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Boyd, Joseph Arthur William (Leading Aircraftman)

Killed in Flight Line Accident 1940-November-19

Birth Date: 1921-March-19 (age 19)

Son of William and Violet Boyd, of Westmount.

Home: Westmount, Quebec

1 BGS- Bombing & Gunnery School
Jarvis, Ontario, Canada
Leading Aircraftman
Air Chief MarshalA/C/M
Air MarshalA/M
Air Vice MarshalA/V/M
Air CommodoreA/C
Group CaptainG/C
Wing CommanderW/C
Squadron LeaderS/L
Flight LieutenantF/L
Flying OfficerF/O
Pilot OfficerP/O
Warrant Officer 1st ClassWO1
Warrant Officer 2nd ClassWO2
Flight SergeantFS
Senior AircraftmanSAC
Leading AircraftmanLAC
Aircraftman 1st ClassAC1
Aircraftman 2nd ClassAC2
Service Numbers
LAC Boyd was killed when he accidentally walked into the propeller of a Fairey Battle aircraft.

Canada Primary Source School Daily Diary Entry "“ 1940-11-19

Canada Source Canadian Virtual War Memorial

Commonwealth War Graves Commission Commonwealth War Graves Commission

Canada Primary Source Library and Archives Canada Service Files (may not exist)

Google MapWestmount, Quebec
Google MapNotre-Dame-des-Neiges Cemetery
Sec M Lot 3410 Grave 4854

Battle 1670

Fairey Battle

(Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 3199067)
Fairey Battle, RCAF (Serial No. 1639), wearing target towing stripes, used in bombing and gunnery training, July 1941.

The Fairey Battle is a British designed single engine light bomber, used as a trainer in the RCAF. The Battle was powered by the same high-performance Rolls-Royce Merlin piston engine that powered various contemporary British fighters including the Spitfire. It was, however significantly heavier, with its three-man crew and bomb load. Although it was a great improvement over the aircraft that preceded it, the Battle was relatively slow and limited in range. It was only armed with two .303 in machine guns facing the rear, and was found to be highly vulnerable to enemy fighters and anti-aircraft fire.

The Fairey Battle participated in direct combat missions during early stages of the Second World War and earned the distinction of attaining the first aerial victory of an RAF aircraft in the war. In May 1940 the Battle suffered heavy losses, frequently in excess of 50 percent of aircraft sortied per mission. By the end of 1940 the type had been entirely withdrawn from active combat service, and was relegated to training units overseas, with many serving in Canada.

The RCAF received its first batch of eight Battles in August 1939, at RCAF Station Borden, Ontario. A total of 802 Battles were eventually delivered from England, serving in various roles and configurations, including dual-control trainers, target-tugs, and gunnery trainers for the Bombing and Gunnery schools of the Commonwealth Air Training Plan. Canadian use of the Battle declined as more advanced aircraft, such as the Bristol Bolingbroke and the North American Harvard were introduced. Battles remained in RCAF service until shortly after the end of the war hostilities in 1945. No. 111, 115 and No. 122 Squadrons of the RCAF flew Battles.

Fairey Battles were not manufactured in Canada, but they were assembled, serviced and modified here, including the installation of turrets at the Canadian Car and Foundry plant in Montreal. Harold Skaarup web page with revisions

Wkikpedia Wikipedia Fairey Battle Bomber

General Harold A Skaarup Web Page

Kestrek Publications Fairey Battle - Kestrel Publications

last update: 2024-07-16 20:45:14

Battle Mk. I 1670

Ex RAF L5147. TOS 29 May 1940 at Trenton. To No. 1 Training Command 23 Sept 1940 for No. 4 Bombing & Gunnery School, Fingal, Ont. To No. 3 Training Command 4 Feb 1942 for No. 9 Bombing and Gunnery School at Mont-Joli, Quebec. Swung taxying in snow and tipped up, Mont Joli, 3 Mar 1942. Tire burst on landing; swung and tipped up, Mont Joli, 4 June 1943. Collided with #2031 on ground, Mont Joli, 17 Apr 1943. To Instructional airframe A329 19 Oct 1943 at No. 1 Training Command, No 1 Technical Training School, St Thomas Ont. SOS 14 Feb 1945.

1940-05-29 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1940-November-19 Accident: 1 Bomb & Gunnery School Loc: Aerodrome Names: Boyd
1942-March-03 Accident: 9 Bomb & Gunnery School Loc: Aerodrome Names: Darlington | Keim | Powell
1942-June-04 Accident: 9 Bomb & Gunnery School Loc: Station Aerodrome Names: Corbould | Crow | Tyler
1943-April-17 Accident: 9 Bomb & Gunnery School Loc: Station Aerodrome Names: Fleming | Macneil | Scott | Starnault | Thorne
1943-10-19 Classified Instructional A 329 2020-06-09
1945-02-14 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20

1 BGS (1 Bomb and Gunnery School)

The Bombing and Gunnery School (B&GS) offered instruction in the techniques of bomb aiming and aerial machine gunnery to Air Observers, Bomb Aimers, and Wireless Air Gunners. These schools required large areas to accommodate their bombing and gunnery ranges, and were often located near water. The Avro Anson, Fairey Battle, Bristol Bolingbroke, and Westland Lysander were the standard aircraft used at B&GS schools.
1944 Navigation chart showing RCAF Jarvis and surrounding area. from:

RCAF Roundel - RCAF Station Jarvis Ontario

General RCAF Jarvis Blog

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