Hercules (Total: 62, Canadian: 62, Group 0)
Lockheed Hercules

(Source RCAF Web Page)
Hercules 10301, C-130B-LM
s/n 10301
m/d 282
c/n 282-3572
last update: 2024-December-25
1967-March-23 Struck off Strength Struck off, sold to Lockheed Aircraft. 2019-08-20
Hercules 10302, C-130B-LM
s/n 10302
m/d 282
c/n 282-3575
last update: 2024-December-25
1967-March-23 Struck off Strength Struck off, sold to Lockheed Aircraft. 2019-08-20
Hercules 10303, C-130B-LM
s/n 10303
m/d 282
c/n 282-3587
last update: 2024-December-25
1967-March-23 Struck off Strength Struck off, sold to Lockheed Aircraft. 2019-08-20
Hercules 10304, C-130B-LM
s/n 10304
m/d 282
c/n 282-3590
last update: 2024-December-25
1960-November Base Assignment 435 (T) Squadron Namao, Alberta CA Delivered new. 2023-08-27
1962-August Base Assignment Thule GL Took part in Operation Boxtop VII, resupply of Alert 2023-08-27
1965 Base Assignment 408 Sqn Rivers, Manitoba CA 2023-08-27
1966-April-15 Accident Crash 408 Sqn Hepburn Region, Saskatchewan. CA Forward cabin door came off, went through propeller. Propeller then came off, damaging cockpit roof. Deadstick, gear up landing in wheat field, somewhere near Hepburn, Saskatchewan (exact location unconfirmed). No injuries. 2023-08-27
1966-October-12 Struck off Strength Struck off, after crashing on 15 April 1966. 2019-08-20
Hercules 10305, C-130E-LM
s/n 10305
as/n 130305
m/d 382
c/n 382-4020
From 130305
With 436 Squadron at CFB Uplands, Ontario at integration. Visited Perth, Australia in mid 1980s, in original white and bare metal finish. Converted to CC-130NT navigation trainer, for use at Navigation School at CFB Winnipeg, Manitoba. With 429 Squadron at CFB Winnipeg by 1991. Converted from navigation trainer to SAR role with special avionics at NAVAIR Toronto 1993. Re-designated CC-130E(SAR) for engineering purposes. With 424 (T&R) Squadron at CFB Trenton, Ontario in 1994. Designation CC-130E(SAR) was used for engineering purposes. Still based at CFB Trenton in 2005, with No. 8 Wing. Seen at Camp Mirage, middle east, in October 2005. Category C incident at Trenton on 13 September 2008, when technician got foot stuck in cargo rail and fell out of open door, sustaining injuries in landing on hanger floor. Still at Trenton in October 2008. Visited Norman Wells, NWT on 27 July 2010. Seen at Kelowna in August 2010. Based at CFB Greenwood, NS in April 2011. Withdrawn from service by 26 September 2011. Stored at CFB Winnipeg by April 2012, awaiting disposal. Towed by volunteers in a fund raising event at Winnipeg summer of 2012.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-May-27 Serial Change Became CAF 130305 . 2019-08-20
2011-September-26 Struck off Strength 2021-11-09
Hercules 10306, C-130E-LM
s/n 10306
as/n 130306
m/d 382
c/n 382-4026
From 130306
With 436 Squadron at CFB Uplands, Ontario at integration. In December 1971 made three unsuccessful attempts to extricate Westerners from Dacca, East Pakistan during the India and Pakistan War. Converted to CC-130NT navigation trainer, for use at Navigation School at CFB Winnipeg, Manitoba. With No. 429 Squadron at CFB Winnipeg by 1991. Converted from navigation trainer to SAR role with special avionics at NAVAIR Toronto 1993. Re-designated CC-130E(SAR) for engineering purposes. With No. 413 (T&R) Squadron at CFB Greenwood, NS in 1995. At CFB Trenton in August and October 2008. Visited Toronto airport in July 2009. Seen at Brussels, Belgium in August 2010. Reported at Cascade Aerospace in late 2010. Withdrawn from use in 2010, reported stored at CFB Winnipeg in Flyable Reserve status by November 2010, with 40,068.4 hours airframe time. Reported stored at Abbotsford, BC on 2 July 2011, still there April 2012. . Later reduced to spares and produce
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-May-27 Serial Change Became CAF 130306 . 2019-08-20
Hercules 10307, C-130E-LM
s/n 10307
as/n 130307
m/d 382
c/n 382-4041
From 130307
