Powell, Richard Clement

Killed 1943-03-09

Birth Date: 1924-June-19


Son of Walter Rees Powell and Edna M. Powell, of Summerland.

Home: Summerland, British Columbia


Enlistment Date: Unknown






Aircraftman 2nd Class


Aircraftman 2nd Class

Service Numbers


AC2 Powell was accidently killed, while on leave without pay, in a lumber camp at Great Central, British Columbia.

This incident involved multiple aircraft:

  1. Ventura Mk. II Serial: AE912

All the above aircraft in the above list are referenced in this report.

Ventura AE912

Ventura Mk. II AE912

Used by No. 34 OTU at Pennfield Ridge, NB. On 06 Jul 1943 at 12:30 hrs, while taxiing into flight line after exercise, the crew opened the bomb bay doors for re-arming while still taxiing. This probably lowered hydraulic pressure momentarily rendering brakes practically inoperative and the a/c collided
with the port wing of AJ230. AJ230 was damaged at Cat. "B" level and AE912 was damaged Cat. "C" None of the crew was injured. Assigned to No. 4 Repair Depot on 8 Jul 1943, following this damage. Flown to RCAF Stn Dartmouth, NS on 21 Sep 1943, for removal of engines before allocation to Clarke Ruse. To Clarke Ruse Aircraft for repairs from 2 Nov 1944 to 1 Feb 1944. To stored reserve with EAC when completed. Classified as Instructional Airframe A.447 on 13 Jul 1945.

1942-08-26 Taken on Strength Eastern Air Command 2019-08-20
1943-March-09 Accident: 34 Operational Training Unit Loc: Rcaf Yarmouth Names: Babarfald | Paquette | Yarwood
1943-July-06 Accident: 34 Operational Training Unit Loc: Aerodrome Names: Chatto | Franklin | Messiter
1945-07-13 Classified Instructional CA A 447 2020-06-11
1948-04-23 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for sale 2019-08-20