Bowden, William Ellis
Prisoner of War Japan 1941-12-08

Birth Date: 1918-October-18
Son of Mr and Mrs George S Bowden, nephew of Isabel Bowden of Ottawa and Jack Bowden of Montreal.
Home: Ottawa, Ontario
Enlistment Date: Unknown
60 Sqn- Squadron (RAF)
Per Ardua Ad Aethera Tendo I strive through difficulties to the sky
Kuantan airfield
Flight Lieutenant
Flight Lieutenant
Service Numbers

Flight Lieutenant William Ellis Bowden (RAF)(Can) s/n 40502 was with 60 Squadron and was shot down while flying a Blenheim Bomber (L4913) over the Gulf of Siam. His plane had departed Kuantan Airfield on the morning of 8 Dec 1941 at 0630 to attack Japanese shipping at Kota Bharu. His plane was hit by heavy anti-aircraft fire and, in his attempt to crash land at sea, the plane disintegrated and Canadian-born Bowden was the sole survivor. He clung to the plane's tailwheel and was finally rescued after 24 hours by a Japanese ship then taken to Tokyo, most likely to Ofuna POW Camp. He had the dubious distinction of being the first Allied airman captured by the Japanese
Before May 15, 1942, he arrived at the Zentsuji POW Camp. We do know that his picture was taken on or before this date at Zentsuji where he remained until late June 1945. He, along with all the British officers, were sent to Tokyo 12D Camp at Mitsushima (Hiraoka) where he was eventually rescued in September 1945
According to Warner's "Blenheim", L4913 "In Bloody Shambles", the a/c is recorded as a Mk IV with Bowden as the only survivor, but with no other crew names) and was shot down whilst attacking landing craft off Kota Bharu, N E Malaya. The pilot, F/Lt W Bowden was taken POW, his crew, Pilot Officer WAB Logan (RAAF), and Sergeant TL Clarke (RAF) were KIA. Warner gives the date as 8/12/41
Flight Lieutenant Bowden was killed in an aircraft accident on May 29, 1951 in England; details on his life can be found at the Chippenham Cemetery website. Special thanks to John Belcher for this information
Bristol Blenheim

Bristol 142M Blenheim Mk.V, RAF (Serial No. DJ702).
The Bristol Blenheim is a British light bomber aircraft designed and built by the Bristol Aeroplane Company (Bristol) which was used extensively in the first two years and in some cases throughout the Second World War. The aircraft was developed as Type 142, a civil airliner, in response to a challenge from Lord Rothermere to produce the fastest commercial aircraft in Europe. The Type 142 first flew in April 1935, and the Air Ministry, impressed by its performance, ordered a modified design as the Type 142M for the Royal Air Force (RAF) as a bomber. Deliveries of the newly named Blenheim to RAF squadrons commenced on 10 March 1937. Wikipedia