Tutor (Total: 191, Canadian: 191, Group 0)
Canadair Tutor

The Canadair CT-114 Tutor (company model CL-41) was the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF), and later Canadian Forces, standard jet trainer between the early 1960s and 2000. It was designed and produced by Canadian aircraft manufacturer Canadair.
Development commenced as a private venture by the company. On 13 January 1960, the prototype performed its maiden flight; a year and a half later, the Canadian Government placed a major order for the type. The RCAF would be the dominant user of the type, but a limited number were exported as well. Specifically, the CL-41G model, which was supplied to the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF), served as a ground-attack aircraft up until its withdrawal.
The Tutor served as the Canadian Forces primary jet trainer from the 1960s up until 2000, at which point it was finally retired from this role, having been replaced by a combination of the newer British-built CT-155 Hawk and American-built CT-156 Harvard II. While the majority of Tutors have been retired, a small handful of aircraft are currently still being used by the RCAF's Snowbirds aerobatics team.
The beginnings of the CL-41 Tutor can be found in a decision by Canadian aircraft manufacturer Canadair to develop its own indigenous trainer aircraft as a private venture. The design itself was the product of the company's in-house Preliminary Design department. By August 1957, the basic configuration of the design had been completed, which was of a turbojet-powered, low-wing aircraft, complete with a tricycle undercarriage and a side-by-side cockpit arrangement. From the onset of development, the aircraft was intended to be a purpose-built trainer for providing elementary jet flight training, as well as additional training up to an advanced level.
The CT-114 Tutor is a single-engine turbojet-powered trainer aircraft. It was purpose-designed for the training role, and possesses numerous favourable qualities, including a high level of reliability and favourable operating economics. It is capable of a wide performance range, possessing a top speed at altitude of 795 kmh (429 kt) and a diving speed of 885 kmh (478 kt) against a relatively low stalling speed of 71kt. The Tutor is furnished with manual flight controls, which incorporate spring tabs. It is intentionally aerodynamically stable in flight, a factor which traditionally has aided in the training of fresh pilots unfamiliar with the demands of flight.
The Tutor features a side-by-side cockpit. During standard operations, the observing instructor was seated on the right-hand side and the flying student pilot on the left; normally, only the left-hand side normally featured full flight controls. However, following experiences with the Snowbirds display team, a number of aircraft were reconfigured with extra controls so that they would be flyable from either position. The cabin, which is fitted with a rear-hinged canopy over both crew members, can be pressurized to a differential of 3 psi (20 kPa), the equivalent to an altitude of about 2,000 m, for pilot comfort.
For aerial display purposes, the Tutor was readily capable of being fitted with a smoke generator, including a pair of under-fuselage pods to house the pressurized diesel fuel used; the use of red dye in the smoke was discontinued fairly quickly as it was found to be highly corrosive. Various other modifications would also be made to display aircraft; these could be routinely installed and uninstalled as airframes would regularly be exchanged between display and training flights.
Aerobatics: During 1967, a batch of ten Tutors were modified for use as a formation aerobatic aircraft by the RCAF (and later the unified Canadian Forces) display team, the Golden Centennaires to celebrate Canada's centennial year. At the end of the 1967 season, the display team was disbanded, thus its aircraft returned to routine training duties. In 1971, a new formation team was formed at 2CFFTS (Two Canadian Forces Flying Training School) at CFB Moose Jaw, once again adopted the type. The following year, the name "Snowbirds" was chosen for the team; during 1978, the team received squadron status as 431 Air Demonstration Squadron.
Since its formation, the Snowbirds display team has regularly performed at air shows and special events, including the annual flypast on Canada Day over the capital city, Ottawa. According to journalist Guy Norris, a defining trait of their aerobatics is the physically-demanding formation flights performed, as well locally-developed manoeuvres such as the "Big Goose'. Unlike most display teams, the Snowbirds do not have a support aircraft; all spares and useful material could be carried by the aircraft themselves in storage areas located in the nose or the wing root.
Those Tutors used by the Snowbirds feature several modifications distinguishing them from standard examples; these include a smoke generating system, an highly-recognisable paint scheme unique to the display team, and a highly-tuned engine for greater responsiveness during low-level flying. Reportedly, display pilots would deliberately fly their aircraft using an above-average level of nose-down trim so that pushing the stick down would become unnecessary. The Snowbirds' aircraft would regularly be cycled with standard training aircraft, allowing the team to operate airframes with comparatively low accumulated flight hours. Wikipedia
Tutor 26001,
s/n 26001
as/n 114001
m/d CL-41A
5 Aug 1971. To 2 CFFTS CFB Moose Jaw, SK as of 22 Dec 1976. For the the 30th anniversary of the
CT-114 in 1990, this a/c was repainted in original "RCAF" markings with old style roundels and RCAF
logos. Cat "A" crash at Moose Jaw on 26 February 1991. The J-85 CAN-40 engine failed after
ingesting a bird shortly after lift off, both crew ejected with minor injuries.
