Conn, Kenneth Burns

Survived 0001-01-01

Male Head

Birth Date: unkown date

Born: Ashton, Ontario

James H. Conn & Maud R. Conn (deceased)

Home: Toronto, Ontario

Enlistment: Ottawa, Ontario

Enlistment Date: Unknown

Decorations: DFC

Distinguished Service Cross




88 (FB) Sqn- Squadron (RFC)



Group Captain


Flying Officer

Service Numbers

Conn was a dancer before the war. Having former militia experience, he was made a lieutenant in 1916 when he enlisted in the 234th Battalion CEF (Princess Louise Dragoon Guards). After 4 months in France he returned to England and transferred to the Royal Flying Corps in March, 1917. Posted to 88 Squadron after flight training, he scored 20 victories flying the Bristol F.2b. Post-war he returned to University and entered the COTC. At the outbreak of WW2 Conn joined the RCAF and rose quickly to the rank of Group Captain, becoming Director of Staff Duties at Air Force HQ . After the war the war he returned to his position as General Manager of University Tours Ltd., Toronto.