Champ (Total: 2, Canadian: 2, Group 2)

Aeronca Champ

Aeronca 7AC Champ, taxiing at Corona Municipal Airport (AJO). Photo by Craig Kinzer.
Source Wikipedia

The Aeronca Model 7 Champion, commonly known as the "Champ", or "Airknocker", is a single-engine light airplane with a high wing, generally configured with fixed conventional landing gear and tandem seating for two occupants.

Designed for flight training and personal use – and specifically developed to compete with the popular Piper Cub, entered production in the United States in 1945, spawning one of the most popular, and longest-produced, light airplane models in the world. Wikipedia

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Champ ,

Used at Brandon Flying Club in early 1950s, to train Canadian Army ab initio pilots.
last update: 2024-September-22

Champ ,

Used at Brandon Flying Club in early 1950s, to train Canadian Army ab initio pilots.
last update: 2024-September-22