Birth Date: unkown date (age unknown)
Walter James West & Minnie Frances West
Home: Leyton Essex, England (parents)
Marshal | |
Air Chief Marshal | A/C/M |
Air Marshal | A/M |
Air Vice Marshal | A/V/M |
Air Commodore | A/C |
Group Captain | G/C |
Wing Commander | W/C |
Squadron Leader | S/L |
Flight Lieutenant | F/L |
Flying Officer | F/O |
Pilot Officer | P/O |
Warrant Officer 1st Class | WO1 |
Warrant Officer 2nd Class | WO2 |
Flight Sergeant | FS |
Sergeant | SGT |
Corporal | CPL |
Senior Aircraftman | SAC |
Leading Aircraftman | LAC |
Aircraftman 1st Class | AC1 |
Aircraftman 2nd Class | AC2 |
Aircraft was flying from Tholthorpe Airfield in Yorkshire on a training flight, and spun and crashed NE of Topcliffe airport, Yorkshire, killing all on board.
Killed includes West: Pilot Officer Kenneth Peter Campbell RCAF J/90947 KIA Stonefall Cemetery, Harrogate, Sec. B. Row B. Grave 5. Flying Officer John Alexander Gillies RCAF J/24961 pilot KIA Stonefall Cemetery Harrowgate Sec. B. Row B. Grave 8. Pilot Officer John Peter Leech RCAF J/88346 KIA Stonefall Cemetery Sec. B. Row B. Grave 3. Pilot Officer David Pickering RCAF J/91050 KIA Stonefall Cemetery Sec. B. Row B. Grave 6. Pilot Officer Richmond Wesley Smith RCAF J/87649 KIA Stonefall Cemetery Sec. B. Row B. Grave 7. Corp. Leonard Russell Wilcox RCAF R/74336 KIA Stonefall Cemetery Sec. B. Row B. Grave 4. Sergeant Alfred Arthur John Higgins RAF KIA Woodgrange Park Cemetery, East Square 49. Grave 12201.