Squadron: 260 (F) Sqn (RAF)
Start Date: 1943-01-02
Completion Date: 1943-01-02
Mission: Combat
Operation: unspecified
Target City: Bi'r al Khurjah Libya
Target Specific:
Base: Hamraiet 1
Take Off Time: 10:25:00
Squadron Code:
Radio Code:
Return Base:
Return Time:
Crash City: Libya
Crash Specifics:
Crash Latitude: 0.00000000
Crash Longitude: 0.00000000
Crash Reason: engine
Flak Battery:
Enemy Claim:
War Diary Unavailable
6 Group Unavailable
From new base {{linkgooglemap,31.06570468304085, 16.595680183051115,Hamraiet, 19 miles South West of Sirte}}
Waypoint {{linkgooglemap,31.362427277205175, 15.244544084078324,Gheddahia [Qaryat Al Qaddahiyah]}}
Target {{linkgooglemap,31.624923683189067, 15.127761044022298,Bi'r al Khurjah, Libya}}

Eleven Kittyhawk III sent on sweep over Churgia Landing Ground [Bi'r al Khurjah]. Our aircraft proceed out at ground level on a course of ??? and commenced to climb in square (B)X 06. When over Gheddahia at 2/3000' intense accurate light and heavy anti-aircraft fire was encountered. When over Churgia our top cover engaged 5(?) Me. 109s. Meanwhile 10+ Me. 109s took off and a general dogfight started. Squadron Leader Hanbury attacked one of the enemy aircraft at 2000'. It exploded and crashed at (R)S 2927. This incident was witnessed by Flight Sergeant Thomas and Flying Officer Perkins. Flight Lieutenant Edwards "Stocky Edwards" attacked another 109, and later a further 109. The latter enemy aircraft crashed at (R)S 2829 (?). Flying Officer Perkins fired at a 109 at 1/2000' and at a range of 50 yards and saw strikes on airscrew and engine. Flying Officer Perkins claimed this as a damaged. Pilot Officer Fallows also fired but made no claim.

Single engined aircraft were noted dispersed on the South side of the Landing Ground. A burnt out DC 3 was noted 8 miles South East of ??? Landing Ground

On the return journey Squadron Leader Hanbury and Pilot Officer Perkins shot up a German motor bowser and some troops slightly North West of Churgia Landing Ground. From this operation Flight Sergeant Arklie failed to return. Another aircraft (Sergeant Tuck) was shot up, Category II, and made a force landing at (R)S 7500. Sergeant Tuck returned to his unit after being picked up by the army. Visibility was good, 7/10 - 10/10 cloud at 10/12000'

Squadron Leader OV Hanbury, Flying Officer LV Flury, Flying Officer HP Perkins, Flight Lieutenant JF "Stocky" Edwards, Sergeant GD Tuck, Flying Officer G Fallows, Flying Officer RS Kent, Flight Sergeant EB Thomas, Flight Sergeant WH Parlee, Flight Sergeant WE Stewart, Flight Sergeant AM Arklie.

General RAF Commands