With 435 Squadron at CFB Namao, Alberta. Visited Faro, Portugal in 1989. Converted to CC-130N navigation trainer, for use at Navigation School at CFB Winnipeg, Manitoba. With 429 Squadron at CFB Winnipeg by 1991. Converted from navigation trainer to SAR role with special avionics at NAVAIR Toronto 1993. Re-designated CC-130E(SAR) for engineering purposes. With 424 (T&R) Squadron at CFB Trenton, Ontario in 1994. Visited Toronto Island Airport on 14 March 2006, part of a search over Lake Ontario. First CC-130 to be inducted into Cascade Aerospace at Abbotsford, BC for overhaul on 1 May 2006. Visited RAF Kinloss, UK on 12 February 2007. Dropped two SAR Techs at Hamilton airport, 13 February 2009. Reported with 45,000 + hours flight time in August 2011, scheduled for centre wing box replacement. The oldest active CF Hercules at that time. Stored at Trenton pending allocation for overhaul at that time. To Cascade Aerospace at Abbotsford for overhaul in May 2012, probably the last CC-130E to receive an overhaul. Scheduled for allotment to museum when withdrawn from service. Still in use March 2013, when it visited Kitchener-Waterloo airport and Windsor airport. Reported in June 2015 as last flying CC-130E. Donated to Canadian Aviation and Space Museum at Rockcliffe in April 2016. In total, it flew just over 47,000 flying hours coming within only a few hours of its maximum serviceable life
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-May-27 Serial Change Became CAF 130307 . 2019-08-20
2016-April-06 Struck off Strength 2021-11-09
Hercules 10308, C-130E-LM
s/n 10308
as/n 130308
m/d 382
c/n 382-4042
From 130308
With 435 Squadron at CFB Namao, Alberta when renumbered. Flew in Wiarton, Ontario air show in June 1976. Fitted with nine satellite tracking antennas 1976 to approximately 1983. Modified with EW Suite for Gulf War in 1990. With 436 Squadron at CFB Trenton, Ontario in 1991 and 1994. To Santo Domingo airport in Dominican Republic in March 2004, delivering hurricane relief supplies to Haiti. Took part in 2005 Canadian National Exposition air show, basing out of Trenton. Visited Larnaca, Cyprus on 9 October 2005. Reached 45,000 flying hours at Kandahar, Afghanistan in December 2008. Seen at Hamilton airport in June 2010. Based at CFB Greenwood, NS in April 2011. Withdrawn from service by 5 September 2011. Stored at CFB Trenton by May 2012, awaiting disposal instructions. Stored at Cascade Aerospace at Abbotsford, BC in August 2015. Later reduced to spares and produce.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-May-27 Serial Change Became CAF 130308 . 2019-08-20
Hercules 10309, C-130E-LM
s/n 10309
m/d 382
c/n 382-4050
Struck off, after crashing on 28 April 1967.
last update: 2024-December-25
1967-July-11 Struck off Strength 2021-11-09

Hercules 10310, C-130E-LM
s/n 10310
as/n 130310
m/d 382
c/n 382-4051
From 130310
With 436 Squadron at CFB Uplands, Ontario at integration. Converted to CC-130NT navigation trainer, for use at Navigation School at CFB Winnipeg, Manitoba. With No. 429 Squadron at CFB Winnipeg by 1991. Converted from navigation trainer to SAR role with special avionics at NAVAIR Toronto 1993. Re-designated CC-130E(SAR) for engineering purposes. With 424 (T&R) Squadron at CFB Trenton, Ontario in 1994. Visited Spain in July 2002. Seen at Cambridge Bay, Nunavut in March 2006. With 413 Squadron, CFB Greenwood, NS in 2007. At Cascade Aerospace in Abbotsford, BC for overhaul in summer of 2007. With 413 Squadron later in 2007. To CFS Alert, Nunavut for exercises, 3 April 2009. Stored at Trenton in flyable condition May 2010. Flown to Abbotsford, BC for Flyable Storage Program on 12 June 2010. Still stored there in April 2012. Later reduced to spares and produce.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-May-27 Serial Change Became CAF 130310 . 2019-08-20
Hercules 10311, C-130E-LM
s/n 10311
as/n 130311
m/d 382
c/n 382-4060
From 130311
With 436 Squadron at CFB Uplands, Ontario at integration. With 435 Squadron at CFB Edmonton (Namao), Alberta in 1991. To CAE at Edmonton for overhaul in 1995. Seen at CFB Trenton in October 2005. With 413 Squadron at CFB Greenwood, NS, c.2005. Category D damage at CFS Alert, Nunavut on 25 April 2006, while delivering fuel to Alert as part of Operation Boxtop 2006. Aircraft landed long on ice and snow covered runway, pilot came off brakes briefly when directional control problems encountered, over ran runway end by about 80 feet before stopping. Reported stored at Trenton 2006, near time expired. Still stored at Trenton in August and October 2008. Seen at Trenton in July 2009. Last flight 18 July 2007 at Trenton. Outer wings removed and installed on 130337, 13 July 2009. Still at Trenton in October 2009, wings removed. Other parts apparently stripped by June 2010. Still being stripped for spare parts at Trenton in October 2010. Fuselage still stored outside at Trenton in June 2011. Transferred to Cascade Aerospace and reduced to spares and produce in 2015.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-May-27 Serial Change Became CAF 130311 . 2019-08-20
