PT-22 (Total: 1,023, Canadian: 2, Group 0)

Ryan PT-22

Source: Wikipedia (Public Domain)
PT-22 Recruit Trainer

The Ryan PT-22 Recruit, the main military version of the Ryan ST, is a military trainer aircraft used by the United States Army Air Corps during WWII for primary pilot training.

The PT-22's fuselage is a simple monocoque structure, with thick gauge alclad skin. The wings feature spruce spars, aluminum alloy ribs, steel compression members, with aircraft fabric covering aft to the trailing edge and aluminum alloy sheet covering from the leading edge to the spar.

The PT-22 fuel system consists of a single tank mounted forward of the front cockpit. Fuel is gravity fed to the carburetor. The oil system is a dry-sump type, with all oil stored in a tank located on the front side of the firewall in the upper section of the fuselage. The wing flaps are mechanically operated from a lever located on the left side of each cockpit. Adjustable elevator trim is provided via an elevator trim tab controllable from a handwheel mounted on the left side of each cockpit. In its original configuration, the aircraft was not equipped with an electrical system. Hydraulic brakes are provided for each wheel, controllable via the rudder pedals in each cockpit.

Variant: Military version of the Model ST.3KR powered by a 160 hp R-540-1, 1,023 built. Wikipedia

Wikipedia Wikipedia Ryan PT-22 Recruit

PT-22 4115299,

s/n 4115299

c/n 1328

41 15299

to China Aug 31, 1943
last update: 2025-February-05

PT-22 4115550,

s/n 4115550

c/n 1579

41 15550

to RFC at Veron, TX May 1, 1945. To civilian registry as N441V. At Palm Springs Air Museum
last update: 2025-February-05