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114001 2019-08-20
1992-August-05 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-09
Tutor 26002,
s/n 26002
as/n 114002
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114002 2019-08-20
2002-November-22 Classified Instructional 2022-03-03
Tutor 26003,
s/n 26003
as/n 114003
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114003 2019-08-20
Tutor 26004,
s/n 26004
as/n 114004
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1965-November-29 Classified Instructional CA A 702 2020-06-08
1971-January-08 Serial Change Renumbered from RCAF 26004 2020-07-15
2006 Struck off Strength 2021-12-09
Tutor 26005,
s/n 26005
as/n 114005
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114005 2019-08-20
2014 Struck off Strength 2021-12-09
Tutor 26006,
s/n 26006
as/n 114006
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114006 2019-08-20
2001-August-23 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-09
Tutor 26007,
s/n 26007
as/n 114007
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114007 2019-08-20
1979-July-30 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-09

Tutor 26008,
s/n 26008
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-November-13 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-09
Tutor 26009,
s/n 26009
as/n 114009
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114009 2019-08-20
Tutor 26010,
s/n 26010
as/n 114010
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114010 2019-08-20
1985-November-29 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-09
Tutor 26011,
s/n 26011
as/n 114011
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-January-07 Classified Instructional CA A 722 2020-06-19
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114011 2019-08-20
1976-August-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
1999-May-14 Classified Instructional CA 926 B 2020-07-16
Tutor 26012,
s/n 26012
as/n 114012
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114012 2019-08-20
Tutor 26013,
s/n 26013
as/n 114013
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114013 2019-08-20
Tutor 26014,
s/n 26014
as/n 114014
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114014 2019-08-20
2000 Struck off Strength 2021-12-09
Tutor 26015,
s/n 26015
as/n 114015
m/d CL-41A/CL-41G
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114015? 2019-08-20
Tutor 26016,
s/n 26016
as/n 114016
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114016 2019-08-20
1974-January-28 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-09
Tutor 26017,
s/n 26017
as/n 114017
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114017 2019-08-20
1999-November-29 Struck off Strength Later sold & registered in US 2021-12-09
Tutor 26018,
s/n 26018
as/n 114018
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114018 2019-08-20
1992-November-17 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-09
Tutor 26019,
s/n 26019
as/n 114019
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-January-07 Classified Instructional CA A 719 2020-06-19
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114019 2019-08-20
1976-August-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
2011-December-02 to Storage 2021-12-09
Tutor 26020,
s/n 26020
as/n 114020
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114020 2019-08-20
Tutor 26021,
s/n 26021
as/n 114021
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114021 2019-08-20
Tutor 26022,
s/n 26022
m/d CL-41A
a pause, "Argo 51 "acknowledged in an excited voice with the words, "overshooting, one in my way". At this time several witnesses saw Argo 51 in an uncontrolled condition and then saw it crash. The pilot, Officer Cadet T.A. Heyfron was killed on impact. The investigation determined that the a/c entered a spin during an attempted overshoot from the Final Key position. The student retracted the u/c, speed brakes and flaps but failed to open the throttle because he was too close behind another a/c. It was determined that he was within the 2,000 ft minimum prescribed distance from another a/c in the circuit. He was told to overshoot to the left, in contradiction to taught procedures requiring an overshoot to the outside of the runway. He probably encountered turbulence from the other a/c at this time. By failing to apply full power before retracting the u/c and flaps, a stall and subsequent spin ensued. The student failed to take corrective action and instead pulled the nose up, applied full power and applied the wrong rudder pedal. These control inputs were held until impact with the ground. Kestrel Publications
last update: 2024-December-25
1965-November-18 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-09
Tutor 26023,
s/n 26023
as/n 114023
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114023 2019-08-20
Tutor 26024,
s/n 26024
as/n 114024
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-January-07 Classified Instructional CA A 716 2020-06-19
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114024 2019-08-20
2005 Struck off Strength 2021-12-09
Tutor 26025,
s/n 26025
as/n 114025
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114025 2019-08-20
Tutor 26026,
s/n 26026
as/n 114026
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114026 2019-08-20
Tutor 26027,
s/n 26027
as/n 114027
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114027 2019-08-20
Tutor 26028,
s/n 26028
as/n 114028
m/d CL-41A
authorized student training mission. The tower tapes indicate that the instructor was at the controls of the a/c for the take off and the majority of the 65 to 70 second flight. After a normal take off and climb to approximately 500 ft AGL the a/c was observed to execute a hard left turn followed by a
transmission made by the instructor "Argo 21 we have engine failure". No other transmission was
made from the a/c. Further, birds were spotted in the area of the a/c during the initial hard turn. The a/c continued in a descending power off left turn. It skirted the southwest corner of the Regina residential area, and crashed at a point intersecting 3,200 ft from the end of and on the centerline of
Runway 25. Both instructor and student were fatally injured executing a very low altitude ejection.
The technical investigation determined that the engine failure was due to bird ingestion. Ejection was initiated at a very low altitude, well outside the safe ejection envelope, and was further degraded by
the nose down attitude of the a/c. Kestrel Publications
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114028 2019-08-20
1976-October-27 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-14

Tutor 26029,
s/n 26029
as/n 114029
m/d CL-41A
Transferred to 2 CFFTS, CFB Moose Jaw, SK as of 17 Dec 1973. Still with 2 CFFTS for a Cat "A" crash at Moose Jaw on 12 August 1975. The mission was an authorized refresher formation flight. The formation took off at approximately 1500(Z), departed to the north and flew half the required
exercise. A few minutes after lead change the #2 a/c experienced a compressor stall. The #2 a/c was in line astern position. After pulling out from a wingover with a nose attitude of 20 to 30 degrees below the horizon, two to three "G" and a speed of 250 to 300 kts, a bang was heard and a loss of power felt. The instructor immediately took control and simultaneously initiated compressor stall clearing procedures while turning toward base. The a/c reached 10,000 ft and the engine stabilized at 20 percent RPM, EGT 850 degrees Celsius. The remainder of the compressor stall procedure was