2007-July-18 Struck off Strength 2021-11-09
Hercules 10312, C-130E-LM
s/n 10312
as/n 130312
m/d 382
c/n 382-4061
From 130312
Serving with 436 Squadron, CFB Trenton, Ontario, at time of crash, 15 Oct 1980. Cat "A" write-off.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-May-27 Serial Change Became CAF 130312 . 2019-08-20
1980-October-15 Struck off Strength 2021-11-09
Unspecified 1980-10-15 to 1980-10-15
(T) Sqn (RCAF) Trenton
Serving with No.436 Squadron, CFB Trenton, Ontario, at time of crash. Searching for lost helicopter, crashed 13 kilometres (8.1 miles) west of Chapais, Quebec on 15 October 1980. 8 fatalities, including Capt. R.K. Kavanaugh; Capt. M.D. Salmons; and Master Corp. A.A. Woodham. 2 survivors. 15 October 1980 - Cat "A" write-off

Hercules 10313, C-130E-LM
s/n 10313
as/n 130313
m/d 382
c/n 382-4066
From 130313
With 435 Squadron at CFB Edmonton (Namao), Alberta in 1991. With 413 Squadron at CFB Greenwood, NS in 1995. At CFB Trenton in December 2007. At CFB Greenwood with 413 Squadron in 2010. Last flight 21 March 2010. Withdrawn from use on 1 April 2010, stored at CFB Trenton in Flyable Storage Program. Was being used for MAMS (loadmaster) training June 2010. This was the 7th E model retired by the CF. Was to be donated to the Greenwood Aviation Museum. Donated to The Air Force Museum of Canada, at CFB Trenton on 21 July 2011, replacing 130314. Reported robbed for parts in September 2014, to keep other CC-130H models flying.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-May-27 Serial Change Became CAF 130313 . 2019-08-20
2010-April-01 Struck off Strength 2021-11-09
Hercules 10314, C-130E-LM
s/n 10314
as/n 130314
m/d 382
c/n 382-4067
From 130314
With 435 Squadron at CFB Namao, Alberta. Based at CFB Trenton by 1972. Visited Shannon, Ireland on 2 July 1983, still in non-camouflage finish. Serving with 436 Squadron, CFB Trenton, Ontario in 1981 and 1991. Converted to SAR role with special avionics at NAVAIR Toronto 1993. Re-designated CC-130E(SAR) for engineering purposes. With 424 (T&R) Squadron at CFB Trenton, Ontario in 1994. With No. 413 Squadron at CFB Greenwood, NS in 1991 and 1995. Detached service in Middle East from 2002. With No. 8 Wing at CFB Trenton in 2005. Used to mock up Engine Instrument Display System retrofit at Spar Aerospace in July 2005. Last flight 1 December 2005 at Trenton with 42,761 hours airframe time. Reported stored at Trenton 2006, time expired. Still stored there in 2007, waiting for wing box replacement. This did not happen, replacement parts intended for this aircraft used on 130332 instead. Seen at Trenton in October 2008, with outer wings and engines removed for use on 130336. To RCAF Museum at Trenton in June 2009, with outer wings from 130333. On display outside at the Museum by June 2010. After being replaced by 130313 this aircraft was being stripped for spares at Trenton in May 2012.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-May-27 Serial Change Became CAF 130314 . 2019-08-20
2005-December-01 Struck off Strength 2021-11-09
Hercules 10315, C-130E-LM
s/n 10315
as/n 130315
m/d 382
c/n 382-4070
From 130315
With 436 Squadron at CFB Uplands, Ontario at integration. To Trenton with this unit in 1973, still with unit in 1979. Visited Faro, Portugal in 1987. Modified with EW Suite for Gulf War in 1990. With 436 Squadron at CFB Trenton, Ontario in 1991 and 1994. Reached 45,000 hours airframe time on 27 May 2005, the first military Hercules to reach this time. Was detached to CFB Cold Lake, Alberta from 8 Wing, CFB Trenton, for Exercise Maple Flag at the time. Last flight 24 September 2005 at Trenton. Reported stored at Trenton in December 2007, time expired, and used at ground instructional aid. Still at Trenton in March 2011, used as an engineering training aid.
