76 Squadron (Resolute) RAF Middleton St George. Halifax I aircraft L 9561 MP-H, shot down returning from operations over Bremen, Germany by night fighter pilot Lt Leopold Fellerer of 4/NJG 1 and crashed near Wons, Friesland, 10 km South of Harlingen, Netherlands
Pilot FS Muttart gave the order for his crew to bail, then maintained control of the aircraft long enough for his crew to abandon the aircraft. Sadly, FS Muttart went down with his aircraft, killed in action
Pilot Officer NF Trayler (RAF), Sergeant D Cotsell (RAF), Sergeant LA Roberts (RAF), Sergeant RWP Alexander (RAF), Sergeant WH Hunt (RAF), Sergeant GH Patterson and Sergeant JW Duffield (RAF) all survived to be taken as Prisoners of War
(36) The Last Flight of Halifax L9561 (2021) -YouTube
Halifax I L9561 [Royal Air Force Serials and Images Database]...