De Lorme, Emile

Died 1942-01-09

Male Head

Birth Date: unkown date


Home: Ottawa, Ontario


Enlistment Date: Unknown




1 MD- Manning Depot


RCAF Headquartes, Toronto, Ontario


Aircraftman 2


Aircraftman 2

Service Numbers


1 Manning Depot, Toronto, Ontario. Death by natural causes (hypernephroma with secondary metastases in his chest) while in the Christie Street Hospital, Toronto, Ontario.

This incident involved multiple aircraft:

  1. Oxford Mk. I Serial: 1521

All the above aircraft in the above list are referenced in this report.

1 MD (1 Manning Depot)

Trainees began their military careers at a Manning Depot where they learned to bathe, shave, shine boots, polish buttons, maintain their uniforms, and otherwise behave in the required manner. There were two hours of physical education every day and instruction in marching, rifle drill, foot drill, saluting, and other routines.

Remedial high school education was offered to bring 17- and 18-year-old trainees up to the RCAF academic level. There was also a standard aptitude test: the RCAF Classification Test.After four or five weeks, a selection committee decided whether the trainee would be placed in the aircrew or groundcrew stream. Aircrew "Wireless Air Gunner" candidates went directly to a Wireless School. "Air Observer" and "Pilot" aircrew candidates went to an Initial Training School.

Trainees were often assigned "tarmac duty" to keep busy. Some were sent to factories to count nuts and bolts; others were sent to flying schools and other RCAF facilities to guard things, clean things, paint things, and polish things. Tarmac duty could last several months or more.

More information on the RCAF Station at Toronto can be found at

Canada Primary Source RCAF.Info - RCAF Station Manning Depot Toronto ON

General 3 BCATP History Blog

Project 44 BCATP

General Project 44 BCATP

YouTube YouTube - Valour Canada Aerodrome of Democracy

Oxford 1521

Oxford Mk. I 1521

Assembled at Camp Borden, Ontario. To Instructors Training School at Borden on 10 September 1939. To No. 1 Training Command on 1 April 1040. To Canadian Vickers Ltd. for modifications, 27 January to 7 July 1941. Category C3 damage at Picton aerodrome at 10:10 on 31 July 1941, reported by the Composite Training Squadron. This aircraft was struck by taxiing Battle 1723. To No. 3 Training Command on 8 December 1941, moving to RCAF Station Rockcliffe with the Composite Training Squadron. Category C damage at 16:00 on 9 January 1942, at RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario. This aircraft was parked when it was struck by taxiing Battle 1873 (reported in some records under the last four of its former RAF serial, K9459). To Aircraft Repair for overhaul, 18 May to 11 September 1942. To No. 4 Training Command when completed. To storage on 4 April 1944. Pending disposal from 11 August 1944. To No. 2 Air Command on 1 December 1944, still pending disposal. Stored at Swift Current, Saskatchewan, where it was noted with 1866:45 total time, 1485:55 since overhaul.

1939-09-10 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1941-July-31 Accident: Conversion Training Squadron Loc: Aerodrome Names: Heward | Richer
1942-January-09 Accident: CONV TRAINING Squadron Loc: Rockcliffe Aerodrome Names: Weld
1943-September-25 Accident: 35 Service Flying Training School Loc: Aerodrome Names: Overend | Seed
1945-02-19 Struck off Strength Struck off, to War Assets Corporation for disposal 2019-08-20