last update: 2024-December-25
1965-May-17 Taken on Strength 2019-08-20
1970-May-27 Serial Change Became CAF 130315 . 2019-08-20
2005-September-24 Struck off Strength 2021-11-09
Hercules 10316, C-130E-LM
s/n 10316
as/n 130316
m/d 382
c/n 382-4075
From 130316
With 435 Squadron at CFB Edmonton (Namao), Alberta in 1974 and 1991. Flew to Australia and Singapore, 6 to 20 September 1974. With No. 8 Wing at CFB Trenton in 1995. Visited Azores islands in March 2005. At Cascade Aerospace in Abbotsford, BC for overhaul in summer of 2007. Back at CFB Trenton by November 2008. At Abbotsford for prototype Joint Aerial Delivery Standoff System (J-PADS) modification and testing January 2009. Under test at Abbotsford and Trenton in 2009. Last flight 16 May 2010 at Abbotsford. Used for some avionics prototyping at Cascade. By August 2010 wings removed, airframe used as ground trainer for CC-130J program. Outer wings removed and stored as spares. Reported stored at Abbotsford, BC on 2 July 2011. Reduced to spares and produce
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-May-27 Serial Change Became CAF 130316 . 2019-08-20
2010-May-16 Struck off Strength 2021-11-09
Hercules 10317, C-130E-LM
s/n 10317
as/n 130317
m/d 382
c/n 382-4122
From 130317
With 436 Squadron at CFB Uplands, Ontario at integration. With 436 Squadron at CFB Trenton, Ontario in 1991 and 1994. With No. 8 Wing at CFB Trenton in 1995. Visited Glasgow-Prestwick airport, UK, on 3 May 2005. Visited RAF Brize Norten, UK on 23 October 2006. At Glasgow-Prestwick again on 23 December 2006, en route from Afghanistan to Canada. Last flight 12 January 2007 at Trenton, with 44272 total airframe time. Outer wings and engines removed for installation on 130333 in February 2009. Wings replaced from 130336. Parts of horizontal stab removed for Non-destructive Testing at ATESS Trenton. Being used for parts recovery, parked outside at Trenton in June 2010. Other parts destined for the engineering department at Royal Military College, Kingston. Main airframe still stored outside at Trenton in June 2011 and May 2012. Still there in 2014. Reduced to spares and produce
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-May-27 Serial Change Became CAF 130317 . 2019-08-20
2007-January-12 Struck off Strength 2021-11-09
Hercules 10318, C-130E-LM
s/n 10318
as/n 130318
m/d 382
c/n 382-4124
From 130318
With 435 Squadron, CFB Namao, Alberta, when destroyed in a crash on 29 January 1989. Crash-landed 300-600 feet short of the runway at night in -46deg C temperatures, at Fort Wainwright, Alaska. 9 fatalities, including 2 who died later in hospital, and 9 survivors. Fatalities included Master Corp. L.M. Papineau-Couture and Capt. J.P-E. C. Castonguay.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-May-27 Serial Change Became CAF 130318. 2019-08-20
1989-May Struck off Strength 2021-11-09

Hercules 10319, C-130E-LM
s/n 10319
as/n 130319
m/d 382
c/n 382-4095
From 130319
With 436 Squadron at CFB Uplands, Ontario at integration. With 436 Squadron at CFB Trenton, Ontario in 1991 and 1994. Visited Malta on 12 June 2005. Visited Europe in April 2006. Still at CFB Trenton in October 2008, and March 2009. Later deployed to Afghanistan, where it became the last CF Hercules based there, last in-country flight on 25 April 2011. Left Afghanistan on 27 April 2011. Had over 43,800 logged hours at that time. Later based at Cyprus, still in use supporting Operation Archer (Canadian training support for Afghan Army). Later returned to Trenton for use as a backup SAR aircraft, pending wing spar replacement. Took part in evacuation of flood victims from Wollaston Lake, Saskatchewan in June 2011. Damaged right wing when it struck a building while taxiing at Points North Airfield on 2 June 2011. Maintenance inspection completed at Cascade Aviation in February 2012, to 424 Squadron at CFB Trenton. Still there in May 2012. Visited Toronto Airport on 22 August 2012. Reported still active April 2013, at Trenton. Stored at Cascade Aerospace at Abbotsford, BC in August 2015. Reduced to spares and produce
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-May-27 Serial Change Became CAF 130319 . 2019-08-20
Hercules 10320, C-130E-LM
s/n 10320
as/n 130320
m/d 382
c/n 382-4096
From 130320
With No. 435 Squadron at CFB Namao, Alberta. Visited Maastricht, Holland in October 1979. Extensively damaged at Trenton in 1983 when it was hit by 130328 that had jumped its chocks during an engine run up. Fortunately, there was no fire or injury and the aircraft was repaired. With 436 Squadron at CFB Trenton, Ontario in 1991 and 1994. Served with 424 (T&R) Squadron at CFB Trenton, dates not known. At SPAR facility at Edmonton International Airport (Nisku) in August 2006. Back at CFB Trenton by October 2008. Stored at Cascade Aerospace in Abbotsford by 27 March 2011. Time expired, probably held for spares. Still there in January 2012. Reduced to spares and produce
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-May-27 Serial Change Became CAF 130320 . 2019-08-20
Hercules 10321, C-130E-LM
s/n 10321
as/n 130321
m/d 382
c/n 382-4191
From 130321
With 436 Squadron at CFB Trenton, Ontario in 1991. With 435 Squadron, 8 Wing, Trenton, when destroyed on 22 July 1993. Crashed during LAPES (Low Altitude Parachute Extraction System) training at CFB Wainwright, Alberta. 5 fatalities: Capt. M.G. Allen; Master Corp. R.J. McWiliam; Sgt. A.D.J. Michaud; and Capt. V.L. Schurman. 4 survivors. All LAPES operations in the Canadian Forces were permanently suspended shortly after this accident. Cat "A" write-off.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-May-27 Serial Change Became CAF 130321 . 2019-08-20
1993-October-05 Struck off Strength 2021-11-09

Hercules 10322, C-130E-LM
s/n 10322
as/n 130322
m/d 382
c/n 382-4192
Ex USAF 65-12767. With 435 (T) Squadron, RCAF Station Namao, Alberta.
