Matthews, Charles Lewis

Killed in Flying Accident 1967-04-27

Birth Date: 1927-April-17

Born: Provost, Alberta

Son of Bernard and Barbara Matthews.

Home: Provost, Alberta


Enlistment Date: 1951-02-27

Decorations: CD

Canadian Forces Decoration




CEPE- Central Experimental & Proving Establishment
Exporto Crede



Flight Lieutenant


Flight Lieutenant

Service Numbers


Incorrectly listed as Flight Sergeant on the VAC site.Confirm if there were other fatalities.

Lockheed C-130 Hercules CC-130

CC-130H Hercules
(Source RCAF Web Page)
cc-130h-herculesh-fact-sheet-image.png image not foundThe CC-130H Hercules is primarily used for search and rescue operations. While it also carries out transport missions, its main focus is saving lives through the Canadian Armed Forces' search and rescue mandate.It has a range of more than 7,200 kilometres and can transport approximately 80 passengers, operate on short unpaved runways and fly in severe weather conditions. These capabilities make the CC-130H an excellent aircraft for search and rescue operations over the vast span of Canada's central and northern regions.RCAF Web Page

YouTube Hercules

Wikipedia Wikipedia Hercules

General Harold A Skaarup Web Page

Kestrel Publications CC-130 Hercules - Kestrel Publications

CEPE Exporto Crede (Central Experimental and Proving Establishment)

Museum Archives Association of Ontario

From the formation of the Air Board and the Canadian Air Force, test and development work was carried on at Ottawa Air Station (at Rockcliffe and Shirley's Bay). By 1930, a special Test Flight was established at Rockcliffe. Its purpose was to carry out investigations pertaining to flight testing, electronics, gunnery, navigation, and any aeronautical work that affected training. Due to the war, the demands for test flying for research and experiment increased and, as a result, the Test Flight was reorganized into the RCAF Test and Development Establishment in November 1940 and in 1946, its changed name to Experimental and Proving Establishment. Other experimental units such has the Winter Experimental Establishment were formed during and after the war. It was decided to centralize the control of their activities in one organization. On 1 September 1951 the Central Experimental and Proving Establishment was formed by the amalgamation of the E&PE at Rockciffe, the Winter Experimental Establishment at Edmonton, and the RCAF (National Research Council) Unit at Arnprior. Headquarters of CE&PE were at Rockcliffe, with detachments at several sites across Canada. In 1957 CE&PE was moved to RCAF Station Uplands, a move necessitated by the longer runways required for testing new jet aircraft.