Valachos, Peter John

Prisoner of War 1941-05-31

Male Head

Birth Date: unkown date


Home: Brantford, Ontario


Enlistment Date: Unknown

Decorations: DFC, MiD

Distinguished Service Cross Mentioned in Dispatches




214 Sqn- Squadron (RAF)
Ultor In Umbris Avenging in the shadows



Flight Lieutenant


Flight Lieutenant

Service Numbers

PoW: 3429

RAF Commands says 99 Sqn. No entry for Valachos in ORB for this period. Info. below not verifed by ORB records for 214 SqnPeter Valachos was born in 1915 in Brantford, Ontario, Canada and prior to joining the RAF in 1938 he served in the Dufferin Rifles in Canada. He arrived at 99 Squadron on 11th July 1940 and as a Flying Officer was later awarded the DFC for service with 99 Squadron on 11th February 1941. He had already transferred to 214 Squadron on 12th December 1940 however and flew out to the Middle East. On 31st May 1941 he was shot down and taken PoW. He was Mentioned in Despatches on 1st January 1942. As a PoW he relinquished his RAF Commission on 24th November 1944 on appointment to the RCAF. After repatriation he returned to Canada and joined the Royal Canadian Artillery from 1953-1959. Hugh Halliday's RCAF awarded research has been used for this part of the account.