With 436 Squadron at CFB Trenton, Ontario in 1991. With 435 Squadron when it crashed on 30 October 1991. Crashed on approach to CFS Alert, Ellesmere Island, NWT. 5 fatalities, including Capt. J.P. Couch and Corp-chef J.R. Pitre. 13 survivors. Took several days for survivors to be recovered, due to bad weather. Wreckage still visible at crash site for several years. Read "Death and Deliverance" by Robert Mason Lee, the haunting true story of the Hercules crash at the North Pole.
- Captain John Couch, pilot, 435 Transport Squadron, Edmonton, Alberta
- Captain Judy Trépanier, logistics officer, Canadian Forces Communication Command Headquarters, Ottawa, Ontario
- Master Warrant Officer Tom Jardine, regional services manager CANEX, Canadian Forces Base Trenton, Ontario
- Warrant Officer Robert Grimsley, supply technician, Canadian Forces Communication Command Headquarters, Ottawa
- Master Corporal Roland Pitre, traffic technician, 435 Squadron
- Robert Thomson, civilian, Canadian Forces Base Trenton
- Susan Hillier, civilian, Canadian Forces Base Trenton
- Captain Richard Dumoulin, logistics officer, Canadian Forces Communication Command Headquarters
- Captain Wilma DeGroot, doctor, Canadian Forces Base Trenton
- Lieutenant Joe Bales, pilot, 435 Squadron
- Lieutenant Mike Moore, navigator, 435 Squadron
- Master Warrant Officer Marc Tremblay, supply technician, Canadian Forces Communication Command Headquarters
- Sergeant Paul West, flight engineer, 435 Squadron
- Master Corporal Tony Cobden, communications researcher, 770 Communication Research Squadron, Gander, Newfoundland
- Master Corporal David Meace, radio technician, 1 Canadian Division Headquarters and Signal Squadron, Canadian Forces Base Kingston, Ontario
- Master Corporal Mario Ellefsen, communications researcher, Canadian Forces Station Leitrim, Ottawa
- Master Seaman "Monty" Montgomery, communications researcher, Canadian Forces Station Leitrim
- Private Bill Vance, communications researcher, Canadian Forces Station Leitrim
1970-May-27 Serial Change Became CAF 130322 . 2019-08-20
1991-October-30 Accident Category A RCAF Alert CA Crashed 11 miles short of Alert. 2021-10-30
Ferry Flight 1991-10-30 to 1991-10-30
435 (T) Sqn (RCAF) CFB Edmonton
435 Transport and Rescue Squadron (Certe Provehendi) CFB Edmonton. Hercules C-130E-LM aircraft 10322 struck high ground and crashed on approach to Canadian Forces Station Alert, Ellesmere Island NWT during the semi-annual "Operation Boxtop" supply airlift to the station. At 508 miles from the geographic North Pole, CFS Alert is the furthest north permanent human settlement on our planet
Boxtop 22 was the 22nd flight of the second airlift of 1991. Crewed by Aircraft Commander Capt JP Couch, First Officer Lt J Bales, Lt M Moore, Navigator; Sergeant Paul West, Flight Engineer and MCpl Roland Pitre, Loadmaster/Traffic Technician
There were thirteen passengers aboard the aircraft, a mix of military and civilian personnel flying in for duty or to attend to various services for the staff at Alert
For the first time on one of these flights, the Hercules was also carrying an internal bulk fuel tank containing 3,400 litres of diesel fuel for use at CFS Alert. When the aircraft crashed, it broke into three pieces, causing the internal fuel tank to burst open and catch fire
The remote location and weather made any rescue response extremely difficult and hazardous but a massive rescue operation was undertaken involving 24 Canadian and US military aircraft as well as 2 Canadian civilian aircraft
Hundreds of dedicated air and ground search and rescue personnel, persevering despite the most extreme weather conditions and rugged landscape were involved in the recovery
The rescue involved aircraft and personnel from Canadian Military: 103 RU, Gander, 405 Squadron, Greenwood, 408 Squadron, Edmonton, 412 Squadron, Ottawa, 413 Squadron, Greenwood, 415 Squadron, Greenwood, 424 Squadron, Trenton, 429 Squadron, Trenton, 435 Squadron, Edmonton, 436 Squadron, Trenton, 440 Squadron, Edmonton, 442 Squadron, Comox.Canadian Civilian: Greenland Charter Air Services and Bradley Air ServicesUS Military: 11th Air Force, Elemendorf, 22nd Air Force, Travis AFB, 56th Air Rescue, Kleflavik, IcelandMCpl R Pitre CD (CAF), Captain JA Trepanier CD (CAF), MWO T Jardine CD SSM (CAF) andWarrant Officer R Grimsley CD (CAF) were killed in this accident