completed with the same results. A procedure # two relight was carried out and again the engine hung
up at 20 percent RPM. A procedure # one was tried and the RPM was left at 20 percent to get all
available thrust. The intercom was very weak. Just before ejection the pilot turned the engine master
switch off, intending to try another airstart. However, he realized time was too short and ordered the ejection. The crew ejected safely from the a/c. One of the pilots experienced minor back injuries on landing. The relight procedure calls for the starter-stop switch to be pressed if the engine fails to start. This was not done resulting in rapid failure of the batteries and the weak intercom at the time of ejection. The technical investigation subsequently revealed that a technician had inadvertently reversed a seventh-stage stator segment while carrying out a locally initiated inspection procedure. The stator segment design was such that a segment could be installed in reverse. Kestrel Publications
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114029 2019-08-20
1975-November-24 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-14
Tutor 26030,
s/n 26030
as/n 114030
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114030 2019-08-20
Tutor 26031,
s/n 26031
as/n 114031
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114031 2019-08-20
Tutor 26032,
s/n 26032
as/n 114032
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-January-07 Classified Instructional CA A 717 2020-06-19
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114032 2019-08-20
1976-August-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Tutor 26033,
s/n 26033
as/n 114033
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114033 2019-08-20
Tutor 26034,
s/n 26034
as/n 114034
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114034 2019-08-20
Tutor 26035,
s/n 26035
as/n 114035
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114035 2019-08-20
Tutor 26036,
s/n 26036
as/n 114036
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114036 2019-08-20
Tutor 26037,
s/n 26037
as/n 114037
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114037 2019-08-20
Tutor 26038,
s/n 26038
as/n 114038
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114038 2019-08-20
2005-August-23 Struck off Strength 2021-12-14
2005-September-09 Museum / Display 2021-12-14
Tutor 26039,
s/n 26039
as/n 114039
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114039 2019-08-20
Tutor 26040,
s/n 26040
as/n 114040
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114040 2019-08-20
Tutor 26041,
s/n 26041
as/n 114041
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114041 2019-08-20
1985-March-04 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Tutor 26042,
s/n 26042
as/n 114042
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-February-18 Classified Instructional CA A 715 2020-06-19
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114042 2019-08-20
2020 Struck off Strength 2021-12-15
Tutor 26043,
s/n 26043
as/n 114043
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114043 2019-08-20
Tutor 26044,
s/n 26044
as/n 114044
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114044 2019-08-20
2010 Struck off Strength Scrapped 2021-12-16
Tutor 26045,
s/n 26045
as/n 114045
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114045 2019-08-20
2010 Struck off Strength Scrapped 2021-12-16
Tutor 26046,
s/n 26046
as/n 114046
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114046 2019-08-20
Tutor 26047,
s/n 26047
as/n 114047
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114047 2019-08-20
2014 Struck off Strength Scrapped 2021-12-16
Tutor 26048,
s/n 26048
as/n 114048
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114048 2019-08-20
2000-April-12 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-16
Tutor 26049,
s/n 26049
as/n 114049
m/d CL-41A
From 114049
Operated by Snowbirds as Snowbird 6 in 1979 season, Snowbird 8 in 1980 season, Snowbird 1 in 1981 season, again Snowbird 6 in 1982, 1983, and 1984 seasons. Snowbird 8 in 1985 and 1986 seasons, later Snowbird 10 in 1987, with external fuel tanks, and then Snowbird 11, with tanks, in 1988 season. Snowbird 10 again in 1989 season, again Snowbird 11 in 1990 season, spare in 1991 and 1992 seasons, marked as Snowbird 12 part of this time, once more Snowbird 10 in 1993 and 1994 seasons, spare aircraft in 1995 season, all with external fuel tanks, then spare aircraft, without tanks, in 1996 season. Spare aircraft, with tanks, in 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001 seasons. Later Snowbird 15. Reported as Snowbird tanker configuration, used to deliver jet fuel to airports where this was not available. Classified as Category B training aid on 5 April 2005. At the Canadian Forces School of Aerospace Technology and Engineering at CFB Borden by January 2006, marked as Snowbird 10. Still there June 2006 and October 2008. On display at Borden air show in June 2010, still marked as Snowbird 10.
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114049 2019-08-20
Tutor 26050,
s/n 26050
as/n 114050
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114050 2019-08-20
Tutor 26051,
s/n 26051
as/n 114051
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114051 2019-08-20
1983-April-13 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Tutor 26052,
s/n 26052
as/n 114052
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-January-07 Classified Instructional CA A 720 2020-06-19
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114052 2019-08-20
1976-August-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Tutor 26053,
s/n 26053
as/n 114053
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114053 2019-08-20
2014 Struck off Strength Scrapped 2021-12-16
Tutor 26054,
s/n 26054
as/n 114054
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114054 2019-08-20
Tutor 26055,
s/n 26055
as/n 114055
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114055 2019-08-20
2005-May Struck off Strength Parts preserved in various locations 2021-12-16
Tutor 26056,
s/n 26056
as/n 114056
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114056 2019-08-20
Tutor 26057,
s/n 26057
as/n 114057
m/d CL-41A
to 2 CFFTS, CFB Moose Jaw, SK as of 24 March 1974. Cat "A" crash there on 24 November 1978. An instructor and student from 2 CFFTS departed St. Hubert, QC on the return leg of a planned high density instrument flying / lLS cross-country training mission, which included an anticipated stopover at Ottawa. While cruising at 10,000 ft MSL approximately 20NM west of the Montreal VORTAC,, the crew felt and heard a low frequency rumbling noise. Upon reducing throttle, the noise ceased for a short period then returned, increasing in intensity, followed by a loud bang and subsequent engine
RPM decay. The crew attempted several engine relights; all of which were unsuccessful. The a/c was turned back toward Dorval away from the Ottawa/Gatineau built up areas and the crew ejected successfully at 6,800 ft MSL. Although the ejection was successful, resulting in no injuries, both parachutes were damaged in seat /parachute collisions. The pilots had ejected at a speed of 130 KIAS. The technical investigation revealed that the #2 bearing inner race of J85 CAN 40 engine, serial # 8086 was misaligned during installation resulting in its subsequent failure and loss of the a/c.
