of the wing-mounted radiators to the guns, and bulkheads around the gunbays to trap the hot air in the wing. Red fabric patches were doped over the gun ports to protect the guns from cold, dirt, and moisture until they were fired.

The first Rolls-Royce Griffon-engined Mk XII flew in August 1942, and first flew operationally with 41 Squadron in April 1943. This mark could nudge 400 mph (640 km/h) in level flight and climb to an altitude of 33,000 ft (10,000 m) in under nine minutes. As American fighters took over the long-range escorting of USAAF daylight bombing raids, the Griffon-engined Spitfires progressively took up the tactical air superiority role, and played a major role in intercepting V-1 flying bombs, while the Merlin-engined variants (mainly the Mk IX and the Packard-engined Mk XVI) were adapted to the fighter-bomber role. Although the later Griffon-engined marks lost some of the favourable handling characteristics of their Merlin-powered predecessors, they could still outmanoeuvre their main German foes and other, later American and British-designed fighters.Wikipedia

Wikipedia Wikipedia Supermarine Spitfire

General Harold A Skaarup Web Page

YouTube YouTube How the Spitfire Became an Aviation Masterpiece

Kestrel Publications RCAF Supermarine Spitfire Serials - Kestrel Publications