Capt JP Couch (CAF) survived initially and helped other survivors after the crash but died of hypothermia before rescuers arrived
There were thirteen survivors among those aboard: Civilian R Thomson, Civilian S Hillier, Lt J Bales (CAF), Sergeant P West (CAF), Lt M Moore (CAF), Capt R Dumoulin (CAF), Capt W de Groot (CAF), MWO M Tremblay (CAF), MCpl T Cobden (CAF), MCpl D Meace (CAF), MCpl M Ellefsen (CAF), MS D Montgomery (CAF) and Pvt B Vance (CAF)
Death and Deliverance by Robert Mason Lee The Royal Canadian Air Force Journal, Vol. 8, No. 4, Fall 2019
1993-November-25 Struck off Strength 2021-11-09

Hercules 10323, C-130E-LM
s/n 10323
as/n 130323
m/d 382
c/n 382-4193
From 130323
With 436 Squadron at CFB Uplands, Ontario at integration. With 436 Squadron at CFB Trenton, Ontario in 1991 and 1994. To CAE Aviation for overhaul in 1995. Heavy snowfall accumulation on tail caused aircraft to tip onto its rear ramp with no apparent damage at Greenwood in the early morning on 14 November 2004. To SPAR in Edmonton for overhaul in November 2005. At CFB Greenwood with 413 Squadron in 2010. To Cascade Aerospace at Abbotsford, BC for Periodic Inspection in June 2010. Probably last inspection for this aircraft. To 435 Squadron at CFB Winnipeg on 23 August 2010. Seen at Trenton open house in June 2011. Also on display at Hamilton air show the same month. Withdrawn from use 23 January 2012, stored at CFB Trenton pending disposal. Still there in May 2012. Reduced to spares and produce 2013
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-May-27 Serial Change Became CAF 130323 . 2019-08-20
Hercules 10324, C-130E-LM
s/n 10324
as/n 130324
m/d 382
c/n 382-4194
From 130324
With No. 435 Squadron at CFB Namao, Alberta. Modified with EW Suite for Gulf War in 1990. With 436 Squadron at CFB Trenton, Ontario in 1991 and 1994. Visited Edinburgh, UK on 16 March, and again on 21 March 2006. Received cargo of spares from a Belgium AF Hercules before departing as CFC 2326. Visited Manchester, UK as flight CF2353 on 16 October 2006. Reported u/s at Whitehorse, Yukon on 1 February 2008. Still at Trenton in August and October 2008. At Cascade Aviation in Abbotsford in April 2009 for overhaul, reported with very little airframe time left. Back to CFB Trenton in June 2010, kept as SAR reserve aircraft. Stored at Trenton, in Flyable Status, by late 2010. Officially time expired from 4 November 2010. Stored at Cascade Aviation by 15 February 2011, still there in April 2012.Reduced to spares and produce
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-May-27 Serial Change Became CAF 130324 . 2019-08-20
2011-February Struck off Strength 2021-11-09
Hercules 10325, C-130E-LM
s/n 10325
as/n 130325
m/d 382
c/n 382-4285
From 130325
With 436 Squadron at CFB Trenton, Ontario in 1991 and 1994. Took part in Operation Boxtop (annual re-supply of CFB Alert) in 1998. Still at Trenton in June 2008. Seen at Kandahar, Afghanistan in December 2009. Stored at Cascade Aerospace at Abbotsford, BC as part of the Flyable Storage Program from 15 September 2010, still there in April 2012. Fuselage still in storage at Cascade Aerospace in August 2015. Reduced to spares and produce.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-May-27 Serial Change Became CAF 130325 . 2019-08-20
2010-January-10 Struck off Strength 2021-11-09
Hercules 10326, C-130E-LM
s/n 10326
as/n 130326
m/d 382
c/n 382-4286
From 130326
With 436 Squadron at CFB Trenton, Ontario in 1991. Operated on behalf of UN in Ethiopia in November and December 1991. With 435 Squadron, CFB Edmonton, Alberta in 1994. To Chicoutimi, Quebec on 8 April 2005. Visited Prestwick Airport, UK, on 10 September 2005, together with 130334. Still based at CFB Trenton, Ontario in 2005. Last flight on 21 March 2006 at Abbotsford BC, reported with 42255 airframe time. Stored at Cascade Aerospace in Abbotsford, BC in summer of 2007 for use as a training aid. Still in use as trainer in February 2009. Still at Abbotsford in November 2009. At Abbotsford in August 2010, wings removed, for use on 130332. Engines also removed while at Cascade. Aircraft transferred to CC130J program August 2010 for conversion to ground trainer. Reported stored at Abbotsford, BC on 2 July 2011. Reduced to spares and produce.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-May-27 Serial Change Became CAF 130326 . 2019-08-20
