Martell, Charles Ernest

Died 1943-08-06

Birth Date: 1918


Son of Thomas and Maud Martell, of Main a Dieu, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Home: Main-A-Dieu, Nova Scotia


Enlistment Date: Unknown





RAF Station Ford, Sussex, England


Leading Aircraftman


Leading Aircraftman

Service Numbers


RAF Station, Ford, England. Leading Aircraftman Martell died of natural causes while in the Boscombe Isolation Hospital, England. Addendum: - Leading Aircraftman Martell was from Main-A-Dieu, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Detail provided by D.A. Stallard, Trenton, Nova Scotia.

This incident involved multiple aircraft:

  1. Moth, Tiger I Serial: 8863

All the above aircraft in the above list are referenced in this report.

Moth, Tiger 8863

Moth, Tiger I 8863

Delivered to stored reserve. To No. 3 Training Command on 9 June 1942, for use at No. 4 Elementary Flying Training School at Windsor Mills, Quebec. To de Havilland Canada for crash repairs, 30 December 1942 to 25 March 1943. To No. 1 Training Command when completed. Pending disposal from 28 April 1944. To No. 1 Air Command on 15 January 1945, still pending disposal. Stored at No. 6 Repair Depot, where it was noted with 1813:30 total time, 1154:30 since overhaul.

1942-05-14 Taken on Strength No. 1 Training Command 2019-08-20
1942-December-26 Accident: 4 Elementary Flying Training School Loc: Aerodrome Names: Jones
1943-August-06 Accident: 7 Elementary Flying Training School Loc: Aerodrome Names: Jolie
1944-January-15 Accident: 12 Elementary Flying Training School Loc: Aerodrome Names: Bevan
1945-02-10 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20