H-19 (Total: 34, Canadian: 29, Group 0)
Sikorsky H-19

(Source Harold A Skaarup Web Page)
RCN Sikorsky HO4S-3 helicopter, RCN (Serial No. 55320), HS 50 Anti-Submarine Squadron off the coast of Florida, 5 April 1957.
The Sikorsky H-19 Chickasaw (company model number S-55) was a multi-purpose helicopter used by the United States Army and United States Air Force. It was also license-built by Westland Aircraft as the Westland Whirlwind in the United Kingdom. United States Navy and United States Coast Guard models were designated HO4S, while those of the U.S. Marine Corps were designated HRS. In 1962, the U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Marine Corps versions were all redesignated as H-19s like their U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force counterparts.
The H-19 and HO4S-3 were multi-purpose utility helicopters flown by the RCAF and RCN. The HO4S-2 was an air-sea rescue version powered by a R-1340 P&W engine, derated to 550 hp (410 kW). Three were built for the RCN, and two surviving helicopters were subsequently converted to HO4S-3 standard, powered by a 700 hp (522 kW) Wright R-1300-3 engine. Harold Skaarup web page and Wikipedia
Chickasaw and Sea Horse Helicopters
H-19 9597, H-19A
s/n 9597
m/d S-55
c/n 551165
last update: 2024-December-25
1965-March-05 Struck off Strength Struck off, to Crown assets Disposal Corporation for sale 2020-10-08
H-19 9598, H-19A
s/n 9598
m/d S-55
c/n 551166
last update: 2024-December-25
1965-March-09 Struck off Strength Struck off, to Crown Assets Disposal Corporation for sale 2020-10-08
H-19 9599, H-19A
s/n 9599
m/d S-55
c/n 551175
last update: 2024-December-25
1965-January-26 Struck off Strength Struck off, to Crown assets Disposal Corporation for sale 2020-10-08
H-19 9600, H-19A
s/n 9600
m/d S-55
c/n 551183
last update: 2024-December-25
1965-March-09 Struck off Strength Struck off, to Crown Assets Disposal Corporation for sale 2020-10-08
H-19 9619,
s/n 9619
m/d S-55
c/n S-55
last update: 2024-December-25
1966-April-21 Struck off Strength Struck of, to Crown Assets Disposal Corporation 2019-08-20
H-19 9620,
s/n 9620
m/d S-55
c/n 55774
last update: 2024-December-25
1963-May-09 Struck off Strength 2020-10-08
H-19 9621,
s/n 9621
m/d S-55
c/n 55792
Later CF-JTB;N22955
last update: 2024-December-25
1966-April-07 Struck off Strength Struck of, to Crown Assets Disposal Corporation 2019-08-20
H-19 9622,
s/n 9622
m/d S-55
c/n 55786
last update: 2024-December-25
1965-March-30 Struck off Strength Struck of, to Crown Assets Disposal Corporation 2019-08-20
H-19 9623,
s/n 9623
m/d S-55
c/n 55787
last update: 2024-December-25
1965-March-05 Struck off Strength Struck of, to Crown Assets Disposal Corporation 2019-08-20
H-19 9624,
s/n 9624
m/d S-55
c/n 55788
last update: 2024-December-25
1965-March-01 Struck off Strength Struck of, to Crown Assets Disposal Corporation 2019-08-20
H-19 9625,
s/n 9625
m/d S-55
c/n 55789
last update: 2024-December-25
1966-April-04 Struck off Strength Struck of, to Crown Assets Disposal Corporation 2019-08-20
H-19 9626,
s/n 9626
m/d S-55
c/n 55790
last update: 2024-December-25
1966-April-07 Struck off Strength Struck of, to Crown Assets Disposal Corporation 2019-08-20
H-19 9627,
s/n 9627
m/d S-55
c/n 55-807
last update: 2024-December-25
1965-January-25 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
H-19 9628,
s/n 9628
m/d S-55
c/n 55-821
last update: 2024-December-25
1965-January-26 Struck off Strength Struck of, to Crown Assets Disposal Corporation 2019-08-20
H-19 9629,
s/n 9629
m/d S-55
c/n 55823
last update: 2024-December-25
1966-April-04 Struck off Strength Struck of, to Crown Assets Disposal Corporation 2019-08-20
H-19 55144, HO4S Horse/HO4S-2
s/n 55144
m/d S-55
c/n 55144
"This aircraft crashed on McNab's Island, Halifax Harbour when the engine failed following a practice autorotation. One wheel hit soft sand and the helicopter rolled over. The aircraft was badly damaged and was subsequently used for ground instructional purposes at its parent station, HMCS SHEARWATER. Pilot of the aircraft at the time of the accident was Lieutenant Donald Neilly." from Canadian Aviation Museum document by Robert Murray LCdr RCN (Ret'd).