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114057 2019-08-20
1979-April-20 Struck off Strength Cat “A†write-off 2021-12-16
Tutor 26058,
s/n 26058
as/n 114058
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114058 2019-08-20
1985-July-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Tutor 26059,
s/n 26059
as/n 114059
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114059 2019-08-20
2010 Struck off Strength Scrapped 2021-12-16
Tutor 26060,
s/n 26060
as/n 114060
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114060 2019-08-20
Tutor 26061,
s/n 26061
m/d CL-41A
suitable area to practice aerobatics. He practiced a number of loops and rolls. During the pull-out from the last loop, he was rendered unconscious as the result of pulling "G". On recovering consciousness he attempted the normal nose low recovery procedure and blacked out. Shortly after recovering his vision he made a successful ejection. Upon questioning, the student pilot revealed that he began a loop at 13,000 ft MSL, 94 percent RPM and about 250 kts. He stated that when he tried to pull out of the loop, he blacked out. Upon regaining consciousness he deployed the speed brakes, and blacked out again. Upon regaining consciousness a second time at 4,000 ft MSL, he ejected. Upon investigation the Board found that the ejection had taken place at a speed of between 260 and 300 kts. However when the flight was reconstructed a few days later the speed the a/c had reached by 7,000 ft MSL, in a 45 degrees nose down dive, was 390 kts. This led the Board to conclude that the student pilot did not begin his loop at 13,000 ft MSL but somewhere between 7,000 and 9,000 ft MSL. In addition with 94 percent RPM at this altitude the pilot would have had to pull more than the normal three "G" (of the order of four to five "G") on the pull out to effect recovery to level flight at the ideal airspeed of 250 kts. This would explain his blackouts. Although not proven, it seems that the student pilot attempted to mislead the Board about the altitude at which the loop was initiated. Other pilots in the area at the time of the crash reported a cloud base of between 10,000 and 11,000 ft MSL. The ceiling was unsuitable for solo aerobatics. The investigation concluded that the accident was causing by the pilot using excessive power to perform a loop below 10,000 ft AGL necessitating a higher than normal "G" loading on recovery. The pilot then lost consciousness during the loop and was unable to effect recovery. Kestrel Publications
last update: 2024-December-25
1967-July-13 Struck off Strength Written off, after crashing on 16 June 1967. 2019-08-20
1967-July-13 Struck off Strength 2021-12-16
Tutor 26062,
s/n 26062
as/n 114062
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114062 2019-08-20
Tutor 26063,
s/n 26063
as/n 114063
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114063 2019-08-20
2005 Struck off Strength parts preserved 2021-12-16
Tutor 26064,
s/n 26064
as/n 114064
m/d CL-41A
Classified as Museum Artefact on 23 August 2005. Stored behind RCAF # Memorial Museum at Trenton, ON in October 2005, had left by December 2005. At Reynolds Museum in Wetaskawin, AB by summer of 2006, displayed as Snowbird #12.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-February-18 Classified Instructional CA A 713 2020-06-19
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114064 2019-08-20
2005-January-10 Struck off Strength No Inv Card in vault. RCAF A/C by Designer notes plane returned to flight status 16 Aug 1976 following Instructional status. Vault record Flight Safety Investigation Report confirms Cat A crash 10 Dec 2004, hence SOS date 10 Jan 2005 is appropriate. 2020-11-02
Tutor 26065,
s/n 26065
as/n 114065
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114065 2019-08-20
2009-October-05 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-16

Tutor 26066,
s/n 26066
as/n 114066
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114066 2019-08-20
Tutor 26067,
s/n 26067
as/n 114067
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114067 2019-08-20
Tutor 26068,
s/n 26068
as/n 114068
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114068 2019-08-20
Tutor 26069,
s/n 26069
as/n 114069
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114069 2019-08-20
Tutor 26070,
s/n 26070
as/n 114070
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114070 2019-08-20
2005 Struck off Strength preserved at Memorial Military Museum, Campbellford , ON 2021-12-20
Tutor 26071,
s/n 26071
as/n 114071
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114071 2019-08-20
2019-October-13 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-20
Tutor 26072,
s/n 26072
as/n 114072
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114072 2019-08-20
Tutor 26073,
s/n 26073
as/n 114073
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114073 2019-08-20
1992-October-23 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-20
Tutor 26074,
s/n 26074
as/n 114074
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114074 2019-08-20
1975-December-11 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-20
Tutor 26075,
s/n 26075
as/n 114075
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114075 2019-08-20
2000 Struck off Strength 2021-12-20
2000 Preserved at the Shearwater Aviation Museum in Shearwater, NS 2021-12-20
Tutor 26076,
s/n 26076
as/n 114076
m/d CL-41A
August 1976. Operated by 2 CFFTS, CFB Moose Jaw, Sask., 1982. Operated by Snowbirds as Snowbird #11 in 1993 season, then as Snowbird #4 in 1994 and 1995 seasons. Snowbird #5 in 1996 season. Snowbird #11 for part of 1997 season. Spare aircraft for part of 1997 season. Snowbird #10 in 1998 season. Snowbird #6 in 1999 season. Snowbird #4 for part of 2000 season. Snowbird #4 for all of 2001, 2002, and 2003 seasons. Reported as available for sale to museums, May 2005. Classified as Museum Artefact on 23 August 2005. Stored behind RCAF # Memorial Museum at Trenton, ON in October 2005, had left by December 2005. At Reynolds Museum in Wetaskawin, AB by summer of 2006, displayed as Snowbird #12.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-January-07 Classified Instructional CA A 721 2020-06-19
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114076 2019-08-20
2005-August-23 Struck off Strength preserved at Reynolds Museum, Wetaskawin, AB 2021-12-21
Tutor 26077,
s/n 26077
as/n 114077
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114077 2019-08-20
1993-February-10 Struck off Strength Cat “A†write-off 2021-12-21
Tutor 26078,
s/n 26078
as/n 114078
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114078 2019-08-20
2006-January-01 Struck off Strength 2021-12-21
Tutor 26079,
s/n 26079
as/n 114079
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114079 2019-08-20
1994-November-21 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-21
Tutor 26080,
s/n 26080
as/n 114080
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114080 2019-08-20
1985-July-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Tutor 26081,
s/n 26081
as/n 114081
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114081 2019-08-20
Tutor 26082,
s/n 26082
as/n 114082
m/d CL-41A
utilized a technique which impaired his ability to perceive visual cues essential to maintaining proper station. Kestrel Publications
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114082 2019-08-20
1977-September-01 Struck off Strength - Cat "A" write-off. Wreckage released for CRAD technology development program at DREP in Victoria, BC. 2021-12-21
Tutor 26083,
s/n 26083
as/n 114083
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114083 2019-08-20
2000-November-20 Struck off Strength Preserved in city of Cold Lake, AB 2021-12-21
Tutor 26084,
s/n 26084
as/n 114084
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114084 2019-08-20
1994-April-13 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-21
Tutor 26085,
s/n 26085
as/n 114085
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114085 2019-08-20
1985-July-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Tutor 26086,
s/n 26086
as/n 114086
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114086 2019-08-20
