Harvey, Lynn

Killed in Action 1942-07-28

Birth Date: 1913


Son of Lynn and Grace Harvey, of Chilliwack, British Columbia.

Home: Chilliwack, British Columbia


Enlistment Date: Unknown




203 Sqn- Squadron



Flying Officer


Flying Officer

Service Numbers


203 Squadron (Occidens Oriensque). Maryland aircraft failed to return from operations. Sergeant G.W. Jewell and Pilot Officer C.R. Underwood (RAF) were also killed.

Martin Maryland

(RAF Photo)(Source Harold A Skaarup Web Page)
Martin 167 Maryland. Flown by RCAF aircrew serving with the RAF.
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The Martin Model 167 Maryland was an American-designed light bomber that first flew in 1939. It saw action in World War II with France and the United Kingdom.

Many of the aircraft were shipped to Egypt and Malta in time for the 1941 fighting there. The RAF used the aircraft mainly for photo-reconnaissance operations in North and East Africa, it being faster than the Bristol Blenheim. A Maryland bomber photographed the Italian fleet before and after the Battle of Taranto on 11 November 1940. The pilot, Adrian Warburton, scored his five confirmed kills with the Maryland's forward-firing guns.

Three Maryland Mk.Is were transferred to the British Fleet Air Arm and were mainly used for target towing duties.. On 22 May 1941, a Maryland of 771 Naval Air Squadron based at Hatston in the Orkney Islands, reported that the German battleship Bismarck had left Bergen, confirming that she was breaking out into the Atlantic.Wikipedia

YouTube Maryland Bomber

Wikipedia Wikipedia Maryland Bomber

General Harold A Skaarup Web Page