Darling, Alex Thomas
Killed in Action 1941-12-18

Birth Date: 1916
Home: Guelph, Ontario
Enlistment Date: Unknown
70 OTU- Operational Training Unit (RAF)
RAF Nakuru, Kenya
Flying Officer
Flying Officer
Service Numbers


First Burial

70 Operational Training Unit, Blenheim IV aircraft V 5576 was in a mid-air collision with Blenheim Z 6430 at Nakuru, Kenya. Blenheim V 5576 crashed and burned but Blenheim Z 6430 survived the collision and was repaired
Flying Officer TA Darling (RAF)(Can) and Sergeant MH Genney (RAFVR) were killed on Blenheim V 5576
Flying Officer Darling was an instructor and had completed his first tour of operations in 1940 - 1941
Bristol Blenheim

Bristol 142M Blenheim Mk.V, RAF (Serial No. DJ702).
The Bristol Blenheim is a British light bomber aircraft designed and built by the Bristol Aeroplane Company (Bristol) which was used extensively in the first two years and in some cases throughout the Second World War. The aircraft was developed as Type 142, a civil airliner, in response to a challenge from Lord Rothermere to produce the fastest commercial aircraft in Europe. The Type 142 first flew in April 1935, and the Air Ministry, impressed by its performance, ordered a modified design as the Type 142M for the Royal Air Force (RAF) as a bomber. Deliveries of the newly named Blenheim to RAF squadrons commenced on 10 March 1937. Wikipedia