Cocks, Richard John

Killed in Flying Accident 1980-10-15

Male Head

Birth Date: 1955-February-07

Born: Kent, England

Ronald & Marion Cocks of Woodstock, Ontario.

Home: Kent, England

Enlistment: London, Ontario

Enlistment Date: 1974-08-13




424 Sqn- Squadron
Castigandos Castigamus Chastise those deserving






Service Numbers


Crashed after stalling at low level near Chapais, Quebec, after take off on a search and rescue mission for a missing helicopter.

Hercules C-130E-LM 10312

Unspecified 1980-October-15 to 1980-October-15

(T) Sqn (RCAF) Trenton

Serving with No.436 Squadron, CFB Trenton, Ontario, at time of crash. Searching for lost helicopter, crashed 13 kilometres (8.1 miles) west of Chapais, Quebec on 15 October 1980. 8 fatalities, including Capt. R.K. Kavanaugh; Capt. M.D. Salmons; and Master Corp. A.A. Woodham. 2 survivors. 15 October 1980 - Cat "A" write-off

Lockheed C-130 Hercules CC-130

CC-130H Hercules
(Source RCAF Web Page)
cc-130h-herculesh-fact-sheet-image.png image not foundThe CC-130H Hercules is primarily used for search and rescue operations. While it also carries out transport missions, its main focus is saving lives through the Canadian Armed Forces' search and rescue mandate.It has a range of more than 7,200 kilometres and can transport approximately 80 passengers, operate on short unpaved runways and fly in severe weather conditions. These capabilities make the CC-130H an excellent aircraft for search and rescue operations over the vast span of Canada's central and northern regions.RCAF Web Page

YouTube Hercules

Wikipedia Wikipedia Hercules

General Harold A Skaarup Web Page

Kestrel Publications CC-130 Hercules - Kestrel Publications

424 Sqn Castigandos Castigamus ("Tiger")

History of the Squadron during World War II (Aircraft: Wellington III, X, Halifax III, Lancaster I, III)

424 Squadron was the sixth RCAF bomber squadron to be formed overseas in WWII, at Topcliffe, Yorkshire, UK Kestrel Publications on October 15, 1942, originally as part of No 4 Group of RAF Bomber Command. It remained at Topcliffe when it was transferred to the newly-formed 6 (RCAF) Group on January 1, 1943. It moved to Leeming, Yorkshire Kestrel Publications, and then Dalton, Yorkshire Kestrel Publications, flying Vickers Wellington Mk III and X aircraft before being dispatched on June 22, 1943 to No 331 (RCAF) Wing of No 205 Group in Tunisia (Kairouan/Zina Kestrel Publications and Hani East Kestrel Publicationsairfields), from where it flew in support of the invasions of Sicily and Italy. It returned by sea to Skipton-on-Swale, Yorkshire Kestrel Publications in October/November 1943. It re-equipped with Handley Page Halifax Mk III aircraft, which it flew until January 1945, when it re-equipped with Avro Lancaster I and III aircraft. After the termination of hostilities in Europe, the squadron was transferred to No 1 Group, and was employed in operation DODGE, the repatriation of British and Canadian troops from Italy. It was disbanded at Skipton on October 15, 1945, 3 years to the day since its formation.

In the course of hostilities, the squadron flew 3257 sorties for the loss of 52 aircraft. 8776 tons of bombs were dropped. Crew members were awarded 1 DSO, 49 DFC's and 1 Bar to DFC, 1 CGM, 11 DFM's and 1 MiD. Battle Honours were: English Channel and North Sea 1943-45, Baltic 1944-45, Fortress Europe 1943-44, France and Germany 1944-45, Biscay Ports 1943-44, Ruhr 1943-45, Berlin 1944, German Ports 1943-45, Nornamdy 1944, Rhine, Bisacy 1943-44, Sicily 1943, Italy 1943, Salerno.Wikipedia, Kostenuk and Griffin

Squadron History (Bomber Command Museum PDF)

Maps for Movements of 424 Squadron 1942-45

424 Squadron History Summary 1942-45

424 Squadron History Summary 1942-45 Page 2

History of the Squadron Post-WWII (Aircraft: Harvard II, Mustang IV, Silver Star 3, Expeditor, Otter, Griffon, Hercules)

The squadron was re-formed at Mount Hope, Hamilton, Ontario Kestrel Publications on 15 April 1946, as a light bomber unit. It was redesignated as an auxiliary fighter unit on 1 April 1947. It flew North American Harvard II and Mustang IV aircraft in a fighter role, as well as Canadair Silver Star aircraft until 1 September 1957 when it was then reassigned as a light transport and emergency rescue role and re-equipped with Beechcraft Expeditor and de Havilland Otter aircraft. On 21 October 1961 the unit received its Squadron Standard for 25 years’ service as No. 119 and 424 Squadron. A reduction of the Auxiliary Force resulted in the squadron being disbanded on 1 April 1964. On 8 July 1968, with unification of the Canadian Forces, the squadron was reactivated as 424 Communications and Transport Squadron, operating from CFB Trenton, Ontario Kestrel Publications. The squadron has flown more than 14 different types of aircraft during its history.

424 (Tiger) Squadron is now a Transport and Rescue Squadron based at 8 Wing Trenton. To fulfil its roles, 424 Squadron operates the CH-146 Griffon helicopter and the CC-130H Hercules. 424 Squadron and 435 Transport and Rescue Squadron provide primary search and rescue response for the Trenton Search and Rescue Region (SRR), the largest in Canada. The Trenton SRR extends from Quebec to the British Columbia/Alberta border, and from the Canada/United States border to the North Pole. The Squadron crews one aircraft of each type on standby response posture in order to respond to distress cases as tasked by Joint Rescue Coordination Centre Trenton.

In addition to providing SAR response through a para-rescue capability, the CC-130H Hercules allows the squadron to conduct its transport role in Canada and around the world. The CH-146 Griffon enables rescues and medical evacuations from locations on land and over water. Both aircraft carry Search and Rescue Technicians onboard in order to provide urgent care to those in need. The members of 424 Squadron provide SAR response to incidents under the federal SAR mandate; all aircraft incidents and all marine incidents in waters under federal jurisdiction. They also support humanitarian missions and other SAR organizations when able. Wikipedia and