2006-March-21 Struck off Strength 2021-11-09
Hercules 10327, C-130E-LM
s/n 10327
as/n 130327
m/d 382
c/n 382-4288
From 130327
Visited Gilze Rijen, Holland in May/June 1974, in support of CF-104 detachment there. Modified with EW Suite for Gulf War in 1990. With 436 Squadron at CFB Trenton, Ontario in 1991 and 1994. Visited Kabul, Afghanistan on 29 July 2003. Had close encounter with terrain on low level tactical departure that day for Camp Mirage, after leaving pre-planned track and entering box valley. Bank angle limits exceed during exit from valley, resulting in buffet, no damage or injuries. Subsequent investigation cited hurried planning and crew fatigue as contributing factors. Visited Schipol, Holland on 19 April 2005. Visited Europe in April 2006, using call sign C2AF3B. Visited Toronto Island airport on 3 May 2006. Delivered first Dutch troops to FOB (Forward Operating Base) Tarin Kowt, Afghanistan on 23 August 2006. Operated by 436 Squadron crew assigned to Tactical Airlift Unit, Theatre Support Element, based at "secret location" in Middle East. Seen at CFB Trenton in October 2008. Seen at Alexandria, Louisiana on 2 and 4 December 2008, using call sign "Cougar". Seen at Las Vegas, Nevada in February 2009. Based at CFB Trenton by April 2011. With 413 Squadron at CFB Greenwood in April 2012. Reported at Trenton on 7 February 2013. Reported withdrawn from use by August 2013. Stored at Cascade Aerospace at Abbotsford, BC in August 2015. Reduced to spares and produce.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-May-27 Serial Change Became CAF 130327 . 2019-08-20
2016 Struck off Strength 2021-11-09
Hercules 10328, C-130E-LM
s/n 10328
as/n 130328
m/d 382
c/n 382-4289
From 130328
Fitted with experimental satellite communication antenna 1978 through 1983. Jumped chocks during engine run up at Trenton in 1983 and ran into 130320 causing extensive damage to both aircraft. Fortunately, there was no fire or injury and aircraft was repaired. Investigation revealed that brakes were not functioning on 130328, due to the auxiliary hydraulic system not being activated before the run up. With 436 Squadron at CFB Trenton, Ontario in 1991 and 1994. On display at Royal International Air Tattoo, UK in 2000. Still with 436 Squadron at that time. Still based at CFB Trenton, Ontario in 2005. Still at Trenton in August and October 2008. At CFB Greenwood, NS with 413 Squadron in 2009 and 2010. At Abbotsford for Periodic Inspection in September 2010. Probably last inspection for this aircraft. Based at CFB Greenwood, NS in April 2011. Withdrawn from use when hours expired on 12 December 2011. Still stored at CFB Greenwood in Aug. 2016.
last update: 2024-December-25
1970-May-27 Serial Change Became CAF 130328 . 2019-08-20
2011-December-12 Struck off Strength 2021-11-09
Hercules 65969, HC-130H-LM
s/n 65969
m/d 382
c/n 382-4111
65 969
last update: 2025-February-05
Hercules 130329, CC-130H
s/n 130329
as/n 130329
m/d 382
c/n 4553
last update: 2024-December-25
1983-June-28 Struck off Strength Struck off after crash, see comments. 2019-08-20

Hercules 130330, CC-130H
s/n 130330
as/n 130330
m/d 382
c/n 4555
last update: 2024-December-25
Ferry Flight 1985-03-29 to 1985-03-29
() Sqn (RCAF)
Two Lockheed CC-130H Hercules transport planes were destroyed in an accident following a mid-air collision over Edmonton-Namao Field, AB (YED), Canada. All five crew members aboard each plane were killed.
The aircraft were part of the three-ship formation taking part in a fly-past to mark the 61st anniversary of the Royal Canadian Air Force.
1986-January-14 Struck off Strength Struck off after crash, see comments. 2019-08-20

Hercules 130331, CC-130H
s/n 130331
as/n 130331
m/d 382
c/n 4559
last update: 2024-December-25
Ferry Flight 1985-03-29 to 1985-03-29
() (RCAF)
Two Lockheed CC-130H Hercules transport planes were destroyed in an accident following a mid-air collision over Edmonton-Namao Field, AB (YED), Canada. All five crew members aboard each plane were killed.
The aircraft were part of the three-ship formation taking part in a fly-past to mark the 61st anniversary of the Royal Canadian Air Force.
