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Silver Fox (Canadian: 4 )

Advanced Ceramics Research CU-167 Silver Fox

Source: Kestrel Publications
Silver Fox

The Sensintel Silver Fox UAV is an Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that can conduct autonomous aerial surveillance imaging. The Silver Fox UAV is designed to provide low cost aerial surveillance imaging and carry sensor payload packages weighing up to four pounds. Video images are transmitted from Silver Fox to a ground station for quick reference. One ground station can simultaneously operate ten units.

The Silver Fox was originally developed by Advanced Ceramics Research (ACR), which was purchased by BAE in 2009. Sensintel Inc. purchased BAE Systems Unmanned Aircraft Programs in June 2013. Raytheon purchased Sensintel in January 2015.

The Silver Fox is a gas-powered unmanned system, weighing about 30 pounds. It can carry electro-optical and infrared sensors, providing full-motion imagery for both day and night operations. The Silver Fox carries small payloads and performs autonomous takeoffs and landings. The Silver Fox UAV supports military operations during intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance missions. Wikipedia

Wkikpedia Wikipedia BAE Systems Silver Fox

last update: 2021-11-04 15:16:43

Silver Fox 167001


Known Squadron Assignments:

last update: 2025-February-05

Silver Fox 167002


Known Squadron Assignments:

last update: 2025-February-05

Silver Fox 167003


Known Squadron Assignments:

last update: 2025-February-05

Silver Fox 167004


Known Squadron Assignments:

Operated in Nova Scotia by Defense Research and Development Canada's Atlantic headquarters in Dartmouth, NS, as part of a several day exercise demonstrating Maritime sensor integration in October 2005.
last update: 2024-December-25

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