last update: 2024-December-25
1956-June-25 Struck off Strength TOS & SOS dates referenced from "Tabulated Histories of the Aircraft of the RCN & the CAF (Maritime Air Group) June 1945-May 1997", compiled by Scottie Grant. 2020-10-02
H-19 55305, HO4S Horse/HO4S-2/HO4S-3
s/n 55305
m/d S-55
c/n 55305
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-April-16 Classified Instructional A 737 2020-07-19
1976-June-11 Struck off Strength SOS date 08 May 1970 shown in CASPR - folder "Chickasaw HO4S-3 RCN Service", file "Canada Aviation Museum Aircraft". SOS date changed to 11 June 1976 per Griffin2005 + Inv card + text "Tabulated Histories of the Aircraft of the RCN & CAF (Maritime Air Group) June 1945-May 1997". 2020-10-05
H-19 55320, HO4S Horse/HO4S-2/HO4S-3
s/n 55320
m/d S-55
c/n 55320
last update: 2024-December-25
1961-August-02 Struck off Strength 2020-07-19
H-19 55867, HO4S Horse/HO4S-3
s/n 55867
m/d S-55
c/n 55867
last update: 2024-December-25
1964-June-17 Struck off Strength 2020-07-19
H-19 55875, HO4S Horse/HO4S-3
s/n 55875
as/n 226/253/875/855
m/d S-55
c/n 55875
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-April-16 Classified Instructional 738 B 2020-07-19
1978-May-16 Struck off Strength SOS date 16 May 1968 shown in CASPR - folder "Chickasaw HO4S-3 RCN Service", file "Canada Aviation Museum Aircraft". SOS date changed to 16 May 1978 per Griffin2005. No Inv card on file from M. Kaehler. 2020-10-05
H-19 55876, HO4S Horse/HO4S-3
s/n 55876
m/d S-55
c/n 55876
last update: 2025-March-10
1968-November-15 Struck off Strength SOS date 15 Nov 1968 confirmed in CASPR - folder "Chickasaw HO4S-3 RCN Service", file "Canada Aviation Museum Aircraft". Inv Card also shows same date. 2020-10-05
H-19 55877, HO4S Horse/HO4S-3
s/n 55877
m/d S-55
c/n 55877
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-April-16 Struck off Strength SOS date 16 May 1970 shown in CASPR - folder "Chickasaw HO4S-3 RCN Service", file "Canada Aviation Museum Aircraft", but Inv card does not reflect SOS. Date changed to 16 Apr 1970 per Griffin2005. 2020-10-05
H-19 55878, HO4S Horse/HO4S-3
s/n 55878
as/n 878
m/d S-55
c/n 55878
From s/n 250: Used by HS50 to support Mid-Canada Line construction, 1956.
last update: 2024-December-25
1968-November-15 Struck off Strength 2020-07-19
H-19 55885, HO4S Horse/HO4S-3
s/n 55885
m/d S-55
c/n 55885
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-April-16 Classified Instructional 739 B 2020-07-19
1985-August-15 Struck off Strength SOS date 15 Aug 1965 shown in CASPR - folder "Chickasaw HO4S-3 RCN Service", file "Canadian Aviation Museum Aircraft". SOS date is not shown in Inv card. Griffin2005 shows classified instructional 1970-85, hence SOS date changed to 15 Aug 1985 to match Griffin2005. 2020-10-05
H-19 55886, HO4S Horse/HO4S-3
s/n 55886
m/d S-55
c/n 55886
last update: 2024-December-25
1961-September-22 Accident Crash 2020-07-19
1961-September-22 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
H-19 55887, HO4S Horse/HO4S-3
s/n 55887
m/d S-55
c/n 55887
last update: 2024-December-25
1958-November-04 Accident Crash 2020-07-19
1958-November-04 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
H-19 55891, HO4S Horse/HO4S-3
s/n 55891
m/d S-55
c/n 55891
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-April-16 Classified Instructional A 740 2020-07-19
1974-July-08 Struck off Strength SOS date 08 Aug 1964 shown in CASPR - folder "Chickasaw HO4S-3 RCN Service", file "Canada Aviation Museum Aircraft". SOS date not shown in Inv card. Was Classified Instructional 1970-74, hence SOS date changed to 08 July 1974 to match Griffin2005. 2020-10-05
H-19 55892, HO4S Horse/HO4S-3
s/n 55892
m/d S-55
c/n 55892
last update: 2024-December-25
1957-May-03 Struck off Strength 2020-07-19
H-19 XL112, Sikorsky H-19
s/n XL112
XL 112