1971-December-30 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-22
Tutor 26087,
s/n 26087
as/n 114087
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114087 2019-08-20
Tutor 26088,
s/n 26088
as/n 114088
m/d CL-41A
1967. Transferred to 2 CFFTS, CFB Moose Jaw, SK as of 17 December 1973. To 431 (AD) Sqn as of
25 January 1977. Operated by Snowbirds as Snowbird No. 7 for part of 1977 season. Collided with Snowbird #4 (114082) during formation change during air show at Paine Field. Both pilots ejected successfully, both aircraft fell into Puget Sound. The Snowbird Air Demonstration Team were performing a low (flat) show air display at Paine Field, Washington. At approximately 1420(L), in an established 30 to 40 degrees banked left turn, 6NM west of Paine Field and with 90 degrees of turn remaining to roll out heading, a formation change from "Arrow" formation to "Big Vic" was initiated. At this point, #7 moved wide to make space for #4. #4 looked left (to #7) and having determined that a space was opening up continued to execute his change, maintaining clearance on #3 to his right (his primary lookout). While #4 executed his move, #7 a/c had moved (wide and slightly high). At this point #7 had lost visual contact with #4 Lost contact during this manoeuvre had happened before and was not considered unusual by the # seven pilot. Coincident with this event #7 determined that he was slightly closer than normal and a bit forward of the longitudinal reference line. #7 then attempted to compensate to ensure that enough room was available for #4, by increasing his vertical displacement and going high above the horizontal plane by about 20 to 25 ft. #4 moved into position and, as # seven attempted to move back to the correct fore and aft line, a collision occurred with #4. Both crew members successfully ejected. The investigation noted that #7's technique of going high on the inside of an echelon turn was a departure from the normal procedure and contrary to good formation flying. The cause was identified as while attempting to make a formation change the pilot accepted a practice of losing visual contact with a member of the formation from whom he was responsible to maintain clearance. The pilot also utilized a technique which impaired his ability to perceive visual cues essential to maintaining proper station. Kestrel Publications
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114088 2019-08-20
1977-September-01 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off; wreckage released for CRAD technology developmentprogram at DREP in Victoria, BC. 2021-12-22
Tutor 26089,
s/n 26089
as/n 114089
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114089 2019-08-20
Tutor 26090,
s/n 26090
as/n 114090
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114090 2019-08-20
Tutor 26091,
s/n 26091
as/n 114091
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114091 2019-08-20
Tutor 26092,
s/n 26092
as/n 114092
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114092 2019-08-20
Tutor 26093,
s/n 26093
as/n 114093
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114093 2019-08-20
Tutor 26094,
s/n 26094
as/n 114094
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114094 2019-08-20
Tutor 26095,
s/n 26095
as/n 114095
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114095 2019-08-20
Tutor 26096,
s/n 26096
as/n 114096
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-January-07 Classified Instructional CA A 718 2020-06-19
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114096 2019-08-20
1976-August-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Tutor 26097,
s/n 26097
as/n 114097
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114097 2019-08-20
Tutor 26098,
s/n 26098
as/n 114098
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114098 2019-08-20
1993-October-13 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-22
Tutor 26099,
s/n 26099
as/n 114099
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114099 2019-08-20
1985-July-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Tutor 26100,
s/n 26100
as/n 114100
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114100 2019-08-20
2005-May Struck off Strength preserved at Memorial Miltary Museum, Campbellford, ON 2021-12-22
Tutor 26101,
s/n 26101
as/n 114101
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114101 2019-08-20
2005-May Struck off Strength preserved at Memorial Miltary Museum, Campbellford, ON 2021-12-22
Tutor 26102,
s/n 26102
as/n 114102
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114102 2019-08-20
Tutor 26103,
s/n 26103
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1968-December-11 Struck off Strength Written off, after being destroyed by fire on 18 October 1968. 2019-08-20
1968-December-11 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-22
Tutor 26104,
s/n 26104
as/n 114104
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114104 2019-08-20
Tutor 26105,
s/n 26105
as/n 114105
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114105 2019-08-20
Tutor 26106,
s/n 26106
as/n 114106
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114106 2019-08-20
Tutor 26107,
s/n 26107
m/d CL-41A
clearhood mission which consisted of stalls, aerobatics, maximum rate descents, unusual attitude recoveries and spins. After approximately one hour of upper air work, the student pilot entered a left-hand spin from an indicated altitude of 25,000 ft. When full left rudder was applied to enter the spin, the pilot experienced an unusual feeling in the rudder pedal and found that he could not move the right rudder pedal to recover from the spin. When attempts to move the rudder failed, he ejected the canopy at approximately 13,000 ft MSL and ejected himself from the a/c at approximately 7,000 ft MSL. The ejection sequence operated normally and the pilot landed safely. The a/c had come out of the spin by itself and landed relatively intact. This aided in the investigation of the rudder mechanism. It was ascertained that the rudder had indeed jammed. A check of some # a/c at CFB Moose Jaw proved that a binding between the rudder pedal and the console panel could be duplicated if enough side force was applied to the pedal. Further investigation into the accident showed that there was nothing else wrong with the a/c at the time of impact. The investigation concluded that the accident was caused by insufficient clearance between the rudder pedal and the cockpit side panel.
last update: 2024-December-25
1966-June-24 Struck off Strength Written off, after crashing on 16 June 1969 2019-08-20
Tutor 26108,
s/n 26108
as/n 114108
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1969-December-29 Classified Instructional CA A 712 2020-06-19
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114108 2019-08-20
1976-August-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Tutor 26109,
s/n 26109
as/n 114109
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114109 2019-08-20
Tutor 26110,
s/n 26110
as/n 114110
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114110 2019-08-20
1993-July-22 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-23
Tutor 26111,
s/n 26111
m/d CL-41A
kts, an amber light on the annunciator panel illuminated indicating to the pilot that his fuel quantity was low; but when he checked the fuel quantity, the gauge read 630 lbs. At this time the master fire warning light came on. The pilot tested the fire warning circuit and it checked serviceable. The test was followed by a muffled explosion and apparent flame out. All fire and overheat warning lights illuminated at this time. The pilot converted his airspeed into altitude while bringing the throttle to idle, and attempting a relight. After attaining a maximum altitude of 2,700 ft indicated or 800 ft AGL, the pilot put the a/c into a straight ahead glide at 130 to 140 Kts. As the relight attempt had failed and there did not appear to be any suitable landing area for a forced landing, the pilot decided to eject. He attempted to hold the a/c level with his left hand and used his right had for ejection. The escape mechanism functioned properly and the pilot made a successful parachute descent. The cause of the engine failure could not be determined.