1986-January-14 Struck off Strength Struck off after crash, see comments. 2019-08-20

Hercules 130332, CC-130H
s/n 130332
as/n 130332
m/d 382
c/n 4568
last update: 2024-December-25
Hercules 130333, CC-130H
s/n 130333
as/n 130333
m/d 382
c/n 4574
last update: 2024-December-25
Hercules 130334, CC-130H
s/n 130334
as/n 130334
m/d 382
c/n 4994
last update: 2024-December-25
Hercules 130335, CC-130H
s/n 130335
as/n 130335
m/d 382
c/n 4995
last update: 2024-December-25
Hercules 130336, CC-130H
s/n 130336
as/n 130336
m/d 382
c/n 4580
last update: 2024-December-25
Hercules 130337, CC-130H
s/n 130337
as/n 130337
m/d 382
c/n 4584
last update: 2024-December-25
Hercules 130338, CC-130H
s/n 130338
as/n 130338
m/d 382
c/n 5175
last update: 2024-December-25
Hercules 130339, CC-130H
s/n 130339
as/n 130339
m/d 382
c/n 5177
last update: 2024-December-25
Hercules 130340, CC-130H
s/n 130340
as/n 130340
m/d 382
c/n 5189
last update: 2024-December-25
Hercules 130341, CC-130H
s/n 130341
as/n 130341
m/d 382
c/n 5200
last update: 2024-December-25
Hercules 130342, CC-130H
s/n 130342
as/n 130342
m/d 382
c/n 5207
to tanker configuration by Northwest Industries, Edmonton, AB. Designations CC-130H(T) is
unofficial. With 435 Sqn at CFB Edmonton, AB in 1994. Moved to CFB Winnipeg with this unit in 1994. Still with this unit in 1995. Seen doing touch and goes at CFB Winnipeg in 2007. Visited
Norman Wells, NWT on 27 July 2010. To Trapini-Birgi AFB in Italy in spring of 2011, as tanker support for Op MOBILE (Canadian contribution to UN operations over Libya). On 21 February 2012, during a touch and go at Naval Air Station Key West just prior to the aircraft becoming airborne, the Loadmaster, who was seated in the rear of the cargo compartment, heard an electrical buzzing sound and observed an orange jet-like flame shoot across the cargo ramp floor. He unbuckled his harness and was reaching for the fire extinguisher when an expansive orange fireball erupted, causing him to protect his head with his jacket. Once the fireball receded, he alerted the crew to the fire and moved forward to escape the heat and smoke. Concurrent with the fire alert, the aircraft became airborne and reached 10 feet in altitude above the runway. With sufficient runway remaining, the Flying Pilot landed straight ahead and aggressively stopped the aircraft while the Non-Flying Pilot notified Air Traffic Control. Once the aircraft came to rest and the engines were shut down, all nine crew members quickly egressed and moved upwind of the aircraft. Crash Fire and Rescue services responded and expeditiously extinguished the fire. The aircraft was extensively damaged and one crew member received a minor injury. The investigation determined that routing and clamping
deficiencies in a modification to install ground test connections to the auxiliary hydraulic system,
resulted in chafing between the hydraulic pump motor power wire and a pressurized hydraulic flexible
hose. Electrical arcing between the wire and the hose resulted in a pin-hole breach of the flexible
hose, release of hydraulic fluid under high pressure, and initiation of the fire. The extent of the
damage to critical structures resulted in a Cat "A" write-off.
last update: 2024-December-25
2012-May Struck off Strength 2021-11-09
Hercules 130343, CC-130H-30
s/n 130343
as/n 130343
m/d L100-30
c/n 5307
last update: 2024-December-25
Hercules 130344, CC-130H-30
s/n 130344
as/n 130344
m/d L100-30
c/n 5320
last update: 2024-December-25
Hercules 130601, CC-130J
s/n 130601
as/n 130601
m/d 382
c/n 5626
last update: 2024-December-25
Hercules 130602, CC-130J
s/n 130602
as/n 130602
m/d 382
c/n 5627
last update: 2024-December-25
Hercules 130603, CC-130J
s/n 130603
as/n 130603
m/d 382
c/n 5635
last update: 2024-December-25
Hercules 130604, CC-130J
s/n 130604
as/n 130604
m/d 382
c/n 5636
last update: 2024-December-25
Hercules 130605, CC-130J
s/n 130605
as/n 130605
m/d 382
c/n 5637
last update: 2024-December-25
Hercules 130606, CC-130J
s/n 130606
as/n 130606
m/d 382
c/n 5649
last update: 2024-December-25
Hercules 130607, CC-130J
s/n 130607
as/n 130607
m/d 382
c/n 5650
last update: 2024-December-25
Hercules 130608, CC-130J
s/n 130608
as/n 130608
m/d 382
c/n 5651
last update: 2024-December-25
Hercules 130609, CC-130J
s/n 130609
as/n 130609
m/d 382
c/n 5652
last update: 2024-December-25
Hercules 130610, CC-130J
s/n 130610
as/n 130610
m/d 382
c/n 5664
last update: 2024-December-25
Hercules 130611, CC-130J
s/n 130611
as/n 130611
m/d 382
c/n 5665
last update: 2024-December-25
Hercules 130612, CC-130J
s/n 130612
as/n 130612
m/d 382
c/n 5666
last update: 2024-December-25
Hercules 130613, CC-130J
s/n 130613
as/n 130613
m/d 382
c/n 5667
last update: 2024-December-25
Hercules 130614, CC-130J
s/n 130614
as/n 130614
m/d 382
c/n 5687
last update: 2024-December-25
Hercules 130615, CC-130J
s/n 130615
as/n 130615
m/d 382
c/n 5688
last update: 2024-December-25
Hercules 130616, CC-130J
s/n 130616
as/n 130616
m/d 382
c/n 5689
last update: 2024-December-25
Hercules 130617, CC-130J
s/n 130617
as/n 130617
m/d 382
c/n 5690
last update: 2024-December-25