Anderson, William Kennedy

Killed in Flying Accident 1918-01-07

Birth Date: unkown date

Born: Lindsay, Ontario

John William and Mary Ann Wasbrough

Home: Lindsay, Ontario

Enlistment: England, to15 Sqn RFC

Enlistment Date: 1917-06-02

Decorations: MC

Military Cross




10 TS- Training Squadron (RFC)






Service Numbers

His middle name was Kennedy, NOT Kay.Anderson enlisted in the 156 Btn CEF and travelled with them to England. Once there he transferred to the RFC as a student observer. They sent him for observer training on 1917-03-31 to the Wireless and Observers School at Brooklands, England. He was formally transferred to the RFC as an observer on 1917-06-02. He was assigned to 15 Sqn on the same date. By the early fall he wanted to be a pilot, so applied for training and was sent to the 10th Training Squadron at Harlaxton Aerodrome in Lincolnshire. He was killed there on 1918-01-07 in a mid-air collision. While flying DH-6 (A9637) he collided almost head-on with DH-6 (A9593), in mist and blowing snow. Neither the identity nor the condition of the other pilot is known.