last update: 2024-December-25
1966-March-24 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-23
Tutor 26112,
s/n 26112
as/n 114112
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114112 2019-08-20
Tutor 26113,
s/n 26113
as/n 114113
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114113 2019-08-20
Tutor 26114,
s/n 26114
as/n 114114
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114114 2019-08-20
2000-November-20 Struck off Strength preserved at 4 Wing Cold Lake Museum 2021-12-23
Tutor 26115,
s/n 26115
as/n 114115
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-January-07 Classified Instructional CA A 723 2020-06-19
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114115 2019-08-20
2000-November-08 Struck off Strength preserved at 19 Wing Comox Museum 2021-12-23
Tutor 26116,
s/n 26116
as/n 114116
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114116 2019-08-20
Tutor 26117,
s/n 26117
as/n 114117
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114117 2019-08-20
1981-April-27 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-26
Tutor 26118,
s/n 26118
as/n 114118
m/d CL-41A
stabilizer rear attachment fitting. The pilot, Capt Gord de Jong, ejected outside the seat envelope and was fatally injured. The failure of the aluminium horizontal stabilizer fitting was due to fatigue induced cracking which weakened to the point where breakaway occurred during the repeated application of manoeuvring loads within AOI limits. A fleet wide inspection revealed several other a/c with varying degrees of fatigue cracking in the problem area. The attachment fittings were replaced with stronger steel alloy fittings as a result of the investigation.Kestrel Publications
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114118 2019-08-20
1979-April Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-26
Tutor 26119,
s/n 26119
as/n 114119
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114119 2019-08-20
Tutor 26120,
s/n 26120
as/n 114120
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114120 2019-08-20
2006-March-15 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-26
Tutor 26121,
s/n 26121
as/n 114121
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114121 2019-08-20
Tutor 26122,
s/n 26122
as/n 114122
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114122 2019-08-20
1980-May-06 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-26
Tutor 26123,
s/n 26123
as/n 114123
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114001 2019-08-20
1976-October-26 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-26
Tutor 26124,
s/n 26124
as/n 114124
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114124 2019-08-20
Tutor 26125,
s/n 26125
as/n 114125
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114125 2019-08-20
1979-June-27 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-26
Tutor 26126,
s/n 26126
as/n 114126
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114126 2019-08-20
Tutor 26127,
s/n 26127
as/n 114127
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1967-October-18 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-26
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114127 2019-08-20
Tutor 26128,
s/n 26128
as/n 114128
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114128 2019-08-20
Tutor 26129,
s/n 26129
as/n 114129
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114129 2019-08-20
1987-June-08 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-26
Tutor 26130,
s/n 26130
as/n 114130
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-20 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-26
Tutor 26131,
s/n 26131
as/n 114131
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114131 2019-08-20
1985-July-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Tutor 26132,
s/n 26132
as/n 114132
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114132 2019-08-20
1978-August-24 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-26
Tutor 26133,
s/n 26133
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-November-13 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-26
Tutor 26134,
s/n 26134
as/n 114134
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change 2021-12-26
Tutor 26135,
s/n 26135
as/n 114135
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114135 2019-08-20
Tutor 26136,
s/n 26136
as/n 114136
m/d CL-41A
observed the a/c nose forward about 10 or 20 degrees and hang there momentarily, then in his words, "All hell broke loose". The first pilot was unable to recognize the flight path of the a/c during the initial few seconds after control was lost, however he felt it progressed into an inverted spinning type condition. During the descent, he observed the turn needle deflected to the right and at one time, checked to see if the captain did, in fact, have full left rudder applied, which he had. He did not recall which way the ground was rotating nor did he recall what the air speed was. He did mention to the captain that, "If we are in an inverted spin, I think the stick should be back". The captain did comply briefly, but by this time it appeared to the first pilot that the captain was trying various procedures with the control column and rudder in an attempt to recover. The first pilot then saw the altimeter at 6,200 ft MSL and said, "There's six thousand" and the captain replied, "Okay, let's go". The first pilot immediately ejected. The captain did not eject and subsequently sustained fatal injuries. The investigation determined that while attempting to carry out an unauthorized stall turn, the a/c departed controlled flight. Being unrecognizable to some extent, there was doubt as to the correct recovery procedure to apply.Kestrel Publications
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114136 2019-08-20
1974-January-28 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-27
Tutor 26137,
s/n 26137
as/n 114137
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114137 2019-08-20
1974-June-14 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-27
Tutor 26138,
s/n 26138
as/n 114138
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114138 2019-08-20
1978-June-13 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-27
Tutor 26139,
s/n 26139
as/n 114139
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114139 2019-08-20
Tutor 26140,
s/n 26140
as/n 114140
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114140 2019-08-20
2007-January-25 Struck off Strength 25 January 2007 2021-12-27
Tutor 26141,
s/n 26141
as/n 114141
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114141 2019-08-20
Tutor 26142,
s/n 26142
as/n 114142
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114142 2019-08-20
2007-October-02 Struck off Strength 2021-12-27
Tutor 26143,
s/n 26143
as/n 114143
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114143 2019-08-20
1985-July-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Tutor 26144,
s/n 26144
as/n 114144
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114144 2019-08-20
Tutor 26145,
s/n 26145
as/n 114145
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114145 2019-08-20
Tutor 26146,
s/n 26146
as/n 114146
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114146 2019-08-20
1985-July-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Tutor 26147,
s/n 26147
as/n 114147
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114147 2019-08-20
2007-January-25 Struck off Strength 2021-12-28
Tutor 26148,
s/n 26148
as/n 114148
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114148 2019-08-20
Tutor 26149,
s/n 26149
as/n 114149
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114149 2019-08-20
1985-July-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Tutor 26150,
s/n 26150
as/n 114150
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114150 2019-08-20
Tutor 26151,
s/n 26151
as/n 114151
m/d CL-41A
Operated by 2 Canadian Forces Flying Training School, CFB Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Was Snowbird 7 in 1973 season, Snowbird 1 in 1974 season and part of 1975 season. Was Snowbird 8 in 1976 season. Classified as Instructional Airframe 752B on 16 August 1976. Later at Canadian Forces School of Aerospace Technology and Engineering, CFB Borden, Ont. Re-classified as 752C on 3 September 2003, with aft section going to Refinishing School at Borden. Nose section still at Borden June 2006.
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114151 2019-08-20
1991-January-08 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Tutor 26152,
s/n 26152
as/n 114152
m/d CL-41A
Operated by 2 Canadian Forces Flying Training School, CFB Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Replaced 114147 as Snowbird 2 in initial Snowbird season, 1972. Was Snowbird 3 in 1973, 1974, 1975 and 1976 seasons. Category A crash near Moose Jaw on 19 June 1989. Impacted ground during weather check flight. Capt. R.W. Pardell killed. Tail section and wings of this aircraft at Carlton University by 2013, used as a training aid.
