3 ITS (3 Initial Training School)
Pilot and Air Observer candidates began their 26- or 28-week training program with four weeks at an Initial Training School (ITS).They studied theoretical subjects and were subjected to a variety of tests. Theoretical studies included navigation, theory of flight, meteorology, duties of an officer, air force administration, algebra, and trigonometry. Tests included an interview with a psychiatrist, the 4 hour long M2 physical examination, a session in a decompression chamber, and a "test flight" in a Link Trainer as well as academics. At the end of the course the postings were announced. Occasionally candidates were re-routed to the Wireless Air Gunner stream at the end of ITS.

Sacred Heart College Ecole Sacre Coeur
More information on the RCAF Station at Victoriaville can be found at:
Project 44 BCATP