467 Squadron RAAF (Recidite Adversarius Atque Ferociter) RAF Waddington. Lancaster III aircraft PB 306 PO-J was likely shot down by night fighter pilot Hptm Helmuth Schulte of Stab II/NJG6 over Karlsdorf, Germany on an operation against targets in Karlsruhe, Germany. The Lancaster crashed at Hohenwettersbach South-East of Karlsruhe with the loss of the entire crew
Flight Lieutenant N S C Colley (RAF), Flying Officer J M Inkster (RAAF), Pilot Officer A H Pearce (RAAF), Warrant Officer B F Weber (RAAF), Flight Sergeant F E Everatt (RAAF), Flight Sergeant F J Bean (RAAF), Flight Sergeant P J Carter (RAAF) and Sergeant D G Howdle (RAFVR) were all killed in action
Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database
02/03rd February 1945 467 Squadron Lancaster III PB306 Fl/Lt...