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114152 2019-08-20
1991-August-01 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-28
Tutor 26153,
s/n 26153
as/n 114153
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114153 2019-08-20
2002 Struck off Strength 2021-12-28
Tutor 26154,
s/n 26154
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1969-October-17 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
1969-October-17 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-28
Tutor 26155,
s/n 26155
as/n 114155
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114155 2019-08-20
Tutor 26156,
s/n 26156
as/n 114156
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114156 2019-08-20
2000-April-12 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-28
Tutor 26157,
s/n 26157
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-January-08 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off; reduction to spares & scrap 2021-12-28
Tutor 26158,
s/n 26158
as/n 114158
m/d CL-41A
Transferred to 2 CFFTS as of 24 October 1969. Sent to AMDU Det, Mountain View, ON as of 26 March 1970. Back to CFFTS, CFB Moose Jaw, SK as of 8 May 1974. . Cat "A" crash near Moose Jaw on 15 November 1979. At approximately 1900(Z) the Dragon Tango formation took off from CFB Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan for a Form 5A mission. Tango Two was flown by a student pilot on his first formation solo mission. Lead a/c was flown solo by the student's instructor. The formation was approximately half way through the mission, having been airborne for 27 minutes, when Lead directed Tango Two to move to route, to complete cockpit checks and to relax-for a few minutes. A short time later at approximately 1929(Z) the two a/c collided. Tango Lead ejected safely. Tango Two sustained only minor damage to his a/c and landed safely at CFB Moose Jaw. The first occurrence which started the sequence of events was the formation directive over the radio by Tango Lead. "Tango Two go route", "Take a look at your airplane, do some checks. Relax fly straight and level". A comprehensive briefing, outlining a midpoint break and its purpose would negate a lengthy radio call. The "take a look at your airplane" was misinterpreted by Tango Two to be "I will take a look at your airplane". The superfluous phrase, "Relax, fly straight and level", added to and reinforced this misinterpretation. A short time later, relative a/c movement again reinforced Tango Two's belief that Lead was moving back to have a look at his a/c. Both pilots lost visual contact, with each other and shortly thereafter collided. The investigation concluded that the instructor pilot had issued a nonstandard, vague and ambiguous transmission to the student pilot which was perceived as direction to change Lead; and, the instructor pilot did not maintain visual contact with his wingman during the route formation when it was within his capabilities to do so. A mid-air collision then occurred resulting in the loss of the lead a/c. Kestrel Publications
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114158 2019-08-20
1980-May-06 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-28
Tutor 26159,
s/n 26159
as/n 114159
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114159 2019-08-20
2007-August-30 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-28
Tutor 26160,
s/n 26160
as/n 114160
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114160 2019-08-20
2005-August-23 Struck off Strength 2021-12-28
Tutor 26161,
s/n 26161
as/n 114161
m/d CL-41A
Snowbird Crash
Flown by Golden Centennaires Aerobatic Team. Later operated by 2 CFFTS, CFB Moose Jaw, SK. Completed avionics upgrade program on 24 April 1995.
Conversion to Snowbird configuration completed in January 2004. Operated by Snowbirds as Snowbird #4, year unknown. To Trenton for bird strike repairs, September 2004 to March 2005. Snowbird #11 in 2005 season. Visited Pearson Airport on 24 February 2006, marked as Snowbird #10. Reported as Snowbird #14 later in season. Was Snowbird #13 by late August 2006. Snowbird #9 in early 2007 season, Snowbird #5 by end of August 2007 Snowbird #6 in June 2009. Snowbird #9 in September 2009. Snowbird #8 in June 2011 Snowbird #5 in October and November 2011. Snowbird #2 in 2017.
On 17 May 2020, this a/c along with another Snowbird a/c was departing Kamloops, BC to proceed to Comox, BC. The a/c suffered an apparent engine failure during the take-off roll. The a/c zoom climbed, rolled and then nosed down sharply. Both crew ejected at low altitude and the jet impacted in a sub-division.
The pilot, Captain R. MacDougall, survived with injuries but the teams PA officer, Captain Jennifer Casey was fatally injured.
last update: 2024-December-251971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114161 2019-08-20
2020-May-17 Struck off Strength Cat “A†write-off 2021-12-28

Tutor 26162,
s/n 26162
as/n 114162
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114162 2019-08-20
2005-August-23 Struck off Strength 23 August 2005 - preserved at Memorial Miltary Museum, Campbellford, ON 2021-12-28
Tutor 26163,
s/n 26163
as/n 114163
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114163 2019-08-20
Tutor 26164,
s/n 26164
as/n 114164
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114164 2019-08-20
Tutor 26165,
s/n 26165
as/n 114165
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114165 2019-08-20
1980-May-06 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-28
Tutor 26166,
s/n 26166
as/n 114166
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114166 2019-08-20
Tutor 26167,
s/n 26167
as/n 114167
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114167 2019-08-20
2005-August-23 Struck off Strength Preserved at Memorial Miltary Museum, Campbellford, ON 2021-12-28
Tutor 26168,
s/n 26168
as/n 114168
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114168 2019-08-20
2005-August-23 Struck off Strength Classified as Museum Artifact 2021-12-28
Tutor 26169,
s/n 26169
as/n 114169
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114169 2019-08-20
1991-October-28 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-28
Tutor 26170,
s/n 26170
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1966-July-15 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
1966-July-15 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-28
Tutor 26171,
s/n 26171
as/n 114171
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114171 2019-08-20
Tutor 26172,
s/n 26172
as/n 114172
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114172 2019-08-20
Tutor 26173,
s/n 26173
as/n 114173
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114173 2019-08-20
2005-January-10 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-28
Tutor 26174,
s/n 26174
as/n 114174
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114174 2019-08-20
Tutor 26175,
s/n 26175
as/n 114175
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114175 2019-08-20
Tutor 26176,
s/n 26176
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1967-September-22 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
Tutor 26177,
s/n 26177
as/n 114177
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114177 2019-08-20
2005-August-23 Struck off Strength 2021-12-29
Tutor 26178,
s/n 26178
as/n 114178
m/d CL-41A
Operated by 2 Canadian Forces Flying Training School, CFB Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Operated by Snowbirds as Snowbird 1 in 1977, 1978, 1979, and 1980 seasons, then Snowbird 8 in 1981 season, and Snowbird 1 again in 1982 season. Major inspection completed 4 June 1986. Classified as Instructional Airframe 939B on 28 June 2000. Later at Canadian Forces School of Aerospace Technology and Engineering, CFB Borden, Ontario, as training aid. Still there June 2006 and October 2008, as 939B. On display at Borden air show in June 2010, marked as 939B.
