Zimmer, Myron Jack

Killed in Flying Accident 1961-01-27

Birth Date: 1934-May-22

Born: Brunee, Saskatchewan

Son of Frank R. and Sylvia A. Zimmer of Cudworth, Saskatchewan.

Home: Brunee, Saskatchewan

Enlistment: Ottawa

Enlistment Date: 1956-05-06




423 Squadron



Flying Officer


Flying Officer

Service Numbers


Flying Officer A.R. Shelongosky also killed.

Avro Canada CF-100 Canuck Clunk

(RCAF Photo) Avro CF-100 Canuck Mk. 4B (Serial No. 18330), and (Serial No. 18364), No. 423 Squadron, based at No. 2 (F) Wing, RCAF Station Grostenquin, France, 9 Oct 1962.
Avro-CF-100-Mk--4Bs--423-Sqn--9-Oct-1962.jpg image not found

The Avro Canada CF-100 Canuck (affectionately known as the "Clunk") was a Canadian jet interceptor/fighter in service during the Cold War both in NATO bases in Europe and as part of NORAD. The CF-100 was the only Canadian-designed fighter to enter mass production, serving primarily with the RCAF and the Canadian Armed Forces, and also in small numbers in Belgium. For its day, the CF-100 featured a short takeoff run and high climb rate, making it well suited to its role as an interceptor.

Production consisted of 5 pre-production CF-100 Mk. 2 aircraft, 74 machine gun armed CF-100 Mk. 3 aircraft, 280 CF-100 Mk. 4 aircraft armed with both machine guns and rocket pods, and 331 CF-100 Mk. 5 aircraft armed only with rocket pods.Harold Skaarup web page

YouTube Avro Canuck CF-100

Wikipedia Wikipedia Avro Canuck

General Harold A Skaarup Web Page