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114178 2019-08-20
Tutor 26179,
s/n 26179
as/n 114179
m/d CL-41A
Jaw. The team took off at 1620(L), departing to the south for warm up manoeuvres. The lead called the solos out in preparation for a practice arrow roll left and the team changed from double diamond to arrow formation. Immediately prior to the formation starting the roll, the pilot felt a definite deceleration along with indications of engine compressor stall. Attempts to correct the situation were unsuccessful and existing engine power was insufficient to enable his return to Base. He informed the lead of his problem and the possibility of ejection. The lead immediately declared an emergency and advised Moose Jaw Tower of the situation. The pilot ejected at about 1,000 ft AGL. The ejection was successful, however the pilot received back injuries on landing. After experiencing what he considered to be compressor stall symptoms, the pilot smoothly departed the formation and attempted to analyze and rectify the situation. The pilot recalled an initial thump with an ensuing rumble which remained throughout the emergency. He carried out compressor stall clearing procedures; however, he states he could not get the engine RPM to go above 64 percent or stabilize above 62 percent. He also carried out No.1 and No. 2 relight procedures. After being flamed out the engine relit quickly but would not advance above 64 percent RPM. Maximum altitude obtained on the pull-up was 5,000 ft MSL (approximately 3,000 ft AGL) at 130 KIAS. The pilot assumed he would not be able to make a forced landing at Base unless power could be increased above 62 percent; however, he continued towards Base at best glide speed. The pilot selected an altitude of 3,000 ft MSL (approximately 1,000 ft AGL) as his minimum ejection height and on reaching this, carried out ejection procedures. The ejection appeared to be normal except for the failure of the seat pack to deploy. Capt. Stef was then injured in hard landing. The subsequent investigation determined that a failure of the Vespel rollers in the right hand compressor air bleed valve resulted in a loss of engine power.Kestrel Publications
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114179 2019-08-20
1973-October-26 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-29
Tutor 26180,
s/n 26180
as/n 114180
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114180 2019-08-20
2005-August-23 Struck off Strength 2021-12-29
Tutor 26181,
s/n 26181
as/n 114181
m/d CL-41A
Operated by 2 Canadian Forces Flying Training School, CFB Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Was Snowbird 6 in initial Snowbird season, 1972. Was Snowbird 4 for part of 1973 season and full 1974, 1975, and 1976 seasons. Classified as Instructional Airframe A897 on 30 May 1989. Later to Canadian Forces School of Aerospace Technology and Engineering, CFB Borden, Ontario, as training aid. Still there June 2006. Still there in October 2008, marked as 897B. On display at Borden air show in June 2010, marked as 897B. Still at Borden in 2011, in 2 Canadian Forces Flying Training School markings.
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114181 2019-08-20
Tutor 26182,
s/n 26182
as/n 114182
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1969-September-26 Struck off Strength 2020-07-16
Tutor 26183,
s/n 26183
as/n 114183
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114183 2019-08-20
1972-October-18 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-29
Tutor 26184,
s/n 26184
as/n 114184
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114184 2019-08-20
Tutor 26185,
s/n 26185
m/d CL-41A
the pilot was killed on impact. Questioning of witnesses enabled the investigation to reconstruct
almost entirely, the events which culminated in the crash. Gold Nine evidently elected to stay with the
formation during the first phase of the exercise, as all witnesses reported seeing six a/c flying together
just before the crash. It appears that the formation had completed either a roll or loop and were followed through this manoeuvre by Gold Nine. Gold Nine either recovered from the manoeuvre or only partially recovered, but then continued descending in a shallow dive of approximately 10 degrees with wings rocking 15-20 degrees until impact with the ground. The technical investigation revealed that all systems were normal at the time of the crash. The elevator trim was set at take-off and the speed brakes were "in". A pair of needle nosed pliers was, however, found in the wreckage and the investigation theorized that jamming of the elevator controls by the pliers could have caused the crash.
The precise cause of the crash was undetermined. However, the most probable cause was jamming of the elevator controls by FOD.Kestrel Publications
last update: 2024-December-25
1967-May-16 Struck off Strength Cat "A" write-off 2021-12-29
Tutor 26186,
s/n 26186
m/d CL-41A
26186 as part of a two plane formation. The formation took off at 1400(L), completed the manoeuvres that were required and entered initial f.or Runway ,28R in order to execute a formation break and landing. At approximately two miles from the runway, the lower airframe overheat and master caution lights illuminated, followed closely by the illumination of the fire warning light. The instructor gave the order to eject and both he and the student ejected successfully. At approximately two miles from the runway, altitude 1,100 ft AGL, airspeed 240 Kts, the student pilot called the instructor's attention to the lower airframe overheat light, which was on. As the instructor looked into the cockpit both he and the student saw the fire warning light illuminate. Neither pilot recalled seeing the master warning light on. The instructor immediately gave the order to eject. From the examination of the wreckage the investigation concluded that there was no fire prior to impact. The possibility that an overheat condition existed cannot be ruled out. However, because only one airframe overheat light illuminated, the investigators agreed that the most logical assumption was that the system had given a false warning indication. The instructor had a preconceived idea that he would eject immediately upon seeing a fire warning indication. This idea was based on stories he had heard in years gone by about other a/c types exploding within seconds of a fire light illuminating. The indication on the annunciator panel at the time of ejection did not indicate an actual fire condition because the upper airframe overheat light was not on. The cause was directed at the instructor who identified a false fire warning indication as an actual fire warning then elected to eject without carrying out the Critical Emergency Check for fire or overheat in flight in order to determine if an actual fire existed.Kestrel Publications
last update: 2024-December-25
1966-November-16 Struck off Strength 2019-08-20
Tutor 26187,
s/n 26187
as/n 114187
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114001 2019-08-20
2005-August-23 Struck off Strength 2021-12-29
Tutor 26188,
s/n 26188
as/n 114188
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114001 2019-08-20
Tutor 26189,
s/n 26189
as/n 114189
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114001 2019-08-20
Tutor 26190,
s/n 26190
as/n 114190
m/d CL-41A
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-February-18 Classified Instructional CA A 714 2020-06-19
1971-January-08 Serial Change Became CAF 114001 2019-08-20
1976-August-16 Struck off Strength 2022-02-07
Tutor 114000,
s/n 114000
as/n 114000
m/d CL-41A
c/n 1
last update: 2024-December-25